Tibetans reject Tibetan leadership

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By: Ashok Rao

Celebrated in Dharamsala, the heart of the Tibetan exiled community, Tibetan Democracy day or ‘mangtso duechen’ is supposed to be a grand event. In the past, Tibetans have used this opportunity to declare to the world that its decentralization of power and creation of a supposedly democratic people was a conscious choice, without violence or conflict. But this year’s celebration makes it quite clear the Tibetan people no longer have faith in the Tibetan leadership (CTA; Central Tibetan Administration). The courtyard of the Tsuglakhang temple complex, instead of being packed full of Tibetans celebrating their leadership, was mostly deserted with only less than 200 attendees. And most of them were the elderly or school children, who likely only attended since they were made to by their guardians. This ridiculously low turnout speaks volumes about how the Tibetans reject their own leadership.

The courtyard of the Tsuglakhang temple complex, where Tibetan Democracy day was celebrated. Waning support for the Tibetan leadership led to an embarrassingly low turnout.

  1. Tibetans did not attend their own leadership’s celebration because they realize that their leadership is corrupt, inadequate and selfish. From allegations of murder, violence, and financial mismanagement, the CTA is plagued by despicable revelation after revelation, unmasking their façade of a benevolent leadership. In fact out of the 130,000 Tibetans in exile, only 60,000 voted in the 2016 general elections. That is less than half the population. This decline in support therefore is not sudden, but a long time coming.
  2. The CTA use their people’s suffering to line their own pockets. They use the tragic cases of self-immolations to pander for funding from all over the world. The CTA take no firm measures to stop the practice. And the fact remains, the Tibetan people are getting so desperate for a solution that cases of such loss of life are on the increase. While the CTA continue to ‘venerate’ the poor souls, Tibetans themselves are sick and tired of the leadership making them into martyrs. They do nothing but glorify the dead for their own ends.
  3. While the CTA continue to get rich off the plight of the Tibetans, their people languish in the day-to-day fight to survive. Members of the Kashag and even Sikyong Lobsang Sangay himself have numerous cars or properties all over the world. Ordinary Tibetans on the other hand struggle selling sweaters from Ludhiana on the streets with no hopes of a better future, despite the promise of a beneficial leadership.
  4. The CTA dress up a political system that continues a backward theocracy as a democratic system. The CTA uses illegal means to solidify their own standing, such as gaining foreign nationality, but at the same time takes measures to prevent their own people from doing the same according to Indian or international law and being free of their refugee status.
  5. The CTA promote a community based on division and segregation rather than a unified Tibetan people. They use religion to divide and conquer. The CTA recognizes a Panchen Lama different to the one accepted in Tibet, they suppress the practice of Dorje Shugden, and they even stay quiet over forced religious conversion.
  6. The CTA cannot even decide which overall path to follow in regards to their own country. His Holiness the Dalai Lama advocates the middle-way approach (umaylam) in the hopes of realistically regaining some form of control over Tibet by the Tibetans. However, whole sections of the Tibetan parliament hold conferences to progress the full independence (rangzen) agenda in direct defiance of their own government’s policy.

The signs and their causes are clear to see. The CTA is dying a slow and painful death. Not only is the world turning their backs on the CTA, even their own people reject them now. The turn out to the celebration was shameful and foreign dignitaries who attended caught a first-hand glimpse of just how low an opinion the Tibetan people have towards their own leadership these days. Tibetans are not happy and this is publically embarrassing for the CTA. The Tibetans are tired of the CTA. They are tired of policies that divide people, destroy unity, are fraught with double standards and do nothing for the Tibetan people. The CTA is losing control and it will not be long before they are completely obsolete.

Left: Sikyong Lobsang Sangay hoisting the Tibetan flag in 2011. Right: Kalon for Department of Religion and Culture, Ven Karma Gelek Yuthok, hoisting the flag in 2017. There was a marked lack of attendance during the event. Even Sikyong Lobsang Sangay was off gallivanting in another country, he did not even make the effort to attend such an important event which he would normally officiate.


Official commemoration of 57th Tibetan Democracy day marred by low public turnout

Click to read the full report. Source: http://www.phayul.com/news/article.aspx?id=39490

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  1. Good to see Tibetans in exile begun to take baby steps towards making their dissatisfaction known to their leadership. More drastic and keen actions should be taken by the people to demand for better welfare and basic human rights, in a peaceful manner. Withdrawing support to the leadership is a good way. Creating international awareness of the poor conditions due to the lack of leadership is another way. It is important to bring this awareness to the world because some western or rich donor still generously give but the fund ended up in the CTA’s personal pocket.

  2. Glad to learn that finally Tibetans In Exile are showing their disapproval of the present governing body CTA by their non-attendance of Tibetan Democracy day or ‘mangtso duechen’. I don’t think that people should approve of a Government that could so blatantly live off the pains and sufferings of their citizens. Keeping their citizens in “refugee” status, playing up the self-immolation victims or pawning the Dalai Lama off to gain sympathy but basically to stretch out their capabilities of getting more gullible sponsors to donate. The “poor me” syndrome that CTA adopts are no longer attractive to their past supporters and sponsorship amount had been cut down drastically. After all, CTA’s arch enemy….China is surpassing in trade and political clout internationally. Who dares to insult by being friendly with CTA or the Dalai Lama when it means loss of millions/billions of trade agreements??

    Seeing the change of winds in the political scene had probably worried the Tibetans in exile, especially those who are still in “refugee’ or “stateless” status. What will their future be when CTA keeps preventing them from progressing? In sharp contrast, members of CTA, including Sikyong Lobsang Sangay lives in luxury and should CTA fall apart, need not worry where their next meal will be or meals for years to come as well. Their families are all well taken care off using funds meant for the welfare of their citizens. This would be the main reason why they oppose the Dalai Lama’s middle way approach towards return to Tibet. The middle way would have meant dissolution of CTA and all the easy monies from sponsors. Buddha Shakyamuni had lead the way to beg as practice of lessening our ego but CTA as professional beggars pride themselves in the different ways they are able to beg…… Time for the people to think deeper to make the right move and choice in a more caring Government body.

  3. Thank you, Ashok Rao for for clearly pointing out how the Tibetan in exile had been taken advantage of by inept governance.

    The Tibetans remain stateless and for now unaccepted by many countries to be being neutralised. It is truly a sad state of affairs.

    With the stale story of being victim of China and the cause which CTA stands for being less and less creditable, CTA is not only diminishing the status of its people but also that of the Dalai Lama. It is saddening to see that the world’s most respected Monk not being given due accord.

    In a bitter sweet manner, it is good that Tibetans boycotted the celebration of Tibetan Democracy Day (mangtso duechen). Is the sikyong, Lobsang Sangya also doing same. Is he also of the opinion that whatever he means to the Tibetans is no longer of importance.

    It is good that the Tibetans demonstrate their disappointment in CTA in such a peaceful manner.

  4. It is time Tibetans establish a domicile of their own be it India, China or other countries. It is obviously apparent CTA is not going to lead the way nor look after them as CTA is self serving. It is a matter of time where no one or nation will entertain their selfish ways. Neither Tibetans will support CTA due to obvious reasons.

    Bye bye CTA, your time is running out.

  5. The poor turnout of Tibetan people for the celebration of Tibetan Democracy Day is a clear sign to the world that the Tibetan people no longer have faith in their Leadership, who have played them out again and again. Attendees number less than 200 and were mostly the elderly and young children. The Tibetan people are now realising that the corrupt and selfish Tibetan Leadership have never really been interested in the Tibetan cause and in their future.

    Instead of using all the money in donations from foreign sponsors all these years for promoting the Tibetan cause and for the welfare and improvement of the economic level of the Tibetans in exile, the Leadership has been lining their pockets and securing their own futures, with foreign citizenships! On top of that , the poor Tibetans in exile have not secured citizenship of their host country India, being thwarted from this by the Tibetan leadership themselves for their own selfish reasons. They remain stateless and this will be to their detriment, when India decides to take back the land given to these Tibetan on humane grounds, when they first landed there as refugees.How can the Tibetan Leadership allow these poor Tibetans to remain as refugees?

    The worst cut of all, is that of silently encouraging the self-immolations for the cause of Tibetan’s independence, while doing nothing to negotiate for this to happen and also not telling the Tibetans that Tibet is now an unalienable part of China, as recognized by most major foreign powers. On top of it, they are leveraging on the sympathy of potential donors for these self-immolations, and collecting donations from them for their own self-serving ends.

    So Tibetan who are still stateless must now take firm steps to secure their citizenship to legitimise their continued stay in their host country, India. Other countries are turning them away because they no longer recognise them as Tibetans as Tibet is not recognised as an independent entity. Since foreign nations have mostly officially pronounced Tibet as part of China, they no longer recognise Tibet as an independent nation.

    Hence, Tibetans in exile in India should become Indian citizens, if they wish to continue staying there (permanently), as they had been doing for the past 60 years.

  6. Lessons are usually hard, and not easy to accept. Yet this feels like an Arab Spring all over, the people of Tibet in exile are no longer sheep to be fooled and misled by the CTA.

    I echo the words said by Dondrup Shugden it is high time the Tibetans look for a better state and existence, stay in India or head back to China. China seems like a much better option, many Tibetan in China have benefitted from China’s economic policies and business opportunities not everything is doom and gloom.

    I also do not hear that the Americans are giving budget to CTA, with all the Hurricanes hitting stateside. What next for CTA?

  7. Surprise ! Surprise! All the while I only read how obedient that the Tibetan was when come to obey their leadership. This news of purposely boycott their leaders was a surprise to me.

    Seem the Tibetans are really disappointed with their leader who are trying to destroy their culture more than China. Why did I say so, by having Dorje Shugden’s ban, the CTA not only divide and rule, they are actually destroying the Buddhism, corrupt the lineages which is in the culture of Tibetan . Not only that, the CTA wanted their people to stay as refugees status so that their pockets could be full all the time.

    I hope CTA will stop being so cruel to their own people.

  8. CTA took 60 years to do everything for themselves, the citizen took 6 years to abandon their leader who does not support them at all.

    Honestly, if I have money, I would leave this leadership long ago, if Im capable, I would also have abandon this leadership, even if Im not able to do much, I would also turn my back around CTA, why? How can a support system be one sided? How can we only spent our whole life sacrificing ourselves just to feed their greed and desire? Tibetans trusted their leaders 100%, some even 120%, but look at what has CTA done? Beside using their sacrificing to cheat more money, they even took the citizen’s life to get more and more and more and more money, their mind has nothing else but only money and money. For a country leader, instead of giving to their citizen, they took everything from them, their money, their possession, their lives, etc… They will never stop taking until the citizen wake up and stop giving.

    Hoping CTA to stop all these act is already a fantasy, it will never happened, because all these years, their greed has grown so much that they can no longer stop it already, so the only way to stop all these now is for the CTA to step down totally or they become just obsolete.

  9. We Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism never criticize Dorje Shugden. There are two Karmapa candidate and both do not criticize Dorje Shugden. The previous Karmapa 16th also never criticize Dorje Shugden. Karma Kagyu and Gelug can have harmony between each other. Spirituality is about harmony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K-yh7Jrnis


  10. Freedom to all and all deities should be allowed to practice. Freedom of religion is a necessity for harmony in society!


  11. Through how Tibetan were being brought up in a Buddhist culture, they have this faithful and joyful personality. To matter how hard the life was when they were escaped from Tibet, and those left behind and stayed, they continue to trust their leadership although they have nothing. Also because they have nothing, they were united, happy and having strong faith in their spiritual HHDL.

    Although Tibetan was poor, but everybody was harmony until the Dorje Shugden ban started 20 years ago. The ban broke the bond among all Tibetans. Many chose to believe CTA about the ban not that they understand why there’s a ban but their trust and faithfulness to follow what their leadership said. Tibetan sacrifice so much and putting so much hope on their leadership.

    Now, Tibetan realised how unreliable the CTA is. How much support given to CTA but nothing happen. They also found out that they have been cheated and used for the CTA benefits. Tibetan will have to stay poor in order to get sympathy from western country to get money.

    Tibetan should wake up by now and fight for their own right.

  12. I wonder why Lobsang Sangay did not attend the event. Supposedly such a good day to celebrate but he is not even there. And the best part is that he is not even in the country. The head of the supposedly government does not even encourage nor motivate his own people. Whatever it is, he could have planned his outing after or before the event.

    The other question is, what happened to the younger generation of Tibetans who did not turn up for the event? Well, thank goodness for the internet. Perhaps, they are catching up and learning about what their government is doing. After many years of empty promises, of course people will get impatient. And there are so many things happening and talks about CTA keeping the ‘donations’ for themselves.
    Why don’t they request for a change for the whole governing system? A new change, new faces, new ‘promises’ and new hopes. The current people in CTA are definitely not doing much for their own people. I believe some of the reasons why CTA people are always out of the country, is to perhaps secure more ‘donations’, make better connections for themselves to leave, definitely not to help Free Tibet.

  13. This Tibetan Democracy Day celebration is a very good example to show to the CTA that the Tibetans are giving up hope on them because they have not done much for the welfare of the Tibetans. The CTA can also do nothing to stop the self-immolations from recurring. Why in the world would the Tibetans still want such lousy and useless self-claimed government? Better if they make their own decisions on what they want to do with their lives and future rather than being the puppet to CTA.

  14. What democracy? Tibetans living in exile in Dharamsala know they have been hoodwinked into believing so but out of fear for their own safety have remained silent over the years. Just look at how badly and unfairly those Tibetans were badly treated when they refused to stop Dorje Shugden practice. But not anymore, thanks to more educated Tibetan children and adults speaking out. These people are disgusted with the CTA and the result was this dismal turnout for the Tibetan Democracy day.

    Next action: vote out all the lazy, useless, corrupted ministers in the CTA who are milking so much money given from kind benefactors that were meant for the betterment of the Tibetan people.

  15. 2017, The Tibetans are getting smarter, and not trusted their ” Bad Government = CTA ” who’s kept cheating them. And even Tibetan people’s are not attend their own leadership’s celebration.

    What’s Lobsang Sangay ( CTA ) wanted to do in future? Keep cheating theirs own peoples? Continue their corruption? Still keep the ban of Dorje Shugden practice?

  16. It’s also surprise that Sikyong Lobsang Sangay not attedning this important event. In such event aren’t Lobsang Sangay which is the President of the Central Tibetan Administration should motivate their people? It’s a democracy day where CTA should take this opportunity to encourage their people through this difficult time?

    The poor turnout during this Tibetan Democracy day really speaks a lot. Seems like Tibetan already realised that what is not right and giving sign to the Tibetan leadership. There is no way CTA can always take advantage of their people especially the educated one because the reality of what their people experienced is the fact. How long more the Tibetan in exile have to live in such condition? Why discrimination of difference belief being the reason for Tibetan leadership failure to keep their promises to the Tibetan? Why CTA not addressing the real issue and work it out to protect their people?

    At one hand it’s sad to see this situation but at the other hand it’s a wake up call to CTA to stop using their people, stop discriminating their people and start truthfully to take care of their people but after 60 years I’m not sure if this could really make any different to CTA.

  17. Maybe the Tibetans in Exile no longer see it a point of attending this Democracy Day as it brings no point for one to attend. Simply because there are basically no democracy in existence in Tibetan Exile world anymore. Just look how they treat people who deemed to be going against them? Dorje Shugden saga is one good example. What surprises me the most is that even Lobsang Sangay did not bother to turn up for this important event that he is supposed to be “selling” to the financial backers and sponsoring countries. If he himself didn’t bother to turn up and by the way I googled and found out that the crowd wasn’t really encouraging too previous times. Is this the end of CTA or this is just one clear sign indicating CTA’s time is up or at least Lobsang Sangays time is up.

  18. This is obviously tells the failing of leadership. Too much evidence of CTA act of ignorance and taking much granted from Tibetan people even on sacrificing their lives. The cause of CTA craze power maniac, shuts down humanity, mankind and freedom of the whole Tibetan. Moreover, the exploring of new revolution that people is educated, understand and RESPECT code of conduct especially in their spiritual path. It’s too bad CTA is neither in this. If not, there won’t be “Tibetan in exile”.

  19. At last! Tibetans in Dharamsala finally wake up! Democracy? What Democracy is CTA practicing by banning Dorje Shugden without logic and reasons, by segregating Lukar Jam because of saying his friend should live 103 years, by supporting self immolation just because want to use it as a sympathy card to get money from the west??? What democracy are they practicing that the Sikyong and other Parliament member can get property and PR in other countries, while the people are suffering as a refugees here? What democracy are they practicing that’s no human rights, no religious freedom, no freedom of speech??? HUH?? So, what democracy day to celebrate when there’s no democracy at all???
    The funniest part is, LOBSANG SANGAY! The SIKYONG!! Didn’t even bother to be there supporting the important day! LOL! Busy finding money from the other country??? Whatever it is, I think Lobsang Sangay, being born in a Buddhist “country” clearly know what Karma is. (Maybe he doesn’t know or doesn’t bother at all) So, is this the KARMA of CTA? Good bye soon CTA.

  20. You can’t fool your people all the way. After 60 years leading the Tibetan people in Exile, what does the results brought by Tibetan Leadership? Tibetan people in Exile still suffer. More and more Tibetan people in Exile realised that the only way for their next generation to have a better living is to apply for western or Indian citizenship. Currently, it becomes more difficult for them because more and more countries rejected them. Many countries already accepted Tibet is part of China and Tibetan people in exile should be going back to their own country. Due to this, the CTA can’t influence the world anymore and is going to be powerless and more difficult to survive, with this hope that CTA can understand the current situation and do something to help their own peoples.

  21. VERY GOOD PIECE by Ashok. Yes… so what happened to Mr. President? Where on this planet do you ever see a PRESIDENT of a nation NOT AROUND during their own Democratic event, plus it is an event called “Tibetan Democracy day” that shows the world that its decentralization of power and creation of a supposedly democratic. So what on earth happened to the President of democracy?

    He apparently decided to ditch his own people and for what? Perhaps in search of $$$$ to make him and his ministers wealthy and safe when they cannot exploit the Dalai Lama’s name anymore in the very near future. CTA’s days are numbered and they are living in fear each day as their time is running short, without the Dalai Lama, who on earth knows Tibet and who is this Lobsang dude? What is so great about him? How has he impacted the world? Zero.


  22. Year of hoping and dreaming for Tibetan through CTA to independent finally they has realise. It took generation and painful experience to see through how CTA use tibetan sympethy to raise money for west. The corrupted exile government raise the money and not their tibet refugee. This is total unaceppteble and surpress their tibetan human right, religion practice. It time CTA have to pray their price by cheating and lying to their own people over 60 year.

  23. CTA could easily “treat” their people selectively by only focusing on inviting only 1000 people to attend the celebration to ensure the event is crowded.. But why with this result? Does the CTA stopped to care about it or another way round that the Tibetans are really rejecting the CTA?

    I think this is a good start for all Tibetans to gain real freedom and escape from the CTA

  24. Again the CTA obviously has not much to do with democracy as the Tibetans don’t feel compelled to celebrate it. The image that the CTA wants to show to the world, especially the West, has not much to do with reality.

    This leadership of fear and suppression against everyone, who does not follow the CTA, does stand alone and the Tibetans don’t respect them as it seems. Why not organise new elections as the current leadership has no support from their people?

  25. We love Tibet and we want her free. But the Tibetan government in exile is segregating our people due to religion. Here in Germany today September 13, 2017 Tibetans are protesting against the Dalai Lama. Quite a few videos here: https://www.facebook.com/tenzin.trinlay?hc_ref=ARRLpe1G-46M9gSiGXdCoIyHzB8JjFqDTGTXZEWgWTT3BReqrYp_7clmDoXxv4PzhC0&fref=nf


  26. It will be interesting to see what the next election would be like ??
    There’s so much more information out there for people to read and learn. Also with the technology of today, one can gauge and compare what they are going through compared to their neighbours.
    Also when the CTA keeps bad mouthing China and also creating controversies with other groups, Tibetans can gauge the real actual situation through their digital platforms. They are not so naive anymore to just listen and believe entirely the talks of political leaders. This applies to all nations throughout the world.
    People can read up, watch videos, experience it themselves, compare and deduce if a government or leader is really there for its people !!

  27. Check out this video as it contains the Dalai Lama’s own words issuing the ban.

    Here is a clear video of His Holiness the Dalai Lama asking the monasteries to expel monks that practice Dorje Shugden. Click here to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTgYWidYw3U

  28. Hello everyone, specially to our CTA Taxi union president Lobsang Sangay and his beneficiary Kashag members and followers,
    I am Chokyi I worked in Exile government 15 years. When Lobsang Sangay came to Dharamsala leadership I researched 2 years through what I have seen and what I listened from him personally. Lobsang have no personal skill and capability to solve the issues of Tibetans in India. He have only a paper degree from Harvard that’s called R….R….R, which means big talk in Tibetan. I feel so much pity on those uneducated Tibetans who set themselves on fire and burned their bodies. Each self-immolation brought a huge benefit to CTA financially. After every self-immolation Lobsang Sangay and his Kashag members have tour programs under the name of Tibetan political issues to introduce to western countries. Mostly, they travel first/business class. But, once they reached destination Lobsang Sangay asked donations to CTA. This is Sangay’s no 1 capability to ask donors in the name of self- immolation. So, I have known much better what Sangay real doing. That’s why I resigned from my post and living independently in US now. Here I humble request to all ordinary Tibetan people in exile. Plz go to apply for western or Indian citizenship as soon as possible. This is only way how you and your children survive a better life. Don’t listen CTA leaders big talks. Becos, when you don’t have money to pay your children’s school fees. CTA can’t help you. When your father got serious sickness CTA can’t help you. When your mother died CTA can’t help you. But, CTA will use you for donations in name of seeking help for Tibetans. That donations they will corrupt at the end. Therefore, do something for yourself. Don’t let others use you. This is real experience that I got from CTA in 15 years working from down to earth. Don’t waste your life in CTA’s misuses.

  29. Even the leader Lobsang Sangay did not attend the Tibetan Democracy Day celebration! What does it indicate? That there is no hope for Tibetan’s democracy? What the CTA has been doing for the past 60 years did not really do any good to the general Tibetan people, only the rich become richer and people who is sitting is their so-called government benefitted. They enjoyed the privilege of receiving education overseas, living a comfortable and wealthy life in US or Europe, travelling with proper documents issued by the America or Europe while the general Tibetans are denied to obtain the citizenship offered by Indian government. What kind of welfare are CTA giving to Tibetan people? No wonder so little people are attending the celebration.

    The longer CTA is leading the Tibetan, the more people see how weak and useless they are. They are only capable of using a Buddha deity to create disharmony among the Tibetans, to distract them from seeing how incapable CTA is, so that the leadership can continue to benefit from the sufferings of the Tibetan people.

    Time to wake up! What has CTA done for the Tibetans, the commoners? Time to fight for your right to get a proper document. CTA only uses the Tibetans for their personal gain.

  30. ​Who wants to celebrate mangtso duechen with CTA and Sikyong Lobsang Sangay 🤣🤣 ?? As we can see NOBODY!!

    What a deception! All they do is putting money into their own pockets and the Tibetans can suffer – noone cares about the Refugees from Tibet! It is only about money!
    Why support such a so-called government? The Dalai Lama has to put up with them yet they do not follow Dalai Lama’s wishes for the Middle Way for Tibet!


  31. why cta no unite all people to fight for middle way? already so much problem still want to press down dorje shugden people!! tibetan will lose if not united.😠😠

  32. Why would people bother to attend? Tibetan community in exile is no longer democratic or has never been democratic. CTA is so corrupt and did nothing for Tibetans, don’t even mention about regaining Tibet. So Tibetans will believe in CTA.

  33. Majority of Tibetan will not take part on this Tibetan Democracy day. They already realised that CTA will only give empty promises. CTA imposed sagregation with Dorje Shugden ban. This way division how to unite Tibetan and make them strong? You don’t kill your own army to go for battle…. You gather your army to make a great batalion to fight for your right! What CTA doing now is killing their people and their dream.

  34. Tibetans rejecting the Tibetan Leadership are a direct reflection of how much respect they have for their leadership. It is too difficult to respect a leadership like the CTA because they have not served the Tibetan people since the 5th Dalai Lama time. So it makes logical sense that the Tibetans still look upon His Holiness the Dalai Lama and do not regard the kashag equivalent, which is impossible anyway, in terms of wisdom, compassion and care in others.

    CTA continues to fail even after more than 3 centuries and this shows how Tibetans in power behave. Sad but true.

  35. fake leader fake democracy.. why support cta leader?? 😠
    real democracy is freedom to speak. not ban😠

  36. money and power game 💰💰 No real democracy. if you dont listen you are anti Dalai Lama.

  37. Honest question: who would want to come and support a governing body that is corrupt and not doing what they are set up to do?

    Honest answer: that is why nobody want to come and support democratic day when CTA IS NOT DEMOCRATIC.

  38. It is almost 60 years already, we see no independence of Tibet. Not even an autonomy status. CTA cannot even hold talks with China. Pathetic! What kind of government or Administration is CTA whose interest is merely enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden for its own selfish needs?

    Tibetan Dorje Shugden followers had suffered enough! There is no welfare, no progress, no freedom, no human rights nor democracy! CTA must be dissolved and a new government formed. Tibetans need a government for the people who work for Tibetans interests.

  39. The corrupt ministers in the CTA must go. Kick them out of office before they milk more Tibetans of money meant for their welfare.

  40. Imagine where did all those money went. What did they do with the money? CTA is very good at concealing their faults and make others as scapegoats for their failure to reclaim Tibet. If only these countries supporting CTA with money finds out.😂

  41. The fact that CTA is openly discriminating Dorje Shugden practitioners is anything but democratic. Kinda meaningless to celebrate Tibetan Democracy day or ‘mangtso duechen’ when Tibetans who practise Dorje Shugden can’t even exercise their freedom of religion. No wonder even Tibetans are boycotting that meaningless celebration. Just look at the poor show.

  42. The more I see CTA these days the more I can understand why Tibetans don’t support CTA anymore. This CTA is no longer needed because they dont do anything for the Tibetans!

  43. Very sad the only REAL leader the Tibetans produced in the last 60 years is Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama is 82 and how many more years can he ‘lead’ his people in exile and never getting his country back?

    Dalai Lama’s policy for Tibet in making friends with western powers and criticizing China is not working out. How do we know? It has been 60 years since Tibetans have been refugees and they still remain ‘refugees’ depending on handouts and free aid and free money. Pathetic.

    Losang Sangye is a big degree holder and his degree is not worth the paper it’s printed on.. He can do nothing and has done nothing except become ‘close’ friend with Sharling Dhardon. Their ‘closeness’ is the talk of all Dharamsala.

    Losang Sangye and any ‘leader’ will not have real power but simply the puppets of the all powerful god king Dalai Lama who is the real power behind the throne.


  44. If it was not for Buddhism, no one would listen to the Dalai Lama!! The Dalai Lama gives the Kalacakra, gives self help speeches, sermons, prayers, rituals and wears the maroon dress to vast crowds. The maroon dress he wears is really a good marketing method although it is not meant to be. All these Buddhist events is what gathers the crowd to Dalai Lama. If you look at the Dalai Lama himself, besides being a smiley, shrewd and intelligent person, what does he have to attract people? Removing all from him that is Buddhist, what does the Dalai Lama have that is different than any other groups or deposed leaders that the world does not listen to. Dalai Lama owes all this to Buddhism. Therefore he should make harmony within the Buddhist community. How he is segregating certain sects with his rhetoric is dangerous. He is expelling people here clearly due to only a difference in religion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTgYWidYw3U&t=6s I was personally shocked to see this. I have met some Tibetan government leaders in Tokyo and privately they told me, they were also shocked that the Dalai Lama would say this and none of them dare advise him otherwise. They felt after Dalai Lama’s expulsion of people and in such a angry manner, it will not bode well in the future within Tibetan Buddhism which is the basis of his power. You can see in the video how angry the Dalai Lama seems to be. The Tibetan government persons in Japan also mentioned that the Dalai Lama listened to his oracle Nechung’s advice to ban this sect within Buddhism. Dalai Lama relies heavily on this Nechung god taking trance (oracle) for all his moves. Nechung is even summoned in the Dalai Lama’s private quarters to give prophecies:- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x62ocw1

    It bewilders his followers why Dalai Lama relies so heavily on Nechung when he is suppose to be an avatar of a god Avalokita himself. Nechung is invited to most of his public events to do his dance and prophecies. Many Tibetans such as MP Tenpa Yarphel are not happy and speaking up finally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIP-vLuTnpw and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB_ISn6eY0Y&t=1688s . The over-reliance on Nechung demeans the Dalai Lama they feel and makes their government backwards. No modern governments consult gods and oracles for every move and if they do, they should not show this publicly. This is not a case of transparency but the Dalai Lama has not trained good advisers skilled in world politics by his side obviously to advise him and uses a god instead. Till now Nechung after 60 years has not proven correct. Nechung has not secured Tibet back. It was in fact in 2012 that Nechung told his monk Dorje Dalai Lama will go back to Tibet very soon, but it has not happened. Dorje is so ecstatic of this Nechung prophecy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIDZLzXIgW8 . The prophecy proved to be wrong again by Nechung unfortunately for Dorje and the rest of the hopefuls.

    Losang Sangay is too busy with Sharling Dhardon and this is well known among the Tibetans. Without the Dalai Lama backing him up or promoting him, he is nothing and no one will listen to him. That is why everyone in the ‘Tibetan government’ are careful not to offend or displease the Dalai Lama who is the real power behind the throne. If you displease the king, you will be removed from the limelight and that means no more access to money, perks and foreigners who will give you money. Losang Sangay has made zero progress with talks with China since he ‘took office’. Whatever office that is. This shows his priority is not the Tibetans inside and outside of Tibet but to fill his own pockets before the King passes. Basically milk the cow while he can. Sad but that is the situation!

    I posted this ‘pictograph’ here of Sharling and Lobsang floating on the internet when you google. Interesting. I guess the Tibetans are not happy with Lobsang Sangay and Sharling who is really outspoken to her own detriment!


  45. Member of Parliament Tenpa Yarphel is a hero. He is speaking up for free speech and freedom of expression. He is exercising his rights, he is standing up for logical democracy which is the only way forward and not having to contact spirits like Nechung via oracles to make decisions that impact people’s lives. But look how people speak about him in the comments, so rude and nasty. It really represents the Dalai Lama badly as they are supporting Dalai Lama beings so rude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if2dFMKIr_8

    They say we need to believe in Nechung and follow what he says. But in 2009 Nechung said the Dalai Lama would go back to Tibet and that everyone would be happy. A monk from Nechung Monastery is the one that told everyone about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIDZLzXIgW8. But Nechung was wrong. It has been eight years and this has not happened. The Dalai Lama did not return to Tibet. Nechung being consulted by Tibetan government in exile is backwards. No governments do this in the civilized world.

    When people like Tenpa Yarphel speak up and are real patriots of the Tibetan people, they are attacked by other people. In fact people even protest like this man who shaves his hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M30NL4hG8oA. People like these are actually protesting against Tenpa Yarphel’s democratic rights and freedom of speech. Tibetans by criticizing Tenpa Yarphel shows they are far from democracy. Besides many of the other Kagyu leaders such as Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche, Drukchen Rinpoche, Karmapa Thaye Dorje all did not say anything against Tenpa Yarphel that represents the Kagyus.

    Dalai Lama had said that is his minister of cabinet in the government. Even though it is clear that Nechung is unreliable and a spirit, the Dalai Lama continues to rely heavily on Nechung and other oracles who take trance of spirits. He invites Nechung to all his events and allow him to take trance in centre stage always. In fact the Dalai Lama even calls the oracles to his own private bedroom: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x62ocw1.

    These practices show how Tibetan government is run.

  46. It’s obvious that Tibetan don’t support and don’t trust their leader anymore. Why? A leader, a Sikyong who has been giving empty promise to his people for the past 60 years. A leader who does’t care about his people, but only care about the money going in his pocket. A leader who has been keeping quiet when his people killing themselves. He not only didn’t stop it from continue going on, he praise them, but making statue of the suicider and put them in memorial. Why is he keeping quiet? It is because he can use them as victim card to get more money from the west. Yes, the person is LOBSANG SANGAY. The Sikyong of Central Tibetan Administration. The so called Prime Minister, the leader of Tibetan in Exile. He didn’t even turn up for democracy day! Why? It is because he doesn’t believe and doesn’t practice DEMOCRACY! To him, there is no DEMOCRACY. Why? It is because he do whatever he wants. He take all the money that’s suppose to help Tibetan in Exile into his own pocket. He ban Dorje Shugden with illogical nonsense, although Dalai Lama said we can practice Dorje Shugden. He doesn’t listen to other countries opinion to have conversation to China, but to condemn China in front of other countries. So, what DEMOCRACY is he practicing? You better come down LOBSANG SANGAY, you’re not qualified to be the Sikyong of Tibetan in Exile!

  47. The Dalai Lama is so old and he can pass anytime. Beijing is waiting for that. Beijing has full control of Tibet and nothing to fear. Dalai Lama and his government negotiates with Beijing or not does not matter. It’s a small matter in fact. Tibet will never have another King so powerful like Dalai Lama and so influential.

    Actually if Lobsang Sangye was smart, he would do his best to negotiate with China for a better deal for autonomy for Tibet while Dalai Lama is alive. With Dalai Lama alive, he will have more weight and backing. So why doesn’t Lobsang Sangye do so? The reason why Lobsang Sangye does not work hard to negotiate with China is because he does not care about the people. If the Dalai Lama dies, he is rich with big houses and he just moves on. He is in his position for the perks and wealth and US Passport which he has now. So why should he worry?


  48. Sharling Dhardon is rich and carries expensive hand bags while her ‘refugee’ Tibetans sell sweaters on the hot Indian streets.


  49. Sharling Dhardon and Lobsang Sangay are always together. Very close. They launched the book against Dorje Shugden practice together. Together they can authorized the spending of thousands of US dollars for commissioning a book against Dorje Shugden to further isolate and segregate the Tibetans who continue with their faith in Dorje Shugden. They do this to please the Dalai Lama so their money-making posts will be secure. They only want money.

    After the launching of the book against Dorje Shugden practitioners, they went down to Delhi to be at an expensive hotel and delicious five star dinner to enjoy their victory together.😘



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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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