The North America Gelug Buddhist Association (NAGBA) was formed in recent years with the sole objective of preserving the pure lineage of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism.
In recent times, especially after the practice of Dorje Shugden was openly criticized and penalized by the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Adminstration (CTA), Buddhist practitioners from the Gelug tradition found themselves forced to choose sides. A rift appeared with Gelug monasteries splitting and the Tibetan Buddhist community divided – practitioners of Dorje Shugden and non-practitioners.
The Gelug tradition has always placed great importance on the lineage masters, as it is these teachers that ensure the purity of the teachings which can be traced all the way to Buddha Shakyamuni. Understanding this, the Dorje Shugden conflict clearly poses a threat to the lineage of Je Tsongkapa, thus the founders of NAGBA have taken it upon themselves to protect this precious tradition.
The team would like to express our full appreciation and support for the great works and responsibility that NAGBA is shouldering to ensure the survival of Dorje Shugden’s practice, and for their tremendous efforts in taking a stand for religious freedom.
The North America Gelug Buddhist Association (NAGBA) is a charitable, non-profit and non-political association founded with the objective of protecting, preserving and spreading the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in North America and the rest of the world.
‘Gelug’ translated literally means system of virtues, and it is virtue and the precious principles of the Buddhadharma that guides the activities of NAGBA. The Gelug tradition was founded by Lama Tsongkapa in the early 14th century and traces its origins back to the great Indian Pandit Lama Atisha, and even further to Buddha Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism.
The Gelug tradition stresses the importance of the observation of the Vinaya as a primary base for the practices of Sutra and Tantra. For this reason, Gelugpas place significant emphasis on moral and ethical codes. It is therefore a most precious lineage that has to be carefully preserved and NAGBA is committed to that objective.
Amongst NAGBA’s missions, it aims to preserve the pure lineage of Je Tsongkapa through:
- Enriching the community by cultivating compassion, ethics, inspiration and energy based on the philosophies enshrined within the Gelug tradition;
- Fostering peace, understanding and tolerance amongst the American people and citizens of the world by providing an understanding of the dharma;
- Maintaining an open gateway connecting the overseas Tibetan community and the general public with the true legacy of Tibet;
- Providing the public with accurate and up-to-date information on all matters relevant to the Gelug tradition.

NAGBA Committee 2014 – 2016
President | Mr. Tsultrim Tsultrim |
Vice President | Mr. Lobsang Gyaltsen |
Secretary | Mr. Adar Tsering |
Treasurer | Mr. Gelek Samden |
Public Relations | Mr. Tsultrim Kelsang |
Advisor | Geshe Lobsang Sopa |
Support NAGBA is working in partnership with NAGBA to support their fundraising initiatives. As a non-profit organisation, NAGBA is solely dependent on the kindness and generosity of sponsors and members.
Please offer them your support, in the form of donations or through membership, so that they may continue striving for their noble goal of preserving the Gelug tradition.
Note: All donations are channeled directly into NAGBA’s PayPal account
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ཚོགས་མིའི་འགེང་ཤོག་།: པོད་ཀྱི།
January 10, 2015
Support we must so NGABA can continue the preservation and the true legacy of the Gelug lineage, its ethic as well as fostering peace, understanding and tolerance and providing invaluable accurate information to the community.
Eli Buchen
January 19, 2015
These are trying times for the Gelug lineage and it is very good they have come together to set up this association to preserve the Gelug lineage and buddha dharma associated with Je Manjunatha. Thank you for all your efforts.
David Lim
February 7, 2015
I rejoice for the Tibetan community for your merits to enable to continue to learn and study the scare lineage of Je Tsongkhapa even when at far away from the land of snow.
June 4, 2015
same in uk
June 4, 2015
please stop ruining the buddha dharma and causing suffering to people take a look at the uk and the problems there. buddha never asked his followers to do this wake up please for the sake of buddhas teaching. tibet is lost to china no protection there please please let go and wake up
August 1, 2016
I echo in thanking NAGBA for taking on the responsibility to maintain the pure lineage teachings of Gelug and propitiation of Protector Dorje Shugden practise. It is a great and heavy responsibility, especially with constant threats from CTA and the Anti-Shugdens. If the people truely understand, then they would realise the tremendous compassion in your taking on the responsibility to preserve Dorje Shugden practises and to provide correct up to date information of any development in relations to Gelug tradition.
May the ban on Dorje Shugden be swiftly lifted for all the great Masters to freely teach the pure lineage teachings of Je Tsongkapa to heal people. May ignorance be eliminated and Buddhamind arise. _()_
Dalai Lama should set things right
August 13, 2018
Dear Dalai Lama,
Since you started the cruel ban against the 350 year Dorje Shugden practice, how has it benefit your Tibetan society and Buddhism in the world? Things have become worse and most educated Tibetans can see this. They don’t speak out not because they don’t see your ban as wrong, but you instill fear in them and not respect. It is like fear of a dictator. I am sorry to say so. Everyone is divided. There is no harmony. Before your ban there was more harmony and unity.
By enacting the ban, you split the monasteries, split so many families, split regions in Tibet apart, split your disciples from you, split your own gurus from you, split Tibetan Buddhism apart. You have created so much disharmony.
It is not democratic what you have done to ban a religion within your community. You always talk of tolerance and acceptance and democracy and yet you do not accept and tolerate something different from your beliefs. When people practice Dorje Shugden you ostracize them, ban them from seeing you, ban them from using Tibetan facilities. You know you have done that. There are videos that capture your speech and prove this point. You even had people expelled from monasteries just because they practice Dorje Shugden. Some of the monks you expelled have been in the monastery for over 40 years. Many older monks shed tears because of this.
Many young educated Tibetans lost confidence in you as they saw the damage the Dorje Shugden ban created and they lose hope. Many have become free thinkers. They reject what you have done. So many people in the west left Buddhism because of the confusion you created with this ban against Dorje Shugden which is immoral.
You could of had millions of people who practice Dorje Shugden to support, love and follow you, but you scared them away. They are hurt and very disappointed. They loved you and respected you deeply before the ban. It has been 60 years and you have failed to get Tibet back. Your biggest failure is not getting Tibet back after 57 years in exile. Now you are begging China to allow you to return to Tibet to the disappointment of thousands of people who fought for a free Tibet believing in you. So many self-immolated for a free Tibet and now you want Tibet to be a part of China with no referendum from Tibetans. Just like a dictator, you decide on your own. It was your government and you that lost Tibet in the first place. Your policies and style of doing things do not benefit Tibet and Buddhism. You have been the sole ruler of Tibet your whole life and you still have not gotten our country of Tibet back for us. Our families and us are separated. Yet you create more pain by creating a ban to further divide people. Please have compassion.
No other Buddhist leader has banned or condemned any religion except for you. It looks very bad. You are a Nobel laureate and this is not fitting of a laureate. You should unite people and not separate them by religious differences.
You said Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi did not do right to the Rohingya people in Myanmar due to religious differences, but you are doing the same thing to the Shugden Buddhists within your own society. There is a parallel in this. You separate the Shugden Buddhists from the others in Tibetan society.
You have lost so many people who would have loved and supported you. You have lost so much support around the world. The Shugden Buddhists who love you number in the millions. When you are fast losing support from governments and private people, it will not do you well to lose more.
After you are passed away in the future, the rift you created between the Dorje Shugden and non-Dorje Shugden people will remain for a while and that will be your legacy. Disharmony. You will be remembered for this. Not as a hero but a disharmony creator.
Dorje Shugden will spread and further grow, but you will be no more as you are a human. No one wishes you bad and in fact we hope you have a long and healthy life, but we have lost so much hope and have so much despair because of you. All the hundreds of Dorje Shugden lamas, tulkus and geshes are maturing and there are hundreds of Dorje Shugden monasteries in Tibet who will not give up Dorje Shugden. You have made a mistake. These hundreds of teachers and teachers to be will spread Dorje Shugden further in the future.
The gurus that gave us Dorje Shugden as a spiritual practice and you have called these holy gurus wrong and they are mistaken in giving us Dorje Shugden. How can you insult our gurus whom we respect so much? If they can be wrong, then you can be wrong. Then all gurus can be wrong. So no one needs to listen to any guru? You have created this trend. It is not healthy. Your own gurus practiced Dorje Shugden their whole lives. Your own gurus were exemplary and highly learned.
Dalai Lama you have created so much pain with this ban against so many people due to religion. You are ageing fast. Are you going to do anything about it or stay stubborn, hard and un-moving. You show a smile and preach peace and harmony wherever you go. But will you do the same to your own people? Please rectify the wrong you have done. Please before it is too late. You can create harmony again or you can pass away in the future with this legacy of peace. May you live long and think carefully and admit what was a mistake in having this unethical ban against Dorje Shugden religion.