Removing Curses and Negativity
This opinion piece has been extracted from the DorjeShugden.com forum. Please add to the discussions on the forum if you have further perspectives, comments and thoughts. We always welcome debate and exchange. The original thread can be viewed at http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=767 Question Does anyone here know how to remove curses and negativity from places…

The Lineage
Introduction As emanations of the Wisdom Buddha, every incarnation that arose before Dorje Shugden manifested was a fully Enlightened Being. Each incarnation contributed greatly towards the growth of Dharma throughout the Buddhist world. Dorje Shugden’s lineage of incarnations includes past great Mahasiddhas (highly attained practitioners), renowned Buddhist scholars, monastics of high moral discipline and outstanding…

Introduction to Dorje Shugden
Dorje Shugden is an Enlightened Being, an emanation of the Buddha of Wisdom, Manjushri. He arose as a Dharma Protector 350 years ago in order to best safeguard the precious teachings of the Second Buddha known as Lama Tsongkhapa, to benefit all sentient beings. During the degenerate times we live in and due to our…

INFORMATION: Urgyen Trinley Dorje
This article about the Karmapa Urgyen Trinley Dorje is featured on our website purely as background information to this article, which compares the Karmapa controversy with that of the Dorje Shugden issue. DorjeShugden.com does not wish to comment on which is the “correct” Karmapa, understanding that this is an internal affair of the Karma Kagyu…

INFORMATION: 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
This article about the Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje is featured on our website purely as background information to this article, which compares the Karmapa controversy with that of the Dorje Shugden issue. DorjeShugden.com does not wish to comment on which is the “correct” Karmapa, understanding that this is an internal affair of the Karma Kagyu…

Dorje Shugden History: Dorje Shugden and Vajrayana
Sources: SA: Dreyfus, Georges (1998). The Shuk-den Affair: History and Nature of a Quarrel. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (JIABS), 21. 2, 227-270. BB1: Guru Deva Rinpoche, ed. (1984). ‘Jam mgon Bstan srung rgyal chen Rdo rje shugs ldan rtsal gyi be bum: the collected rituals for performing all tasks through the…

Dorje Shugden History: Among Shugden Texts
by Trinley Kalsang Dorje Shugden is a protector deity (srung ma) who came to be propitiated principally by the Sakya and Gelug sects starting in the 17th and 18th centuries. Since that time a legacy of rituals, historical works and art have been dedicated to the practice of this deity. Although there are many texts…

Four Faced Mahakala
Who is he? Known as the ‘Great Black One’ in Sanskrit or Chaturmukha, Four Faced Mahakala is an emanation of the Buddha of Wisdom, Manjushri. He is popularly known to be able to quash our obstacles arising from ignorance and anger. Being an enlightened Dharma Protector, he has been propitiated by many great masters including…

The History and Significance of the Dharmapalas
‘Dharmapala’ – hoary Sanskrit from India, terra firma giving birth to the Vedas;’ The End of All Knowledge’, innumerable deities, home of the Ganges river and Buddha The Awakened One – means “…guardian of the teachings” Variously, the term is also used to mean defenders or protectors of the law of the ‘Diamond Vehicle’….

A Teaching on Dharmapalas, from a Kagyu Perspective
by Choje Lama Namse Rinpoche Dharmapalas, Chos-skyong – “Protectors Lama Namse Rinpoche was born in Tsurphu, Tibet in 1930 and became a monk at the age of fifteen. He studied the Tibetan religious language, etymology, grammar, poetry, all major Hinayana and Mahayana texts and commentaries, as well as the philosophy of the various Buddhist schools…

Nagarjuna’s Life, Legend and Works
Precious little is known about the actual life of the historical Nagarjuna. The two most extensive biographies of Nagarjuna, one in Chinese and the other in Tibetan, were written many centuries after his life and incorporate much lively but historically unreliable material which sometimes reaches mythic proportions. However, from the sketches of historical detail and…

Guru Devotion by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave this teaching at Aryatara Institute, Germany, 7 April 2001 Every one of us has universal responsibility. If you have a good heart, loving kindness-compassion, then in your daily life, numberless living beings, including the people around you, animals, insects, in fact, all other living beings, do not receive harm from you….

The Gaden Tripas
The History of Gaden Tripas Throne holders of Tsongkhapa and Supreme Head of the Gelugpa School of Buddhism The Ganden Tripa or Gaden Tripa (tib. dGa’-ldan Khri-pa) (“Holder of the Gaden Throne”) is the title of the spiritual leader of the Gelug (Dge-lugs) school of Tibetan Buddhism, the school which controlled central Tibet from the…

Wisdom from an Old Lady
For ninety-nine years, I have worked for the benefit of beings. now this work is almost complete. I will not take birth again in this human realm in a physical form, nor will I leave behind any remains or relics. But my emanations in the world will be innumerable; and many will recognize them. They…

Non-violence in Tibetan Culture
A Glimpse at How Tibetans View and Practice Non-violence in Politics and Daily Life Excerpted from: Larson, Zachary. (2000) Nonviolence in Tibetan Culture: A glimpse at how Tibetans view and practice nonviolence in politics and daily life. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin. Chapter One: The Continuing Tradition of Meat Consumption in Tibetan Culture Tibet: the “Last…

Offerings by Panchen Otrul Rinpoche
Offerings are the formal religious expression of the fundamental Buddhist virtue of giving. The perfection of giving, dana-paramita in Sanskrit, is first of the six or ten perfections. It encompasses every kind of generosity, whether it involves a gift to those higher than ourselves, such as deities in the merit field, or the poor or…

Je Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principal Aspects of the Path”
by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Translated by Lobsang Jordhen & edited by Jeremy Russell His Holiness gave this teaching at the request of a group of students from France in the main temple at Thekchen Choling in the Autumn of 1989 Today I am going to explain the Three Principal Aspects of the Path….

The Two Truths by Denma Lochö Rinpoche
Denma Lochö Rinpoche, the ex-abbot of Namgyal, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s monastery in Dharamsala, India, taught for two weeks at Root Institute in Bodhgaya, India December 1995. Here is an extract. Translated by Ven Gareth Sparham I have been asked to give a talk on the Two Truths: the conventional or surface level of…

History of Various Gelugpa Monasteries
1. Ganden Monastery In 1409, Tsongkhapa instituted the Great Prayer Festival (sMon-lam chen-mo) at the Lhasa Jokang Temple (Lha-sa Jo-khang, Jokhang). Afterwards, his disciples, concerned about the effect of constant travel on their teacher’s health, offered to build him a monastery at any site of his choice. Tsongkhapa accepted and chose Drogri Mountain (‘Brog ri-bo-che), approximately…

Advice by His Holiness Kyabje Ling Rinpoche
Given at the conclusion of the Yamantaka initiation, Enlightened Experience Celebration, Dharamsala, 24 April 1982. Translated and clarified by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, Dharamsala, June 1982. From the Report on the first Enlightened Experience Celebration in Bodh Gaya and Dharamsala, India. January-June 1982. If, after receiving an initiation, you practice well, you can become like…

Various Aspects of Tantra by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
The Relationship between Buddhist Tantra and Hindu Tantra Translated by Gavin Kilty. Prepared by Michael Lewis. Printed in From Tushita, edited and published by Michael Hellbach, Tushita Editions, 1977. Although some scholars have maintained that Buddhist tantra was derived from Hinduism, this is not correct. The theory, prevalent among those who adhere to the tenets…