is dedicated to providing an independent, open platform for the international community of Dorje Shugden practitioners. We want to share the great deeds and activities of all Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners, and to create awareness of the discrimination and inequality that has arisen during these difficult times due to the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice. Not everyone has a website and we want to provide a voice and a platform for those who have none.
On a daily basis, receives news, facts, pictures and videos from many lamas, practitioners and dharma institutions around the world. We thank you for the information that you have been sharing with us for many years to the best of your accuracy, as well as everyone else who has contributed in one way or another to this website.
We would also like to thank our international panel of sangha and lay advisors for your valuable input and guidance in all aspects of this website. It is this synergy of knowledge and determination combined with right action and right speech that has led to our success and growth. Thank you for joining with us to bring an end to the ban and to spread Dorje Shugden’s practice all over the world.
Most recently, we are humbled and honored to receive the support and approval of Shar Ganden Monastery, one of the two great Dorje Shugden institutions in South India. With the approval of the abbot, the abbot emeritus, the head administrators and senior sangha, they have issued this encouraging letter. We thank you for your blessings and we will continue our efforts to peacefully bring down the ban on Lord Dorje Shugden’s practice and to promote the lineage. We thank the abbot, the abbot emeritus, the head geshes, the monastic administrators and the general sangha for their blessings, support and encouraxgement. We will continue to serve them.
Letter from the Labrang of H.H. the 101st Gaden Throne Holder Emeritus, Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal

H.H. Trisur Rinpoche (left) and Geshe Lobsang Kunga (right)
His Holiness Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche, the 101st Ganden Tripa, is one of the most qualified Buddhist teachers alive today – being highly trained in both fields of Sutra and Tantra.
We are grateful for this letter of support from the main assistant of H.H. Trisur Rinpoche and head administrator of Trisur Labrang, Geshe Lobsang Kunga.
English Translation:
Followers of the right path with unbreakable guru devotion, the team behind, I would like to say Tashi Delek to you as my first greeting.
In this century, there are negative views, deceptive talk and insults towards Je Rinpoche’s lineage, our lineage lamas, protector and followers. History has even been changed and presented as if it were the truth. In view of this, the sharing of information and facts in brings the truth to the modern world and its people. By clearing doubt through knowledge and fact, the truth surfaces. Through, the truth is presented to you and placed in your hands.
I have seen and heard from the internet that is supported by monasteries, departments, high lamas and knowledgable people who have written many support letters.
Hence I hope what you are doing will continuously get better and I would like to offer my support from South India, Mundgod Shar Gaden Tri Pa Labrang.
Lobsang Kunga
25 October 2014
Letter from His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche
Since he was very young, the current incarnation of H.H. Trijang Rinpoche has shown many miraculous signs, which point to him to be not an ordinary person. His previous incarnation was the junior tutor to the 14th Dalai Lama for 30 years. Much of the current Dalai Lama’s knowledge, lineage and teachings were passed down to him by the previous incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche.
The current Trijang Rinpoche has studied under a few very qualified tutors mastering both Sutra and Tantra, and has developed an excellent knowledge of Buddhism. He is also heavily sought after for his extremely accurate divinations.
His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s lineage of incarnations is one of the oldest and longest and it extends back into time where he appeared as Buddha Shakyamuni’s charioteer, Chandra. Since then, he had a string of incredibly erudite and illustrious line of incarnations one after another. He is a lineage master of the highest caliber to thousands of monks, scholar Geshes, Tulkus and meditators in Sera, Drepung and Gaden. Although currently H.H. Trijang Rinpoche is young, he has shown great abilities again unsurprisingly in teaching, explanation, and conferment of Tantric initiations.
We at are extremely moved, overwhelmed and deeply touched in our hearts by His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche’s support, encouragement and endorsement of our website. We cannot express enough as we offer thousands of thanks to His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche for blessing us, our work and our aspirations to benefit many in preserving our lineage through this website.
His Holiness has brought us boundless joy and humility. We wish His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche an extremely long life and manifestation of all his holy wishes. Sarva Mangalam.
Letter from Gyelchen Dorje Shugden

The King of Dharma Protectors Dorje Shugden in full trance of Panglung Kuten oracle
Within the school of Tibetan Buddhism, there is a special tradition of oracles where dharma protectors may enter a body and take full control to speak, heal, give advice, pronounce prophecies and even remove obstacles. This special tradition has been safeguarded by a handful of lamas who are highly accomplished for the last 1,000 years in Tibet’s Buddhist history from Guru to disciple unbroken. These lamas are highly accomplished and have the skills to train a person up by retreats, initiations, meditations, cleanliness rituals and special diets in preparation to become an oracle. Once the oracle is fully trained up, then they are able take full trance of enlightened protectors such as Gyelchen Dorje Shugden. The oracles who are well trained by high lamas are very much sought after in Tibet and now in the outside world. Their prophecies and advice time and time again have proven to be beyond doubt with perfect accuracy. The Panglung Kuten who hails from Sera Monastery has been taking full trance of Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo, Jowo Chinkara, Shidak Genye for over 30 years. He was fully trained and authorized by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang the supreme Yongzin. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche personally trained up Panglung Kuten over a five-year period and oversaw every part of his training until completion. As a result, Panglung Kuten is one of the most qualified oracles within the Tibetan tradition alive today. He has been taking oracular trance for the last 30 years sought out by the highest lamas to the humblest of practitioners.
Our team flew to Taiwan and consulted Dorje Shugden via Panglung Kuten whether we should continue with In a spectacular trance session where both Dorje Shugden followed by Kache Marpo took full trance gave us a letter to continue’s work and said it will benefit our Tsongkapa’s lineage as well as sentient beings if continues. With full blessings and encouragement from Dorje Shugden Himself to continue the website, it gives us who have worked for the last 7 years great inspiration and strength to continue on. As long as the Lama and the Protector are pleased, we know we are doing our work well. Thank you humbly. We were extremely blessed to be in the living presence of Dorje Shugden and His minister Kache Marpo via the renowned Panlung Oracle. We therefore have committed to continue this website till the end. We seek to share the truth of the ban, the traditions, practices and lineage of Dorje Shugden continuously to the world.
With the blessings of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, H.E. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Panglung Kuten, Kensur Rinpoche and now Dorje Shugden himself and many other great beings who showed their support, we are honored and grateful to say the least. May we continue to benefit and humbly ask for blessings, Sarva Mangalam. We share the letter with you from Gyelchen Dorje Shugden Himself:

After the trance, Panglung Kuten Himself stamps the letter by Dorje Shugden as per tradition
Letter from Shar Ganden Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa

Shar Ganden Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa is honored to receive the following letter of support from the Venerable Abbot of Shar Ganden, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa.
Enthroned as Shar Ganden’s Abbot in 2013, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa has previously held esteemed positions including Gaden Shartse head-disciplinarian (1991), Gaden Shartse main debate teacher (1993) and Dokhang Khangtsen head (1993).
Currently based in Taiwan where he established a branch center of Dokhang Khangtsen, Khen Rinpoche fearlessly leads the monks of Shar Ganden in upholding their pure lineage, practices and samaya during these difficult times.
We thank Khen Rinpoche for his words of support and pray that his Dharma activities will continue to flourish and grow.
Letter from Shar Gaden
Letter from Shar Ganden’s Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende

Shar Gaden’s Abbot Emeritus Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende is humbled to share a letter of appreciation from the great Abbot Emeritus of Shar Ganden Monastery, Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende, personally written in his own hand. We are honored that this great and far-sighted lama, who compassionately took up the reins of Shar Ganden Monastery during a most turbulent and dangerous period, has taken the time to write a few words in support of our work. We humbly thank Kensur Rinpoche for his kind words and we will continue our work in support Shar Ganden Monastery and all Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide to the best of our ability.
Letter from His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and the New Kadampa Tradition

His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, one of the greatest Buddhist teachers and meditation masters of our time, is the spiritual guide of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) which comprises over a thousand Dharma centers and study groups, and a multitude of practitioners, both ordained and lay across the world. The NKT is a very successful and beneficial organization that has brought the pure Buddha Dharma to many around the world.
Despite the difficulties related to Dorje Shugden’s practice at the present time, His Eminence Geshe-la and his students have stood their ground and remained true to the lineage of Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. His Eminence Geshe-la’s pure teachings, guru devotion and vast knowledge of Sutra and Tantra are an inspiration to all. We thank you for your support and blessings to all who have worked very hard and sincerely for years on Our intention with this website has always been to be a platform for everything related to our lineage and we thank you for recognizing this. It means a great deal to us. has always been a great admirer of His Eminence Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and therefore we are extremely humbled and honored to receive these encouraging messages from a great lineage master and his impactual organization. We offer our prayers for His Eminence Geshe-la’s continued good health, long life and continuous further growth of his works. Please remain with us always. Someone like you offers much hope and inspiration in these difficult times. With folded hands, we thank you sincerely.
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche himself has highlighted one particular lama who he considered as equal to him in knowledge and attainments, and who held all the same lineages, transmissions and practices as Trijang Rinpoche. That person is none other than one of Trijang Rinpoche’s two closest heart disciples, Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche (the other being the illustrious H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche).
Zemey Rinpoche is the incarnation of a very renowned and high-ranking line of tulkus from Yangding, Kham in Tibet. His accomplishments drew the devotion of many disciples throughout Ganden Monastery and also the attention from the top echelons of the spiritual and political hierarchy of Tibet, including H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. Zemey Rinpoche was one out of hundreds of tulkus and thousands of monks selected to accompany the Dalai Lama on his visit to China in the 1950s to meet with Mao Zedong and Zhou En Lai.
The current incarnation of Zemey Rinpoche is studying in Tibet. We are very blessed and honored that Zemey Rinpoche insisted on writing this letter by hand himself.
Letter from His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche’s Ladrang
Letter from His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche

H.E Kundeling Rinpoche
His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche is a formidable Lama whom is known for His continuous and direct opposition for the illogical ban on Dorje Shugden ever since it began officially in 1996. We at is honored and thankful to receive such an appreciation letter from a veteran like Kundeling Rinpoche.
Letter from His Eminence Gonsar Rinpoche, Rabten Choeling

H.E. Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche
At the age of three, H.E. Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche was recognized as an reincarnated Lama by H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. At 6 years old, Gonsar Rinpoche entered Sera Monastery and was placed under the care of his root teacher Venerable Geshe Rabten. At present, Gonsar Rinpoche continues the legacy of his teacher’s activities and serves as the director of Rabten Choeling in Mont Pèlerin, as well as the other Rabten centers in Europe. He gives regular teachings directly in English, French, German or Tibetan.
We at is honored and humbled to receive such an encouraging letter from Gonsar Rinpoche, whom have stood by his teacher’s teachings despite the many obstacles and difficulties that arose due to the ban.
Letter from Panglung Kuten

Panglung Kuten is honored to receive an appreciation letter from the oracle of Dorje Shugden himself! We would like to express our gratitude to the Panglung Kuten whom have continuously supported us in various ways.
Letter from Panglung Kuten’s Centre in Taiwan: Taipei Tsongkhapa Buddhist Society
Letter from His Eminence Sherab Rinpoche

His Eminence Sherab Rinpoche
An appreciation letter from His Eminence Sherab Rinpoche. Sherab Rinpoche, whom is a highly respected Lama in Shar Gaden Monastery currently serves as the private tutor to His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche. is honored and humbled to receive this letter and would like to sincerely thank Sherab Rinpoche for his kind encouragement.
Letter from Serpom Monastery
Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery for advanced Buddhist studies is one of the two great monastic universities in South India which support the practice of Dorje Shugden.
English Translation:
First of all, Tashi Delek to all of you. The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and their leaders have consistently criticized Je Rinpoche’s holy Dharma tradition and lineage, particularly the lamas and followers of Dorje Shugden’s tradition. Nowadays however, the international community realizes that this criticism from the CTA is untrue and that the CTA are wrong.
Some people have been spreading lies about Dorje Shugden and mixing the different Tibetan Buddhist lineages together, in the hope of destroying Je Rinpoche’s lineage through these methods, amongst many others. During these difficult times, is like a beacon of light shining on the truth of Dorje Shugden’s story, the lineage lamas’ biographies and spreading the word about the current issues related to Dorje Shugden. Such information, supported by proof, is very useful. Thank you very much for this.
Many highly educated and knowledgeable individuals have read and seen for themselves the effect of the ban through The website also provides an alternative perspective, strongly supported by undeniable evidence, on the ban and other issues surrounding Dorje Shugden. There is no reason to doubt the information and content presented by Even the younger generation have benefited and learned from this website. Therefore the monastic community of Serpom Monastery would like to extend our gratitude for a job well done.
Please keep up your good work with this website and continue being an example of how Dorje Shugden practitioners always carry themselves with integrity and honesty, as an inspiration to others to also follow the virtuous path. For this reason, everyone should value and support Dorje Shugden practitioners, especially
We hope that all your future endeavors will be successful.
Serpom Monastery, 11th October 2014
Letter from Serpom Library

Tripon Rinpoche
Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery for advanced Buddhist studies is one of the two great monastic universities in South India which support the practice of Dorje Shugden.
Located in the Tibetan Settlement of Bylakuppe in Mysore, India, Serpom Monastery comprises various departments, one of which is the Serpom Library led by Venerable Tripon Rinpoche.
Letter from Nyanang Phelgyeling Monastery
Nyanang Phelgyeling is a Monastic University located at the foot of Swayambhu Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal. They are showing their support and wishing to maintain a good relationship with
Letter from Yangteng Phuntsok Ladrang
Letter from North America Gelug Buddhist Association
Letter from Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choling Association
The Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choling Association is the umbrella association of H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monasteries in India, which include Samten Choling Monastery (Ghoom), Tharpa Choling Monastery (Kalimpong), Tashi Choling Monastery (Kurseong), Gaden Choling Monastery (Pedong) and Enchey House (Gangtok).
Letter from Dorje Shugden Devotee’s Charitable & Religious Society, Delhi
Letter from Tengey Ling Foundation
Letter from Garden Tibetan Cultural Association
Letter from Geluk Lineage Dharchen Association
Letter from Tibetain Gyeden Tensung Society, France
Letter from Canadian Gelug Buddhist Society
Letter from Ven. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche

Ven. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
Ven. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche began his monastic studies in 1982, after being recognized by various Yogis and High Lamas as the incarnation of the previous Geshe Zawa Rinpoche. Upon completing His monastic studies in 1997, Zawa Rinpoche embarked on an international tour where He gave Dharma teachings, as well as took the chance to attend various Dharma teachings and initiations by great Lamas. At the advice of His root guru Geshe Tsultrim, in the year 2003, Zawa Rinpoche took on the responsibility of managing a Dharma center in Montreal, Canada.
Zawa Rinpoche is also a committed member in the North America Gelug Buddhist Association, and plays a large role in the protests against the ban on Dorje Shugden.
We at are humbled to receive this encouragement from a great Lama such as Zawa Rinpoche. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Zawa Rinpoche for His continuous support and hard work in preserving the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa.
Letter from Ven. Achok Rinpoche

Ven. Achok Rinpoche
Ven. Achok Rinpoche was recognized as the 4th incarnation of Achok Rinpoche of Lithang, Tibet. Under the guidance of His teacher, Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche; at the young age of 22 years old, Achok Rinpoche received the Geshe Lharampa degree with the highest honor. Today, Achok Rinpoche resides in USA and gives regular teachings in the Gadenpa Buddhist Center in New York.
We at is humbled to receive this letter of encouragement from a great scholar such as Achok Rinpoche.
Letter from Shar Gaden Thogmey Rinpoche
At the age of 14, Thogmey Tulku Rinpoche Lobsang Peljor was recognized as a lama by Dorje Shugden in 1996. Today, Rinpoche remains a steadfast and loyal practitioner of Dorje Shugden in Shar Ganden Monastery, where he educates monks in the fields of philosophy and Tibetan grammar. Thogmey Rinpoche is also the editor of all new Tibetan texts produced by the monastery. would like to thank Thogmey Rinpoche for his continuous support of our website and for remaining in Shar Ganden to educate the future holders of our great lineage.
English Translation:
I, Thogmey Tulku Lozang Peljor Tenpai Wangchug, offer many tashi delegs to the team. I deeply appreciate our brothers and sisters, old and young, who have worked very hard despite the unending difficulties that we all face at this time. Therefore, I thank you very much from my heart for the great efforts you have put into explaining and sharing information about Dorje Shugden via the Internet to an international audience.
The Dalai Lama has created great suffering for all Dorje Shugden followers and I hope you will bring such important news to everyone around the world in Chinese, Tibetan and English languages. In the on-going fight for the truth, I offer my wholehearted support towards your efforts to educate others. Please continue these good works.
I wish all of you good health, long life and success in all your works. I offer my prayers for this.
(Rinpoche’s signature)
Letter from Lama Thubten Phurbu Rinpoche
Lama Thubten Phurbu Rinpoche is a prominent lama in China. He was born in 1973 in Yushu County, Qinghai Province in China, and he is currently the abbot of Longxi Monastery in that region.
Letter from Serpom Dorje Rabga (incarnation of the 47th Gaden Tripa, Lobsang Chophel)
Letter from Ven. Neshe Tulku Rinpoche
At the time of writing, Neshe Tulku Rinpoche of Serpom Monastery is on his final year of his Geshe Lharampa exam. A devoted practitioner, Neshe Tulku Rinpoche also teaches philosophy to the many monks of Serpom Monastery, continuing to keep the lineage of Je Rinpoche alive and thriving in Serpom Monastery.
Letter from Ven. Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche

Ven. Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche
Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche is currently in preparations to commence his 4 years of Geshe Lharampa degree at Serpom. offers prayers to Lhasam Tulku Rinpoche for a successful monastic education.
Letter from Ven. Rongpa Tulku Rinpoche
Born in Gyalthang (known today as Shangri-la), Tibet, Rongpa Tulku Rinpoche has completed his Geshe Lharampa degree. At Serpom Monastery, Rongpa Tulku Rinpoche teaches philosophy.
Letter from Ven. Khorsong Rinpoche

Khorsong Rinpoche
Letter from Ven. Muli Kyabgon Rinpoche

Ven Muli Kyabgon Rinpoche
Muli Kyabgon Rinpoche joined Sera Mey Pomra Khangtsen in 1992. In 2010, Muli Rinpoche became a geshe under the guidance of his Guru, Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche and is now practicing self-meditating on higher tantric and Lamrim teachings.
Letter from Ven. Chatreng Tongkhor Rinpoche

Ven. Chatreng Tongkhor Rinpoche
English Translation:
Sampheling monastery Tongkhor Ladrang
To working team:
The continuation of every great and pure lineage is something we must strive to preserve. I appreciate all your hard work in preserving and promoting the Gaden lineage the our great protector lineage.
The Dorje Shugden website plays a very important role, especially in presenting the truth, information and history of our great protector.
This website have been providing practitioners from all over the world with accurate and objective point of view that helped to clear the doubts that arose from false accusations in the minds of many.
This website has united all the practitioners from all over the world, and dedicated to preserve the lineage and lineage masters.
I am thankful to everyone who contribute and serve the website directly or indirectly. It is because of you that the pure Gaden lineage and teachings continue to flourish.
Tongkhor Tulku, Chatreng
16 November 2014
Letter from Geshe Tenzin Palchok
Geshe Tenzin Palchok was born in Lithang in 1967. In 1983, he entered into Sera monastery under the guidance of his Gurus H.H. Yongyal Rinpoche, H.H. Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk, Kyabje Panglung Rinpoche and many other great Lamas. In 2002, Geshe Tenzin Palchok completed his Geshe Lharampa degree, receiving the highest academic degree in the Gelug school.
Geshe Tenzin Palchok has over 15 centers throughout major cities in China, including ShenZhen, Shanghai and GuangZhou. He is also the Chairman of the Lamrim Zinkyong Tsokpa union, comprising members from different places in Tibet.
English Translation:
To the respected working team of
It is shocking to hear is deciding whether to close down or not. As the Chairman of ‘Lamrim Zinkyong Tsokpa Union’, I represent all the members of this union to request all of you to please continue your great work. Please do not shut down the lighthouse that brings light and hope to many! Please continue to fly the Victory Banner of the pure Gelug teachings high up! Please do not give up on your works and take away the faith and strength from thousands of Dorje Shugden’s practitioners!
In the night, without the bright moon, stars that lead the way will shine even brighter. All your works are important and meaningful, no matter what the obstacles are, they are the light before dawn. The time for the Protector Dorje Shugden has come, all the good and pure deeds will get good return. Our biggest hope to you is to continue the website and all of your works. We pray that all the lineage Gurus give their blessings to you, we also pray that the emanation of Manjushri, Protector Dorje Shugden to bless you. We hope that you will make the correct decision with skillful means and wisdom, spreading the lineage of precious Manjushri and Protector out to the universe.
Chairman of ‘Lamrim Zinkyong Tsokpa Union’ and a Geshe from Serpom Monastery, Tenzin Palchok
Letter from Geshe Konchok Gyeltsen
Letter from Geshe Thupten Kunsang
Letter from friends in Shillong
Letter from Professor Huang
English Translation:
To the people in charge of
The biggest contributor to modern day success is the advancement of Human Rights. Regardless it being in the political or religious, when the person in power’s motivation is to use his power to suppress those who have different views, they show their true faces. This tells the world that, the person in power does not abuse their power for their own agendas.
This precious website has all these while posted affidavits, reported facts, and help looked into the logic behind situations. This website has spoken up for those who believe in Dorje Shugden and the Gaden Whispered Lineage. On one aspect, the website ensures that the audience is not misled by receiving one sided information, any hidden information or gossips. On the other hand, it helps the other party think twice and have reservations before acting out inappropriately. This helps protect the Human Rights and spiritual freedom of practitioners. This contribution is very meritorious and commendable.
I recently received news that this website has expressed their wish to close down and I feel that it is a waste of so much years of effort. I would like to request the people behind this website to please reconsider your decision thoroughly as this is my greatest hope.
With respect,
Professor Huang
6 November 2014
Petition and support from the monks of Shar Gaden
Letter from Dorje Shugden Practitioners in Ooty, India
October 27, 2014
dear dorje,
i’m so so sad to hear this terrible news. after reading the appreciation letters frm great monasteries of our lineage it clearly proves what u all r doing for the benefit of buddha dharma specially our lineage,i saw many comments,some looks like d.s practitioner but still criticizing …so pls. DO NOT.
they r doing their BEST n everyone has their own way of doing,its high time for us to be UNITED N STAND together to face our situation,there is a tibetan saying, nang ta ma chi na ….chi dhon mi drubs… ( meaning if there is no unity at home …there will be very difficult for success outside home ) so i want to request each n every one to stand together for our cause.
so pls. i want to request frm the deepest of my heart to continue ur work n PLEASE KEEP SUPPORTING GADEN NYINGUE LINEAGE.
i wish all the sponsors of a very good health & happiness !!!!
and pls. dont mind for criticism may be some people are ignorant so creating problem,anyway criticism is sign that u’r doing GREAT THINGS for the buddha dharma activities.
thank u so much for all ur precious hard work…my support is 100 to 100 % with
Tashi Delek !!!!
dorje gyalpo.
October 28, 2014
October 29, 2014
October 29, 2014
谢谢感激所有的高僧给予最好的评价和支持DS.COM。DS.COM 平台利益了所有修持多杰雄登护法的弟子。我们都是真正的宗喀巴大师传承弟子,多杰雄登护法永远都守护着宗喀巴大师的传承。方而不支持多杰雄登护法的弟子是伪弟子吧!
Doreen Park
October 29, 2014
A big thank you to all the monastic communities as well as their leaders for this great show of support and appreciation for the great works of Ds.Com in elucidating and supporting the truth about practice of Je Tsongkhapa Lineage and the lineage practice of the Protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s Lineage, Dorje Shugden.
The letter from Geshe Lobsang Kunga, Head Administrator of Trisur Labrang, in no uncertain terms, points out that while DS..Com has been unwavering in presenting and preserving the truth, CTA and followers have been “changing the history of this (truth) and presenting it as if it were the truth”!
The letter from Serpom Monastery points out that the CTA’s lies and criticisms of Je Tsongkhapa’s holy dharma tradition and lineage, particularly the lamas and followers of Dorje Shugden, are aimed at destroying the precious lineage of Je Rinpoche. Hence, the is the beacon shining on the truth in this sea of darkness.
This beacon of light must continue to shine on the truth . DS.Com cannot close down. Truth must prevail. The ban on Shugden practice must be lifted. Unwarranted suffering of Shugden practiitoners must cease.
October 29, 2014
Thank grateful to all the monks give the best evaluation and support The DS com were so much benefited to all partitioners and monasteries disciple. We are truly disciples of Tsongkhapa lineage. Please keep calm and supported
October 29, 2014
It brings me much joy to read such support letters from eminent lamas, distinguished monasteries and reputable associations who have stood forward to show support for a website which has brought nothing but the truth to the world. Support like these gives strength and inspiration for those working tirelessly for who, like many of the letters stated, get nothing in return but continuously only work to help dorje shugden practitioners worldwide and people to gain knowledge and faith. For me, it has benefitted me in ways beyond imagination, as it gives me news from around the world at the comfort of my fingertips, and because of it, my friends and family have learnt the truth and support me and my practise too. Thank you Please continue doing what you are doing, because you have been the star amongst dark nights to illuminate the path and ways for many of us.
Ving Jay
October 29, 2014
真是讓人振奮的消息。眾多高僧大德都對貴網站給以高度的好評和贊賞,證明了 DS.com在宣揚宗喀巴大師的教法和傳承,扮演著重要的角色。這是一份崇高榮譽,網站的全體工作團隊,辛苦你們了。往後的日子,我們應該堅守各自的崗位,為殊勝的法教傳承繼續努力,雄登護法的禁令將會早日解除,利益更多眾生。
October 29, 2014
得到各位高僧的支持,DS.COM 网站的团队们的努力付出没白白浪费。
希望禁令可以尽快解除!! 可以让持修多杰雄登者有公平的对待,还他们自由!!!!!
Rita Woo
October 29, 2014
Wow, more and more are writing in to support and encourage!…..showing that this website must be doing something beneficial, especially its role in lifting the ban.
Hey team please hangs on, don’t give up easily…we all need you guys as the spoke person for Shugden practisioners and providing reliable news sources and development. I will be your back up, I will support you to the last point of this battle against religious freedom!
May be there are a few that do not see the role or importance of this website, but wisdom beings and monastery like Shar Gaden and Serpom Monastery and majority can see and feel deeply the positive impact this website is having on lifting the ban, or encouraging all Shugden people to go on…
Let’s hand in hand fighting to lift the ban…we will win, as long as we have faith in our Protector, Gurus and stand by each other together to embrace the uncertainty or
October 29, 2014
真是让人兴奋,DS.COM 网站得到肯定各大高僧和寺院的支持,真的是非常好的消息。
DS.COM 网站带给大家都信息是非常明确的!让大家明白到多杰雄登者历史背景和他是一位怔悟,还提供关于对雄登禁令导致的不公平和歧视方面的知信而努力。
DS.COM 网站在这方面提供更多有关于雄登禁令而导致了很多有家归不得的雄登修持者和被欺压面对重重困难。
DS.COM 网站对雄登解除禁令是扮演非常重要的角色,如果没有你们的付出也不会有让所有人明白多杰雄登者历史背景。为解除禁令而加油!!!
October 29, 2014
i am happy that has been appreciated by great lama and monastery. its show that is a great contributor. I personally very much appreciated because it always bring me important news so that we will know what is happening out there especially help us to brought out our suffering to the world. Please continue what your are doing to help us to free from all the suffering.
October 29, 2014
All Shugden lamas including Dorje Shugden in trance appreciate the beneficial work of DS.COM but it is immensely disheartening there are some Shugdenpas who do not appreciate its work; instead of supporting DS.COM in the Shugden movement to bring down the ban, they are criticising and condemning DS.COM for the falsity of their own righteousness and selfcenteredness thereby harming the Shugden movement in unity to remove the ban. Are they genuine Shugden practitioners or are they glorifying their egos and selfgrasping?
October 29, 2014
Homage to HH Jetsun Namgyal Lungrik, Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa, Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende, Serpom Monastery, Serpom Library, Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choling Monastery (Pedong), Enchey Housem (Gangtok), Thogmey Rinpoche recognition to
Its truly an auspicious sign for Admin to reconsider the continuous running of…
Samantha Lam
October 29, 2014
What a wonderful news! I love to hear that!
Thanks for all respected High Lamas, Monasteries and Rinpoches supports. These appreciation letters really come in time to let Admin and the Team reconsider their decision.
Love u all… Muaks!!!
Christopher Leor
October 29, 2014
This is my first time to see so much appreciation letter from authentic High Lamas and monasteries
These all are the iron proof to let keeping on and lifted the Ban!!!
October 29, 2014
更没想到这么多著名的大師都那么支持 !这些肯定给了我想要从这里学习佛法的无比信心 !现在我们可以更加放心的阅读学习这里所提供的真实资讯,也让更加多寻寻觅觅想要学习正统佛法的人们找到了棲身之所 !
谢谢您们,请再接再厉 !
Zhang Ying
October 29, 2014
Great news indeed! Thank you to all monasteries and high lamas send in appreciation letter to DS.COM. This is a big encouragement to all the Shugden practitioners. DS.COM is not ALONE! DS.COM is a truly “LIVE” platform provide many information and i learn a lot from DS.COM. Keep it up you guys!
Ally McBeth
October 29, 2014
This is wonderful!
Many including Shar Gaden Monastery, Serpom Monastery, H.H. the 101st Gaden Throne Holder Emeritus, Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal and ect, would not simply issue recognition and appreciation letter like this to a website…this must be has done something benefiting Shugden followers in so many ways that they decided to issue this support letter…
I hope more are coming.
Elly Jaden
October 29, 2014
Rejoice to DS.COM received such wonderful Appreciated Letters from different monasteries, different high lamas etc.
DS.COM play a very important role provide many info and share to Shugden practitioners all new news. I love reading all the teaching and news from DS.COM. It is so informatics.
This is supporting the truth about practice of Je Tsongkhapa Lineage and the lineage practice of the Protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s Lineage, Dorje Shugden. YES, TRUTH! Need the TRUTH to lift the ban.
Jamyang Sonam
October 29, 2014
This is a good news! A support letter from H.H. the 101st Gaden Throne Holder Emeritus who recognized the work of this website. I hope this new letter will lend more support to even more High Lama and Monastery around the world in support and appreciate the work of this website for the benefit of sentient being.
I rejoice for this new letter.
Antonie Parker
October 29, 2014
Awesome news, whats a Giant injection to!!! The appreciation letters show their needs of Salute to Admin and the team which done the Best works heading to lifted the Ban
October 29, 2014
Lobsang tenzin
October 29, 2014 is very important to every dorje Shugden followers all around the world, so please don’t close down 🙏🙏🙏
Youis Andrew
October 29, 2014
The true hard works will never be abandon and ignore by others. The appreciation letters above really make my eyes wet. Thanks for all supportive High Lamas, Rinpoches and monasteries and rejoice for…
Alberto Swiss
October 29, 2014
These fantastic letters say the thousand words of Shugdenpas, appreciate all High Lamas, Rinpoches, Monasteries ect taking out their time to prepare such beautiful appreciation letter to…
Now is the time Admin and the team should really think about the continuous of again _/\_
Tibetan Family from Switzerland
October 29, 2014
You have been the sole Website where extensive and well researched Informations abt the Shugden Problem within the Tibetan Community is provided.
You are the voice for all Shugden Practioner to the outside Work.
If you cease then we will cease to our voice heared.
We support you 100 %, request all of you and the sponsors to keep this Website alive so that our voice shall not be silenced.
Sincerly a Tibetan Family from Switzerland
Tenzin K
October 29, 2014
The hard work from the people of will never be wasted and will always b3 appreciated by many people that have faith with Dorje Shugden. In fact the information provided in the website will give more knowledge and understanding of the lineage, practices and news update. The website has provide the platform for many Shugdenpas to continue their practices.
The letters from various monastery and individual Lama shows their appreciation and support towards effort and contribution. This is great and i believe there are more to come.
The admin of pls continue this website and together the move on to fight for lifting the ban.
Danny Short
October 30, 2014
I am new here and I am glad I found this website. Wonderful work you guys are doing. My greetings and salutations! Keep up the fantastic work.
October 30, 2014
Rejoice and feel great to DS.COM received such wonderful Appreciated Letters from different monasteries, different high lamas
You have no doubt about the efforts that you are the intentions of their efforts, pray that you have all good the best
Peter Trinley
November 2, 2014
More and more comes to show their support and recognised the effort, sincerity and hard works put in to make this website a success, a mouthpiece and a platform for religious freedom, for human rights and discriminated and violence done towards Shugdenpas.
I am not somebody, but you have my support as a proud Shugden practisioners.
November 2, 2014
That’s fantastic!!! More and more people have shown out to support Dorje This has shown the hard works from this website is not wasted and being recognized by the people. Thank you to all the monastery communities and their leaders for the appreciation letters. It really a great support to this website and I believe there will be more to come to show their support to this website.
November 3, 2014
With so many letters of support from the Highest Lamas, the Monasteries, incarnated Lamas/Rinpoches and the ordinary Tibetans, it is without a doubt the contribution of the to the turning the Dharma Wheel, especially Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings and that of the Protector Dorje Shugden.
Kelsang Chodon
November 3, 2014
This website truly has been supported by so many lamas, Tulkus, Geshes, Abbots, Abbot Emeritus, the very Oracle of Shugden, sangha and many friends. It is heartwarming to see. It is well deserved as this website has brought us news, happenings, events, etc of the great protector Shugden for FREE for many years. I truly appreciate it very much.
Si Mei-Lin
November 4, 2014
More and more show their support and acknowledgement. Such a good news. Even Panglung Kuten’s Centre in Taiwan (Taipei Tsongkhapa Buddhist Society) send in letter to persuade to continue for the benefits of many.
Andrew Sullivan
November 4, 2014
Wow, spotted the endorsement letter from Panglung Kuten — the oracle of Dorje Shugden himself! Definitely an important and powerful endorsement to DS.COM that cannot be ignored.
Gangchen Rinpoche’s Ladrang endorsed and acknowledgedDS.COM as well…Gangchen Rinpoche is one of the leading and powerful DS masters; and lineage holder of all the essential Gelugpa lineages of Lamrim, Lojong and Mahamudra.
November 4, 2014
November 4, 2014
Wow! Wow! DorjeShugden.COM has received an appreciation/endorsement letter from the Panglung Oracle for Dorje Shugden himself. This is an immensely powerful endorsement to DorjeShugden.Com for its beneficial works in protecting the lineage, spreading the teaching, educating the world, dispelling wrongful accusations, sponsoring Shugden Sangha activities and especially a big sponsor to Shar Gaden monastery since its inception. How incredible the letter came in at the most crucial and turbulent time, certainly the timing, importance and significance of this letter cannot be ignored or overlooked.
November 4, 2014
I am so grateful for this website. Receiving such holy teachings is so rare. All these letters confirm how beneficial it is.
Please stay on.
“Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.”
Thank You
Swiss Buddhist Group
November 5, 2014
You receive your news for the website from people all over the world and now it is good they all support this website. Because you have been a good platform for everyone sharing and receiving news concerning and related to Shugden. Happy to see the support from so many and around the world.
November 5, 2014
The acknowledgement from high lamas and monks from different monasteries shows how important is to shugdenpas around the world. Please continue to spread the dharma to benefit more.
Deevyah Pariyar
November 6, 2014
I support the website to continue. I might be selfish to say so, this is not because I do not know how dishearted when all the hardwork and effort pour in but people just did not appreciate but make lots of accusation instead. I pledge the administrator to continue the website, for I am one of the many who receive latest news and report from the website, around the world.
I have been spit on, and even asked to leave shops or restaurants or clinic…just because I am Shugdenpas. I have to move out from the town with my brother and continue our practice…The sufferings are real.
Here I can see more lamas and individual monks come out to tell how beneficial is the website, and the support and recognize the effort and purpose of having this website all these years. Please do not stop operating and benefiting. Thank you.
With folded hands,
Deevyah Pariyar
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
As I read the letters, especially the petition signed by the monks and friends from the monastery, it made me think of the time when the Dalai Lama made it compulsory and mandatory for the monks swear out of the Dorje Shugden practice. Those monks were literally put in the spot and had to swear out to avoid being ostracized.
Today, monks, high lamas and Dharma practitioners get together by free will to write letters and sign petitions to request for to remain open.
This very situation clearly reflects the importance of to this community. This also shows that give these devoted Dharma practitioner courage to have their voice heard.
I believe that this is a wake up call as we learn that the need support AND PROTECTION too. More importantly, support and protection is very possible and available if we step out of our own comfort zone and do what is necessary such as let the world know the truth behind the DS ban, put a spot light on the culprits so that they do not cause further harm etc.
It is time for the DS community to get together as we are at the climax of the storm, moments just before clear skies and calm.
Tsering Jigme茨仁晋美
November 7, 2014
With over 150 monks from Shar Gaden signed petition asking to continue, this may shows the website has played a significant role in their practice, that’s why they put effort to urge the website to keep up and do not stop.
Seeing Professor Huang who is an expert in translating Tibetan texts and prayers into Chinese writes in his support letter and his reasoning to continue the website, is so great. Prof. Huang he himself is a practicioner and knowledgeable. His has high regards of as “powerful tool to expose wrongdoing of those in power who abuse their power”, so they would not dare to do as they please.
Professor Huang regards’s role as significant and essential to a civilized society which respect human rights. He takes as the champion of religious freedom…With, we will have less who were fooled by fake news or propaganda, but more who see the truth.
I thank Prof. Huang, monks of Shar Gaden, Rinpoches and many who write in to stand up and support this wonderful website, I thank for their courage to say the truth, to stand by the truth.
Thank you.
Kelsang Jigme
November 7, 2014
It is amazing to know Geshe Kelsang and NKT has sent their support letter for this website. For years I know many in NKT around the world find this website a great source of accurate information. Now Geshe Kelsang extends his good wishes. Congratulations!
Lobsang Gedun
November 7, 2014
We are verry happy even Geshy Kalsang la also give the letter, that’s means we are nothing doubt the will not going to down .
Kelsang Gyatso
November 7, 2014
Close it and live and let live because we don’t want truth.
stop making touble.
Dondrup Shugden
November 8, 2014
NKT is the largest organisation that practises Dorje Shugden and is renowned for their work in perpetuating this pure lineage.
It is without doubt that whatever information published on are true and without falsity.
I hope that the administrator will not shut down and continue with their great work to support these great organisations in spreading the truth about the worship and practice of Dorje Shugden.
November 8, 2014
Congratulations DS.COM! The support and appreciation to is tremendous, coming from different countries, institutions, eminent lamas and Shugden practitioners. Surely DS.COM should not close as it will backfire on the Shugden movement and preserving the precious lineage from destruction.