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By: Shashi Kei
In April this year, there was a sudden flurry of news reports and comments made by the Tibetan leadership, of the Dalai Lama wanting to fulfil his wish to return to Tibet.
Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala) in particular, stunned Sino-Indian observers by voicing that the time had arrived to fulfil the Dalai Lama’s dream of returning to Tibet to reunite with Tibetans and to live in the Potala, the traditional residence of the Dalai Lamas.
Vijay Kranti, a senior journalist, Tibetologist, and Chairman of the Centre for Himalayan Asia Studies & Engagement (CHASE), has made great efforts to analyze the very important and pertinent question of “Will the Dalai Lama return to China?” His astute conclusions, published in the Tibetan Review on 16th April 2018, have serious implications for the Tibetan diaspora and India.
A question which is currently confronting most of Tibet-China watchers and Tibet supporters is, “is Dalai Lama seriously planning to visit or return to Tibet or China?” Three years ago the same question had created ripples when the idea of him visiting China’s famous holy Buddhist shrine of Wutai Shan was discussed loudly both in Beijing as well as in Dharamsala. On Sunday (1st April) again, Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the elected ‘Sikyong’ (the ‘President’ of Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala) stunned Tibet and China observers by announcing that time had arrived to fulfill Dalai Lama’s dream of returning to Tibet to ‘reunite with Tibetans’ and to live in Potala, the traditional palace residence of Dalai Lamas in the Tibetan capital Lhasa.
Dr. Sangay was speaking in Dharamshala at the opening function of ‘Thank You India’, the year-long celebrations organized by CTA to commemorate the 60th year of Dalai Lama’s arrival in India and to express Tibetans’ gratitude toward the people and government of India. It was on 3rd April, 1959 when Dalai Lama, the exiled ruler and supreme Buddhist leader of Tibet, arrived in India at the end of a 17-day long daring and grueling escape on foot through snow and mountains to save himself from arrest or killing by the occupying Chinese army in Tibet.
Interestingly these celebrations had already become focus of world attention following New Delhi government’s instructions to its senior bureaucrats and leaders to keep off public events involving Dalai Lama’s personal presence. This sudden toughening of New Delhi’s stand forced the CTA to cancel the main mega event of Dalai Lama in capital’s spacious Thyagraja Stadium. But it is not first time that New Delhi rulers have taken a stand of this kind which appears to be aimed at pleasing Beijing in the wake of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to China. In October 2007 too, the erstwhile UPA government had issued an identical diktat to its senior leaders and bureaucrats when Dalai Lama was given a civic reception at New Delhi’s India Habitat Centre for being honoured by the US Parliament with America’s highest civic honour — the Congressional Gold Medal (equivalent to Bharat Ratna of India).
According to Dr. Sangay the first dream of Dalai Lama was about seeing blood which, according to Dr. Sangay, turned true when Tibetans faced widespread killings of Tibetan protesters during uprising against the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959 and also in later years. The International Commission of Jurists, an affiliate body of erstwhile UNO, claimed that Chinese army killed more than 80 thousand Tibetans to crush the uprising in 1959. As per Dharamsala claims this number of unnatural deaths of Tibetans in Chinese occupied Tibet has crossed 12 lakhs (1.2 million) over past seven decades.
The second dream refers to Dalai Lama meeting ‘people in white’ which, Sangay says, again turned out to be true when Dalai Lama fled Tibet and met Indian leaders like Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru and President Dr. Rajendra Prasad who were known for wearing dazzling white Khadi.
Comment: It was 32 years ago in Bodhgaya, India that the State Oracle of Tibet, Nechung, took trance and made a startling prediction: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in-exile would be back in Tibet within five years. Because of their strong belief, this prophecy was repeated over and over again by the leaders, writers and some civil servants of the Tibetan diaspora.
Because it was the State Oracle who issued the prophecy, and because it was their leaders propagating the news, Tibetans in-exile truly believed in it. However the prophecy, which foretold that they should have been back in Tibet by 1990, never came true.

Once you disagree with the Dalai Lama’s views, you will automatically be labelled as ‘anti-Dalai Lama’ and will be instantly shunned and segregated by the community.
1990 passed and the Tibetan leadership kept quiet and never gave further explanations. Meanwhile, in the hallways of monasteries, monks quietly whispered among themselves that the Tibetan leadership and Nechung are always like that, giving sweeping prophecies that never come true and keeping their people waiting, especially for the moment of their return to their hoemland.
The failure of the prophecy to manifest simply added to a multitude of factors contributing to the ongoing erosion of confidence in the Tibetan leadership and Nechung, and open declarations of a definite return to Tibet were henceforth relegated to low-key murmurs.
Therefore, the question Mr Kranti asked, “Is Dalai Lama seriously planning to visit or return to Tibet or China”, is a question which all Tibet-China watchers and Tibet supporters are currently confronted with, and is indeed a very important and pertinent question today.
Citing these two ‘dreams’ of Dalai Lama turning out to be true, Dr. Sangay enthusiastically claimed about a third dream of Dalai Lama which gives an extraordinary political dimension to this statement, especially for coming out of the mouth of the Tibetan leader whom the Dalai Lama has transferred all his political powers through a constitutional amendment. Quoting Dr. Sangay Jyoti Malhotra of the Indian Express reported, “The Dalai Lama’s third dream, Lobsang Sangay said, was of him returning to the Potala palace filled with light and ‘reunited with Tibetan people’… This third dream will also come true by karmic design. We must all make efforts for His Holiness’ dream to return to the Potala palace come true, Sangay added.”
Referring to dreams of an individual may not hold much meaning for outsider observers and analysts. But in a deeply religious society like Tibet where no rule is above the words of Dalai Lama, Dr. Lobsang Sangay’s attempt to present Dalai Lama’s return to Chinese ruled Tibet as the religious leader’s “last unfulfilled dream” and his call to Tibetan people for making this ‘dream’ of Dalai Lama a reality, deserves a closer scrutiny by the Tibetan society, supporters of the Tibetan cause and, above all, the Indian government who have stakes in future of Tibet and its relations with China. This statement becomes extremely meaningful in the light of the fact that it is first time in past six decades that a senior(most) official of Tibetan government in exile has publicly endorsed Beijing’s agenda which is seriously focused at bringing back Dalai Lama to Chinese ruled Tibet before he is dead and the search for his next (15th) reincarnation starts.
Comment: These paragraphs clearly highlight that the Tibetan leadership have failed their people in every respect. First of all, is the Tibetan leadership a real democracy or one that runs off dreams and premonitions? No other democracy in the world has leaders who talk about the dreams of their spiritual leaders. In fact, in other democracies, the leaders make a consciousb effort to distance themselves from their personal faiths in the hopes that their political decisions are seen as objective and secular. However, in the Tibetan leadership, a so-called democracy, the leader has no qualms about quoting the Dalai Lama and citing karma.
But that is not the only failure. The more significant, but slightly less obvious failure is the fact Lobsang Sangay has never previously made it clear that he endorses Beijing’s plan to bring the Dalai Lama back to Tibet. It is not farfetched to assume that the Dalai Lama has always wanted to return to Tibet by whatever means possible so what type of leader is Lobsang Sangay to not have prioritized this before? He should have made it clear a long time ago that one of the key objectives of the Tibetan leadership is to ensure that His Holiness returns to Tibet. In a deeply religious society like that of the Tibetans, no one overrules the Dalai Lama. So to have ignored this wish of His Holiness, and failed to align it with Beijing’s plans, and to have not highlighted and pursued it means that the CTA president has not been doing his job well.
Lobsang Sangay’s loud and open proclamation about the Dalai Lama’s dream may sound good but underneath it all, it is nothing more than emotional blackmail and the creation of a preemptive scapegoat. By pointing out that it is the Dalai Lama who wants to return to Tibet, any failure to make it happen will be everyone else’s fault for failing His Holiness i.e. Lobsang Sangay is blameless because he has made it clear what the Dalai Lama’s wishes are, and it is up to everyone else to make it come true.
It is noteworthy that in two major contacts between Dharamsala and Beijing, first held during late 1970s and early 1980s and second between 2002-2010 period, Tibetan side branded these meetings as ‘Tibet-China talks’ and ‘dialogue’ but Chinese side made it known public more than once that the visits of Tibetan delegations were ‘private’ in nature and the only subject of discussion was how to pave way for return of Dalai Lama to the ‘great motherland’. If followed in letter or spirit, Dr. Sangay’s plans about Dalai Lama’s return to ‘China’s Tibet’ is simple implementation of Chinese agenda which would mean a permanent closure of the dispute between Tibet and its colonial masters in Beijing.
Knowledgeable sources in MEA as well as India’s intelligence agencies who are keenly watching Dharamsala-Beijing contacts, believe that this announcement of Dr. Sangay has further strained the relations between New Delhi and Dharamshala. These relations have been already undergoing stress caused by a series of developments related to Dharamshala’s secret hobnobbing with Chinese government in recent past. A couple of years ago MEA had a serious brush with CTA, including the private office of the Dalai Lama when it was discovered that a meeting between Dalai Lama and a Chinese leader, holding rank of a minister, was secretly organized in Dharamsala without taking into confidence the MEA or security agencies that are responsible for Dalai Lama’s personal security. Similarly, recent China visit of Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, the former ‘Prime Minister’ of CTA also did not go down well with MEA.
Comment: Notwithstanding Lobsang Sangay’s ulterior motives for conveying the Dalai Lama’s dreams to his audience, one thing was made clear – a return to Tibet is at the forefront of the Dalai Lama’s mind. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact Samdhong Rinpoche took the risk of recently visiting China for talks. This was no low-level visit – Samdhong Rinpoche is the former Prime Minister of the Tibetan people, and one of the Dalai Lama’s two personal envoys and representatives.
Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit to China took place in spite of a serious brush he had with India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) a couple of years ago when it was “discovered that a meeting between the Dalai Lama and a Chinese leader, holding rank of a minister, was secretly organized in Dharamsala without taking into confidence the MEA or security agencies responsible for the Dalai Lama’s personal security”.
The fact Samdhong Rinpoche was willing to further upset India by visiting China means that the Dalai Lama is most serious about engaging with the Chinese about a return to Tibet, and he is very keen for this return to happen soon. This conclusion becomes especially believable when viewed in the context of Dr. Sangay’s stunning statement about the Dalai Lama’s dream of returning to Tibet which was issued not long after Professor Samdhong’s visit.

The Dalai Lama and his personal envoy Samdhong Rinpoche
By looking at the chain of events, the Dalai Lama is in fact accelerating his return to China, even rushing it. And when he says that enough times, either himself or through his top representatives, it is almost like he is “begging” to return.
The current situation is bleak for the Dalai Lama and therefore the Tibetan diaspora. The list of world leaders who do not want to meet His Holiness or cannot be seen doing so is growing ever longer and in fact many countries in the world from South Africa to Mongolia to Taiwan have officially barred him from visiting. At home in Dharamsala, India too has begun snubbing the Dalai Lama.
In February this year, a day before India’s new foreign secretary Mr Vijay Gokhale made his first standalone visit to Beijing, he sent a note to the India Cabinet secretary, requesting him to issue a “classified circular advisory advising all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India as well as State Governments not to accept any invitation or to participate in the events being organized by the ‘Dalai Lama set-up’ to commemorate the start of the 60 years of exile of the Dalai Lama in India.”
As a result of this, the “Thank You India” event in Delhi was cancelled under advisement from Delhi, the CTA were forced to relocate it to tiny Dharamsala where it was eventually held on a very small scale at the Dalai Lama’s temple complex, the Tsuglhagkhang. From a planned Delhi extravaganza, it was in effect downgraded to a provincial event held at the CTA’s usual venues for all of their events.
Given this backdrop, could His Holiness the Dalai Lama be manifesting desperation to return to China, to the extent of straining the relationship between Delhi and Dharamsala?
All this could be worthwhile if, as Mr Kranti says, it led to the “simple implementation of Chinese agenda which would mean a permanent closure of the dispute between Tibet and its colonial masters in Beijing.” If the dispute between the Tibetans and Beijing can see closure, then the current reset in relations between India and China will also move up more quickly as there will no longer be the question of the Dalai Lama in India to hamper Sino-Indian ties.
But it will be too naïve and unkind to Dharamsala if all the blame for such developments is heaped exclusively on CTA or Dalai Lama. It is no secret that over past six decades of Dalai Lama’s presence in India, the MEA has been perpetually as a loss and confused in evolving or adopting a well-defined policy on Tibet — not even about the status of Dalai Lama, his activities and the scope of cooperation between him and the Indian government.
India abstained from and refused to support the first two resolutions in 1959 and 1961 in the UNO which condemned China for serious abrogation of human rights in Tibet. Rather, India stopped the rest of world from raising the issue of Tibet in the UNO. But following India-China war of 1962 India voted in favour of the same resolution when it was pressed third time in 1965. Indian representative Rafiq Zakaria’s strong statement against Chinese conduct inside occupied Tibet came as a pleasant surprise to the anti-China lobbies across the world. In later years also there have been many occasions when New Delhi allowed, rather facilitated, Dalai Lama’s visits to Arunachal Pradesh despite strong threats and reactions from China.
Comment: India has been put in an increasingly difficult position as its hosting of Tibetans for almost 60 years has had mixed results which have changed over time.
In the beginning and right up to about a decade or more ago, India benefited both tangibly and intangibly by positioning itself as a huge democratic nation which supported democratic causes. Hosting the Dalai Lama and his people added greatly to this projection. Being the generous host of the Dalai Lama and his exiled people, India was welcomed by all Western and democratic nations in the world. They were after all on the same side.

A comic taken from the Internet that depicts the truth behind Tibetan ‘democracy’.
Indeed, after at first abstaining from and refusing to support resolutions in the United Nations which condemned China for human rights violations as Mr Kranti details above, India then began using the Tibetan issue more outwardly. It became more apparent that India were using the Dalai Lama’s presence in their country as a political card; that is, the Dalai Lama is there to remind China that India as a sovereign nation will make her own decisions and host whomever she likes, and there is nothing China can do about it.
In more recent years, the Dalai Lama has taken on more of an agent provocateur role, allowing India to use him in a more hawkish manner, for example, when they facilitated the “Dalai Lama’s visits to Arunachal Pradesh despite strong threats and reactions from China”. With the Dalai Lama willing to be party to such a hostile and antagonistic approach in Sino-Indian relations, as a result there was no chance that the Tibetan issue could have been resolved because the Dalai Lama showed his willingness to fulfil the “splittist” role that the Chinese leadership view him in.
In the aftermath of 1962 war the Indian government went to the extent of raising an exclusive ‘Special Frontier Force’ (SFF) in the Indian Army which worked directly under the Cabinet Secretariat and has been popularly known as ‘Establishment-22’. In the Bangladesh liberation war during 1970-71 period a sizeable contingent of Tibetan ‘22’ guerrilla soldiers was secretly assigned the job of liberating the Tripura-Chittagong sector. Interestingly, the field operations of this secret contingent were personally supervised by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi herself.
On the day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took oath in Rashrapati Bhawan in the presence of all heads of state from South Asia except China, the presence of Tibetan Sikyong Dr. Sangay in the VVIP enclosure gave indication that a brand new and different Tibet policy was in the offing. But later developments, especially the latest instructions of the NDA government to ignore ‘Thank You India’ have only confused the observers, and Dalai Lama too.
This sudden announcement by Dr. Sangay calling for Dalai Lama’s return to Chinese controlled Tibet has surprised many observers and institutions who have been keenly watching the Tibet-China-India triangle over past few decades. The uncommon attention that these remarks of the Sekyong has received, has prompted some other seniors in Dharamsala to suggest that it is nothing more than an off the cuff retort to New Delhi’s latest humiliating decision. Responding to my pointed question about Dalai Lama’s personal position on this issue, two prominent Tibetans who sit on two extreme ends of the ongoing political debate among the community disagreed with Dr. Sangay’s agenda.
Comment: China has over the last two decades become an economic superpower, standing practically shoulder to shoulder with the United States in terms of material production and consumption. Its economic and bilateral relations with many countries has upped and expanded.

Mr Vijay Kranti
This has destabilized Europe and America from their axis/hegemony. A new world order has emerged where relations with China can no longer be ignored or put on the backburner by labelling the country an insignificant market. In fact, China has become THE market for any business or country serious about expansion.
Within India, as Mr Kranti astutely observes, this adjustment process is currently underway. But for the Tibetans, the most significant part of Mr Kranti’s observations is that it paints the Indian approach towards the Tibetan question as erratic and inconsistent. One moment, Indian leaders are welcoming Dr Sangay as an equal and in the next moment, he is persona non grata, discarded in favor of a bilateral relationship with China.
For the Tibetan leadership, this must surely impose a feeling of instability and unreliability. Mr Kranti’s analysis simply highlights the precariousness and lack of control over their situation and future.
Tenzin Tsundue (43) is the most visible and vocal signature of Tibetan ‘Rangzen’ movement, which stands for complete independence for Tibet as opposed to Dalai Lama’s ‘Middle Path’ for ‘genuine autonomy’. He says, “HH (Dalai Lama) is still the boss, not Sikyong. Lobsang Sangay’s showing the face in the media, on stage, being the head of CTA is still nominal and has little meaning. HH calls the shots.” Emphasizing his faith Dalai Lama’s wisdom he says, “please don’t underestimate HH’s political wisdom.”
Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche (81) a senior monk statesman out rightly rejected the idea of any plans to send back Dalai Lama to China or Tibet. Both of them remind that during his countless world tours the Dalai Lama has been always presenting India in a very positive light in his public speeches and one to one discussions with heads of state. Both of them regret that India could have used the international goodwill of Dalai Lama in enhancing its own interests in the world politics. The Dalai Lama has recently nominated Prof. Rinpoche and Dr. Sangay as his personal envoys to take ahead Dharamsala-Beijing ‘dialogue’.
Whatever be the reality behind the prevailing confusion but one thing is clear. Neither Dalai Lama nor India can afford his slipping into Chinese lap at this delicate moment of Tibetan history. A dramatic decision like this will leave Dalai Lama, Tibet and Tibetan people completely at the mercy of Chinese whose previous record on their promises to Tibet is only too well known. By returning either permanently or even as a ‘pilgrim guest’ of a country (China) whose atrocities made him flee to exile, Dalai Lama will lose his legal and moral qualification as a ‘refugee’.
Comment: Herein lies one of the most significant statements in Mr Kranti’s analysis – it records a Tibetan stating very clearly that the Dalai Lama is in control, and that Lobsang Sangay is just a figurehead.
This statement is extremely significant because first of all, it is being made by a prominent activist who is known to have insider knowledge into the workings of the Tibetan leadership. It is also significant because it is being made by someone who does not have any known links to China and therefore cannot be accused of such i.e. his assessment of Lobsang Sangay’s role and the Dalai Lama’s ongoing control is unbiased and he cannot be accused of trying to undermine Lobsang Sangay to further China’s interests.
Tenzin Tsundue’s statement echoes those which have been made all along by many other parties who were more easily dismissed than Tsundue himself. That is, Lobsang Sangay is not truly in power, the Tibetan leadership have not moved on towards a democracy, and the Dalai Lama is still the one in control. In essence, Tsundue’s comment debunks everything the Dalai Lama has been promoting to his Western audiences about the Tibetan leadership and their movement towards democracy.

Tenzin Tsundue, a passionate and strong advocate of Tibetan independence (rangzen).
This means that whatever Lobsang Sangay says is controlled, approved and perhaps even dictated by the Dalai Lama. If Lobsang Sangay says the Dalai Lama had dreams, it is because the Dalai Lama told him to do so; if Lobsang Sangay says the Dalai Lama is willing to negotiate with China to return to Tibet, it is because he was told to do so. Lobsang Sangay, for all of his posturing and travels, is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the real leader in charge of the Tibetan leadership.
Therefore, where is the democracy or segregation of power if the Dalai Lama alone is still the one in power? The situation is pretty much akin to the time of the last Empress of China. It was still the Empress who ruled behind the suspended curtain, pulling the strings of the puppet on the throne.
All of this may answer why the Dalai Lama appears to be in such a hurry to return to Tibet. Clearly if Lobsang Sangay has no real power or control now, then after the Dalai Lama’s passing, Lobsang Sangay will not be capable of leading the Tibetans or of making progress in the CTA’s political goals. Having projected into the future and seen this inevitability, the Dalai Lama may now be trying to push for some kind of resolution with the Chinese because once he is no longer around, he knows Lobsang Sangay will not be able to accomplish much.
So desperate is the Dalai Lama to negotiate with the Chinese that he not only nominates personal envoys “to take ahead Dharamsala-Beijing ‘dialogue’” but the Dalai Lama is also willing to “lose his legal and moral qualification as a ‘refugee’” if he returns to China. The question is, why is the wise Dalai Lama doing so? Why not before but now?
Tibetan people may be happy to see their ‘Yeshi Norbu’ (meaning Precious-Gem and a common name for Dalai Lama) with their own eyes in their current life time. But this privilege will come at the cost of losing the momentum and courage of standing up against the tyranny for their colonial masters once they see their leader patching up with China. More than 150 Tibetans have committed self immolation inside Tibet against Chinese rule in recent years. The international Tibet support movement which has taken roots across the world over past six decades will die instantly and it cannot be revived in future if China ever goes back on its promises to Dalai Lama. His visit or return will permanently seal the fate of Tibet as an integral part of China and Beijing will get the license of nominating the future Dalai Lamas too.
By segregating the political and religious titles of the institution of Dalai Lama and handing over all his political powers to the elected representatives of Tibetans, the Dalai Lama had already given an endless shelf life to the Tibetan struggle and the institution of Dalai Lama itself. Sadly, his return to China will kill this achievement in its infancy.
Comment: Mr Kranti is clear about what will happen if the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet – it will mean the end of any campaign to gain independence or meaningful autonomy for the Tibetans, because the Dalai Lama will have given up any political capital he currently possesses. Everything the Tibetans have fought for over the “past six decades will die instantly”, with no hope of a future revival.
The fact Mr Kranti pins the Tibetan future solely on the Dalai Lama, and leaves no room for consideration regarding Lobsang Sangay’s capabilities reflects the commonly-held belief that Lobsang Sangay has not shown much political wisdom or maturity, and the Dalai Lama is still in charge. This is clearly exemplified by Lobsang Sangay’s statements about fulfilling the prophecy that His Holiness will return to Tibet. Despite his insistence that he is the leader of a democratic administration, it is clear Lobsang Sangay is not on equal standing with other democratic leaders because he talks about dreams, thereby demonstrating his failure to grow out of pre-1959 Tibet’s habit of referring to mystical prophecies. After all, what kind of politically mature leader bases their decisions on dreams?
For India also, too big things are at stake to sit idle and allow the influential lobbies of Dharamsala to hand over a living Dalai Lama on a platter to China. With the return of Dalai Lama to Tibet or China all chances, whatever remote, of rehabilitating Tibet as a buffer between India and a quarrelsome China would be lost forever. But worst fall out of this Dharamsala-Beijing marriage will be the sudden transformation of the Himalayan states of India from India’s ‘first defence post’ to the Chinese front post of aggression because the local Buddhist populations have deeper religious bonds and relations with the Tibetan Buddhist system and monasteries inside Tibet than with the Indian plains.
Dr. Sangay’s statement has only further confirmed fears among many observers that an influential section among the Tibetan exile leadership is desperate about cobbling up a deal with China on whatever terms. The very first negotiation point in this deal, as already declared by Dr. Sangay, is bound to be the return of Dalai Lama. Leaving Dalai Lama to the mercy of such lobbies will be a national hara-kiri on the part of Indian government. Rather, it would be much wiser for New Delhi to become pro-active on this front. By taking reasonable interest in the Dharamsala-Beijing dialogue New Delhi will not only strengthen Dalai Lama’s hands, but it will also give India enough elbow room to ensure its own interests in any prospective deal remain safe.
For New Delhi to start with, one not-so difficult move can be to publicly acknowledge Dalai Lama’s personal and institutional contributions to the Indian cultural and philosophic though process and to bestow upon him the ‘Bharat Ratna.’ After all, if India can honour friendly foreigners like Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teressa with this Bharat-Ratna, then Dalai Lama’s name sound equally, if not more befitting. On the diplomatic front too, such a step will not only enhance the shelf life of Tibetan issue and value of Dalai Lama for India, it will be a very Gandhian and befitting response to China’s aggressive postures against India.
Comment: Mr Kranti hits the nail on the head with his final paragraphs. However, it seems foolhardy and risky to Sino-Tibetan relations to bestow upon the Dalai Lama any awards when his ongoing presence in India endangers the country’s welfare in a way that Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa never did. Unlike these great laureates and personalities who contributed to India, the CTA’s comments and actions consistently serve to antagonize China, with no concern or attention paid towards how it will affect India.

Left to right: Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa
Regardless of whatever awards India wishes to bestow upon the Dalai Lama, ultimately, India must protect her interests and wrest back control of the Tibetan administration. As guests of India, and as foreigners who refuse to become Indian citizens or integrate into Indian society after 60 years, the Tibetans and their pseudo-leader Lobsang Sangay should not be allowed to make comments which will dictate, influence or affect the course of Indian foreign policy. If Lobsang Sangay and the Dalai Lama wish to give up their influence in favor of a return to China, that is their decision but it should not come at the cost of Indian interests. India, after all, has the welfare of 1.3 billion citizens to safeguard and the activities of 100,000 Tibetans should not be allowed to adversely impact this.
The rise of China as a world superpower turned the tables on India as the host of Tibetans living in exile, and scuppered the Tibetans’ opportunities to continue hiding behind India as they provoked China.
While in the past, it was beneficial to criticize China regarding the Tibetan issue or to allow the Tibetan leadership in India to do so as this would be very positively received by Western nations who controlled a large amount of trade with India, this is not the case anymore.
Indeed, it has been rather hypocritical for India to side with the West with regards to the Tibetan issue, and to support the West’s opposition to China’s growth, all the while disregarding the fact it was the West who pillaged dozens of nations in the history of the world, India included.
Today, if Tibetans, after almost 60 years of living in India, do anything to jeopardize the future economic development prospects of India by continuing to antagonize the new superpower China, Indians will feel insulted because Tibetans are ungrateful for all that India has provided them. This point needs to be etched into the minds of all Tibetans because President Xi Jinping has said in no uncertain terms that no one will desecrate China again and take a single cent of Chinese money.
It is time that the CTA takes serious stock of their situation, and thoroughly explores the options still open to them. Six decades of living off India and the rest of the world have made them complacent and with China racing fast to the finish line, making friends and money along the way, pretty soon the Tibetans will just be a speck on the horizon, serving as just another inconsequential issue to be relegated to the history books.
Tibetan Review: Will Dalai Lama Return to China
CTA will lose
June 10, 2018
Vijay Kranti, a senior journalist, Tibetologist, and Chairman of the Centre for Himalayan Asia Studies & Engagement (CHASE) has really excellent conclusions for the Tibetans and Dalai Lama. The article was powerful, well thought out and extremely cohesive. I find what he concluded believable as the trend is heading that direction. Kranti actually spells doom for the Dalai Lama and Tibetan diaspora. ☹️
June 11, 2018
We Indians are happy Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. It is high time after living free in India for 60 years and bringing us more trouble with China. 😒
Utsang Nyima
June 12, 2018
Vijay Kranti is an intellecutal and deep thinker. I enjoyed reading his thoughts on the Tibetans here and I agree with most of what he says. I hope to see more of Vijay Kranti’s works here. 👍
J. Sommerset
June 12, 2018
I have been reading from this comprehensive, authoritative and very unbiased website for the last 6 years. I usually spend a few hours a week here. There is no other site so comprehensive on the Dorje Shugden, Tibetan, Dalai Lama, Tibetan govt in exile, India and China issues. The writing here is raw, real and uncensored.
Kudos to the people behind this website. I have made a donation to keep you all going.
I loved the commentary on Mr. Vijay Kranti’s writing. Both the summary and Mr. Kranti’s writing gave me so much more insight.
July 4, 2018
July 4, 2018
Hey J,
Great to know that someone who find this website informative,.realiable & unbiased, me too having the same experience.
Every argument & debate are purely based on facts & evidences. Great read
June 13, 2018
Ex-Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche caught sleeping in a meeting
The representative of the Dalai Lama and former prime minister of the Tibetan government in-exile Samdhong Rinpoche during an important meeting having a nice sleep. The Tibetan government in-exile are run by people like this who have no control over their body and manners. They only stay awake in the meeting if there is FREE aid money coming their way to line their pockets. Shameful how Samdong Rinpoche is sleeping in the middle of a meeting and he represents the Tibetan government in-exile. This is why after 60 years Tibetan leaders have failed to get Tibet back but blame others for their failures. Shame!
Tsultrim Choephel
June 16, 2018
This r share on the WeChat 🙏 lama la chab su chio gyen dun la chab su chio
Eli Buchen
June 17, 2018
Yes Gyalwa Rinpoche will be returning to China, once he gets the chance and there isn’t much India can do about it.
I guess the Dalai Lama has been hearing much analysis and news that India plans to warm up to China for a very long time.
Dorji Damdu
June 28, 2018
The Dalai Lama has emerged as the biggest talking point during informal Sino-Indian bilateral talks during 2018, such as the Wuhan Summit. This is all due to concerns related to the Dalai Lama’s health. China wants the Dalai Lama to travel to Tibet, knowing that it would most probably be a one-way ticket. India on the other hand initiated the talks, shunning the Dalai Lama and kowtowed to China’s rising power. Their aim was to strike a deal to resolve border issues.
Sonam Wangchuk
June 28, 2018
The Central Tibetan Administration may be delighted to read the Daily O’s claim that His Holiness the Dalai Lama was the main subject of discussion during the recent informal summit in Wuhan between Prime Minister Modi of India and President Xi of China. However, it is said that the discussion was prompted by the Dalai Lama’s ailing health, and that China and India entered into discussion to avoid a sequel to the 73-day stand-off between two countries. Perhaps the dialogue between His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s representatives and Beijing may finally resume since Prime Minister Modi and President Xi are being brought into the picture.
June 29, 2018
June 29, 2018
I do hope Dalai Lama can go back Tibet China, that’s his homeland and all Tibetans in exile should go back to their home too. Nobody likes to be a refugee for so long, time to go back dudes. 👍
June 29, 2018
TAR has turned out to be a very advanced region in China. Tourism is a great asset, Tibetan culture is preserved, education, infrastructure etc are all very well planned and implemented. What are the worries for tibetans in exile not to return? what is the set back? Being a refugee for 60 years is embarrassing, no?
Yangdon Dhondup
June 29, 2018
Here is another article that gives a bleak assessment of the situation regarding the Dalai Lama and of the Tibetan cause. It mentions clearly how Tibet is losing out to China and why. It also explains why Lobsang Sangay is feebly respected by the Tibetan diaspora. The articles does not foretell good news for the Tibetan diaspora, in fact it does not even give a possible outcome for what is going to happen to them. It shows how the Dalai Lama is losing influence over world leaders from countries like the Netherlands to the United States. Such articles are becoming increasingly common because they reflect the situation for the Tibetans in-exile and their leaders.
July 4, 2018
Why India so kind to CTA they always criticize China & talk bad only.India want to make friends with China but India let CTA behave like hooligans.If CTA listen to HHDL then why they talk rubbish about china since HHDL want to go back TAR.Wouldnt it make the relationship not good.Why jeopardize when want to make friends isn’t that stupid.It is good if the HHDL & Tibetans go back tar so no more useless rubbish CTA.Make everything bad
Tenzin K
July 4, 2018
The wish of Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet is not just about Dalai Lama but the Tibetan leadership plays an important role to make it happen. Stop condemning China and try to make friend with them is one of the way to pave a smooth journey. Many Tibetans still holding with hope for the return of Dalai Lama.
July 4, 2018
“The Dalai Lama’s third dream, Lobsang Sangay said, was of him returning to the Potala palace filled with light and ‘reunited with Tibetan people’… This third dream will also come true by karmic design. We must all make efforts for His Holiness’ dream to return to the Potala palace come true, Sangay added.”
Really? What karmic design are you taking about Lobsang Sangay? You and everyone in CTA have created the karma for the Dalai Lama not to return to Tibet with the inhumane ways you treat Dorje Shugden followers. It could be you did not want the Dalai Lama to return to Potala palace because it would mean you would be closely watched by the Chinese government thus reducing the chances for CTA to ask for money from other countries and sympathetic philanthropists. Also, the political power you are now enjoying would be greatly diminished.
Britney Blade
July 4, 2018
If Dalai Lama returned back to Tibet, is the end of the CTA. CTA will be losing all the powers in the hand of China and is a power obliteration of CTA.

July 4, 2018
If Dalai Lama returns to China, I feel it will path the way for Tibetans to return to Tibet and possibility of autonomy. So maybe it is not surprising to see Lobsang Sangay making this unorthodox statement reckoning Dalai Lama could be back in His Holiness’ homeland, Tibet.

Tenzin Sangye
July 4, 2018
His Holiness Dalai Lama go back to China Tibet is important to end 60 year of exile.Many tibetan refugee will be in peace of mind. Look at what Lobsang Sangye did to tibetan in exile, Is totally not accepteble to please the Tibetan. H.H Dalai Lama return back to main land China. No more CTA . Will be much better tibetan can reunion with China. Wish will happening soon.
July 4, 2018
I like the comments in this article that “Lobsang Sangay is blameless because he has made it clear what the Dalai Lama’s wishes are, and it is up to everyone else to make it come true.” The actual fact is Lobsang Sangay is using this particular “wishes” to gain benefits for himself and few peoples. We all know that the China has now become the world superpower and it resulted the cards in the hands of Tibetan leadership can play are becoming more and more limited. If the HH Dalai Lama does not return to China in his lifetime, not only Dalai, but even the entire group behind him ie Tibetans in exile will become stateless, no identity and no one will care about them, so bad…..
July 5, 2018
It would be good news when HH Dalai Lama would go back to Tibet as so many Tibetan people are waiting for his return to China.
Much time has passed already and there should be some progress on this already.

Dondrup Shugden
July 8, 2018
As a Buddhist of the Tibetan tradition, it is our sincere prayer that the Dalai Lama return to China and live at the Potala Palace which is the natural palace of abode for the Dalai Lama.
The time since Dalai Lama left Tibet, China, was long ago and since then there had been no development in any manner to the status of Tibetans in exile and nor the Dalai Lama.
What then are the obstacles facing them? Spiritually we talk about the “bigger” picture from the wisdom of the Dalai Lama of which we simple ignorant beings are incapable of comprehending and just accept things as they are.
Adding on is the mysteries and non transparent declarations by the Sikyong Sangay over dreams and karmic repercussions. At the same time Sikyong Sangay seem to throw all responsibilities to the imagination of the public’s confused minds. Minds confused by the lack of transparency and non fulfilment of promises by CTA.
It is my sincere wish that CTA and its leadership just keep to their function and deliver what the Dalai Lama wishes that is to return to China.
Nothing is impossible when you deal with a raising world power whose reputation and responsibilities are place on a stage for the world to see. Not impossible as long as CTA’s agenda is firm and not cause chaos for China.
Tsering Drolhma
July 8, 2018
July 2018-NYC- Tibetans fighting at some birthday celebratory event for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They set up a throne in the back, place Dalai Lama’s picture, and they fight, push, shout, scream at each other right in front of the throne of Dalai Lama and it’s filmed. That is the level of the Tibetans overall. Tibetans are not gentle, Buddhist, peace-loving, tolerant people as they portray to the world. They are rough, rude, hateful, vengeful, violent, regionalistic, narrow minded and will create trouble wherever they go. Very feudal. They always resort to vulgar words and violence. There are some moderate Tibetans, but on the whole they are very violent people who do not practice Buddhism. The average Tibetan know nothing of Buddhism and do not practice. Buddhism is just a meal ticket for them to get to another country. Their support of Dalai Lama is blind and only to be politically correct and they never practice what he teaches. Disgraceful to see a group of violent Tibetans fighting at a Dalai Lama birthday event. Shameful.☹️
Tibetans are not welcomed wherever they go. Bhutanese kicked them out. Nepal hates Tibetans. India has no more use for the ‘refugee’ Tibetans and their temples made of gold. After 60 years they cannot get their own country back. What a bunch of losers and useless government people they have.
Tsering Drolhma
July 14, 2018
The letter:
It is about the incident that happened at His Holiness’s birthday celebration in NYC recently July 6, 2018. Some members of Tibetan woman association approached to Parliamentarian Tenpa Yarphel during the ceremony and complained that his comments regarding Nechung was disrespect to the protector and His Holiness. They also said him that he made many Tibetan people sad with his comments. And told him not to do that again in the future. Then Dhondup Tseten stood up and shamelessly touched those women. That incident almost made the ceremony stopped. To keep maintaining the relationship between Tibetan Woman Association and Tibetan Parliament Representative, TWA are asking for a apology letter from Dhondup Tseten for touching their members.
(It is so sad that in the fake democracy of the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala you cannot say anything against a leader or criticize. Too bad)
Jing Jing
July 9, 2018
Nevermind cannot get the country back but at least manage the Tibetan community in india sincerely and well. Instead benefiting the people, Tibetan leadership is using the people to get fund and donation from the west. I think the Dorje Shugden ban created lots of problem in Tibet, China by splitting the Tibetan which against the China’s policy. Hence I do not see any chance that China will allow HHDL to return to China. because once HHDL stepped in Tibet, Tibetan will get even more confused and violence which China would not want that.
Carolle McAquire
July 11, 2018
Dalai Lama for debate, discussion to reconcile opposing viewpoints
The Dalai Lama always says we should have honest face to face discussion so misunderstandings are resolved especially on religious issues. Why does the Dalai Lama refuse to meet the Dorje Shugden followers who number in the hundreds of thousands to resolve the Dorje Shugden issue. Many letters have been submitted to request audience since 1996 and he and his office does not reply. Dalai Lama’s spirit of open debate and resolutions is not across the board. Too bad. Carolle McAquire
Bonnie Fider
July 11, 2018
As long as you are friends with the Dalai Lama, your actions are excusable, no matter how horrendous they may be. Even something as heinous as sexual abuse of over 60 women can be overlooked when the perpetrator is friends with the Dalai Lama namely Sogyal Rinpoche. Why rush to join the chorus of Hollywood voices condemning Harvey Weinstein’s criminality, but remain silent against Sogyal’s exploitation and abuse of women? Richard Gere was vocal in condemning against all the abuses and attacks against women by Harvey Weinstein. But silent on Sogyal Rinpoche. BBC has a full length documentary on Sogyal’s abuses as you can view here: Yet Richard Gere can take photos with the disgusting and abusive Sogyal. Is it because one group of women are worth protecting and the other are not? If it is not for that reason, then it can only be because Sogyal is the Dalai Lama’s friend. The Dalai Lama’s condemnation against Sogyal is very light and it’s disappointing. I guess since Dalai Lama supported Sogyal so much, he can’t be seen as wrong in doing so. Politics is sad.
Sherab Wangmo
July 12, 2018
Tenma deity takes trance of her oracle in Nechung Monastery in Dharamsala, North India. The deity is highly displeased and angry at Sikyong Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering. She is scolding them by waving her arms at them and throwing rice at them. You can see Penpa Tsering shielding himself. These two has always been corrupt and extremely self-serving. Naturally the oracles of the Dalai Lama take trance and are very angry.
Suresh Ratna
July 12, 2018
SUMAA has been consistent in their efforts to evict Tibetans from Arunachal Pradesh as the Tibetans are known to exploit benefits given to locals. The Central Tibetan Administration, especially their so-called ‘president’ Lobsang Sangay, made the situation worse by rubbing salt in the wound, making a statement that Chief Minister Pema Khandu is an ardent follower of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a lifelong friend of the Tibetan people. This was right after Khandu announced the adoption of the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy in Arunachal Pradesh.
Tibetan refugees create a lot of problems for the locals no matter where they are, especially in Arunachal Pradesh. They take the locals’ land and resources without giving anything in return, making the locals furious to the extent that they are now demanding a written undertaking from the Tibetan refugees not to claim Indian citizenship and STC/PRC in Arunachal Pradesh. It is time to impeach Sangay for a better leader to guide and take care of the Tibetans in India before the wrath of locals evict Tibetans from the state or even the country for good.
Christie Donald
July 14, 2018
Hollywood is one of the most influential groups of people who have promoted the mysticism of Buddhist Tantra to the world. Together with the media, they have packaged Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan lamas into a fantasy Utopia, filled with God-like beings who are able to lead people along the quick path to enlightenment.
This propaganda has been widely exploited by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to garner support, especially financial aid, for the so-called Tibetan Cause and the Tibetan struggle against Chinese rule. Little does the West, including Richard Gere and the so-called Buddhist Professor Robert Thurman, know that efforts from China to improve the infrastructure and standard of living for the Tibetans in China have created opportunities for Tibetans to grow and be successful. This is something that is rarely seen in exile under the governance of the CTA.
This false image that has been promoted for the past 60 years or so is now slowly fading away as more and more victims come forward, exposing the sexual abuse they have suffered under the hands of Tibetan lamas like Sogyal Rinpoche. The root of the problem is clear, people are greedy and lazy while wanting quick success and attention. Since they get these from the Tibetan lamas like Sogyal, they are willing to accept the exploitation. This is further driven by fear that they would no longer be seen as the privileged ones in the inner circle if they do not clutch at their lamas and be seen showing tremendous devotion to their gurus. With only a superficial knowledge of Buddhism, this cult-like group of Hollywood stars and American politicians like Richard Gere continue to generate respect and love for their skewed version of the “Dharma”, while real Buddhist masters are relegated to the side lines.
July 25, 2018
Actually, what is more important to CTA? The welfare and the future of the Tibetans in-exile or the Dalai Lama? Even though the Dalai Lama is not the political head anymore, but CTA always makes the plan and the direction based on Dalai Lama’s wish. When the Dalai Lama said he wanted Tibet to be an independent state, CTA followed the direction. Then the Dalai Lama said he only wanted Tibet to have the autonomous status, CTA again agrees.
There was no parliament debate, no analysis of the pros and cons, no clear directions to the Tibetans. This is how democracy is being practiced in CTA.
What exactly is CTA going to do? Is there a plan? What is there for the Tibetan in-exile? Tibetans have to realise this is critical, if the situation with India does not improve, they might lose their shelter.
July 26, 2018
Tai Situpa’s Karmapa candidate’s escape to USA and continued stay in USA is a huge embarrassment to the Dalai Lama and Tibetan government in exile. The Karmapa said he is very sad with his situation in his recent video (
August 4, 2018
While the government of Nepal has framed a policy to tighten the noose around non-governmental organisations, they have welcomed 30 Chinese NGOs to enter the country. These NGOs will penetrate the country’s social sector at the grassroots level. This is the first time such a large number of Chinese NGOs have entered Nepal at one time. Nepal is increasingly open to Chinese influence, a sign that ties between both countries are strengthening, while India’s influence is being reduced. The time has passed for India’s monopoly to remain uninterrupted in Nepal as opportunities to engage with China are being welcomed.
August 4, 2018
Why doesn’t the United States and its allies end Refugee Status for the useless Tibetans? They have been refugees for 60 years now and don’t tell me they still cannot get their lives back in order?
Tibetans really know how to put on a good show and use people, take their money and do nothing in return.
Dalai Lama wants Tibet to be part of China
August 7, 2018
Dalai Lama says returning to China is better for Tibetans-What do rangzen (Tibet Independence fighters) people fighting for Tibet’s freedom do now??? Have we wasted our time?
Suddenly the Dalai Lama keeps insisting he wants to be a part of China. How about all the tens of millions of dollars in money and so much time and resource poured into the Free Tibet movement for 57 years in exile. Is that all wasted? Is that all down the drain? How can the Dalai Lama turn around on us like that?
If Dalai Lama returns to Tibet/China, then he is telling the world China is good for Tibetans and we Tibetans want to be a part of China. Is that correct? So Dalai Lama is telling the world that Tibet is a part of China? After so many years of saying we want independence and our country was eaten and now Dalai Lama is sending what message to the world?
How will India feel after hosting the Dalai Lama for so many years? – This one minute video shows the Dalai Lama August 2018 saying he feels Tibet should be a part of China! -
Dalai Lama wants Tibet to be part of China
August 8, 2018
Dalai Lama says returning to China is better for Tibetans-What do rangzen (Tibet Independence fighters) people fighting for Tibet’s freedom do now??? Have we wasted our time?
Suddenly the Dalai Lama keeps insisting he wants to be a part of China. How about all the tens of millions of dollars in money and so much time and resource poured into the Free Tibet movement for 57 years in exile. Is that all wasted? Is that all down the drain? How can the Dalai Lama turn around on us like that?
If Dalai Lama returns to Tibet/China, then he is telling the world China is good for Tibetans and we Tibetans want to be a part of China. Is that correct? So Dalai Lama is telling the world that Tibet is a part of China? After so many years of saying we want independence and our country was eaten and now Dalai Lama is sending what message to the world?
How will India feel after hosting the Dalai Lama for so many years? – This one minute video shows the Dalai Lama August 2018 saying he feels Tibet should be a part of China!
Jampa Lhundup
August 8, 2018
The Nikkei Asian Review is a highly reputable news platform. They are not tabloid in any sense of the word. What they publish is reputable and thoroughly reliable. They mention clearly in an article published August 7, 2018 that the Dalai Lama has a terminal illness. The Prime Minister of India knowing this is now conciliatory towards China. He understands that the Dalai Lama cannot be used as a pawn in irritating China any further. Negotiations are progressing that after the passing of Dalai Lama, his government in-exile will close. The end.
Lhakpa Dhendup
August 10, 2018
What will the all the people around the world and in Tibet do now? Dalai Lama says he is happy that Tibet is a part of China and should remain a part of China. So many Tibetans self-immolated for Tibet to be independent and now Dalai Lama did a 360 degree turn and says he wants to go back to Tibet and China and Tibet should be a part of China. So unbelievable. So many are angry and disappointed.
Dalai Lama should set things right
August 12, 2018
Dear Dalai Lama,
Since you started the cruel ban against the 350 year Dorje Shugden practice, how has it benefit your Tibetan society and Buddhism in the world? Things have become worse and most educated Tibetans can see this. They don’t speak out not because they don’t see your ban as wrong, but you instill fear in them and not respect. It is like fear of a dictator. I am sorry to say so. Everyone is divided. There is no harmony. Before your ban there was more harmony and unity.
By enacting the ban, you split the monasteries, split so many families, split regions in Tibet apart, split your disciples from you, split your own gurus from you, split Tibetan Buddhism apart. You have created so much disharmony.
It is not democratic what you have done to ban a religion within your community. You always talk of tolerance and acceptance and democracy and yet you do not accept and tolerate something different from your beliefs. When people practice Dorje Shugden you ostracize them, ban them from seeing you, ban them from using Tibetan facilities. You know you have done that. There are videos that capture your speech and prove this point. You even had people expelled from monasteries just because they practice Dorje Shugden. Some of the monks you expelled have been in the monastery for over 40 years. Many older monks shed tears because of this.
Many young educated Tibetans lost confidence in you as they saw the damage the Dorje Shugden ban created and they lose hope. Many have become free thinkers. They reject what you have done. So many people in the west left Buddhism because of the confusion you created with this ban against Dorje Shugden which is immoral.
You could of had millions of people who practice Dorje Shugden to support, love and follow you, but you scared them away. They are hurt and very disappointed. They loved you and respected you deeply before the ban. It has been 60 years and you have failed to get Tibet back. Your biggest failure is not getting Tibet back after 57 years in exile. Now you are begging China to allow you to return to Tibet to the disappointment of thousands of people who fought for a free Tibet believing in you. So many self-immolated for a free Tibet and now you want Tibet to be a part of China with no referendum from Tibetans. Just like a dictator, you decide on your own. It was your government and you that lost Tibet in the first place. Your policies and style of doing things do not benefit Tibet and Buddhism. You have been the sole ruler of Tibet your whole life and you still have not gotten our country of Tibet back for us. Our families and us are separated. Yet you create more pain by creating a ban to further divide people. Please have compassion.
No other Buddhist leader has banned or condemned any religion except for you. It looks very bad. You are a Nobel laureate and this is not fitting of a laureate. You should unite people and not separate them by religious differences.
You said Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi did not do right to the Rohingya people in Myanmar due to religious differences, but you are doing the same thing to the Shugden Buddhists within your own society. There is a parallel in this. You separate the Shugden Buddhists from the others in Tibetan society.
You have lost so many people who would have loved and supported you. You have lost so much support around the world. The Shugden Buddhists who love you number in the millions. When you are fast losing support from governments and private people, it will not do you well to lose more.
After you are passed away in the future, the rift you created between the Dorje Shugden and non-Dorje Shugden people will remain for a while and that will be your legacy. Disharmony. You will be remembered for this. Not as a hero but a disharmony creator.
Dorje Shugden will spread and further grow, but you will be no more as you are a human. No one wishes you bad and in fact we hope you have a long and healthy life, but we have lost so much hope and have so much despair because of you. All the hundreds of Dorje Shugden lamas, tulkus and geshes are maturing and there are hundreds of Dorje Shugden monasteries in Tibet who will not give up Dorje Shugden. You have made a mistake. These hundreds of teachers and teachers to be will spread Dorje Shugden further in the future.
The gurus that gave us Dorje Shugden as a spiritual practice and you have called these holy gurus wrong and they are mistaken in giving us Dorje Shugden. How can you insult our gurus whom we respect so much? If they can be wrong, then you can be wrong. Then all gurus can be wrong. So no one needs to listen to any guru? You have created this trend. It is not healthy. Your own gurus practiced Dorje Shugden their whole lives. Your own gurus were exemplary and highly learned.
Dalai Lama you have created so much pain with this ban against so many people due to religion. You are ageing fast. Are you going to do anything about it or stay stubborn, hard and un-moving. You show a smile and preach peace and harmony wherever you go. But will you do the same to your own people? Please rectify the wrong you have done. Please before it is too late. You can create harmony again or you can pass away in the future with this legacy of peace. May you live long and think carefully and admit what was a mistake in having this unethical ban against Dorje Shugden religion.
August 14, 2018
Supreme Court of India JUSTICE Mr. MARKANDEY KATJU (RETD) writes that Tibet is much better under the Chinese than it was under the lamas who only wanted to make the populace slaves. It was feudal and it will never return to the backwardness again.
August 20, 2018
The cracks in Tibetan society are starting to show, and it is now coming to the attention of local Indians who have all but identified the Tibetan leadership as the source of the divisions. According to this author, disunity amongst the Tibetans is now creating problems for Indian law enforcement agencies, and this disunity may culminate in young Tibetans holding silent grudges against their host country. It is incredible that after six decades of generosity from India, Indians are now facing the very real possibility Tibetans can be ungrateful towards India. The Tibetan leadership totally failed to impart positive values upon their exiled community, like gratitude for those kindest to them and the need to repay these kindnesses with real, tangible results. It’s also very unlikely that the Tibetan leadership will now start to do this, after six decades of failing to do so. Indians need to realise this, and see that there is no benefit for their nation to align themselves with the Tibetan leadership, and there never will be.

August 24, 2018
Although the Dalai Lama has offered an apology, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) still expressed their disappointment over his controversial comment on Nehru, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC). Dalai Lama called Nehru self-centred.
The Congress said Dalai Lama being a foreigner should shun and refrain from interfering in the internal as well as external affairs of India.
August 31, 2018
H.H Dalai Lama will definitely go back to China. It is the most logical thing to do. He has been telling everyone that he wants to go back to China several times in several different events.
Going back to China is so much more beneficial to the Tibetans. CTA will not be able to do anything for Tibetans in the near future given their current leaders. If they can do something good for the Tibetans, they would have done it a long time ago because they have been in exile for 60 years now with donation and support from all over the world.
August 31, 2018
I have just read that China is going to invest billions of dollars in Tibet to develop their infrastructure and to restore old monasteries.
As much as people are saying the Chinese government oppresses the Tibetan from practicing their religion and language, here we see the Chinese government is investing a lot in Tibet. China aims to close the gap between the rich and the poor and they want to reduce the number of people living in poverty. Hence, the big investment in Tibet.
To develop Tibet, China is preparing to invest $97 billion, the CTA will never be able to get so much fund for that. Besides, the CTA doesn’t have the technology and the expertise to develop Tibet on such a big scale. If the CTA has so much money, the money will go into their pockets first.
For the benefit of the Tibetans, the Middle Way approach will be the best. China has the money and experience in managing a country. They are capable of bringing development and economy growth to the country, they have the track record. Whereas for the CTA, they are only good at siphoning the money, putting blames on a deity and begging money from the west.
September 16, 2018
Indeed, the good times for the CTA are over. The world begins to see the failure of the Free Tibet movement and that the Tibetan refugees do not have a great future despite the enormous money that was donated to the CTA.
So now, instead of describing the Dalai Lama’s dreams, Lobsang Sangay should rethink his situation as it is clear that without the Dalai Lama all hope for the Tibetan movement is gone.
So, now the Tibetan leadership should come up with what to do to protect the Tibetan interests as there is no chance that they can continue to take advantage of others but they have to build their future. Is Lobsang Sangay following the Dalai Lama’s wish to return to Tibet and make the best of the situation?
Lobsang Dhondup
September 16, 2018
It is bewildering that His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned that he had known of sexual abuse by Buddhist teachers since the 1990s, yet nothing was done to reprimand these Buddhist teachers. After all, such abuses inflict substantial damage to the reputation of Tibetan Buddhism as a whole as compared to smaller issues like Dorje Shugden.
The Central Tibetan Administration was fervent in executing the Dorje Shugden ban, launching a documentary film, books, expelling monks, splitting monasteries and denying access to hospitals, clinics, schools, retail shops and so forth down to even publishing a hit list of Shugden activists in order to encourage violence and lynch mob. Yet, the damage done to Tibetan Buddhism by these lamas seems to be ignored and hushed. Why is the Central Tibetan Administration not doing more to warn the public about these sex offenders like posting a warning list on their website?
Tashi Wangchuk
September 16, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the Tibetan spiritual leader revered by millions of Buddhists around the world should ensure that the Tibetan spiritual leaders do more to denounce sexual misconduct and abuse of Buddhist teachers as there are far-reaching repercussions and negative impact on Tibetan Buddhism.
While His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been consistent in reminding practitioners about not practising Dorje Shugden in lieu of the social and religious problems associated with it, despite the unsubstantiated claims or justifications, the indolence of the Central Tibetan Administration in taking action to pacify the public disgust against the misconduct of these Buddhist teachers is severely lacking and appalling. The bias in dealing with these issues related to religious matter has again proven the political nature and conspiracy behind the ban on Dorje Shugden.
Tashi Wangdi
September 20, 2018
When compared to the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala that does not take any responsibility for their people like any proper government normally would, China is radically different and liberal for allowing sex abuse victims to express themselves on social media, despite its heavy censorship of the Internet.
For people like Luo Xixi, whose online postings on sex abuse has garnered millions of views on Chinese social media, said that the government is gradually opening up to the #MeToo movement, a hashtag catch-phrase movement that encourages and empowers sex abuse victims to stand up against sex abuse. In China, those who are convicted of sexual abuse are severely dealt with by the law and laid off from work. The Central Tibetan Administration should take heed of how such cases are dealt with in China and not allow sex abuse perpetrators, especially Tibetan lamas to continue committing their crimes unchecked and without consequence.
Thupten Lungrig
September 20, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s speeches create headlines nowadays not because they bring wisdom and enlightening thoughts, but rather unpleasant feelings and disapprovals. From the sexist quip in 2015, his gaffe on Nehru, and his recent comment about Europe that caused him to be labelled as White Supremacist, there is now one more to add onto the list. In order to be congenial and consistent with the image of a Nobel Peace Laureate, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been issuing statements, especially about Islam, such as redefining Jihad as an interior struggle.
More and more people are expressing their doubt, with some even directly pointing out the mistakes in the Dalai Lama’s speech. This pattern of speech of strong statements that ends up in denial or apology seems consistent with his advice concerning the practice of Dorje Shugden. With the reasons behind the ban shifted so much over time, perhaps there really was never any validity behind the ban at all.
September 26, 2018
“The Dalai Lama’s third dream, Lobsang Sangay said, was of him returning to the Potala palace filled with light and ‘reunited with Tibetan people’… This third dream will also come true by karmic design.
This really to me is not a good sign. “A flash of light and reunited with Tibetan people” just brings to mind “reincarnation”, but I sincerely hope my thought is wrong. I do wish the Dalai Lama a very long life and may his wish to return comes true.
Somehow everything that Lobsang Sangay do or say seem to rub me the wrong way. I guess its cos he had never served his people in sincerity since taking office but only to serve himself. Fancy this, he chose April 1 (April’s fool day) to make his announcement. So is it in jest or not? If its real then why are his people still propagandising against China? What, he can relate that it will raise the ire of China, for China to tie this to Dalai Lama’s insincerity? Which country will knowingly let trouble makers into their country? The Chinese has the sovereign right to reject anyone to keep peace for her citizens. With such a big country to run, who can blame her to just reject on even the minutest reason. Something small and irrelevant could just blow up to be big if not contained. The way I see it, the Dalai Lama would do better if he dissolves CTA and regain the position to negotiate directly with China. Lobsang Sangay is redundant and had never stepped up to bring any improvement to the Tibetans’ lives, whether in or out of Tibet.
Gold Germany
September 28, 2018
Transcript: Dalai Lama is a Racist Nazi
Dalai Lama is a piece of shit and a disgusting scumbag. It is, it is insane this cunt comes to Europe and tells us that we should not accept more refugees. Is he fucking retarded? It is amazing, like you don’t expect from people like, like those to be Nazis and to support all the right. It’s just insane a spiritual leader is a fucking Nazi dude. Europe needs more refugees, way more than we already have. Do you understand? And this degenerate says that we should send refugees back to where they came from and that we should help the countries of the refugees. His suggestions are, it’s obvious, like obviously we should help the countries of the, of the refugees, of their origin, but we should not send anyone back. We need more refugees in Europe and we should not deport anyone. We should give money to the refugees so they can stay in Europe and live here. What this Dalai Lama is suggesting is very inhumane, that’s all what I wanted to say. Hopefully in future we will get more migrants in Europe. Hopefully we can help more people. Let’s hope, let’s hope for the better.