The Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) Prime Minister Sikyong Lobsang Sangay seeks every opportunity to stoke aggression between India and her mighty neighbor China. Here Sangay is seen hoisting the Tibetan flag at the Sino-Indian border which angered China who regard the CTA as dangerous separatists.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Shashi Kei
India is the world’s largest democracy but, ironically, it is also home to a well-known authoritarian leader – the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is an unelected leader who has wielded power longer than any dictator. Cuba’s Fidel Castro and North Korea’s Kim Il-sung ruled with iron fists for 52 years and 48 years respectively. These two autocrats and other despots have come and gone but the Dalai Lama, who assumed full political control over his people in 1950, is still very much in power after 68 years. His government-in-exile known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is today based in Dharamsala, a hill city in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. From its base in India, the Dalai Lama and the CTA have waged a 60-year campaign to destabilize Chinese rule in what is now called the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR).
In China’s eyes, the dangerous separatist activities that emanate from the CTA headquarters would not materialise without India’s support. This is China’s main bone of contention with India. During the 1962 Sino-Indian war, Chinese leaders made it clear that the altercation was not about borderlines and territories but about Tibet1. This remains unchanged today. In response, China has progressively formed strategic ties with India’s neighbors, including Pakistan, India’s traditional nemesis. While India has had to manage its highly volatile relations with China and Pakistan, both nuclear-armed neighbors with whom India has fought wars, it has received little help from the CTA.
While it may not be in the CTA’s interest for India to be friendly with China, the CTA’s mishandling of its own domestic and religious issues have added to India’s woes as it compromises the nation’s already porous internal security.
1. Tibetan Disunity
The CTA’s misrule was aptly covered in an article titled “Tibetan Disunity Not in India’s Interest” (which you can read below) by John S. Shilshi, published in The Sunday Guardian Live on 7 August, 2018. John Shilshi was an Officer in the Indian Police Service (IPS) and is now a Strategic Analyst in Indian Internal Security. With such credentials, we can safely say that his views are well informed and based on factual findings.
The article raises concerns about the state of affairs of the Tibetan diaspora and Shilshi profiles two troubling developments within the Tibetan Buddhist community, the Karmapa controversy and the Dorje Shugden conflict. He cites them as examples of Tibetan disharmony that, in his opinion, expose India to even more danger.

Buddhism is the CTA’s weapon of choice and it has turned a peaceful religion into a political instrument
While Shilshi is correct in that the Karmapa affair and the Dorje Shugden conflict are instances of Tibetan disunity, they are also symptoms of the Tibetan leadership’s abuse and corruption. The article falls short of mentioning the causes and origins of these conflicts. Both were, in fact, instigated by the Dalai Lama and his government, and allowed to intensify over the years as the CTA persisted in its improper and unlawful policies.
In the first case, the division in the Karma Kagyu would not and could not have happened without the Dalai Lama’s sanction. It was effectively an attempt to overthrow the Karma Kagyu leadership and install a new head who would bow to the Dalai Lama. The Karma Kagyu was established centuries before the Dalai Lama’s line and follows its own spiritual rules and protocol. These matters were out of bounds for the Dalai Lama and Dharamsala.
In fact, the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje was a key figure in what has become known as ‘The Thirteen Settlements’, which was set up to resist the Dalai Lama’s plot to amalgamate all Tibetan Buddhist schools into a single one under his control. The move was not an assault on the Dalai Lama’s secular power but a collective defensive measure taken by the various Tibetan Buddhist schools to thwart Dharamsala’s appetite for controlling and weaponising Buddhism.
It is well known that the 16th Karmapa stood in open opposition to the Dalai Lama’s politics towards the late 1970s. The rift between the regents in the Karma Kagyu sect to which Shilshi referred provided the Dalai Lama with an opportunity to deal with the Karma Kagyu once and for all.
2. The CTA’s politics of division
Shilshi’s article correctly observed that Tibetan politics got the better of the Tibetan Buddhist religion. This is nothing new – Tibet was a feudal theocracy and its ruling elite exploited Buddhist tenets to justify the enslavement and forced servitude of the bulk of the Tibetan populace. Tibetan politics and Tibetan Buddhism are deeply intertwined and although the CTA refers to itself as a democracy, this is merely a convenient moniker to enrol liberal Western countries in its struggle against China. In practice, the Tibetan leadership continues to behave like feudal overlords. However, in the higher visibility of exile, they have learned to be more artful in their use of religion to accomplish political objectives.

Within the Karma Kagyu tradition responsibility to recognize the Karmapa lies with four regents. In recent times, three of these regents have recognized competing candidates, confusing followers all over the world. Orgyen Trinley Dorje (left) was recognized by Tai Situ Rinpoche; Trinley Thaye Dorje (middle) was recognized by Shamar Rinpoche; and Dawa Sangpo Dorje (right) was recognized by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. In-fighting between supporters of these candidates continues until today, a fact that has fractured the tradition deeply. Add to this the fact that the Dalai Lama interfered by backing Orgyen Trinley, a move with no traditional basis, the schism became a heated debate within the Tibetan community. In response, Shamar Rinpoche claimed that Orgyen Trinley’s recognition was incorrect, that he had evidence of this and that the Dalai Lama had no business in meddling in the affairs of the Kagyu lineage. Now Orgyen Trinley, who the Dalai Lama and the CTA nurtured for a decade has abandoned them and prefers to have freedom as a citizen of Dominica.
The Karmapa controversy triggered by the Tibetan leadership is just one example of CTA politics getting the better of religion. Another famous example which John Shilshi noted was the Dorje Shugden controversy. By the 1990s, it had become difficult for the Dalai Lama and CTA to justify their failure to return the Tibetan people to their homeland as they had promised on many occasions. They needed a scapegoat and the worship of Dorje Shugden was named the reason the Tibetan struggle had failed. This specific deity was chosen as the culprit because it was a popular deity in the Gelug sect and within the Gelug, the Dalai Lama can do as he pleases. He would not have succeeded had he targeted deities and rituals of the other Buddhist sects as the leaders of these sects would not have stood for it. Like the Dalai Lama’s incursion into the Karmapa affair, the banning of the Dorje Shugden practice did not have any spiritual basis and was purely politically motivated.
The lawlessness with which the CTA violated the sacredness of religious issues has had serious consequences, not only for the religion but also for the security of India.
3. The Tibetan leadership is the cause of Tibetan disunity
Shilshi’s article identifies the year 2000 as being the point when Tibetan unity took a turn for the worse. This is not an accident. The Dalai Lama turned the Karma Kagyu on itself in 1992 and watched as the dispute escalated into full-blown outbreaks of violence over the following years.

Due to his choice of practising Dorje Shugden, the elderly monk Gen Chonze was attacked and sustained bruises, cuts and a swollen eye from the brutal violence. For many readers, it might come as a surprise that the CTA and Tibetan leadership are capable of these actions, but to the Tibetans in-exile it is common place.
At around the same time, the Dalai Lama began his agitations against Dorje Shugden Buddhists, culminating in his official ban on the practice in 1996. In the years that followed, various CTA instruments were used to incite enmity and aggression against Shugden Buddhists.
There are a string of other CTA violations against Tibetan Buddhism but these two alone — the Karmapa controversy and Dorje Shugden conflict – shook the Tibetan diaspora and the Tibetan community inside the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Gelug and the Karma Kagyu are the two largest sects in Tibetan Buddhism and, so, the majority of the Tibetan population became embroiled. In addition, there is an untold number of Gelug and Karma Kagyu adherents around the world which meant that the hatred and animosity that Dharamsala created reverberated globally.
4. Impact on India
As Shilshi remarked in his article, none of this is good for India. Even without the troubles caused by Tibetan leaders on Indian soil, it is already burdened by myriad security issues. These include unresolved border disputes and unhealed wounds that arose from the 1947 partitioning of India.
Today, the threats to India are numerous. For example, Bangladesh and India share a 4,125 km border which is the fifth longest in the world. Bangladesh has become a base for insurgent groups such as the United Liberation Front for Assam (ULFA). It is also a haven for factions of the Naga leadership opposed to Nagaland’s integration into the Indian Union.
India’s problems with Pakistan remain unresolved and has intensified with what India claims to be Pakistan’s sponsorship of cross-border terrorism. Just days ago, over forty members of the Indian police force were killed in a suicide car bombing in the disputed region of Kashmir. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) which is based in Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack. India has repeatedly failed to have JeM’s chief, Azhar designated as a global terrorist by the UN due primarily to China’s objection. China’s willingness to expose India to terrorism by organisations such as JeM may well be a response to India’s willingness to expose China to the CTA’s constant disruption to China’s rule in TAR.
India’s border with Nepal has also become troubled as it is increasingly used by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). In the meantime the Doklam issue in the tri-junction of India, China and Bhutan continues to simmer silently away.
India is also plagued with a string of secessionist and revolutionary movements based on ethnic identities. The objective of these movements is to break away from the Indian Union by any means. The troubles in India’s northeast and regions like Jammu & Kashmir are just some examples. Then there are Left Wing extremists who seek to disrupt India’s democratic infrastructure and replace it with Marxist-Leninist doctrines. The trafficking of arms and contraband items as well as illegal activities that seem to be flourishing along the Indo-Myanmar border also add to India’s security problems.
And this is before we even factor in China, that Dharamsala is busy provoking, emboldened by India’s protection. India may not have had a direct hand in the Dalai Lama’s separatist activities but its silence and inaction is taken by the Chinese as complicity.
5. The Tibetan Trojan Horse
The Tibetan leadership continues to act with contempt for the impact of their actions on India’s security. In his haste to leverage on the dispute between Tai Situ Rinpoche and Shamar Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama and CTA made it easy for a China-sponsored Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley to come into power. India’s intelligence services suspect that Ogyen Trinley is a Chinese spy but the Dalai Lama named him the head of the Tibetan people in the Dalai Lama’s absence. How that would jeopardize India’s security is abundantly clear.

The Dalai Lama and Karmapa Ogyen Trinley, who has often been touted as a potential successor of the Dalai Lama. But now this Karmapa has run away from Dalai Lama and India. He also has several high profile law suits against him in India still awaiting his return to resolve regarding financial issues.
The Dalai Lama’s ban on the Dorje Shugden practice not only makes a mockery out of Indian law but also sets a dangerous precedent for a country like India. By right, Tibetans in exile in India are obliged to obey Indian law but India has turned a blind eye to this breach of the most basic religious rights of Shugden Buddhists. This was short-sighted on India’s part and it emboldened the Dalai Lama and CTA to continue to act above the law.
The CTA’s transgressions have created large pockets of displaced Tibetans and influential spiritual leaders with nowhere to go except into China’s embrace. India’s loss has been China’s gain – over the last few decades, it has surpassed India in capturing the potent soft power that Buddhism offers. This will become another factor in India’s rivalry with China.
The Karma Kagyu affair and Dorje Shugden conflict are dangerous fault lines that continue to widen to this day. Although India has recognized that it must re-evaluate its support of the CTA (evidenced by its snub of the CTA’s ‘Thank You India’ celebrations in 2018), it has yet to put a stop to Dharamsala’s poisoning of the well.
Finally, John Shilshi’s article debunks a number of CTA misrepresentations. The CTA had claimed that the Dorje Shugden practice was extremely sectarian and was damaging Tibetan unity. Shilshi, on the other hand, states that the Tibetan diaspora lived in harmony until the CTA’s destructive policies were enforced. The CTA denied that there was a prohibition of the Dorje Shugden practice but Shilshi’s article confirms that the conflict “erupted as the result of the Dalai Lama urging Tibetans to refrain from worshipping Dorje Shugden”. The ‘urging’ of the Dalai Lama regarded as a god and a king translates into both law and religious mandate and on that urging the CTA then passed laws criminalizing the practice of this ancient Buddhist ritual and the Tibetan people went on a witch hunt of Dorje Shugden practitioners, reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition.

By allowing the Dalai Lama and CTA to launch attacks against China from its headquarters in Dharamsala, India left the door of Indian security wide open.
John Shilshi’s article was subtle and yet clear in its censure of the CTA as having created an untenable state of affairs and for being negligent or complicit in facilitating the infiltration of India’s enemies into CTA ranks. Whatever advantage India thought it might have by harboring the Dalai Lama, clearly does not apply any more. India must now decide what is more important – India’s own security and the advancement of its people, or to take the side of a feudal theocrat in his confrontation with the Chinese Communist Party. In the final analysis, India must remember the policy Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru set for the nation after the Chinese army marched into Tibet: first, to ensure the safety and security of India; second, to accept Chinese suzerainty over Tibet; and third, to advance friendship with China as an expression of Asian solidarity. After all, it was Nehru who coined the now famous phrase Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai, meaning Indians and Chinese are brothers. It has never been for India to be a helpmeet to the Tibetan government’s artifice.
Tibetan disunity not in India’s interest

Click to enlarge and read the full post (Source: https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/opinion/tibetan-disunity-not-indias-interest)
1. [Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 2012, pp. 7-26]
Jai Hind
March 3, 2019
Sure enough now India and Pakistan are shooting down each other’s planes.
Personally I cannot see one benefit to India for continuing to shelter the Dalai Lama. I think its one thing to give asylum to refugees and quite another to harbour a rebel group aiming to cause chaos in China’s territory.
India should remember that the Tibetans are a traitorous bunch and will trade away India’s friendship and security for a few concessions with China.
March 5, 2019
It is such a shame that the Tibetan Leaders could use something sacred as the authentic practices of Buddha’s teachings with such negative motivations. In 60 years, they are still refugees on the generosity of India and not about to change as they are too comfortable smooching sponsors off others who are deceived by their “holy shmoly image”. In 60 years, the Tibetan Leaders had not brought any positive impact to India but instead sucked the life and opportunity out of India. China now views India as India views Pakistan, the harbourer of terrorists. China had suffered much from the propaganda of Tibetan Leaders which were untrue or put in a negative light. Lobsang Sangay and CTA had instigated self-immolation in Tibet and came out with a guide book to how maximise the effect of self immolation to gain sympathy. Imagine that! Shouldn’t they be tried in an international criminal court of justice? They are leading naive youngsters to die for a lost cause. World Leaders accepts Tibet to be part of China and will a few sacrifice of precious lives change this perception? The Tibetan Leaders are purposefully murdering these youngsters.
As such, China is right in viewing India as harbouring terrorists in form of the Tibetan Leaders, just as Pakistan harbours muslim terrorists. After 60 years, is India still obligated to help unwelcomed guests at the sacrifice of their people who are in grave danger?
Tenzin K
March 6, 2019
It’ true that India is already overwhelmed with their security issue and to add on the Tibetan propaganda this will be extra weight on their shoulder. India should play a wise card now instead of holding the Dalai Lama card where at this time it doesn’t going to benefit them. The past is the past and what at stake now is the Indian security and also their future with the giant Chinese which has much influence in the world economy.
What Tibetan leadership facing now is what they had created and sad to say they have not improved and work hard to resolve their issue in a right way for their people. The corruption, scandal, violent, discrimination, and etc. just worsen their situation. Already lost their country and create separation among their own people by using spirituality. Can’t understand how would all these help them to go back to their homeland.
Tibetan leadership should act fast now as India will no longer at their back.
Mia Dex
March 6, 2019
CTA had misused religion as a political control over the Tibetans for so many decades. This is impossible for the leadership to turn over new leaf to be better towards their people. All the deeds that CTA had done are imprint into them which caused the refugees disheartened and leave for another country. Hence, it affected India as well. India was a very good host to the Tibetans but this group of selfish barbarians take too much of granted from them. India should expel them if not CTA will trump up with events that evoke disharmony. CTA is harmful.

Richard Tamlak
March 6, 2019
It’s shame to see that CTA is not grateful at all that India offered them a place to stay back to 60 years ago when The Dalai Lama was exiled from Tibet. What the CTA wants is keep looking for more and more donation, so that the money can go in to LObsang Sangay pocket and keep provoking and provoking China. I don’t think independence is important to them now. At least it doesn’t give me a feeling that it looks important based on what Lobsang Sangay does. But they just want to provoke those countries who are not befriended China, dig out the bad things and disadvantages of China, show to them, show that CTA is at their side, so that they can continue donating money. Being India, I don’t see why India still want to continue their generosity since CTA doesn’t show gratefulness at all. At any time, India can just pull back the land, and chase CTA and the Tibetan out of India’s land, since CTA is not even a government. CTA, I think your time is up. Stop creating all the trouble and eclipse, the more you do, the more karma will get back to you.
Dondrup Shugden
March 6, 2019
It had never been clear to me why India supported the Dalai Lama to take refuge in India when He left Tibet. I always thought that it is in respect for Buddhism whose founder was an Indian Prince.
As far as over 60 years ago, it was sheer compassion for the Indian Leader Nehru to have offered protection for the Dalai Lama. After 60 years it is time for the Indian Government to do a result check as to what the Dalai Lama has benefitted India on the domestic and international stage.
CTA with the Dalai Lama have festered discourse with China and as a result, India does not seem to foster any goodwill with China. That is very sad as China and India are two of Asia largest nations.
Besides all the disharmony, Dalai Lama and CTA have caused among Tibetan Buddhists the world over, with the Karma Kagyu and Gelug (with the Ban on Dorje Shugden) it obvious to note Tibetans in exile in India do not contribute to India in any aspects.
It is the mentality created by CTA so that the Tibetans in exile in India still behave like refugees. The advantage is that these Tibetans feel no belonging nor allegiance to their host.
Tibetans should not longer abuse the goodwill of India and to contribute to India by being loyal and self sustaining.
It is hoped that India will realise that was a good reason to host the Dalai Lama is not longer valid in this new world order.
March 6, 2019
Well written article! I always wonder if cta contributed anything to India who has been so kind to them all these years. India made a mistake when they let the refugees have their way. Allowing them to have control and creating so much trouble. Using religion and practices as scapegoat is how low they are. They can’t even do anything decent without making other people suffer just because of their greed and selfishness.
March 6, 2019
For 60 years, India has been the exiled Tibetan community’s biggest supporter. This action had actually make China unpleased with India. For the past 60 years, Tibetan had not contributed to the growth of India’s economy because the donation is tax free. In addition , CTA always created problems and criticize China making India-China relationship more difficult. CTA is only care about few of the peoples, and to gain more controlling power, they even segregated Tibetans by banned the Dorje Shugden practice. This ban definitely is political motivated. We know that unity is important for peoples and country to face world challenges, however this does not work for CTA. They just want money and do nothing for the Tibetan-in–exile. Till today, Tibetan-in exile still stateless and suffering. CTA, please focus to do things that benefit Tibetan, please.
March 6, 2019
The CTA is also very damaging to its own people. What kind of government goes against its very own people whom they’re supposed to support and protect? Especially the Dorje Shugden practitioners and practitioners of other sects when the Dalai Lama takes side who to recognise and who he shuns.
Ryan Tashi
March 6, 2019
61 years of utter nonsense! When will Tibetans really want to wake up from all these. CTA is corrupt and hopeless in leading Tibetans. Why are people still supporting them?
Belinda Mae
March 6, 2019
The CTA must have forgotten that they are living in other people’s land. Whatever political or religious issues caused by them has bring no benefit at all to their host and they can point fingers saying it’s other people who causes them to lose their homeland. How easy for them to blame others on their refugee status and they themselves not taking any effort to better the condition but on the hand stir up more issues around. I just couldn’t understand what kind of mentality is that.
March 6, 2019
Is hard for India keeping CTA in their country create such disunity with all the interner problem and make enermy with China. The problem is getting bigger alaming security safety for India with China if CTA using political power keep creating problem for India. If CTA still don’t stop all the problem they had done , Sooner India will not continue supporting CTA and Dalai Lama in future. Tibetan in exile might lose the shelter from India.
March 6, 2019
Every time I read news & update about the CTA, it’s heart breaking.
I understand why they do so, it’s to gain personal benefits & nothing else.. but it’s just not right to hide behind the names of CTA & H.H the Dalai Lama & get donations from the public, pretending they are helping the Tibetan to gain a better living condition.
Dorje S
March 14, 2019
CTA has done nothing good for India, protecting CTA would only further provoke China, and it will not bring any benefit to India. By allowing the Tibetans to protest on March 10 Tibetan Uprising Day, India clearly has provoked China and they have to accept the result. The last news has proven that: China Once Again Blocks India’s Bid to List JeM Founder as Global Terrorist. CTA will only bring bad luck to whoever associates with them.
Jing Jing
March 15, 2019
Religion is always the best tools for leaders to play their cards for the last thousands of years. Innocent people are being trapped in the dangerous and violent situation when conflicts started. In fact we all can live harmonious together without any discrimination. Stop listening to all those lies and sweet talk from the leaders. All they want is to stable their power and continue to be in control. Only so they can keep all the benefits to themselves.
We have a choice. We do. Educate ourselves with knowledge so that we are not the ignorant one who just follow because H.H. the Dalai Lama said so. When we all put our feet down and protect each other we are strong. We do not have to be used by them.
April 27, 2019
1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
In the past it is customary to cover up the Dalai Lama’s illnesses. It could be to not worry his flock. It could also be to not show the world he is just another vulnerable human being. Or it could be he does not want to disappoint people to show he is not a god? Whatever the reasons, the Dalai Lama and regime are well known for covering up his serious illnesses. In the past few years he had cancer of the prostate and that was covered up till the press dug it up. Now with this new video just out April 2019, Dalai Lama admits he was recently very ill. It was serious.
Unfortunately the Tibetan cause will die with the Dalai Lama when he passes. He did nothing to groom up a new leader as he is a dictator. A ruler for life. He has been in power for over 60 years. He will never groom up another person to replace him because he is touted as a god.
Ngawang Jigme
May 31, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
June 6, 2019
n a nutshell, CTA will only take and not give back. CTA took everything that belongs to the people including the millions of donation that they got from the western countries. The life in the Tibetan settlements are the same as 60 years ago while almost all of the Tibetan leadership has a second passport from another country.
If the Tibetan leadership is so loyal to the Tibetan cause, why did they take another passport from another country? Why do they need a second passport when they have the almighty Tibetan travel papers? Are they trying to use their position in Tibetan leadrship to get as much benefits for themseles and then run away when they have enough.
They never cared about the Tibetans in exile. All they care about is their own pockets and where they will retire and enjoy the rest of their life. An example will be Sharling Dhardon, she left her position in the CTA and went to the west to pursue her studies. It is obvious that she does not have a plan to come back to stay in the Tibetan settlements.
June 11, 2019
Everything CTA did contributes to the downfall of Buddhism because of their selfish mind that only think about themselves. There is nothing they do that can be of benefit to ANYONE. That is how selfish they are. Look at the mess that they created in Tibetan Buddhism scene. 2 Panchen lamas and 2 Karmapas because of them being nosy with the religious affairs which they are not supposed to be sticking their hands into.
Tibetans settlements are going downhill and it never once improved since 60 years ago. The only thing that is improving is the wallet of Tibetan leadership which is full of donations from the western countries that was meant for the Tibetans in exile. I don’t see CTA ever did anything to upgrade the Tibetan settlements. Millions and millions of donations vanished and Tibetans in exile never got to see them.
Why Tibetans are willing to stay in the Tibetan settlements? There is nothing for them there and never will be. Only poverty and death is waiting for them. They should wake up and see the true hideous faces of CTA and stop following them blindly.
June 17, 2019
CTA does not do any good to anyone, they only do good to themselves. How much have they done to the Tibetans in making their lives better? Sorry to say this, as much as the CTA claims China is suppressing the Tibetans in China, the Tibetans in China are actually progressing so much better than the Tibetans outside of China!
The Tibetans in China are given so much opportunity. Because of the better transportation infrastructure built by the Chinese government, there is an influx of tourists to Tibet which has stimulated the economy in Tibet. Many Tibetans are business owners and have been very successful. They are still able to practice Buddhism, many monasteries are restored and refurbished by the Chinese government.
When we look at the CTA, what they have delivered so far are conflict after conflict, scandal after scandal. They don’t look for solutions when problems arise, they just avoid the problems completely. They tactic they always use is to blame others for the problems. It is never their faults. It is a miracle that they can survive for 60 years. But I guess if they continue at this pace, they will soon collapse.
June 22, 2019
CTA is religious by name and not a bunch of real spiritual leaders. They do not care about India at all. All they care about is their power and who they can use to expand their power or to control the Tibetans in exile.
The CTA is desperate for high lamas now because His Holiness is in the age range where high lama will pass into clear light. His Holiness has been manifesting sickness too and it is a clear sign that His Holiness is not going to stay very long into the future.
When His Holiness passes into the clear light, the Tibetans in exile will be left without a leader. CTA is their leader by name but it is proven that they failed miserable leading the Tibetans. It will be a dark age for the Tibetans. Hence, the Tibetans should treasure the opportunity to go overseas or join India as their citizen before it is too late.
July 26, 2019
India is very kind to host Tibetans for the past 60 years. There is no doubt that the presence of the Dalai Lama and other high lamas have helped to bring tourists to India but what Tibetans have contributed to India is nothing compared to what India has given to them.
India is working very hard to resolve the conflicts and disagreements with China so that their relationship can improve and they can work together to grow stronger and make Asia the next superpower. When Asia has become the next superpower, Asians cannot be bullied or suppressed by the westerners anymore. We have been bullied by the western powers for more than a century, this has to be changed.
The CTA is so selfish that its members of parliament only look at what they can get. They don’t realise if Asia becomes strong, they will get even bigger benefits. All I can say is the CTA is short-sighted, selfish and backward. They are ungrateful because they are not helping India to improve its relationship with China. They could have done this as a gesture of appreciation instead of organising the “Thank you India” event which is a waste of money and so superficial.
August 31, 2019
The Tibetans have been in India for 60 years and they did not give any benefits to India before. They are always there to take from India. India has been kind enough to give him what the Tibetans need such as land, opportunities, aids and even privileges in their country. In some cases, they even stole from the Indian government.
India should not have shown so much of kindness to the Tibetans and gave them the idea that they can do whatever they want in India. The Tibetans have taken advantage of India for so long which causes a lot of negative feelings in the hearts of Indians.
Luckily India realises the downfall of getting close to the Tibetans now and decided to keep their distance.
September 2, 2019
The Tibetans organised another protest against China again in India lately to support the Hong Kong protesters. The CTA knows that India is trying to maintain and improve their relationship with China, why do they still take every opportunity they can to protest against China? This is what people mean when they say CTA and Tibetans are ungrateful. India has been very kind to them, to allow them staying in India for the last 60 years and this is how the Tibetans repay India’s kindness, jeopardising India’s relationship with China.
If the CTA does not want to help India to improve their relationship with China then at least don’t make it worse. But CTA just doesn’t care, they only think of taking revenge. After so many protests, there is no result, what is the point of protesting then? Is CTA so stupid not to know or they are just making use of the event to make some money out of it?
The motive of the CTA is really questionable, are they here to protect the Tibetans or are they here for personal interest? Their actions show that they have personal agenda, they are only making use of their situation to make money. Tibet cause will still be a lost cause if the CTA is not going to do anything different.
September 19, 2019
Lately, Adivasi Adhikar Manch (AAM) in Odisha is reportedly seeking the cancellation of state land lease to Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement located in Gajapati district.. They asked not to renew 2,250-acre of land to the Tibetans. If cultivated well, this big land can generate a lot of income. However, the Tibetans are not really doing anything about the land, so why continue to lease it to them? The land belongs to Indians, rightfully they can have it back.
This is why Indians are getting annoyed with the Tibetans. The Tibetans are given so many privileges and perks but they abuse these benefits. Not only that, they expect Indian government to give more support and to give it indefinitely. But what did the Tibetans give back to the Indian government?
More and more Indians are voicing out their dissatisfaction with the CTA and the Tibetans. If Tibetans want to remain in India, they should work with the Indian government, stop creating troubles to them. Show people with actions not with words. But knowing how the CTA work, it is very unlikely the CTA is going to do anything to improve the situation.
September 24, 2019
Lobsang Sangay is asking India to help the Tibetans again by claiming the Tibetans are made-in-India. He has forgotten that Indian government has hinted many times and even said it openly that the Tibetans should not rely on India anymore, it is better if the Tibetans return to Tibet, choose to become an Indian citizen or just leave India. Just move on.
If Lobsang Sangay and the Tibetans are ‘made-in-India’, all of them should become an Indian citizen. Show their loyalty and appreciation to India. If they are made-in-India, there is no need to free Tibet. Tibetan Buddhism may come from India, but that’s about it.
For centuries, Tiber has been under the protection of the Chinese since the Yuan Dynasty. The political power of the Dalai Lama was given to him by the Chinese emperor. If Tibet has always been an independent state, why did the Tibetans let the Chinese emperor dictate who should be the political head? Why did the Tibetans allow Chinese to send their representative to be based in Tibet to help them with their national affair? Since Tibet has never been an independent state, what is the point of having the free Tibet movement?
September 28, 2019
The CTA and the Tibetans are taking India for granted. After 60 years of support, this is what Tibetans are giving back, some cheap “Thank you India” event. Unfortunately, India does not want this type of appreciation. The Indian officials were told not to attend such events.
It it was not because of India, the Tibetans would have nowhere to go when so many of them escape from Tibet in 1959. India was very kind to lease them land at a very cheap rate for them to settle down and establish their community. They were given perks and other benefits, they don’t have to contribute to the Indian tax system.
Tibetans are very lucky to get support from India where they are allowed to preserve their culture, language and religion. Instead of working hard to make the free Tibet movement a success, the CTA and Lobsang Sangay use the Tibet issue to make money and continuously creating trouble to China and India. This is probably the reason why the “Thank you India” event was not welcome by India.
October 7, 2019
CTA should watch their every move and action not to created havoc or disharmony in the land of India. India has been so kind as to allow Tibetans to stay in their land and preserve their culture but unfortunately CTA taking this for granted and treat the place as it belongs to Tibetan, inconsiderately creating a problem for the Indian authority. CTA been creating separation and discrimination among Tibetans instead of uniting their people and encourage living in peace since they have lost their country. After staying for 60 years for free, CTA has not shown any appreciation to support India and been living better than the Indian which created dissatisfaction among the Indian.
October 10, 2019
Tibetans’ existence in India itself is already a discomfort for India. They have been in India for 60 years and obviously they did not plan to leave anytime soon. They are pretty happy to stay in India taking over India’s welfare privileges and their land. In some places, the Tibetans even lied to the government to be eligible for the welfare that they are distributing.
Now India’s relationship with China has been improving and the Indian government has been giving the Tibetan less and less attention. They even downsized the “Thank you, India” event which supposed to be held in Delhi Stadium. Obviously, China is happy with India’s action and hence they are more willing to cooperate with India.
October 21, 2019
What the Tibetans do during the visit of President Xi in India shows how arrogant the CTA and Lobsang Sangay are. They don’t care how much India has helped them for the past 60 years, they just want to achieve their goal of making troubles for China.
One of the things the CTA has to do for receiving the money from the west is to continuously condemn and disturb China. In order to maintain their support, the CTA’s focus is to disturb China. The welfare of the Tibetans and India are not the priority.
Filthy desi
February 9, 2020
“They don’t care how much India has helped them for the past 60 years, they just want to achieve their goal of making troubles for China. ”
The shithole has never help the Tibetans. The shithole only uses the Tibetans as a pawn and land grab Tibetan homeland.
In 1951, four years after the British has left, India invaded and annexed Tawang, South Tibet and occupy it to this day. In 1987 India renamed South Tibet to the so called Arunachal Pradesh and made it a state. AP is a United Nation recognized disputed territory since 2009. Today AP is restless and this is the reason AFSPA is imposed on AP.
Free South Tibet from India.
December 20, 2019
The main mission of the CTA is not only to free Tibet but also to preserve their own culture. They condemn China for suppressing Tibetans from practising their religions, language and cultures but this problem seem to be more serious in the Tibetan community in India, US and Europe. Many Tibetans born and raised in western countries are no longer speaking their own language, they are more western than Tibetan. Did the CTA do their job? Clearly, they did not. But Tibetan language and Buddhism are still striving in Tibet. The CTA has no intention to improve Tibetans’ lives, they are only using Tibetan plight to benefit themselves.