Khen Rinpoche Jangchup Sangye, the new abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery. Born in Tsum, Nepal, he denies of the Shartse monks the religious freedom that his own countrymen in Nepal receive to practice whatever they wish. This new abbot is well known to be very political and was chosen to be the abbot as he will be a good mouthpiece for the Tibetan government in exile. The ironic point is all the gurus of this abbot all practiced Dorje Shugden as well as the guru of his gurus for the last 400 hundred years. For political reasons and political gain this abbot persecutes the protector of his very own gurus such as Kyabje Lati Rinpoche and Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche as well their masters including Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. The monks in Gaden Shartse Monastery know there are many secret practitioners of Dorje Shugden within the monastery and many monks are very displeased with this abbot.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Jangchup Wangmo

Gaden Shartse abbot’s letter. Scroll down to read in full.
MUNDGOD – Some disturbing news has come to light recently with the publication of two letters detailing the expulsion of monks from Gaden Shartse and Sera Jey Monasteries. Contrary to what the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala) has falsely claimed, the purge and expulsion of Dorje Shugden monks from Tibetan monasteries continues.
The Gaden Shartse Monastery letter is particularly disturbing because it was leaked for publication just a few days ago, showing that the Dorje Shugden ban and issue is not over. Both letters were published on their respective monasteries’ letterheads, no doubt with the involvement and approval of the abbots who are still actively dividing and creating schism within the sangha.
(1) As abbots, it is supposed to be their job to be guardians of the religious education and welfare of the monastery. It is not the abbot’s role to foster disharmony and engage in political games. Their behavior is much like those of the Burmese monks who uphold segregation against the Rohingyans just because of religious differences.

Gaden Shartse Monastery, Mundgod Tibetan Colony, South India. The abbot who is supposed to be the steward of its hallowed halls, has recently been acting in a manner that contradicts the compassion, learning and humanity we have come to expect from abbots.
(2) The abbots are supposed to be the heads of monastic institutions which are supposed to be the spiritual pillars of the community. It should be a JOY for people to connect with them. Yet, these days, our sources in the settlements tell us that Tibetans within the settlement camps no longer consider it to be an honor for their families to send their sons to become monks, as it used to be. Sick and tired of all the petty bickering and politicking, parents are now using the monasteries as a threat of punishment for their children, telling them that if they do not behave, they will be sent to become a monk. The fact people now view the monasteries as a punishment, is the responsibility of the abbots who have painted the monasteries in this light through their actions. Why would any parent send their children to a monastery, when abbots are busy expelling monks to win favors from Dharamsala, instead of encouraging positive religious education?
(3) Evidence of this is the fact monastic populations in the settlements are declining. Fewer Tibetan parents are willing to send their children to become monks and nuns, and fewer still are leaving Tibet to live a life in exile. The situation is exacerbated by the fact Tibetans are returning to Tibet every single day, drawn by the prospect of a traditional monastic education that is free from the control and interference of the CTA. As a result, monasteries are having to go farther afield to recruit children from remote villages to ordain them as monks. This is one of the reasons why His Holiness the Dalai Lama, despite his advanced age, is traveling more frequently to the northern regions of India these days. In places like Ladakh where culturally, they are very similar to the Tibetans, it is easier to recruit young monks for the monasteries in South India.
(4) Knowing all of this, still the abbots decimate the monastic population further, and destroy the monks’ morale by creating an atmosphere of fear amongst the sangha that they might be unwitting victims of the witch-hunt against Shugden practitioners. Our question is – if it was just advice to not practice Dorje Shugden, why does anyone need to be kicked out? Surely if it were just advice, it would be up to the individual to follow or not. And if they chose not to follow, they should not suffer any repercussions.
(5) If it was just advice, then the Gaden Shartse abbot’s letter and announcement of the expulsion contradicts what the CTA says. On the one hand, the CTA says it is just advice from the Dalai Lama to not practice Dorje Shugden. On the other hand, Gaden Shartse’s abbot says it is a RULE that no one is allowed to practice Dorje Shugden. Clearly, he also gains courage to implement such schismatic behavior because of the video of the Dalai Lama saying that all Dorje Shugden practitioners should be expelled from the monastery.
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
(6) The abbot of Gaden Shartse, and the administration of Sera Jey are still actively perpetuating the witch-hunt against Shugden practitioners. This opens up the situation to abuse and personal vendettas – will innocent people be accused of being Shugden practitioners, so that violence can be directed against them? Tibetans will live in fear of this, much like the days of the Gestapo in East Germany and the Cultural Revolution of China, when neighbors would inform on one another, friends could not trust friends, and parents even had to be afraid of their children. Are the abbots guardians of the monastery, or are they the enforcers of divisive policies that have been handed down to them by the Tibetan leadership?
(7) In fact, spiritually-speaking, the abbots and monasteries have no right to expel the monks on the basis of Dorje Shugden practice. These monks received Dorje Shugden practice from their teachers, as part of a personal relationship between guru and disciple (samaya). Never in the history of the monasteries have abbots ever been allowed to dictate how the samaya between student and teacher should be played out. In expelling these monks from the monasteries, the abbots are in fact making a ruling over people who received practices from their teachers, when in fact there is no higher authority who should be allowed to interfere or interject with this personal relationship.

The arrow indicates the current abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery. He is pictured here with some of his gurus, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (seated left) and the then-abbot Kyabje Lati Rinpoche (seated right) of Gaden Shartse Monastery. Both Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Kyabje Lati Rinpoche practiced Dorje Shugden very strongly.
(8) What is interesting is that the letters say the monks broke the monasteries’ rules, and therefore they are being expelled. Our question is – these monks received the practice from their teachers so theoretically, their teachers broke the rules too. If so, will their teachers be removed from the monasteries as well? Surely if their teachers broke monastic rules, they are no longer monks and no longer qualified to give teachings. According to the CTA’s logic, it would actually be dangerous for them to remain in the monasteries to continue giving teachings. If the abbots are serious about upholding these so-called monastic rules, it would mean that more people are going to be expelled. So how many more people do the abbots and monasteries intend to expel, before Gaden, Sera and Drepung are all empty? Who then will the abbots pretend to be administering and caring for?
(9) And when were these monastic rules introduced? It is historical fact that Dorje Shugden practice has been around for nearly 400 years, since the time of the Great 5th Dalai Lama. So who introduced these rules against the practice, and why were they suddenly introduced, and on what basis are the monastic administration acting upon to expel these monks? Surely it is not just on the basis of the Dalai Lama’s words or due to political pressures. If so, why are the abbots expelling monks based on a political directive? Should the abbots and monks not be above politics?
Monks being biased, fundamentalist and political in this way is a bad image for Buddhism. These abbots reflect a scary form of fundamentalist Buddhism that is arising from the Tibetan monasteries, and the CTA encourages it from behind the scenes, then steps back and watches and hides from the blame. They like to do this under the guise of rules and regulations in the monastery, when no such rule has existed for 400 years.
(10) More importantly, this expulsion contradicts all rules governing guru devotion. As Gelug practitioners, we are taught that guru devotion is the foundation and basis for all attainments, and that we should not abandon our teachers and the practices they give us even at the cost of our lives. Why are the monks being punished for being loyal to their teachers, when they have been taught all of their lives that their relationship with their teachers overrides everything else? It is the monasteries who taught them to remain loyal to their teachers, and to the practices given by their teachers. Yet they are now being punished for this loyalty. How does that affect those who remain behind, when they see that you can be punished for actually practicing what you have been taught?
(11) For many of the monks, especially older ones, being kicked out of the monastery is tantamount to be kicked out of your home with no place to go. Imagine being ordained into the monastery at a young age, and then being unceremoniously expelled in your later years, to be rendered homeless. Not only is it disrespectful for the monks to treat older monks in this way, but it is cruel to kick them out of their lifelong homes just because of their religious beliefs.

Logoan Tulku Jampa Choesang, the abbot of Sera Jey Monastery who continues to perpetuate the CTA’s illegal ban against Dorje Shugden.
If you have lived in the monastery your whole life, it is your home and the only home you HAVE EVER KNOWN. This can cause a lot of psychological damage for those who are kicked out and for those who miss the ones kicked out. Being kicked out affects the victim as well as the people who are left behind.
(12) The monks who were expelled were geshes, and therefore potential teachers for the younger monks of the monastery. What happens now that the monastery, already struggling to recruit and retain monks, has two fewer teachers? The abbots sacrificed the welfare of the monasteries’ spiritual education for the sake of currying favor with Dharamsala. Geshes are the assets of Buddhism and kicking them out is horrendous way to destroy Buddhism.
(13) Truly, who are the stewards of the monasteries now? Is it the abbot and the administration, or Lobsang Sangay and his band of merry men? The monks of Gaden Shartse Monastery whisper that the new abbot is very political, and trying very hard to stay in Dharamsala’s good books to woo His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the monastery. Hence he has gone ahead with this expulsion, so that he will be praised for his hardline stance against Shugden practice. The new abbot is not winning supporters from within the monastery because in his first year as abbot, he is expelling monks which is very inauspicious.
It is a sad state of affairs when abbots are not firm spiritual pillars, and are instead more interested in personal praise and self-gain. It is even sadder still that they can be manipulated by external parties like the Gaden Phodrang (the palace, office and government of the Dalai Lama). Each year, the Dalai Lama visits the monasteries in South India, and these visits are dependent on the relationship between the monastic administrations and Gaden Phodrang. This relationship is governed by how many offerings the monasteries make to Gaden Phodrang, and how well the monasteries follow the diktats of the Gaden Phodrang. If Gaden Phodrang is not happy with the monasteries, they will advise the Dalai Lama to snub certain locations and not visit.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Drepung Monastery, Mundgod (South India) in 2017. The Dalai Lama will only visit monasteries which are ‘clean’ and approved by Dharamsala. In order to be approved by Dharamsala, the monasteries have to do whatever it takes to please the government by making massive offerings and following all of their policies. Everybody wants a visit from the Dalai Lama, not just for his teachings but because in this current economic climate, a visit from the Dalai Lama tells everyone that that monastery is good and worthy of financially supporting.
Repeated snubs would be detrimental to the monasteries, who are dependent on the Dalai Lama’s appearances to validate that they are good, clean and worthy of making offerings too. Of course it is an honor for the Dalai Lama to visit any place, and to turn the Wheel of Dharma while he is there, but it is a sorry state of affairs when spirituality can be politically manipulated in this way to gain favors so that the monastery can benefit financially and sustain itself.
(14) Having observed the situation, residents of the Tibetan settlements are starting to whisper how easily manipulated the abbots are, and how they are allowing the government to dictate their affairs. Who are the real leaders of the monastery now? Is it the abbots or are they just convenient mouthpieces for the actual leaders, who are the government in Dharamsala telling them what to do? Or, more disturbingly still, are the abbots not just mouthpieces but actually in cahoots with the Dharamsala government, working to divide and destroy the Tibetan community? With the expulsion of the geshes, the abbots have sowed the seeds of insecurity in the monastic sangha to worry and wonder who may be next.
(15) The actions of Gaden Shartse Monastery’s abbot, Khen Rinpoche Jangchup Sangye, are especially disappointing considering he is not even Tibetan. He is, by birth, a fully-fledged Nepali born in Tsum. In the country of his birth, the Nepalis have full religious freedom granted to them by their government. Their citizens enjoy the freedom to practice a wide range of religions from Buddhism to Hinduism, to animism and shamanism, and even Christianity. What the people of his country enjoy, he as the abbot of Gaden has denied his monks, even going to the extent of expelling them. His actions can only be for totally political reasons.
Despite all of this news, it is still inspiring to know that to this day, regardless of whatever the CTA has done to the monks, and regardless of the negative propaganda and lies they have spread about Dorje Shugden, there are still people quietly and secretly practicing. It is evidence that Dorje Shugden practice was so widespread, that it will never be fully stamped out. Everyone knows there are many secret practitioners of Dorje Shugden in Gaden, Sera and Drepung Monasteries. Because Dorje Shugden has been practiced in these monasteries for 400 years by the highest of Lamas to the ordinary monks, you simple cannot wipe it away.

Who decides what happens with the monasteries, the abbots or politicians like Lobsang Sangay? Are the abbots the leaders of the monastery, or are they just there to take orders from people like Lobsang Sangay who has done nothing but perpetuate the ban, create divisions and pocket the profits for himself? Or, worse still, are the abbots not actually mouthpieces but are really in cahoots with people like Sangay to destroy and divide the Tibetan community?
Yet, this is the situation we find ourselves in. While the monasteries’ populations are declining, while the CTA has failed to actualize any of their political goals, and while the Tibetans continue to languish as stateless refugees dependent on international handouts, the monasteries and their abbots disregard thousands of years of tradition, and clamor to curry favour with the CTA. Gaden Shartse Monastery used to have 1,400 monks. After the illegal ban on Shugden, over 700 monks have either left or been expelled. Some of the monks who were expelled or left were in their 70s and 80s. Now Gaden Shartse Monastery has around 700 monks, making it the smallest monastery compared to the other monasteries within Drepung and Sera Monasteries. Not many people want to send their children to the monasteries these days.
In this day and age, when the world rallies around religious freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of speech, the monasteries, their abbots and the CTA continue to keep the Tibetan people chained in the dark ages. Given this latest incident in a long program of discrimination against practitioners for their religious belief, once has to ask the question, when will Tibetans be free to practice what they so desire, free of the influence of a domineering Dharamsala? The monasteries used to be institutions that people derived inspiration, learning and spirituality from. These days, it would seem that the monasteries and their abbots are no more than chess pieces, ‘yes’ men and willing suppressors of religious freedom. When will Gaden, Sera and Drepung ever regain the glory of their pre-1959 days? At this rate, and with the kind of leadership, it is a sure bet that they never will.
Statement by Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery
According to the situation within the Gelug community, since 2008 all members of the Sangha community from Gaden Shartse Monastery are no longer practicing Dorje Shugden, even to the extent of not having either secular or Dharma contact with Dolgyal (Dorje Shugden) practitioners anymore. They swore in front of Dharmapala Setrab’s thangka in Gaden Shartse’s main prayer hall.
After swearing, those found to still be practising Dolgyal (Dorje Shugden) will in the end be expelled from the Monastery. In the past and in accordance to such regulation, we have gathered proof that Geshe Jampa Thupten and Geshe Lobsang Jinpa who were from Gaden Shartse Monastery are still practicing Dolgyal (Dorje Shugden), therefore they were expelled from Gaden Shartse Monastery. As of today, we are announcing that these promise breakers are no longer included in the monastic community of Gaden Shartse Monastery.
What dogs do not eat is iron, what human beings do not eat are their oaths [a Tibetan saying], but these evil people have eaten (violated) their oaths and have found to be continuing their practice of Dolgyal (Dorje Shugden). We must know who these people are, and the main point is not to be cheated by these evil people.
On 21/1/2018: by Khenpo Geshe Janchup Sange the Abbot of Ganden Shartse Monastery, Mundgod Tibetan Colony, South India
Statement by the
Administration of Sera Jey Monastery
On 15 March 2002, the whole monastery including ex-abbots, tulkus, geshes vowed not to practice Dorje Shugden in front of the Hayagriva thangka. On 8 January 2008, in Sera Monastery there was discrepancy in this matter. Hence the whole monastery again vowed in front of the Hayagriva thangka not to practice Dorje Shugden, and not to associate with Dorje Shugden practitioners in terms of finances and Dharma. Recently, from reliable sources from (unnamed) khangtsen, “Rawa” Geshe Lobsang Reden was expelled. The monastery, also in order to uphold monastic codes, also expelled his monastery membership. Everyone please take note.
Administrative Office of Sera Jey
30 November 2017
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
Look at these real tweets, Indians are not happy with Tibetans, questioning why India must support the Dalai Lama.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
More tweets of Indians talking about the Dalai Lama.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
More tweets of Indians not happy with the Tibetans. One even asks the Tibetans to go back to China.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
Indians saying Dalai Lama is anti-India and pro-China.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
Clearly the Indians are of the opinion that Dalai Lama’s pro-China stance is hurting Indians.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
See this tweet by Savita, this may be what many Indians are thinking right now.
March 15, 2018
For years the Tibetan government in-exile has been suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners and punishing them for practising by barring them from Tibetan hospitals, schools and communal gatherings. They have been severely segregated and pressed down and made into pariahs of society. They did this to scapegoat Shugden as the cause for them to fail in their job in getting Tibet back from China after 60 years in exile. Now the tables have turned. India is starting to change its stance toward the Dalai Lama and Tibetan leadership. The Indian government is starting to make friends with China and that means distancing themselves from the useless Tibetans. Too bad.
Now the Tibetan leadership will know what it feels like to be abandoned, abused and segregated like they did for years to Dorje Shugden practitioners. Without Indian support the Tibetan government will have less power to abuse Shugden practitioners within their communities. Finally the tables have turned against the Tibetan leadership. Now it’s time for them to humble down and shut up! They better not make further trouble. They could have had hundreds of thousands of Dorje Shugden practitioners supporting the Tibetan leadership but you alienated them with your segregation and inhumane policies of segregation and now you have less and less support. Too bad. Dorje Shugden people could have supported you all but you lost it. Too bad.
March 16, 2018
More and more Indians are speaking their mind, look at this tweet below. It is true that the Tibetan leadership does not get involve or support India when India faces problems, such as during the Gorkhaland and even Doklam crisis. Instead of helping, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) incite more tension by saying that what happened to Tibet could happen to India as well and that India should be worried about China’s continued military build-up in Doklam.
March 16, 2018
Indians are speaking up against Tibetans now. See what t j prasad said. Tibetans live for free for decades in India while amassing massive funds from foreign aid, claiming they are refugees.
March 16, 2018
You cannot deny what the Indians have observed. After all, they put up with these fake refugees in their country for decades. What vikram chandra said is true, Tibetans are enjoying their good life everywhere and taking advantage of their host countries.
March 16, 2018
What the Tibetan leadership said is clearly seen as disrespectful and ungrateful towards the kindness shown by India for hosting the Tibetans for almost six decades now. See how upset the Indians are and what they are saying now.
March 16, 2018
March 17, 2018
Apart from two big Tibetan events planned in Delhi being scrapped, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) can add another disgrace to the list, this time thanks to its own people, the Tibetans.
On Saturday 17th March, a large number of international protestors gathered near the Tibetan parliament, seeking the impeachment of Tibetan President Sangay, saying his actions are akin to those of a dictator. The protestors are from India, Nepal, Europe, and the US and the protest will go on until the session ends on March 24. Lobsang Sangay definitely made a mark in Tibetan history as he is the first President that Tibetans protested to impeach.
March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018
It is understandable that national ministers refrained from attending events organised by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) following the leaked classified directive from the Indian Cabinet Secretary. But to have a State Minister of Himachal Pradesh (that Dharamsala falls under) skipping such an important event for the Tibetans in-exile is a clear message – India is now making ties with China, and the ‘Tibetan cause’ (Tibetan independence) is no longer useful to India.
Over the past few months, the Dalai Lama has made numerous statements that Tibet should remain part of China. He has been reaffirming his stance that he is not seeking independence for Tibet. Meanwhile, India is exercising a whole new approach – to make friends with China. After all, India’s national interest comes first.
Jigme Tsering
March 18, 2018
In response to the cancellation of the recent ‘Thank You India’ event in Delhi, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) released a video message by His Holiness the Dalai Lama saying that the Tibetans have not been seeking independence for Tibet from China since 1974. In addition, His Holiness further reiterate the mutual benefits of reconciliation between Tibetans in exile and China.
This statement was very offensive to Indians who were very kind enough to host the Tibetan refugees for the last 60 years. Not only did the Tibetan community contribute nothing to India, they have also been using India in order to further their own cause. Now that India is changing their stance towards China, Tibetans are quick to turn around in favor of China and India is quickly abandoned. What is apparent in this speech is that India remains an undesired place to be called home.
Tashi Wangchuk
March 21, 2018
I see many Indians expressing their displeasure with Tibetans on Twitter daily. Look at what they are saying now.
March 21, 2018
Modi’s government’s direction is clear regarding the Tibetans – India wants the Tibetan government in exile to avoid indulging in any political activity against Beijing, and on the Indian side, it is stepping up its engagements with China to deepen economic and political cooperation before the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in June, of which Prime Minister Modi is attending the multilateral event.
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval are scheduled to meet their Chinese counterparts before the SCO summit and ministerial engagements with China is expected to translate into a bilateral informal summit between Modi and Xi.
Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha’s recent note asking all politicians and bureaucrats to refrain from participating in events organised by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is a huge contrast to when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in May 2014, this was when the then Prime Minister (now President) of the Tibetan government in exile Lobsang Sangay was invited for his swearing-in. As India denounce their strong support towards the Tibetans in exile, we know that the CTA’s power is dwindling down, especially when the Dalai Lama said that he wants to “voluntarily” put an end to the process of Dalai Lama succession.
gonpo Tsering
March 22, 2018
There were some speculations that India’s objectives in slighting the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) could be because of a prior agreement with China.
Coincidentally, Foreign Secretary Gokhale’s note leaked a day before the foreign secretary visited Beijing, and now we hear news that Indian ministers have scheduled to meet their Chinese counterparts to prepare for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in June.
We may never know the real reason is for India’s sudden turn around to appease China. But one thing’s for sure, India will not allow the Tibetans to engage in anti-China activities from now onwards. Like what the article said, “…for India, the Tibetan story was over.”
dolma tso
March 22, 2018
India banning Tibetans from hosting a rally with the Dalai Lama this month for the 60th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule is a clear sign that India wants to improve ties with China.
China said that it is “willing to keep up the good momentum of two-way cooperation with India,” while the Indian side mentioned that India and China agreed to consult each other on regional and international issues.
You can’t really fault India for doing so. After all, it was His Holiness the Dalai Lama who batted for the recognition of the “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai” (India and China are brothers) spirit to take Sino-Indian relations forward.
Dolma Khoza
March 22, 2018
The Tibetan government in exile has been dumped by the Indian government for a bigger prize: China. For years, the Tibetan government in exile would accuse Dorje Shugden people of taking money from the Chinese but everyone knows that this is not true. Now even their host, India, will be friends with China. Everyone will be friends with China sooner or later, and the Tibetan leadership beg to be as well. The Tibetan leadership shouldn’t have messed with Dorje Shugden people. Too bad for you! And when the Tibetan leadership is friends with China, what will they accuse the Dorje Shugden people of then???
Thinley Woeser
March 22, 2018
India has switched its policy on Tibet in order to align itself with China and gain economic benefits. With high unemployment rate and serious poverty issues in the countryside resulted in the Kisan Long March, as well as the uncertainties of the General Elections coming up in 2019, Modi’s government need to prioritise the interest of 1.3 billion people over 95,000 Tibetan refugees.
As the largest recipient of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) under the “Belt & Road” initiative, India needs to maintain good relations with China, especially after the Doklam tension. The reality is the fact that India cannot afford to go to war with China as its army is not as well equipped and the cost of war would be astronomical. So India is now opting a conciliatory as opposed to a hardline approach in order to keep China at bay, and for PM Modi to possibly have a higher chance to succeed in the coming election.
Modi and Xi are expected to meet this year on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit to be held in June this year at the Chinese city of Qingdao, and Modi’s congratulatory note to Xi for getting re-elected as the President on Chinese social media platform Weibo is a confirmation that further development of Sino-Indian bilateral relations is definitely under way.
March 23, 2018
Looks like India is taking serious measures to ensure that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala does not engage in any political activity perceived to be against Beijing.
An event to mark 60 years of the Dalai Lama’s stay in India, originally planned in Delhi, was moved back to Dharamsala in order not to create issues for India as Sino-Indian ties are very tense at the moment. As a result, organisers were forced to hold the programme in the temple complex where the Dalai Lama and his followers have been living for decades.
Many are speculating whether these cancellations and the new Indian government policy are permanent or just temporary. Looking at the series of engagements lined up between Delhi and Beijing, such as the upcoming visits to China by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, India is determine to mind Sino-Indian relations post-Doklam, which means the Tibetans should get ready for more bad news in the coming months.
Tashi Rinchen
March 25, 2018
Now that India has decided to improve her bilateral relationship with China, the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) are deprived of the honor and privileges that they have grown accustomed to. A state minister of Himachal Pradesh, invited as the Chief Guest decided not to turn up for the Tibetans’ March 10th event. Now there’s another bad news for the Tibetans. The 7th World Parliamentarian’s Convention on Tibet scheduled on April 26 – 28 in Delhi is canceled.
The last global conference was held six years ago, and it is clear that the Tibet issue has not been high on anyone’s agenda for a long time. If we look at the trend now, it is clear that the Indian government prevents any official from attending any Tibetan events, and even refuses to host any discussion on the Tibet issue. With a series of upcoming high profile meetings between Indian and China officials, it looks like India is dropping its support on the Tibet issue completely. It remains to be seen how things will become worse for the CTA. The next thing we can expect to see is perhaps Indian officials will start avoiding to be seen with Tibetan officials, and perhaps even the Dalai Lama as they are courting China?
Kelsang Rabgyal
March 25, 2018
Time for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to wake up! CTA’s events are being rejected and postponed one by one. The CTA should realise by now that they are being strictly sidelined by India and nobody really wants to associate with them as they spell trouble. The Tibetans cannot be so oblivious, or maybe they are just too embarrassed to talk about it. Perhaps they are just too busy scrambling around to find out what event will be cancelled next from one of their insiders in the Indian government in order to save face, if there is any left to save.
Namgyal Wangchuk
March 26, 2018
Things are going from bad to worse as the Tibetan leadership has to grapple with yet another problem. Not only does the Indian leadership now refuse to be seen with them, but tourists are no longer attracted to Dharamsala, whether it’s to attend teachings by the Dalai Lama or because they want to go somewhere exotic. The region has seen a tremendous drop in tourists especially for the month of March, which used to be peak tourist season when the town would overflow with visitors.
And not only has the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) failed to host an annual summer festival that used to be a major tourist attraction, but now they are even blaming the cancellation on a lack of funds allocated by the Indian leadership. Does the CTA REALLY think this will improve their relationship with the Indian government? It is typical CTA mentality – if you don’t give things to them for free, they won’t do anything.
And just to prove everyone really has NO idea what to do to bring the tourists back, they’re thinking of requesting the Dalai Lama to give even more teachings as an attraction point. Yes, they are going to ask an 82-year old man to do even MORE work to bring in the money. When will the CTA let the Dalai Lama retire? And yes, that’s right – they don’t want to request the Dalai Lama to give teachings because they want Dharma. They want the Dharma to make MORE MONEY. That’s how it has ALWAYS been with the CTA. So maybe the real reasons tourists are avoiding Dharamsala is because they’ve figured this out, and they have had enough of giving their money to a corrupt leadership that has exploited them financially for 60 years.
Dolma Jane
March 27, 2018
The last time world parliamentarians met to discuss Tibet was in Canada in 2012. It has taken them six years to organize the same meeting, a sure sign that the world has had better things to do in the last six years than to discuss Tibet.
However the latest meeting, scheduled to be held in New Delhi, has been cancelled, the reason being it is a “sensitive time” for India-China relations. This took place after India “conveyed its concerns” to the Tibetan leadership. While it may sound like a benign reason, this is not the first incident in recent times where India has directed the CTA to stop provoking China. Very significantly, the Indian Foreign Secretary also directed Indian officials not to attend CTA events hosted as part of their “Thank You India” campaign, meant to celebrate 60 years of Indian kindness towards the Tibetans.
Apart from the cancelation of those Tibetan-related events, His Holiness the Dalai Lama also announced that he would not travel for the rest of the year. All seems to spell doom for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). It is clear that India does not want anything to do with the Tibetans, and it is only a matter of time India starts saying that Tibet is a part of China. So it seems that the only direction for the CTA now is to befriend China, just like the rest of the world is doing.
Lelkyi Tsho
March 27, 2018
After the humiliation of their Chief Guest not attending the Tibetan Uprising Day event, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has resorted to keeping their list of invitees secret for the upcoming opening ceremony of the “Thank You India” campaign. This is an unprecedented move as they are always publicising who their special guests are.
Could it be that none of the Indian dignitaries have agreed to grace the event so the CTA has no one to announce as yet? Or is it because the CTA are embarrassed and afraid that history may repeat itself, and are trying to prevent a similar incident where Chief Guest Kishan Kapoor did not show up after they had publicised he would be there? Or perhaps this is a way to go around the Indian government’s directive which discouraged Indian officials from attending Tibetan related events. Perhaps the CTA thinks that if the Indian government doesn’t know who the CTA invites, then the Indian government will not be able to contact the invitees and tell them not to go, again.
One thing’s for sure, the CTA has lost its support from the Indian government. PM Modi is scheduled to visit China to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in June and India will not allow any incident that may derail the talks.
Ngawang Jigme
March 27, 2018
This is probably the biggest slap in the face for the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala. They have been using the Dalai Lama for years now in order to garner support, and flex their authority and influence over others. But in an interview to CNN-News18 earlier this month, the Dalai Lama said he does not care about the alleged pressure from China which caused the cancellation of the high-profile ‘Thank You India’ events in Delhi. The events were supposed to mark 60 years of the Tibetan government’s exile in India. On top of that, he said that the position of the Dalai Lama was no longer relevant, and that the Tibetan people – not the leadership – must decide on whether to continue the position or not.
It seems like the Dalai Lama is leaving the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and the Tibetans in-exile to fend for themselves. No more spoon-feeding. Perhaps the Dalai Lama has had enough of being exploited by the Tibetan leadership and lost all hope in the Tibetan president’s paving the way for the Dalai Lama’s return to Tibet or even Tibetan autonomy. In that case, isn’t the CTA comparatively more irrelevant than the Dalai Lama, since it failed to achieve what it set out to do decades ago?
Tashi Namgyal
March 29, 2018
As long as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and the Tibetan refugees are living on Indian soil, they will continue to be a thorn in the relationship between China and India, as China will continue to view India as harboring Tibetan separatists.
So if Dr. Lobsang Sangay is serious about not wanting to “cause inconvenience” to India, he should do MUCH MUCH more than just moving the “Thank You India” from New Delhi to Dharamsala (which he was ordered to do anyway). He should stop condemning China and stop flying the Tibetan flag, which contradicts China’s policies regarding Tibet. And he should also use donations that the CTA receives to organize the return of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan refugees to their home in China. Otherwise, whatever he says about not wanting to “cause inconvenience” to India is just lip service, like it has been for the last 60 years.
Big Boss fan
March 29, 2018
It’s the beginning of the end for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). How can the Dalai Lama, whom Tibetans believe to be the Buddha of Compassion Chenresig, be exhausted? Lets say the Dalai Lama is just a simple monk which he often claims. Even as a simple monk, the Dalai Lama is also a seasoned tantric practitioner who has been practising tantra for decades so he should be able to easily heal himself through controlling his winds. So why is the Dalai Lama exhausted and not healing himself? The logical conclusion is that the Dalai Lama is purposely manifesting exhaustion.
Whatever the Dalai Lama’s reasons are, one thing is for sure and that is the cancelation of the Dalai Lama’s travel schedule will speed up the decline of the CTA. Everyone knows that the Dalai Lama is the breadwinner of the Tibetan refugees and the CTA because the world likes him. They give money because they want to support HIM through supporting the Tibetan people. But as the Dalai Lama reduces his visibility from travelling less, and also becomes less accessible, the world will slowly forget about him and the support, especially of a financial nature, to the Tibetan cause will weaken.
So Lobsang Sangay, the President of the CTA, has failed to perform in his role despite the support of the Dalai Lama. He’s not as well-liked or as attractive to support as the Dalai Lama. Hence in the future, without the backing of the Dalai Lama, Lobsang Sangay will never be able to sustain the CTA, and he will not be able to raise the same amount of awareness and fund as the Dalai Lama did, because no one knows who he is.
The end of the CTA draws closer every day.
March 29, 2018
When Nepal said ‘no more’ to Tibetan activists protesting in Nepal, they seriously meant it. To show just how serious and efficient they are, they even took a Tibetan activist into custody after he posted a picture holding a Tibetan flag in front of the Boudhanath Stupa on Facebook.
If Tibetans really wish to continue living in peace in foreign countries, they had better follow the rules of that host country and toe the line. Overzealous activism for the Tibetan cause will no longer be tolerated in countries, such as Nepal, which are trying to improve ties with China. When will the Tibetans wake up and realise that they can no longer fight against China, a superpower with far-reaching influence in international affairs?
Lhakpa Tsering
March 29, 2018
India has swapped its hard line approach to China. Top Indian officials distanced themselves from the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) after a directive from India’s Foreign Secretary to avoid events hosted by the Tibetan leadership, and after the enforcement of an unprecedented ban on Tibetans holding a rally with the Dalai Lama in New Delhi.
Now it has been announced in Reuters that the Tibet card is no longer a strategic tool for India, and the Dalai Lama himself has said that the position of the Dalai Lama has become irrelevant now.
All of this easily leads to the conclusion that the CTA will soon be defunct. India is offering citizenship to Tibetans in India. The flow of refugees arriving in Nepal and India has been curtailed for the last decade after Nepal closed a popular route used by refugees leaving Tibet. The President of the Tibetan leadership Lobsang Sangay is plagued by various scandals on a near-daily basis, and Tibetans in exile are protesting and calling for his impeachment. Another possible leader of the Tibetans in exile, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the head of the Karma Kagyu sect has been abroad for the past year to “rest and recover” due to health concerns. With no viable leader without the Dalai Lama, and having lost their biggest supporter and ally in India, it looks like there is no light at the end of the tunnel for the CTA.
Khampa Warrior
March 31, 2018
After weeks of speculation following India’s change of policy towards the Tibetans in exile, the Indian government announced this morning at the opening of the ‘Thank You India’ event in Dharamsala that India supports the Dalai Lama’s struggle to return to China.
The statement from the Union Minister Mahesh Sharma is particularly significant because it was delivered at this specially organized event for Tibetans in exile to express their gratitude to India for protecting and hosting the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan refugees for almost 60 years.
Clearly, India wants the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan refugees to return to China and stop being a thorn in the relationship between these two Asian giants. This direction is one that the Dalai Lama agrees with since he has said on numerous occasions that he wishes to return and Tibet wants to stay in China.
If the Tibetans are sincere when they say that India is the guru and Tibetans are the students (shishya), they should appreciate the Indian government’s wish for them to return home and stop creating trouble for India.
Jampel Senge
March 31, 2018
Tibetans throw Dalai Lama Statue into River in Tibet
Tibetans are sick and tired of the Tibetan in-exile leadership and are showing their frustration by throwing the 14th Dalai Lama’s statue into the river. What’s more shocking was that this incident happened in Amdo, the birth province of the Dalai Lama where he is highly revered.
The failure of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in advancing the Tibetan cause for six decades, combined with more recent setbacks like being snubbed by their host India, means that patience in Tibet is wearing thin. As more world leaders distance themselves from the Dalai Lama and the CTA, the chance for Tibetan autonomy or even the return of Tibetans in-exile to Tibet is bleak. The Dalai Lama is still branded a separatist with no sign of dialogue with China in sight.
For all the negative actions done to Dorje Shugden practitioners for decades, including denying their basic rights to health care, food, education etc., and encouraging ostracism and discrimination against them, the karma now returns to the CTA in manifold ways. The Tibetans now denounce their ‘God-King’, signalling that the CTA’s final end is not too far away.
March 31, 2018
India is saying “no thank you” to the Tibetans, who are quickly losing their standing. India would rather make China happy for security in the region, as well as political and economic harmony.
1. “Thank you India” events held this weekend caused the Indian government apprehension as to how China is going feel, since China considers Tibetans in-exile to be separatists. On top of this, Tibetans themselves are highly embarrassed at the situation, given that their supposedly landmark events were so small.
2. Mr. Sonam Dagpo, chief organiser for the events and the Tibetan leadership’s spokesperson said that it was “futile” for Tibetans to hold such events. The Indian government had already told their officials not attend.
3. Dr. Jonathan Holslag said India giving in to China was largely symbolic. But that India needs to catch up with China. India needs to something to give them leverage in this situation, and all fingers point to distancing themselves from the Tibetans.
Go Home Tibetans!
April 2, 2018
Even the Tibetans themselves do not care about Tibet anymore 👎
Chewang Ngokhang
April 3, 2018
The formation of a new Asian golden triangle is taking place between China, India and Nepal. These three countries, strategically placed with access to ports, land and natural resources may become a central hub of trade in Asia in the future. Keen to make this golden triangle a reality is India who is shunning the Tibetans. They started with a directive from their Foreign Secretary instructing ministers and officials to avoid Tibetan events.
India is clearly serious about strengthening ties with China in this post-Doklam period but there is a stumbling block in this new relationship – the Tibetans. Instead of always being an obstacle, and since they are hosted by India, Tibetans should actually follow India’s political direction and not get in the way like they have been for decades. It is time for the Tibetans to take responsibility for their own 95,000 people in exile and not just wait for the Dalai Lama to beg for foreign aid on his international trips.
April 4, 2018
The Tibetan leadership is not as innocent as you would think. They are downright ungrateful. They have been using their freedom in India to irritate China and this has created tension between the two Asian countries. But now India is using the Tibetans, this time to improve ties with China instead.
(1) Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale met with both the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay to tell them to move their ‘Thank you India’ events out of Delhi, as India gears up to please China.
(2) Gokhale told government officials not to attend Tibetan events, but he did not have to write his instructions down. These instructions were leaked. Some think it was intentional and hints at the fact it was both a ploy to let China know that India is changing its stance towards the Tibetans, and to let Tibetans know that it was doing so.
(3) The leak was probably to slight the Tibetan leadership, who even went ahead with their smaller-scale events without coordinating with the Indian ministry.
(4) Samdhong Rinpoche’s secret visit to China last year really irritated the Indian government. If the Tibetan leadership were to accept that Tibet was always a part of China, this would jeopardise the McMahon Line, and call into question India’s entire border with China.
(5) The Tibetan leadership are not shy about stoking the fire during sensitive times. Lobsang Sangay even unfurled the Tibetan flag at Pangong Lake, near India’s border with China. He did this on Indian soil, but what made matters even worse, he did so during the Doklam standoff, when India and China were on the brink of war.
Kalsang Norbu
April 7, 2018
During the international security conference in Moscow, India’s Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met with her Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe on the sidelines. Although no official details of the meeting are available, it is understood that the geopolitical security is one of the main concerns and border issues between the two countries were discussed.
With the Dalai Lama’s wish for Tibet to remain in China, the topic of Tibetan independence can no longer be used to maintain India’s geopolitical security. Hence India is now taking a more proactive approach in directly negotiating practical solutions with China.
So not only did the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) render themselves useless to the Indian government, but this was reaffirmed by the meeting between Sitharaman and Wei – China and India will now deal directly with one another, without the CTA as an interference. So once again, the CTA has proven themselves to be a failure. In publicly stating they wish to be a part of China, the CTA sent a strong message to India that they will do what it takes to become a part of China, and therefore not do anything to support their kind host of 60 years.
At this rate, it won’t be long that the Tibetans are asked to leave India.
Rinchen Nyima
April 11, 2018
The news of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley being allowed by the Central government of India to enter Sikkim is not well received by everyone.
The 3rd claimant to the Karmapa’s throne, Lama Dawa Sangpo Dorjee is challenging Karmapa Ogyen Trinley to be tested for authenticity. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley was recognised by Tai Situpa, a high lama in the Kagyu tradition while Lama Dawa Sangpo Dorjee was identified by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, another lama in the Kagyu tradition as the incarnation of the 16th Karmapa.
This adds to the messy affair and confusion in the Kagyu lineage as there are 3 Karmapas recognised by 3 different lamas in the Kagyu tradition. Which one is the real one?
April 12, 2018
The Tibetan leadership seems determined to sabotage the union between India and China at a time when it was made known that India is trying hard to mend its relationship with China. Despite being asked to move their Thank You India event out of Delhi and a memo sent to all Indian ministers to not attend any Tibetan event, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) insisted on organising such an unnecessary event and went ahead to put up a show. Because of this, India was forced to send representatives to Dharamsala for the event, apprehensive of the potential damage and friction with China.
On top of that, the CTA’s Secretary for the Department of Information and International Relations tried to throw the responsibility of the Tibetan struggle onto India with the public statement that India is the foundation of the Tibetan cause. So, not only have they freeloaded off India for 60 years, they want to now dump their issues with China on India. This desperation must have arisen since the US no longer sees the value of the Dalai Lama and the Tibet card in their geopolitical negotiations with China.
Is that how the Tibetans “thank” someone they appreciate? Well, India’s message back cannot be any clearer, if Tibetans in exile really want to thank India, then it’s time for them to go back to Tibet.
Samten Dhundup
April 12, 2018
The Dalai Lama’s health has been a concern for many around the world, especially for the Tibetan community. It’s really sad to know that the Dalai Lama last year reported and confirmed that he has prostate cancer, and had to undergo radiation treatment for his condition. It is mentioned here on the Dalai Lama’s own website, confirming his ailment.
It was announced at the end of last month that the Dalai Lama canceled all foreign travel for the rest of the year due to age and exhaustion. Last week, the Dalai Lama was rushed to Delhi for a check up and surprisingly declared fit upon his return. Is the Tibetan leadership trying to cover the truth about the Dalai Lama’s state of health because they want to continue to use him to attract donations and support?
April 12, 2018
In 1992, Tai Situ, a regent of the Karma Kagyu lineage recognized a boy as the 17th Karmapa, endorsed by the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala. This move went against tradition as the Tibetan leadership has NEVER been involved in the recognition of the Karmapas AND it has been the Shamarpa who is traditionally responsible for recognizing the incarnations of the Karmapa.
As a result of the Tibetan leadership’s involvement, a feud arose between the two candidates’ supporters and split the Karma Kagyu lineage into two factions. One group supported the Sharmapa’s candidate; the other group supported Tai Situ’s candidate because he got the endorsement of the Tibetan leadership.
Tai Situ was subsequently banned from entering India from 1994 to 1998 for his alleged pro-China and anti-India activities, after he travelled frequently to Tibet to enthrone his Karmapa candidate at Tsurphu Monastery, which is the traditional seat of the Karmapas in Tibet.
Because of the Tibetan leadership’s validation of one of the candidates, the two Karmapas situation continues to be unresolved today, with many disputes and scandals. This unprecedented strife destroys the harmony and sanctity of the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism, all because the Tibetan leadership had to get involved and exert its power, even in matters where it has no authority over.
Today, Rumtek Monastery, the main seat of the Karma Kagyu lineage outside Tibet is not known for its sacred relics, but as a focal point for the sectarian tensions and violence because of the Karmapa rivalry, thanks to the Tibetan leadership.
April 13, 2018
The West has finally recognized that the Dalai Lama, the icon of universal peace, love, and tolerance, is undoubtedly the driving force behind the discrimination and ostracization of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. His ‘government’ in exile, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) led by Lobsang Sangay, advocates the ‘Tibetan way’ of democracy that is ‘unique’ – they give the order, and the Tibetans are to follow without question. The undemocratic way of firing people from their jobs, expelling monks from the monasteries and prohibiting Dorje Shugden practitioners from attending the Dalai Lama’s talks are just some of the ways used to intimidate the Tibetans to do what the CTA wants.
Clearly, the CTA’s democracy and their ‘noble’ Tibetan cause are just a veil that conceals the underlying hypocrisy and abuse of human rights, which is ironic as they are asking China for the same rights. The religious apartheid, segregation, and discrimination continue to be enforced internationally after two decades, just because the Dalai Lama said so.
Dawa Sangpo
April 13, 2018
Amongst all those who vehemently attack Dorje Shugden practitioners online, one person seems to stand out like a sore thumb – Tenzin Peljor. He is even said to be operating several websites registered under various aliases to negatively influence online discussion regarding the Shugden controversy and sway opinion in his favour. These websites claim to be the premier sources for “authoritative and independent information” on the subject.
It is more than disturbing that a so-called ‘simple’ Buddhist monk is so engrossed in promoting hatred against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Such behaviour is not becoming of a Buddhist monk. His actions caught the attention of arebuddhistsracist.com to investigate further and what they found was appalling. Hidden behind a monk’s robes, the East German Tenzin Peljor has a complex background including involvement with the Stasi; a huge interest in the dynamics of Nazism, dictatorship, totalitarian systems; and Buddhist cults.
The investigation uncovered the hidden agenda behind his websites and his connections with the leadership of the Tibetans in-exile. Apparently, he was hired to ensure that propaganda ostracizing and persecuting Shugden practitioners continues unabated, even to the level of inciting violence on innocent people.
Ngawang Tsering
April 15, 2018
Professor Robert Thurman’s involvement in #LamaGate is very unbecoming. He even solicited members of Anonymous to hack into legitimate Twitter accounts that he referred to as “Shugden group(s) targeting the Dalai Lama.”
It is amazing that Thurman would risk disgracing the Dalai Lama by committing cybercrime. Hacking is after all a federal crime. His disrespect for the First Amendment of the United States Constitution is dumbfounding. This Amendment is what protects the rights of citizens, including freedom of speech. On top of this, the act of soliciting hackers showcases his malicious intent to cause harm towards the operators of those Twitter accounts.
Why would a professor at Columbia University in New York, the co-founder and president of Tibetan House US, go to the extent of wanting to hire hackers, unless he himself has something to hide?
Thubten Palden
April 15, 2018
It is due to the kindness of the Indian Government that the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans have been living safely in exile. They do not even have to pay a single cent in tax. Some may say it is only fair because the Dalai Lama is not only a refugee but a spiritual leader who speaks about peace and compassion.
If you have followed the Dalai Lama closely, you would have heard of the Dalai Lama’s Charitable Trust. All funds collected during the Dalai Lama’s events and tours go to this single trust. However, recently, questions and doubts were raised by a trustee and it was revealed that the funds were being used like the Dalai Lama’s ‘personal bank account’ even though it was declared a public trust. Severe concerns were raised as to how much of the funds were used to sustain the Dalai Lama’s lifestyle, something that does not conform to the trust’s charitable aims.
This article highlights a very dodgy system that lacks transparency. It is not even clear where the millions of dollars donated to the trust actually go. With the Dalai Lama’s ‘personal emissary’ suspended over allegations of corruption, and a US$1.5 million loan that went ‘missing’ under Sikyong Lobsang Sangay’s administration, will an investigation into the Dalai Lama’s Charitable Trust reveal more dirt on the Tibetan leadership?
Jigme Norbu
April 15, 2018
The supposedly well-known Buddhist scholar and author Robert Thurman of Columbia University and President of Tibet House US actively engages in hate campaigns online. These are meant to ostracize and discriminate against Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is also known to publically solicit hackers to hack into Twitter accounts that belong to people who do not agree with his views. This is something that is a criminal offense according to US law.
Why would someone like Thurman go to the extent of breaking the law over this? What is he hiding? Could his actions be evidence of a deeper plot to keep Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhists divided, perpetrated by the Tibetan leadership that he works for?
Rinchen Wangmo
April 16, 2018
While the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala) are not capable at all of making a positive difference in the lives of Tibetans in-exile, they are more than capable of blaming others for their failures. They like to call critics and those who challenge their authority “Chinese spies”.
The inept CTA hurls this derogatory blame against virtually everyone to distract from the truth that they have turned the Tibetan cause into a hopeless one; scapegoated Dorje Shugden practitioners; persecuted Lukar Jam and his supporters, as well as Mila Rangzen and others. However, even the Tibetans have grown tired of the CTA’s lame excuses. An increasing number of dissatisfied Tibetans have left the exile communities for greener pastures, some have even returned to China. This is a clear indication of how much the CTA has failed their people and how badly managed it is, despite an overwhelming amount of resources, aid, and goodwill from foreign supporters at their disposal.
The CTA has no intention to fight for the welfare and future of the Tibetan people. All the CTA does is lie, manipulate, abuse its power, discriminate, ostracize, embezzle funds and squander Chatrel money (contributions from Tibetans) to persecute those who do not follow or agree with them. Welcome to the CTA’s version of ‘democracy’.