No Democracy: When Snow Lions Become Lambs
By: Mar Nee The transcript: A question from the audience in brief summary: Tashi Delek, regarding the understanding of Tibet issue more elaborately, I would like to know what you are thinking when one of the Parliament members (not mentioning his name for various reasons) said His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s working on the middle…

Hidden Dragon Behind The CTA
By: Shashi Kei Since the exodus of the Tibetans from their homeland in 1959, China has always been thought of by all Tibetans as the archenemy. In the 1980s, the Dalai Lama travelled the globe extensively and, at every opportunity, lobbied strongly for Tibet’s self rule. There was no doubt that China was seen by…

The Tulku System is Crucial for the Lineage to Endure
Reincarnation is an important fundamental belief in Buddhism just as karma is a driving factor. Probably the best authority to reinforce the existence of reincarnation is the Buddha himself, as he developed retro-cognitive powers and recalled all of his past lives. Just like all sentient beings, the Buddha, born as Prince Siddharta, had lived as…

A Teaching by Dorje Shugden, Losar 2013
Dorje Shugden, the uncommon protector of the Gaden lineage, has been famed for upholding the sacred lineage of the great tricosmic master Lama Tsongkhapa. One of the special qualities of this great protector is that he gives teachings of the Dharma for he is an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom, as well as…

Religious Apartheid in Tibetan Communities
By: Mar Nee The Loseling Altruistic Medical Association (LAMA) is a charitable medical association registered with the government of Karnataka, India. This medical association runs Loseling Clinic, at Drepung Loseling Monastery, which is supposed to provide healthcare to all Tibetans, both ordained and lay. It also conducts free medical camps in remote villages, and aims…

Democracy or Division
By: Shashi Kei The world has always thought of the Tibetan Cause as a nation’s fight for freedom and democracy. It is therefore to be expected that the Tibetan government in exile (Central Tibetan Administration, CTA) would be operating under a democratic system today and ever ready to extend that philosophy of government to Tibet…

A Demon Worshipper’s Throne In Ganden?
By: Shashi Kei Tsongkhapa’s Legacy If there is anywhere in the world where the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Sangha are expected to converge, it would be in the sacred monasteries, for it is the monastery where we would retreat to in our renunciation of all things samsaric and pursue a life of Dharma, in…

Highest Peaks to Lowest Gutters by Jamyang Norbu
Jamyang Norbu (http://www.jamyangnorbu.com/) is a Tibetan political activist and writer, currently living in the United States, having previously lived for over 40 years as a Tibetan exile in India. Taken from: http://www.jamyangnorbu.com/blog/2013/05/07/highest-peaks-to-lowest-gutters/ In a somewhat lame effort to divert attention away from the widening discussions on the Dharamshala instigated attacks on TYC and Chushigangdruk, some…

The CTA Violates Its Own Constitution
By: Shashi Kei On September 2, 1960, the year after the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet into India, His Holiness declared a democracy for the Tibetan people in exile. It was an important landmark after centuries of theocratic feudalism dominated the social and political landscape of the Himalayan nation. The Dalai Lama’s declaration had wide…

Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
The Tibetan Government being held by mostly uneducated and unexposed group of individuals who did not perform well unfortunately. Even if they had the intent, they cannot perform beyond their lack of exposure to the outside world and more advanced forms of governments. Their corruptions and self-serving attitudes brought down the last ‘Shangri-la’ in the…

H.H. Trijang Rinpoche Consecrates Amarbayasgalant Monastery in Mongolia
By: Mar Nee DorjeShugden.com rejoices to see these photos of the consecration of Amarbayasgalant Monastery by H.H. Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche in 2011 – yet another definite sign of His Holiness beginning to turn the wheel of Dharma from a young age in this current incarnation. Amarbayasgalant Monastery, also known as the Monastery of Tranquil Felicity,…

Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk’s Car “Accident”
Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk from Sera Mey was a prominent Geshe who spread the Buddha Dharma and Dorje Shugden practice all over Tibet. He was born in 1928 and entered Sera Mey Monastery to be a monk when he was 16 years old. From humble beginnings, he became an unexcelled scholar, debater and had innumerable students…

A Holy Trinity: Trijang Rinpoche, Dorje Shugden and Setrap
By: Mar Nee We are very glad to share this beautiful, heart-warming image of H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche, sitting near a thangka that features both Protectors Dorje Shugden and Setrap. Lift up your hearts and rejoice to see that the incarnation of one of our principal lineage lamas is continuing and promoting the very same…

Divine Friends: The Karmapa and Trijang Rinpoche
By: Mar Nee H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is among the most prominent and important teachers of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, responsible for bringing almost all the teachings of this lineage out of Tibet in the late 1950s. It would be safe to say that almost every Gelug practitioner in the world today can…

Thupten Jinpa Prostrates to his Guru’s Throne
By: Mar Nee Anyone who has followed the teachings and travels of H.H. the Dalai Lama in the last few decades would know of Thubten Jinpa, his trusted, devoted and learned translator who has earned much accolade and respect himself. But behind the scenes of this beautiful, long friendship between the world’s most famous Tibetan…

Four Important Videos
Dear Dharma Friends, As we all know, Tibet is well known throughout the world for its deep spiritual tradition, its beautiful religion of Buddhism and the many thousands of great lamas who have arisen from the Himalayas. One such lama who is now famous throughout the world is H.H. Trijang Rinpoche. Almost every teacher in…

Becoming a Divine Messenger: How Oracles are Created
This article, extracted from the DorjeShugden.com forum, was written in response to a question posted about how someone is chosen to become an oracle. Question: How does a Lama pick a person to become an oracle? What are the criteria? Does anyone know and can a layperson also be chosen to be an…

Rabgyä Rinpoche Celebrates His 25th Birthday
“This manifestation of the Buddha has no equal. If you are really determined to tame your mind, he will even give you his heart.” Geshe Rabten about Gyalchen Dorje Shugden Just before the end of last year, the young incarnation of Geshe Rabten, now known as Ven. Tenzin Rabgyä Rinpoche, celebrated his 25th…

Zava Damdin Rinpoche Turns the Wheel of Dharma
By: Shashi Kei As the Buddhadharma grows in all 10 directions of the world, we rejoice to hear recent news of the Dharma activity of Mongolian Zava Damdin Rinpoche, who is bringing the teachings not just to his native country of Mongolia but also to the West. Recently, Zava Damdin Rinpoche visited Rabten Choedarling Monastery…

Caught Between a Rock and Hard Place
It might be surprising for many to realize that in this day and age, we still find religious discrimination in what is commonly regarded as one of the most peaceful, progressive and compassionate religions of the world – Buddhism. Ironically, Tibetan Buddhism has also become the center of a most hotly contested contemporary religious issue,…

Why is Nechung reluctant to speak?
By: Mar Nee Nechung, the state oracle of Tibet who the Dalai Lama and his ministers have relied on for hundreds of years, seems to be withdrawing from his place of prominence. While the Dalai Lama has relied on him throughout incarnations and the Tibetan government have looked to him for some of the most…

Dorje Shugden in the Hands of H.H. Trijang Rinpoche
We thank our forum members for posting these precious pictures. We have included this in our articles for longevity’s sake. On the occasion of H.H. Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche’s birthday celebrations in October 2012, at H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche’s Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre in Italy, H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche offered a stunning depiction of our holy protector Dorje…

Get your copy of Modern Buddhism here!
A reader of DorjeShugden.com recently wrote to us saying that meeting Geshe Kelsang Gyatso changed his life. In his sincere comment, he drew our attention to this free eBook provided by the New Kadampa Tradition which he says includes “the entire path of sutra and tantra”. We wish to share the work of this attained…

Dalai Lama Will Stop Condemning Dorje Shugden
DorjeShugden.com has just received groundbreaking news from the monasteries that H.H. the Dalai Lama will stop openly condemning the practice of Dorje Shugden. From 30 November – 13 December 2012, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama gave 14 days of Lamrim teachings at Gaden and Drepung Monasteries in south India. Commentaries included Atisha’s Lamp for the…

Current Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche Conducts Dorje Shugden puja
Reincarnation is the process where our mindstream leaves our old body and enters a new body. There are many components necessary for this process in order for us to obtain a new body ready to continue our previous lives’ legacies. However, in the case of highly attained beings like Trijang Rinpoche, the process is as…

Trijang Rinpoche Confers Initiation in Europe
All of us at DorjeShugden.com are very happy and excited to share with you these momentous videos of H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche’s recent teaching tour in Europe. These are the first videos we have of the young Trijang Rinpoche beginning to turn the wheel of Dharma again, and are very happy to share the opportunity…

A Weekend Dharma Celebration
While Losar festivities kick off in the Tibetan communities around the world and another year begins, practitioners throughout America celebrate in their own way to bring the blessings of Dharma to thousands. We rejoice to hear that centers of the New Kadampa Tradition will be organizing a grand Dharma Celebration weekend in February 2013, in…

Double Blessings
For 30 years of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s life, he received countless teachings, commentaries, initiations, oral transmissions, explanations and advice from his Junior Tutor, the incomparable Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Many of the lineages that H.H. the Dalai Lama carries and disseminates in the world today come to us directly from him, which originally…

The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery
We have recently come to hear of the opening of a new Dorje Shugden monastery in Tao Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan, opened under the spiritual guidance of H.E. the 13th Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche, the Guru of Gadenpa Buddhism Center. Daknak Genden Lhundup Ling was opened in October 2012 and is known to be an institution that…

How Five Powerful Lamas Are Changing the World
A recent series of teachings given by Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche at Rabten Choeling Monastery in Switzerland saw the powerful convergence of some of the world’s most eminent, influential Gelug lamas today. Among the many photos of Lama Jampa Ngodup’s visit, the writers of DorjeShugden.com were especially taken by this heart-warming image of five of…

Trijang Rinpoche’s Personal Dorje Shugden Statue
We are very happy to share this rare spiritual treat with all our readers! This highly potent and blessed statue of Dorje Shugden was kept in the private bedroom of His Holiness the previous Trijang Rinpoche. His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche kept Dorje Shugden near him and by him throughout his life. They shared a very…

In Rumtek, a Generation of Buddhist Monks Loses Hope
By ANJANI TRIVEDI, The New York Times, January 21, 2013 RUMTEK, Sikkim (India) — In their 13th year of waiting for their spiritual leader, the Tibetan Buddhist monks at a mountainside monastery in Sikkim are starting to give up hope. “Our hearts have fallen – the master isn’t coming,” said Karma Yeshi, a monk and…

Are You Friends with a Shugden Practitioner?
This unusual, rare photo of H.E. Ling Rinpoche and H.H. 101ST Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal recently came into the hands of DorjeShugden.com. It has sparked our interest of course, as any images of high lamas do. This photo is a little more special though for it’s not just a picture about two lamas. Of greater…

How Can There be Violence in Paradise?
By: Proteus Quay For a religion known for encouraging peace, tolerance and kindness, and for discouraging harm, it is especially sad to hear of violent disruptions in Buddhism. In recent decades especially, several unfortunate political controversies within the Tibetan refugee communities in India have arisen from and involved the religious schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Sadly,…

The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
By: Mar Nee In December 2012, Lama Jampa Ngodup Wangchuk Rinpoche became the first Tibetan lama to be appointed by the Chinese Government to travel on an official trip abroad to give Dharma teachings in Switzerland. He was even received by officials of the Chinese consulate in Zurich upon his arrival. Lama Jampa Ngodup is…

Caught in the Middle
By: TK One of the most difficult situations that has arisen from the ban on Dorje Shugden is that of Buddhist practitioners having to literally choose between their Gurus. In many cases, monks and lay practitioners have one Guru (such as the Dalai Lama) who has instructed them to stop the practice of Dorje Shugden…

Just a Matter of Time…
By: TK In the future, after the HH the Dalai Lama has passed away, there is only one direction the Dorje Shugden practice, lineage and practitioners can go: up. Whatever the Dalai Lama has said and done ‘against’ Shugden is only temporary. He has made Shugden famous and he continues to do so by keeping…

The Ban Has Made Us Stronger
By: TK There is more frequent news coming from Tibet and China these days that monasteries are practicing Dorje Shugden and lamas are bestowing initiations (sogtae) to practitioners there. From just one Geshe initiating so many people, many more will practice. The practitioners themselves will then initiate even more people and so on. This trend…

True Harmony or a Change of Tune?
His Holiness spoke on Religious Harmony and Dorje Shugden at Drepung Loseling Monastery in Mundgod, India, during a Lamrim teaching on December 9, 2012. Please refer especially to 21.00 minutes of the video onwards. A translated summary of what the Dalai Lama says can be found under the video. A translated summary of video above,…

The Karmapas and the Forbidden Buddha
One of the most contested issues within Tibetan Buddhism is that of the recognition of the 17th Karmapa, the spiritual head of the Karma Kagyus sect. This has been a central dividing factor within the Karma Kagyus, which has since split into two divisions – each following one of the two Karmapas. First, a bit…