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By: Ringzin Tsomo
The Gorkhaland issue in West Bengal, India, has been a hot topic on various online news portals and social media platforms for the last couple of months now. The Gorkha people, ethnically Nepali but having lived in India for centuries, are seeking their own state after claiming that West Bengal authorities have been stifling their cultural rights, in direct contradiction to the Indian constitution that enshrines a multi-ethnic ethos.

Led by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha in Sikkim, Gorkha people are protesting and demanding a proposed separate state from West Bengal within India.
Amid strikes, riots and protests against West Bengal authorities, the Gorkha people are being led by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) in Sikkim to demand a proposed separate state from West Bengal within India. They are willing to take extreme measures to make their case heard by the Indian government, even calling for self-immolations to further their cause. Such extreme measures are not uncommon amongst another community to be found in India: the Tibetans in exile.
Striving for their own country or autonomous state (depending on who you talk to), hundreds of Tibetans have self-immolated as part of their resistance towards the Chinese leadership. They do this hoping to apply pressure on them in order to achieve their political goals. Many of these self-immolations have taken place in India, whose government has been extremely kind and generous to offer asylum and refuge to the Tibetans for the last 60 years.

Free Tibet protestors demand for complete independence for Tibet
However, it is apparent that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala) has done nothing to reciprocate this kindness from the Indian government. Especially during crucial times when India faces several domestic issues, the Tibetan leadership often fails to offer support for India or fails to take any concrete action to help. Given their tragic history, you would think that the Tibetan leadership would speak up and help to solve the situation. As in the case of Gorkhaland for example, aiding in a peaceful solution, whatever that may be, would be a great sign of reciprocation that they actually care about India, the country they are living in. However, based on their track record, the Tibetan leadership is going to remain silent and not do anything. Here are some reasons why this is the case:
- Sikyong Lobsang Sangay does not care about the welfare of India and her citizens. He is too busy travelling around the world, pandering for donations. On top of this, has anyone ever wondered where all the donations actually go? The fact is, the educational system and living standards of the Tibetans have not improved over the last 60 years despite the billions of dollars in donations that they have received. So where did all the money go? Despite the obvious issues plaguing his people, Lobsang Sangay has the time to travel and look for “donations” but he does not have the time to make a single statement to offer his support for India. Of course, the thought that they can offer support for India does not even cross the minds of the Tibetan leadership.
- The Tibetan leadership encourages their people to be racist and look down on the Indians. When a Tibetan marries an Indian, it becomes a moment of shame; when a Tibetan marries another Tibetan or a Westerner, it is considered a moment of pride. The same shame about becoming or being associated with Indians is reflected in how the Tibetan leadership blocks Tibetans from applying for an Indian passport. On the other hand, the Tibetan leadership do nothing to stop Tibetans from travelling overseas and seeking citizenship in other countries such as the USA or in Europe. These Western-bound Tibetans do not face the same restrictions and limitations as those wanting Indian citizenship. Such preferential treatment speaks volumes and suggests racist attitudes from the Tibetan leadership. The shameful thing here is that when Tibet needed help the most, it was only India who opened her doors to them and no one else did so. It is India who has been kind enough to host the Tibetan exile population for the past six decades, but the Tibetan leadership continues to treat India like a second-rate option.
- The Tibetan leadership secretly rejoices at the conflict between Gorkhaland and Indian authorities, and that is why they have not issued a statement on the issue. Perhaps the CTA resents India and holds a grudge against them for giving Tibetans the right to become Indian citizens, as it leaves the CTA with an even smaller pool of Tibetans that they can manipulate. The Tibetan leadership should in fact be grateful towards the Indian government naturalizing Tibetans, as this opens up better opportunities for employment, travel and better education for their people. Naturalization does not mean that Tibetans cannot continue to fight for the Tibetan cause and it does not make them any less patriotic. Why is a Western-born Tibetan considered Tibetan, but someone who carries an Indian passport is considered a traitor? If the Tibetan leadership is unhappy with India for giving their Tibetan people more freedom, it just goes to show the CTA do not have the best interests of their people at heart. If they did, they would not create so many obstacles to stop the Tibetans from getting Indian citizenship. Superficially it may seem that the CTA is ‘grateful’ and ‘respectful’ of India, but in actual fact, they have no sense of gratitude. It is ironic that the CTA resents India, even as they continue to live on their land.
- Although the situation in Gorkhaland is similar to what is happening with the Tibetan issue, the CTA dare not upset India by supporting the wrong side. Ultimately, they do not want to be kicked out of India so they would rather be silent on India’s internal issues and only speak up when it is to spite China or to further their own political causes. So the CTA remains silent and dare not stick their neck out for Indian interests though the country has done so much for them. This again proves that their own wellbeing is far more important than anyone else.
- In general, the Tibetan leadership are just too wealthy to be bothered with India’s affairs. Sikyong Lobsang Sangye’s foreign forays to fundraise purportedly to “help the Tibetans” contrasts with how some Tibetans actually live. An outsider looking in at the ornate temples and large houses that belong to the Tibetans within their settlements makes one wonder if they are really ‘refugees’ fleeing their homeland or not. What other refugee community in the world builds such large, elaborate statues and temples while their people continue to linger in poverty? It does not come across as a community fearful about being persecuted; it comes across as a community exploiting people’s sympathies and the fact they may have once been persecuted, in order to financially gain from this. In fact, the average Tibetan is financially more well-off than the average Indian. So if the Tibetans have so much excess money, why do they not do more to help India and repay some of the kindness shown to them? No tangible actions have been taken by the CTA to help the local Indian communities around the Tibetan settlements, let alone those of other states within India.

One of the ornate temples that belong to the Tibetans within their settlements
In conclusion, from the treatment by the Tibetan leadership towards India, it begs the question: why should India continue to host the Tibetans since they do not display a sense of gratitude? Through their continued behavior and lack of manners, it is clear that the Tibetan leadership harbors resentment towards India regarding the citizenship issue. Otherwise why else would they fail to encourage their international man of peace, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, to say a few words on the Gorkhaland issue?
India owes nothing to the Tibetans. It is actually the other way around: Tibetans owe everything to India for giving them a safe haven during their time of need. Hence the Tibetan lack of silence over the turbulent Gorkhaland matter reflects the CTA’s selfish policies and over-inflated sense of self-importance. Coupled with a lack of transparency regarding funds being channeled to the Tibetan leadership’s pockets rather than to further the Tibetan cause or to benefit social causes within the populous, it is clear that there is a serious problem – there is a distinct lack of accountability within the Tibetan leadership. They are not even accountable to the people that they claim to serve.
Since this is the case, why should the people around the world continue to provide them with more funds and feed the very leaders that obstruct and growth of the Tibetans? And why should India continue to treat the Tibetans kindly? It is simple. They should not. Time for the Tibetan leadership to learn some gratitude, and to show it towards India with measurable, tangible results. Six decades of exploiting the Indian government and people’s kindness is six decades too long.
Kunsang from Switzerland
September 30, 2017
Very sad the only REAL leader the Tibetans produced in the last 60 years is Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama is 82 and how many more years can he ‘lead’ his people in exile and never getting his country back?
Dalai Lama’s policy for Tibet in making friends with western powers and criticizing China is not working out. How do we know? It has been 60 years since Tibetans have been refugees and they still remain ‘refugees’ depending on handouts and free aid and free money. Pathetic.
Losang Sangye is a big degree holder and his degree is not worth the paper it’s printed on. He can do nothing and has done nothing except become ‘close’ friend with Sharling Dhardon. Their ‘closeness’ is the talk of all Dharamsala.
Losang Sangye and any ‘leader’ will not have real power but simply the puppets of the all powerful god king Dalai Lama who is the real power behind the throne.
Tokyo Dalai Lama watcher
September 30, 2017
If it was not for Buddhism, no one would listen to the Dalai Lama! The Dalai Lama gives the Kalacakra, gives self help speeches, sermons, prayers, rituals and wears the maroon dress to vast crowds. The maroon dress he wears is really a good marketing method although it is not meant to be. All these Buddhist events is what gathers the crowd to Dalai Lama. If you look at the Dalai Lama himself, besides being a smiley, shrewd and intelligent person, what does he have to attract people? Removing all from him that is Buddhist, what does the Dalai Lama have that is different than any other groups or deposed leaders that the world does not listen to. Dalai Lama owes all this to Buddhism. Therefore he should make harmony within the Buddhist community. How he is segregating certain sects with his rhetoric is dangerous. He is expelling people here clearly due to only a difference in religion: I was personally shocked to see this. I have met some Tibetan government leaders in Tokyo and privately they told me, they were also shocked that the Dalai Lama would say this and none of them dare advise him otherwise. They felt after Dalai Lama’s expulsion of people and in such a angry manner, it will not bode well in the future within Tibetan Buddhism which is the basis of his power. You can see in the video how angry the Dalai Lama seems to be. The Tibetan government persons in Japan also mentioned that the Dalai Lama listened to his oracle Nechung’s advice to ban this sect within Buddhism. Dalai Lama relies heavily on this Nechung god taking trance (oracle) for all his moves. Nechung is even summoned in the Dalai Lama’s private quarters to give prophecies:
It bewilders his followers why Dalai Lama relies so heavily on Nechung when he is suppose to be an avatar of a god Avalokita himself. Nechung is invited to most of his public events to do his dance and prophecies. Many Tibetans such as MP Tenpa Yarphel are not happy and speaking up finally: and . The over-reliance on Nechung demeans the Dalai Lama they feel and makes their government backwards. No modern governments consult gods and oracles for every move and if they do, they should not show this publicly. This is not a case of transparency but the Dalai Lama has not trained good advisers skilled in world politics by his side obviously to advise him and uses a god instead. Till now Nechung after 60 years has not proven correct. Nechung has not secured Tibet back. It was in fact in 2012 that Nechung told his monk Dorje Dalai Lama will go back to Tibet very soon, but it has not happened. Dorje is so ecstatic of this Nechung prophecy: . The prophecy proved to be wrong again by Nechung unfortunately for Dorje and the rest of the hopefuls.
Losang Sangay is too busy with Sharling Dhardon and this is well known among the Tibetans. Without the Dalai Lama backing him up or promoting him, he is nothing and no one will listen to him. That is why everyone in the ‘Tibetan government’ are careful not to offend or displease the Dalai Lama who is the real power behind the throne. If you displease the king, you will be removed from the limelight and that means no more access to money, perks and foreigners who will give you money. Losang Sangay has made zero progress with talks with China since he ‘took office’. Whatever office that is. This shows his priority is not the Tibetans inside and outside of Tibet but to fill his own pockets before the King passes. Basically milk the cow while he can. Sad but that is the situation.
I posted this ‘pictograph’ here of Sharling and Lobsang floating on the internet when you google. Interesting. I guess the Tibetans are not happy with Lobsang Sangay and Sharling who is really outspoken to her own detriment!
Tsering Gonkatsang
September 30, 2017
Member of Parliament Tenpa Yarphel is a hero. He is speaking up for free speech and freedom of expression. He is exercising his rights, he is standing up for logical democracy which is the only way forward and not having to contact spirits like Nechung via oracles to make decisions that impact people’s lives. But look how people speak about him in the comments, so rude and nasty. It really represents the Dalai Lama badly as they are supporting Dalai Lama beings so rude:
They say we need to believe in Nechung and follow what he says. But in 2009 Nechung said the Dalai Lama would go back to Tibet and that everyone would be happy. A monk from Nechung Monastery is the one that told everyone about this: But Nechung was wrong. It has been eight years and this has not happened. The Dalai Lama did not return to Tibet. Nechung being consulted by Tibetan government in exile is backwards. No governments do this in the civilized world.
When people like Tenpa Yarphel speak up and are real patriots of the Tibetan people, they are attacked by other people. In fact people even protest like this man who shaves his hair: People like these are actually protesting against Tenpa Yarphel’s democratic rights and freedom of speech. Tibetans by criticizing Tenpa Yarphel shows they are far from democracy. Besides many of the other Kagyu leaders such as Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche, Drukchen Rinpoche, Karmapa Thaye Dorje all did not say anything against Tenpa Yarphel that represents the Kagyus.
Dalai Lama had said that is his minister of cabinet in the government. Even though it is clear that Nechung is unreliable and a spirit, the Dalai Lama continues to rely heavily on Nechung and other oracles who take trance of spirits. He invites Nechung to all his events and allow him to take trance in centre stage always. In fact the Dalai Lama even calls the oracles to his own private bedroom:
These practices show how Tibetan government is run.
September 30, 2017
It’s strange that whatever Tenpa Yarpel has said about Nechung seems to go over the Tibetan’s heads. They don’t see the logic and the fact that consulting Nechung has brought nothing but trouble for the Tibetan cause and Tibetan social harmony.

October 1, 2017
As Tibetans in exile, they must show that they care about their host country at all times.
So although the issue with Nepalis in India resonate somewhat with the Tibetans, the Tibetans still should be kind to the host country that hosted and sheltered them the past 60 years.
Sharling Tara
October 1, 2017
The Dalai Lama is so old and he can pass anytime. Beijing is waiting for that. Beijing has full control of Tibet and nothing to fear. Dalai Lama and his government negotiates with Beijing or not does not matter. It’s a small matter in fact. Tibet will never have another King so powerful like Dalai Lama and so influential.
Actually if Lobsang Sangye was smart, he would do his best to negotiate with China for a better deal for autonomy for Tibet while Dalai Lama is alive. With Dalai Lama alive, he will have more weight and backing. So why doesn’t Lobsang Sangye do so? The reason why Lobsang Sangye does not work hard to negotiate with China is because he does not care about the people. If the Dalai Lama dies, he is rich with big houses and he just moves on. He is in his position for the perks and wealth and US Passport which he has now. So why should he worry?
Swiss Tibetan Rangzen
October 1, 2017
Sharling Dhardon and Lobsang Sangay are always together. Very close. They launched the book against Dorje Shugden practice together. Together they can authorized the spending of thousands of US dollars for commissioning a book against Dorje Shugden to further isolate and segregate the Tibetans who continue with their faith in Dorje Shugden. They do this to please the Dalai Lama so their money-making posts will be secure. They only want money.
After the launching of the book against Dorje Shugden practitioners, they went down to Delhi to be at an expensive hotel and delicious five star dinner to enjoy their victory together.
Swiss Tibetan Rangzen
October 1, 2017
Sharling Dhardon is rich and carries expensive hand bags while her ‘refugee’ Tibetans sell sweaters on the hot Indian streets.
Tenzin Palljor
October 1, 2017
These three MPs from Dharamsala is well known to get money from China to be part of Tibetan exile government and make trouble for Tibetans. They pretend to be close to Dalai Lama but they are close to China.
October 2, 2017
Lobsang Sangye only wants power and money for himself, money given by Westerners to improve the lives of Tibetans. He couldn’t care less about the plight of Tibetans living in India.💴
October 2, 2017
Sikyong no help tibetain.Sikyong adn his freinds take tibetain peoples money.bad peoples
October 2, 2017
CTA is getting better at super well known for being selfish and greedy! But as usual, they are too into soliciting more donations, they don’t care about anyone else. Their foremost interest is not for the betterment of Tibet nor Tibetans. It’s money!!
What I don’t really understand is, how can the Tibetans let them get away so easily? Even if the older generation can’t do anything, the younger ones can. Especially those that are out of India. Help your fellow Tibetans who are still suffering under the CTA cruel and heartless leadership. Help those who can’t speak for themselves. Be united for something better.
October 2, 2017
Obviously, CTA is selfish and coward when India facing her own internal issue. Their mind only corrupted with money and power because money equal power.😡
Tenzin K
October 2, 2017
CTA will not help or even support India in this matter. It may take away CTA time and money. Sikyong is busy with getting fund for his own and definitely will not do anything.
Look here CTA can even divide and discriminate their own Tibetan that practice Dorje Shugden to cover their failure to fulfill their promise to bring Tibetan back to their homeland. What good thing that we can expect CTA to do. If there is no direct benefit in term of monetary to them, you will not see anything from CTA.
Question here is that how long more for India to tolerate CTA which is being ungrateful?
October 2, 2017
CTA doesn’t deserve India kindness. Already 60 years and nothing from CTA showing their appreciation. CTA don’t even look after their Tibetan welfare why do you think CTA will give a helping hand to India? Sikyong didn’t even attend their Tibetan Democracy Day as a leader to show encouragement to their own Tibetan and how would you expect him to show any appreciation to India?
Ryan Tashi
October 2, 2017
It is appalling to see CTA being the leech / parasite in Indian soil sucking out whatever resources possible and not contributing any to help India in return. Lobsang Sangay is not the leader you want in any government.

October 2, 2017
Sikyong and his CLOSE FRIEND Dhardon Sharling are too busy using Tibetans to make money. India has no more value to them and they will not want to waste time.
By the way they splashed big money to print anti Shugden books and videos but no money to help Tibetans in India. People will of course go away.

October 2, 2017
Sikyong not help Tibeten money. Where is😡 money gave by country. Tiebet people suffer all.
People of Snowlion
October 2, 2017
Sikyong go down! Bad Sikyong! Lobsang Sangay resign! Go down Lobsang Sangay! Take all money put in pocket. No help us Tibetan!

Son of India
October 2, 2017
Tibetans in India are rich. Tibetans in Dharamsala are rich, but they never help Gorkhaland situation. That is why no one supports Tibetans. Tibetans go home to Tibet! Get out of India our motherland.

Phayul commentator
October 2, 2017
Tibetan parliament MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar attacks Chinese Dalai Lama student.
Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who is an MP of the Tibetan ‘parliament’ in Dharamsala seems to like to make trouble. She was recently in Paris on an all-expense-paid luxury trip to have meetings against the Dalai Lama’s middle way. They stayed in nice hotels, enjoyed the cafes and went sight-seeing also. She and other independence (rangzen) activists gathered together to have a meeting on how to oppose the Dalai Lama’s middle way. If you are having a meeting on rangzen, then naturally you are opposing the Dalai Lama’s views. She is against the Dalai Lama as blatantly as it can get. She advocates full independence for Tibet which Professor Samdhong Rinpoche the former prime minister said is very dangerous. 🇨🇳Samdhong Rinpoche said clearly that Rangzen activists and supporters are the most dangerous people in Tibetan society. Because they go against what the Dalai Lama is asking the world to support which is autonomy of Tibet under China. Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is seen in these pictures in October 2017 in Dharamsala fighting violently with a female Chinese tourist from the USA. 😠This Chinese woman Ms. Wen Qi Zhu had just had audience with the Dalai Lama as you can see in the pictures. But when she left the audience after blessings she was affronted by a CTA member Ms. Lhagyari violently on the streets just below the Dalai Lama’s nose. A random video was taken of this event and in the video Ms. Wen Qi Zhu was saying she is also a student of the Dalai Lama. She has also contributed to the donations of the recent teachings by Dalai Lama to cover the expenditure.😡
Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is an MP of the CTA and she should conduct herself with more decorum and good manners since she is representing the Dalai Lama’s government. Often they are violent. Of course Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar has the democratic rights to post, protest and speak for Tibet in Dharamsala, but she should also be ready for opposition. Opposition even in Dharamsala must be tolerated as it is a democratic India. 👍Some may be shocked someone opposes Ms. Lhagyari’s views in Dharamsala the headquarters of the Dalai Lama, but that just shows you how arrogant some Tibetans may be thinking if you oppose their views, they can violently strike back. Democracy only works for Tibetans so they think and it should not work against them is their convoluted thinking. Many in the audience may not agree with Ms. Lhagyari Namygal Drolkar’s views on Tibet and as an elected official of the Tibetan government, she should be more courteous, polite and explain things well and not resort to a catfight with a paying tourist. After all she is the official and representative of the government. She should educate the masses and not violently fight with them. She should resign as obviously she is not fit for this job.👎 It is a disgrace and shame. After all the paying tourist Ms. Wen Qi Zhu has every right to protest back or speak against the view of Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar, since India is democratic and allows freedom of speech which goes both ways.👍 Some Tibetans have to learn manners, being polite and accepting that the world is not going to agree with them on everything anymore. Tibetans have to accept their 60 years of playing up the refugee card while living well in India and immigrating all over the world will not gain sympathy anymore. The CTA or Tibetan government in exile have many policies that divide and segregate their own people on the basis of religion so now that they are getting some of their own karma back, why are they upset?🙏
Here is an article on how Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar went to Paris for a rangzen meeting against the Dalai Lama:
Phayul commentator
October 2, 2017
Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is an MP of the CTA and she should immediatly resign and give honor to the disonorable CTA or Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala. She is an elected official. She should not fight with the tourists and spectators. If she is going to post things about Tibet, she has accept there will be people who do not accept what she is posting and be ready for opposition but not using violence. If the spectator gets violent, then Ms. Lhagyari should immediately go to the police and run from the scene. The police station is very nearby. Do not stand around and have violent interaction with people walking by. It does not look good as an MP of the Tibetan government in exile under the Dalai Lama. MP Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is a disgrace and should resign.👎
In The Name of Tibet
October 2, 2017
Lobsang Sangay only care about how much money goes into his own pocket. I am willingly become Indian citizen, but I got rejected when submitting paper to Tibetan government for approval. They don’t want us to become India citizen, they don’t allow us to go back Tibet, now I am stuck here in India! Without a proper country, without a proper identity! Lobsang Sangay want to hold us here, so it make him look like he got supporters. So that he can have enough “number of people” to get donation from other countries. One more thing, internal news, Lobsang Sangay pay lots of lots of money to Tenzin Choeying’s family (the boy who self immolate). He told all the Tibetan here that whoever sacrifice for Tibetan government, their family will be very well taken care of, and guarantee getting citizenship in western countries (I don’t want to mention the countries name). Lobsang Sangay 👎🙀🙀
Alexander Rein
October 3, 2017
Actually at the surface level, CTA seems to be like carrying Dalai Lama’s instruction to suppress DS practitioners or to expel them from the monasteries, but in actual fact, CTA is making Dalai Lama’s name very bad, due to the violence, rude and vulgarity actions taken by CTA, all the blames went to Dalai Lama, so CTA is the one who is betraying Dalai Lama but not any DS practitioners. CTA’s hidden agenda is slowly revealing, look at how they treat the citizens, it is already very clear that CTA is using Tibetan’s name to gain power and money. and Lobsang Sangye is the one behind all these.
October 3, 2017
CTA is just purely taking advantages from India and other people who are kind hearted who really wish to help the Tibetan to improve their standard of living..🙁
For the people
October 3, 2017
CTA are racist, looking down on Indians but looking up to westerners because the Westerners are their cash cows. They show no gratitude to their kind host, India.

Dondrup Shugden
October 3, 2017
CTA is not grateful to any body and that is why their stance is diminishing in value to the Tibetans in exile and donors and sponsor of their futile cause.
They do not care about what happens to India in the same way they do not care about their Tibetan people.
There is nothing to gain in talking about Gorkhaland so why bother.
October 3, 2017
CTA will not get involved in supporting India as they always look down on India even though India has been so generous to them to give their land to the Tibetan to rebuild their culture and home and even offered to give Indian citizenship.
CTA has always been selfish and ungrateful not only to outside but also taking advantage on their own. Obvious evident is that for the past 60 years we have not seen any improvement in term of Tibetan welfare and any strategy to negotiate with China to fulfil CTA promises to their people. Instead CTA going hard to divide Tibetan with Shugden ban.
Belinda Mae
October 3, 2017
CTA is always greedy for donations and funds from others but what have they contribute back to India since they are living in other people’s land. India has been kind enough to take them in when they ran away from Tibet. The CTA can be so cold blooded and being ungrateful to India who has helped them fro 60 years. CTA is also being racist that if their people marry the Indians they are looked down upon and if their people marry Westerners they are looked up to. It is sad that for someone holding an Indian passpost is called a traitor. This is how the CTA frightened their people by making them look bad if they want to change citizenship. This may be one of their techniques to continue to get support from other countries. You can name all the bad qualities and CTA have it all.
considered a traitor.
October 3, 2017
CTA & Lobsang Sangay just care of their pocket, keep asking and taking Money from ours ( Western Countries ) only, does it fair to Tibetan peoples? 😔
October 3, 2017
CTA only want 💰 to survive themselves.Greed and selfish. They don’t care about Tibetan and other welfare. They only think of theirs. Disgraceful!

Richard LakTam
October 3, 2017
Of course CTA keep quiet about Gorkha land. CTA can’t be bothered about things like this. They only bother about money coming in to their pocket or not. This truly shows what kind of person Lobsang Sangay is, and truly shows how exactly CTA do things. At this critical moment where CTA is loosing money that flows in from the west, they will rather save their money than wasting time talking about Gorkha land, self-immolation, India, religion, or whatsoever. Yeah, that’s CTA, that’s Lobsang Sangay. 👎👎😂
Tenzin Sangye
October 3, 2017
Tibet freedom cause has misuse by current CTA to raise more fund from the west countries. It has become serious and important compare to take care the well fair of tibetan refugee. CTA not even show grafulness to India gorvernment by accept tibetan stay over India for the pass 60 year. Is that why CTA make hard for tibetan refugee to get the citizenship in India. That is no support from CTA side toward tibetan refugee. No wonder many tibetan are upset with CTA right now.
October 3, 2017
Why should the Tibetan Government bother about Gorkhaland? As long as they are safe, have supporters and friends, get donations and land, why help others? As long as the CTA gets help, it is fine for them…
In fact, it is hard to believe that they are somehow related to HH Dalai Lama as everything they do is just the opposite of what the Dalai Lama teaches… 😳😳😳
October 3, 2017
It is a fact that the CTA is very much depended on foreign donation to sustain itself and many of its program. They are busy with how to get donation to sustain themselves and do not have time to bother others, my personal view. But logically is how long can this go on? 60 years past and this is enough to show that leaders around the world do nothing to help the Tibetan cause. The current situation is China influence has grown very fast in the world and many countries are depended on China more than ever. Leaders around the world are becoming aware of the importance of maintaining a good relationship with China . However CTA until now still against China and claimed that all Shugden practitioners are in fact Chinese agents paid to destroy Tibetan unity. CTA was just trying to use this excuse as a political tools to cover their failure. CTA, please ask yourself what have you achieved for the last 60 years for Tibetan cause.
October 3, 2017
CTA is very much depended on foreign donation to sustain itself and many of its program. They are busy with how to get donation to sustain themselves and do not have time to bother others, my personal view. But logically is how long can this go on? 60 years past and this is enough to show that leaders around the world do nothing to help the Tibetan cause. The current situation is China influence has grown very fast in the world and many countries are depended on China more than ever. Leaders around the world are becoming aware of the importance of maintaining a good relationship with China . However CTA until now still against China and claimed that all Shugden practitioners are in fact Chinese agents paid to destroy Tibetan unity. CTA was just trying to use this excuse as a political tools to cover their failure. CTA, please ask yourself what have you achieved for the last 60 years for Tibetan cause.
Jing Jing
October 3, 2017
Money that came from donation is always much easier! Every protest of “Free Tibet” money dropped from the sky. Anyone brave enough to burn himself to death, again they gets money. Money for sympathy. Every His Holiness talk drew millions donation. CTA has income but taking advantage of living a refugees life! Why CTA stopped people from taking indian citizenship?
Doreen Park
October 5, 2017
It is shocking to see such indifference and ingratitude as displayed by CTA towards India, who now has an issue like Gorkha land to resolve . AS the Gorkhaland issue is somewhat similar to the Tibet situation, both sets of people demanding autonomy /independence , the CTA should be in a position to help or give advice.
However, it’s unlikely for them to even lift a finger to help. Why would they do it, when they don’t even want to help their own people get Indian citizenship which is crucial for their security and future, as a day is likely to come soon when India will take back the land it owns .When that day comes, Tibetans without a state will be left high and dry -stateless.
The CTA has always been bent on serving their own ends and working things out to their advantage. Why are they so biassed against India , their host country, and Indians. Why wilfully encourage the Tibetans in Exile to continue to seek citizenship in Western countries, which are outrightly rejecting them? Why encourage a new wave of suicide killings like Tashi Namgyal’s. It’s not the Swiss government he was protesting, but more the inertness and ineptness of the Tibetan leadership in not doing anything to help the situation at home and abroad.
christine victor
October 5, 2017
So much drama the CTA have done in India. Without India, they cant even have a place to stay. I was thinking what if the India chase those Tibetan out of their countries, what could have happened? Any countries will want to keep the Tibetan refugees? Especially if Dalai Lama is not around?
The CTA are so selfish.
1st manipulate own Tibetan refugees by imposed on the Dorje Shugden’s ban although H.H Dalai Lama have allowed the ban to be removed.
2nd keep silent like nothing is happened. Not even helping India who have helps them so much. Now hide like a turtle not even dare to sound.
October 9, 2017
CTA !!!! already 60 years at India, so sad to know the Tibetans in India have not improved much …. but already 60 years😱 and CTA please be respect the kindness from India, and please Fair treatment to all Tibetans have a opportunity to get the citizenship, This is very important😠
Tired of being a Tibetan
October 9, 2017
What has Lobsang Sangay done for us?
In fact most of us who are not in Tibet are treated as a second class citizen. He doesnt fight for our right and he doesnt protect us. I heard that he gets many many money from other countries but what did he do with the money? I dont see tibetan school imporving, i dont see any changes with CTA to improve our life. Why do we need CTA? They dont do anything ? We are very tired.
October 10, 2017
im tibetan but i’m fed up with my fellow tibetans sometimes. So much negative news on us. God, spirit, ban, dalilama, protest, fight, governtment never care about us, we so poor suffering everyday. I pity gorkharland issue, india treat us good, give us land and job, why our people no support india and support? strange. no grateful. India helped tibetans so much, give us ID card, must support india.
Michewa G.
October 10, 2017
Gorkharland issue really makes us reflect when u’ve helped someone, in this case, the tibetans, and when u needed help during your difficult times, u don’t expect much but at least as a human being, we must be grateful and give back. Giving morally support or issue an official statement to support the india, doesn’t cost u a single cent, lobsang sangye! Being so ungrateful and watch india went into fight with nepal, what does u get? India gave u land, protection, jobs, income, identity, rights, what more do u want? Come on, be a human. India is your good friend and not enemy.
Bylakuppe C
October 11, 2017
You can see in the comment of this Youtube video how Tibetans are ungrateful, greedy and nasty. The Indians are angry now and have a right to be angry after hosting the Tibetans for 60 years. Yet instead of being grateful, they lash back. Even calling the Indian students “COMMUNIST CHINA PAID DOGS” and other vulgarities. Very racist. Anything Tibetans don’t like, they call you a China spy or China money eating agent. Even the Indian nationals now are berated as China dogs. No wonder Indians are protesting for Tibetans to go back! This is happening while the Dalai Lama is alive for after he passes, it will completely degenerate and the Indians will take action and expel the ungrateful refugees.
Tashi Delhi
October 11, 2017
We all know Dalai Lama does not want independence for Tibet but autonomy. All Rangzen fighting Tibetans are going against the Dalai Lama. They are hardcore separatists and most likely taking Chinese money to create schism. The attached Times of India article is very clear what the Dalai Lama wants. Rangzen Tibetans and activists are 100% against Dalai Lama and Tibetan nation.
Tenzin Peljor
October 12, 2017
Tibetans use India. Clearly the Tibetans don’t respect India and are actually very racist. Indians are tired of this now and want them out. Now big protests in the hundreds are happening in Arunachel Pradesh state of India demanding Tibetans go back to Tibet. The people there are tired of the Tibetans and do not welcome them anymore. After 60 years, why are the Tibetans still refugees? If they can go western country, they will go because India is NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE USERS. They put India down. They only stay in India if they cannot go to another country. They never get Indian citizenship because they want foreign citizenship. Shame. In India, they never pay taxes. They never join army to defend India. They never build hospitals, half way houses, orphanages or get money from foreign aid to help India. They never build anything for Indians and we have so many poor Indians in India. Look at the foreigner Mother Teresa how much she did for India and she did so much for Indians in Calcutta but Tibetans do nothing. Not a charitable race. Their Dalai Lama never set up orphanages, schools, soup kitchens for the poor or set up scholarship for Indians. He lived in India for 60 years and give nothing back but take and use Indian land. The Tibetans lived in India for 60 years but they contribute nothing to India. Only complain and Indians are now going to speak up. The SUMAA students said the protests against Tibetans are only beginning and there will be more.
After 60 years how can they still be refugees. They are not genuine refugees. They call themselves refugees and not get Indian passport so their Tibetan ‘government’ in Dharamsala can continue to market them to western countries and Japan to give them money. To get free money. Tibetan leaders love free money. Tibetans have big houses, nice cars and can travel to other countries. The Dalai Lama temples in Dharamsala have gold idols and gold paintings and live in very high luxury. Tibetan leaders already get money in the US billions in aid and yet they never improve. The Tibetans always say they have no opportunities in India. Why they say that? Because they are saying they are too good for India.
They say they want autonomy with China but they fly the Tibetan flag on Indian soil. If they want autonomy, they should fly the Chinese flag and show China government they are serious to sit and talk. They are always lying. They protest against China on Indian soil making problems between India and China. India is not responsible for Tibetans. Tibetans should not make China India’s enemy. Don’t be selfish. China is not India’s problem. Tibetans should solve the problems themselves.
Tibetan leaders only want money, money and more free things. They always make segregation among their people due to regional differences and religion. Look how they supress the Dorje Shugden religion and their own Dorje Shugden Tibetans cannot join in their schools or Dalai Lama’s talks and ceremonies. They treat the Dorje Shugden people like the low castes in India. Their Tibetan people cannot stand up on their own become something because their leaders want everything for free. When they go to western countries, they lose their culture, religion and language and pay a heavy price. Their children become more like the adopted country’s culture and people. Their ‘government’ in Dharamsala block them from getting Indian citizenship so they can continue using their fake refugee status to get money from the west. When India is so generous to give them citizenship, their own Tibetan minister in Dharamsala block this.
Now Indians had enough and want Tibetans to get out and go home!
SUMAA students heavily protest Part 1
SUMAA students heavily protest Part 2
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds of Indians want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Indian SUMAA leaders demanding state government to revoke refugee privileges for Tibetans
And alternative videos:
SUMAA students heavily protest
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Heavy protest in the hundreds by Indians for Tibetans to get out of India
Tenzin Peljor
October 12, 2017
Tibetans use India, it is a clear fact. They don’t respect India and are actually very racist. Indians are tired of this now and want them out. Now big protests in the hundreds are happening in Arunachal Pradesh state of India demanding Tibetans go back to Tibet. The people there are tired of the Tibetans and do not welcome them anymore. After 60 years, why are the Tibetans still refugees? If they can go western country, they will go because India is NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE USERS. They put India down. They only stay in India if they cannot go to another country. They never get Indian citizenship because they want foreign citizenship. Shame. In India, they never pay taxes. They never join army to defend India. They never build hospitals, half way houses, orphanages or get money from foreign aid to help India. They never build anything for Indians and we have so many poor Indians in India. Look at the foreigner Mother Teresa how much she did for India and she did so much for Indians in Calcutta but Tibetans do nothing. Not a charitable race. Their Dalai Lama never set up orphanages, schools, soup kitchens for the poor or set up scholarship for Indians. He lived in India for 60 years and give nothing back but take and use Indian land. The Tibetans lived in India for 60 years but they contribute nothing to India. Only complain and Indians are now going to speak up. The SUMAA students said the protests against Tibetans are only beginning and there will be more.
After 60 years how can they still be refugees. They are not genuine refugees. They call themselves refugees and not get Indian passport so their Tibetan ‘government’ in Dharamsala can continue to market them to western countries and Japan to give them money. To get free money. Tibetan leaders love free money. Tibetans have big houses, nice cars and can travel to other countries. The Dalai Lama temples in Dharamsala have gold idols and gold paintings and live in very high luxury. Tibetan leaders already get money in the US billions in aid and yet they never improve. The Tibetans always say they have no opportunities in India. Why they say that? Because they are saying they are too good for India.
They say they want autonomy with China but they fly the Tibetan flag on Indian soil. If they want autonomy, they should fly the Chinese flag and show China government they are serious to sit and talk. They are always lying. They protest against China on Indian soil making problems between India and China. India is not responsible for Tibetans. Tibetans should not make China India’s enemy. Don’t be selfish. China is not India’s problem. Tibetans should solve the problems themselves.
Tibetan leaders only want money, money and more free things. They always make segregation among their people due to regional differences and religion. Look how they supress the Dorje Shugden religion and their own Dorje Shugden Tibetans cannot join in their schools or Dalai Lama’s talks and ceremonies. They treat the Dorje Shugden people like the low castes in India. Their Tibetan people cannot stand up on their own become something because their leaders want everything for free. When they go to western countries, they lose their culture, religion and language and pay a heavy price. Their children become more like the adopted country’s culture and people. Their ‘government’ in Dharamsala block them from getting Indian citizenship so they can continue using their fake refugee status to get money from the west. When India is so generous to give them citizenship, their own Tibetan minister in Dharamsala block this.
Now Indians had enough and want Tibetans to get out and go home!
SUMAA students heavily protest Part 1
SUMAA students heavily protest Part 2
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds of Indians want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Indian SUMAA leaders demanding state government to revoke refugee privileges for Tibetans
And alternative videos:
SUMAA students heavily protest
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Heavy protest in the hundreds by Indians for Tibetans to get out of India
October 14, 2017
Perhaps there is a karmic reason why the Tibetans leadership was being evicted in the first place. It is appalling to witness the unsatisfactory character of Tibetan in exile leaders who exhibit racism, corruption, greediness and taking advantage of the western donors. If they were left to their device and rule over the land of Tibet, more people would suffer. Maybe it is the protectors’ way to quarantine the damage.

October 14, 2017
Within the Tibetan communities in India, there is no free speech and how Tibetans insult each other and would even insult foreigners by calling them Chinese agents just because you speak up and this is suppose to silence you. All of this began with the Tibetan CTA. Nonetheless, there are a handful of Tibetans who had enough and they dare to speak the truth and in this case, Tenpa Yarphel speaks against Nechung and veiled statements about the Shugden ban –
And then there are people who would oppose his view by shaving his head. Very silly.
Lionel Tashi
October 16, 2017
CTA is indeed very selfish. Everything that they do is just for their personal gain.
Indian Government is the one who open their arms for Tibetan since year 1959, and establish the Tibetan settlements in India. But CTA do nothing to repay them when Indian Government need support and help.
I could not imagine when one day H.H. Dalai Lama pass away, i do not think Indian Government will continue to give CTA support, because all these years Indian Government provide many thing to CTA out of respect to H.H. Dalai Lama.