March 18, 2009 by truthaboutshugden (extracted from

Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang was one of the foremost Tibetan Buddhist Masters of our time, taking birth at the turn of the twentieth century and passing away in 1981 at the age of eighty-one.
Not only had he followed in age exactly the example of the Enlightened Buddha, but also through his precious activities and in particular through his extraordinary method and capacity of teaching he fulfilled the purpose of countless beings and the teachings of the Buddha, particularly the tradition of Je Tsong Khapa. All the great Masters and the followers of this tradition were brought up by his compassionate spiritual guidance.
Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang served His Holiness the Dalai Lama first as philosophical assistant, then as personal tutor, together with Kyabje Ling Dorje Chang, for altogether fifty years.

Trijang Rinpoche (Right) with Ling Rinpoche (Left) and their disciple, the present Dalai Lama (center)
Not only did he offer to His Holiness studies from the elementary level up to the highest tantric transmissions, he was also the backbone of the struggle against the Chinese occupation at the most difficult and confused time of Tibetan history. The escape of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from Tibet in 1959 was also thanks to the wisdom and efforts of Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang.
Up to the end of his life Trijang Rinpoche continuously turned the Wheel of Dharma for the sake of all sentient beings. The flourishing of Dharma in the West is also directly and indirectly connected with him, because of his own teachings as well as the precious activities of his disciples, such as Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Ven. Geshe Rabten, Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Ven. Lama Yeshe and many more. Without him the situation of Tibetan Buddhism in the West would be completely different.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche said:
The (present) incarnation of Kyabje Dorje Chang, His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche, is His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s guru and the lama of all the Tibetan people…. In his previous life (as Trijang Dorjechang Losang Yeshe) he performed incredibly holy actions; therefore, his present incarnation has the potential to spread Dharma in both the East and the West like the rising sun spreads light.
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has likened Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche to:

Trijang Rinpoche receives offerings at Monlam
a vast reservoir from which all Gelugpa practitioners of the present day received ‘waters’ of blessings and instructions.
He held many important positions within the Gelug School including Ganden Tripa, the head of Gelugpa tradition. He was the Lama most responsible in his generation for spreading the Dorje Shugden practice, especially to the west. Trijang Rinpoche was also responsible for editing the classic Lam Rim text Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand, by Kabje Pabongka Rinpoche, from which the following quotations are drawn.
January 16, 2010
May I never be seperated from this living Buddha Trijang Rinpoche in all my lives.
Whatever your yidam, it is my yidam.
Whatever your protector is my protector.
If you practice these deities, I trust you fully. It does not disturb me in any way what any other lama or persons may say.
I stay loyal to you, your yidam and your protector until I gain full bodhicitta and full realizations.
Bless my mind to be stable in all lives.
Prostrations to Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang who is no other than VajraYogini.
Kate Walker
January 18, 2010
May HH Trijang Dorjechang live long and spread the living lineage of the Gaden tradition far and wide to benefit countless beings.