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By: Ashok Rao
There exists today four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism, one of which is the Kagyu school. One of the main sub-sects of the Kagyu school is the Karma Kagyu lineage headed by a leader referred to as the Karmapa. Each year, this lineage celebrates the Kagyu Monlam Chenmo (Great Prayer Festival), a tradition established by His Holiness the 7th Karmapa Chodrak Gyatso to bring together members of the Karma Kagyu lineage to pray for the benefit of all sentient beings. After the Tibetans entered into exile in India, the tradition was revived in 1983 by His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche and His Eminence Bokar Rinpoche. Since then it has once again been used to promote peace and harmony.

Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, who was recognized by Tai Situpa Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government
This year, attendees at the Kagyu Monlam Festival received a special broadcast from one of the two Karmapa candidates, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. In what was billed a “special message”, he openly expressed his frustration, the reasons for his frustration and, in his own words, his ‘depression’. He criticized the behavior of the Karma Kagyu high lamas, spoke of his disappointment at having been controlled for more than 18 years of his life, and subtly blamed the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala) for interfering in the lineage, bringing about the division and issues they face today.
The message was a very brave move for such a prominent figure, as there is no freedom of speech within the Tibetan settlements. Those who criticize the CTA usually find themselves on the receiving end of violent repercussions. It therefore speaks volumes that the Karmapa’s special message was recorded in the United States, away from the domineering control of the CTA in India. And so instead of broadcasting a straightforward Dharma teaching to millions of Karma Kagyu devotees worldwide, Ogyen Trinley chose to use the platform to criticize the CTA. It is an act that reflects the gravity of his situation and its impact on the survival of the lineage. Many of the points Ogyen Trinley spoke about struck at the heart of political issues facing Tibetan Buddhism today:
- He did not receive a proper spiritual education. Having left Tibet at an early age, Ogyen Trinley thought his training in India would be comprehensive and complete. But many factors were not in his favor: the lineage was in tatters following the CTA’s interference, Karma Kagyu lamas were scattered around India and the world, and his movements were tightly controlled by the CTA. As a result, he did not have much opportunity to learn and thus he feels that he is deceiving the public. He feels he is not qualified to teach and to handle what is required of him.
- He was forced to be involved in politics, something he was ill-prepared to deal with. Ogyen Trinley said that historically, the Karmapas are purely spiritual leaders who are not politically involved. And even in this, he was forced to disregard his lineage’s traditions. Ill-equipped to deal with political life, he ended up making many errors which have plagued him for more than 18 years. There is only one group who could have forced him to do this – the Tibetan leadership. Thus, in saying he was ill-prepared to meet with various leaders and officials, he implied that it was the CTA who failed to provide him with the training and guidance necessary to be successful.
- So not only did he fail to receive a complete spiritual education, but he was also not given the tools to succeed in a secular environment. Ogyen Trinley reiterated the Buddhist teachings that politics derive only short-term benefits, whereas spiritual pursuits are for longer, more meaningful results. He made multiple references to his wish to engage in spiritual practice, and mentioned that in his youth and desperation, he had even contemplated studying within the Gelug system, thus portraying his genuine non-sectarian nature. It is no surprise that Ogyen Trinley would have thought of this – not only is the Gelug system known for its rigorous structure of study, but the previous 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, was known to have been extremely close to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Both lamas are considered to be of the same mindstream, as Trijang Rinpoche’s incarnation lineage includes the 8th Karmapa Mikyo Dorje. In watching his speech, one cannot help but think of Ogyen Trinley as a sincere Dharma practitioner who was forced into a political role to be exploited by the CTA to challenge the Chinese leadership, with no regard for his spiritual responsibilities and gains.
- He has been controlled for most of his life and implied that his managers and staff failed him. The fact Ogyen Trinley failed to receive a proper education is not only the CTA’s responsibility, but also his managers’ whom he implies have controlled him his entire life. As a child, offerings made to him were opened and inspected by his attendants, and then he never saw them again. Those who sought audience with him even learned to sneak monetary offerings under his cushion when no one was looking. His attendants were similarly untrained in politics and as a result, he received bad advice.
- To this day, he does not even have a monastery of his own. It is extremely unusual for someone of his position, touted to be the head of the Karma Kagyu lineage, to be living at the Gelug tantric monastery of Gyuto. He is not allowed to set foot in Rumtek Monastery, the seat of the Karmapas in India, since the issue of the two Karmapas came to blows in 2000. At that time, the Indian Border Police were forced to intervene and bar both Karmapa candidates from entering Rumtek, fearing further security issues. Although it was the CTA who caused this two Karmapa issue by interfering in the recognition process, they failed to do anything to improve upon the division, for example by creating a monastery for Ogyen Trinley to preside over. The logical conclusion is that they wish for him to remain under their control; being at Gyuto and without his own monastery, Ogyen Trinley cannot grow a powerbase of his own which allows them to keep him under their thumb. This, coupled with his lack of a formal education, suggests he is being exploited by the CTA to be a pawn, rather than the head of a rich religious tradition or even just a practitioner of the Buddha’s teachings.
- There is no end in sight to the Karma Kagyu split. In his speech Ogyen Trinley made a lengthy reference to the deep split in the lineage. After the passing of the 16th Karmapa, two candidates for his reincarnation were identified – one, Trinley Thaye Dorje, was recognized by His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche, who traditionally holds the authority to make such a recognition. On the other hand, Ogyen Trinley Dorje himself was recognized as the other Karmapa candidate by the Kagyu lama Tai Situpa Rinpoche, a choice backed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The dual recognition of a Karmapa candidate tore the lineage in half and since then, this rift has never healed although Ogyen Trinley sought to meet the Shamarpa in the past to work on the divide. While nothing fruitful came of the meeting, Ogyen Trinley spoke of his respect and admiration for the line of Shamarpas, stating that they should not be removed from the supplication prayers to the lineage lamas, as some have argued, no doubt under the influence of the CTA, whom the Shamarpa bravely defied. Interesting point to note: Ogyen Trinley was also selected by the Chinese government in Tibet as the Karmapa. The Dalai Lama accepts China’s choice of Karmapa but it is strange that the Dalai Lama will not accept China’s choice of Panchen Rinpoche.

Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje (left) was identified by His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche according to age-old tradition. He and his consort Rinchen Yangzom have recently announced that they are expecting their first child.
- The CTA has a trend of splitting lineages and keeping them divided. The message from Ogyen Trinley is clear – the CTA intentionally interfered in the Karma Kagyu’s religious affairs and after splitting the lineage, did not lift a single finger to mend the rift or even mediate between both parties. But why would they? They created the issue in the first place, dividing large groups of people in order to weaken and conquer them. Likewise, the CTA instigated the unjust and illegal ban against Dorje Shugden practitioners, splitting the Gelug lineage in half as well. It is clear the CTA does not care about spiritual practice or its preservation; the only thing that matters is political dominance over the Tibetan people and they have achieved this by attacking what is at the very heart of Tibetan culture – its religion.
- His speaking out may encourage other dually-recognized lamas to speak out. The CTA are well known for recognizing lamas whose incarnations have already been recognized by the spiritual leaders of their own traditions. In addition to the Karmapas, the CTA have also recognized a second incarnation of His Holiness the Panchen Lama, His Eminence Domo Geshe Rinpoche and His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche. Identifying a reincarnation of their own is a ploy by the CTA to retain their power through spiritual manipulation; since that particular individual received recognition from the CTA, when they grow older, the CTA assumes they will be somehow beholden to the Tibetan leadership and therefore obligated to enforce their diktats. But we know that Ogyen Trinley, as one of two Karmapa candidates, has refused to speak negatively against Dorje Shugden and in his Kagyu Monlam video, said that he dislikes politics and does not wish to be involved. So given Ogyen Trinley’s candid and open refusal to be manipulated by the CTA, his actions may perhaps encourage other dually-recognized lamas or those forced into political positions to speak up about their treatment at the hands of the unscrupulous CTA.
- Ogyen Trinley reiterated that he is a normal person. Contrary to common perception of the Karmapa’s nature and his role, he states on numerous occasions in his video that he is an ordinary person. He paints himself as someone who has to work at his spiritual progress, who may have somehow fallen behind in his knowledge due to being poorly educated. This is in contrast with the CTA’s portrayal of him as a superhuman, all-knowing enlightened being, and a direct counter of their stance regarding his spiritual attainments. In fact, he has mentioned twice that he feels very depressed, which is strange for a person whose life’s work is to teach others to be happy yet he himself is depressed.
- Hence doubt is cast over the Dalai Lama’s recognition of him as the rightful Karmapa candidate. Ogyen Trinley reiterated so frequently that he is just an ordinary person that one might be led to think he is casting doubt on his recognition as the Karmapa, and even implying that the Dalai Lama may have been wrong to recognize him. The implications of this would be disastrous for the CTA, as each and every reincarnation they have recognized will then be opened to being questioned. If the CTA can be wrong on such significant decisions related to the key leaders of many spiritual lineages, how many other mistakes have they made throughout the years that have been unaccounted for? If the Dalai Lama can be wrong on something as important as the rightful Karmapa, how many other errors have been made? Are the Dalai Lama and the CTA wrong about imposing the ban on Dorje Shugden too? The Tibetan leadership would be exposed as the fake and inefficient leadership that they really are, relying on spiritual and religious traditions to maintain their oppressive control over the Tibetans rather than any genuine political prowess.
- Most listeners come away with the conclusion that Ogyen Trinley is planning to abdicate. What would happen if he abdicated? It could lead to the destruction of the Karma Kagyu lineage, where the Kagyus under Ogyen Trinley would fade out of existence. It might also lead to its reunification under one Karmapa candidate, Trinley Thaye Dorje, who was recognized according to tradition by the Shamarpa.
- For a Karmapa candidate to so explicitly state that he is depressed is unprecedented. What many are asking is, how can the emanation of a being meant to be the cause and happiness of others be unhappy himself? How can he teach others to overcome their depression and gain happiness, when he himself is so unhappy? The only two possible conclusions that can be arrived at are, he is not the real reincarnation of the Karmapa or he is manifesting disappointment at the treatment he has suffered at the hands of the CTA. Neither conclusion is particularly pleasant for the CTA – in the first scenario, they made an error in identifying the Karmapa, thereby causing 18 years of division in the Karma Kagyu sect, for ultimately no reason other than self-gain, and political control and manipulation. In the second scenario, they have treated him so badly that he feels the need to speak out against them.
- Either way, it is clear that the CTA are losing control. Their abuse of Ogyen Trinley for more than 18 years has finally come to a head. Controlled by them for their own twisted agendas, Ogyen Trinley is now revealing the truth behind the CTA’s duplicitous nature. What is most significant is that he is the purported head of a lineage who has received the CTA’s stamp of approval, and who is now speaking up against them. This will not be the only battle that the CTA has to contend with. Many other sectors of Tibetan society are speaking up, for example Thupten Choephel of Sera Jey Monastery who is threatening self-immolation if the CTA does not stop their abuse and exploitation of the Tibetan people. Political trends have also shifted – in India, for example, the government now clearly favors a friendship with China over supporting the Tibetans in exile. The CTA are losing their grip over all areas of Tibetan life, from politics to religion.
When will it end?
The CTA’s machinations within the Karma Kagyu lineage have led to a huge rift within the tradition. They engineered the split of the lineage with their recognition of a second Karmapa candidate, whose life they have controlled and whose spiritual education they have neglected. Foreseeing potential problems with the Shamarpa’s reincarnation, Ogyen Trinley himself warns against two Shamarpas being recognized. This is a very real possibility as the CTA, who have battled with many successive Shamarpa incarnations, will be tempted to recognize their own candidate in order to control him too. However, should they recognize their own Shamarpa, Ogyen Trinley warns that the Karma Kagyu school will be further split and the CTA will have directly caused the irreversible destruction of the unity of the lineage.
Coupled with the other divisive policies that the CTA enforces such as the ban on Dorje Shugden practice, the CTA are single-handedly causing the destruction of Tibetan Buddhism as a whole. Ogyen Trinley Dorje, as one of two Karmapa candidates knows this from his own personal experience, and his views are clear evidence of this.
Ogyen Trinley’s speech indicate that he is a true spiritual practitioner, disinterested in the manipulative politics of the CTA but passionate about the genuine teachings of the Buddha – peace, harmony and the cohesion of spiritual traditions. Unfortunately, and much to his disappointment, he has not received any of this whilst under the control of the CTA. The Tibetan leadership should take his message as a real wake-up call to heal the rifts that they have caused to the fabric of Tibetan life, not only within the Karma Kagyu tradition but also with Dorje Shugden practitioners. If they really care about the survival of the Tibetan culture and tradition as they so often claim, they had better start making amends, lest their actions lead to the complete destruction of Tibetan life in the future.
Special Message from the Karmapa – English
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Special Message from the Karmapa – Tibetan
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Special Message from the Karmapa – Chinese
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Transcript: Special Message from the Karmapa
Today is the last day of the 35th Kagyu Monlam Chenmo. And so, just as I have requested of him, this year His Eminence Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche has gone to unfathomable efforts to come and preside over the Kagyu Monlam. My original plan was that Rinpoche only needed to attend a few of the most important events and did not need to come to everything but Rinpoche has, whenever he has been able, come to preside over the sessions whenever he could without missing a single day. This is extremely kind of him, so on the behalf of all the monastics and the lay people who had attended the Monlam, I would like to express my deepest thanks to Rinpoche.
Likewise, Kyabje Mingyur Rinpoche showed us the kindness of giving meditation instructions during the pre-Monlam teachings. And then, since then during the time of the Kagyu Monlam, Rinpoche has also put in a lot of effort to come to many different events, both large and small. So, I would like to ask, and once again thank Rinpoche on behalf of everyone.
This year even though I was not there, everyone in the Monlam organising committee has taken on the responsibilities for their individual teams and co-operated, working together, just the same as they would if I were there. The results of their work has produced are no different than how they would have been, were I there, so I would like to take this opportunity to give my heartfelt thanks to Lama Choedak, foremost amongst the Monlam workers and all the other workers as well. Thank you very much.Likewise, the monks and nuns from the various monasteries, despite the fact that the weather has been very hot, they have been very exemplary and praiseworthy in all respect during this Monlam in terms of the motivation, conduct and everything else, even in the heat. So, I would like to also say thank you very much to all of you as well.
Likewise, the faithful people who come from foreign countries, this year there have been many changes in the Monlam dates. This has caused you difficulties financially and once you arrive here, the weather has been hot and caused you even more difficulties but all of you participating makes the Kagyu Monlam into an international event. I think it shows that no matter where in the world we are from, our wishes are in unison, our wishes for world peace are in unison. Our wishes that all sentients be happy are in unison and so I would like to thank you all deeply.
Likewise, the place where we hold the Monlam is the sacred site of Bodhgaya, the noble land of India. The government of India, the federal government as well as the state government of Bihar and the local administration have all provided a great deal of assistance. Likewise, the administration of the Maha Devi temple has also continually supported us not only in the past but also in the present, so I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and thanks to all of them.
Till today, at first, I didn’t think I needed to say too much. But now I would like to take this opportunity to say a few things and I think that maybe it will bring a little bit of benefit. So, the main thing to talk about is that many people have been asking when the next Kagyu Monlam, the 36th would be held. They are also asking for the time to be fixed and not changed. Quite a few people had said this and generally from our point, we have gone through a lot of effort to have a definite schedule that didn’t change but sometimes there are events with other Lamas, other great Lamas and Monlams from other lineages that are being held at the same time and when they conflict with each other then it is not very easy for us or for them. And for that reason, we have had to postpone or change our dates for such reasons several times. Even though we have not wanted to reschedule there have been situations where we have no choice but to do so. But we are doing everything we can to avoid having to change our dates in the future. In the next few days, we will have meetings to decide on a fixed time for the Monlam. We will have free discussions about the schedule in the meetings and do our best to make a decision as soon as we can. And once we have decided, we will announce it immediately over the internet so that everyone can make advance preparation to come to the next Monlam. So, try our hardest, we will try our hardest to inform you as soon as we can.
This year I really didn’t have the opportunity to attend the Monlam in person. However, as I have already said, the Monlam has been excellent and well-organised, no different from that if I were there. And when I think about it, I was recognised as the Karmapa at the age of 7. And then at the age of 14, I was separated from Tibet and come to the noble land of India. Thinking about how it was when I went from being a little boy who didn’t really understand what a Karmapa is to being brought and put on the Karmapa’s throne and gradually having to take the responsibilities that it entails, from my perspective, the Karmapa has the history of over 900 years and there have been 16 incarnations. To have qualities and abundance realisations such as they did and activities such as theirs, I don’t even have the confidence that I can even hope for such. And I don’t, for myself, really believe that it would ever happen. But because I have received the blessings of the Karmapa to some degree, I have done my best. I have done my best but I am an ordinary person. So, no matter how much hard I try, there are many other situations where that is not enough, where it is beyond me.
Many people think to themselves that being the Karmapa, you know is like some incredible thing but for me, that hasn’t happened, even if I am the Karmapa. The situation is still that really need to try hard. Gyelwa Kunsapa said, “Even the rebirth, reincarnation of a Lama or a Tulku, should spend 12 years of purification, practicing meditation to purify their remaining obstacles. It is necessary to practise meditation and accomplishment and retreats”. So, even if one is a Tulku or a reincarnation of a great Lama, you have to put in such efforts. For me, I don’t have any reasons or any basis to say that I am the reincarnation of any great Lama and since I am an ordinary person, I have to put in incredible effort even more than other people. But no matter how much effort I make, it is never enough, it is never ok. It never really reaches a level where it is sufficient. And for one side, this is people have such high limitless hopes in me. On my own part, I do my absolute best to try to live up to them. And I do this with as much as I can with the pure motivation.
When I was little, a lot of people came to give me advice. They’d say, “You have to be really careful. There are many people who have said to me Karmapa, so you have to be your best”. So many people said this but for my own part, I never had the motivation that I should compete with everyone else said to be Karmapa and therefore be careful.
For my own point, I have had a pure motivation. Whatever I am, directing my best efforts no matter what. When I was, even when I was studying at Tibet, in terms of my education, my tutors, my teachers and my tutors, the way they paid respect and so forth, were not the greatest and once I arrived in India, one reason I came to India was to study and to receive the Dharma lineages, that is why I came.
So once I arrived, it should have been better than it had been in Tibet, but in terms of my education, there were many gaps. From one perspective, the fault was my own for being too lazy. And also, I am pretty smart and since I am pretty smart, no matter what I study I immediately get a little bored and think, “I get it”. Then I immediately feel disinterested. In addition to that, the Lamas and Khenpos whom I study with, we invited the best Lamas and Khenpos amongst our Kagyus but the best Lamas and Khenpos have their own monasteries, their own Dharma centres that they have to maintain and take care off, they have activities. Hence, they could not spend all their time with me. So, for these reasons, sometimes I would have all these classes and sometimes I would not and this happened frequently.
In the past, I had the thought that if I went to a Gelugpa monastery, matriculated so to speak and followed the curriculum, I would have become a good scholar. But later when I thought about it, if I had gone to a Gelugpa monastery and gone through the studies, on the one side, there would have been nothing wrong with it. But on the other instance, I have the title Karmapa. If the Karmapa were to go to a Gelugpa monastery to study, people would say that and in the future, someone with the head of the overall, the title of the overall, head of the Kagyu were to do this, it’s like would be a bit of a problem that happened historically.
So, I‘ve had many different discussions with Gelugpa geshes but I’ve never matriculated in a Gelug monastery. So, this is one issue. My own studies have not all been that high quality or good. Mainly what I know has come from me taking interest and putting the effort into it. I never had any properly organized, thorough, education. So, that’s one issue.
So, another issue is that, when I was recognized as Karmapa when I was 7, so I was just a little boy. From the time I was little, I grew up in Tsurphu Monastery. And when I was little, all the people around me were adults. So I had to do whatever they told me to. And I couldn’t say what I needed to do.
At first, of course, I didn’t know what I needed to do. And in addition to that, other than listen to them, I never had any freedom to say what I should do or should not do. Actually, when I was little, I did have a lot of hard times. For example, in terms of power, it’s the changtso had all the power. And when people would come to give me gifts, they first of all had to take to the changtso, the changtso would take them out and open all the gifts first. And those people were suspicious that there might be a bomb or poison or something like that. So, they would take them out to check to see, they take the gifts out to make sure that there is no bomb or poison. And once the gifts had been taken away, they were never brought back, almost all of them.
Also people would come to give me money to say it was for me to give my parents. Those who knew my situation would give me money surreptitiously. At that time, there was a lot of people around right? So without knowing, they quickly slipped it under my cushion, slipped it under my cushion secretly. That’s what it was like. So, that’s what it was like when I was little.
I never really felt that I had any freedom of my own. And then I came to India. See, when I came to India, India is a free country, a democracy. So I’d hoped that when I arrived, I could do whatever I wanted. That was my hope. But when I first got to India, none of us had any knowledge about India. And at that time, the people who advised me, the people… my guides, the people who advised me, even though they definitely had pure motivation, there was none who was able to guide me, who was a hundred percent reliable. They didn’t know how things were done. So I had no one to guide me. So when we first began discussions with the Indian government, there was disharmony and disagreement in the discussion and this probably caused some suspicions. In any case, I’ve spent eighteen years in India. And during this time, I have had continually difficulties and hassles as you all know. They said that I was sent by the Chinese or that I was a Chinese spy.
Many things have happened. But even though many things have happened, I still have done what that I could. The reason why I stayed right up until now is because I feel like I must not give up on the teachings, the Kagyu teachings. Likewise, I thought that to myself that this is for the benefit of Tibet, for the benefit of all sentient beings. Thinking in this way, I stayed. Also from another perspective, when I arrived in India, it was very fortunate. I had the fortune to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama and hear his teachings. I had many opportunities to receive profound Dharma teachings from Chamgon Tai Situ Rinpoche and Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche. Likewise, I’ve had the opportunity to receive profound Dharma teachings from Tangur Rinpoche, Bokar Ripoche and Yongzin Thrangu Rinpoche. And I feel all of this has been very, very fortunate. Where I live is Gyuto Monastery and the heart sons they live elsewhere, Situ Rinpoche lives in Sherab Ling, Gyaltsab Rinpoche lives in Sikkim. There’s never been a place for us to spend an extended period of time at the same place. It’s like we’re all been scattered.
When I read the lives of the previous Karmapas, the Karmapas and their heart sons all stayed together. Wherever they went, they went together. Whether it’s by teaching the Dharma, or by taking care of each other. It was like at that time, they all took care of each other but this has never happened with me. And for me, this is something I feel very disappointed about.
Then, to speak bluntly. After the 16th Karmapa passed away, we had a great rift in our Kamtsang lineage. I don’t need to say anything any more about the old situations. But because of this, we have had some disagreements among the ladrangs. Many things have happened since I arrived in India. Some of you know, some don’t. There has been a lot disharmony among the ladrangs and this has also caused me a lot of worries.
On one occasion, I invited Chamgon Tai Situ Rinpoche and Goshri Gyaltsab to come to Delhi, both Rinpoches are quite like the moon and the clouds in the sky. They are not stained by any thoughts but those who are underneath them, their attendants, and I told them to tell their attendants, the people under them that we have had a great disaster in the Kamtsang lineage. Such has never happened before. We’ve had been a huge conflict. We’ve had a terrible violation of samsara, please do what you can to avoid that again. This is what I asked both Rinpoches. And they both promised to do as I asked. Actually, to make such a request is like teaching Avalokiteshvara the Mani mantra, you shouldn’t have to say to that extent but I was too petty, too small minded and asked.
Also thinking that maybe it would be of benefit to the Karma Kaygu teachings, I went to see Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche. And when we arranged a meeting on our side shall we say, there were people who’d said that it would not be okay to make a bad connection. Quite a few people said this. Some who were nearby said this vociferously. But I ignored that and I went to Shamar Rinpoche and when we met, there was no really specific result you could point to.
But now, Rinpoche has passed away, and I do feel a bit of comfort in my mind, that at least I was able to meet Rinpoche and tell him what I thought. So, this gives me a little bit of comfort. In general, we all know how important the Shamar Rinpoche has been in the history of the Karma Kagyu. But in the last few years, in the last couple of decades, so many events have occurred that many people say we should not recite long life prayers for Shamar Rinpoche and that we should remove the Shamar Rinpoches from our lineage supplications.
But I think that that is really not seeing the important points, because Shamar Rinpoche is not just the recent 14th Shamar Miphang Chokyi Lodro, The Shamar Rinpoche is a part of the old lineage of Karma Kamtsang. The lineage from Drakpo Sengge to the present. It is not the name of the single person, it is not a single person.
No matter how much the people say that the actions of the current Shamar Rinpoche were wrong, I think that we must not paint the activities of the entire Shamar lineage black. For this reason, I think that we must have a positive way of thinking about Shamar Rinpoche. I think we need to think about Buddhism in general and the lineage in the future.
Now Shamar Rinpoche has passed away. It is extremely important that there be no problems regarding his reincarnation. We have another situation or we say there’s two different reincarnations. It will harm the Kamtsang in general and in future, the Kamtsang will split into two factions, looking at each other as enemies and that would not be good in any way at all.
From the depths of my heart, I think we can have reconciliation. And I am doing a few things to bring that about. But it’s not something for one person to do. It’s so crucial to remember that both sides need to be open. If we continue to always say bad things about each other and criticize each other. If we continue to do that, I do not think it will turn out well.
Our teachings at the Kamtsang are the same. Our Gurus the same. The colour of our hats is the same. But despite this, if we continue to cling to our own factions, no matter how right we are, we have such bias towards our sides, we will work for ourselves, to win for ourselves to defeat the others. Taking this on would be like a complete mistake. There’ll be nothing good about it. So, we often say there is the Shamar side and there is the Situ side. One side or the other. Actually we aren’t on the Situ Rinpoche side, we aren’t on the Shamar Rinpoche side. We are all on the Karma Kagyu side.
Otherwise, we’re filled with our own afflictions, the three poisons; we engage in partisanship and jealousy and at the same time say… and while we still do that we still… how to say… and if at that point we say I’m on Vajradhara’s side. There’s no benefit to that at all.
So these people say I’m pure, he’s pure, he’s a pure Kagyupa but they’re not pure. But whether one is pure or not comes down to the practice we have in our mindstreams. It does not come down to whose side we are on. I think this is something we all need to keep in mind.
Another thing is that I’m in America. I spent many months abroad, the last six months in America. There are probably a lot of people who explain the reasons why I stayed abroad for such a long time. But independent of anyone else’s explanations, what I’d like to say is that the main reason I am staying abroad is that when I had a medical exam in Germany, they told me that I had a medical problem. So then I had an .?.. (27.38) and for his sake I had to go to America and once I arrived there, I had to follow up on the medical problem they had told me when I was in Germany, and so that is for the reason.
Another matter is that, you know, for many years I’ve never had the opportunity to really rest — to rest both the body and the mind.
Once I get back to India, there’ll be a lot of busy-ness and frenetic-ness so I would not be able to rest. So, I had stayed here to rest.
So, I stayed here because I’m thinking of the long term.
Probably many people have said that I’m staying for my own personal benefit or that I had some insidious plan, but that is not it at all.
In brief, people think that I’m decisive and that whatever I’m doing, they say, “He’s the Karmapa,” so of course they’ll take it as definite the case but for me, it’s not like that.
No matter what decision I make or what action I do, there’s a lot I have to give up.
For my own part, I’ve done everything I could up till now. Everything I’ve done, I have done with a pure motivation. I’ve had a pure motivation but people will make things up. There are many people who make things up out of dislike, and there is nothing to do about that.
But amongst ourselves, there are many people who give incorrect explanations because they either do not know or do not understand what my real intentions are. Especially now that I’m staying in America, even the people I am around here have had a lot of anxiety. Likewise many people all over have had a lot of anxiety. And I have actually myself been quite downcast and depressed. This is because when other people look at what I have tried to do, they take it as a matter of course, but for my own part, I have had to give up a lot. None of it has been easy.
And even though it has been easy and when I ignore that and keep pushing ahead, if those around me do not believe in me then there’s no reason for me to pretend and keep going. So for that reason, I have been depressed.
But when you think about it from the perspective of the future, from the time of the first Karmapa, Düsum Khyenpa, to the present, the Gyalwa Karmapa has been a Lama who has engaged only in Dharma activities, not one who has been involved in politics.
And now we’re at a critical time for the Snow Land of Tibet — we have come to a point where it is important to put effort into both Dharma and politics. So for this reason we definitely need a political leader or a political guide. But for me, I don’t know how to give any political direction. I don’t know how to do this but since I have the title of Karmapa, it would not be appropriate.
Likewise, in terms of the dharma, the way I think to myself is that one does politics to accomplish short-term aims and benefit. Now, political people, they’re always changing. And also, politics means dividing into factions and then dividing into groups then trying to find profit and benefit.
But Dharma, Dharma means not divide into factions but instead bring benefit to all sentient beings who are as limitless as space. Its duration is that people don’t change posts immediately. Dharma is for protecting ourselves in this and in future lifetimes and for guiding ourselves in this until thereafter.
So the way Dharma and politics work is completely different. Since I have the responsibility of being a religious leader, I can only contend in the direction of the Dharma. When I was in Tibet, I was worried that I would have to get involved in politics. Once I arrived in India, I’ve always thought that if it came to me having to do political activities, I would not have the skills to do it, I wouldn’t know how to do it and I have no wish to do so. This is another important point for people to take into consideration.
In brief, from my own perspective, I don’t have such qualities of abundant realisations as the previous Karmapas had. If I, even though I lack those, were to continue to pretend, to deceive people, I feel I will be accumulating severely negative karma.
I have no feeling of delight, no thought of ‘I’ll get rich’ or have power or that many people like me, I don’t have any such… feel like there’s nothing I have to feel such pride or confidence in. So sometimes I think there’s no point. There’s no point to continue deceiving others.
Sometimes I think it would be better to just live as an ordinary person, an ordinary Dharma practitioner. I sometimes think that and especially recently I felt this strongly.
This is because I have worked hard for many years but I can’t work hard all by myself. A single pillar can’t hold up a single building, can it? Everyone needs to work hard and help out. We say that everyone has to have people to take care of them. If you’re taking money you need somebody to take care of you.
Without any support for yourself, there’s no benefit to teaching and helping sentient beings all by yourself. We, Buddhists, believe in karmic cause and effect. We believe in the view of inter-dependence. Inter-dependence means that in all situations, no matter what they may be, occur because of multiple causes (and) conditions. There’s nothing that can be accomplished with a single cause or a single condition. This is something that everyone needs to take into consideration.
In brief, our Kagyu lineage in general, and in particular the Karma Kamtsang, it’s like we’re a big family. It’s like a big family and in this family, the Gyalwa Karmapa is like the father of the family. But the father can’t take all the responsibility alone. The support of all the family members is needed.
Likewise, if you think about the history of the Kagyu lineage, and in particular the Karma Kamtsang, there have been many losses. For example, when the Mongol Gushen invaded, their armies razed many Karma Kamtsang monasteries and many lineages of practices and explanations were lost. Such terrible events have occurred and later after 1959, there was the Cultural Revolution.
So now we have an opportunity for the teachers to revive and flourish so I’d like to ask everyone, to ask everyone to take this opportunity as your own and to make efforts.
Sometimes people don’t seem to understand how I think. They seem unable to understand my perspective. It’s quite possible that this will happen. But what i think the most important thing is, I’m not saying that I can see far into the future or that I know how to think about the long term; but as much as I can, I try to take a long term view as I work.
It’s possible that some people cannot take such a long view but their leader, so called. If you’re going to be a leader. Once you believe in their leader, even though you may not understand all their plans and decisions, it is important to believe in them and support them.
But I’m not saying you must support me. I’m not asking for you to understand me. I’m not asking you to understand me.
Instead I’m saying this is a general thing, no matter who the leader may be in the future. People need to keep this in mind.
So I leave it here today. I have spoken about several different issues and if I’ve made any mistakes or if I’ve said anything inappropriate, I beg your pardon.So now whatever merit has been gathered during this Kagyu Monlam Chenmo, please dedicate for His Eminence Goshir Gyaltsap Rinpoche to live long and for his wishes to be accomplished spontaneously, to be able to soon set foot in Tibet and turn the vast and profound wheel of Dharma.
Likewise, for the masters of all lineages to live long, for the Sangha of the ten directions to be harmonious and have pure discipline and so forth as described in the great aspirations which is next. So please, everyone make such aspirations and dedications.
Video: Dalai lama made mistake said Shamar Rinpoche
Shamar Rinpoche is the most senior Karma Kagyu lama after the Karmapa himself. For centuries, they would recognize each other’s reincarnations. Shamar Rinpoche would always recognize the new Karmapa and conversely, the senior Karmapa would recognize the new Shamarpa. This has gone on for many incarnations. If Shamarpa was not available , then perhaps one of the junior regents would be consulted. The current Karmapa being recognized by Tai Situpa Rinpoche and endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is out of tradition and incorrect. Shamar Rinpoche makes this point very clear in the video below. Without consulting Shamar Rinpoche, Tai Situpa snuck into Tibet and, together with the Chinese government, recognized Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the Karmapa incarnation. Shamar Rinpoche did not agree. Shamar Rinpoche has his own candidate according to the written prophecies of the previous Karmapa and Shamar Rinpoche’s own divinations. Shamar Rinpoche objected to the candidate Ogyen Trinley Dorje as he is recognized by the Chinese and further, it is not understood why Tai Situpa would supposedly join forces with the Chinese government to recognize the Karmapa. Shamar Rinpoche has requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama to withdraw his endorsement of Ogyen Trinley as Karmapa, but the Dalai Lama has said he cannot do so. This has created tremendous rifts, fighting, violence, name-hurling and legal issues within the Karma Kagyu sect. This was all created by the Tibetan leadership who interfered with the recognition of the Karmapa which they have no authority to do. Maybe it’s a sign of the incorrect way the whole procedure was done that resulted in Ogyen Trinley Dorje feeling unsure of himself as the Karmapa and complaining he is not qualified to fill the Karmapa’s shoes.
Shamar Rinpoche has recently passed away and Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje is wary of which faction will recognize the new Shamarpa. If the Dalai Lama faction recognizes one Shamarpa and the other Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje recognizes another Shamarpa, it would further divide the Karma Kagyu school and perhaps break it entirely.
Watch Shamar Rinpoche express clearly, with his trademark directness, his feelings on this whole matter that divided the Karma Kagyu school, now still unresolved, in half.
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
Robert Thurman’s Letter to the Shamarpa
If His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has no rights, jurisdiction or traditional involvement in the recognition of any Karmapa in the whole of Karma Kagyu history, why would a self-proclaimed scholar of Je Tsongkhapa such as Robert Thurman have an inkling of what is correct and incorrect? Why does Robert Thurman think he can interfere in the traditions of the Karma Kagyu sect and even have the audacity to write to Shamar Rinpoche and the Kagyus? Why does Robert Thurman have to interfere in places where he does not belong and knows nothing about just because he claims to be the Dalai Lama’s good friend?
His Eminence Shamarpa’s Open Letter to Robert Thurman
An excellent well-written logical and tradition-based letter to Thurman by Shamar Rinpoche. Shamar Rinpoche’s letter scatters any and all doubts away with his clarity and directness. One should take the time to read Shamar Rinpoche’s response.
March 10, 2018
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) should really learn from Nepal. Aligning with Chinese policy is necessary if you wish for growth and economic stability. The Dalai Lama was recently quoted to say, “We want to stay with China. We want more development.”
Nepal has developed so much since collaborating with China, with China now contributing to around 58 percent of foreign direct investment (FDI) commitments received by Nepal. China has promised that areas of mutual cooperation with Nepal would be expanded in the days to come.
Jampel Senge
March 10, 2018
Not only was the thankyouindia2018 forced to move back to McLeodganj, the Tibetans are warned to keep the event low key! BJP leadership, including L K Advani and Shanta Kumar, and former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had been invited for the event in Delhi but none of them replied to the invitation. Apart from the change of venue now, new invitation list has to be prepared. It is clear that the Indian government is distancing itself from the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and they will do what is necessary to mend their ties with China.
March 10, 2018
It is very clear by now that the Indian Government does not want the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA)’s thank you. No matter how the CTA orchestrates the propaganda campaign to please India, it is very clear that the Indian Government had enough of the Tibetans and are making effort to distance itself from the CTA. Although India will continue to support His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his spiritual works, the distinctions between His Holiness and the CTA is made very clear. Looking at the trend, we may be able to speculate that the Indian Government’s plan for the next few years is to end decades of support to the CTA and its people, eventually clearing all Tibetan refugees from India.
March 10, 2018
Why does the Karmapa wear monk robes when he is married and expecting a child. Tibet is the only Buddhist tradition even if you are not a monk, people wear the holy robes of a monk.
Tibetan Buddhism should make it clearer who can and cannot wear monk robes. If you are not a monk anymore since you are married, why do you wear the robes of a monk? It sends the wrong message to people about how monks should not behave and how they should be seen in public.
Harold Musetescu
March 10, 2018
Hello Why?
The 17th Karmapa in this article is Ogyen Trinley Dorje and he is a monk.
The person you mentioned is the other Karmapa who is married.
Hope this helps you.
Doreen Park
March 10, 2018
It is sad that the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley should be caught in the vise of political manipulations. He is a sincere monk and dharma practitioner and his wish is to teach and spread the Dharma. It is good that he speaks up and shows how CTA has been using him like a pawn in a political game and power play, depriving him of even a monastery of his own.
So the Tibetan leadership has not only been creating schism and conflict among Tibetans over the ban on Shugden practice that has divided the Gelug Lineage, but also over the split created within the Karma Kagyu Lineage by their appointment of a second Karmapa, when the rightful leader to do this, the Shamarpa, had already appointed a Karmapa.
Should Orgen Trinley decide to abdicate, might it not lead to the end and dissolution of the Karma Kagyu Lineage? Wouldn’t it be great if the 2 Kamarpas could sit and work out together a way forward for their lineage and lead it to a glorious future ?
Harold Musetescu
March 10, 2018
The following below is a quote from the 17th Karmapa in the above article.
Likewise, if you think about the history of the Kagyu lineage, and in particular the Karma Kamtsang, there have been many losses. For example, when the Mongol Gushen invaded, their armies razed many Karma Kamtsang monasteries and many lineages of practices and explanations were lost.
Here he is talking about the 5th Dalai Lama,Gushen Khan and his army.
The invaded Tibet from the north and overthrew the then leader of Tibet, H.H. Sakya Trizin and the Sakya Sect.
They then went on to attack the Karma Kagyu.
In both cases Sakya and Karma Kaygu Monasteries were destroyed and their monks, nuns and lay followers brutally murdered by the Mongolians.
All this at the bloody hands of the new “God King” of Tibet the 5th Dalai Lama.
Thank you 17th Karmapa for publicly point out what the MURDEROUS 5TH DALAI LAMA DID TO YOUR SECT.
This is how the “Buddha of Compassion” became the ruler of Tibet.
All hail the “Buddha of Compassion”.
March 11, 2018
I believe that OTD in the 9th paragraph of the transcript on the above video says “They’d say, “You have to be really careful. There are many people who say the are Karmapa, so YOU have to be your best””. I added emphasis on “you” judging from the way he speaks. I think this is the correct transcript- and ties with what he says later in the paragraph.
Lelkyi Tsho
March 12, 2018
Although both China and India are seen as giants, India has been seen submitting to China more and more. The relocation of “Thank You India” event from Delhi to Dharamsala and Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha’s note to Indian officials to not attend the event because it is a “very sensitive time” for bilateral relations with China both clearly show that India is bending backwards to please China. And they are definitely not going to entertain Lobsang Sangay anymore because the Tibet issue is no longer a trump card for India.
Lobsang Sangay said not long ago that an official usually wants to do something big in their last term of office so that people will remember them. In this case, he will forever be remembered for his incapability and his focus on building closer ties with young women, such as Dhardon Sharling, instead of significant diplomatic ties. He has done a lot of big things in his last term as the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) but none of these shows any leadership characteristics whatsoever. These include:
1) The sacking of Penpa Tsering to evade the Tibet Fund loan scandal of US$1.5 million. He even tried to push the loan on to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to settle on his behalf.
2) Allowing a downsized, low-key #thankyouindia2018 event to celebrate 60 years of exile, something which Dhardon Sharling, the Secretary of Department of Information and International Relations, claimed to have no idea as to why the events were shifted.
3) Allowing fake monk Tenzin Dhonden to use His Holiness’ fame to conduct dubious activities including being involved in a cult and sex scandals.
4) Losing India’s half-century worth of support towards the CTA and its people for his ungrateful attitude. Instead, he focused on filling up his own pockets instead of thinking of the welfare of the Tibetans in exile.
Lobsang Sangay’s intention to take on the role as the President of the CTA is clear and his best ‘achievements’ definitely outshine his predecessors as inept failures.
Khampa Warrior
March 12, 2018
India has lost significant support from Nepal, especially since Nepal’s devastating earthquake in 2015 when China gave the country funds for aid and rebuilding infrastructure. It is now losing its grip more and more, such as in its internet monopoly, now threatened by alternatives from China. China is making inroads into Nepal aggressively. India, which originally thought of China as a friend, can only sit by and watch China exert its influence and power further, such as improving telecommunications and building railway extensions from the border with Nepal and Yadong across Sikkim, to Kathmandu and Lumbini.
Nepal and India have historically enjoyed good ties and strong trade relations and if India does not take advantage of this fast-closing window of opportunity, China will be successful in wooing Nepal. Kathmandu already signed trade and transit agreements with Beijing in March 2016. This gave Nepal an alternative route for its trade and supplies. As China builds a stronghold in Nepal, it will continue achieving its strategic objective of eliminating Indian influence and curbing the Tibetan refugee population.
March 13, 2018
Athar Migmar
March 15, 2018
By hosting the Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi when India-Pakistan ties are at an all-time low, Nepali Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli is telling the world that he is not afraid of India, especially after landmark trade and transit agreements were signed with China. This seems to go well with the general sentiments of the Nepali people, as Oli’s pro-China stance is wildly popular among his core constituencies.
As mentioned in the article, New Delhi must learn to accept China’s presence in the region and to work with it. As China works on building trilateral cooperation with Nepal and India, the Tibetans will have no standing. Recently, the report that the Indian government had asked senior leaders and officials not to attend events that would mark the Tibetans’ 60 years in exile, as well as the cancellation of 2 events in Delhi, are clear signs that everyone is trying to please China. The Tibetans have no more sympathizers who will continue to support them as it risks jeopardising relations with China.
March 15, 2018
Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet!Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet!Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet! Tibetans in India go home!! Go back to Tibet!
March 15, 2018
For years the Tibetan government in-exile has been suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners and punishing them for practising by barring them from Tibetan hospitals, schools and communal gatherings. They have been severely segregated and pressed down and made into pariahs of society. They did this to scapegoat Shugden as the cause for them to fail in their job in getting Tibet back from China after 60 years in exile. Now the tables have turned. India is starting to change its stance toward the Dalai Lama and Tibetan leadership. The Indian government is starting to make friends with China and that means distancing themselves from the useless Tibetans. Too bad.
Now the Tibetan leadership will know what it feels like to be abandoned, abused and segregated like they did for years to Dorje Shugden practitioners. Without Indian support the Tibetan government will have less power to abuse Shugden practitioners within their communities. Finally the tables have turned against the Tibetan leadership. Now it’s time for them to humble down and shut up! They better not make further trouble. They could have had hundreds of thousands of Dorje Shugden practitioners supporting the Tibetan leadership but you alienated them with your segregation and inhumane policies of segregation and now you have less and less support. Too bad. Dorje Shugden people could have supported you all but you lost it. Too bad.
March 15, 2018
For years the Tibetan government in-exile has been suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners and punishing them for practising by barring them from Tibetan hospitals, schools and communal gatherings. They have been severely segregated and pressed down and made into pariahs of society. They did this to scapegoat Shugden as the cause for them to fail in their job in getting Tibet back from China after 60 years in exile. Now the tables have turned. India is starting to change its stance toward the Dalai Lama and Tibetan leadership. The Indian government is starting to make friends with China and that means distancing themselves from the useless Tibetans. Too bad.
Now the Tibetan leadership will know what it feels like to be abandoned, abused and segregated like they did for years to Dorje Shugden practitioners. Without Indian support the Tibetan government will have less power to abuse Shugden practitioners within their communities. Finally the tables have turned against the Tibetan leadership. Now it’s time for them to humble down and shut up! They better not make further trouble. They could have had hundreds of thousands of Dorje Shugden practitioners supporting the Tibetan leadership but you alienated them with your segregation and inhumane policies of segregation and now you have less and less support. Too bad. Dorje Shugden people could have supported you all but you lost it. Too bad.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
Look at these real tweets, Indians are not happy with Tibetans, questioning why India must support the Dalai Lama.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
More tweets of Indians talking about the Dalai Lama.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
More tweets of Indians not happy with the Tibetans. One even asks the Tibetans to go back to China.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
Indians saying Dalai Lama is anti-India and pro-China.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
Clearly the Indians are of the opinion that Dalai Lama’s pro-China stance is hurting Indians.
Phuntsok Palden
March 15, 2018
See this tweet by Savita, this may be what many Indians are thinking right now.
March 16, 2018
More and more Indians are speaking their mind, look at this tweet below. It is true that the Tibetan leadership does not get involve or support India when India faces problems, such as during the Gorkhaland and even Doklam crisis. Instead of helping, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) incite more tension by saying that what happened to Tibet could happen to India as well and that India should be worried about China’s continued military build-up in Doklam.
March 16, 2018
Indians are speaking up against Tibetans now. See what t j prasad said. Tibetans live for free for decades in India while amassing massive funds from foreign aid, claiming they are refugees.
March 16, 2018
You cannot deny what the Indians have observed. After all, they put up with these fake refugees in their country for decades. What vikram chandra said is true, Tibetans are enjoying their good life everywhere and taking advantage of their host countries.
March 16, 2018
What the Tibetan leadership said is clearly seen as disrespectful and ungrateful towards the kindness shown by India for hosting the Tibetans for almost six decades now. See how upset the Indians are and what they are saying now.
March 16, 2018
March 17, 2018
Apart from two big Tibetan events planned in Delhi being scrapped, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) can add another disgrace to the list, this time thanks to its own people, the Tibetans.
On Saturday 17th March, a large number of international protestors gathered near the Tibetan parliament, seeking the impeachment of Tibetan President Sangay, saying his actions are akin to those of a dictator. The protestors are from India, Nepal, Europe, and the US and the protest will go on until the session ends on March 24. Lobsang Sangay definitely made a mark in Tibetan history as he is the first President that Tibetans protested to impeach.
CTA will lose
March 17, 2018
Tibetan govt is failing so badly it’s pathetic. Even Karmapa is turning against Tibetan govt. Too bad. 😖
Tibetan govt in exile was stupid to push Dorje Shugden people down and discriminate against them since 1996. Dorje Shugden people for the last 400 hundred years practiced their protector peacefully and for spiritual purposes. Tibetan govt in exiled FAILED in securing Tibet back from China for the last 60 years and they needed a scapegoat to distract their failures away and blamed it on Dorje Shugden instead of admitting to their mistake. Most dictator regimes like Tibetan govt fail and distract their public from failure so they are not protested against. Now the tables have turned. The world is abandoning the Tibetan govt and cause. Tibetans themselves are protesting against Tibetan govt. Dalai Lama is old and slowed down. Even Himachel Pradesh state govt and Indian national govt is abandoning Tibetan govt and making friends with China. Everyone is abandoning the Tibetan govt in exile and all the hundreds of thousands of Dorje Shugden people could have been your friend but you alienated and segregated them. Too bad. You are left alone. You should have been nice to the peaceful Dorje Shugden people in and out of Tibet and NOW YOUR KARMA IS COMING BACK. TOO BAD!!! Down with Tibetan govt!!! 👍😖
March 17, 2018
It is understandable that national ministers refrained from attending events organised by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) following the leaked classified directive from the Indian Cabinet Secretary. But to have a State Minister of Himachal Pradesh (that Dharamsala falls under) skipping such an important event for the Tibetans in-exile is a clear message – India is now making ties with China, and the ‘Tibetan cause’ (Tibetan independence) is no longer useful to India.
Over the past few months, the Dalai Lama has made numerous statements that Tibet should remain part of China. He has been reaffirming his stance that he is not seeking independence for Tibet. Meanwhile, India is exercising a whole new approach – to make friends with China. After all, India’s national interest comes first.
Jigme Tsering
March 18, 2018
In response to the cancellation of the recent ‘Thank You India’ event in Delhi, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) released a video message by His Holiness the Dalai Lama saying that the Tibetans have not been seeking independence for Tibet from China since 1974. In addition, His Holiness further reiterate the mutual benefits of reconciliation between Tibetans in exile and China.
This statement was very offensive to Indians who were very kind enough to host the Tibetan refugees for the last 60 years. Not only did the Tibetan community contribute nothing to India, they have also been using India in order to further their own cause. Now that India is changing their stance towards China, Tibetans are quick to turn around in favor of China and India is quickly abandoned. What is apparent in this speech is that India remains an undesired place to be called home.
Tashi Wangchuk
March 21, 2018
I see many Indians expressing their displeasure with Tibetans on Twitter daily. Look at what they are saying now.
March 21, 2018
Why CTA involve in spiritual.They should mind their own business.Moreover it is non of their business as it is karma kagyu sect.Always getting involve in things that make ppl discriminate and divide ppl just like DS ppl.CTA can’t even take care of tibetans.Not everyone can be your puppet CTA.Ppl will fight back when they have enough.And this is why the karmapa is speaking up.How can they have 2 karmapa?Absurd.What is the CTA trying to prove.That they are powerful and they can do anything they like.They should concentrate on their own thing before putting their head in ppl’s business.Shameless CTA always causing trouble & disharmony.CTA must go down and disband.Useless CTA
Tenzin K
March 21, 2018
Tibetan leadership keep creating schism by dividing their people. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje was recognised by them and being used for political reason instead of up holding the spiritual lineage practice. Why Tibetan leadership keep separating their people from one lineage to another? What is the benefit seeing Tibetan spilt apart? All Tibetan should question the Tibetan leaders!!!
Britney Blade
March 21, 2018
Nevertheless have to say another CTA evidence of poor leaderships on forcibly on a high lama into politic. CTA is so pathetic!! This is truly sad and pity on such high lama that been bad treated with disrespect. Though Karmapa Ogyen Trinley was chosen by the Tibetan Leadership, he shouldn’t be mistreated like this. Oh dear CTA, you are failing….falling, falling, falling….

March 21, 2018
This is epic. What else is new. We all know CTA DON’T DO THEIR JOB WELL. Recognising and promoting this version of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje and compete against the Chinese elect Karmapa is important to create the confusion amongs And split amongst Karma Kagyu students. What I don’t understand is that why they keep him and restrict all the necessities in order to progress and be their brand of promo. You really can’t blame Karmapa for speaking up this time as it is necessary.
March 21, 2018
It is good to see that the Karmapa is speaking up so frankly what happened to him and it is such a pity that a high and holy lama gets mistreated like this. How come the CTA who controls him so much has not made sure that his education and monastery gets into place? What do they expect from a monk?
On top, the CTA is known to be very harmful against those who speak up and let everyone know what evil play they are up to.
I hope that the Karmapa is safe and he can fulfil his spiritual aspirations to be of benefit to others now in the US and far away from the CTA.
March 21, 2018
CTA keep interfere in Tibetan spirituality. Using spiritual to control the people by creating separation, schism and discrimination. Politic has no place in spirituality. Look at how CTA intervene in all Tibetan spiritual lineages by creating 2nd leaders and banning others spiritual practice such as Dorje Shugden, only suffering they created. Any improvement that the Tibetan enjoyed? Tibetans should open their eyes and mind to really see clearly what CTA has created!!! Time to speak up and act for your right!!!
March 21, 2018
The Dalai Lama and the useless people in CTA have no right to intervene and meddle in another sect or other people’s preference of religious practice and worship. The Dalai Lama should just promote Tsongkapa and the dharma and not encourage people by giving ‘advice’ to give up Dorje Shugden’s practice. The CTA should just focus on helping Tibetans and not get involved in religious and spiritual matters like segregating Tibetans. Use the money donated by sponsors wisely, CTA, to help Tibetans’ welfare. Don’t use sponsors’ hard earned money to wage a spiritual war against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Don’t use the donation to make videos and printed materials to put down Dorje Shugden while Tibetans welfare suffer.
March 21, 2018
Modi’s government’s direction is clear regarding the Tibetans – India wants the Tibetan government in exile to avoid indulging in any political activity against Beijing, and on the Indian side, it is stepping up its engagements with China to deepen economic and political cooperation before the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in June, of which Prime Minister Modi is attending the multilateral event.
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval are scheduled to meet their Chinese counterparts before the SCO summit and ministerial engagements with China is expected to translate into a bilateral informal summit between Modi and Xi.
Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha’s recent note asking all politicians and bureaucrats to refrain from participating in events organised by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is a huge contrast to when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in May 2014, this was when the then Prime Minister (now President) of the Tibetan government in exile Lobsang Sangay was invited for his swearing-in. As India denounce their strong support towards the Tibetans in exile, we know that the CTA’s power is dwindling down, especially when the Dalai Lama said that he wants to “voluntarily” put an end to the process of Dalai Lama succession.
March 21, 2018
CTA is such ugly and dirty organisation which uses the name of Buddhism to gain benefits for themselves and causing so much suffering! 👎👎👎
Tenzin Sangye
March 21, 2018
What 17th Karmapa has said i am not surprice how CTA using their power to intervance other sect to divine them. If CTA can using Dalai Lama name to solicite money for foreign countries, to control other sect holding power using head spiritual leader as out front to as political reason. I am glad Karmapa speak up tell the true and review how bad CTA can harm others especialy to Dorje Shugden practitioner by putting the ban to surpress dorje shugden practice. It is just one of the clear example what CTA has done over t 20 years.
March 21, 2018
When religion is being used as a political tools , it always lead to suffering of his peoples. Politician use it just to benefit a small group but religion is to benefit all. CTA has been using religion as a political tools for the last 60 years, the current situation for Tibetan in exile facing showing this does not bring benefit to the people but suffering such like separation of family, group and wrong view on religion. Why CTA has collected so much donation from the world but their people still suffering, where is the money gone and don’t you think the money has gone to benefit a small group of peoples. The fact is there is no transparency of how the fund being used. CTA. please stop your action interference religious practice because already proven that more suffering you bring to the peoples.
Deny Hermawan
March 22, 2018
A very good article. comprehensive but also stright to the point.👍

gonpo Tsering
March 22, 2018
There were some speculations that India’s objectives in slighting the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) could be because of a prior agreement with China.
Coincidentally, Foreign Secretary Gokhale’s note leaked a day before the foreign secretary visited Beijing, and now we hear news that Indian ministers have scheduled to meet their Chinese counterparts to prepare for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in June.
We may never know the real reason is for India’s sudden turn around to appease China. But one thing’s for sure, India will not allow the Tibetans to engage in anti-China activities from now onwards. Like what the article said, “…for India, the Tibetan story was over.”
dolma tso
March 22, 2018
India banning Tibetans from hosting a rally with the Dalai Lama this month for the 60th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule is a clear sign that India wants to improve ties with China.
China said that it is “willing to keep up the good momentum of two-way cooperation with India,” while the Indian side mentioned that India and China agreed to consult each other on regional and international issues.
You can’t really fault India for doing so. After all, it was His Holiness the Dalai Lama who batted for the recognition of the “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai” (India and China are brothers) spirit to take Sino-Indian relations forward.
Dolma Khoza
March 22, 2018
The Tibetan government in exile has been dumped by the Indian government for a bigger prize: China. For years, the Tibetan government in exile would accuse Dorje Shugden people of taking money from the Chinese but everyone knows that this is not true. Now even their host, India, will be friends with China. Everyone will be friends with China sooner or later, and the Tibetan leadership beg to be as well. The Tibetan leadership shouldn’t have messed with Dorje Shugden people. Too bad for you! And when the Tibetan leadership is friends with China, what will they accuse the Dorje Shugden people of then???
Thinley Woeser
March 22, 2018
India has switched its policy on Tibet in order to align itself with China and gain economic benefits. With high unemployment rate and serious poverty issues in the countryside resulted in the Kisan Long March, as well as the uncertainties of the General Elections coming up in 2019, Modi’s government need to prioritise the interest of 1.3 billion people over 95,000 Tibetan refugees.
As the largest recipient of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) under the “Belt & Road” initiative, India needs to maintain good relations with China, especially after the Doklam tension. The reality is the fact that India cannot afford to go to war with China as its army is not as well equipped and the cost of war would be astronomical. So India is now opting a conciliatory as opposed to a hardline approach in order to keep China at bay, and for PM Modi to possibly have a higher chance to succeed in the coming election.
Modi and Xi are expected to meet this year on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit to be held in June this year at the Chinese city of Qingdao, and Modi’s congratulatory note to Xi for getting re-elected as the President on Chinese social media platform Weibo is a confirmation that further development of Sino-Indian bilateral relations is definitely under way.
Michael George
March 22, 2018
This is something really funny, CTA suppose to be a government to the Tibetans, but they do not do their job to take care of the citizen’s welfare, they do not develop their country well despite with so much money gotten from various countries for so many years, instead, they keep interfering with religious matters, and keep splitting their people apart, isn’t this weird? a government is suppose to unite their people but CTA is doing the otherwise, I have heard about this many times from my fellow friends, and now, this was said by one of the very significant person. After creating harm for so many years, now more and more people stand out to speak the truth, shall we continue to be bullied by CTA or do something to turn this around? Enough is enough, CTA has created enough harm to their own people, this should be stopped soonest or else, more people will suffer from the action of CTA.
Belinda Mae
March 22, 2018
It is so bad of the CTA who always try to split the lineages and the people. Why must they do that? What is their main intention? What will they benefit from it? And when some monks or people or groups do not listen to CTA, then the CTA will threaten them badly. How the CTA treat the monks, in this case Ogyen Trinley, will reflect badly on the CTA. When will CTA stop all these nonsense?
Richard TamLak
March 22, 2018
A so called government that doesn’t support their own people, but to split their people into groups. Is that what CTA best at? The Tibetans in India are getting more and more frustrated of their own so called government. Instead of using the money that other countries donated, they put it into their own pocket, and use the fund to make video, print materials and book to against Dorje Shugden, to split their own people. Now the Karmapa also stand out and talking about their rotten government. I don’t see a government involve in religious matter, and I don’t see a government forced a monk to be involved in politics. Only CTA will do it. When is it going to end? Just hope that Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet soon, and will dismiss CTA.
March 23, 2018
Looks like India is taking serious measures to ensure that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala does not engage in any political activity perceived to be against Beijing.
An event to mark 60 years of the Dalai Lama’s stay in India, originally planned in Delhi, was moved back to Dharamsala in order not to create issues for India as Sino-Indian ties are very tense at the moment. As a result, organisers were forced to hold the programme in the temple complex where the Dalai Lama and his followers have been living for decades.
Many are speculating whether these cancellations and the new Indian government policy are permanent or just temporary. Looking at the series of engagements lined up between Delhi and Beijing, such as the upcoming visits to China by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, India is determine to mind Sino-Indian relations post-Doklam, which means the Tibetans should get ready for more bad news in the coming months.