(From Trijang Rinpoche’s introduction to Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand- A Concise Discourse on the Path to Enlightenment By Pabongka Rinpoche, Edited by Trijang Rinpoche Translated by Michael Richards Wisdom 1991. All emphasis and formatting mine)

Trijang Dorjechang
Prasdrin pararia syaklutaki yanta,
Tray am guhyanatd tigolama eka,
Sudhi vajradharottarah muni aksha,
Prayachchha tashubham valdruga kota.
O Lama Lozang Dragpa,
One with Shakyamuni and Vajradhara,
O sum of every perfect refuge,
O mandala-guise complete With three mysteries of enlightenment,
Rain upon us ten million goodnesses.
About Pabongka Rinpoche

Kyabje Pabongka
O my guru, my protector, who, through the Supreme Vehicle, vanquished the extreme of selfish peace, who, unattached to worldly comforts, upheld the three high trainings and the teachings of the Victor, whose noble good works remained untarnished by the eight worldly concerns.
You were the very fountain-head of goodness. Everything you said was medicine to drive out hundreds of diseases; our childish minds were unfit vessels for so vast an ocean of teachings, so precious a source of qualities. How sad if these teachings were forgotten!
Here, I have recorded but a few. Immeasurable, countless numbers of Buddhas have come in the past. But unfortunate beings such as myself were not worthy enough to be direct disciples even of Shakyamuni, the best of protectors, who stands out like a white lotus among the thousand great Buddhas, the saviours of this fortunate aeon. First we had to be forced into developing even a moment’s wholesome thought; this took us to the optimum physical rebirth as a human.
We have been taught this most unmistaken path, which will lead us to the level of omniscience, at which time we shall gain our freedom. But, to be brief:
I was saved time and time again from infinite numbers of different evils, and was brought closer to an infinity of magnificent things.
My glorious and holy guru did this.
March 20, 2009 by truthaboutshugden (extracted from http://truthaboutshugden.wordpress.com)
February 20, 2011
These are true words from a great teacher. We have been born human, yet we remain “unfit vessels” for the Buddha’s teachings. Those of us who have a qualified guru are really fortunate and should take this great opportunity to train well.