Sikyong Lobsang Sangay launched a CTA-sponsored book that glorifies Tibetan suicide by self-immolation.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Shashi Kei
It has been 60 years since the Dalai Lama fled Tibet to set up an exile government in Dharamsala, North India. As a third generation of Tibetan refugees drift with uncertain futures in exile, most of them today have not seen, let alone lived in, their homeland. And yet a deep ultranationalism accompanied by animosity towards China persists due to very effective indoctrination that has been championed by the Dalai Lama’s exile Tibetan leadership, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
Faced with a powerful nemesis and finding itself with no military or economic might, the CTA has instead co-opted two very powerful weapons in its assault against China – the Dalai Lama and the Buddhist religion. In the name of the Dalai Lama, the CTA commandeered Buddhism as a political tool and with that, created pockets of anti-China agitators in every place in the world where the Tibetan Buddhist faith is being practiced.
According to the CTA’s narrative, the proper practice of the Buddha’s teachings compels unquestioning compliance with all of the Dalai Lama’s thoughts, which by extension, translates into the CTA’s policies and its political aspirations. The Dalai Lama is presented as a Buddha and hence all Buddhist adherents owe him a duty of obedience. In doing this, the CTA places the Dalai Lama at risk of being compared to the infamous Pope Boniface VIII, the megalomaniacal pontiff who decreed that salvation was not possible unless the people subjected themselves to him completely. Similarly, one is not a proper Buddhist unless one supports the Dalai Lama ergo, the CTA. This is notwithstanding the fact that the Dalai Lama is not even the absolute spiritual head of his own lineage, the Gelug school, let alone of Buddhism overall.

The CTA has subtly encouraged Tibetan self-immolation as a means to create sympathy for its political agenda. Over 150 Tibetans have perished unnecessarily over the years. When will the CTA finally speak up strongly to discourage the Tibetans from self-harm?
Being in exile accorded the Dalai Lama more power than any of his predecessors or any other Tibetan Buddhist figure, as the world became intoxicated with the Shangrila myth. It is upon this privilege and power that the CTA draws its legitimacy. In the decades since the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet, the Tibetan leader has commanded immense vogue and created a significant global space within which the CTA has increasingly worked its mischief, often undermining the Dalai Lama’s efforts.
The Sabotage
A number of incidences bear testimony to this. For instance, in July 2017 amid a tense standoff between India and China, the President of the CTA Lobsang Sangay decided it was an opportune time to assert Tibetan independence, and to raise the Tibetan flag at Pangong Tso (Pangong Lake), which lies between India and China. Sangay’s taunt of China was all the more provocative given it was done within eyeshot of Tibet. That injudicious act infuriated China, a result at odds with India’s seeking of a peaceful solution to its border woes. To redress the injury, the Indian Foreign Secretary subsequently instructed all Indian government officials to refrain from participating in Tibetan events organized to mark the 60th anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s exile in India. In essence, the CTA significantly diminished almost 60 years of goodwill the Dalai Lama had built with the CTA’s generous host.
More recently, the Dalai Lama’s efforts to close the gap between Dharamsala and Beijing with accord on spiritual matters has been brazenly thwarted by his own Tibetan government-in-exile. In April 2018, the Dalai Lama acknowledged that the China-enthroned Panchen Lama Gyaincain Norbu is in fact the “official Panchen Lama”, a statement that effectively endorses China’s legitimacy in recognizing and enthroning high lamas. This represents a complete reversal of the Tibetan leadership’s past stance, which asserted that Gyancain Norbu is merely a political stooge and a false incarnation of the popular 10th Panchen Lama. Given the importance of the Panchen Lama, deemed to be the highest-ranking Tibetan lama in China, the Dalai Lama’s acceptance of the Chinese Panchen Lama was clearly designed to thaw relations with Beijing and draw parties back to the negotiation table. The head of the CTA, Lobsang Sangay was with the Dalai Lama when his proclamation on Gyancain Norbu was made and so there cannot have been a miscommunication.

His Holiness the 11th Panchen Lama, Gyaincain Norbu.
Nevertheless, just two days later, the CTA saw it fit to publish on its official website an article critical of the Chinese Panchen Lama and demanded the release of their authorized Panchen Lama candidate, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima whom they claim had been kidnapped by China in 1995. To ensure that their point was not lost, another two stories were published on the CTA website in May 2018, both critical of the Chinese Panchen Lama. In essence, these stories demolished whatever foundations of friendship the Dalai Lama was constructing with Beijing.
Co-opting Buddhism
Not content with undermining the Dalai Lama’s diplomacy on the domestic front, the CTA has gone international with its attempts. In his recent speeches made during world tours, Lobsang Sangay has framed the Sino-Tibetan conflict as the struggle between Communism and Buddhism, masquerading the fact that it is more accurately a quarrel over who has dominion over the Tibetan nation – a communist regime or a feudal theocracy to whom the Tibetan people were regarded as mere chattel prior to 1959.
The CTA’s misuse of Buddhism is subtle but delivers devastating effect. An example is the Tibetan leadership’s 1996 ban on the worship of a popular Tibetan Buddhist deity, Dorje Shugden. The 2004 Human Rights Watch Report on Tibet dedicates an entire section to Dorje Shugden, articulating how the CTA’s diktat on the Shugden practice created deep divisions amongst Tibetans in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and worldwide. Banning the worship of Dorje Shugden was a calculated and deft strategy. Dorje Shugden, an ancient deity worshipped by many Tibetan Buddhist schools, was carefully chosen from amongst the thousands of deities in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon due to the popularity of his practice.

The International Shugden Community, whose members comprise of Shugden practitioners from all over the world, have suffered discrimination
The CTA conceived the idea of Dorje Shugden being an instrument of the Chinese, constructed with the aim of destabilizing the reign of the Dalai Lama. In this way, Tibetans were pitted against one another. Dorje Shugden practitioners on the one hand were summarily painted as anti-Tibet, anti-Dalai Lama and pro-Chinese traitors while non-Dorje Shugden practitioners were pro-Tibet and pro-Dalai Lama. The result of all this was unrest within the TAR, precisely what the Chinese government fears most due to the tendency for unrest to escalate into uprisings in China’s frontier regions. It was a clever ruse on the part of the CTA, turning Tibetan Buddhists worldwide into de facto Tibet activists, intent on suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners with the TAR and across the globe, all for the sake of the so-called ‘Tibet cause’.
A Noxious Assault on Freedom
Whilst effective, this strategy exacts a very high attrition on communities dragged into supporting the CTA’s agenda, namely discord and disharmony in erstwhile peaceful societies not involved in Sino-Tibetan aggressions. Still, it is a cost the CTA seems prepared to inflict as we see in its recent interference in Taiwanese spiritual affairs. Since 1949 Taiwan and China have had fraught relations. As tensions renewed between the two nations under Taiwan’s new President, Tsai Ing-wen, the CTA waded in to introduce further enmity and mistrust between the small island nation and the juggernaut China.

In August 2018, CTA representative Dawa Tsering proudly launched a new anti-Shugden book in Taiwan, titled “Tibetan Dharma Protectors, Deities and Demons”
In August 2018, the CTA via its agency Snowland Publications in Taiwan published Tibetan Dharma Protectors, Deities and Demons. The book was written in Chinese with a foreword by Dawa Tsering, the CTA’s representative in Taiwan. At first glance, the publication of an educational book on Tibetan Buddhism seems benign enough. However, on closer inspection, it bears all the hallmarks of good propaganda material created with one intention – to use the Dorje Shugden issue to divide the community and blame China.
With chapter titles like “How did Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen [who arose as the said divinity Dorje Shugden] become an evil spirit”; and “The Poison of Dolgyal [a derogatory name for the deity]” and “The Consequences of Propitiating Shugden” there is no doubt what the objective of the book is. Not a single page acknowledges the fact that the highest lamas of the Gelug and the Sakya, including the 14th Dalai Lama, had worshipped the deity.
Dawa Tsering said in an interview with Radio Free Asia that Dorje Shugden “violates Buddhism” while sidestepping the fact that the very idea of a book that disparages a religion and seeks to create disharmony in a foreign state violates the simplest concept of freedom and decency. This is the CTA once again undermining the Dalai Lama’s work to portray the Tibetans as harmless and soulful citizens of a heavenly Himalayan nation.
Not only is it suspicious that an official of the supposedly democratic CTA is again conflating religion and politics, but now the CTA is stirring trouble in another country whose religious affairs are of no concern to any foreign government, let alone an exiled and stateless administration whose primary preoccupation should be the welfare of its refugee populace and the fulfilment of the Dalai Lama’s wish to return to Tibet.

Prior to the new Taiwanese publication, Lobsang Sangay had launched yet another anti-Shugden book in 2016, written with the purpose of segregating and creating further divisions within the Tibetan community.
The CTA’s latest anti-Shugden book purports to expose Taiwanese Buddhist groups that it claims have been infiltrated by the Chinese government. The basis of this allegation is purely on account of the groups’ worship of Dorje Shugden, the deity that the CTA had pre-emptively outlawed despite claiming to be a democracy. According to the book’s line of thought, the evil government of China has corrupted Buddhism in Taiwan and therefore, even if a Buddhist practitioner has no interest in Sino-Tibetan politics, he should still oppose China as a means of defending the integrity of his faith. That makes him a supporter of the Dalai Lama and CTA by default.
The CTA’s act has far-reaching consequences:
- To begin with, it trespasses on Taiwan’s spiritual affairs, rightly an internal issue that the CTA should have no say over.
- It specifically targets certain Taiwanese Buddhist groups. Thus, the CTA is implying that all good Taiwanese Buddhists should disregard Taiwan’s laws that provide for freedom of religion, and instead obey the CTA’s decrees.
- It attempts to criminalize Taiwanese citizens who choose not to abide by the CTA’s diktats regarding Dorje Shugden.
- It conflates spirituality with politics, implying that a Taiwanese citizen’s personal choice of worship is somehow a reflection of their private political beliefs.
- It brings to Taiwan the same unrest it created within the TAR and in other Tibetan Buddhist communities worldwide.
- It is an external administration passing judgement on Taiwanese citizens, thereby disregarding the sovereignty that Taiwan claims for itself and its people. How is that any different from, say, Germany passing a decree about Greek citizens? Or from China making decisions on Taiwan’s behalf, to put it into a context a Taiwanese citizen can relate to?
The CTA’s own treatment of Shugden Buddhists is nothing short of draconian. For instance, it publishes on its official website a series of notices and parliamentary resolutions that criminalizes Shugden worship and compels the Tibetan populace to apply pressure on Shugden Buddhists to give up their faith. Now the CTA wants the people of Taiwan to similarly turn on their own countrymen and splinter the Taiwanese Buddhist community. The deeply divided Tibetan community worldwide and the unrest in the TAR such as that reported by the Human Rights Watch in 2004 bear witness to the damage suffered by those who have listened to the CTA.

The official website of the Central Tibetan Administration carries material that undemocratically accuses Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide to be “Chinese spies” and “criminals in history”. Click to enlarge.
What the CTA aims to do – constrain the people’s choice of belief while planting dissension and bringing strife upon Taiwan’s Buddhist community – contravenes the most fundamental international laws that prohibit a State from interfering with the internal affairs of another State thereby compromising its sovereignty. This is notwithstanding the fact that the CTA is not legally a State by the definition of established International Law, although it behaves and demands to be accorded the privileges and status of one. In fact, for 60 years, the CTA has acted outside the ambit of every global regulatory body and the reach of international law, a convenience they have exploited fully. Next, and given prevailing tensions between Taiwan and China, the CTA’s book that accuses Shugden Buddhists of being Chinese agents serves to induce further sentiments detrimental to the development of peaceful reunification between Taiwan and China. Stirring anti-China sentiments can only damage cross-strait ties at a time when they are already frail.
A Simple Business Decision
It may perplex some to see how a government that claims to base its policies on Buddhist values such as ahimsa (non-violence or non-injury) engage in such treachery to serve its political agenda. This is especially so when the Dalai Lama became famous off the back of touting messages of peace all over the world, even being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. But there is a simple explanation – the CTA is after all an exile government and as such, its reason for existing holds only as long as the 150,000 or so Tibetans who followed the Dalai Lama into exile continue to be refugees.
The CTA’s locus standi ends the moment the Dalai Lama’s spiritual and political plans are accomplished, symbolized by his return to China-controlled Tibet. The success of the Dalai Lama’s work comes at the demise of the CTA, which will simply have no role in the TAR. It is highly unlikely China will consider, let alone allow, for a separate administration to operate autonomously with its own set of rules, especially one that has spent six decades actively seizing every opportunity to destabilize the region.
The CTA will have to dissolve its core and supporting structures including the countless Office of Tibet premises around the world that have drawn, according to conservative estimates, an annual average of USD50 million into the CTA’s coffers for the past 60 years. This money is supposed to be applied towards improving the standard of living of the Tibetan refugees but, given the string of global propaganda campaigns that keep resentment towards China at a peak, critics cannot help but wonder if the donations and grants have been used to bankroll the CTA’s schemes instead.
Should the Dalai Lama manage to draw the Chinese government into a settlement, this gravy train would come to an abrupt halt and career politicians like Lobsang Sangay would lose all prestige accorded him. He will instead have to return to his position as an assistant lecturer, given the lack of demand in the otherwise lucrative lecture circuit for a failed President who has no achievements to call his own. Which politician-businessman would seek such an end? There are such incongruities between what the CTA portrays and its actions that lend credence to China’s labelling of the CTA as a “separatist government”. The Dalai Lama has called for a cessation of CTA hostilities towards China saying that it is foolish to regard China as the enemy and that the past is past. Clearly, the CTA disagrees. It cannot afford not to.
October 25, 2018
October 25, 2018
Does the Tibetan government really think Taiwan will allow them to meddle with religious affairs on the island? And will the Taiwanese sit back and do nothing while a wannabe foreign administration judges its citizens and uses the escalating China-Taiwan conflict for its own benefit?
Come on Taiwan, wake up already. Our dear Sikyong is trying to cash in on the off-chance that the Taiwanese people will rally behind him in his quest to make Shugden the scapegoat for the failure of the Tibetan cause. By linking Shugden practice with China, he thinks that the Taiwanese will automatically join forces against Shugdenpas too! He doesn’t care if Beijing decides to use military force against Taiwan to get the situation under control. All that matters to him is that another country supports his position against Shugden and that China has one more problem to deal with.
At the end of the day, it will be the people of Taiwan who will suffer China’s wrath, just like how India and Nepal suffered until they distanced themselves from the Tibetan government. If President Tsai Ing-wen has any sense at all, she should act now before it’s too late.

October 26, 2018
The Tibetan in exile president Lobsang Sangay is very smart, but he didn’t use this intelligent to benefit his people. Instead, he is very good in using people who are against China for his own benefit. In this case, he is very good in stirring the sentiment between China and Taiwan. And of course Taiwan also want to use the Tibetan for their own advantage.
If you are from a democratic background, you will question this: Why would a president of an administration promote books or videos to put down a certain deity? This is totally un-democratic, and Lobsang Sangay is from Harvard? This is a joke.
Jing Jing
October 26, 2018
I think Sikyong really has no sensitivity or idea upon how his stupid act will put Taiwan in danger. I think everyone still remember how Mongolian was being punished due to receiving His Holiness Dalai lama for teachings. I do not think Taiwan government would want to risk their country for Dorje shugden ban? The more CTA pushed the more they will put them in trouble. What CTA concern is only themselves. they do not care about the repercussion, that he created chin others but their own interest which is to stop Dorje Shugden practice. But do not under.
Eli Buchen
October 26, 2018
I feel it is really disgusting that, CTA spends money from their Taiwanese sponsors, that has no benefit at all, except it attempts to poison and defile people’s minds with lies and half truths with allegations about Dorje Shugden.
Their actions will just split Tibetan Buddhists in Taiwan further creating rifts and conflicts amongst Buddhists in Taiwan.
I will never forget that, because of the Dorje Shudgen ban Chocktrul Je Pabongka lost his Taiwanese sponsors, hence losing him support, that he could have converted to benefitting sentient beings.
October 26, 2018
I agree with Lily. Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is a very smart man but had only spent his brains on enriching himself and his cronies. If he had applied half of his efforts on propaganda against China and the Dorje Shugden practitioners, towards caring for his people, they would have opportunities and better living standards. The Tibetans in exile want to return to China because they now see better living standards in China due to the huge amount of monies invested into the betterment of Tibet. CTA has done nothing for their exiled communities, let alone wishing to handle the vast Tibet? And bring back into the feudal system that people work only for the few people in control? Kind of a bad bargain don’t you think?
About the issue of Dorje Shugden practitioners being branded as Chinese spies and forbidden to mix with others freely or to attend any meetings held by the Tibetan Leaders, isn’t it just plain discrimination? In this day and age where all government practice fair rule, human rights and rights to practice the religion of choice? Well, China certainly practice that now. It is not the religion the China is against. It is the trouble makers that China does not want. Which government wants their people to face unrest and potential fights or worse? China being so vast, needs to control their country with a tighter grip for the safety of their people. China do not discriminate against Shugdenpas or Anti-Shugdens as long as they observe rules of peace.
CTA certainly is not into human rights. They persecute Shugdenpas. Their followers seek to hire online users to attack and threaten Shugdenpas with vulgarities and set to tarnish the reputation of Shugden Lamas who hold pure vows. The thing is they are the ones who are ANTI-Dalai Lama as they are sabotaging the Dalai Lama’s desperate wish to go back to Tibet and accepts Tibet belongs to China. Everything that the Dalai Lama says, CTA is now going opposite. Why? Cos they are fearful that once the Dalai Lama is gone, all their monetary resources will dry up immediately. That is just so short sighted. If they had believed in the Dalai Lama and stop all propaganda to be model government and supportive by arranging the dialogue with China, then by now China could have allowed them concession to be in Tibet and with China’s plans as proven, money is flowing in huge amount into Tibet. See how Lobsang Sangay failed his people? They are money to be had in China!!!! America is already looking inward and the sponsorship is on its way to nought soon. Wakey Wakey Sikyong!!! Smell the money that China has……

Dondrup Shugden
October 27, 2018
Leaders like Lobsang Sangay are also great examples for prospective leaders whose missions are of noble integrity, NOT TO FOLLOW.
Leaders like Lobsang Sangay are really arrogant and thinks the world is a space of stupid people. For long time now, Lobsang Sangay has succeeded in his schemes to persecute China as being anti religions and split Tibetans with the division of Dorje Shugden followers and non followers.
Report card time, what has Lobsang Sangay truly achieved with all the donations received for the betterment of Tibetans estimated USD50million annually? Nothing and to prove the NOTHING just visit the refugee camps in India. Pitiful state of affairs.
Damage to the integrity of Tibetan Buddhism is much due to CTA’s efforts as a non entity government in exile. Besides getting donations for being victim of China CTA is a non legal entity on the world forum and had not followed any good conduct nor governance rules & laws and so far seem not to be taken to task by any world authorities. I liken CTA as bandits without bounding laws.
Whatever it stood for is on the world’s sentiment to the plight of the Dalai Lama who had enjoyed world renowned status and a Noble Peace Prize. Even the prestige of the Dalai Lama is waning due to the fact that instead of protecting this image of peace and compassion, CTA been too busy have a good life.
Lobsang Sangay needs to fight on and create greater damage to the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetans so that he can singularly benefit. What a shame.
However, the world can also wise up and think along the very valid points in this article.
DO NOT LISTEN TO THE SAME LYRICS OF A SONG JUST BECAUSE IT IS SUNG ALONG A DIFFERENT TUNE AND LANGUAGE. Maybe this time in Taiwanese which is Mandarin, the official language of China.
October 27, 2018
Lobsang Sangay and his teams have done it again. They are “separatist”. The book promotes separation and division in religion. very illegal. It should be banned! 😠
Hitesh Jayantilal
October 27, 2018
Dear dorjeshugden.com,
I am very impressed with the articles on your site. I live in Bylakuppe and many of my Tibetan friends tell me many things that are said in your articles. They are all not happy with how their government is not doing anything for them. Everything that is reported in their Tibetan media about helping Tibetans is untrue.
From what I have seen in the Tibetan protected areas in Bylakuppe, what they tell me looks to be true. Development for the Tibetan people comes from aid provided by our Indian federal and state governments, NGO’s and other philanthropic groups from foreign countries mostly.
My friends tell me that this Central Tibetan Administration is very corrupt and they only look after their own people. Reading the news reports in India and seeing the difference in the settlements where my friends live, I believe them when they say their own people who are supposed to be looking after their welfare are not doing as they are meant to.
Cronyism is a big problem with the Central Tibetan Administration and unfortunately for the Tibetan people, there is nothing they can do about it. I have seen with my own eyes, the kind of thugs their government people use to keep the Tibetans in control in the protected areas.
I am very happy that this site exists because it gives the Tibetan people hope.
Keep up the excellent work.
Hitesh Jayantilal
October 27, 2018
What type of government in the world sanction and glorify its people to commit suicide in the name of religion? None. Except the CTA. It is like a religion telling its people to die so they can ascend to heaven and enjoy a happy and enjoyable afterlife. If those heroic and famous freedom fighters of the past who had given their lives for the cause they were fighting for, they would not have accomplished what they wanted to. There would not be heroes left to champion their cause.
October 28, 2018
Why was the book “Tibetan Dharma Protectors, Deities and Demons” published in Taiwan and not India, since CTA resides in India ?
Could it be that the Indian government has been very careful recently to stay clear of any possible rift with China, and this includes not supporting the CTA’s activities and turning down it’s invites etc. Surely, the Indian government would not want to have a book published citing that China is involved in dividing communities.
Taiwan who is new to all these dirty tactics by CTA has fallen into a trap of being used by the CTA. CTA used Taiwan’s poor relations with China to propagate their own agenda, ignoring the possibilities of more hate building between the 2 nations.
Also, don’t understand why CTA continues to focus on activities that will further anger China and creating bigger rifts that will be harder to heal…….. maybe this is the true CTA agenda ! Divide and stay in power !
October 28, 2018
Such a hideous photo of Dawa Tsering holding a book that’s condemning other’s believes right in front of a thangka of Shakyamuni! What message is CTA trying to send to the world about Buddhism?
CTA doesn’t even have a REAL country to govern and yet they are arrogantly dictating what other countries should do. And poking their nose in another country’s spiritual affairs? What are they thinking??🙄🤔
Belinda Mae
October 28, 2018
Whatever thing that CTA is trying to do now is not helping them but on the other hand is giving themselves a slap on the face for ruin the ties that H.H Dalai Lama is trying to built with China. All they need to do is just mind their own business and stop blaming Dorje Shugden for any reason. Dorje Shugden practice is on a spiritual level and it should mix with politics. CTA will just have to learn not to mix spiritual stuffs with politics. It is very unprofessional.

Brian Little
October 28, 2018
We are no longer living in the olden days where we can literally encourage our own people to die for our country. What CTA is doing now is almost like they are glorifying self immolations, demonising Dorje Shugden, containing their fellow Tibetan people’s life in mediocrity, brain washing them into believing staying this way is the way forward. How will this help the ‘nation’ to grow? They didn’t even do anything to be honest even after collecting so much money donation from the United States all these years!

Richard Tamlak
October 29, 2018
I think this Lobsang Sangay’s mind is getting rotten. He’s forgotten where he stands in the world. Please Lobsang Sangay, whatever you wanted to do, people already know that you have purpose behind it. Whatever you do, is to stir things up so that there’ll be more countries “hate” China, and not befriend China. So that it shows that you’re doing something for Free Tibet. So that other country will pity you, and donate CTA money, so that the money will go into your pocket, so that you can buy more houses in Australia. But, I think you have forgotten, who are you in the world, and what GOVERNMENT are u leading? NOTHING. What government will spend money publishing books to encourage self-immolation? What government will spend money publishing books to ban on a certain practice in a religion? Only CTA does that. SO CHILDISH!

October 29, 2018
CTA, a.k.a Lobsang Sangay, u’ve got nothing better to do?

October 29, 2018
With the new book launched in Taiwan with agenda to use the Dorje Shugden issue to divide the community and blame China, the CTA really want to apply same approach to divide the Chinese people like how they did to their own Tibetan people. CTA’s behaviour is really disgusting. I don’t think the Taiwan government will let them to create any disharmony in the country. And it also shown that how CTA spend their money to create hatred and disharmony in other people’s countries.
Ngawang B.
October 30, 2018
The newly published book just another ploy of Tibetan leaders to fool the people and the world. Trying to pretend as an academic book but in fact is a propoganda. How shame!👎
Xiao He
October 30, 2018
Dear CTA, whatever you have done to your own society, please do not try to apply it to others. Please look at the reasons of failure and find the solutions instead of doing something that create hatred and disharmony between people. A great leader will never ever use religions to segregate or discriminate people. Without respect for people of different religions, there is no peaceful and harmonious world.
October 30, 2018
CTA please stop using buddhism and Dalai Lama name to try mislead other buddhists in the world. All this power game is not work out like poor tibetan refugee. The world need the religion open minded anp accepten and not discriminate other religion, put down what they had beliave. CTA had no right and tibetan buddhism will fall apart later because people will disspointed and lose trust to buddhism.
Ngawang Jigme
October 30, 2018
CTA has done it again. Another book to promote their propaganda to further mislead the Tibetan people and the whole world to manipulate them into getting more donation from the world. Instead of using the funds for publishing the book to help fellow Tibetans in exile, they used it to publish a book that indirectly telling all the Tibetans to kill themselves for their country.
The idea of killing themselves for the country is just unnecessary nowadays. There are much better strategy and solution other than killing ourselves. But we need to look at the motive of CTA glorifying self-immolation. Why a government glorifies self-immolation instead of telling the citizens to stop killing themselves?
This shows CTA is not putting the welfare of their citizens in front of their own. They want to use those self-immolation deaths to draw more attention to how pity they are and perhaps they can get more donation.

Karen E.
October 31, 2018
Cta always do stupid things and make people suffer for the sake of their corrupted admin. Come on, how long can crooks and conmen stay like that. Your stupid to think that people don’t know what your doing to the tibetans, china and india. I have no idea why india let you treat them so rudely and still get to stay on their land. Obviously cta don’t respect the fact that they are on ‘rented’ land and they are all refugees.India shouldn’t be so kind to them.Dissolve stupid cta and send them all out of india. Good riddance!
Tenzin K
October 31, 2018
CTA really cross the line of the country law by using religious to create schism and disharmony among the Taiwanese. Instead of promoting His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaching on harmony, peace, have dialogue to resolve disagreement, CTA is putting down His Holiness as a representing him by producing the anti-Shugden book in Taiwan. How would people understand this at one point we say His Holiness is the emanation of the compassionate Buddha but at the other hand create so much suffering through implementing
Instead of spending the fund to create such a bias book why not use it to improve the welfare of the Tibetan refugee. Why not use the fund to strongly promote His Holiness teaching? Why not promote something positive which will attract more people to His Holiness instead of jeopardising His Holiness reputation.
Geraldine Sarie
October 31, 2018
What else CTA can do? Corruptions, killing, violate on religion practice are all due to greed of control and being dominant. Such dirty tactic normally only been found in underworld society. What a disgraceful phenomenon. Lobsang Gangay needed a psychiatrist. 🙃
October 31, 2018
October 31, 2018
CTA, please stop creating more damage to people & the holy Buddhism. Don’t cry when it’s pay back time.
November 1, 2018
China and India are becoming closer and in a recent meeting have agreed on some points. One of these points is that the Dalai Lama will not be allowed to carry out any more political activities against China on Indian soil. Being a spiritual leader, why is he so political anyway? The Indian leaders are slowly silencing the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in India. The Dalai Lama and his Tibetan government in-exile regime had better make friends with China already. They should either go back to Tibet/China or become Indian citizens and remain silent.
November 5, 2018
The CTA is indeed a joke! Lobsang Sangay why are you a leader for the Tibetans when all you do is putting down the religious freedom of your people!
Why are you publishing books about a Buddhist deity? Have you studied? What is your practice? Maybe we should ask the many high lamas and practitioners what they think of your “publications”….
What is your solution for the Tibetans and how can they all unite and live their life?
November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018
Again unfair accusation against DS practitioners. 😰

Peace maker
November 5, 2018
Again unfair accusation against DS practitioners. 😰😂😅

November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018
Many highly attained lamas practise Dorje Shugden, including Dalai Lama Junior Tutors. How could they said Dorje Shugden is a spirit, Unbeliavable. 😅😆

November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018
Lonsang Sengeten
November 5, 2018
What the CTA doing is really bias and joke to the Tibetan people and Buddhism. Why publish a book to attack a practice that until now the Tibetan leadership had no proof of claiming to be harmful.
They are just diverting the attention of the Tibetan people of the failure in managing the Tibetan cause which they failed miserably!

November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018
台湾雪域出版社稱 雄登 为西藏神鬼系統,说是被中国政府收买,分化西藏及抹黑达赖喇嘛的组织·请问 卢总 可以有图片或例子證明嗎?若没有豈不空口說白话,搞不好是你们抹黑人家,冤枉人家。凡事都得讲证据·对嗎?

Peepa Cherry
November 5, 2018
Dear Lobsang Sangay, you all should instread spent time in improving the Tibetan people lives and preserving the Tibetan culture and the precious Tibetan Buddhism, you are wasting the money for something that doesnt benefit us!

November 5, 2018
CTA should focus how to improve their efficicency instead of keep pushing away their responsibility and create the hatre and disharmony among the Dorje Shugden and non Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Swki, 1
November 5, 2018
什么西藏鬼神,你们怎样证明, 你才是做神做鬼,扁故事,设人猩。

November 5, 2018
Dear Dalai Lama and CTA, please stop all these negative accusations that hurt the Dorje Shugden practitioners. Please have your compassion for them as they have been unfairly discriminated😂

November 5, 2018
感谢dorjeshugden.com 刊登了这一篇的文章让全世界的观众看到他们的所做所为是何等卑鄙,你们的勇敢不懈让我敬佩。 希望你们多刊登,我一直在留意你们的动态。

November 5, 2018
根据卢惠娟的说法,大部份是流亡西藏学者和佛学学位很高的格西所说,才发现 雄登 是西藏神鬼類似养小鬼。可以知道是那位格西?什么名字吗?据我所知,真相不是这样的 ! 这本書慕后主使是谁?为何出这本書针对 #多杰雄登 修持者?其目的,居心何在?

November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018
CTA, 你们得空没事做吗?

November 5, 2018
