is dedicated to providing an independent, open platform for the international community of Dorje Shugden practitioners. We want to share the great deeds and activities of all Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners, and to create awareness of the discrimination and inequality that has arisen during these difficult times due to the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice. Not everyone has a website and we want to provide a voice and a platform for those who have none.
On a daily basis, receives news, facts, pictures and videos from many lamas, practitioners and dharma institutions around the world. We thank you for the information that you have been sharing with us for many years to the best of your accuracy, as well as everyone else who has contributed in one way or another to this website.
We would also like to thank our international panel of sangha and lay advisors for your valuable input and guidance in all aspects of this website. It is this synergy of knowledge and determination combined with right action and right speech that has led to our success and growth. Thank you for joining with us to bring an end to the ban and to spread Dorje Shugden’s practice all over the world.
Most recently, we are humbled and honored to receive the support and approval of Shar Ganden Monastery, one of the two great Dorje Shugden institutions in South India. With the approval of the abbot, the abbot emeritus, the head administrators and senior sangha, they have issued this encouraging letter. We thank you for your blessings and we will continue our efforts to peacefully bring down the ban on Lord Dorje Shugden’s practice and to promote the lineage. We thank the abbot, the abbot emeritus, the head geshes, the monastic administrators and the general sangha for their blessings, support and encouraxgement. We will continue to serve them.
Letter from the Labrang of H.H. the 101st Gaden Throne Holder Emeritus, Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal

H.H. Trisur Rinpoche (left) and Geshe Lobsang Kunga (right)
His Holiness Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche, the 101st Ganden Tripa, is one of the most qualified Buddhist teachers alive today – being highly trained in both fields of Sutra and Tantra.
We are grateful for this letter of support from the main assistant of H.H. Trisur Rinpoche and head administrator of Trisur Labrang, Geshe Lobsang Kunga.
English Translation:
Followers of the right path with unbreakable guru devotion, the team behind, I would like to say Tashi Delek to you as my first greeting.
In this century, there are negative views, deceptive talk and insults towards Je Rinpoche’s lineage, our lineage lamas, protector and followers. History has even been changed and presented as if it were the truth. In view of this, the sharing of information and facts in brings the truth to the modern world and its people. By clearing doubt through knowledge and fact, the truth surfaces. Through, the truth is presented to you and placed in your hands.
I have seen and heard from the internet that is supported by monasteries, departments, high lamas and knowledgable people who have written many support letters.
Hence I hope what you are doing will continuously get better and I would like to offer my support from South India, Mundgod Shar Gaden Tri Pa Labrang.
Lobsang Kunga
25 October 2014
Letter from His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche
Since he was very young, the current incarnation of H.H. Trijang Rinpoche has shown many miraculous signs, which point to him to be not an ordinary person. His previous incarnation was the junior tutor to the 14th Dalai Lama for 30 years. Much of the current Dalai Lama’s knowledge, lineage and teachings were passed down to him by the previous incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche.
The current Trijang Rinpoche has studied under a few very qualified tutors mastering both Sutra and Tantra, and has developed an excellent knowledge of Buddhism. He is also heavily sought after for his extremely accurate divinations.
His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s lineage of incarnations is one of the oldest and longest and it extends back into time where he appeared as Buddha Shakyamuni’s charioteer, Chandra. Since then, he had a string of incredibly erudite and illustrious line of incarnations one after another. He is a lineage master of the highest caliber to thousands of monks, scholar Geshes, Tulkus and meditators in Sera, Drepung and Gaden. Although currently H.H. Trijang Rinpoche is young, he has shown great abilities again unsurprisingly in teaching, explanation, and conferment of Tantric initiations.
We at are extremely moved, overwhelmed and deeply touched in our hearts by His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche’s support, encouragement and endorsement of our website. We cannot express enough as we offer thousands of thanks to His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche for blessing us, our work and our aspirations to benefit many in preserving our lineage through this website.
His Holiness has brought us boundless joy and humility. We wish His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche an extremely long life and manifestation of all his holy wishes. Sarva Mangalam.
Letter from Gyelchen Dorje Shugden

The King of Dharma Protectors Dorje Shugden in full trance of Panglung Kuten oracle
Within the school of Tibetan Buddhism, there is a special tradition of oracles where dharma protectors may enter a body and take full control to speak, heal, give advice, pronounce prophecies and even remove obstacles. This special tradition has been safeguarded by a handful of lamas who are highly accomplished for the last 1,000 years in Tibet’s Buddhist history from Guru to disciple unbroken. These lamas are highly accomplished and have the skills to train a person up by retreats, initiations, meditations, cleanliness rituals and special diets in preparation to become an oracle. Once the oracle is fully trained up, then they are able take full trance of enlightened protectors such as Gyelchen Dorje Shugden. The oracles who are well trained by high lamas are very much sought after in Tibet and now in the outside world. Their prophecies and advice time and time again have proven to be beyond doubt with perfect accuracy. The Panglung Kuten who hails from Sera Monastery has been taking full trance of Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo, Jowo Chinkara, Shidak Genye for over 30 years. He was fully trained and authorized by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang the supreme Yongzin. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche personally trained up Panglung Kuten over a five-year period and oversaw every part of his training until completion. As a result, Panglung Kuten is one of the most qualified oracles within the Tibetan tradition alive today. He has been taking oracular trance for the last 30 years sought out by the highest lamas to the humblest of practitioners.
Our team flew to Taiwan and consulted Dorje Shugden via Panglung Kuten whether we should continue with In a spectacular trance session where both Dorje Shugden followed by Kache Marpo took full trance gave us a letter to continue’s work and said it will benefit our Tsongkapa’s lineage as well as sentient beings if continues. With full blessings and encouragement from Dorje Shugden Himself to continue the website, it gives us who have worked for the last 7 years great inspiration and strength to continue on. As long as the Lama and the Protector are pleased, we know we are doing our work well. Thank you humbly. We were extremely blessed to be in the living presence of Dorje Shugden and His minister Kache Marpo via the renowned Panlung Oracle. We therefore have committed to continue this website till the end. We seek to share the truth of the ban, the traditions, practices and lineage of Dorje Shugden continuously to the world.
With the blessings of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Panglung Kuten, Kensur Rinpoche and now Dorje Shugden himself and many other great beings who showed their support, we are honored and grateful to say the least. May we continue to benefit and humbly ask for blessings, Sarva Mangalam. We share the letter with you from Gyelchen Dorje Shugden Himself:

After the trance, Panglung Kuten Himself stamps the letter by Dorje Shugden as per tradition
Letter from Shar Ganden Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa

Shar Ganden Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa is honored to receive the following letter of support from the Venerable Abbot of Shar Ganden, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa.
Enthroned as Shar Ganden’s Abbot in 2013, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa has previously held esteemed positions including Gaden Shartse head-disciplinarian (1991), Gaden Shartse main debate teacher (1993) and Dokhang Khangtsen head (1993).
Currently based in Taiwan where he established a branch center of Dokhang Khangtsen, Khen Rinpoche fearlessly leads the monks of Shar Ganden in upholding their pure lineage, practices and samaya during these difficult times.
We thank Khen Rinpoche for his words of support and pray that his Dharma activities will continue to flourish and grow.
Letter from Shar Gaden
Letter from Shar Ganden’s Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende

Shar Gaden’s Abbot Emeritus Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende is humbled to share a letter of appreciation from the great Abbot Emeritus of Shar Ganden Monastery, Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende, personally written in his own hand. We are honored that this great and far-sighted lama, who compassionately took up the reins of Shar Ganden Monastery during a most turbulent and dangerous period, has taken the time to write a few words in support of our work. We humbly thank Kensur Rinpoche for his kind words and we will continue our work in support Shar Ganden Monastery and all Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide to the best of our ability.
Letter from His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and the New Kadampa Tradition

His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, one of the greatest Buddhist teachers and meditation masters of our time, is the spiritual guide of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) which comprises over a thousand Dharma centers and study groups, and a multitude of practitioners, both ordained and lay across the world. The NKT is a very successful and beneficial organization that has brought the pure Buddha Dharma to many around the world.
Despite the difficulties related to Dorje Shugden’s practice at the present time, His Eminence Geshe-la and his students have stood their ground and remained true to the lineage of Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. His Eminence Geshe-la’s pure teachings, guru devotion and vast knowledge of Sutra and Tantra are an inspiration to all. We thank you for your support and blessings to all who have worked very hard and sincerely for years on Our intention with this website has always been to be a platform for everything related to our lineage and we thank you for recognizing this. It means a great deal to us. has always been a great admirer of His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and therefore we are extremely humbled and honored to receive these encouraging messages from a great lineage master and his impactual organization. We offer our prayers for His Eminence Geshe-la’s continued good health, long life and continuous further growth of his works. Please remain with us always. Someone like you offers much hope and inspiration in these difficult times. With folded hands, we thank you sincerely.
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche himself has highlighted one particular lama who he considered as equal to him in knowledge and attainments, and who held all the same lineages, transmissions and practices as Trijang Rinpoche. That person is none other than one of Trijang Rinpoche’s two closest heart disciples, Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche (the other being the illustrious H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche).
Zemey Rinpoche is the incarnation of a very renowned and high-ranking line of tulkus from Yangding, Kham in Tibet. His accomplishments drew the devotion of many disciples throughout Ganden Monastery and also the attention from the top echelons of the spiritual and political hierarchy of Tibet, including H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. Zemey Rinpoche was one out of hundreds of tulkus and thousands of monks selected to accompany the Dalai Lama on his visit to China in the 1950s to meet with Mao Zedong and Zhou En Lai.
The current incarnation of Zemey Rinpoche is studying in Tibet. We are very blessed and honored that Zemey Rinpoche insisted on writing this letter by hand himself.
Letter from His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche’s Ladrang
Letter from His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche

H.E Kundeling Rinpoche
His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche is a formidable Lama whom is known for His continuous and direct opposition for the illogical ban on Dorje Shugden ever since it began officially in 1996. We at is honored and thankful to receive such an appreciation letter from a veteran like Kundeling Rinpoche.
Letter from His Eminence Gonsar Rinpoche, Rabten Choeling

H.E. Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche
At the age of three, H.E. Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche was recognized as an reincarnated Lama by H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. At 6 years old, Gonsar Rinpoche entered Sera Monastery and was placed under the care of his root teacher Venerable Geshe Rabten. At present, Gonsar Rinpoche continues the legacy of his teacher’s activities and serves as the director of Rabten Choeling in Mont Pèlerin, as well as the other Rabten centers in Europe. He gives regular teachings directly in English, French, German or Tibetan.
We at is honored and humbled to receive such an encouraging letter from Gonsar Rinpoche, whom have stood by his teacher’s teachings despite the many obstacles and difficulties that arose due to the ban.
Letter from Panglung Kuten

Panglung Kuten is honored to receive an appreciation letter from the oracle of Dorje Shugden himself! We would like to express our gratitude to the Panglung Kuten whom have continuously supported us in various ways.
Letter from Panglung Kuten’s Centre in Taiwan: Taipei Tsongkhapa Buddhist Society
Letter from His Eminence Sherab Rinpoche

His Eminence Sherab Rinpoche
An appreciation letter from His Eminence Sherab Rinpoche. Sherab Rinpoche, whom is a highly respected Lama in Shar Gaden Monastery currently serves as the private tutor to His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche. is honored and humbled to receive this letter and would like to sincerely thank Sherab Rinpoche for his kind encouragement.
Letter from Serpom Monastery
Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery for advanced Buddhist studies is one of the two great monastic universities in South India which support the practice of Dorje Shugden.
English Translation:
First of all, Tashi Delek to all of you. The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and their leaders have consistently criticized Je Rinpoche’s holy Dharma tradition and lineage, particularly the lamas and followers of Dorje Shugden’s tradition. Nowadays however, the international community realizes that this criticism from the CTA is untrue and that the CTA are wrong.
Some people have been spreading lies about Dorje Shugden and mixing the different Tibetan Buddhist lineages together, in the hope of destroying Je Rinpoche’s lineage through these methods, amongst many others. During these difficult times, is like a beacon of light shining on the truth of Dorje Shugden’s story, the lineage lamas’ biographies and spreading the word about the current issues related to Dorje Shugden. Such information, supported by proof, is very useful. Thank you very much for this.
Many highly educated and knowledgeable individuals have read and seen for themselves the effect of the ban through The website also provides an alternative perspective, strongly supported by undeniable evidence, on the ban and other issues surrounding Dorje Shugden. There is no reason to doubt the information and content presented by Even the younger generation have benefited and learned from this website. Therefore the monastic community of Serpom Monastery would like to extend our gratitude for a job well done.
Please keep up your good work with this website and continue being an example of how Dorje Shugden practitioners always carry themselves with integrity and honesty, as an inspiration to others to also follow the virtuous path. For this reason, everyone should value and support Dorje Shugden practitioners, especially
We hope that all your future endeavors will be successful.
Serpom Monastery, 11th October 2014
Letter from Serpom Library

Tripon Rinpoche
Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery for advanced Buddhist studies is one of the two great monastic universities in South India which support the practice of Dorje Shugden.
Located in the Tibetan Settlement of Bylakuppe in Mysore, India, Serpom Monastery comprises various departments, one of which is the Serpom Library led by Venerable Tripon Rinpoche.
Letter from Nyanang Phelgyeling Monastery
Nyanang Phelgyeling is a Monastic University located at the foot of Swayambhu Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal. They are showing their support and wishing to maintain a good relationship with
Letter from Yangteng Phuntsok Ladrang
Letter from North America Gelug Buddhist Association
Letter from Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choling Association
The Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choling Association is the umbrella association of H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monasteries in India, which include Samten Choling Monastery (Ghoom), Tharpa Choling Monastery (Kalimpong), Tashi Choling Monastery (Kurseong), Gaden Choling Monastery (Pedong) and Enchey House (Gangtok).
Letter from Dorje Shugden Devotee’s Charitable & Religious Society, Delhi
Letter from Tengey Ling Foundation
Letter from Garden Tibetan Cultural Association
Letter from Geluk Lineage Dharchen Association
Letter from Tibetain Gyeden Tensung Society, France
Letter from Canadian Gelug Buddhist Society
Letter from Ven. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche

Ven. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
Ven. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche began his monastic studies in 1982, after being recognized by various Yogis and High Lamas as the incarnation of the previous Geshe Zawa Rinpoche. Upon completing His monastic studies in 1997, Zawa Rinpoche embarked on an international tour where He gave Dharma teachings, as well as took the chance to attend various Dharma teachings and initiations by great Lamas. At the advice of His root guru Geshe Tsultrim, in the year 2003, Zawa Rinpoche took on the responsibility of managing a Dharma center in Montreal, Canada.
Zawa Rinpoche is also a committed member in the North America Gelug Buddhist Association, and plays a large role in the protests against the ban on Dorje Shugden.
We at are humbled to receive this encouragement from a great Lama such as Zawa Rinpoche. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Zawa Rinpoche for His continuous support and hard work in preserving the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa.
Letter from Ven. Achok Rinpoche

Ven. Achok Rinpoche
Ven. Achok Rinpoche was recognized as the 4th incarnation of Achok Rinpoche of Lithang, Tibet. Under the guidance of His teacher, Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche; at the young age of 22 years old, Achok Rinpoche received the Geshe Lharampa degree with the highest honor. Today, Achok Rinpoche resides in USA and gives regular teachings in the Gadenpa Buddhist Center in New York.
We at is humbled to receive this letter of encouragement from a great scholar such as Achok Rinpoche.
Letter from Shar Gaden Thogmey Rinpoche
At the age of 14, Thogmey Tulku Rinpoche Lobsang Peljor was recognized as a lama by Dorje Shugden in 1996. Today, Rinpoche remains a steadfast and loyal practitioner of Dorje Shugden in Shar Ganden Monastery, where he educates monks in the fields of philosophy and Tibetan grammar. Thogmey Rinpoche is also the editor of all new Tibetan texts produced by the monastery. would like to thank Thogmey Rinpoche for his continuous support of our website and for remaining in Shar Ganden to educate the future holders of our great lineage.
English Translation:
I, Thogmey Tulku Lozang Peljor Tenpai Wangchug, offer many tashi delegs to the team. I deeply appreciate our brothers and sisters, old and young, who have worked very hard despite the unending difficulties that we all face at this time. Therefore, I thank you very much from my heart for the great efforts you have put into explaining and sharing information about Dorje Shugden via the Internet to an international audience.
The Dalai Lama has created great suffering for all Dorje Shugden followers and I hope you will bring such important news to everyone around the world in Chinese, Tibetan and English languages. In the on-going fight for the truth, I offer my wholehearted support towards your efforts to educate others. Please continue these good works.
I wish all of you good health, long life and success in all your works. I offer my prayers for this.
(Rinpoche’s signature)
Letter from Lama Thubten Phurbu Rinpoche
Lama Thubten Phurbu Rinpoche is a prominent lama in China. He was born in 1973 in Yushu County, Qinghai Province in China, and he is currently the abbot of Longxi Monastery in that region.
Letter from Serpom Dorje Rabga (incarnation of the 47th Gaden Tripa, Lobsang Chophel)
Letter from Ven. Neshe Tulku Rinpoche
At the time of writing, Neshe Tulku Rinpoche of Serpom Monastery is on his final year of his Geshe Lharampa exam. A devoted practitioner, Neshe Tulku Rinpoche also teaches philosophy to the many monks of Serpom Monastery, continuing to keep the lineage of Je Rinpoche alive and thriving in Serpom Monastery.
Letter from Ven. Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche

Ven. Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche
Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche is currently in preparations to commence his 4 years of Geshe Lharampa degree at Serpom. offers prayers to Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche for a successful monastic education.
Letter from Ven. Rongpa Tulku Rinpoche
Born in Gyalthang (known today as Shangri-la), Tibet, Rongpa Tulku Rinpoche has completed his Geshe Lharampa degree. At Serpom Monastery, Rongpa Tulku Rinpoche teaches philosophy.
Letter from Ven. Khorsong Rinpoche

Khorsong Rinpoche
Letter from Ven. Muli Kyabgon Rinpoche

Ven Muli Kyabgon Rinpoche
Muli Kyabgon Rinpoche joined Sera Mey Pomra Khangtsen in 1992. In 2010, Muli Rinpoche became a geshe under the guidance of his Guru, Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche and is now practicing self-meditating on higher tantric and Lamrim teachings.
Letter from Ven. Chatreng Tongkhor Rinpoche

Ven. Chatreng Tongkhor Rinpoche
English Translation:
Sampheling monastery Tongkhor Ladrang
To working team:
The continuation of every great and pure lineage is something we must strive to preserve. I appreciate all your hard work in preserving and promoting the Gaden lineage the our great protector lineage.
The Dorje Shugden website plays a very important role, especially in presenting the truth, information and history of our great protector.
This website have been providing practitioners from all over the world with accurate and objective point of view that helped to clear the doubts that arose from false accusations in the minds of many.
This website has united all the practitioners from all over the world, and dedicated to preserve the lineage and lineage masters.
I am thankful to everyone who contribute and serve the website directly or indirectly. It is because of you that the pure Gaden lineage and teachings continue to flourish.
Tongkhor Tulku, Chatreng
16 November 2014
Letter from Geshe Tenzin Palchok
Geshe Tenzin Palchok was born in Lithang in 1967. In 1983, he entered into Sera monastery under the guidance of his Gurus H.H. Yongyal Rinpoche, H.H. Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk, Kyabje Panglung Rinpoche and many other great Lamas. In 2002, Geshe Tenzin Palchok completed his Geshe Lharampa degree, receiving the highest academic degree in the Gelug school.
Geshe Tenzin Palchok has over 15 centers throughout major cities in China, including ShenZhen, Shanghai and GuangZhou. He is also the Chairman of the Lamrim Zinkyong Tsokpa union, comprising members from different places in Tibet.
English Translation:
To the respected working team of
It is shocking to hear is deciding whether to close down or not. As the Chairman of ‘Lamrim Zinkyong Tsokpa Union’, I represent all the members of this union to request all of you to please continue your great work. Please do not shut down the lighthouse that brings light and hope to many! Please continue to fly the Victory Banner of the pure Gelug teachings high up! Please do not give up on your works and take away the faith and strength from thousands of Dorje Shugden’s practitioners!
In the night, without the bright moon, stars that lead the way will shine even brighter. All your works are important and meaningful, no matter what the obstacles are, they are the light before dawn. The time for the Protector Dorje Shugden has come, all the good and pure deeds will get good return. Our biggest hope to you is to continue the website and all of your works. We pray that all the lineage Gurus give their blessings to you, we also pray that the emanation of Manjushri, Protector Dorje Shugden to bless you. We hope that you will make the correct decision with skillful means and wisdom, spreading the lineage of precious Manjushri and Protector out to the universe.
Chairman of ‘Lamrim Zinkyong Tsokpa Union’ and a Geshe from Serpom Monastery, Tenzin Palchok
Letter from Geshe Konchok Gyeltsen
Letter from Geshe Thupten Kunsang
Letter from friends in Shillong
Letter from Professor Huang
English Translation:
To the people in charge of
The biggest contributor to modern day success is the advancement of Human Rights. Regardless it being in the political or religious, when the person in power’s motivation is to use his power to suppress those who have different views, they show their true faces. This tells the world that, the person in power does not abuse their power for their own agendas.
This precious website has all these while posted affidavits, reported facts, and help looked into the logic behind situations. This website has spoken up for those who believe in Dorje Shugden and the Gaden Whispered Lineage. On one aspect, the website ensures that the audience is not misled by receiving one sided information, any hidden information or gossips. On the other hand, it helps the other party think twice and have reservations before acting out inappropriately. This helps protect the Human Rights and spiritual freedom of practitioners. This contribution is very meritorious and commendable.
I recently received news that this website has expressed their wish to close down and I feel that it is a waste of so much years of effort. I would like to request the people behind this website to please reconsider your decision thoroughly as this is my greatest hope.
With respect,
Professor Huang
6 November 2014
Petition and support from the monks of Shar Gaden
Letter from Dorje Shugden Practitioners in Ooty, India
November 8, 2014
It is so incredibly amazing that at this volatile timing, all emiment Shugden Lamas, institutions and practitioners are coming together to support DS.COM. Need I say more to DS.COM?
November 8, 2014
All these acknowledgement letters from sanghas, Rinpoches, high lamas, academician and cultural groups show they are not only readers or users of, but they are benefited and benefiting from this website.
And… and the unsung heros behind it —- your effort and hard work and even to be there as our spoke person, reporter, history recorder of this battle for religious freedom are very very much appreciated, AND we Shugdenpas are all behind you!
Zoe Zen
November 8, 2014
It is truly wonderful that more and more great beings , leaders and distinguished individuals, ladrangs and groups have come out in full support and appreciation of DS.Com for their unwavering report and presentation of the truth in the long drawn out Shugden controversy.
Many, including Gangchen Ladrang, Kundeling Rinpoche and Panglung Kuten, have urged DS.Com to continue serving the millions who are suffering from the atrocites caused by the ban on Shugden practice, by keeping the website open. Panglung Kuten gently reminds DS.Com team no “never forget their initial motivation”. The letter of appreciation from HE Gangchen Rinpoche’s Ladrang states that “DS.Com is instrumental in preserving and spreading our Lineage to many. DS.Com represents the voices and hopes of our people. DS.Com has brought tremendous benefit to our cause in bringing the ban down through facts and knowledge”.
In a stirring letter of appreciation, Kundeling Rinpoche, exhorts DS.Com to continue and not to abandon what they have begun so that the “pure Dharma may prevail and that all sentient beigs may benefit and practice fearlessly”.
The latest appreciation letter to come in , has come from none other than Venerable Kelsang Gyatso, Spiritual Guide of NKT, He writes “in deep appreciation for”. “This website” he writes, “is a great resource through which everyone can receive clear and correct information”. Venerable Kelsang Gyatso has appealed to DS.Com to “maintain this website continuously”.
Tenzin Jigme
November 8, 2014
DS.COM means a lot to many DS practitioners. No matter how difficult the journey may be to bring down the ban, this website must continue to provide information to assist in this challenge. Please do not shut down the website.
Dondrup Shugden
November 9, 2014
Dear Ds.Com,
All sincere Shugdenpas rejoice to note that such great Lamas from our lineage supports the work that you have been doing. Obviously the site is extremely powerful with accurate information to support our faith on the uncommon protector of our lineage, Dorje Shugden.
With the latest appreciation letters from these renowned Rinpoches, Lamas and the monastic order is full proof to you, the need of this website for all the repressed and discriminated Shugdenpas to be heard and to have enhanced trust that soon the BAN will be lifted.
Please continue with your excellent work which benefit so many.
November 9, 2014
Wow! With so many supporting letters from esteemed Lamas especially HH Ganden Tripa and HH Trijang Rinpoche, Ven Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and monasteries, I do hope that organiser of will revoke your decision of closing down the website as there is tremendous support. This website has been the hub and voice for all Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world.
As stated in the appreciation letters above, this website is free from bias and reports based on factual findings. This is what journalism is all about. With so many supporting letters from the lamas and monasteries of the highest echelon, I have no doubts of the integrity and accuracy of articles written in this website.
Truth will always prevail!
November 9, 2014
WOW !! An appreciation and support letter from Trijang Rinpoche to Trijang Rinpoche has clearly stated that he wishes for this website to continue running and operating.
In the world of Tibetan Buddhism, Trijang Rinpoche holds an authority on wisdom beyond many, based on all the works and legacy he left behind in all his previous lifetimes. He too was the junior tutor of the 14th Dalai Lama. He was the main disciple of Pabongkha Rinpoche, receiving the precious teachings of Dorje Shugden from him. This practice has been kept alive till this day despite the Ban and all the challenges taken by others to destroy it.
Hence, Trijang Rinpoche’s wish to have continue operating must be fulfilled for the benefit of ALL !
November 9, 2014
Such great news to have received an appreciation letter from Trijang Rinpoche!! And of course deserves it as the team has been working hard to provide information to ds practitioners all around the world. May the works continue together to bring the ban down!
Lobsang Tamdin
November 9, 2014
H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche does not easily give endorsement letters although many would like to have it. He will thoroughly check the situation before even considering the letter. Therefore to receive this powerful letter is a clear testament to the authenticity, relevance and outreach of this website. I have always quietly read and visited this website hundreds of times over the years and had no doubts of the authenticity of the information as I check with my Geshe teacher. But with this letter, it seals the deal for me completely. No one should have doubts about the sincerity, hardwork, resources and time that has been invested into this website nor it’s accuracy. If anyone has ever set up, maintained or worked with the website will understand what I am talking about. is not an ordinary or simple site but extremely sophisticated with many categories and voluminous information carefully researched and collected over many years. It is a cyber testament to our profound Lineage and omniscient Protector. A storehouse of knowledge and current events. is like a cyber Geshe!
Congratulations and thankful for your existence ‘Geshe-Cyber-la’.
November 9, 2014
November 9, 2014
This letter of appreciation and support from Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche speaks volume for Along with other such letters from eminent high lamas this letter gives much needed encouragement to the people behind to continue with the good work in providing more accurate facts of Dorje Shugden practice and why the ban should be lifted. It is time for all Dorje Shugden practitioners and lamas to rally together to bring down the unjust ban. Together with the so many Shugdenpas, I rejoice tremendously.
It is with great relief and great joy to read this very good news. Appreciation and support like this are inspiring and help to boost the morale of the hard working people behind the scene. Please continue with your good work to bring about lifting the unjust ban.
Gakyi rabten yeshey khando
November 9, 2014
Dear dorje,
You have been a great information source for all the shugden practitioners around the world and also to the many people who have been having many doubts and many false information on dorjee shugden and us practitioners . So I would humbly request to you and on behalf of many of shugden practitioner friends from Italy to kindly keep up ur good work that u have been doing and therefore would like to kindly not close the website .thank you and u have all our support from Italy .
Jeff Coleman
November 9, 2014
This is amazing and I deeply rejoice to see such strong powerful letters of support from the highest of the highest Geluk Lamas and Dharma brothers and sisters of our pure unstained lineage! For to be receiving such authoritative letter from H.H Gaden Trisur, H.H. Trijang Rinpoche, H.H. Gangchen Rinpoche, Holy Abbots of Shar Gaden and Serpom, H.E. Kundeling Rinpoche, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso etc. etc. must surely and clearly show that must continue to spread the truth, the facts and give knowledge and voice for this injustice ban. As many highly attained masters here have said it, many truths has surfaced through this website amongst the greatest lies and with continuous sharing of the truth, eventually the truth will prevail and the ban will come down. This has in fact brought us Shugdenpas all the more closer, united and stronger. So we should fearlessly continue and never give up in spreading the truth and our Je Rinpoche’s pure lineage.
I rejoice so much in seeing all these support letter, and all your hard work, those who are behind this website, is really paying off! It is extremely wonderful to hear that will continue and pledge my loyalty, support to you and will give my all towards the spreading of the truth to bring down the ban and benefit to all! Thank you all so much. Rejoice, relief, revived!
Joo Won
November 9, 2014
This is definitely a great news to have HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s endorsement, blessing and acknowledgement! HH Trijang Rinpoche’s previous incarnation was the junior tutor to the 14th Dalai Lama for 30 years; a direct disciple of HH Pabongkha Rinpoche.
And, it’s great to have His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the spiritual guide of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) and great lama Ven. Zawa Rinpoche’s acknowledgement letters too…
Please continue with your great works in preserving the Je Tsongkhapa lineage, and specifically lifting the ban for the benefits of many.
Thank you.
Anita S.
November 9, 2014
These days, there’s so much information going around the internet, we hardly know what is the truth and what is not. To learn about one small truth, it takes a lot of research and investigation. At the end, we still need to come up with our own conclusion. You have no idea what a relief it is to know I have been reading on this website has been authenticated by all these great lamas from their own words and letters. Thank you for clearing many doubts.
November 10, 2014
Afll I can say to you organizers and tireless workers with folded hands please continue to work and spread the Diamond news of the Great Protector of Gaden Nyen Gyu ,
Paolorossi4444 devoted of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden since 1977.
DS Star
November 10, 2014
These are solid proofs of supports for the great works and sacrifices of the hardworking team behind
Reading their letters and their words of appreciations and encouragement really warmed my heart.
Thank you all Rinpoches, Geshes, all lamas and DS practitioners for coming out to show your supports to and the team behind it.
Thank you for all your works before, at present and in future to spread the holy Dharma of Je Tsongkhapa and the practice of Dorje Shugden.
Jamyang Alexandre
November 10, 2014
Dear Admin and all the hardworking people behind, your hard work all this year are not wasted, your work definitely being appreciated by many, to have receive letter of support from Trijang Rinpoche is indeed a blessing.
May this website continue to bring the truth until the ban is lifted. We are not one step closer to bring the ban down.
November 11, 2014
What a wonderful appreciation letter from Trijang Rinpoche. That is so meaningful to all Dorje Shugden practitioners. Trijang Rinpoche has stated clearly in the appreciation letter to request this website to continue operate. =)
Dekyi Tara
November 12, 2014
Rejoice! Good news instead to DS.COM getting many support from all high lamas, Rinpoche, monasteries and etc.
Especially THANKS to His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche given endorsement letters support to DS.COM encourage towards teams hardwork for so many years to promote Lama Tsongkhapa lineage and protector Dorje Shugden practice.
To receive so many letters from all great lamas blessing to the works of this DS.COM website is truly overwhelmed. They are many lamas and students around the world who sincerely practice dharma and want solidarity in the GOAL to remove the illegal ban. All Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world have to stand united to lift the ban together. Once the ban is down, we can go our merry ways.
Thank you DS.COM for sharing such a good news.
Andurillia Wyndermire
November 17, 2014
It’s amazing the number of appreciation and support letters that have received specially since the annoucement was made that the website might close down. I rejoice that the dorjeshugden communities have came together strongly to show their appreciation and support to Many have wondered who are the real people behind this website. One thing for sure with all these support letters coming in from the highest of Shugden lamas is that they know exactly who is behind and at the time honor their reasons to remain anonymous. Personally I like the fact that administrators are anonymous. It allows the facts or fictions presented in this website, however one wants to look at it to remain open to the public to judge. Not knowing who is behind this website allows the readers to be unbiased.
November 19, 2014
Feel release when read through all these letters, because all the high lama do agree that do a good job, with this website the practitioner can asses to many information and update about the ban. Good job we will continue to support the website and do our best to lift the ban .
Joo Won
November 19, 2014
This is really great. To have Gyelchen Dorje Shugden Himself writes the letter of acknowledgement…Yes, has done a good job all these years by revealing the truth about the BAN and is benefiting many many around the world. Letter from Protector Himself says it all. The only direction lays in front of us is moving forward till the ban is lifted!
November 20, 2014
As we can see, there are so many wonderful and powerful collection of support/appreciation from the very highest beings on planet earth to Tushita,
Kechara, Five-Peaked Mountain and Shambala, represent a synergy of Dorje Shugden Buddha and all his Lineage Masters coming forth on this
platform to dispel misinformation and educate the world. Clearly, there is no doubt and anonymity in the state of affairs. Why there is even any need to know who is the admin of
November 20, 2014
So many letters of appreciation pouring into requesting for admin to keep it open, from HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, high lamas and friends around the globe, and now this letter from The King Himself!
Thank you Admin for your reconfirmation to keep open.
Tibet Follower
November 20, 2014
If you have letter from Shugden, then it meaning whatever you have in this website is correct and no doubt. congralutions.
Pong Fei
November 22, 2014 from the appreciation and support letters from the high lamas and monasteries have proven that you are already on the right track! These letters are certainly not issued due to the heated situation but with much due consideration. Therefore, I plea to you to continue your good works and showering your followers and readers with all the updated news. Through thick and thin , my vote certainly goes to you!
David Tan CF
November 22, 2014
It was such a delight to see more and more high Lama, ordinary monks, lay scholar across the world expressed voicing their support of your good works by appreciation letters. In this article, the amount of appreciation letter increase day by day that I observed. You works of altruistic nature definitely will results in the ban being lifted.
Jamyang Yama
November 22, 2014
It’s indeed a great news for all Dorje Shugden practitioners! Thank you Protector for the blessing. With folded hands.
Tseten Duga
November 22, 2014
Great news! It’s really meaningful to all Dorje Shugden’s practitioners. Wish more people can be benefitted by this website.
En Xi
November 22, 2014
December 18, 2014
truth will always prevail, good job.
正規の製品を買おう 3日間限定
August 20, 2015
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August 20, 2015
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September 9, 2016
Kakpa sa
July 12, 2018
Dalai Lama should set things right
August 13, 2018
Dear Dalai Lama,
Since you started the cruel ban against the 350 year Dorje Shugden practice, how has it benefit your Tibetan society and Buddhism in the world? Things have become worse and most educated Tibetans can see this. They don’t speak out not because they don’t see your ban as wrong, but you instill fear in them and not respect. It is like fear of a dictator. I am sorry to say so. Everyone is divided. There is no harmony. Before your ban there was more harmony and unity.
By enacting the ban, you split the monasteries, split so many families, split regions in Tibet apart, split your disciples from you, split your own gurus from you, split Tibetan Buddhism apart. You have created so much disharmony.
It is not democratic what you have done to ban a religion within your community. You always talk of tolerance and acceptance and democracy and yet you do not accept and tolerate something different from your beliefs. When people practice Dorje Shugden you ostracize them, ban them from seeing you, ban them from using Tibetan facilities. You know you have done that. There are videos that capture your speech and prove this point. You even had people expelled from monasteries just because they practice Dorje Shugden. Some of the monks you expelled have been in the monastery for over 40 years. Many older monks shed tears because of this.
Many young educated Tibetans lost confidence in you as they saw the damage the Dorje Shugden ban created and they lose hope. Many have become free thinkers. They reject what you have done. So many people in the west left Buddhism because of the confusion you created with this ban against Dorje Shugden which is immoral.
You could of had millions of people who practice Dorje Shugden to support, love and follow you, but you scared them away. They are hurt and very disappointed. They loved you and respected you deeply before the ban. It has been 60 years and you have failed to get Tibet back. Your biggest failure is not getting Tibet back after 57 years in exile. Now you are begging China to allow you to return to Tibet to the disappointment of thousands of people who fought for a free Tibet believing in you. So many self-immolated for a free Tibet and now you want Tibet to be a part of China with no referendum from Tibetans. Just like a dictator, you decide on your own. It was your government and you that lost Tibet in the first place. Your policies and style of doing things do not benefit Tibet and Buddhism. You have been the sole ruler of Tibet your whole life and you still have not gotten our country of Tibet back for us. Our families and us are separated. Yet you create more pain by creating a ban to further divide people. Please have compassion.
No other Buddhist leader has banned or condemned any religion except for you. It looks very bad. You are a Nobel laureate and this is not fitting of a laureate. You should unite people and not separate them by religious differences.
You said Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi did not do right to the Rohingya people in Myanmar due to religious differences, but you are doing the same thing to the Shugden Buddhists within your own society. There is a parallel in this. You separate the Shugden Buddhists from the others in Tibetan society.
You have lost so many people who would have loved and supported you. You have lost so much support around the world. The Shugden Buddhists who love you number in the millions. When you are fast losing support from governments and private people, it will not do you well to lose more.
After you are passed away in the future, the rift you created between the Dorje Shugden and non-Dorje Shugden people will remain for a while and that will be your legacy. Disharmony. You will be remembered for this. Not as a hero but a disharmony creator.
Dorje Shugden will spread and further grow, but you will be no more as you are a human. No one wishes you bad and in fact we hope you have a long and healthy life, but we have lost so much hope and have so much despair because of you. All the hundreds of Dorje Shugden lamas, tulkus and geshes are maturing and there are hundreds of Dorje Shugden monasteries in Tibet who will not give up Dorje Shugden. You have made a mistake. These hundreds of teachers and teachers to be will spread Dorje Shugden further in the future.
The gurus that gave us Dorje Shugden as a spiritual practice and you have called these holy gurus wrong and they are mistaken in giving us Dorje Shugden. How can you insult our gurus whom we respect so much? If they can be wrong, then you can be wrong. Then all gurus can be wrong. So no one needs to listen to any guru? You have created this trend. It is not healthy. Your own gurus practiced Dorje Shugden their whole lives. Your own gurus were exemplary and highly learned.
Dalai Lama you have created so much pain with this ban against so many people due to religion. You are ageing fast. Are you going to do anything about it or stay stubborn, hard and un-moving. You show a smile and preach peace and harmony wherever you go. But will you do the same to your own people? Please rectify the wrong you have done. Please before it is too late. You can create harmony again or you can pass away in the future with this legacy of peace. May you live long and think carefully and admit what was a mistake in having this unethical ban against Dorje Shugden religion.
April 16, 2019
Please do not lose faith in His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He did so much for everyone and spread Tibetan Buddhism into western countries. He has always been looking out for fellow Tibetans and everyone one and maintaining world peace.
We should not forget about what he did and pick on the things that he did wrong recently. It will be ungrateful for us to do that. On the other hand, we must also remember that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is Buddha Chenrezig. Buddha does not make mistakes.
There must be something that we do not see here. His Holiness must have done those “wrong” doings to benefit everybody. He can see further into the future than us, and that is why he knows what is best for us even if it does not seems like it in the beginning. We have to have faith in His Holiness.
May 9, 2019
Just went through this page.Glad to that dorji shugden dharma friends are keeping in touch.m Bhutanese from Bhutan.i read the history of Dorje sugden & there is nothing I can hate about,instead I love to follow shugden dharma.its very sad to know how Tibetans discriminate each other being in same religion.i wish this problem get solved in near coming future.i like Gelug,& I have full respect for u all🙏🏼. Thukje

July 8, 2019