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By: Shashi Kei
There are four places of pilgrimage that are considered a must-visit for all Buddhist practitioners of all traditions. One of these places is the Buddha’s birthplace in Lumbini in present-day Nepal. In 245 BC, Emperor Ashoka confirmed the location of Buddha’s birth by erecting a pillar with inscriptions attesting to this; today, this monument is a UNESCO World Heritage Site famously known as the Ashoka Pillar.
The Buddha’s birthplace being in Lumbini is something that the Nepali people are fiercely proud of. They celebrate Buddha Jayanti (the birth anniversary of the historic Buddha) on May 21st every year and it is a hallowed tradition regarded as sacred by this Himalayan nation. Thousands from all over the world fly to Lumbini to join in the festivities.
But all of this is mere nonsense according to the 14th Dalai Lama. In recently-released footage on Rajdhani TV, the Tibetan spiritual leader dismissed this historic fact in a manner that was very demeaning to Nepal. The dismissal was all the more galling considering Nepal has been very kind to the Tibetan people, having hosted a huge Tibetan refugee community for over 60 years.
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This is a point the Dalai Lama appears to have missed or does not care too much about, and his statement is very disrespectful and harmful for a number of reasons:
- Nepal, despite struggling with its own issues, has shown so much generosity to Tibetans by hosting some 30,000 to 40,000 refugees. This amounts to roughly a third of the Tibetan diaspora, and they are housed in 12 Tibetan refugee camps throughout Nepal. Tibetans who arrived in Nepal before 1989 benefited tremendously from the country’s economic and social integration. Many Tibetans opened businesses, shops and restaurants that are patronized by hordes of tourists who visit Nepal every year. In Nepal, they were also able to re-establish their Tibetan monasteries. Hence it would not be mistaken to say that Nepal contributed greatly to the survival of the Tibetan identity and tradition. And yet, this is how the Tibetan leadership repays them, by dismissing one of their beloved beliefs and sources of national pride.

Since they first entered exile through the China-Nepal border in 1959, Tibetan refugees in Nepal have done extremely well for themselves. Amidst aging Nepali homes rise large golden-roofed temples which are as richly decorated inside as they are outside. After the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, the Tibetan temples were often the first to be rebuilt, thanks to donations from all over the world. Meanwhile the Nepali people continued to languish outdoors in the elements for months, before receiving more permanent shelter. It was also during this time that some of the Dalai Lama’s associates were found to have been raising money on the pretext of donating to earthquake victims, but keeping the money for themselves instead.
- The Dalai Lama’s statement is very harmful to the Nepali economy. Spiritual tourism is one of the largest industries in Nepal, and it is an important source of foreign exchange and revenue, drawn no doubt by sacred sites like Lumbini. The Tibetan refugees themselves also rely on the Nepali tourist industry to draw customers to their various businesses. Therefore when the Dalai Lama makes baseless statements like this, it undermines the credibility of Nepal’s spiritual tourism. Many people in the world assume that the Dalai Lama is the head of the Buddhist religion and the supreme authority of all matters Buddhist, and therefore he must be correct about this. In the end, it is Nepal that will lose out because the assumption is, if the Dalai Lama himself said so, then Nepal’s claim to be the Buddha’s birth country must be a fraudulent statement.
- In fact, the Dalai Lama and his government, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA which is based in Dharamsala) has shown little interest in the well-being of the Nepalis. Even during the recent earthquakes which devastated Nepal, the CTA merely issued a simple statement expressing sorrow, offered 20 lakh rupees (equivalent to less than USD 32,000) towards Nepali rescue and relief efforts, and promised to pray for Nepal. This is a pittance compared to the countless millions that the CTA receives annually in government grants, public aid and donations. In fact, while the CTA was offering this pittance, some of the Dalai Lama’s associates used the Nepal earthquake to raise funds for the victims, but failed to disburse the money to anyone. Their bank accounts were later frozen on charges of money laundering. It shows clearly that the Tibetan government is only interested in what it can gain from its friends and does not bother much with how it can contribute to the people of other nations.

Some of the Tibetan shops surrounding the world-famous Boudhanath Stupa. Thousands of tourists visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site every day, and patronize the many wealthy Tibetan businesses there. Tensions have been rising in recent years against Tibetan refugees, who are accused of taking the best business spots and pricing out the local Nepalis.
- The Dalai Lama’s statement reignites a long-standing spat between India and Nepal over the right to claim to be the Buddha’s birth country. It was completely unnecessary for the Dalai Lama to raise this issue and reopen old wounds, especially when the spiritual leader owes a debt of gratitude to both India and Nepal. It also shows very poor diplomacy skills especially at a time when China is openly wooing Nepal with trade and the construction of important infrastructure. Angering the Nepalis in this way will only push them further into the arms of China, from whom they can benefit greatly by opening trade relationships. Ultimately, it shows that the Tibetan people are ungrateful and disrespectful even after half a century of contributions and support from Nepal.
The Nepali nation has every right to be upset. The Dalai Lama being an elder statesman and a senior religious figure synonymous with wisdom and kindness must be fully aware of the power of his words. He is one of the most visible personalities in the world and, rightly or wrongly, a trusted public figure. Everyone has seen how the Dalai Lama has destroyed centuries-old spiritual traditions like the Dorje Shugden practice by simply declaring it to be demon worship, without furnishing any proof or explanations. Now, the same disregard is shown to the Nepali people.
There cannot be any justification why the Tibetan leadership would inflict this blow on the nation of Nepal. The anger of the Nepali people towards the Dalai Lama’s statement is justified. They have been very generous and tolerant towards the Tibetan refugees; the least that the Tibetan leadership could do is respect their history and culture.

Every year, Tibetan refugees in Nepal launch protests against the Chinese government, forcing the Nepali police to allocate already-strained resources into policing them. These protests have a negative impact on Nepal’s relationship with China. Is this how Tibetan refugees show gratitude to their Nepali hosts, by adversely affecting their host country’s economy and relationship with other nations, and their ability to provide for their own local people?
It would behoove the Tibetan leadership to practice greater sensitivity towards the Nepalis in the future as the people are already very upset. Unlike the many other groups that the Tibetan leadership has insulted and maligned, there is much that the Nepali government can do in retaliation. For example, the CTA may now lose another one of their strong allies in the Himalayan region. China is already extending a hand of friendship to Nepal and now, due to the Dalai Lama’s statement, the Nepali government has just been reminded that cultivating a relationship with the Tibetans will not benefit their country or people. The only result will be more grief, insults and violence.
In contrast, a relationship with the Chinese will result in financial and trade benefits for the nation, as well as infrastructure improvements and economic growth. The CTA also fails to recall that the presence of Tibetan refugees in the country is totally reliant on the Nepali government’s continued patronage; without their support, the Tibetans could be asked to leave any day. How much longer can the CTA rely on the kindness of others, while they simultaneously insult and anger them? How much longer can the CTA survive in this way? At the rate they are going, the obvious answer is ‘not much longer’.
The Nepali Reaction
This is how the Nepalis are responding to the Dalai Lama’s statement that Buddha was born in India, and not Nepal. The Nepalis, as you can see, are extremely upset and are making their unhappiness known in official news channels as well as online on social media platforms. Videos of the Dalai Lama’s statement are also circulating and being shared widely. You can see below the numerous examples of the Nepalis’ reaction, and the strength of feeling that the normally peaceful people of this nation currently have against the Tibetan leadership and the Dalai Lama himself.
All Reactions
Gurung Lama
November 23, 2017
Our Nepal has given refuge, safe haven, freedom, land and opportunities to the Tibetan refugees for the last 60 years. But the Tibetans never give anything back to Nepal. They never build hospitals, schools, clinic, provide food or shelter for the poor. Tibetans only take and they demand so much. Now Nepal want to be friends with China in order to move our country forward with economic aid but Tibetans only make more trouble and protest against the Chinese on Nepalese soil. This is very bad. The Tibetans use Nepal to fight for the independence of the country but they never think to better the country of Nepal they are currently living in. Tibetans are ungrateful and just use Nepal for their selfish purposes.
They even bring their religious politics of two karmapas, money launderings and Bhagwan Dorje Shugden issue to Nepal and make more division and schism. Their Dalai Lama ban their people to worship and puja Bhagwan Dorje Shugden. This is very bad and restrict religious freedom. People should pray to what Bhagwan they wish and not controlled by Dalai Lama. Wherever Tibetans live, they make more trouble and there is no peace. Tibetans always take and never give back.
Now see what Tibetan leader Dalai Lama is saying. That Buddha born in Nepal is nonsense. How can he do this? How dare he? Nepal does not give money to Dalai Lama so he can degrade us in this manner? We did so much for his Tibetan people and he is ungrateful. It is time to not listen to Dalai Lama anymore and protest against Dalai Lama and Tibetans. We must preserve the national dignity of our country of Nepal. Buddha was born here and that is a fact. Dalai Lama wishes to say the opposite to benefit India and get more help from India and its very obvious. He will change historical facts and hurt the sentiments of the Nepali people to do this. Very political. Very bad of a spiritual leader. We must speak up against Dalai Lama and Tibetans. Tibetans must keep quiet or leave Nepal.
Krishna Bahadur
November 23, 2017
We want all Tibetans out of Nepal!

November 23, 2017
The Dalia Lama is never allowed in Nepal and not welcomed in Nepal for the last 30 years. It will remain this way. The Dalai Lama lets us see China is very helpful to Nepal and not Tibetans😖
Lakshmi -Kathmandu
November 23, 2017
I use to respect Dala Lama as a holy man and a spiritual person. Now I have lost respect for him. He can joke on video on something so serious and holy to us Nepali people. 😞
Devi from Patan
November 23, 2017
The Dalai Lama is saying all these things to please India. It is very political to say this and it’s the wrong move as Nepal has taken care of his refugee people for many decades but it seems there is no appreciation. Dalai Lama does not need to make such a comment to hurt the sentiments of the Nepal nation. He should apologize.
This drives a further wedge between Nepal and India. This will push Nepal to further become closer to China for economic aid, assistance and help👍.
Shakya Dev
November 23, 2017
Tibetans must leave Nepal to teach the Dalai Lama a lesson.
Sharling Dhardonite
November 23, 2017
We in Tibetan exiled government- Dharamsala do not get any financial aid from the Nepalis nation or government. Whether you like us Tibetans or Dalai Lama or not, does not matter. You have no power and no economic standing. So you better be humble. You have nothing to give and you yourself need handouts and free money. Nepal is nothing to us Tibetans and our leader.👍
Tenzin Paljor
November 23, 2017
Nepalese people are so poor. You are lucky Tibetans are in Nepal to help your economy. Don’t be ungrateful. You better invite Dalai Lama to Nepal to bless your country because you all need the darshan very much. Nepal is so backwards.
Gurung Lazimpat
November 23, 2017
Tenzin Paljor who do you think you are. Tibetans are not Dalai Lama’s gift to mankind. All your people do is make problems for us, take our business, buy our land. You think you’re refugees and victims and the world should help you just because you ran away from your home? Why don’t you stop acting like you own boudha? Why doesn’t your Dalai Lama stop talking about Lumbini? It’s not Tibetan business. It’s Nepali business. If you guys keep making problems, it’s better you go back to Tibet or whatever. Just stop making trouble for us.
Your President Lobsang Sangay
November 24, 2017
Buddha is certainly, undoubtedly, 100% sure, Dhardon Sharling and I could take, I mean spend, US$1.5 million to produce a very thick and good book on it, born in India.
Why? Because His Holiness who is none other than Chenrezig, my leader, my dream come true, my god, my everything, says so.
Those who don’t believe what His Holiness says should leave Nepal, come to live as refugees in Dharamsala so I can collect tax from you and take, I mean print, more books and travel to USA, Japan, France, Australia, to the far corners of the world for my holidays, I mean for my work. And Dhardon Sharling la can come with me because she has Indian passport.
Nepalis don’t believe His Holiness so they are all devils, spirits, malicious beings, Dolgyal!!!
For now, my friend Samdhong Rinpoche who has been just appointed spokesperson for His Holiness, will take all the questions. I have urgent meeting in Australia. Good weather there now to visit.
Tek Bahadur
November 24, 2017
It is very sad to know that some tibetan people support the false statement of Dalai Lama. Don’t know when they will wake up from the sleep. Just Yesterday, he told that Tibet doesn’t need independence from China. All the dreams of tibetan people is not heeded, and they are also busy making their own business prosper with the help of another country. They need to fight for freedom.. where ? So sad, if they have made a move we people from Nepal of course would have given support from the people if not from government. If you people stay quite what can we do ? Above someone mentioned that Tibetans are help for the economic growth for Nepal… and that nepal is poor.. how can you see Nepal like that. Economic is nothing comparing to the freedom Nepal have.. we have full of possibility ahead. So hope you don’t make second mistake. Thanks.
November 24, 2017
It is very sad to see HHDL made degoratory statements about Nepal being the birth place of Buddha. It carries the insinuation of racism towards Nepali too. Even thought the motive behind HHDL’s statement is unknown, a public figure who commands the respect and idolization of millions of people should not speak like this. It is a bad example. And it is also a sign of being ungrateful towards Nepal who had been generous and supportive towards Tibetan in exile.
Gurung Lama
November 24, 2017
हाम्रो नेपालले तिब्बती शरणार्थीहरुलाई 60 वर्षसम्म शरण, सुरक्षा स्वतन्त्रता र अवसर प्रदान गरदै अाएको छ। तर तिब्बतहरूले नेपाललाई कहिलेपनि केहि दिइएको छैन। उनिहरूले अस्पताल, विद्यालय र गरिबहरूका लागि आश्रय जस्ता कहिल्यै बनाएन्न न त गरिबहरूलाई खाना प्रदाननै गरिन। तिब्बतिहरूले केवल लिन्छन् मात्रै अनि उनीहरूको माग धेरै छ। अहिले नेपालले देशको आर्थिक सहायता वृद्धि गर्न चीनसँग मित्रताको हात बढाउदै छ। तर तिब्बतीहरूले नेपालबाट चीनराष्ट्र विरुद्ध विरोध गर्दै नेपालका लागि समस्या बनाई रहेका छन्। यो धेरै नराम्रो हो। तिब्बतीहरूले अाफ्नो स्वतन्त्ताको लागि लड्न नेपालको प्रयोग गर्दछ तर अाफु अहिले बसेको नेपाल देशलाई अझ राम्रो बनाउन कहिल्यै केहि गर्दैन्न। तिब्बतिहरू एकदमै बैगुनि छन् र आफ्नै स्वार्थी उद्देश्यका लागि मात्र नेपालको प्रयोग गर्छन्।
उनीहरूले अझ दुई कर्मपाको धार्मिक राजनीति, अनि पैसाको विवाद र भगवान दोर्जे शुग्दनको मुद्दाहरू नेपालमा ल्याएर थप विभाजन बनाएको छ। दलाई लामाले आफ्नो जनतालाई भगवान दोर्जे शुग्देन मान्न र पूजा गर्न प्रतिबन्ध लगाएको छ। धार्मिक स्वतन्त्रतालाई सीमित गर्नु धेरै नराम्रो हो। मान्छेले जुनसुकै भगवानलाई अाफ्नो इच्छा अनुसार प्रार्थना गर्न सक्छन र दलाई लामाले वा कसैले पनि नियन्त्रण गर्न मिल्दैन्। तिब्बतीहरू जहाँ बसे उनिहरूले त्यहि समस्या खडा गर्छन र त्यहा कहिल्यै शान्ति हुदैन्न । तिब्बतीहरूले सधैं लिन मात्रै जानेको छ, दिन कहिल्यै जानेको छैन्।
अब हेर्नुहोस् तिब्बती नेता दलाई लामाले के भन्दैछन्। बुद्ध नेपाल मा जन्मिएको बकवास हो रे। उसले यो कसरी भन्न सक्छ? उसले यसो भन्ने अाँट कसरी गर्यो? नेपालले दलाई लामालाई पैसा दिएन भन्दैमा उसले हामीलाई यसरी हेप्ने हो? हामीले उनको तिब्बती जनताको लागि धेरै गरेको छ तर पनि उहाँ भने गुन नबुझने। अब भने दलाई लामाको कुरा नसुनी दलाई लामा र तिब्बती विरुद्ध विरोध गर्नुपर्छ। हामीले हाम्रो नेपाल देशका राष्ट्रमंडल को संरक्षण गर्नै पर्छ। बुद्ध यहाँ जन्मिएको हो र यो कुरा साँचो हो। दलाई लामाले भारतराष्ट्र बाट फाइदा उठाउन र अधिक सहयोग प्राप्त गर्न यसो भन्दैछन्। उहाँले ऐतिहासिक तथ्यहरू परिवर्तन गर्न खोज्दै नेपालीहरूको भावनालाई चोट पुर्याएको छ। यो राजनीति हो। आध्यात्मिक नेताको नराम्रो क्रिया। हामीले दलाई लामा र तिब्बती विरुद्ध बोल्नैपर्छ। तिब्बतीहरू कि शान्त संग बस्नु पर्छ वा नेपाल छोड्नु पर्छ।
गुरूङ लामा
November 24, 2017
Nepali people’s unhappiness against Dalai Lama continues. The Dharmodaya Sabha is Nepal’s “foremost national Buddhist organisation made up of all Buddhists” from the various schools has issued a statement:
Dalai Lama misleading people
KATHMANDU — The Dharmodaya Sabha has urged Dharmaguru Dalai Lama, who is living in exile in India, to stop spreading illusion and lie about the birthplace of Gautam Buddha.
Issuing a statement here today, the Sabha has said it was objectionable statement made by a religious personality like Lama that Gautam Buddha was born in India. As even the United Nations has recognized Nepal as a birthplace of Buddha and enlisted the place in world heritage list, it was very saddening to hear Lama say that he was born in India. RSS
November 24, 2017
Dalai Lama misleading people
KATHMANDU — The Dharmodaya Sabha has urged Dharmaguru Dalai Lama, who is living in exile in India, to stop spreading illusion and lie about the birthplace of Gautam Buddha.
Issuing a statement here today, the Sabha has said it was objectionable statement made by a religious personality like Lama that Gautam Buddha was born in India. As even the United Nations has recognized Nepal as a birthplace of Buddha and enlisted the place in world heritage list, it was very saddening to hear Lama say that he was born in India. RSS
Eli Buchen
November 24, 2017
This is quite uncharacteristic behaviour.
Buddha is undoubtedly an Indian Prince, who was born at Lumbini. I do believe there are a myriad of ways to present the information for the Dalai Lama to.offend is so unnecessary.
Prema Gurung
November 24, 2017
The Dalai Lama has said some things that have really upset our country. He should apologise immediately before it becomes more serious. Some Nepalis are already calling for Tibetans to be kicked out of the country. If the Dalai Lama does not apologise I think Tibetans should be removed too.
November 25, 2017
Sharling Dhardonite
November 25, 2017
Pro Dalai Lama people are rude, vulgar and nasty to even an eminent Dr of India. Pro Dalai Lama people should be kicked out of India and Nepal. Even the Indians are angry.
November 25, 2017
And, now the divide goes international?Must there be 2 of everything? Just because of dualistic view, there has to be 2 of everything?
Controversy with Karmapa, controversy with money laundering, controversy with elections, controversy with appropriating government funds, controvery with religious practice, now controversy with birthplace of Buddha. What next?
November 25, 2017
1⃣ In 2015, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that Lord Gautama Buddha was born in India. While addressing Indian community in California he said, “We are from the country where Buddha and Gandhi were born.” Nepalese all around the world opposed that statement.
[KATHMANDU, Sept 28: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, currently in USA tour, has said that Lord Gautama Buddha was born in India.
While addressing Indian community in California he said, “We are from the county where Buddha and Gandhi were born.”
Soon after the statement, Modi said that Siddharth Gautama was born in Nepal and he became Buddha in Bodh Gaya. ]
2⃣ In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the land of Nepal and said Buddha was born in Nepal in his address to Nepal’s parliament. He got a big round of applause at that time.
[More than anything else, Modi's affirmation that Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal and his repeated reference to Buddha during his speech has won the Nepali hearts. ]
Apparently, the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama is a disputed issue as some Indian school textbooks state that Siddhartha Gautam was born in India.
Above info mostly from this article on Huffington Post by Kishor Panthi. I think we can add him on our mailing list re DS stuff & anything re politics India/ Nepal/ Tibet:
Jai Jai
November 25, 2017
Indian PM Modi admits Lord Buddha was born in Nepal
November 25, 2017
This refers to historical India – the Indian Subcontinent, not the present political entity – Republic of India. The word used here is “Bharath Varsh” and the PC term for it is South Asia.
I understand why Nepalese people are offended. A lot of Nepalis see India as a big bully that steals their limelight. Most Westerners think Nepal is a part of India and also associate Hinduism with India, despite Nepalis being Hindus as well. The same goes for other smaller countries in South Asia who are terms generically as Indians in other countries and this is offensive to them.
The serial is of course at fault. It not only mentions “Bharath” which can be misterpreted as present India but also mentions Ram and Krishna as predecessors of Buddha. However, they avoided explicitly connecting Buddha to Vishnu-Avatar. The serial has a tough rope to walk. On one hand they to stick to facts, on the other hand they have to make the Indian audience strike a chord with Buddha (A lot of Indians consider Buddhism as a ‘Chinese’ religion, and thus consider Buddhists as foreigners, which is of course false. Buddha spent his whole life in Magadha and Kosala after enlightenment and Buddhism is an important part of our ancient history.)
I understand and support mentioning that Sidhartha was born in Kapilavastu which is in modern day Nepal. We Indians are taught this in history books as well.
However, I also think for anti-Indian Nepalese, this is merely a placeholder issue to spout their hatred. This new article shows how much Buddhism is “respected” in Nepal.
This refers to historical India – the Indian Subcontinent, not the present political entity – Republic of India. The word used here is “Bharath Varsh” and the PC term for it is South Asia.
I understand why Nepalese people are offended. A lot of Nepalis see India as a big bully that steals their limelight. Most Westerners think Nepal is a part of India and also associate Hinduism with India, despite Nepalis being Hindus as well. The same goes for other smaller countries in South Asia who are terms generically as Indians in other countries and this is offensive to them.
The serial is of course at fault. It not only mentions “Bharath” which can be misterpreted as present India but also mentions Ram and Krishna as predecessors of Buddha. However, they avoided explicitly connecting Buddha to Vishnu-Avatar. The serial has a tough rope to walk. On one hand they to stick to facts, on the other hand they have to make the Indian audience strike a chord with Buddha (A lot of Indians consider Buddhism as a ‘Chinese’ religion, and thus consider Buddhists as foreigners, which is of course false. Buddha spent his whole life in Magadha and Kosala after enlightenment and Buddhism is an important part of our ancient history.)
I understand and support mentioning that Sidhartha was born in Kapilavastu which is in modern day Nepal. We Indians are taught this in history books as well.
However, I also think for anti-Indian Nepalese, this is merely a placeholder issue to spout their hatred. This new article shows how much Buddhism is “respected” in Nepal.
Jai Jai
November 25, 2017
Yes, Yes, Buddha Was Born in Nepal, Please No More Debate About Buddha’s Birthplace
November 25, 2017
See how what the Dalai Lama say is making things worse for India & Nepal:
I remember, almost three years back, I penned down an article on Indo-Nepal relations. Someone from Nepal emailed me his comments on that article. The email said, “The people of Nepal hate their Indian neighbors because Indians take Nepalese to be stupid hill dwellers who are always jealous of the progress Indians have made. Nepalese think of Indians as charlatans, frauds and cheats because the Indians follow the saying that a dead Indian can fool ten Nepalese.” Chairman of Greater Nepal Nationalist Front Mr Phanidra Nepal recently said in an interview with ABC News, “None of the crises being faced by Nepal are an overnight development, rather these were expected long time ago due to India-dependent policies of our country, but Nepalese leaders have failed to read the writing on the wall. Border blockade, unrest in Madhesh, growing anti-India sentiments, excessive Indian interference in internal affairs of Nepal is largely the consequence of our faulty foreign policy and diplomacy.”
It is because of Indian interference in Nepal that the whole social, political and economic set up of Nepal is heading towards a catastrophic ending. Unfortunately the Nepalese politicians have unwillingly accepted Indian hegemony. The editorial of a Nepalese newspaper said, “Our leaders have a tendency to become ultra nationalist when they are out of power, but as they come in power their position changes and they become Indian surrogates. Most of the Nepalese leaders are guided by selfish motives and they try to climb an easy ladder to power through India. This is one of the main reasons that Nepal is subjected to undue Indian pressures, harassment and humiliation. Nepali political parties are using Indian and China cards as tool to grab the opportunity to come in government. India wants political instability in Nepal. Every government in Nepal designs close relation with India and ignores China under Indian pressure.”
Maya Gurung
November 25, 2017
Nepalis are very angry, Dalai Lama said wrong thing
Rakesh Chandra
November 25, 2017
After treating the Tibetans graciously for almost 60 years, this is what India get in return
Tibetans Go Back
November 25, 2017
See this.
Tibetans Go Back
November 25, 2017
Tibetans must read.
November 25, 2017
😧 Whole Nepal say Buddha born in Nepal, but DL says this is nonsense. DL lied and this is very shameful.
November 25, 2017
It sound like this:
November 25, 2017
This Nepali woman is extremely unhappy with the Dalai Lama. Listen to her here बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मेका हुन भन्ने दलाइ लामालार्इ बेलायतबाट इशा गुरुङले दिइन कडा जवाफ The whole world respected the Dalai Lama but not anymore. He has gone mental and is total wrong. People donated thousands of dollars and kept the Dalai Lama’s pictures in temples and houses and had great respect. But now no more. Dalai Lama has upset people all over the world and should be very careful what he says in the future.
Rit P Rai
November 25, 2017
I must confess that I always respected Dalai Lama as a spiritual wise person.
But now my illusion is destroyed by knowing he is just nothing more than a political jerk. I became wiser to understand more clearly that “Everything That Glitters Is Not Gold”.
God! Thank you for showing the ugly truth about Dalai Lama and saving me from appreciating him form what he is not.
Doreen Park
November 26, 2017
India has officially stated that Lord Buddha was born in Nepal.The fact that Buddha was born in Lumbini, in the current country of Nepal, has never been questioned until the Dalai Lama recently made the mistake of saying that Lord Buddha was born in India.This has raised the ire of the Nepalese, and hurt them tremendously. Buddha, being born in Lumbini, Nepal ,has brought a lot of tourists and pilgrims to Lumbini and this has translated into tourist dollars rolling in and much needed cash to Nepali to shore up its economic development.
However, the Dalai Lama , whom the world at large still sees as the global head of Buddhism , recently said publicly that it is nonsense to say Buddha was born in Lumbini! With this, he opened the floodgates on Buddhists,( especially Tibetan Buddhists),whom the Nepalese now see as lacking in care and concern for Nepal, despite having enjoyed 6 decades of shelter and sanctuary as refugees in Nepal. There is a growing cry for Tibetans in Exile to go home to Tibet!
The Dalai Lama making the biggest mistake of all, brings to mind a similar mistake of his declaring Dorje Shugden as a spirit(and consequently imposing a ban on Shugden practice), and bringing in the trail of that declaration so much discrimination and persecution and needless suffering to the practitioners of Dorje Shugden, in particular, Tibetan Buddhists. It’s high time mistakes of such magnitude be rectified, albeit through peaceful means.
November 26, 2017
Dalai Lama should have much more skill and wisdom to have delivered his teachings better. How can he disregard a whole country’s sentiments and core beliefs, with just a sweeping statement that it was “nonsense” to say Buddha was born in Nepal, Lumbini. On what basis does Dalia Lama have to make this claim? How come the Tibetan Leadership always says things that break the unity of people, no matter what nationality/race/beliefs they have? So much distress and sufferings brought to people just because of a phrase he says. A leader of peace doesn’t do this, he has already brought so much suffering and discrimination onto Dorje Shugden practitioners with the ban he imposed!
christine victor
November 26, 2017
I wonder what benefits did Dalai Lama get when H.H do this kind of statement. It does not bring good to India or Nepal. It hurt Nepal badly on this statement; peoples might things Nepal “steal” the facts from India that Buddha is actually born in India. Whilst for India, this statement do not benefits them. In fact, this statement might stir another round of “war” between Nepal and India.
November 27, 2017
November 27, 2017
Oh my Buddha,
why make so many disharmony again, i am so worry and wondering if one day, the Dalai Lama or CTA make a statement say Yamantaka and VajraYogini not a Buddha or ban the practice…. then how ?😭
Kumar Lama Gurung
November 27, 2017
Dalai Lama, you are so funny. Please, before this i respected you very much, but now u hurt Nepali feelings.
Everyone knows the Buddha birth place is in Lumbini, Lumbini is Nepal, why you tell people that Buddha born in India?
Why u tell so many lies? We Nepali give Tibetan many things, but u never appreciate, but hurt Nepal.
Ask you people to leave Nepal

Ngodup Tsering
November 27, 2017
Tibetans should now about what is happening in Dharamsala
Tibetans Stage Demonstration Near CTA Dharamshala
November 27, 2017
This morning a group of Tibetans have gathered at the basket ball ground in the vicinity of Central Tibetan Administration compound in Dharamshala holding placards calling for the protection of integrity in Tibetan administration. The demonstration is being held in relation to the issue of ousting the North America representative Mr. Penpa Tsering earlier this month.
The demonstration as being circulated in the internet a video interview with one of the participants demands the CTA to assign an independent committee to make an investigation in the issue of Kashag’s decision to replacing the North America representative Mr. Penpa Tsering. They demonstrators are arguing that the decision was not fair from the side of Kashag which pointed out 10 reasons in replacing the representative.
Kashag’s (Cabinet Secretary) Additional Secretary Mr. Phuntsok Tsering has been handed a memorandum from the demonstrators which the secretary informed that will be discussed during the bi-weekly cabinet meetings at the Central Tibetan Administration scheduled on Tuesdays and Fridays.
According to the interview, there are approximately around 100 people gathered for the demonstration who have come from different places like Nepal, Delhi, Bylakuppe, Dehradun, Dharamshala, etc.
The Kashag on November 7 appointed the Education Kalon Ngodup Tsering as the new Representative of North America based in Washington DC. The Kashag cited the removal of incumbent representative Mr. Penpa Tsering as per Chapter 1 Article 1(3) of the Tibetan Charter and Article 19(1) of the Tibetan Public Service Commission rules and regulations. It further issued a 10 point clarification for the removal of the representative on November 11.
November 27, 2017
I actually poor this emanation of Chenrezig..since Dalai Lama is emanation of Buddha of Compassion, when Dalai Lama speak in such a way, fully aware that such demeaning speech will create an uproar in Nepal, why would Dalai Lama still made such a remark publicly? Why Dalai Lama don’t care about the tibetans feeling? With such remark, the stateless Tibetans will be sure become isolated and even chased out of Nepal..Same as the ban on dorje shugden created 2 decades ago, it was an act to further separate among tibetans and destroy the unity among their own nation. Why create so much unnecessary confusions and add on so much more burden?
November 27, 2017
Politically, China is wooing Nepal with trade benefit and sooner or later there will be no room for Tibetans in nepal. It will be a crisis for Tibetans in Nepal and yet with such statement the Tibetans in exile will be further isolated with their stateless identity. Dooms day for them. Poor thing. Very ungrateful to Nepal. Nepal this poor country is already struggling themselves but with their great kindness they are still helping non Nepali, the Tibetans with their resources. Many of their own Nepali people have to be exported out to work as foreigner workers and yet the Tibetans can live comfortably in Nepal, receiving funds from all over the world and stay quiet, indifferent and ungrateful to the misfortune for example earthquake happened few years ago.
Ngodup Tsering
November 27, 2017
Penpa Tsering is sacked and now maybe Dhardon wants his cushy job in USA. So she gotta be nice to her big boss Sikyong to get this job.
November 27, 2017
Latest news about the historic protest against Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamshala, India on 27 November 2017.
Historic protest against CTA targets Penpa Tsering dismissal
By Lobsang Wangyal
McLEOD GANJ, India, 27 November 2017
For the first time in nearly 60 years, Tibetans in exile held a protest against the Cabinet (Kashag) of the Central Tibetan Administration. They were challenging its controversial decision to sack the Representative of the Dalai Lama to North America in Washington DC.
Kashag had announced on 7 November that Representative Penpa Tsering had been fired from his position. He has been ordered to leave office on 30 November.
About 100 people gathered at the basketball ground on the premises of the CTA demonstrating against the Kashag’s action. The protestors also expressed dissatisfaction with the 10-point response that had been issued by the Cabinet.
Last week a few dozen Tibetans staged a protest in New York City over the same issue. A few also protested in Toronto, Canada, during Lobsang Sangay’s visit to the country.
The majority of the demonstrators in Dharamshala are from McLeod Ganj. A few had travelled from other places. While carrying out their peaceful silent protest, an announcer said that if any outsiders come to provoke them, they would not use any violence against them.
Banners hanging on the walls read: Movement for promotion of CTA’s integrity; No misuse of power; Do not destroy His Holiness’ legacy; No disregard to public aspirations; and, We need an independent commission to resolve the matter immediately.
Dolma Bam, one of the staunch supporters of Lobsang Sangay in the 2011 election, was among the protestors today. He said, “We are not protesting against the CTA. We are seeing an injustice. There is not a good reason to sack Penpa Tsering. I feel that Lobsang Sangay is destroying the CTA. We are here to protect the CTA from destruction.”
“We are no more able to trust and rely on Lobsang Sangay. There is lack of honesty and justice, and the reasons given by Kashag are unacceptable,” he said.
Sherab Dolma, 81, who was the oldest among the protestors, said, “I would like the Kashag to be truthful. Do not dismiss those who are working hard.”
“I don’t know if the Kashag will pay heed to us, but it will be a shame for them. It is for the first time that the public is protesting against it.”
Organic farmer Rinzin Dorje travelled the longest distance to participate in the demonstration, from Bylakuppe in South India. Dorje said, “I was shocked to hear about the sacking of Representative Penpa Tsering. It came all of a sudden. The Kashag’s decision doesn’t do any good for the Tibetan cause.”
“None of the 10-point reasons given by Kashag calls for expulsion of a Representative from his duty. We now call for the formation of an independent committee to give a recommendation after impartial investigation of information from both the sides.”
Dorje added that if the matter doesn’t get a fair judgment, they will continue with their agitation.
Salam (who uses only one name), 36, had travelled from Goa to join the protest. “I am neither supporting Lobsang Sangay, nor Penpa Tsering. I am here to support the truth. Penpa Tsering has rejected Kashag’s 10-point charges. That has raised the question.”
“We do not need explanation, we need the reason why Penpa Tsering was expelled. We have the right to know. We demand an independent committee to investigate the matter.”
Tsultrim Dorje, 53, had come from Kathmandu, Nepal. He said he voted for Lobsang Sangay in the 2011 election. “I have heard lies over the years from Lobsang Sangay as the leader. He has been deceiving the people.”
He said that Kashag’s ten reasons created more doubts than clarity. “Unless justice is done, we will not stop our movement.”
One of the protestors left his winter sweater business and travelled to Dharamshala to join the demonstration. Tsering Wangchuk, 36, is from Dekiling, but does his winter sweater business in Rajasthan. He said that Penpa Tsering has not made any comments so far out of respect for the rules. “I have full confidence that Penpa Tsering will come out clean from this situation.”
A protestor from Sikkim said that she is a ‘Denjongpa’, but her husband who passed away a few years ago, was a Tibetan. She said, “I am here to support truth and justice. Kashag’s reasons are not satisfactory. The Dalai Lama is working so hard for Tibet, and what the Kashag has done makes me worry about what China will think. Tibetans should work in unity to achieve their goals.”
Five representatives of the protestors approached the Cabinet Secretariat to present a memorandum. The Additional Secretary of the Secretariat Phuntsok Tsering received the memorandum from them at the entrance of the Secretariat, and said that he will hand over the memorandum to the Cabinet tomorrow when the President of CTA and the ministers meet for their weekly meeting.
Answering questions from the the media, he said, “People have the right to demonstrate in a democratic society. Kashag will look into their demands and will make a decision.”
Penpa Tsering has said that he will respond to the Kashag’s 10-point charges against him after he leaves his office on 30 November.
Amdo Shapale
November 27, 2017
This Kalon visited Jonang Temple, do you think he will visit a Dorje Shugden temple soon?
Chorig Kalon Attends Special Conference on Jonang Tradition
November 25, 2017
Published By Jamphel Shonu
DHARAMSHALA: Ven Karma Gelek Yuthok, Kalon of the Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration, today attended a special conference on the evolution of Jonang tradition and its present status at Duekhor Monastery near Norbulingka institute. The conference was organised by Jonang wellbeing Association.
The chief guests at the conference were Kalon Karma Gelek Yuthok and Gyalwang Gyaltsab Rinpoche. Other guests at the conference include settlement officer Dawa Rinchen and representatives from non governmental organisations.
Kalon Karma Gelek Yuhtok also inaugurated a compilation book of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s speeches and teachings published by the Jonang Wellbeing association.
Tsangyang Gyatso, President of Jonang wellbeing Association, explained that the objective of the Special conference was to revive and spread awareness about the Jonang school of Tibetan Buddhism, and to acquire equal religious status as other schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Ngodup Tsering
November 28, 2017
The Dalai Lama said that he cannot change his religion to enter into the Hindu temple. He wants to visit the Hindu temple, but he cannot change his religion. Only those of Hindu faith can enter this temple. He tried to enter by saying indirectly make an exception. But the Hindu priest said no. Even for the Dalai Lama, a big celebrity, the rules cannot be changed. It would have been nice if the priest did change the rules because the temple is to be visited by all and blessings are for everyone.
Similarly, Dorje Shugden people cannot change their religion so they cannot enter the Dalai Lama’s temple. So the situation is exactly the same. It would be nice if the Dalai Lama himself can change his rules too.
Ngodup Tsering
Ngodup Tsering
November 28, 2017
Picture caption:
Sign in Sarnath that barred Shugden practitioners from a Gelug Monastery
What the Dalai Lama said:
“When I wanted to enter the Jagannath Temple in Puri, they said only Hindus are allowed inside the temple. So, in order to make a pilgrimage to the Jagannath Temple, I have to become a Hindu, which is very difficult,” said the Dalai Lama ~ ya we knew that long ago
Ngodup Tsering
November 28, 2017
Picture caption:
A Gelug monastery in Sarnath bans Shugden practitioners from their monastery and teachings
What the Dalai Lama said:
“When I wanted to enter the Jagannath Temple in Puri, they said only Hindus are allowed inside the temple. So, in order to make a pilgrimage to the Jagannath Temple, I have to become a Hindu, which is very difficult,” said the Dalai Lama ~ ya we knew that long ago”
November 28, 2017
Sonam Tshering
November 29, 2017
Hey Nepalese… We are spiritual n believe that he is a spiritual Leader of Buddhism(Dalai Lama) ..
Unfollow others….World Says “Nepalese are the Kindest People on the Planet… Where is that???
I can see Very undisrespectful behavior and Unimaginable words..
You Guys believe in Buddhism???
I doubt…..
You don’t even know his Real Name….n Comparing with Our H.H Dalai Lama……Thats Inappropriate Guys….(sin) 🙏
We Don’t Turn Back on Buddha…
“He is Real Living Buddha…”