Tibetans protesting because the Dalai Lama banned their religion 18 years ago
Yet another group, a newly formed pro-Dalai Lama faction known as the GLOBAL TIBETAN VOLUNTEERS FOR THE TRUTH, has recently issued a statement on its website and Facebook page that is nothing less than a threat against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Masquerading as a peaceful letter of appeal to Tibetans in particular and the world in general, this letter is in fact a call to action against Dorje Shugden practitioners, not just those who are Tibetan by nationality but even against Dorje Shugden practitioners in the West.
Following the previous letter by the United Front of the Tibetan People, which called for outright violence to be inflicted upon those Tibetans named in the Central Tibetan Administration’s hitlist, this latest letter takes things a step further, tarnishing all Dorje Shugden practitioners with the label of “evil spirit worshippers” and even daring to challenge their civil liberties of freedom of speech and religion, long upheld in the West and in any modern democratic society.
Essentially, the Global Tibetan Volunteers For The Truth is petitioning AGAINST the actions of Shugden supporters worldwide who have taken to the streets in peaceful demonstrations against the Dalai Lama, who is single-handedly responsible for the unjust ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice. Thus, instead of listening to the pleas of their fellow Tibetans living in exile and perhaps to engage in peaceful dialogue, this group has appealed for the world’s governments to shut down their voices forever.
Isn’t it ironic that this group, whose very name implies the power of goodness and truth, is squarely against those who have merely exercised their rights to freedom of religion and speech, one which is in fact guaranteed by Tibet’s constitution? And if this is not an act of folly, it must then be reflective of the vicious nature of the pro-Dalai Lama loyalists, one that seems to be quietly validated by the Nobel Peace Prize Winner himself.
A note that incites physical threat was also left on the Facebook page of www.dorjeshugden.com. In the absence of any efforts by the Dalai Lama or CTA to curtail such uncontrolled fanaticism, violent threats against Dorje Shugden supporters and practitioners are escalating, all with the tacit supporting of the Tibetan leadership.
We sincerely implore all parties who have received such messages, letters, or statements to step forward and expose the difficulties that Shugden supporters are facing. The threats are real. And the world can no longer ignore it.
English Letter from the Global Tibetan Volunteers For The Truth
Tibetan Letter from the Global Tibetan Volunteers For The Truth
Historical Background
The Dalai Lama in 1996 issued a ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden that caused a major divide in the Tibetan community. Eighteen years later, the violence and threats inflicted on the Tibetans-in-exile that chose to continue the practice of Dorje Shugden are becoming more pronounced, inhumane and destructive.
Proponents, supporters and followers of the Dalai Lama, a leader endorsed by many as a pillar of justice and the symbol of peace, liberty and universal compassion have time and again executed the ban with much aggression. The problem is that until today, these actions have been sanctioned and allowed by both the CTA and the Dalai Lama. Whenever Shugden practitioners request for a peaceful dialogue, freedom of religion and freedom of expression, they are undeniably rejected by the Dalai Lama followed by pre-meditated nasty, violent and life-threatening reactions organized by pro-Dalai Lama devotees against the outcast minority Shugden practitioners.
July 13, 2014
The protests being held by Tibetans and foreigners wherever the Dalai Lama goes is always in peace. No violence were ever created. It is done to bring awareness that there is an existence of a ban that is declared by the Dalai Lama and many people has suffered from it.
If fact, violence and threats were created by pro Dalai Lama people as evidence shown in the attack of Gen Chonze in Trijang Labrang, the CTA issuing the top 20 hit list of Tibetans who practices Dorje Shugden and many more. Isn’t this violence?
Sufferings of monks are also ignored when the monks in the monasteries were forced to swear out that they do not practice Dorje Shugden, else they would have to leave the monastery. Many many monks especially to older ones are affected. This resulted in the split of the two great monasteries, Ganden and Sera.
All this could have been avoided if the Dalai Lama or the CTA would declare that the ban is lifted. This is the key to a united Tibet.
Tenzin Phuntsok
July 13, 2014
Wow. 2nd U.S.A number on the bottom of this threat letter belongs to
Vice President: Mr. Jamyang Sonam. (802) 846-7356. From Burlington,Vermont, U.S.A.
[email protected]
July 14, 2014
Again so much distortion and lies to cover their ‘righteousness’ to fight Shugden Buddhists. Whether the Dalai Lama clique knows it or not, this threatening letter will give way to support Shugden Buddhists. It is one of the ammunitions for causing the ban to come down. Don’t forget the world is watching.
Shugden Library
July 14, 2014
The website that the letter was posted on shares it’s server with thetibetpost.com.
It’s just the CTA mixing religion and poltics again!
July 14, 2014
As tension and threats of violence towards Shugden Buddhists are mounting, it becomes increasingly important that we stand up and defend our rights to practice our beliefs, to support our fellow practitioners who are vulnerable to further persecution and harm. Stop the ban!
July 15, 2014
Ever since the ban started there is so many disharmonious happen among the pro Dalai Lama practitioner and DS practitioner this is very sad when all of us are practicing the same religion why we have to fight each other’s the best to do it us to stop the ban as soon as possible very frustrating to read all these article. Lift the ban!
July 15, 2014
This is so ridiculous!!!!! And a direct violation of religious freedom and human rights! It’s obvious that CTA incited the creation of this group who’s mission is making them more foolish, giving them worse publicity. How can any group lobby for other NGOs to go against people who’s religious practice they don’t accept???? This is totally barbaric regardless of what they say.
Protestors are only requesting peacefully for the ban to be lifted because Tibetans who practise Dorje Shugden are being ostracized. THIS is the issue!!!!! NO ONE SHOULD BE OSTRACIZED BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGION! THIS IS BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!
July 16, 2014
” The Shugdenpas are following blindly like sheep into abyss of self destruction ….”
The Global Tibetan Volunteers for the Truth has forgotten that the Dorje Shugden practice was passed down by highly attained Lamas like Pabongkha Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo, Kyabje Trjang Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche etc . Not only were they highly attained, some were tutors to the current Dalai Lama. If the Dalai Lama tutors were spirit worshippers what does that make the Dalai Lama, who also used to practice DS and in fact composed a beautiful phrase to praise DS.
It does seem that many comments made in the statement above were shallow and outrightly unfair.
July 17, 2014
This is simple ridiculous as the Tibetan community are already divided into two and not living in harmony and peace.
Here the Dalai Lama is promoting peace and freedom of religion but still not uplifting the ban that was set 18 years ago. How the DS practitioners have endured and suffered for so long proves their devotion to their guru and their Protector. If it is evil then how come the practitioners still brave the ban and carry on practicing?
The ban must be lifted as soon as possible so that the people can practice openly and really have freedom of religion and speech and live in harmony once again.
Roberta Passerini
July 18, 2014
I’m an Italian faithful practioner of Gyalchen DS since 1996.
A question: 130 monks, nuns, young and old people burn they self to sacrifice their precious human lives for HH the sake of the XIV Dalai Lama, and are we the sheep under the dark influence of an Evil Spirit?
Rolling on the floor laughing
Never in my life, I heard by my Lama, HE Gangchen Rinpoche, something against HH or some unpeaceful word against everyone.
I’m devote to Dorje Shugden because I’m devote to my Guru. His Guru, HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, taught this practice to him and Rinpoche-la taught to us, in his extreme kindness.
Pure lineage —-> pure tendrel nyinpo (interdependent arising) —-> pure causes of Enlightenment; by our pure actions, we then create the conditions for the result of Buddhahood for the benefit of sentient beings.
My experience is very positive, the Protector help me to practice every day the Dharma, destroying the obstacles both spiritual and ordinary. Thank you so much, Powerful Dharmapala!
Someone ask me: Why he’s so terrific?”.
And I explain: “If you need a bodyguard, you should cast Woody Allen or Vin Diesel? The Protector terrifies the enemies, like anger, jealousy, fear, proud, ignorance. But smile to me and I agree so much a Protector like He for my spiritual development”. Then, they relax complete!
Trashi delek! _/|\_
July 19, 2014
Roberta thanks for your heart felt sharing.
The fact that the Dalai Lama can say this is black and this is white it is already a form of duality, why don’t the Tibetans pick from that there is something wrong with what the Dalai Lama has said. That the Dalai Lama is making this all up for a bigger purpose. Dalai Lama is enlightened you won’t catch him dwelling on duality.
Yeah neither has my lama said anything untoward about the Dalai Lama, in fact has the deepest of respects.
If Dorje Shugden was indeed a malevolent spirit, it can never overcome any monk who holds his vows, the Dalai Lama I believe he does, so accusations about shortening Dalai Lama’s life oh my it does not make sense at all can’t these Tibetans see that. Like how this site always advocates if we are indeed so deluded, don’t you need to have compassion rather than sticking in another boot there?
Roberta Passerini
July 19, 2014
Yes, I’ve compassion to this people that had broken his wows.
I think they are our patience masters then I have respect to them. I hate nobody. I’m only a little bit sad.
I apologize if my joke on “who are the sheep” may have offended someone, it was not my intention.
For us, Western Buddhists, it’s very easy to exercite our religion freedom. But I’m deeply sorry to hear about exile and discriminations toward monks, geshes, lamas, and lay people that have the only fault of be devote to them Masters and would preserve the pure lineage of Je Tzong Khapa.
I pray everyday for the end of the ban and for the peace btw all Tibetan.
May peace prevale on Earth.
July 20, 2014
Whether you believe or not, this is the facts that the Shudgen practitioners has been threatened all this while. However, all this not being broadcast and the public do not know that it is seriously affected the Shudgen practitioners. Should this be continued or we should stand up to tell that everyone has the basic human rights in term of religious. I think now is the time to tell the world that everyone deserve the fair treatment in term of religious freedom. The world need to know and the ban need to be lifted.
July 20, 2014
The letter saying that Dorje Shugden party is attempts to destroy the strength of Tibetan unity and harmony. Obviously since the ban started 18 years ago, it already destroyed the Tibetan unity and separated them into two. Dorje Shugden practitioners always being threaten with violence and death. Protestors are only requesting peacefully for the ban to be lifted because Tibetans who practise Dorje Shugden are being ostracized. They are looking for the fairness treatment so that they can be living in peace and continue their own religion.
Dalai Lama who promotes human values, universal responsibility an harmony, why don’t Dalai Lama lift the ban and give the Tibetan religious freedom? Isn’t it contradict with what Dalai Lama is promoting.
July 20, 2014
What goes around, comes around…
The tibetan leaders in exile and his supporters created so much harm and damaged to their own community who practise Dorje Shugden, and NOW CTA even want to stop people in WEST who is currently practising? Where is the religious FREEDOM? in return, CTA and his group have created the karma of NO FREEDOM for their country and people!
July 26, 2014
Truth? What truth? Did you just tak what HH Dalai Lama said as truth? Did you know that HH Dalai Lama’s talk are full of contradiction? Which one should you listen to? Did you do your research? Did you and your Guru debate about the logic?
If the HH Dalai Lama said is indeed truth, then why wouldn’t He allow a dialogue with Dorje Shugden practitioners to have a debate on this matter.
This is indeed very ironic because the “Global Tibetan Volunteers For The Truth” are even not clear about truth. They, like many Tibetans who are influenced by CTA do not their homework to study and debate about what they are being told. I am very sure they don’t even know what is in their constitutions.
Stella H
September 21, 2014
These Dorje Shudgen practitioners have been suffering and living day by day like this for over 18 years now since the ban was imposed and yet the CTA and Dalai Lama deny all of it. There has been so many threatening letters and some even send death threats to high monks or lamas who still devotedly practicing Dorje Shugen’s practice. So many incidents had happened over this period of time and the amount of suffering these people have to endure every single day of their lives is just unimaginable. The recent protests by the practitioners are always held in peace and calm manner but on the other hand, the other party are the ones who are creating all these trouble and threats and violence towards these sincere practitioners. How ironic can the name of the group be, “Global Tibetan Volunteers For The Truth”. What’s the real truth behind..