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By: Karma Yeshe
Recently, a short video clip of the current 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche Pema Tönyö Nyinje surfaced within WeChat groups, causing quite a commotion. The minute-long footage features Tai Situ Rinpoche who is one of the four Regents of the Karma Kagyu lineage, fanning the fears surrounding Dorje Shugden, a Dharma Protector of the Gelug tradition.
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It is extremely disappointing that Tai Situ Rinpoche, believed to be an emanation of the future Buddha Maitreya, would lobby opinions that bring no benefit to the unity of the Tibetan people. Someone who is labelled an emanation of the Buddha Maitreya should actually be filled with love, compassion and great tolerance, and should not fear any so-called ‘spirits’. Any emanation of Maitreya should not incite fear in the people who have trust in him, as well as his followers because in the end, if the so-called Maitreya is afraid of a spirit, then it must be your intention to create schism. On the contrary, Tai Situ Rinpoche’s speech contains not-too-subtle connotations that sow seeds of doubt and discord. Tibetan society does not need more ‘high’ lamas who criticize other lineages’ practices, deities and protectors. What they need are representatives of Buddhism who will create harmony, love, acceptance and tolerance; if someone like Tai Situ wants to start criticizing another lineage, practice, religion or spiritual path, then there will be many other paths which are not Karma Kagyu which will be considered wrong by him. Where do you draw the line? Maybe he should remain silent and respect all religious paths, would that not be better? It is not his place to judge another person’s spiritual path but to practice tolerance and perhaps remain silent.

Translation of the WeChat video of the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche, Pema Tönyö Nyinje commenting on Dorje Shugden.
Who is really causing schism?
One cannot help but question Tai Situ Rinpoche’s intentions for playing on and amplifying such unfounded fears. Why is Tai Situ Rinpoche taking sides in the Dorje Shugden rift? After all, it is unnecessary for him to be involved in such a sensitive and charged issue, especially when it does not directly concern his lineage. Tai Situ Rinpoche should set a good example and not interfere in the philosophies, practices, deities and spiritual path of another sect of Buddhism. His opinion will not hold water nor will it be respected but will be the cause of much more schism and dissension amongst various sects.
Until the implementation of the undemocratic ban in 1996, Dorje Shugden was widely practiced by great masters of both the Sakya and Gelug traditions. In fact, Dorje Shugden was first practiced, enshrined and written about in the Sakya tradition – a few great Sakya throne holders composed lengthy prayers and liturgies to Dorje Shugden for meditations and pujas, and within the Sakya tradition, Dorje Shugden is known as ‘Dorje Shugden tanag’ (Dorje Shugden depicted riding on a black horse). His was a highly recommended practice by some of the Sakya throne holders and in the main temple of Sakya in Tibet, there are shrines dedicated to him. Historically, it was the 30th Sakya throne holder Sonam Rinchen who first enthroned Dorje Shugden as an enlightened protector who, together with Dorje Setrap and Tsiu Marpo, formed as one of the groups of protectors of the Sakya lineage known as The Three Kings (Gyalpo Sum). It was from the Sakyas that great Gelugpa high-ranking masters, luminaries, yogis and scholars received this practice and up until today, many Gelugpa meditational practices were actually imported from the Sakya lineage. Hence, having originated amongst the Sakyas, Dorje Shugden became a mainstream practice in almost all Gelug monasteries in and out of Tibet for the past 400 years.
Therefore, when historical evidence shows the extensive, multi-tradition and interminable practice of this enlightened Dharma Protector prior to the 1996 Dorje Shugden ban, Tai Situ Rinpoche saying that Dorje Shugden “creates a lot of disharmony” and “within the Sangha there will be a lot of schism” is not only completely untrue but ironically is itself the cause of disharmony, distrust, animosity and schism. Tai Situ Rinpoche himself has created so much controversy, schism, division and fighting within his own lineage, and that he cannot blame on Dorje Shugden since he is so frightfully fearful of even mentioning his name. It is ironic he says Dorje Shugden creates division and schism, when he is doing a fine job of doing so all on his own.
His statements also demean all the great masters of the Gelug tradition (and the Sakya masters preceding them) who had tremendous faith in Dorje Shugden and engaged in his practice. Is Tai Situ Rinpoche implying that all the great Sakya and Gelug masters were wrong? That they lied to and misled their followers by encouraging them to rely on Dorje Shugden? That they were bad practitioners with no wisdom and foresight? That Tai Situ himself is higher and has better insight than all of them? How can Tai Situ Rinpoche judge lamas who are much more superior than himself? As sad as it seems, many within Tibetan Buddhism (both Tibetans and foreigners) find Tai Situ Rinpoche’s actions and speech more akin to a politician’s for self-gain than that of a so-called high lama. His immediate senior, His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche, is considered much more spiritual, direct and honest, and it would not come as a shock to know that Tai Situ has created great schism, talk and divisiveness against Shamar Rinpoche. For that, Tai Situpa was in fact banned by the Indian government from entering India for five years. That itself should say a lot. Shouldn’t a lama of Tai Situ Rinpoche’s standing be promoting religious tolerance, unity and peace instead?
Perhaps this is because Tai Situ Rinpoche is no stranger to divisiveness – he is a central figure in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa candidate. He has also instigated and promoted violence within the Karma Kagyu sect by encouraging his supporters to ransack Rumtek Monastery. Tai Situ Rinpoche’s encouragement was fueled by jealousy and unhappiness with His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche enthroning his Karmapa candidate Thaye Dorje in Rumtek Monastery itself. Within this video that was captured, you can see the extreme violence and vandalism by Tai Situpa’s supporters in Rumtek Monastery while Shamarpa and his Karmapa candidate were inside. Take note that Rumtek Monastery is the headquarters of the Karmapa in India, where Tai Situpa and Shamarpa had both grown up. Tai Situ Rinpoche overstepped his boundaries when he recognized Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the 17th Karmapa, a responsibility traditionally reserved for Shamar Rinpoche, the second highest ranking Karma Kagyu lama.

The Tibetan government-in-exile, known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. Shamarpa Rinpoche should be the traditional lama to recognize and enthrone the 17th Karmapa. Due to the CTA’s interference, Shamarpa’s candidate received many threats and problems during the recognition. This picture shows His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche (right) with the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje (left).

The Tibetan government-in-exile, known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. This picture shows Tai Situ Rinpoche (right) with the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje (left). With much violence, in-fighting and split among the Karma Kagyus, this very political Tai Situ Rinpoche did his Karmapa candidate’s enthronement. Many within Karma Kagyu sect do not accept his choice of candidate. The Dalai Lama was asked to withdraw his support for this candidate but said he could not do so because he has already signed his name to it, which means that he was endorsing this candidate for perhaps political reasons. The reason why Tai Situ broke with tradition and went to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to recognize his candidate is because he wanted his candidate to win so that he, Tai Situpa, could have access and control of the Karmapa’s estate accumulated over 16 generations. He therefore went to the Dalai Lama to gain an endorsement for his candidate Ogyen Trinley, thereby riding on the Dalai Lama’s fame to override Shamarpa who is the traditional person who is supposed to recognize the Karmapa.

The Tibetan government-in-exile, known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. This picture shows His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche (right) with his candidate of the 17th Karmapa Dawa Sangpo Dorje (left). So within the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism, due to the politics and greed, there are three candidates to Karmapa. It is a very sad situation indeed, with so much in-fighting and schism within the Karma Kagyus. Tai Situ Rinpoche would like to say Dorje Shugden creates divisions and schisms, but it seems without Dorje Shugden, Tai Situ is creating a lot of divisions on his own.
Tai Situ Rinpoche also broke tradition when, in a bid to force his candidate onto the Karma Kagyu throne, he involved His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala, North India) in the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. Everyone knows the reason why Tai Situ broke with tradition and went to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to recognize his candidate – he wanted his candidate to win so that he, Tai Situpa, could have access and control of the Karmapa’s estate accumulated over 16 generations. He therefore went to the Dalai Lama to gain an endorsement for his candidate Ogyen Trinley, thereby riding on the Dalai Lama’s fame to override Shamarpa who is the traditional person who is supposed to recognize the Karmapa.
To further inflame the issue, Tai Situ Rinpoche refused to submit for verification the evidence he claimed substantiated his choice of candidate. In fact, the line of Karmapa incarnations are known for finding their own next incarnations – before they pass away, they leave a written letter stating the location their next incarnation, as well as the name of their parents. This letter is sealed until the appropriate time when the four Regents open it together and embark on finding the Karmapa incarnation. The four regents are Shamar Rinpoche, Tai Situ Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche.
Tai Situ claimed he had this important recognition letter from the 16thKarmapa giving the whereabouts of the 17thKarmapa but he would not show it to anyone nor share it with the other regents. Shamarpa also claimed to have the letter and said that the letter held by Tai Situ is a forgery. The division continues from thereon without end; until today, the Karma Kagyu school is split into two, fighting, lambasting, criticizing, finger-pointing and badmouthing each other to such a point whereby one of the Karmapa candidates, Ogyen Trinley, spoke up about it. For someone who is as colorful as Tai Situ Rinpoche, who has created so much division, fighting and anger within his own lineage with his alleged deceptions, do you think he has the right to criticize another sect’s choice of protectors? Maybe he should solve his own problems before he sticks his nose into other issues that he knows nothing about. With his refusal to show his letter allegedly in the handwriting of the 16th Karmapa, his actions have since caused a deep split within the Karma Kagyu school which shows no sign of healing.
Inflammatory and untrue statements

This is the head of the Gelugpa order, His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal. During his tenure, which was extremely successful, he was the supreme throne holder of the Gelugpa school. Currently 92 years old, His Holiness resides in France where he remains a very strong practitioner of Dorje Shugden, always encouraging people to rely on the enlightened Protector. When the highest-ranking lama within the Gelug school of Buddhism tells you Dorje Shugden is beneficial and Manjushri in nature, maybe a much lower-ranking lama such as Tai Situpa should take heed of his senior. The 92-year-old Gaden Tripa is one of the greatest scholars of Buddhism on this planet and the head of the spiritual tradition of Gelugpa. He has lived a stainless, faultless life, remains very healthy and strong, and continues to advocate the practice of Dorje Shugden which he has received from his own root guru. Compare this to the politically-inclined Tai Situ Rinpoche who sends his followers to storm his own monastery, and throw rocks and bottles, and break its windows to disturb an important ceremony. You think which one you should listen to.
The divided opinion on the divinity of Dorje Shugden, which has gone on for decades, is still a highly charged topic today. Regardless of one’s opinion, what is crystal clear is that Dorje Shugden has not been conclusively proven to be a malevolent spirit. Contrary to this and in fact, there is vast evidence of Dorje Shugden’s enlightened nature.
In the video, Tai Situ Rinpoche clearly says that,
If you practice Shugden, it will bring obstacles to your life.
This alludes to the wrong views held by the anti-Shugden camp that a person’s life is shortened if he propitiates Dorje Shugden. Yet, it has been established that many lamas who are or were steadfast Dorje Shugden practitioners have long lifespans with some living well into their eighties and nineties. These include:
- H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, who lived until the age of 81 (1901-1981)
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, who lived until the age of 79 (1905-1984)
- H.E. Sogpu Rinpoche (Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva), who lived until the age of 101 (1908 – 2009)
- H.E. Kyabje Lati Rinpoche, who lived until the age of 88 (1922 – 2010)
- H.E. Kensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche, who lived until the age of 83 (1921 – 2004)
- H.E. Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche, who lived until the age of 82 (1929 – 2011)
- H.H. 101st Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal, who is still going strong at 91 years old (1927 – present)
- H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, who is still very much active and healthy at 83 years old (1935 – present)
- Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who is already 87 years old (1931 – present)
- H.E. Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche, who is at present 77 years old (1941 – present)
- H.E. Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende, who is also currently 77 years old (1941 – present)

His Eminence Sogpu Rinpoche is considered to be an emanation of Gyenze, the “increasing” form of Dorje Shugden. He was born in 1908 in Hanchen Hosguu of Ordos in Inner Mongolia, and was enthroned on the Hutugtu throne at a young age. He entered clear light and left his earthly body in 2009 at the age of 101 years old.
Is a malevolent spirit more powerful than the Buddhas?

Early Karma Kagyu Refuge Tree showing the Buddhas, enlightened protectors and lineage masters. Click to enlarge.
As one of the oldest tulku lineages of the Karma Kagyu tradition, Tai Situ Rinpoche should possess the knowledge to understand that there is no basis to fear any spirit, malevolent or otherwise, if one has taken the Refuge Vows and even more so if one has taken the Sangha Vows. The Buddhist teachings are clear that no ghost or spirit can harm a monk or nun unless they themselves have broken their vows.
By encouraging fear of malevolent spirits, Tai Situ Rinpoche makes the supposition that the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) do not have the power to bring people under their protection. To make matters worse, when most lay people would turn to their lama or guru for spiritual assistance, including for protection against spirits and black magic, Tai Situ Rinpoche’s seeming lack of faith in the power of vows and refuge is akin to him saying that he is powerless to assist or protect his followers from malevolent spirits. This is illogical — can you imagine going to the Dalai Lama only to have His Holiness tell you that not only is he powerless to help, but he fears the spirit? Can you imagine His Holiness encouraging you to be afraid of a malevolent spirit and advising you to refrain from saying its name just in case you attract its attention?
In fact, high Tibetan lamas are renowned for their ability to subdue malevolent spirits. Given his repute, it should not be beyond Tai Situ Rinpoche’s ability to do so as well. As such, instead of playing up people’s paranoia with continuous talk, if Dorje Shugden were really that harmful, why not be practical and apply the proven solution i.e. subjugation?

Nechung was once an evil worldly spirit that did his best to destroy the advent of Buddhism in Tibet until he was subdued by Guru Rinpoche or Padmasambhava. In fact, Nechung is said to have originally come from Persia. So here you have a perfidious Persian spirit subdued by an Indian saint, turned into a Protector force within Tibet. Who is the real spirit? Today, he is the State Oracle of Tibet. In this picture, the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay and representatives of the CTA attend the invocation of the Nechung Oracle at Nechung Monastery on 18th July 2016. They are all waiting for the Nechung spirit to enter his human oracle and give predictions of the future, many of which have been proven wrong.
Spirits and ghosts are beings who are experiencing great pain and suffering. So, instead of encouraging his followers to fear Dorje Shugden who is supposedly a malevolent spirit, would it not behoove Tai Situ Rinpoche to subdue Dorje Shugden and send his consciousness to a pure land? Or alternatively, to subdue Dorje Shugden to serve as a Dharma Protector as in the case of Nechung, the State Oracle of Tibet? Lamas like Tai Situ Rinpoche are supposed to help people overcome spirit problems, as well as help spirits be released from their suffering. So how does Tai Situ Rinpoche subdue ghosts or spirits if he is afraid of them?
No demon or evil spirit can be more powerful than a Buddha but by Tai Situ Rinpoche labelling Dorje Shugden a spirit and then encouraging his followers to fear Dorje Shugden, he is implying that Dorje Shugden is stronger than Buddha Shakyamuni, Yamantaka, Manjushri or Palden Lhamo. What kind of message is he spreading to his students and followers? Why is he spreading information that is contradictory to the basic tenets of Buddhism?
There is only one possible explanation as to why Dorje Shugden cannot be subdued, which is that Dorje Shugden is himself a Buddha, an enlightened being emanating as a worldly protector. The only beings that cannot be subdued by Buddhas, are Buddhas themselves.
What is Tai Situ Rinpoche really saying?
It is a shame that Tai Situ Rinpoche is abusing his position as one of the leaders of the Karma Kagyu school to spread misleading, unsubstantiated fears and distorted information to the tens of thousands of adherents of his lineage, and to worsen an already-wide rift amongst Tibetan society. In fact, Tai Situ is very well-known to follow politics of the majority in order to have access to financial gain. By him sticking his nose and interfering with Gelugpa and Sakya business, and criticizing a Protector that has nothing to do with them, he is trying to nuzzle up to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile, and to be seen to be on the ‘right’ side. When he is seen to be on the ‘right’ side and he is supported by the Dalai Lama, it will mean more fame for him which will of course translate into more donations. This could be his only motive for speaking up on a subject that he knows nothing about. By speaking against Dorje Shugden, he is automatically criticizing the great Sakya and Gelug lamas who are much more senior than him, and much greater in knowledge than himself.
Instead of accepting Tai Situ Rinpoche’s words wholesale, discerning viewers should analyze the contents of his speech, examine them logically against the Buddha’s teachings, and then speak up to correct the wrong views that this video may have created. Tai Situ Rinpoche should really be held accountable for the pain, suffering and discrimination that he is encouraging through this short one-minute video – what is his motive for making these comments and what is he trying to achieve, personal, political or spiritual gain?
Zasep Tulku Rinpoche’s autobiography ‘A Tulku’s Journey from Tibet to Canada’, published in 2016, provides historical evidence and irrefutable proof that the Central Tibetan Administration is falsifying the facts when it comes to the practice of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

The autobiography of Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, a high lama of the Gelug lineage, provides accurate historical accounts of the Dorje Shugden practice. Click to enlarge.
Historical accounts show that prior to the politicization of the Dorje Shugden practice by the Central Tibetan Administration, this popular deity was relied upon by Dharma practitioners to help in their spiritual practice. Contrary to detractors’ claims about Dorje Shugden being ‘anti-Dharma’, this Dharma Protector practice was traditionally deemed to be suitable to be practiced alongside the Highest Yoga Tantras.
Zasep Rinpoche and his family were able to escape to safety prior to the events of 1959 through the clairvoyance and prophetic advice of Dorje Shugden through one of his oracles, Lama Gelong Chojor Gyamtso.
Oracles of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden were known for the accuracy of their prophecies due to Dorje Shugden being a fully enlightened deity with perfect clairvoyance. As stated clearly by Zasep Rinpoche in his autobiography ‘A Tulku’s Journey from Tibet to Canada’, Dorje Shugden warned the Tibetans of the impending loss of their homeland but his advice was mostly ignored by the Tibetan government.
The Tibetan government chose to consult the worldly state protector Nechung, and Nechung advised that the Dalai Lama should remain in Tibet where he would be safe. This was mistaken advice, as historical events would later show. Fortunately for Tibetan Buddhists all around the world, Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang had great faith in Dorje Shugden and consulted the protector for advice on the Dalai Lama’s safety. Dorje Shugden via the Panglung Oracle urgently adviced the Dalai Lama to leave for India immediately and gave the exact escape route. In saving the Dalai Lama from certain harm, Dorje Shugden prevented the destruction of Tibetan Buddhism and preserved the future of the Tibetan culture and people.
Zasep Rinpoche’s account of events concur with monastic records that it was indeed Dorje Shugden who saved the Dalai Lama instead of Nechung, contrary to the claims of the Tibetan leadership.
Dorje Shugden’s practice was first established within the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya Throneholders regarded this Dharma Protector as an enlightened being and Dorje Shugden, together with Dorje Setrab and Tsiu Marpo formed the triune of Sakya Protectors known as Gyalpo Sum. Today, Sakya practitioners claim that Dorje Shugden was never widely practiced by their lineage but history proves otherwise. The undeniable fact is that before the CTA’s religious ban, Dorje Shugden was practiced first by the Sakyas and was later transmitted to the Gelug school where it was practiced by the majority of the Gelugpas.
Contrary to the CTA’s claims that Dorje Shugden’s practice is sectarian, Zasep Rinpoche’s autobiography shows how practitioners of all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism lived and practiced together in harmony, especially during the early years of exile in India. It was only when the CTA launched a virulent smear campaign against Dorje Shugden that the general public began to label Dorje Shugden a sectarian practice. In truth, Dorje Shugden’s practice is no more sectarian than the practices of other Dharma Protectors such as Mahakala Bernagchen, Achi Chokyi Drolma or Dorje Legpa, who protect the Karma Kagyu, Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma schools respectively.
By the 1980s, the Tibetan government had failed to fulfil multiple promises to return the Tibetan people to their homeland. A scapegoat was needed and they made one out of an ancient Buddhist practice, pinning the loss of Tibet and the failure of the Tibetan cause on Dorje Shugden. In his autobiography, Zasep Rinpoche is of the same opinion, stating that “…the [Dorje Shugden] controversy was orchestrated by the Tibetan Central Administration…”
The Tibetan leadership effectively sanctioned witch-hunts on Dorje Shugden practitioners and persecuted them using government instruments, declaring that simply by being a Shugden worshipper, one was effectively an enemy of the Tibetan nation.
As a result of the hatred against Dorje Shugden practitioners instigated by the Tibetan leadership, virtually all Shugden Buddhists had to fear for their lives, or at least for their safety.
Dorje Shugden’s beneficial practice has continued to thrive due to the courage and commitment of high lamas such as Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.
For centuries, Dorje Shugden has been practiced alongside the highest practices of the Gelug and Sakya lineages. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche’s list of transmission is an indication that the highest scholars viewed the Protector as an enlightened being compatible with their yidam practices.
Sonam Wangchuk
June 28, 2018
The Central Tibetan Administration may be delighted to read the Daily O’s claim that His Holiness the Dalai Lama was the main subject of discussion during the recent informal summit in Wuhan between Prime Minister Modi of India and President Xi of China. However, it is said that the discussion was prompted by the Dalai Lama’s ailing health, and that China and India entered into discussion to avoid a sequel to the 73-day stand-off between two countries. Perhaps the dialogue between His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s representatives and Beijing may finally resume since Prime Minister Modi and President Xi are being brought into the picture.
Yangdon Dhondup
June 29, 2018
Here is another article that gives a bleak assessment of the situation regarding the Dalai Lama and of the Tibetan cause. It mentions clearly how Tibet is losing out to China and why. It also explains why Lobsang Sangay is feebly respected by the Tibetan diaspora. The articles does not foretell good news for the Tibetan diaspora, in fact it does not even give a possible outcome for what is going to happen to them. It shows how the Dalai Lama is losing influence over world leaders from countries like the Netherlands to the United States. Such articles are becoming increasingly common because they reflect the situation for the Tibetans in-exile and their leaders.
Tsering Drolhma
July 8, 2018
July 2018-NYC- Tibetans fighting at some birthday celebratory event for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They set up a throne in the back, place Dalai Lama’s picture, and they fight, push, shout, scream at each other right in front of the throne of Dalai Lama and it’s filmed. That is the level of the Tibetans overall. Tibetans are not gentle, Buddhist, peace-loving, tolerant people as they portray to the world. They are rough, rude, hateful, vengeful, violent, regionalistic, narrow minded and will create trouble wherever they go. Very feudal. They always resort to vulgar words and violence. There are some moderate Tibetans, but on the whole they are very violent people who do not practice Buddhism. The average Tibetan know nothing of Buddhism and do not practice. Buddhism is just a meal ticket for them to get to another country. Their support of Dalai Lama is blind and only to be politically correct and they never practice what he teaches. Disgraceful to see a group of violent Tibetans fighting at a Dalai Lama birthday event. Shameful.☹
Tibetans are not welcomed wherever they go. Bhutanese kicked them out. Nepal hates Tibetans. India has no more use for the ‘refugee’ Tibetans and their temples made of gold. After 60 years they cannot get their own country back. What a bunch of losers and useless government people they have.
Tsering Drolhma
July 14, 2018
The letter:
It is about the incident that happened at His Holiness’s birthday celebration in NYC recently July 6, 2018. Some members of Tibetan woman association approached to Parliamentarian Tenpa Yarphel during the ceremony and complained that his comments regarding Nechung was disrespect to the protector and His Holiness. They also said him that he made many Tibetan people sad with his comments. And told him not to do that again in the future. Then Dhondup Tseten stood up and shamelessly touched those women. That incident almost made the ceremony stopped. To keep maintaining the relationship between Tibetan Woman Association and Tibetan Parliament Representative, TWA are asking for a apology letter from Dhondup Tseten for touching their members.
(It is so sad that in the fake democracy of the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala you cannot say anything against a leader or criticize. Too bad)
Carolle McAquire
July 11, 2018
Dalai Lama for debate, discussion to reconcile opposing viewpoints
The Dalai Lama always says we should have honest face to face discussion so misunderstandings are resolved especially on religious issues. Why does the Dalai Lama refuse to meet the Dorje Shugden followers who number in the hundreds of thousands to resolve the Dorje Shugden issue. Many letters have been submitted to request audience since 1996 and he and his office does not reply. Dalai Lama’s spirit of open debate and resolutions is not across the board. Too bad. Carolle McAquire
Bonnie Fider
July 11, 2018
As long as you are friends with the Dalai Lama, your actions are excusable, no matter how horrendous they may be. Even something as heinous as sexual abuse of over 60 women can be overlooked when the perpetrator is friends with the Dalai Lama namely Sogyal Rinpoche. Why rush to join the chorus of Hollywood voices condemning Harvey Weinstein’s criminality, but remain silent against Sogyal’s exploitation and abuse of women? Richard Gere was vocal in condemning against all the abuses and attacks against women by Harvey Weinstein. But silent on Sogyal Rinpoche. BBC has a full length documentary on Sogyal’s abuses as you can view here: Yet Richard Gere can take photos with the disgusting and abusive Sogyal. Is it because one group of women are worth protecting and the other are not? If it is not for that reason, then it can only be because Sogyal is the Dalai Lama’s friend. The Dalai Lama’s condemnation against Sogyal is very light and it’s disappointing. I guess since Dalai Lama supported Sogyal so much, he can’t be seen as wrong in doing so. Politics is sad.
Sherab Wangmo
July 12, 2018
Tenma deity takes trance of her oracle in Nechung Monastery in Dharamsala, North India. The deity is highly displeased and angry at Sikyong Lobsang Sangye and Penpa Tsering. She is scolding them by waving her arms at them and throwing rice at them. You can see Penpa Tsering shielding himself. These two has always been corrupt and extremely self-serving. Naturally the oracles of the Dalai Lama take trance and are very angry.
Suresh Ratna
July 12, 2018
SUMAA has been consistent in their efforts to evict Tibetans from Arunachal Pradesh as the Tibetans are known to exploit benefits given to locals. The Central Tibetan Administration, especially their so-called ‘president’ Lobsang Sangay, made the situation worse by rubbing salt in the wound, making a statement that Chief Minister Pema Khandu is an ardent follower of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a lifelong friend of the Tibetan people. This was right after Khandu announced the adoption of the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy in Arunachal Pradesh.
Tibetan refugees create a lot of problems for the locals no matter where they are, especially in Arunachal Pradesh. They take the locals’ land and resources without giving anything in return, making the locals furious to the extent that they are now demanding a written undertaking from the Tibetan refugees not to claim Indian citizenship and STC/PRC in Arunachal Pradesh. It is time to impeach Sangay for a better leader to guide and take care of the Tibetans in India before the wrath of locals evict Tibetans from the state or even the country for good.
Christie Donald
July 14, 2018
Hollywood is one of the most influential groups of people who have promoted the mysticism of Buddhist Tantra to the world. Together with the media, they have packaged Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan lamas into a fantasy Utopia, filled with God-like beings who are able to lead people along the quick path to enlightenment.
This propaganda has been widely exploited by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to garner support, especially financial aid, for the so-called Tibetan Cause and the Tibetan struggle against Chinese rule. Little does the West, including Richard Gere and the so-called Buddhist Professor Robert Thurman, know that efforts from China to improve the infrastructure and standard of living for the Tibetans in China have created opportunities for Tibetans to grow and be successful. This is something that is rarely seen in exile under the governance of the CTA.
This false image that has been promoted for the past 60 years or so is now slowly fading away as more and more victims come forward, exposing the sexual abuse they have suffered under the hands of Tibetan lamas like Sogyal Rinpoche. The root of the problem is clear, people are greedy and lazy while wanting quick success and attention. Since they get these from the Tibetan lamas like Sogyal, they are willing to accept the exploitation. This is further driven by fear that they would no longer be seen as the privileged ones in the inner circle if they do not clutch at their lamas and be seen showing tremendous devotion to their gurus. With only a superficial knowledge of Buddhism, this cult-like group of Hollywood stars and American politicians like Richard Gere continue to generate respect and love for their skewed version of the “Dharma”, while real Buddhist masters are relegated to the side lines.
July 26, 2018
Tai Situpa’s Karmapa candidate’s escape to USA and continued stay in USA is a huge embarrassment to the Dalai Lama and Tibetan government in exile. The Karmapa said he is very sad with his situation in his recent video (
Dalai Lama wants Tibet to be part of China
August 7, 2018
Dalai Lama says returning to China is better for Tibetans-What do rangzen (Tibet Independence fighters) people fighting for Tibet’s freedom do now??? Have we wasted our time?
Suddenly the Dalai Lama keeps insisting he wants to be a part of China. How about all the tens of millions of dollars in money and so much time and resource poured into the Free Tibet movement for 57 years in exile. Is that all wasted? Is that all down the drain? How can the Dalai Lama turn around on us like that?
If Dalai Lama returns to Tibet/China, then he is telling the world China is good for Tibetans and we Tibetans want to be a part of China. Is that correct? So Dalai Lama is telling the world that Tibet is a part of China? After so many years of saying we want independence and our country was eaten and now Dalai Lama is sending what message to the world?
How will India feel after hosting the Dalai Lama for so many years? – This one minute video shows the Dalai Lama August 2018 saying he feels Tibet should be a part of China! -
Dalai Lama wants Tibet to be part of China
August 8, 2018
Dalai Lama says returning to China is better for Tibetans-What do rangzen (Tibet Independence fighters) people fighting for Tibet’s freedom do now??? Have we wasted our time?
Suddenly the Dalai Lama keeps insisting he wants to be a part of China. How about all the tens of millions of dollars in money and so much time and resource poured into the Free Tibet movement for 57 years in exile. Is that all wasted? Is that all down the drain? How can the Dalai Lama turn around on us like that?
If Dalai Lama returns to Tibet/China, then he is telling the world China is good for Tibetans and we Tibetans want to be a part of China. Is that correct? So Dalai Lama is telling the world that Tibet is a part of China? After so many years of saying we want independence and our country was eaten and now Dalai Lama is sending what message to the world?
How will India feel after hosting the Dalai Lama for so many years? – This one minute video shows the Dalai Lama August 2018 saying he feels Tibet should be a part of China!
August 8, 2018
While the government of Nepal has framed a policy to tighten the noose around non-governmental organisations, they have welcomed 30 Chinese NGOs to enter the country. These NGOs will penetrate the country’s social sector at the grassroots level. This is the first time such a large number of Chinese NGOs have entered Nepal at one time. Nepal is increasingly open to Chinese influence, a sign that ties between both countries are strengthening, while India’s influence is being reduced. The time has passed for India’s monopoly to remain uninterrupted in Nepal as opportunities to engage with China are being welcomed.
Jampa Lhundup
August 8, 2018
The Nikkei Asian Review is a highly reputable news platform. They are not tabloid in any sense of the word. What they publish is reputable and thoroughly reliable. They mention clearly in an article published August 7, 2018 that the Dalai Lama has a terminal illness. The Prime Minister of India knowing this is now conciliatory towards China. He understands that the Dalai Lama cannot be used as a pawn in irritating China any further. Negotiations are progressing that after the passing of Dalai Lama, his government in-exile will close. The end.
August 9, 2018
Why doesn’t the United States and its allies end Refugee Status for the useless Tibetans? They have been refugees for 60 years now and don’t tell me they still cannot get their lives back in order?
Tibetans really know how to put on a good show and use people, take their money and do nothing in return.
Lhakpa Dhendup
August 10, 2018
What will the all the people around the world and in Tibet do now? Dalai Lama says he is happy that Tibet is a part of China and should remain a part of China. So many Tibetans self-immolated for Tibet to be independent and now Dalai Lama did a 360 degree turn and says he wants to go back to Tibet and China and Tibet should be a part of China. So unbelievable. So many are angry and disappointed.
Dalai Lama should set things right
August 12, 2018
Dear Dalai Lama,
Since you started the cruel ban against the 350 year Dorje Shugden practice, how has it benefit your Tibetan society and Buddhism in the world? Things have become worse and most educated Tibetans can see this. They don’t speak out not because they don’t see your ban as wrong, but you instill fear in them and not respect. It is like fear of a dictator. I am sorry to say so. Everyone is divided. There is no harmony. Before your ban there was more harmony and unity.
By enacting the ban, you split the monasteries, split so many families, split regions in Tibet apart, split your disciples from you, split your own gurus from you, split Tibetan Buddhism apart. You have created so much disharmony.
It is not democratic what you have done to ban a religion within your community. You always talk of tolerance and acceptance and democracy and yet you do not accept and tolerate something different from your beliefs. When people practice Dorje Shugden you ostracize them, ban them from seeing you, ban them from using Tibetan facilities. You know you have done that. There are videos that capture your speech and prove this point. You even had people expelled from monasteries just because they practice Dorje Shugden. Some of the monks you expelled have been in the monastery for over 40 years. Many older monks shed tears because of this.
Many young educated Tibetans lost confidence in you as they saw the damage the Dorje Shugden ban created and they lose hope. Many have become free thinkers. They reject what you have done. So many people in the west left Buddhism because of the confusion you created with this ban against Dorje Shugden which is immoral.
You could of had millions of people who practice Dorje Shugden to support, love and follow you, but you scared them away. They are hurt and very disappointed. They loved you and respected you deeply before the ban. It has been 60 years and you have failed to get Tibet back. Your biggest failure is not getting Tibet back after 57 years in exile. Now you are begging China to allow you to return to Tibet to the disappointment of thousands of people who fought for a free Tibet believing in you. So many self-immolated for a free Tibet and now you want Tibet to be a part of China with no referendum from Tibetans. Just like a dictator, you decide on your own. It was your government and you that lost Tibet in the first place. Your policies and style of doing things do not benefit Tibet and Buddhism. You have been the sole ruler of Tibet your whole life and you still have not gotten our country of Tibet back for us. Our families and us are separated. Yet you create more pain by creating a ban to further divide people. Please have compassion.
No other Buddhist leader has banned or condemned any religion except for you. It looks very bad. You are a Nobel laureate and this is not fitting of a laureate. You should unite people and not separate them by religious differences.
You said Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi did not do right to the Rohingya people in Myanmar due to religious differences, but you are doing the same thing to the Shugden Buddhists within your own society. There is a parallel in this. You separate the Shugden Buddhists from the others in Tibetan society.
You have lost so many people who would have loved and supported you. You have lost so much support around the world. The Shugden Buddhists who love you number in the millions. When you are fast losing support from governments and private people, it will not do you well to lose more.
After you are passed away in the future, the rift you created between the Dorje Shugden and non-Dorje Shugden people will remain for a while and that will be your legacy. Disharmony. You will be remembered for this. Not as a hero but a disharmony creator.
Dorje Shugden will spread and further grow, but you will be no more as you are a human. No one wishes you bad and in fact we hope you have a long and healthy life, but we have lost so much hope and have so much despair because of you. All the hundreds of Dorje Shugden lamas, tulkus and geshes are maturing and there are hundreds of Dorje Shugden monasteries in Tibet who will not give up Dorje Shugden. You have made a mistake. These hundreds of teachers and teachers to be will spread Dorje Shugden further in the future.
The gurus that gave us Dorje Shugden as a spiritual practice and you have called these holy gurus wrong and they are mistaken in giving us Dorje Shugden. How can you insult our gurus whom we respect so much? If they can be wrong, then you can be wrong. Then all gurus can be wrong. So no one needs to listen to any guru? You have created this trend. It is not healthy. Your own gurus practiced Dorje Shugden their whole lives. Your own gurus were exemplary and highly learned.
Dalai Lama you have created so much pain with this ban against so many people due to religion. You are ageing fast. Are you going to do anything about it or stay stubborn, hard and un-moving. You show a smile and preach peace and harmony wherever you go. But will you do the same to your own people? Please rectify the wrong you have done. Please before it is too late. You can create harmony again or you can pass away in the future with this legacy of peace. May you live long and think carefully and admit what was a mistake in having this unethical ban against Dorje Shugden religion.
August 14, 2018
Supreme Court of India JUSTICE Mr. MARKANDEY KATJU (RETD) writes that Tibet is much better under the Chinese than it was under the lamas who only wanted to make the populace slaves. It was feudal and it will never return to the backwardness again.
August 20, 2018
The cracks in Tibetan society are starting to show, and it is now coming to the attention of local Indians who have all but identified the Tibetan leadership as the source of the divisions. According to this author, disunity amongst the Tibetans is now creating problems for Indian law enforcement agencies, and this disunity may culminate in young Tibetans holding silent grudges against their host country. It is incredible that after six decades of generosity from India, Indians are now facing the very real possibility Tibetans can be ungrateful towards India. The Tibetan leadership totally failed to impart positive values upon their exiled community, like gratitude for those kindest to them and the need to repay these kindnesses with real, tangible results. It’s also very unlikely that the Tibetan leadership will now start to do this, after six decades of failing to do so. Indians need to realise this, and see that there is no benefit for their nation to align themselves with the Tibetan leadership, and there never will be.

August 24, 2018
Although the Dalai Lama has offered an apology, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) still expressed their disappointment over his controversial comment on Nehru, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC). Dalai Lama called Nehru self-centred.
The Congress said Dalai Lama being a foreigner should shun and refrain from interfering in the internal as well as external affairs of India.
Tai Situ Rinpoche fails
September 12, 2018
Tai Situ Rinpoche should not have said such a thing because it reflects how incompetent of him being a Rinpoche and his lineage.
It is not possible for a high lama afraid of any beings. Why is he afraid of Dorje Shugden? Tibetan Lamas are famous for being powerful and strong and they show compassion for every being that they come across. How is it possible that Tai Situ Rinpoche is afraid of Dorje Shugden? This will mean that he is not capable of warding off evil beings himself? Is he a fake Rinpoche then?
This puts all high lamas of the same tradition to shame and indirectly saying the Buddha is wrong, the high lamas are wrong and the Dharma is wrong.

Lobsang Dhondup
September 16, 2018
It is bewildering that His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned that he had known of sexual abuse by Buddhist teachers since the 1990s, yet nothing was done to reprimand these Buddhist teachers. After all, such abuses inflict substantial damage to the reputation of Tibetan Buddhism as a whole as compared to smaller issues like Dorje Shugden.
The Central Tibetan Administration was fervent in executing the Dorje Shugden ban, launching a documentary film, books, expelling monks, splitting monasteries and denying access to hospitals, clinics, schools, retail shops and so forth down to even publishing a hit list of Shugden activists in order to encourage violence and lynch mob. Yet, the damage done to Tibetan Buddhism by these lamas seems to be ignored and hushed. Why is the Central Tibetan Administration not doing more to warn the public about these sex offenders like posting a warning list on their website?
Tashi Wangchuk
September 16, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the Tibetan spiritual leader revered by millions of Buddhists around the world should ensure that the Tibetan spiritual leaders do more to denounce sexual misconduct and abuse of Buddhist teachers as there are far-reaching repercussions and negative impact on Tibetan Buddhism.
While His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been consistent in reminding practitioners about not practising Dorje Shugden in lieu of the social and religious problems associated with it, despite the unsubstantiated claims or justifications, the indolence of the Central Tibetan Administration in taking action to pacify the public disgust against the misconduct of these Buddhist teachers is severely lacking and appalling. The bias in dealing with these issues related to religious matter has again proven the political nature and conspiracy behind the ban on Dorje Shugden.
Tashi Wangdi
September 20, 2018
When compared to the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala that does not take any responsibility for their people like any proper government normally would, China is radically different and liberal for allowing sex abuse victims to express themselves on social media, despite its heavy censorship of the Internet.
For people like Luo Xixi, whose online postings on sex abuse has garnered millions of views on Chinese social media, said that the government is gradually opening up to the #MeToo movement, a hashtag catch-phrase movement that encourages and empowers sex abuse victims to stand up against sex abuse. In China, those who are convicted of sexual abuse are severely dealt with by the law and laid off from work. The Central Tibetan Administration should take heed of how such cases are dealt with in China and not allow sex abuse perpetrators, especially Tibetan lamas to continue committing their crimes unchecked and without consequence.
Thupten Lungrig
September 20, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s speeches create headlines nowadays not because they bring wisdom and enlightening thoughts, but rather unpleasant feelings and disapprovals. From the sexist quip in 2015, his gaffe on Nehru, and his recent comment about Europe that caused him to be labelled as White Supremacist, there is now one more to add onto the list. In order to be congenial and consistent with the image of a Nobel Peace Laureate, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been issuing statements, especially about Islam, such as redefining Jihad as an interior struggle.
More and more people are expressing their doubt, with some even directly pointing out the mistakes in the Dalai Lama’s speech. This pattern of speech of strong statements that ends up in denial or apology seems consistent with his advice concerning the practice of Dorje Shugden. With the reasons behind the ban shifted so much over time, perhaps there really was never any validity behind the ban at all.
Gold Germany
September 28, 2018
Transcript: Dalai Lama is a Racist Nazi
Dalai Lama is a piece of shit and a disgusting scumbag. It is, it is insane this cunt comes to Europe and tells us that we should not accept more refugees. Is he fucking retarded? It is amazing, like you don’t expect from people like, like those to be Nazis and to support all the right. It’s just insane a spiritual leader is a fucking Nazi dude. Europe needs more refugees, way more than we already have. Do you understand? And this degenerate says that we should send refugees back to where they came from and that we should help the countries of the refugees. His suggestions are, it’s obvious, like obviously we should help the countries of the, of the refugees, of their origin, but we should not send anyone back. We need more refugees in Europe and we should not deport anyone. We should give money to the refugees so they can stay in Europe and live here. What this Dalai Lama is suggesting is very inhumane, that’s all what I wanted to say. Hopefully in future we will get more migrants in Europe. Hopefully we can help more people. Let’s hope, let’s hope for the better.
Ngawang Norbu
October 1, 2018
The issue of Indian resentment towards the Tibetan refugees living on Indian soil is nothing new. The Tibetans have built comfortable lives for themselves in India and enjoy many privileges including exemption from paying tax. All of this is done without Tibetans showing genuine concern for the less fortunate in their host country.
The story below, which took place over 24 years ago, is a reflection of how fragile the Tibetan situation is in India. When a Tibetan murdered an Indian following a dispute, chaos ensued, and the Dalai Lama had to consider moving out of Dharamsala. Tensions between the Indian and Tibetan community have not normalised and remain high in the area even until today.
Pema Tashi
October 2, 2018
A Plot to Murder the Dalai Lama
Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka, South India, says there is a plot to murder the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.
Link to the original video:
October 2, 2018
A plot to murder the Dalai Lama by a Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) terrorist named Kausar was recently uncovered. Kausar planned to cause the Dalai Lama’s demise and blow up Buddhist temples in the Indian State of Karnataka as revenge for the attacks on Rohingya Muslims by some Buddhists in Myanmar.
Although Kausar’s plans are appalling and cannot be justified, it is a reminder that the Dalai Lama as a well-known Buddhist personality has a moral obligation to discourage religious persecution in any form. This even includes the discrimination experienced by Dorje Shugden practitioners.
Ngawang Jigme
October 2, 2018
The fact that rangzen activists aim for the goal of Tibetan independence is at odds with the Dalai Lama’s goal for Tibet’s autonomy. This is nothing new but it is an undeniable fact that the Dalai Lama is the most recognisable Tibetan face and representative for the Tibetan Cause. However, for years now there has been a deficit of trust between China and the Dalai Lama, which leaves the future of Tibetan refugees in limbo.
Recently, the Dalai Lama tried to take conciliatory steps towards China by acknowledging that development in the Tibet Autonomous Region is beneficial and expressed his desire to return to China. He even said he wants to go on pilgrimage to Mount Wutai, China’s most famous Buddhist site. The fact that the Rangzen people are still protesting against China however shows their true colour. They are against the Dalai Lama and want to make sure that his efforts to help Tibetans are unsuccessful.
Tashi Wangdi
October 4, 2018
Sex Predator in a Monk’s Robes?
In USA, Shambhala’s head Sakyong Mipham with his huge ceremonial hat, blue and gold brocades on a high throne. So much pomp and ceremony and underneath it all was a monster… a sexual predator in religious robes exploiting women and people. Such a disgusting shame. Sakyong should be barred from any activities in the future and go for counselling. He needs it badly. His father was Chogyam Trungpa who did the same thing to women and included drugs and orgies in the 70′s. Dalai Lama supports Sakyong Mipham as sizeable donations were given to the Dalai Lama’s office. Shame. We all thought Dalai Lama was clairvoyant and can see the hearts of sentient beings? Sakyong Mipham wears monk robes, shaves his head but has a wife and kids. Why keep wearing monk robes? He is wearing monk robes to look authentic as he is not authentic. Easier to swindle and fool people. Ontop of wearing robes, shaved head masquerading as a monk, has a wife and kids, he further attacks other women sexually. What kind of spiritual leader is this? Disgusting.
October 4, 2018
Tai Situ Rinpoche being a Karma Kagyu Rinpoche should not have interfered with the Dorje Shugden issue which mainly practiced in Sakya and Gelug schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He does not have the authority to talk about the practice of other schools because he is not the expert in it.
The way he talks about it totally put shame on his lineage and Tibetan Buddhism in general. He talks as if Dorje Shugden being the evil spirit is very powerful and it scares him. He is afraid of it and just by saying his name can cause fear into the heart of many. Tibetan lamas are famous in subjugating and removing evil spirits. It is known to the public that Tibetan Lamas are potent in exorcizing or dealing with spirit disturbances.
When he says he is afraid of this evil spirit and he feels scared just by mentioning his name, he is saying that Tibetan Buddhism is useless and an evil spirit is superior to the Buddhas. Buddhism cannot provide any protection against a mere evil spirit and monks should be afraid of this evil spirit. He made a total fool out of himself.

November 1, 2018
China and India are becoming closer and in a recent meeting have agreed on some points. One of these points is that the Dalai Lama will not be allowed to carry out any more political activities against China on Indian soil. Being a spiritual leader, why is he so political anyway? The Indian leaders are slowly silencing the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in India. The Dalai Lama and his Tibetan government in-exile regime had better make friends with China already. They should either go back to Tibet/China or become Indian citizens and remain silent.
Jampa Samten
November 27, 2018
India and China now pushing ahead with resolution of their border disputes. It looks like India is finally ready to officially drop the Tibet card.
“India and China will have “early harvest” talks on their vexed border dispute as many agreements have been reached by both sides since their top leaders met in Wuhan, Beijing said on Monday”.
Sino-Indian ‘early harvest’ spells scorched earth for Tibetan dreams.
Too bad for Tibetans in India. Too bad for Tibetan leadership. Their karma coming back soon for all the harms they have done.
Sonam Wangdue
December 2, 2018
Dear Lobsang Sangye and Tibetan Govt in exile in Dharamsala,
How come after 60 years you are still not at the G20 meetings? How come you cannot get your country back? How come the world economies and power are shifting towards the East which is China? How come you cannot get Tibetan autonomy, or freedom or any leeway with China? How come your negotiations with China is a failure and you produced nothing?
You run around begging for FREE MONEY from Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and US for 60 years now but no one in your refugee community has made it big or successful? Where did all the money go? In your pockets? How come all your Tibetans from India/Nepal are going back to Tibet or leaving to the west. How come your schools in India are empty? How come Dharamsala is emptying out?
How come you are getting weaker and more world governments are ignoring you? How come more are paying attention to China? Less governments are willing to pay attention to you and the Tibet cause? Where is all your rangzen groups? How come they are not effective? Maybe they are disillusioned with your corruption, lies and underhanded tactics and human rights abuses using religion to divide your own people?
What happened to you? Why are you and your community your Tibetan ‘parliament’ such losers and failures? How come you cannot achieve anything?
Are you going to continue to beg for more FREE MONEY to fund your trips, houses, children’s education, vacations, five star hotels, nice brocade chubas, expensive accessories, and properties. You know the ordinary Tibetan in India has gotten nothing in financial help of the hundreds of millions in aid for that last 60 years you Tibetan exiled government pocketed. Is that why your Tibetan people in India and Nepal are all leaving to back to Tibet and the west? You failed?
Your policies and work are not effective.
Too bad.
December 3, 2018
Note what Namdol Lhagyari said is progressive and unlike the usual Tibetan rhetoric:
“The problem I see right now is how reliant we are on one individual,” Namdol Lhagyari, 32, the youngest member of Tibet’s exile parliament, said. “I understand that every freedom movement requires one role model, one leader, who would push everyone in the right direction, bring everyone to one goal. But he has reached an age where we will have to prepare ourselves for a post-Dalai Lama.”
These are important points to remember:
1. Tibetan lamas and monks SHOULD not enter politics. They should not hold positions of power, leadership and political roles. It will demean the Dharma. They are not trained, nor qualified nor have the credentials to be in government. They also do much damage to religion as people start to respect them less. The lines between respecting them as spiritual beings (sangha) and speaking against them when they are in government and make wrong decisions become blurred.
2. Monks and nuns should not get involved with the running of the country but should stick to education. Giving good education to the public about ethics, morality and in some cases Buddhism. No one wants to see a political monk or nun. Because it contradicts the very reason they renounced the worldly life in order to enter a life of contemplation, learning, meditation and gaining enlightenment.
3. Look at other countries where Buddhism is strong where sangha is sangha and never get involved with government or being public officials. In Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Sri Lanka etc where there are tens of thousands of sangha, you don’t see them in the government at all. Local or national governments both do not have sangha. Even in Christian countries you don’t see priests in government. That is Tibet’s big mistake to place monks/high lamas in so many government positions and as public officials. Very dangerous for the country as it has proven with Tibet and Tibetans.
4. Monks, nuns and high lamas should do dharma practice, produce books, videos, give teachings, guide the public, do funerals, blessings, be a nurturer, study dharma, build real temples, keep existing temples spiritual, animal shelters, environmentalists, be mediators, help with orphanages, shelters, the poor, half way houses, poor houses, and basically all sorts of charities that benefit the mind and body of sentient beings that is NOT GOVERNMENT BASED. If sangha gives good education, they can produce kind and good leaders to run the country.
Tibetans should never never never allow Sangha (monks, nuns and spiritual personages) to be involved with government, politics and rule of law because it ends up in disaster. That is how Tibet lost it’s country and will never get it back. There are too many monks in the Tibetan Parliament and as leaders remember Samdhong Rinpoche as the prime minister of exiles. That was very bad. The King of Tibet currently is a monk. How does that look? Very political.
Tibet made that huge mistake and Tibet will never recover from it.
December 5, 2018
Differences between Dalai Lama and CTA president put Tibetan politics in a tailspin
By Rajeev Sharma, November 27, 2018
Tibetan politics is in a tailspin as there are signs of serious differences between the 14th Dalai Lama, unquestionably the supreme and undisputed leader of the Tibetans, and Lobsang Sangay, president of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
The immediate provocation is the unceremonious cancellation of the 13th Religious Conference of the Schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon Tradition, which was scheduled between November 29 and December 1 year in Dharamshala. Insiders have revealed that the conference was cancelled by Lobsang without consulting the Dalai Lama.
Even more intriguing is the timing of the move. Knowledgeable sources in the Tibetan establishment in India disclosed that Lobsang made the move while the Dalai Lama was travelling back from Japan, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it.
Tibetan politics is turning out to be a cloak-and-dagger mystery. According to sources, Lobsang waited until the Dalai Lama was on his way to the airport before ordering the Department of Religion and Culture to cancel the event. Interestingly, the cancellation of the conference is available by way of an announcement in English on the CTA website.
The CTA’s Department of Religion and Culture announced that owing to the sudden demise of the supreme head of the Nyingma tradition, Kathok Getse Rinpoche, who passed away this week in Nepal and in respecting the sentiments of the followers of Nyingma tradition, the 13th Religious Conference of the Schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon Tradition was being indefinitely postponed.
The department cited that many lamas and representatives of the Nyingma tradition were unable to participate because of Rinpoche’s passing away.
On November 22, the CTA organised a prayer service to mourn the demise of Rinpoche, the 7th supreme head of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoche passed away following an accident on November 19 in Pharping, Nepal. He was 64.
Sources say the Dalai Lama is furious with Lobsang Sangay for trying to take credit for his negotiations with China about returning to Tibet.
Sangay claimed that the Dalai Lama has failed for 60 years in negotiations with China, but he has the power and ability to succeed. This is also an indication of how weak the Dalai Lama’s current position is. Sangay knows that the Dalai Lama has been negotiating with China about returning and he’s trying to position himself to take credit for it. Had this happened a few years ago the Dalai Lama would have had him removed, but since his cancer has become terminal, Sangay has been consolidating his position among the exiled community. He controls the press department of the Tibetan government-in-exile and has done so since he ousted Dicki Chhoyang.
For the record, the head of the department, which cancelled the conference, was appointed by Sangay.
By the time the Dalai Lama returned to India the event was cancelled and announcements were issued to the media while he was still in the flight, which would have prevented a confirmation with the Tibetan leader and nothing could have been done to stop it. The reason given for the cancellation was the death of a senior monk.
Sources said that the real reason for the CTA president to keep the Dalai Lama in the dark was because the latter would decide again whether to back the Karmapa as his successor. The Karmapa issue has been a major reason of discord between the Dalai Lama and the CTA president. Sources spoke about a telephonic conversation between the Dalai Lama and Sangay in this regard on November 22 when the former was in Japan.
During this conversation, furious arguments broke out between the two. The Dalai Lama is said to have “shouted” at Sangay, saying that the Karmapa wouldn’t be chosen and that he wouldn’t be dictated terms by anyone. In this conversation, the Dalai Lama used some expletives in Tibetan language which he did not expect Sangay to understand as the CTA president doesn’t know the language. However, a Lobsang aide is said to have translated what the Dalai Lama said.
This marks the most significant power play ever between the different factions within the Tibetan exile leadership. In other words, it’s now an all-out battle between the Dalai Lama and Lobsang Sangay over the future of the exile community, which may worsen in the days to come.
(The writer is a columnist and strategic analyst who tweets @Kishkindha)
This interesting article has much food for thought:
1. Dalai Lama is angry and shouting expletives as Lobsang Sangay. Everyone knows the Dalai Lama is in full control. He claims he’s retired from politics but this is just to say what the west wants to hear so he can continue getting funding. It looks good to the west that he voluntarily gave up power and this makes him look progressive. But the Dalai Lama controls everything from behind and if you don’t agree with his decisions, he will be furious. Every Tibetan knows this well.
2. Interesting the article mentions Dalai Lama’s cancer is terminal. Everyone knew this but the Dalai Lama tries to cover this point up. Why? Who knows? What is the problem if people knows he has cancer. Tibetan govt tries to play it down.
3. Dalai Lama is angry as his successor will only be on his terms and no one else may dictate to him the terms as Lobsang Sangay tried to do so since it is not a democracy in practice. As all Tibetans know, the Dalai Lama is the Lama-King and he has full power and no one may contradict him. The face he shows the west (soft, friendly, diplomatic, easy-going, democratic) is all just for the west. The face Dalai Lama shows his Tibetan people (fierce, King, angersome, in charge and must be obeyed) is how it really is. Tibetans know the Dalai Lama controls everything and fully manages all politics. People are not happy with this but dare not speak up as there is no democracy.
Writer Rajeev Sharma is telling the situation like it really is. Finally the truth is coming out. Tibetan government in exile is a regime in every sense of the world that depends on all the hundreds of millions of free dollars it has been taking from the west, Japan, Australia and so on. It exists on free money. It is not a good government and has failed all negotiations with China due to the Tibetan leaders’ arrogance. Why arrogance? They think the world will force China to do what Tibetans leaders want and that they are so important on everyone’s agenda. Tibetans are on no one’s top agenda and China is an economic and military super power. China will not and will never kowtow to the Tibetan demands. It is the Tibetans who must beg China to be friends and get some concessions if at all possible. No country has ever dared stand up to USA, but China has and China is growing in power yearly. Everyone is scrambling to be China’s friend and saying goodbye to the Tibetan cause. Tibetan cause is the thing of the past and no economic benefits to support Tibetan cause.
These days every country votes in leaders that can better their country’s economy due to world recession. So every country has to do business and trade and aid with China to improve their economy. If you side with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan govt in exile in India, what do you get? Nothing! So leaders of every nation realize this now and will continue to make friends with China and say goodbye to the Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama on a personal level may be rich, famous and sells a lot of books, but that won’t get Tibet back. That won’t win the support of leaders of the free world and other nations.
Tsering Ngodup
December 29, 2018
‘Karmapa’ Ogyen Trinley no longer recognised by Indian govt as 17th Karmapa. Indian government is not happy he did not show respect to India for all the years he took refuge in India. He simply renounced his Indian protectorate papers and took a Dominican republic passport. He could have had the courtesy to let Indian government know beforehand and thank them.
Read more at:
Jampa Youdon
January 10, 2019
Dear Tibetan government-in-exile (Dharamsala),
Sharmapa Rinpoche is the highest authority in the Karma Kagyu after Karmapa. By age-old tradition, Sharmapa is the one that confirms the real incarnation of Karmapa. He recognized Thaye Dorje as the genuine Karmapa. But Dalai Lama endorsed Orgyen Trinley as the real Karmapa. Dalai Lama is a great lama but there has never been a tradition of him recognizing a Karmapa.
Both ‘Karmapas’ have big followings in and out of Tibet. So which one should we follow? We have to follow the genuine Karmapa. If we follow the fake one, we will get fake teachings, fake lineage and no results. We can even take rebirth in the lower realms.
Only the Tibetan leaders can tell us which is the real Karmapa. You have told us which one is the real Panchen Lama. We follow the Panchen of your choosing. Since then we have condemned China and condemned the fake Panchen Lama. Now it is the same situation with Karmapa. We have denounced the fake Karmapa and ask him to step down. He is destroying the Karma Kagyu Lineage.
This issue has torn the Karma Kagyu sect in half. There are many who are so confused and some gave up Tibetan Buddhism altogether because of this. We must solve the confusion. This does not look good for the Tibetan government in exile because the confusion was started by Tibetan government. I support Dalai Lama and Tibetan government. But so many of us need to know the real Karmapa already. Don’t remain silent. Which one is the real Karmapa.
Tibetan government in exile, you have created two Gelugs (Pro-Dorje Shugden and against), you have created two Panchen Rinpoches, two Karmapas, two Dromo Geshe Rinpoches, two Kundeling Rinpoches and so on. When are you going to solve all the confusion. You are destroying Tibetan Buddhism.
January 20, 2019
Tai Situ Rinpoche is a high lama in Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism really made a fool out of himself. Have anyone seen the video where he talked about how scary Dorje Shugden is? In the video, he expressed that he is scared by just reciting Dorje Shugden’s name. Indirectly, he is saying that him being a high Rinpoche can be overpowered by a mere evil spirit.
Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism are famous for their ability to solve paranormal problems. That is why when Situ Rinpoche said that he is afraid of the evil spirit called Dorje Shugden, he is saying that Karma Kagyu Lamas are incapable. They can’t even subdue an evil spirit. So it means whatever teachings they practice is not effective and false because Buddha’s teachings are supposed to be able to subdue spirits with compassion.
It also shows how incapable of him being a Rinpoche for being scared of an evil spirit. All of these does not make sense for a person who has knowledge about Tibetan Buddhism. In fact, anyone who examines the whole Dorje Shugden ban and also the reason that CTA gave to justify the ban, they will find it illogical. CTA is obviously lying about why the impose the ban. There is a hidden agenda in it.
October 4, 2019
How reliable and credible is Tai Situ Rinpoche? He has gone against the protocol of his own lineage to recognise the 17th Karmapa. Not only that, he went to the CTA and Dalai Lama to get their endorsement on the Karmapa he has chosen.
According to the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage, the reincarnation of the Karmapa should be recognised by the Sharmapa Rinpoche, not Tai Situ Rinpoche. Tai Situ Rinpoche might be one of the close disciples of the Karmapa, but that does not give him the authority to overwrite the tradition of Karma Kagyu lineage.
It is very obvious that even in the Sangha community there are politics. The Sharmapa Rinpoche and Tai Situ Rinpoche are not in good terms. Are the differences due to craving for power and status? If this problem is not resolved, it will definitely affect the preservation and spread of the lineage. Now that the two Karmapas have met up, I hope thing will get better for the sake of protecting the lineage.
October 7, 2019
The Karmapa issue is a result of hunger for power and money. What is the motivation of Tai Situ Rinpoche recognising the 17th Karmapa? Why didn’t he follow the tradition or protocol of Kagyu lineage?
When he recognised his own Karmapa, it was a clear indication he and Sharmapa Rinpoche were not in a good relationship. It is sad, the two of them are the heart sons of the Karmapa but they were not working together to look for their guru’s incarnation and to continue to serve him.
Last year, the two 17th Karmapa met up, this was a very rejoicing news. It means both of them were concerned about the future of the lineage and they think it is necessary to keep the lineage strong. Regardless of who is the real Karmapa, their action was very encouraging.