In Wellington, New Zealand, the flags outnumbered the demonstrators commemorating the 60th Tibetan Uprising Day on March 10, 2019. Click to enlarge.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Heinrich Hauff
For most of the 60 years after the Dalai Lama fled Tibet when the uprising by Tibetans against Chinese rule on March 10, 1959 failed, the day has been commemorated as one of Tibetan national pride and solidarity. Dubbed “Tibetan Uprising Day”, March 10 is observed by Tibetan communities living in-exile in India and around the world such as in the United States, Germany, France, Taiwan, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia which are but some of the countries where thousands of Tibetans have migrated to seek better education, employment and improved standards of living.
A decade ago, the day would have seen hundreds of Tibetans demonstrating and large gatherings of Tibetan support groups, often in front of local parliament or legislative buildings and even outside the Chinese consulate of their respective countries, to voice out for a free and independent Tibetan nation.

In 2012, dozens of cities in France supported demonstrations attended by hundreds of Tibetans and local French supporters. This year, there was not a single demonstration in all of France.
A non-event
This year marks the 60th year of the Tibetan Uprising but planned demonstrations were held in only 23 locations worldwide — a far cry from the 336 cities in 2008. The biggest event took place in New Delhi, the capital city of India. As a country, India, which hosts the most Tibetans in-exile — now estimated to be 85,000 — could only produce barely 1,000 demonstrators. In Dharamsala, where the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) are based, the official event to observe Tibetan Uprising Day took place with only a few hundred people attending.
Even though reports in the media claim a “huge crowd” turned out for the events, there were no supporting pictures of the events showing a “huge crowd”. All of the pictures published in various articles across news platforms were close-ups. The truth is there was no “huge crowd”.

(Top) In 2013, thousands of Tibetans rallying for Tibetan Uprising Day converged in Dharamsala, the small town which is the home of the Dalai Lama in India and where the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is based. (Below) This year, not even a thousand Tibetans showed up in Dharamsala for Tibetan Uprising Day. Click to enlarge.
The weak response for Tibetan Uprising Day 2019 is a clear indication that the support by Tibetans for Tibetan Uprising Day, and by defacto, support for the Tibetan Cause, has declined. For political insiders and observers, this is not surprising as the Tibetan leadership is severely afflicted with infighting and scandals and have not made any progress with the Tibetan Cause.
As the Tibetan leadership is disconnected and doing little for their countrymen living in poor conditions in the Tibetan settlements in India, a large percentage of Tibetans in-exile have migrated to the United States, Canada, Australia and elsewhere where there are better opportunities. From the 150,000 Tibetans who escaped to India, 65,000 have already left.
Many of those Tibetans who remain in India are seeing how the situation in Tibet has improved with the current Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping, and are now choosing to return to Tibet. The prosperity in Tibet in the present is also attracting many Tibetans in-exile in the West to return and find fortune.
A consequence of the Tibetan leadership’s failure is that common everyday Tibetans no longer regard Tibetan Uprising Day in the same way they used to. The planned demonstrations are viewed as merely a show, and a waste of time and money. For the Tibetans in-exile in India, the scarce resources they have are better used to keep up with their living expenses than spent on travelling to Delhi to join a protest that will achieve nothing.

The entrance to Majnu Ka Tilla (also known as New Aruna Nagar) Tibetan Colony, New Delhi, India.
Declining international support
At this year’s official Tibetan Uprising Day event celebrated in Dharamsala, the guest of honor was the Former President of Botswana Serêtsê Khama Ian Khama. For an affair which carries so much historical weight and importance, it is a shame that the Tibetan leadership was only able to obtain the attendance of a former head of state and not the current head of any government to attend. Surely, with the Dalai Lama still at the forefront of the Tibetan movement, one would think that many dignitaries would be honored to grace the event and be in the company of a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Former President of Botswana Ian Khama speaks at the official CTA Tibetan Uprising Day 2019 event in Dharamsala, North India where the Tibetan exiled government is located. The Dalai Lama didn’t bother to grace this extremely historical and powerful event marking 60 years in exile and remembering the doomed 1959 uprising where thousands of Tibetan lives were lost. Very few Tibetans showed up and no powerful leader from either India or internationally felt it worthy to attend.
In the last 12 months, the CTA has organised “gratitude” events in the United States, Canada and Europe to offer their thanks to those countries that had supported the Tibetan Cause in the past and the communities of Tibetans who have migrated there. The countries that were represented in the events consisted of MPs from lobby groups opposing China’s rise as a global super power but whose governments, with the exception of Canada (which is in a trade war with the Chinese), have recognized China as a partner for development and progress.
Speaking at the main event in Dharamsala were representatives from the German Bundestag, South African Parliament, Slovak National Council and a few of other countries who have actually benefited from Chinese investments. Recently Germany overturned a US-led proposal to ban Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from installing their next generation 5G telecoms infrastructure within their borders. So if the countries who attended the event actually show support for Chinese endeavors, surely their attendance was simply a show rather than actual affirmation of support for Tibetans getting their country back. After all, none of these countries have taken tangible steps to expedite or even facilitate the return of Tibetans to Tibet, but they have taken physical steps to ensure that China benefits, as in the Huawei case.
By settling for a dignitary from an African nation that has neither historical or present links to Tibet, nor the Tibetan communities in-exile or the cause for an independent Tibet, it is evident that the Tibetan leadership is no longer favored by the current heads of governments of developed countries and even by other developing countries.

This picture of a Tibetan family on a motorcycle in a Tibetan Camp captures how it is a daily struggle to make ends meet for the everyday Tibetan living in-exile in India.
Sarah Sewell who was the special coordinator on Tibetan issues during the Obama Administration, confirms this. “Increasingly, we see that countries that have typically spoken out on behalf of Tibet are now shying away from doing so,” she said in a recent interview. “Heads of state, leaders of parliament, are more reluctant to meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This means that the symbolic act of visibly, for example, having the president or the secretary of state welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama into official meeting rooms is really important diplomatic symbolism. That’s absent right now.”
Judging from the poor turnout at Tibetan Uprising Day events, even the ordinary Tibetan can see how poorly the Tibetan leadership’s standing is with the international community.
More embarrassingly, the Dalai Lama who was in Dharamsala on the day also snubbed the event. For an event as important as this made even more so by it being the 60th anniversary, the Tibetan freedom movement would have greatly benefited from the Dalai Lama’s presence. The Dalai Lama who is admired by everyone in the Free Tibet struggle would have given the movement a much-needed boost at this crucial juncture.

In Taiwan, demonstrators showed their respect for the Dalai Lama by offering a silk scarf to a framed picture.
International Tibetan Uprising Day solidarity events did not fare better. Adding salt to the wound of a limping Tibetan freedom movement on its final leg, there were no prominent dignitaries or celebrities from the countries the events were held in who came to lend support. Even the number of Tibetans who attended are pale compared with the tens of thousands of Tibetans who are now living in those countries. The Dalai Lama who is the face of the Free Tibet movement is now in his 80′s, but how long more can he live? When the movement for Free Tibet is dramatically waning while he’s alive, imagine when he is no more? The movement will be dead.
The Tibetan leaders in-exile have completely failed. Tibet is no closer to getting its freedom than it was 60 years ago when Tibet was lost to China due to the incompetency and extremely corrupt nature of the medieval Tibetan government. The predictions of their state protector Nechung’s oracle have been wrong and ineffective for the last 60 years. The ageing Dalai Lama has been promising Tibetans in-exile that he will return to Tibet and his people in-exile will return to Tibet. None of those promises have fruitioned. Tens of thousands of Tibetans in Tibet and in-exile have died waiting. The Tibetans silently lose hope, give up and simply integrate into their adoptive countries while losing their personal cultural identities. On the other hand, China rises and its assimilation of Tibet is uncontested throughout the world as everyone from the UN downwards subscribe to the One-China policy. Tibetans whisper that the Dalai Lama and his government in-exile have failed.
In the past, demonstrations in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia were highly visible both on the ground and in the media, giving exposure as well as gathering sympathy for the plight of Tibetans. Just as India, who provide exiled Tibetans with the land for a temporary home, the United States is equally important for being the most significant source of funding for the Tibetan Cause. Previously, demonstrations, especially in Washington DC, were heavily promoted and attended to show US lawmakers in Congress how vital the Tibetan Cause is. If demonstrations had so few participants, as it was this year, it tells not only President Trump and the US Congress but also the entire world that for Tibetans, the Tibet issue is no longer relevant.

Along with the demonstrations in New Delhi, those in Washington DC were once important for attracting the attention and sympathy of US lawmakers in Congress. Since so few turned out for the protests, the Tibetans are indirectly informing Congress that they no longer consider the Tibetan freedom movement to be a relevant issue.
Karma Paljor
March 18, 2019
As a Tibetan, I have lost all hope in my Tibetan govt in exile in Dharamsala. I am giving up my Tibetan ID card and applying for Indian Citizenship. I rather be an Indian which will give me more opportunities in life then remain under the Tibetan leaders who are failures.
Dorje S
March 21, 2019
Karma Paljor, I feel for you. What else can a refugee hope for? If I were a Tibetans, my hope is either to go back to our home land or to be accepted in other countries. After so many years, looking at how the Central Tibetan Administration’s work, I would have given up hope in returning to Tibet. The CTA did nothing to fight for that cause. I can imagine, the worst will be forever staying in refugees status where you are not entitled to own anything and don’t even know what you are hoping for, where you are heading to…it sounds like a bardo, isn’t it? CTA seems to enjoy that, of course they are not afraid as they have already owned passports of other countries, and staying in refugee status is easier for them to get money from the west. They definitely won’t fight for the real Tibetan cause, then what are we waiting for?
CTA will lose
March 18, 2019
As the Dalai Lama ages less support coming from people and international governments that matter. He may be a celebrity but that will not get Tibet back. He should have made friends with China decades ago. 💔 Too bad!
Namgyal Bhodgyallo
March 20, 2019
This is exactly the situation in India for the last year. Today, this exact same topic was reported in the news on First Post, India based in Mumbai.
Tibetan ‘returnees’ journey home
The Tibetans who followed the Dalai Lama after he fled to India in 1959 chose to live in makeshift houses, in the hope that the arrangement was temporary and they would go back home soon.
Hundreds of thousands of Tibetans have since followed the Dalai Lama in exile. While the majority still lives in India, Nepal and Bhutan, many have moved to a third country and quite a few have made the journey home. The returnees, as they are called, are a less-talked-about dimension of the Sino-Tibetan conundrum.
As Tibetans across the world mark the 60th anniversary of the uprising, the stories of those who returned – collected over years of travel to China – offer an insight into the journey that is home.
For many who left Tibet at a young age to study in Tibetan schools in India and also get the blessings of the Dalai Lama, the return journey is to the longed-for homeland and also to take care of ageing parents who were left behind.
At least these were the reasons that brought Akam, who I befriended in Chengdu, back to Tibet. It is not difficult to spot a returnee in a crowd of local Tibetans, or insiders as they are called. Like most, Akam, too, is fluent in English and Hindi and doesn’t have the demeanour of a local.
Akam is the youngest of six siblings and all of them but one left for India when they were young. Akam was 16 and returned home after some seven years. All the siblings, but one, are back, he says.
Most returnees have set up small businesses-–restaurants, hotels and travel agencies. One of the people I met was taking online classes in English. Like India, people in China, too, are keen to learn the language and returnees have an edge.
Another person dabbles in web development, coming from India that seemed the logical thing to do. They are enterprising but face several challenges. The biggest of all– adapting to a new environment, for the second time in their life.
Some lack Chinese language skills, which add to the problem. Certificates from exile schools are nothing but pieces of paper, which are of little help in continuing education.
When I brought this up, Akam’s answer was a Tibetan proverb: if one wants to learn swimming, there is no need to read a book about it; one can just be thrown or jump into the water and learning would happen naturally.
Akam has partnered with three friends to set up a restaurant and is doing well for himself. He doesn’t regret leaving India, where, according to him, opportunities for Tibetans are limited.
The reverse is also true. Many young people head to India in hope of a better life, but are bitterly disappointed like a 20- something man — we will call him Gyantse – I met in Dharamsala in 2015.
Gyantse was a receptionist at a hotel and also an assistant to a travel agent. Money was poor but there was little he could do. He had dropped out of the Tibetan Transit School (TTS) in Dharamsala, set up to help the young make the transition and pick up livelihood skills. Returning home to parents was not an option; he faced uncertainty on both social and economic fronts.
Two more young men, both waiters in Dharamsala restaurants, found themselves in a similar situation, helpless and dejected.
Akam, too, went to TTS, now called Sherab Gatsel Lobling School, where he was taught Tibetan, English, computer and vocational skills such as tailoring and painting. After finishing school and after trying his hand at dishwashing and some computer skills, Akam decided to go back to Tibet.
If he hadn’t, he would have ended up as another language teacher or something like that, he says. Though money is limited, he and around 30 “returnee” friends have pooled in funds to help educate children in his native area.
He complains that the local Tibetans, often referred to as insiders, tend to boast and seek acclaim for the smallest act of charity, which is unacceptable.
Perhaps this is where the complexity of being both an insider and an outsider play out. People like Akam, who were born in Tibet and grew up there, have a stronger sense of belonging unlike those born in exile.
Yet, Akam and likes of him can’t identify with those who never went to India. It is understandable why they — or at least the ones I met – are a tightly knit group who look out for each other. They are partners in business and each others’ support system as well.
These days, fewer people are leaving Tibet. There, however, still be a sizeable number of potential escapees and potential returnees, the ones who will continue to traverse this universe of uncertainty and precarity.
And, then there are people from nomadic and pastoral families who cannot afford to return and will continue to live away from parents and siblings for the greater part of their lives. There are still others who are India-born, have never been to Tibet but dream of going there one day. Many of them have chosen to live as stateless citizens, so can’t take up government jobs for lack of documentation. They are waiting in hope — of acquiring scholarships to universities in the West or migrate. But, there is no telling how long the wait will be.
The link to the article on First Post new site is:
L Tsering
March 21, 2019
Nechung Lied CTA Lied
Everyone remember Nechung tell us we will back to Tibet a long time ago but nothing happen. Nothing. He Tibet protector but we lost Tibet.
CTA promise us we will back to Tibet but nothing happen.
CTA promise us we will rich, good, but they rich, good, we not.
CTA tell us we stop Dorje SHugden then we will return Tibet very fast but that 1996, now 2019 still nothing, nothing. And they always make China angry how to go back to Tibet?
CTA talk something do something else.
Here why no more Tibetan:
After 60 years in India, why are Tibetans leaving?
Tibetans sought refuge in India from the Chinese invasion 60 years ago, but face economic uncertainty and mistreatment.
by Kunal Purohit
20 Mar 2019 GMT+3
Mumbai, India - For many years, 34-year-old Kunsang Tenzing has been thinking about leaving India.
His family did years ago. Most of his closest friends have also moved.
Over the last seven years, the Tibetan refugee community in India has dropped by 44 percent, from around 150,000 in 2011 to 85,000, according to Indian government data.
Tibetan authorities say most are going to countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany and Switzerland.
Some are returning to Tibet.
Across 40 countries, the Tibetan diaspora stands at 150,000, Tibetan authorities say.
This month, the community celebrates 60 years in India after the Chinese invasion of Tibet in March, 1959.
If the emigration continues, what will remain of the community in India, the country where its spiritual leader the Dalai Lama sought refuge and made his home?
“It is very difficult to make money here. There are barely any jobs here,” Tenzing says.
Tibetans are not officially recognised as refugees in India. Instead, on paper, they are designated as “foreigners”.
India has refused to sign the 1951 United Nations convention on refugees.
“As a result, Tibetans are not allowed government jobs. Sometimes, even universities don’t admit Tibetan students,” says Sonam Norbu Dagpo, the spokesman for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), the Tibetan government-in-exile, which is based in Dharamshala, India.
Dakpo says the number of incoming Tibetans fleeing Chinese rule has plummeted, from around 3,000 annually to about 100 last year.
Economic concerns are central; many Tibetans say that buying property and accessing bank credit are difficult, leaving them with few options.
In addition, India’s dithering over its support to the Tibetan cause makes people nervous.
Last year, the government issued a directive prohibiting bureaucrats and leaders from attending events organised by the CTA marking 60 years in India.
The directive came on the eve of an informal summit between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
An embarrassed CTA was forced to cancel eventsfeaturing the Dalai Lama and hold them outside New Delhi.
It isn’t easy to go anywhere, being a refugee. No country wants us.
In the streets of McLeod Ganj, a small hill town in northern India which is the de-facto capital of the Tibetan community and the home of the Dalai Lama, almost everyone has a story of painful separation.
Yangzom Tsering, 29, was smuggled to India from Tibet by her relatives soon after her birth. Both her parents passed away soon after.
Tsering has always yearned to go back to Tibet to see her siblings who still live there.
“My brother kept telling me that I should come back home. I checked out all the options but it [going back to Tibet] was very difficult.”
Last year, his brother passed away.
Guilt-ridden, he now feels the need to take more responsibility for his family and plans to migrate to Canada.
“But it isn’t easy to go anywhere, being a refugee. No country wants us.”
I hope CTA just shut up and let us go back to Tibet nice.
March 24, 2019
It is really such a sad state of affairs for the Tibetan refugees. It is very clear that the majority of them had given up on this lost cause of going back to Tibet under the CTA regime. Even the Dalai Lama with all his fame and glory, with his fervent wish to go home, is curtailed by CTA. It seems that CTA is powerful now, don’t you agree? Except that no sane country leaders who matter care to be seen with CTA. Not when China is so much more attractive with her powerful trade incentive. The greatest losers are the refugees who are suffering in the camps without hope.
In Namgyal Bhodgyallo’s comment shared, opportunities can be found in Tibet under China and there do not seem to have any discrimination against the returnees. In contrast, the refugees in camps under CTA have no opportunity other than to struggle the doldrums of day to day living. Such a sad existence of living. Actually based on the current situation, there is no need for the existence of CTA. Beggars should not be welcomed and encouraged.
March 26, 2019
It is no point for CTA to organize this event. They lost their country and soon they will lose their people. It has been 60 years now and there is no progress on the Tibetan cause. Why would anyone want to trust them ever again? They have disappointed their own people again and again for 60 years.
Tibetans have stopped coming to India from Tibet. It means that the situation in Tibet now is actually better than the situation in India. It tells us a lot when the number of Tibetans from Tibet that went to Indian dropped from thousands to merely 100. China is doing a good job of gaining their trust.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama wanted to go back to Tibet and he will certainly bring all Tibetan in exile back to Tibet as well. That is the place where all Tibetans should be and not as a refugee in foreign countries. Soon, CTA will have to close down because there will be no Tibetans in exile for them to rule over.
Dorje S
March 28, 2019
The whole uprising day event looks pethetic especially the guest of honor they managed to invite is the former president of Botswana. Look at the reports and photos from all around the world, we can see that not many Tibetans are really keen on carrying on with this fight anymore. Many have started to settle down in their respective countries. Such events look more like a very passive memorial day than uprising day. Tibetan cause is dead. Tibetans themselves don’t even believe this cause anymore. If they do, they would have still stayed in Tibetan Settlements in India instead of leaving to other countries.
Jing Jing
March 31, 2019
Tibetans whisper that the Dalai Lama and his government in-exile have failed.
How can it not failed when they put their whole energy and resources focusing on splitting the Tibetan, their own people? It’s like adding fuel to a bus that taking people to go to hell. Why banning a Buddhist practice, Dorje Shugden that already existed for 400 years and practiced by all the high Lamas now? Why recognising another Karmapa while already have one? Obviously it’s not for spiritual reasons. It is using all these issues to control. But remember, Tibetan today are no longer in Tibetan living a life like 60 years ago where they hardly survived in the hand of their government.
A successful leadership is to unite the people and together they fight for the freedom of their people, together they focus on the well being of their people. But that’s never the case by the Tibetan in exile. They constantly focus on creating more harm, more difficulties, more confusion to their people, encourage more violence, encourage self immolation. On the other hand you talked about compassion and love and equality and religious harmony??? That’s why the protest slogan : Dalai Lama stop lying.
Too bad, people are smart now and we learned.
Dorje S
April 2, 2019
It may or may not be the Dalai Lama who causes these problems. However, if the CTA does things to create disharmony among the Tibetans, the Dalai Lama should still be able to stop it even though he has stepped down from the political scene. I don’t want and not in a position to doubt the Dalai Lama, after all, he is Chenrezig who can see far beyond ordinary beings. He started all these for some reasons I believe but the CTA should never use all these issue eg Dorje Shugden ban, Karmapas to further divide the Tibetans to fulfill their personal agendas. A government is supposed to help and support their people not exploiting them.
Dondrup Shugden
April 3, 2019
The Tibetan cause is about the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans who left with Him were to go back to Tibet and reclaim Tibet as their own.
Initially, 60 years ago it seemed like a Victimised Nation of Tibetans asking for what is rightfully theirs. The world had sympathy for such a cause and much assistance and attention were given to something so noble.
Why then has this noble cause waned with time? Simple, efforts and results which had been of nothing.
The world order is no longer interested and worst of all even Tibetans no longer believe in this motivation. Hopes are dashed. Even those who left China were not inspired any more. They have been leaving India for greener pastures at all corners of the world.
Besides which the infighting at the government in exile had been unforgivable due to corruption and misuse of funds donated by well intended individuals and world governments for the cause.
The cause is no longer appealing as nothing had been done by the government in exile in achieving even a fraction of what was intended.
Simple illustrations is that Tibetans in India are still under refugee status. Their livelihood is still based on hand outs.
Personally, I am amazed that a man of peace, the 14th Dalai Lama, winner of the Noble Peace prize is also unable to work towards achievement of the goal.
Sad to note and sadder is to note that it is already too late for any form of rectification.
Free South Tibet
February 9, 2020
WikiLeaks reveals that Tenzin Gyatso mandated underaged Tibetan orphans to go to war for India against Pakistan under the project code name Establishment 22.
The DL is hardly a man of peace.
Mia Dex
April 3, 2019
In Buddhism, there are 3 poisons of mind and CTA falls all into it. Well, karma hit hard on them. May the karma be with you… Besides, CTA had failed, failing on leaderships, failing on regain trust of their people, mortgage defaults for over 60 years and CTA have no appreciative on others that had supported them over decades ago.

April 3, 2019
The CTA should forget about protests and fighting for their lost cause. Instead they should focus on building harmony and good relationship with China. And winning back the trust and respect of the Tibetan community by treating all Tibetans equally, regardless of their choice of spiritual practice. The CTA should start of with lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden practice thus allowing families and relatives, friends, and monasteries affected by the unfair ban to heal and reunite. There is no gain for any party when the people are not united.

April 3, 2019
What a shame!! I am not surprised that half of the TIE left India. This show how bad the Tibetans are being treated there. Why would anyone leave the settlement away from their own people to go somewhere else? Obviously something is happening inside that is causing the demonstration so pitiful and people leaving India. People have lost hope and they just don’t care anymore. After 60 years of being in India all Cta do is make headlines for the wrong reasons. So humiliating. If I were a Tibetan I would disassociate myself as well.

Belinda Mae
April 3, 2019
I just don’t understand. What is there to celebrate anymore? It is not like the CTA has helped their own people. The lives of the Tibetans in-exiled have never really been good before since the fled from Tibet to Dharamsala. The CTA can pretend nothing has happened over the self-immolation issue. What kind of government who can be so hard-hearted to even help their own people but on the other hand always asking other countries for monetary help. Where is tue logic?
Richard Tamlak
April 3, 2019
Honestly, Tibetans don’t need CTA anymore. Bunch of lies and lies and lies that stacked up over the 60 years, what has CTA, the so called “government” of Tibetans done for Tibetans? At the other side of Tibet, China government has invested billions of RMB to develop Tibet. Made Tibet’s economy better, preserve Tibetans’ tradition, increase job opportunity, make Tibetans life better. On the other hand, CTA in Dharamsala, shouting wanted to get “Tibet independence!”, “unite Tibet!”, but keep discriminating people who don’t agree with CTA, discriminate Shugden practitioners, encourage self-immolation, playing their own dictator game and sympathy card in the same time, restrict Tibetans to go back to Tibet. Try to ask yourself CTA and Lobsang Sangay, who would support a government like that? I think not only me have such thinking, in fact, many Tibetans would like you, CTA to close down, bag up, so that they can go back to their home land, TIBET.
April 3, 2019
The writing is on the wall. Vast majority of Tibetans don’t believe in CTA anymore. Why support the dysfunctional and corrupt administration?
April 3, 2019
Very few to no one will support event & activities that have no benefit. This is one good example
April 3, 2019
CTA has wasted all the trust from people regarding Tibet freedom. People no longer supporting them. Just face the truth forget about independent for Tibet. Tibetan in exile should just stay back India or return to China. CTA will never able to help tibetan refugee. What the shame for CTA after 60 year in exile has fail badly in public eyes.

April 3, 2019
Tibetan in exiles have a very difficult life since they followed Dalai Lama to India in year of 1959. They keep believe that one day they can return to Tibet. However, the past 60 years the leadership is never be friendly to China to find way to be back to Tibet. I think they have already knew there is no hope to return to Tibet. CTA is worrying more they are losing power to control their peoples, the best way for them to control is created disharmony, hatred, segregation among the Tibetan in exile by ban the Dorje Shugden practice. In this way the unity of peoples become weak and much more easier for CTA to control. Sad….
April 5, 2019
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been releasing statements and retracting them back recently. He created a lot of unrest as well as confusion with his speech and many people are getting angry. On top of that, his speech such as condemning Dorje Shugden practice damages the community. His Holiness banned the practice of Dorje Shugden which resulted in the segregation and discrimination of Dorje Shugden people in Tibetan Buddhism community all over the world.
There are a lot of unnecessary suffering caused by the ban and many people started to lose their faith in His Holiness. Other than that, His Holiness also said things like Europe belongs to Europeans that created negative emotions in the targeted population. People all over the world start to lose faith in His Holiness because he had created a lot of negative situations with his action and speech.
It is certainly shocking to see a Nepal woman talk against His Holiness the Dalai Lama openly. It reflects the level of faith of the people has for His Holiness has dropped tremendously. Things like this are unheard of previously. Soon, people will start to fight back and Dorje Shugden ban will no longer be there when everyone loses their faith His Holiness.
April 9, 2019
China has worked it’s way up to one of the most powerful countries in the world and it is amazing that they can do it without the major powers in the west noticing. By the time the US noticed what an unstoppable force China has become, it is too late for them to do anything. It is amazing on how the leaders of China managed to achieve such a remarkable growth over the years.
In the meantime, Tibetan leadership still playing their game of blaming China for their failures since 1959. They have achieved nothing over the span of 60 years and there is little to no progress on the cause that they are so passionate about, the Tibetan cause.
There is no way the Tibetan leadership will be able to get back Tibet from China now. They are unable to do so 60 years ago when China is still weak, they will definitely unable to do so now when China is at it’s prime. They have missed the boat and that is why His Holiness the Dalai Lama changed his plans from Rangzen to Umaylam. There is a reason for the change and Dalai Lama is wise to have changed his direction. However, it is a shame that Umaylam did not get much support from the delusional Tibetans who think that they still stand a chance in getting back Tibet.
April 27, 2019
1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
In the past it is customary to cover up the Dalai Lama’s illnesses. It could be to not worry his flock. It could also be to not show the world he is just another vulnerable human being. Or it could be he does not want to disappoint people to show he is not a god? Whatever the reasons, the Dalai Lama and regime are well known for covering up his serious illnesses. In the past few years he had cancer of the prostate and that was covered up till the press dug it up. Now with this new video just out April 2019, Dalai Lama admits he was recently very ill. It was serious.
Unfortunately the Tibetan cause will die with the Dalai Lama when he passes. He did nothing to groom up a new leader as he is a dictator. A ruler for life. He has been in power for over 60 years. He will never groom up another person to replace him because he is touted as a god.
April 27, 2019
So sad! The Dalai Lama looks frail and yet still puts up a strong front to the public. Look how he needed to be helped into the car. He is very weak. Although he has been basically a despot, I am sorry that he is suffering his pains and his people have no sympathy in trying to fulfill his wish to return home. How much time does the Dalai Lama have left? It was his choice to rule with the iron fists and not letting go so when there is no suitable candidate groomed for taking over, then too bad. TIE left in the refugee camps will sure be in very bad stateless position when the Dalai Lama is no longer there. The lease was made with him and probably will end with him. Indians are getting more vocal about the presence of the TIE and there is really no good foreseeable future.
Amber Sonam
May 5, 2019
I am sorry to say that the flags are more than people. Coca-cola did a bad estimation to bring their trucks there. There were so little participation and enthusiasm for the whole event. Imagine this was once a big thing yearly and well supported by India and other countries around the world. Too bad things have gone down so drastically and nothing good comes up for anyone because the CTA is so useless in bringing anything for the Tibetans.
Goodbye Tibet Cause and CTA. Long live the Dalai Lama!
Ngawang Jigme
May 31, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
July 22, 2019
The disappointment number of turn out on the Tibetan Uprising Day 2019 reflects on how CTA manages its people and how the Tibetans feel. It’s 60 years and CTA has done nothing much to for the Tibetan and how long more CTA wants to cry for the Tibetan cause where the Tibetans can’t see any positive result from their fighting after 60 years but only see more and more CTA scandals reported.
China has put in the effort to develop where they are today and has put in resources to refurbish buildings in Tibet and focus Tibet as a tourist spot which directly gives many opportunities for the Tibetans to have a better living lifestyle. Compare to the Tibetans in India it’s really different and there are more and more Tibetans leaving India for other countries for a better future and even looking to go back to Tibet.
CTA should really reflect on this as they are not taking of their people and the result shows very clearly on the event. Tibetans are losing hope on CTA and taking action on their own hands to move forward to look for a better lifestyle than waiting for CTA.
July 24, 2019
The action from the Tibetans on the Tibetan Uprising Day 2019 shows very clearly that they are not happy and losing hope. What they really looking for is home now. It’s either CTA workout with the Chinese for Dalai Lama and Tibetan to return home or let them choose to be Indian citizens.
There is no more another 60 years to wait. CTA has to take responsibility to work out something.
October 2, 2019
Many Tibetans have left India due to better opportunities in other countries especially in Tibet where China had invested for improvement. This really gives CTA a big slap, especially on Tibetan cause. Should CTA get full autonomy where they didn’t do much for their people? Look at how CTA separate and discriminate their own Tibetan with Shugden ban, recognized another leader which does not follow their respective tradition in various lineages and etc. I don’t think many Tibetans would want to be under CTA as they are not living in good condition even already under them in India. Something for the Tibetan to think about carefully.
From the 150,000 Tibetans who escaped to India, 65,000 have already left.
Many of those Tibetans who remain in India are seeing how the situation in Tibet has improved with the current Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping, and are now choosing to return to Tibet. The prosperity in Tibet in the present is also attracting many Tibetans in-exile in the West to return and find fortune.