The opinion piece below was sent to for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
If anyone wonders why after more than half a century in exile, some Tibetan refugees are saying that they are not even close to a whiff of returning to their homeland, the escalating infighting amongst the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) top officials provides a clue.
The CTA, or the exiled Tibetan leadership which is based in Dharamsala, claims to be a democracy. However, its policies, actions and behaviors reflect nothing of a democracy. In fact, the leadership has always been run on strong-man politics more akin to totalitarian regimes. Since they entered exile in 1959, the CTA have demonstrated a strangely comfortable stance on policies that are nothing short of breaches of its own constitution. As the decades rolled on, it became clearer to observers that the Dalai Lama and his proxies could, at their whims and fancies, override even the highest law governing the Tibetans in diaspora.
Yet, one of the strongest indicators that the CTA is not a real democracy is the stark absence of a viable, functioning opposition party. In the recent 2016 Sikyong (Prime Minister) elections, it seemed as though a contender had been found in the form of Penpa Tsering, the former Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile. Though he was in fact already part of the Tibetan political establishment, his candidacy in the race represented the first real challenger for the incumbent Sikyong Lobsang Sangay’s position.

In truth, the Tibetan people’s most dangerous and formidable enemy is their own government, now headed by Sikyong Lobsang Sangay.
The race for Sikyong was a dirty one, characterized by mud-slinging and personal attacks between the two candidates. After Penpa Tsering lost and was transferred to a diplomatic post outside of Dharamsala, it appeared as though the tensions were over and everyone had moved on. Penpa Tsering was appointed the Dalai Lama’s donjo (representative) of North America, a lucrative position that connected him with many wealthy sponsors, and Lobsang Sangay retained his cushy Sikyong position. All appeared well and no one had any inkling of the issues to come.
On November 15, 2017 the website reported rising tensions in Dharamsala as Penpa Tsering loyalists gear up to protest against Sikyong Lobsang Sangay’s CTA on November 27th. Their main reason for protesting is the lack of sound reasons for the recent dismissal of Penpa Tsering as the North American donjo.
This is not the first time that the Tibetan people have watched the CTA act without reason, logic or accountability. Having witnessed the CTA rob Dorje Shugden worshippers of their constitutional right to practice their belief, Tibetans therefore should not be surprised when their choice political candidate is removed from power without any natural justice being accorded him.
The Tibetan people in diaspora have every reason to be concerned. They simply cannot afford another cause for division especially given their desperate need to unite in the face of China’s stature. As it is, the Tibetans are already fractured on a multitude of fronts, for example:
- The direction of the Tibetan cause (rangzen or full independence versus umaylam or meaningful autonomy)
- Unresolved historic regional quarrels, for example between Khampas like Lobsang Sangay supporters and Amdo/U-Tsangpas like Penpa Tsering supporters
- Enmity in the Karma Kagyu sect over the rightful Karmapa candidate
- Conflicts amongst the Gelugpas due to the Dorje Shugden controversy, not to mention pre-existing, albeit soft, competition amongst the different Tibetan Buddhist schools.
All this strife can be traced to the decisions of the CTA and therefore could have been solved by a united CTA. But now the CTA looks to be rupturing, soon falling apart to the point of no return. This power struggle could not come at a more inconvenient time, as yet another generation of Tibetans are born into statelessness and hopelessness. Meanwhile, the CTA contends with the reality that the people of the host nation, India, are getting impatient and increasingly vocal as they wise up to the simple fact that so much is done for Tibetan refugees by their Indian government, when millions of Indians still live far below the poverty line.
Whilst this is precisely where the Tibetan refugees need the CTA to step in to protect them, little has been heard from the CTA over this issue and now we know why. Those who strut the corridors of CTA power are readying to go to war with each other. It is more important for Lobsang Sangay to consolidate his position and be rid of his opponents, than to work on policies and projects that benefit the ordinary Tibetan in exile. Indeed, things have degenerated to the point where the Sikyong can summarily dismiss and silence critics without any opposition, within a supposedly democratic government. Not only is it shocking that he can do so without being held accountable, but now we see how easily he can dispose of the Dalai Lama’s representative in a key ally-nation, the USA, whilst the Dalai Lama is still alive. Imagine a wildly ambitious Sikyong when His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is no longer with us. At that point:
- He will be the supreme head of a ‘nation’ that is instrumental to many Western powers seeking to curb China’s rise
- As the head of state for this non-nation, his actions cannot be sanctioned by anyone, including the United Nations, and within the Tibetan government there are no political measures to ensure he remains accountable
- He will have unfettered access to the countless millions that pour into the CTA’s coffers annually, without a need to be accountable or be audited
- He will sit at the apex of a government that has no responsibility whatsoever to build any industry or economy for its people, because it suffices that its people remain poor refugees for the money to keep flowing in
It is clear now why the Sikyong position is such a coveted seat for so many including Penpa Tsering, and understandable why he now rallies his supporters to challenge Lobsang Sangay. The Tibetan people it seems, is acceptable attrition in this war for power, position and money. After all, what can the community do when they have no culture of holding their government accountable?

On November 15, 2017 the website reported rising tensions in Dharamsala as Penpa Tsering loyalists gear up to protest against Sikyong Lobsang Sangay’s CTA on November 27th. Pictured here are Sikyong Lobsang Sangay (left) and Penpa Tsering (right)
But questions must now be asked of the Tibetan leaders, failing which the people must brace for disintegration along the many fault lines that their government has constructed in what is a perfect example of the ‘divide and conquer’ doctrine. Yet, perhaps not all needs to be lost if Tibetans are ready to muster support amongst themselves, and hold their leaders accountable and to demand serious and swift changes. A decade ago, this would have been unthinkable but in the past few years, we have seen a more vocal Tibetan populace in exile as more of them, especially the younger generation, are exposed to what fair, responsible and transparent governments produce and how the citizens of such governments benefit.
It would serve the Tibetan people well to recognise now that all the strife they face today have their origins in one CTA policy after another. And if they do come together, then the CTA cannot so easily use the people’s misfortune as a means to achieve their personal political and financial objectives. It will not be easy for the community to come together after decades of factionalism and intense training in following their leadership unquestioningly. But the fact remains that the future of their community is at stake.
Sikyong Lobsang Sangay recently said that Tibetans face an external enemy consisting of their nemesis, China, and Dorje Shugden people, and an internal enemy, which are rangzen (full independence) advocates. These groups have been labelled anti-Tibet ‘Chinese-paid agents’ and it will only be a matter of time before the CTA proclaims the same of those who protest against Lobsang Sangay. It is a cunning approach that worked like a charm when the Tibetan leadership wanted to turn their people against Dorje Shugden practitioners and those wishing for Tibetan independence.
In truth, the Tibetan people’s most dangerous and formidable enemy is their own government, now headed by Sikyong Lobsang Sangay. Given the slew of problems that the Tibetan leadership has created, the hopelessness of its cause, the miserable state Tibetan refugees are in, the countless false promises to return Tibetans to their homeland, and the chronic lack of progress, any true leader would resign. But this will not happen in the CTA. This is a government that has quietly sliced up the Tibetan nation of people into bite-sized pieces, each one too insignificant to be a problem or challenge for their power. Meanwhile, the leaders trade away their people’s future, culture and religion for pieces of silver, as the Tibetan dream of returning to their homeland is increasingly swept away.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.

Source: Click to read the full report.
November 15, 2017
Over the years, these politicians in the CTA has been building their bases. As stated, there is a lot at stack here due to the volume of funds flowing through the coffers. Also, it is noted by everyone except by the Tibetan refugees themselves that not much has trickled down to them in terms of economic opportunities and basic facilities.
As they keep dividing the people with all the conflicts and controversies, their base gets stronger. Is the fight of the 2 giants of the CTA the beginning of the end of an era of self inflicted subversion? Is karma coming back to roost? 😜
November 16, 2017
there is no hope no tomorrow if we keep listening to Lobsang Sangay. 😔😔😔
Dondrup Shugden
November 16, 2017
The Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is in Europe travelling, so Tibetans are told to not hold protest demonstrations over the sacking of Tenpa Tsering. The Sikyong is king, so wait for his return.
This is so amazingly sickening that the leader Sikyong does not care what happens to his people until he is ready. Tibetans do not mean anything to Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, until he has done his work to line his pockets with more money.
So is there honour to the Sikyong, there is none, so he will not resign.
The Tibetans must stand up for themselves in true democratic manner for their own good. Don’t blame yourselves for electing Lobsang Sangay as there was no CHOICE.
Sharling Dhardonite
November 16, 2017
Lobsang Sangay is greedy, loves to get money from their Free Tibet sympathizers and is ruthless to get rid of rivals. Penpa Tsering is corrupt, womanizer and is a heavy drinker.
Lobsang Sangay sacks Penpa Tsering now. Revenge. Penpa Tsering will get Lobsang Sangay back for sure. It is a matter of time.
This is how the CTA always operates. Petty, corrupt, greedy and does nothing to help the Tibetan cause. 😖😟😟💋
Karma Gunz
November 17, 2017
Dharamshala Tibetan Settlement Officer appeals for peace
By Lobsang Wangyal
McLEOD GANJ, India, 14 November 2017
Sensing the momentum gathering around a mass demonstration in Dharamshala against Kashag’s continuous silence over its decision to sack Penpa Tsering as the representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in North America, the Tibetan Settlement Officer in Dharamshala has issued an appeal to the people to maintain peace and harmony.
Calls for a demonstration were made after the Kashag (Cabinet of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) ) refused to divulge details of the reason for expelling Representative Penpa Tsering.
Kashag issued an announcement about the termination of Penpa Tsering’s duties through their website on 7 November, stating that he will end his duty on 30 November, and the current CTA Education Minister Ngodup Tsering will replace him.
The Kashag stated “dereliction of duty” as the reason, and said that three warnings had been served, but that Penpa Tsering didn’t show any improvement in his conduct.
The actual nature of the warnings was also not clear when the officiating President of the CTA convened a press conference on 9 November.
Penpa Tsering on the other hand denied any wrongdoing.
Settlement Officer Dawa Rinchen said in his appeal message that since Dharamshala being the seat of the Dalai Lama and of the Central Tibetan Administration, he urged people to respect the sanctity of the place.
Speaking to Tibet Sun, Rinchen said that he envisaged a demonstration on the 27th of this month, but couldn’t have any estimate of its size.
The 27th came to be the date for demonstration after an activist in NYC suggested it through his article published on Tibet Sun.
He said, ”There’s so much talk and discussion about the issue and preparations for the protest. Many people are seen registering and others giving donations towards this event.”
President of CTA Lobsang Sangay, who is on a European tour, spoke on 13 November about the issue in Norway, but he also refused to give details as to why Penpa Tsering was suspended.
He said that it is the prerogative of the Kashag to appoint and terminate representatives and staff members of CTA. Kashag is not required to explain the reasons for their termination.
Some Tibetans in the United States are saying they would stop paying the annual tax to CTA (record maintained through the “Green Book”), and people in New York are calling for a boycott of an event in New York on 10 December, the Tibetan Rally for Peace and Non-violence, which is to be attended by CTA President Lobsang Sangay and Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile Khenpo Sonam Tenphel. It is to be held at United Nations Plaza, led by North American Chithues and is organised by North American Tibetan Associations.
However, Penpa Tsering has appealed in a video message to people in New York City and nearby areas to attend the event.
***Tibetan unity in peril: Call for massive street protest in Dharamshala***
By Mila Rangzen
NEW YORK CITY, US, 11 November 2017
Like most Tibetans, including those who voted for Sikyong Lobsang Sangay in the 2016 election, I am shocked by what Sikyong Lobsang Sangay did to former speaker Penpa Tsering — the Dalai Lama’s Chief Representative posted in Washington DC. He fired Penpa Tsering a few days ago for no reason other than political revenge.
Penpa Tsering was Lobsang Sangay’s opponent in the 2016 Sikyong election, and a tough one at that. Penpa Tsering is the only Tibetan statesman who can stand up to Lobsang Sangay and speak the truth to his face for the good of our cause and our community as a whole.
Stand up he did, in and outside the Parliament. With humility but firmly. Roughly twenty-eight thousand Tibetans in our small exile community voted for him.
Recognizing Penpa Tsering’s capability, experience, and integrity, the Dalai Lama’s private office recommended Penpa Tsering as the right man for the Representative job. Sikyong had no choice but to relent. Also, to appear to be burying the election grudge and the regional hatchet, that was the best bet he had. No need to point out that Lobsang Sangay is a Khampa man and Penpa Tsering is an Amdo/U-Tsang man. Track the source of the conflict. It will help the reader understand the Tibetan domestic politics. To turn a blind eye because it makes you feel uncomfortable is, in fact, an endorsement for negative regionalism to continue.
When the media asked for elaboration on why Sikyong fired him, the response from him and his subordinates was shocking. Sikyong, laughing sarcastically, avoided the question by telling the media to talk to the Cabinet Secretary. The secretary simply said Sikyong fired him because it is in his power to do so according to the exile charter. No specific reason was given.
The Deputy Sikyong Youthok Karma Gelek responded, at an only 10-minute-long press conference, by saying that Sikyong had served three warning notices to Penpa Tsering to mend his ways in the past one year and that he was not respecting Sikyong. When pressed for what precisely wrong did Penpa Tsering do, Youthok became overbearing and left.
CTA, where is the transparency?
The Dalai Lama publicly rebuked both the candidates in Dharamshala in April 2016 for stirring regional tensions among the Tibetan community during the election. Both the candidates publicly apologized. And so, we believed the matter got settled there and then. Sangay even delivered tons of speeches on the importance of Tibetan unity.
But to our dismay, Lobsang Sangay proved us wrong. The man is still in the election campaign mode despite being in office again for almost two years. This firing on unfounded grounds is an attempt to tarnish the image and reputation of Penpa Tsering. How vindictive can Sikyong get? This is absolutely unacceptable, and it also goes against the very teaching of the Dalai Lama.
Penpa Tsering said on Voice of America that he was served only one warning notice, and that too without any explanation. Sikyong also denied Penpa Tsering his right to explain his position. Sangay revealed his actual colours. Also, the removal of Penpa Tsering from the office is a slap in Dalai Lama’s face, and a kick to the rear of the twenty-eight thousand Amdos and U-Tsangs who voted for him.
What can we do now?
When we think an issue is this important, we are left with no choice but a massive protest. Protesting can help raise public awareness and prevent a cheap political vendetta that can ruin the Tibetan unity thus far achieved.
I call for the Tibetans to come out in thousands at Gangkyi on 27 November 2017 at 10 am sharp, and do the following.
Picket by holding up large signs at the Cabinet building and demand detailed explanation for the firing of Penpa Tsering. Gather first at McLeod Ganj and march to Gangkyi, demanding the reinstatement of Penpa Tsering to the office. Hold a vigil at night in memory of Penpa Tsering’s dedication and service to our community. Do sit-ins at the Cabinet building lobby until the demand is met. Resist threats and violence with resolute non-violent action. Be the peace warriors!
Organise a core group of U-Tsang Association and Amdo Association if the Cholsum Association fails to do so. Assign roles to members pertaining to media coverage, permits, equipment, safety, transport, signs, and placards.
Gather as many people as you can to help out on the day. Remember to contact them the night before to remind them about the protest. Put the word out through emails, posters and flyers, local media, social media, word of mouth, and any other way you can.
Organise speakers for they can inspire and educate the Tibetan public, but keep the speeches short and powerful.
Thunder into the streets! Pound sense into the head of Sikyong! Lead by example, not by ego!
Puntsok Dolma
November 17, 2017
Dear Mr President Lobsang Sangye la,
I am 23 year old Tibetan woman from Canada. I have won several local beauty pageants. I am 5’7″ and 50kgs. I am smart and attractive. I was wondering if you can give me a job in the CTA’s information department. I can replace the Sharling Dhardon there for you and I will take better care of you than her. I know I will do a better job than her. Can I send you a private message with a picture of myself. I am sure you will be happy. I am very qualified. 💋💋💋
Tenzin Ngawang
November 17, 2017
The CTA members are fighting among each other and the Dalai Lama is scaling back. What will happen to the Tibetans in exile?
Growing public anger as Kashag reluctant to give clear statement on NA Rep. row
DHARAMSHALA, Nov. 16: Following the announcement to relieve North America CTA mission representative and former Speaker Penpa Tsering from his position on Nov. 7, there has been a general sense of dissatisfaction among sections of the community with some even suggesting protests and boycott of events where President Sangay is scheduled to attend.
While the Kashag asserts that the issue was handled as per the binding rules and with rightful authority, the handling of the situation, many say, has rolled back on President Sangay’s campaign claims of transparency and unity. An official announcement and a press briefing by Kashag have not mentioned a clear reason for Penpa’s ousting other than vague reference to dereliction in his role there and hints at insubordination.
Officiating President Ven. Karma Gelek Yuthok told the media last week that the Kashag need not give a clarification over the transfer or firing of any staff and that the issue is an “internal matter”.
The growing impasse between the public and Kashag’s (cabinet) reluctance to give a clear explanation over the cause of Penpa’s ousting has escalated over the last week. A New York based individual going by the name of Mila Rangzen has called for a non-violent mass protest at the end of the month here in Dharamshala, prompting the settlement officer here to issue a public appeal, urging peace and order in the community.
Dharamshala settlement officer Dawa Rinchen told Phayul, “While I have no knowledge of when and how many people are going to hold a protest, my prerogative is to avoid any incidents here in Dharamshala where His Holiness the Dalai Lama resides where the CTA is based and subsequently where the eyes of the international community is transfixed on. Hence I appealed the public to maintain peace here.”
Sporadic posts and videos on social media sites such as Facebook and WeChat expressed dissatisfaction over the handling of the situation calling for a transparent approach to the matter by President Sangay led Kashag. A Tibetan nitezen Tsering Chomphel wrote on Facebook, “I personally think transparency is the first rung of so called democracy ladder. In today’s world, we cannot and should not trust any individual or group blindly. If PT is innocent this time, he needs to speak out. It’s not about PT or Kashag. It’s about peoples trust. People will surely lose trust and interest in our politics if things are not made clear this time.”
Tsering Samdup, a Tibetan sweater seller, said that it would be inappropriate if the Kashag issues a clarification simply because some section of the community demands it. “The concerned individual here is Penpa Tsering and if he denies Kashag’s decision and seeks clarification then Kashag might be obliged to give one. Otherwise, there is no need to clarify.”
Another nitezen opined that three advisory letter/directives were enough caution by the Kashag. Tenzin Kunkyab wrote, “He got fired after three written warning (three yellow cards) after that they pulled red card, I don’t see any wrong with that unless PT himself have some explanation.” Penpa Tsering however claimed he only received one letter prior to his termination letter and has maintained he is not at fault.
Some people have even called for more dramatic action to boycott the ‘Solidarity with Tibet rally for peace and non-violence’ on 10th December in New York where President Sangay is scheduled to attend. Penpa Tsering, the outgoing representative urged Tibetans in North America to participate in the event with the broader sense of the Tibetan issue at mind and not divisive politics.
Meanwhile the Tibetan President who is currently on an official visit to northern Europe indicated that the Kashag might not budge and give a clear-cut answer on the issue. He said that Penpa Tsering has accepted the Kashag’s decision to remove him from the Washington office and his cabinet’s decision to remove and appoint liaison officers abruptly, is neither unprecedented nor illegal.
The NA office remains the most crucial position in the hierarchy of outposts of the Tibetan polity. The new man in that seat, Education minister Ngodup Tsering today said he has gotten the blessing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his new role in Washington.
Citing Fatigue, Dalai Lama Appoints Personal Emissaries
November 16, 2017 12:29 PM
WASHINGTON — The Dalai Lama says he has appointed emissaries to attend international engagements or speak on his behalf indefinitely.
Citing increasing physical fatigue, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader made the comments while meeting with a group of international youth leaders brought to Dharmsala, India, by the Washington-based Institute of Peace.
“I’m 82 years old, and since last year [my] feeling of tiredness has been much increased,” he told the group during video-recorded meetings last week.
Because he may not be able to maintain a regular international travel schedule, he said, the president of Tibet’s current government-in-exile, Lobsang Sangay, along with prominent Buddhist scholar and former prime minister in exile, Samdong Rinpoche, would act as his official emissaries.
These “trusted friends, they know my thinking,” he said. “Our work, continuously, should be more active [and internationally engaged], so in these two persons,” he said, pointing to Lobsang and Samdong, “I have full trust.”
Looking to the dialogue moderator, USIP President Nancy Lindborg, the Dalai Lama said: “If your side … or your government’s side” has concerns, “then these two persons, either one, can participate as my representative or my personal emissary.”
Penpa Tsering, representative for the Office of Tibet in Washington, which represents the Tibetan government-in-exile, downplayed the significance of the Dalai Lama’s statement.
“I think this was more of a general statement,” he told VOA. “His holiness is sometimes too tired to travel, and his April visit to the United States has been suspended indefinitely, but he will continue to travel in India, and Europe is only a seven hour flight.”
Adding that Lobsang’s presidential term is limited to five years, and the fact that Samdong has long served as a kind of unofficial deputy to the Dalai Lama, he said the November 6 comments do not represent a major diversion or change in Dharmsala’s official representation on the world stage.
Symbol of Tibet
However, Carole McGranahan, a University of Colorado anthropologist and historian of Tibet, says although prioritizing the Dalai Lama’s health requires a reduction in his international travel schedule, his physical absence from global engagements cannot be substituted via proxy.
“So much of the goodwill and attention Tibet receives in the world is due to his holiness, and specifically due to his personal interactions with world leaders and with the large audiences he draws around the world. His deep wisdom, his humor and charisma, his serious attention to pressing world issues, and, of course, his model of compassion and leadership, make a deep impression on people,” she told VOA’s Tibetan Service via email.
“For so much of the world, the Dalai Lama is the symbol of Tibet. Will his trusted emissaries be able to achieve the same effects? Of course not, as no one can truly stand in for the Dalai Lama,” she wrote. “They will be able to represent him, but no one can embody the message of Tibet as he does. His holiness’s stepping back from international travel will signal a new era of Tibetan diplomacy in the world.”
Robert Barnett, director of the Modern Tibet Studies Program at Columbia University, says the decision may be a signal to Beijing.
“Of course, there’s always the possibility that this move is intended as a post-19th Party Congress signal to Beijing of increased openness to a resumption of talks, or possibly even a response to a request from there,” he said. “It certainly should make Zhang Yijiong happier,” he added, referring to Communist Party’s Tibet working group chief, who told reporters on the sidelines of a party congress that there could be no excuses to meeting the Dalai Lama.
“Except that it seems unlikely that warhorses of that type can ever be appeased,” Barnett said.
In the United States, a California-based Tibetan monk named Tenzin Dhonden, who chairs the non-profit Friends of the Dalai Lama and was secretary of the Dalai Lama Trust, a charitable organization chaired by the Dalai Lama, has acted as a gatekeeper between the Dalai Lama and American philanthropists, scholars, celebrities and donors.
Late last month, Dhonden, who falsely named himself Personal Emissary of Peace for the Dalai Lama in 2005, was suspended from the trust over corruption allegations.
This story originated in VOA’s Tibetan Service. Pete Cobus contributed original reporting.
November 17, 2017
China knows how welcome President Trump… on the other hand, what happened with the CTA…
November 18, 2017
Before the Sikyong took power from the Dalai Lama, the control was all in the hand of HHDL, so even if there is rift between personnel for lucrative positions, HHDL had the ultimate say. Now, the representative of people are fighting openly among themselves for positions that bring the most personal glory. Penpa Tsering was involved incorruption and murder cases when he was the Speaker of the Parliament. Yet, he is appointed office by the current Sikyong. This is a clear sign of the incompetency of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, among other things that he did not do for the peope. Since Penpa Tsering is not fired from his job due to the reasons cited, it is about time for Sikyong to be fired from his job too.
Kargyu Dhondup
November 18, 2017
Look what is the latest news we got. Wow… we at CTA sure is BUSY BUSY… this is how we run a nation! Aren’t we great?!
Doreen Park
November 19, 2017
Over fifty years have passed since the Tibetans in Exile have fled their homeland and sought refuge in India. Yet nothing has been done to improve the lot of the many refugees and they still remain as refugees in status., with little sign of hope of a return to Tibet.
In the meantime, it is sad to see the Tibetan Government, under the leadership of Lobsang Sangay, more embroiled in a power struggle than a concern for the future of the people under their care.The power struggle between Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering has reached a point where the latter has been suddenly dismissed from his position as the Dalai Lama ‘s representative in North America.
There is no watchdog system in place nor system of accountability to ensure abuse of power is kept in check. This shows how totally undemocratic it has become. This abuse of power and lack of control can be ultimately detrimental to the Tibetans in Exile, unless they summon up courage to do something about it before it’s too late.Billions of aid money from foreign sponsors lie in the hands of the Tibetan Leadership!
Ngodup Tsering
November 20, 2017
Now I am convinced that Lobsang Sangay should resign
Kashag’s charges unacceptable: Representative Penpa Tsering
By Lobsang Wangyal
ON THE WEB, 19 November 2017
Penpa Tsering refused to accept the Cabinet’s ten charges against him, and said he will challenge all of them after he leaves office on 30 November.
He also hinted at filing a case in the exile Tibetan Supreme Justice, saying the charges are unacceptable as he hasn’t committed any mistake.
In a clear demonstration of the power of the people, the Cabinet of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) finally issued a clarification as to why Penpa Tsering had been terminated of his duties as North America Representative. Ten reasons were given, but each would surely be scrutinised and analysed.
Details of warnings remain unclear
Penpa Tsering’s sacking was announced on 7 November. As the news shocked the Tibetan world, the demand for reasons of the ousting mounted on the Cabinet. Questions asked by journalists received no comments from the Cabinet and the President of the Central Tibetan Administration.
Due to popular demand from the press and the public, a press conference was convened after two days. At the conference, the officiating President of CTA Karma Gelek said that Penpa Tsering was sacked due to “dereliction of duty”, and stated that three warnings had been sent to him in the last one year, with the last one being sent in July. Gelek refused to say what the warnings were about.
On 18 November, CTA President Lobsang Sangay during his visit to Norway said, without giving any details, that the revelation would paint a bad image. He added that it was not required for the Cabinet to reveal the reasons for the ouster, as it was the Cabinet’s prerogative to appoint and suspend any staff subordinate to it.
As pressure from the public mounted, Kashag came out with the ten-point explanation. However, the ten reasons given didn’t seem to support the severe picture painted by Sangay.
The nature of the warnings still remained unclear, as well as the specific rules Penpa Tsering was supposed to have violated.
*Penpa Tsering clarifies his stand*
When contacted for explanation about the ten points, Penpa Tsering said that the Kashag has hacked together these ten points so they could say that there were ten reasons to dismiss him.
Sticking to his claim of not having committed any mistake, he said, “I still stand by my earlier statement that I haven’t committed any mistake, and I do not accept any wrongdoing. But I am leaving office because that’s what Kashag (Cabinet) has ordered.”
“I cannot publicly discuss the issue now as I am still bound by the rules. I will be free to speak after 30 November, and I will challenge all the ten points one by one,” he said by phone.
He claimed that he received only one letter from the Cabinet that was stated as “the last warning” in July, which concerned the information that the USD 1.5 million dollars from Tibet Fund used to purchase DC office building was a loan.
He said that as reported in Tibet Sun, the issue of the 1.5 million dollars came up during the meeting of the representatives after the 5/50 Conference. “There is no truth in how Kashag has framed the charges, but I will explain about the details after leaving the office.”
“I didn’t get any any other warning letters. And the letter that said ‘last warning’ only mentioned about the loan issue. And now there are ten points accusing me of dereliction of duties. All the points they have mentioned were events that happened before the ‘last warning’ they sent.”
However, he said that he did receive two letters from the Department of Information of the International Relations, but they were not warning letters.
“One was about the appointment of Chinese liaison officer Kunga Tashi at the Office of Tibet in Washington, DC. I clarified that he would be appointed upon approval from Kashag, rather than I announce him as having appointed.
“Let alone any warning about that issue after I clarified, there was no follow up on that.”
With regard to the second letter, he said, “The other letter that I received from the Department was about a group of Shugden followers welcoming President Xi Jinping to the US in April. I was questioned about not sending a report about that. I replied to that, and if I clarify, it takes time to find out the details about who the people. But we send a report after we got all the information we could gather.”
Ngodup Tsering
November 20, 2017
Tibet Fund recorded 1.5 million USD as loan for legal purpose: President Sangay responds on ‘loan-gate’
[Monday, November 20, 2017 19:36]
By Tenzin Dharpo
DHARAMSHALA, Nov. 20: The Tibetan President currently on an official tour in Canada on Sunday responded to queries on the “loan” of 1.5 million USD dollars from Tibet Fund, saying the non-profit organization had to record the amount as loan due to legal and regulation-bound reasons but is not a loan.
President Sangay said that an agreement between Tibet Fund and Central Tibetan Administration recognize the amount to be a contribution to purchase the property that did not have to be paid back in the future but instead will be collateralized as payment for the lease for the office space by the Tibet Fund. Tibet Fund subleases office space at the Office of Tibet’s Washington DC office.
The issue became a crucial element in the ousting of the North America representative and former Speaker Penpa Tsering by Kashag (cabinet).
The Kashag among its 10 reasons, cited an incident of trust deficit when Penpa Tsering questioned President Sangay whether a sum of 1.5 million USD was a loan to Tibet-Fund. The Sangay led Kashag on Saturday released a clarification, which stated, “Sikyong clearly explained that it was not a loan, but an amount that Tibet Fund had contributed and did not expect to be paid back. Despite Sikyong’s clarification and without consulting and seeking guidance and approval from Kashag and DIIR, Representative Penpa Tsering reported to CTA auditors that a loan payment for OoT DC office was outstanding.”
The financial statement of Tibet Fund for the year 2015 available on the organization’s website, clearly recorded a same amount of 1.5 million USD under Fixed Asset as “Loan receivables” that year.
The auditor’s report also mentioned in the footnote that on, “March 31, 2014 the Fund entered into a $1,500,000 Loan Agreement with The Office of Tibet to purchase a building that will then be partially subleased by the Fund. The loan is partially collateralized by a lease agreement between the Fund and The Office of Tibet in an aggregate amount of $425,000. The loan matures on March 31, 2043 at which point the balloon payment of $1,500,000 will be due. The interest rate is 1% and the interest income for the year ended December 31, 2015 was $15,000. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2014 is $1,500,000.”
The President told Tibetans in Toronto that repeated incidents of underperformance and questionable actions by the NA rep. Penpa Tsering led to his termination. “The Kashag could not trust Penpa Tsering in Washington DC office following multiple incidents that eroded the trust and expectations placed on him,” the President said. The Kashag stated that growing “trust and performance deficit” as well as “insubordination” as key reasons to remove the incumbent NA representative of the Washington CTA mission.
Former Speaker Penpa Tsering in response told a Tibetan media agency that he will respond to the allegations soon after November 30. Some Tibetans carried out peaceful protest at the venue of the public event with placards that read, “We are not protesting against our government, all we ask is the truth.”
The Washington CTA mission remains the most crucial position in the hierarchy of outposts of the Tibetan polity. Education minister Ngodup Tsering will take charge of the office beginning next month.
November 22, 2017
What democracy? Lobsang Sangye wants to rule CTA and any opposition will be snuffed out like a bug. The sikyong wants complete power to rule and he splits Tibetans so there will not be a consolidated strong opponent. With power comes money. The Tibetan people should come together as one and vote him out of office instead of waiting for him to resign.
November 22, 2017
It is really pathetic to hear so many negativities about CTA and LS. This shows very well that they are not doing a good job. How many times of good news since he took office? Not any that I can recall. Removing PT from his post without any valid reason seem very fishy. Whether umaylam or rhangzen I don’t see anything moving forward which is quite sad. Even with HHDL around nothing is moving forward and everything in chaos. Imagine what would it be like if HHDL in no longer around?
How many times can the CTA blame China? How many times can the CTA blame Dorje Shugden practitioners? It doesn’t make sense. CTA blaming will not get you anywhere. One of the worst leadership I have come across.
Tenzin K
November 22, 2017
It’s sad to see how Sikyong still playing his political game instead of working out to look after the Tibetans welfare. Being untransparent to their people and untransparent on the funding spend will be the failure of his governance as very soon non of the Tibetan will have confident and trust on him as well as the sponsors.
November 22, 2017
Mr. Lobsang Sangay,
Kindly resign from you position as you have produce ONLY harms to your people.. please step down..have dignity and save some for the Tibetans around the world.. stop hiding and face the fact that YOU’VE FAILED to be the leader of Tibetans..
November 22, 2017
I read about this article too –
Thanks to Ngodup Tsering to posted up here and let everyone know more about the Dark-side of CTA and what ” President Sangay ” did to the ” Things ” to all the Tibetan People.
Cry To Antichina
November 22, 2017
Lobsang Sangay, there is nothing new in what he is doing now, since so many years he sits on this seat, he has done so much to harm his own citizen and his country, what else he can’t do?
Not only now, he has already been going against Dalai Lama by the activity of self-immolation, Dalai Lama has been promoting peace and harmony, but he is setting people up on fire killing themselves, Dalai Lama has announced the green light for people to practice Dorje Shugden freely and he is still inflicting the ban on this practice and promote it widely that Dorje Shugden is a Demon, and now he is kicking Penpa Tsering out who is the representative of Dalai Lama, Lobsang Sangay has never respected Dalai Lama at all, and at this moment, he can already do all these, I cannot imagine what will happen when 1 day, Dalai Lama is gone.
Tibetans will never have any bright future as long as this Lobsang Sangay is still on the throne. I really hope the Tibetans is aware of this and have the courage to choose a new leader, or else, they will continue to degenerate further.
Geraldine Sarie
November 22, 2017
Such people like Lobsang Sangay shouldn’t be in a leader. A leader quality ought to think more of their people welfare, find resources, educate their people to be better instead of using them as scapegoat for own benefit.

People are turning down on CTA and yet I don’t understand why some people are are so strong head on letting go. This sikyong have so much deep attachments.
November 22, 2017
A leader who only concerns of himself instead of his people is not a real leader. A leader who has another passport of another country ready to flee just In case India chases everyone away is also not a good leader. All money received and didn’t end up in your people’s welfare then you can might as well just vote him out of your government. Even the whole government itself is in question for all the money received throughout the years, did it went into the welfare of the people or just into the coffers of the officials? Such corrupted govt led by the main culprit in crime, Lobsang Sangay!

Jing Jing
November 22, 2017
I have some advice for you Lobsang Sangay.
November 22, 2017
Lobsang Sangye just like tiger frighting among their own kind. If he have dignity, he himself should give up other country passport and leading CTA serving tibetan refugee and gain their trust. Of course this is only a dream of tibetan refugee. Lobsang is too greedy suck out all the resourse from CTA using all his power and money. Is hopeless for tibetan refugee have such leadership to remain.
November 22, 2017
It is quite sad to see what is happening to Tibetans! Why are we still refugees? Why is nobody helping to give us a home, a life and a future?
This is the result of so many years of struggle, living in India and hoping that we can go back to Tibet.
What point is there to wait if the Sikyong does not do anything to improve our lot but he only enjoys life! Sure he has a good life!
I think there is no point waiting for Lobsang to help us, he is too busy with his problems!

Lobsang Dolma
November 23, 2017
Heart advice for the U-Tsang People
The Modus Operandi to silencing us:
“Your freedom of speech hurts our unity. Stop comparing our society to others because we are refugees.”
This is Tibetan domestic politics, not Tibet-China politics. So, keep the debate in context.
Their modus operandi in silencing us is this:
(1) Your criticism will create division within our community along regional lines. But when Khampas do it, either people claim it as their fundamental rights, or they will just ignore it. Shugden activists (99% are Khampas) talked shit about the Dalai Lama and CTA on youtube for years, and nobody lifted even a finger. Why this double standard? Why is it wrong for a non-Khampa Tibetan— who has not sold his soul to the Chinese— to blow a whistle?
(2) This “division” will upset the Dalai Lama, and he will not live long. If something happens to him, then you are responsible. Don’t do it near the CTA and HH. You are a Shugden follower.
(3) Such criticism will make our enemy glad and our brethren sad. Why are we doing this to ourselves?
(4) We are an exile community and not an independent country so don’t copy the West. Shame on you!
(5) If you want to criticize, do so to the Chinese. When you do, they tell you to do the Middle Way, not the Rangzen way!
(6) Your freedom of speech hurts our unity. Stop comparing our society to others because we are refugees.
(7) Your freedom of thought is disturbing the minds of our people and the peace in our community.
(8) Your freedom of expression is a bad example to the Tibetan youth.
(9) Freedom of speech has limits. Why are you doing the work of Chinese–our enemy? You are one brainwashed idiot.
(10) You are hurting the Tibetan cause.
(11) You are anti-Dalai Lama, anti-CTA, anti-Tibetan, anti-Gaden Phodrang, un-Tibetan, un-Buddhist, CCP agent
(12) If you want to protest, then go to the Chinese embassy.
(13) One scare tactic they use quite successfully is “The ghosts of regionalism from the 60s up to 90s will revisit our small community and the Dalai Lama will be upset.
Bottom line is STF! Follow the Chota Supreme Leader! Follow him blindly!
Their objective is to create fear, guilt, and shame in you, so you get paralyzed even to react, and that’s when they gain total control over you with ease. Our job is not to behave slavishly. No response can be more fitting than this! Their deflection tactic for criticism will fail!
Anytime you criticize a Utsang leader, Khampas will tell you ” You are an honest upfront brave man!” But when you criticize a Khampa leader they will tell you,” I thought you were brave and honest, but you are not! You are rude! You are regional!
Dear U-Tsangs, I understand it is not easy for you to come out of your deep slumber. For centuries, we practiced pacifism after having been inspired by Buddhism. But the price we pay for pacifism and meekness is the erosion of our pride, courage, unity, and determination. It is psychologically harmful to our children. No more nyamchung crap!
Sing this new prayer with the same Tsemay younten tune, and you will get the message.
Tsemay younten gyatsoe pel nga shing
Nyamchung go la dho tar shak sha rey
Jigten dodhang dhinday yin na
Dhue nam yang khur thuppa mindhuk !
When my nine-year-old son Gyakhab Rangzen asked me one day out of the blue “Daddy, why are our U-Tsang people so meek? “
At first, I was taken aback at his observation. Regaining my composure, I told him “Son, we are not cowards. We had a central government, and so we abandoned tribalism for unity long ago. We are used to peace for long, and hence we forgot the art of war. And to protect our skin, we now do become selfish not realizing that it is harder to break a dozen arrows than one. Remember, we U-Tsangs once unified the whole of Tibet and conquered distant lands through war. We were warriors once. History is the witness. We can be warriors again”.
He hugged me with his chest puffed up with pride and confidence. I will never forget that day because I was the happiest daddy and he was the proudest son in the whole world, and we both are hardcore U-Tsangs.
Yes, in pacifism, we become rats. And when the rats get disoriented with fear they will attack the victim, not the perpetrator because it is safe and comfortable. We allow Khampas to use U-Tsangs to attack our own. Remember Yapchen Passang Tsewang attacked our hero Dawa Tsering with false allegations. Who can forget it?
Tenpa Yarphel and his ilk bullied him for fifteen years over the Yongling school despite losing the battle legally many times. They also brought up false murder allegations against Penpa Tsering to bring him down to ensure the victory of their root guru Lobsang Sangay. What U-Tsang attacked Khampas so mercilessly with such hate and jealousy raging in their eyes in the past six decades? None.
We respected them for their courage, straightforwardness, decisiveness, resoluteness and the help they render to their tribe. But what have we got back? Nothing but negative regionalism, intimidation, hatred, jealousy, bullying, exploitation, discrimination, insults, death threats, and assaults. Nothing but attacks after attacks!
Now we begin to witness our patience has both depth and limit. Always remember, when a Khampa hurls outrageous allegations on a U-Tsang, our leadership is silent. But when a U-Tsang fights back, the administration goes reciting the mantra,
“Om, Unity! Unity! Unity!”
Call me names or do what you can, I will not budge an inch so should you not. Let the sky fall; I don’t give a damn. If regionalism and disunity are suffering–let both, not one–suffer!
I will never ever abandon the death-bed advice that my father gave me long ago, “Even if you are reduced to a life of slums and misery, never sell your soul to the Red China who is responsible for the loss of our country and our dignity. Fight if you can as a Tibetan for nothing less than total independence. But if Khampa regionalism urinates on the head of U-Tsangs, then you should stand up first and fight as a hardcore U-Tsang! And lead others by example. When in international politics, play your Tibetan role: When in Tibetan domestic politics, play your U-Tsang role. ”
Vow not to shove shit in to the mouth of a U-Tsang who served you butter and honey!
Vow not to kiss the ass of a Khampa who urinated on your head!
If you stick to these two vows then you are a U-Tsang who will earn the respect and votes of all other U-Tsangs.
Don’t forget November 27, 2017 Monday 10 am sharp!
Blast the Kashag building with slogans !
P.S. If you know of corruption or injustice at high levels and if you have facts, evidence, photos, audio, videos, contact me–the Tibetan WikiLeaks at [email protected]
Belinda Mae
November 23, 2017
Lobsang Sangay of course will force Penpa Tsering to resign from his post because Penpa Tsering has so many connections with the rich people in US which is very useful for Lobsang Sangay to get donations for their corrupted government who never do a single thing for their own people. A democratic government will not say or do harsh things on their people when their people voice up their views and thoughts and stand up for their rights. CTA is totally opposite of a democratic government. Actually CTA is not even qualified to be government because of the nature of how they do and make decisions. Can you imagine a government who seeks advice from an oath bound spirit who gives wrong advices on policitical matters? And yet they still blindly and stupidly follow the advices from the oath bound spirit. A democratic government should use their brain to think and a make
wise decisions because the current Sikyong is a scholar.
Sharling Dhardonite
November 25, 2017
Pro Dalai Lama people are rude, vulgar and nasty to even an eminent Dr of India. Pro Dalai Lama people should be kicked out of India and Nepal.
Tenzin Dolma
November 25, 2017
Looks like Penpa is going to take revenge! Tibetans love this kind of @#$%^!
Rakesh Chandra
November 25, 2017
Tibetans only bring problems to the Indians. In addition to that, they are very very very rude!!!
November 25, 2017
😧 Whole Nepal say Buddha born in Nepal, but DL says this is nonsense. DL lied and this is very shameful.
Tibetans Go Back
November 25, 2017
See this.
Angry Nepali
November 25, 2017
This Nepali woman is very upset with the Dalai Lama. Listen to her here बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मेका हुन भन्ने दलाइ लामालार्इ बेलायतबाट इशा गुरुङले दिइन कडा जवाफ The whole world respected the Dalai Lama but not anymore. He has gone mental and is total wrong. People donated thousands of dollars and kept the Dalai Lama’s pictures in temples and houses and had great respect. But now no more. Dalai Lama has upset people all over the world and should be very careful what he says in the future.
Tibetans Go Back
November 25, 2017
Tibetans must read.
Eli Buchen
November 26, 2017
Tibetans in exile are in so much trouble, now supporters of Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering are each other’s throats, and blaming each other for being regionalistic.
I hope Lobsang Sangay will call for fresh elections soon, or there is a vote of no confidence against Lobsang Sangay. That is more responsible, hope he will not leave CTA in a lurch.
Ngodup Tsering
November 27, 2017
Sikyong should just say that he lied about the US1.5 million to purchase the Washington DS office. He should RESIGN!
Tibetans Stage Demonstration Near CTA Dharamshala
November 27, 2017
This morning a group of Tibetans have gathered at the basket ball ground in the vicinity of Central Tibetan Administration compound in Dharamshala holding placards calling for the protection of integrity in Tibetan administration. The demonstration is being held in relation to the issue of ousting the North America representative Mr. Penpa Tsering earlier this month.
The demonstration as being circulated in the internet a video interview with one of the participants demands the CTA to assign an independent committee to make an investigation in the issue of Kashag’s decision to replacing the North America representative Mr. Penpa Tsering. They demonstrators are arguing that the decision was not fair from the side of Kashag which pointed out 10 reasons in replacing the representative.
Kashag’s (Cabinet Secretary) Additional Secretary Mr. Phuntsok Tsering has been handed a memorandum from the demonstrators which the secretary informed that will be discussed during the bi-weekly cabinet meetings at the Central Tibetan Administration scheduled on Tuesdays and Fridays.
According to the interview, there are approximately around 100 people gathered for the demonstration who have come from different places like Nepal, Delhi, Bylakuppe, Dehradun, Dharamshala, etc.
The Kashag on November 7 appointed the Education Kalon Ngodup Tsering as the new Representative of North America based in Washington DC. The Kashag cited the removal of incumbent representative Mr. Penpa Tsering as per Chapter 1 Article 1(3) of the Tibetan Charter and Article 19(1) of the Tibetan Public Service Commission rules and regulations. It further issued a 10 point clarification for the removal of the representative on November 11.
Ngodup Tsering
November 27, 2017
Penpa Tsering is sacked and now maybe Dhardon wants his cushy job in USA. So she gotta be nice to her big boss Sikyong to get this job.
November 27, 2017
Read about this that happened in Dharamsala yesterday, the historic protest against Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamshala, India on 27 November 2017. Never stop creating trouble.
Historic protest against CTA targets Penpa Tsering dismissal
By Lobsang Wangyal
McLEOD GANJ, India, 27 November 2017
For the first time in nearly 60 years, Tibetans in exile held a protest against the Cabinet (Kashag) of the Central Tibetan Administration. They were challenging its controversial decision to sack the Representative of the Dalai Lama to North America in Washington DC.
Kashag had announced on 7 November that Representative Penpa Tsering had been fired from his position. He has been ordered to leave office on 30 November.
About 100 people gathered at the basketball ground on the premises of the CTA demonstrating against the Kashag’s action. The protestors also expressed dissatisfaction with the 10-point response that had been issued by the Cabinet.
Last week a few dozen Tibetans staged a protest in New York City over the same issue. A few also protested in Toronto, Canada, during Lobsang Sangay’s visit to the country.
The majority of the demonstrators in Dharamshala are from McLeod Ganj. A few had travelled from other places. While carrying out their peaceful silent protest, an announcer said that if any outsiders come to provoke them, they would not use any violence against them.
Banners hanging on the walls read: Movement for promotion of CTA’s integrity; No misuse of power; Do not destroy His Holiness’ legacy; No disregard to public aspirations; and, We need an independent commission to resolve the matter immediately.
Dolma Bam, one of the staunch supporters of Lobsang Sangay in the 2011 election, was among the protestors today. He said, “We are not protesting against the CTA. We are seeing an injustice. There is not a good reason to sack Penpa Tsering. I feel that Lobsang Sangay is destroying the CTA. We are here to protect the CTA from destruction.”
“We are no more able to trust and rely on Lobsang Sangay. There is lack of honesty and justice, and the reasons given by Kashag are unacceptable,” he said.
Sherab Dolma, 81, who was the oldest among the protestors, said, “I would like the Kashag to be truthful. Do not dismiss those who are working hard.”
“I don’t know if the Kashag will pay heed to us, but it will be a shame for them. It is for the first time that the public is protesting against it.”
Organic farmer Rinzin Dorje travelled the longest distance to participate in the demonstration, from Bylakuppe in South India. Dorje said, “I was shocked to hear about the sacking of Representative Penpa Tsering. It came all of a sudden. The Kashag’s decision doesn’t do any good for the Tibetan cause.”
“None of the 10-point reasons given by Kashag calls for expulsion of a Representative from his duty. We now call for the formation of an independent committee to give a recommendation after impartial investigation of information from both the sides.”
Dorje added that if the matter doesn’t get a fair judgment, they will continue with their agitation.
Salam (who uses only one name), 36, had travelled from Goa to join the protest. “I am neither supporting Lobsang Sangay, nor Penpa Tsering. I am here to support the truth. Penpa Tsering has rejected Kashag’s 10-point charges. That has raised the question.”
“We do not need explanation, we need the reason why Penpa Tsering was expelled. We have the right to know. We demand an independent committee to investigate the matter.”
Tsultrim Dorje, 53, had come from Kathmandu, Nepal. He said he voted for Lobsang Sangay in the 2011 election. “I have heard lies over the years from Lobsang Sangay as the leader. He has been deceiving the people.”
He said that Kashag’s ten reasons created more doubts than clarity. “Unless justice is done, we will not stop our movement.”
One of the protestors left his winter sweater business and travelled to Dharamshala to join the demonstration. Tsering Wangchuk, 36, is from Dekiling, but does his winter sweater business in Rajasthan. He said that Penpa Tsering has not made any comments so far out of respect for the rules. “I have full confidence that Penpa Tsering will come out clean from this situation.”
A protestor from Sikkim said that she is a ‘Denjongpa’, but her husband who passed away a few years ago, was a Tibetan. She said, “I am here to support truth and justice. Kashag’s reasons are not satisfactory. The Dalai Lama is working so hard for Tibet, and what the Kashag has done makes me worry about what China will think. Tibetans should work in unity to achieve their goals.”
Five representatives of the protestors approached the Cabinet Secretariat to present a memorandum. The Additional Secretary of the Secretariat Phuntsok Tsering received the memorandum from them at the entrance of the Secretariat, and said that he will hand over the memorandum to the Cabinet tomorrow when the President of CTA and the ministers meet for their weekly meeting.
Answering questions from the the media, he said, “People have the right to demonstrate in a democratic society. Kashag will look into their demands and will make a decision.”
Penpa Tsering has said that he will respond to the Kashag’s 10-point charges against him after he leaves his office on 30 November.
Amdo Shapale
November 27, 2017
Let’s ask this Kalon if he who would visit a Dorje Shugden temple soon?
Chorig Kalon Attends Special Conference on Jonang Tradition
November 25, 2017
Published By Jamphel Shonu
DHARAMSHALA: Ven Karma Gelek Yuthok, Kalon of the Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration, today attended a special conference on the evolution of Jonang tradition and its present status at Duekhor Monastery near Norbulingka institute. The conference was organised by Jonang wellbeing Association.
The chief guests at the conference were Kalon Karma Gelek Yuthok and Gyalwang Gyaltsab Rinpoche. Other guests at the conference include settlement officer Dawa Rinchen and representatives from non governmental organisations.
Kalon Karma Gelek Yuhtok also inaugurated a compilation book of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s speeches and teachings published by the Jonang Wellbeing association.
Tsangyang Gyatso, President of Jonang wellbeing Association, explained that the objective of the Special conference was to revive and spread awareness about the Jonang school of Tibetan Buddhism, and to acquire equal religious status as other schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Ngodup Tsering
November 28, 2017
The Dalai Lama said that he cannot change his religion to enter into the Hindu temple. He wants to visit the Hindu temple, but he cannot change his religion. Only those of Hindu faith can enter this temple. He tried to enter by saying indirectly make an exception. But the Hindu priest said no. Even for the Dalai Lama, a big celebrity, the rules cannot be changed. It would have been nice if the priest did change the rules because the temple is to be visited by all and blessings are for everyone.
Similarly, Dorje Shugden people cannot change their religion so they cannot enter the Dalai Lama’s temple. So the situation is exactly the same. It would be nice if the Dalai Lama himself can change his rules too.
Ngodup Tsering
Ngodup Tsering
November 28, 2017
Picture caption:
Sign in Sarnath that barred Shugden practitioners from a Gelug Monastery
What the Dalai Lama said:
“When I wanted to enter the Jagannath Temple in Puri, they said only Hindus are allowed inside the temple. So, in order to make a pilgrimage to the Jagannath Temple, I have to become a Hindu, which is very difficult,” said the Dalai Lama ~ ya we knew that long ago
Ngodup Tsering
November 28, 2017
Picture caption:
A Gelug monastery in Sarnath bans Shugden practitioners from their monastery and teachings
According to the Dalai Lama:
“When I wanted to enter the Jagannath Temple in Puri, they said only Hindus are allowed inside the temple. So, in order to make a pilgrimage to the Jagannath Temple, I have to become a Hindu, which is very difficult,” said the Dalai Lama ~ ya we knew that long ago”
November 28, 2017
Some interesting video la I was there that day . About 100 people are protest to Sikyong Losang Sengge for the democracy reason . Kashag are make the fool of Kungo Penpa Tsering la n are not give the good reason for fire him
November 28, 2017
Some interesting video la I was there that day . About 100 people are protest to Sikyong Losang Sengge for the democracy reason . Kashag are make the fool of Kungo Penpa Tsering la n are not give the good reason for fire him
November 28, 2017
Some interesting video la I was there that day . About 100 people are protest to Sikyong Losang Sengge for the democracy reason . Kashag are make the fool of Kungo Penpa Tsering la n are not give the good reason for fire him
November 28, 2017
Tibetan ppl are not happy Sikyong zuma . He is corrupt and make the problem coming to Penpa Tsering. Our dhonchoe la asking question to Sikyong abt loan so now Sikyong la making him to quiet
November 28, 2017
Tibetan ppl are not happy Sikyong zuma . He is corrupt and make the problem coming to Penpa Tsering. Our dhonchoe la asking question to Sikyong abt loan so now Sikyong la making him to quiet
November 28, 2017
Tibetan ppl are not happy Sikyong zuma . He is corrupt and make the problem coming to Penpa Tsering. Our dhonchoe la asking question to Sikyong abt loan so now Sikyong la making him to quiet
November 28, 2017
Our people speak to Kungo Ngodup Tsering la and Penpa Tsering but see their face arrogant from begining middle to end
November 28, 2017
Momo la cry but Kungo Ngodup la act like gunda n ignore You dont forget who put you to power ok
November 28, 2017
Outside our people are ask some question to Kungo Ngodup la but not answering You dont forget who put you to power ok la