Princeton: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
Two days after demonstrating in Birmingham, Shugdenpas from both the International Shugden Community and and the local Tibetan community followed the Dalai Lama to his next teaching venue in Princeton University…

Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shugden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at DorjeShugden.com have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014. Since its conception, we have spent millions of dollars and countless…

Birmingham: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
During his recent two-day teachings in Birmingham, Alabama, the Dalai Lama was met with hundreds of Tibetan and Western Shugden practitioners from the International Shugden Community, demanding that the Dalai Lama lift the ban on Dorje Shugden…

Vancouver: Peaceful Demonstration Coverage
The International Shugden Community is once again on the move, this time taking the peaceful demonstrations to Vancouver, Canada during the Dalai Lama’s teachings from 21-23 October 2014…

Attack on Dorje Shugden Followers
October 20, 2014 Press Release DALAI LAMA AND HIS FOLLOWERS BEEF UP ATTACK ON DORJE SHUGDEN FOLLOWERS 1. By attacking physically and trying to eliminate the followers of Dorje Shugden. 2. By bribing and convincing people to not follow Dorje Shugden. 3. Trying to divide Shugden followers and get them to infiltrate and divide by…

Gaden Khachoe Shing, USA
Between October 3 to October 5, 2014, Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche graced the opening of Venerable Kuten (Choijin) Lama’s monastery. Known as Gaden Khachoe Shing, the new monastery is located in Bloomington, Indiana (USA) on 150 acres of land. The opening was also graced by some of the most eminent lamas of the Gelug lineage…

US Vice Consul visits Shar Gaden
Due to the recent spate of violent attacks against Shugden practitioners, some lamas in Shar Gaden have been very concerned about the monastery’s safety and security. In the past year, the monastery has seen an attack on one of their elderly monks, and the takeover of one of the lama’s ladrangs. Thus the lamas contacted…

A Guide to Spiritual Practice
Spiritual practice can be incorporated into our daily lives. Many of these practices are readily available and establishing a consistent routine of study and practice ensures our progress along the spiritual path…

Geshe Lhundub Sopa speaks about Shugden
Before delving into Geshe Sopa’s views, one will come to appreciate his views even more when we understand how eminent this master is and how much His Holiness the Dalai Lama respects him, to write such a glowing foreword and tribute to this great master. The following is but a brief overview of Geshe Sopa’s…

No South African visa for the Dalai Lama
By: Kay Beswick In an embarrassing turn of events for the Tibetan leadership, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been denied a visa to South Africa for the third time in five years. His Holiness was due to attend a summit of Nobel Peace prize winners to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the end of…

Samdhong Rinpoche and the CTA Scam
It has been 55 years since the Tibetan people became victims of a conflict that engulfed their lives and displaced them from their homes. Since then, the people have been hit by wave after wave of disappointments with the likelihood of them regaining their independence nowhere in sight…

Appreciation Letters
We are humbled and honored to receive the support and approval of Shar Ganden Monastery, one of the two great Dorje Shugden institutions in South India. We thank you for your encouragement and we will continue our efforts to peacefully bring down the ban on Lord Dorje Shugden’s practice…

Dalai Lama Recognizes the Bön
A casual comparative study of the Bön and Buddhist religions would immediately reveal that Bön does not qualify as a proper object of refuge, at least not according to Buddhist principles, Tibetan or otherwise…

An Offering of Mahamudra
Recently, one of the most honored Gelugpa lineage masters, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, presented 500 copies of ‘The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra’ to the monks of Shar Ganden Monastery…

Activities and Events at Shugden Centres Around the World – October 2014
Awesome programmes of Je Tsongkapa’s tradition are lined up for October 2014 around the world. Here are some of the outstanding ones…

The Five Causes That Will Bring Down The Ban
The heat is on. While the International Shugden Community’s ongoing protests for the Dalai Lama to lift the Dorje Shugden ban is getting the most attention, there are four other powerful, unstoppable rivers that are flowing into the walls of the ban, slowly but surely bringing it down…

Dharma Demystified: Nagarjuna, the Founder of the Mahayana Tradition
According to scriptural sources, Nagarjuna was born to a Brahmin family from the ancient kingdom of Vidarbha in the southern part of India. Upon being presented with the newborn baby, the soothsayer observed auspicious signs of a holy being but also made an ominous prediction that the baby would not live past the seventh day…

The Ban Matters To Me
In the past, I would never hesitate to explain Dorje Shugden’s practice to those who wish to know more. But with the ban enforced by the Dalai Lama, it makes sharing of this wonderful Dharma Protector’s practice very difficult…

La Storia Illustrata di Dorje Shugden (Dorje Shugden – An Illustrated Story in Italian)
Adesso chiunque potrà viaggiare indietro nel tempo per capire come unincomparabile Lama sia nato allo scopo di diventare un Protettore straordinario…

Four Days of Purification with H.E. Daknak Rinpoche in Taiwan
Recently, H.E. the 14th Daknak Rinpoche presided over a four-day puja: a one-day Yamantaka peaceful Fire Puja and a three-day Medicine Buddha Puja. Highly respected in Taiwan, Daknak Rinpoche’s great dedication and hard work eventually led to the founding of the Daknak Genden Lhundup Monastery…

CTA Defends Shugden Hit List
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) finally defended its decision to publicize its own list of Shugden protesters in an official press release. It fallaciously pointed out that the names and pictures of the protesters were already in the public domain…

Definitive Proof of the Ban and Discrimination against Dorje Shugden
DorjeShugden.com has compiled a never-seen-before collection of official letters, documents, threats, and other forms of evidence that proves that the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice does exist, was enforced, and that Dorje Shugden practitioners are discriminated against and segregated as a result…

Tugs Bayasgalant Nunnery
In Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, the Tugs Bayasgalant Nunnery faithfully remains loyal to the practice of Dorje Shugden. Established in 1990, the temple was built with great perseverance through a ten-year of struggle, and is now maintained and operated by a group of Mongolian women and lay nuns who have strong faith and devotion to Dorje Shugden…

Cracks Show in Tibetan Buddhism
There is no doubt that the conflict over Dorje Shugden will continue to haunt the Dalai Lama well into the future, unless he somehow reconciles himself with the Shugden followers…

Trijang Rinpoche in Mongolia 2014
HH the current Trijang Rinpoche, after repeated requests, has compassionately accepted the multiple invitations to Mongolia. For centuries, Mongolia has been a traditional stronghold of Buddhism and Tsongkhapa’s doctrine. You can see Tsongkhapa’s images and the monks of the tradition dotted all over the country. HH Trijang Rinpoche being one of the highest tulkus of…

Why Manjushri Matters
Throughout time immemorial since the advent of Buddhism, Manjushri has manifested in many forms both celestial and mortal, animate and inanimate, to guide all sentient beings out of the cycle of transmigration. He has taken on the form of Bodhisattvas, Mahasiddhas and even an ordinary peasant, as if in a drama to suit the propensities of each and every individual…

Dharma Demystified: The Enthronement of Dorje Shugden
The enthronement prayer seals the merits of Dorje Shugden’s presence and blessings in a particular location, image or practitioner’s life. It is also a request for Dorje Shugden to reside in a particular location, thus blessing the place and dispelling various negativities and interferences…

Press Release: Tibetan Democracy Day
September 2nd is Tibetan Democracy Day. Unfortunately, there is not any Tibetan Democracy. The XIV Dalai Lama has personally made democracy within the Tibetan community an impossible achievement. The declarations against the International Shugden Community prove that Tibetan Democracy is a farce…

Press Release from Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association
A meeting of all worshipers of Dorje Shugden was held at Ghum Dung Gon Samten Choaling Monastery on the 21st of August 2014. The administrator of Samten Choaling Monastery, Ghe Tshering La welcomed the guests who had arrived from all over the country…

Of Dorje Shugden and Mongolia
Without the Dalai Lama’s political influence in Mongolia, the practice of Dorje Shugden in Mongolia is thriving and well. It is estimated that the majority religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism at 53%…

The Benefits of Dorje Shugden’s Puja
Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden is an essential protector for this era. At the most basic level, Dorje Shugden is able to solve various supernatural disturbances that one may encounter, such as spirit disturbances, sorcery or negative energy…

True Spiritual Leadership: Karmapa vs Dalai Lama
On 11 June 2014, the world lost a light when news of the passing of Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche Mepham Chokyi Lodro surfaced. Devotees from all around the world mourned and prepared for the final rites of H.H the 14th Shamarpa, which the late master himself had indicated should be performed in Nepal…

Hamburg: Peaceful Demonstration Coverage
23 – 26 August 2014 marks the second time in 2014 that the International Shugden Community (ISC) has held a peaceful demonstration in Germany, to appeal to the Dalai Lama to lift his ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice. As always, DorjeShugden.com brings you the latest photos, videos and media coverage of this peaceful protest by dedicated Shugden practitioners…

Sera Mey’s Actions Confirms Shugden Lies
The once-great monastic university Sera Mey betrayed its core principle of upholding the truth, and began to expel its own monks whom it could not coerce into being disloyal to their gurus and Dharma protector. Whatever values its founder bestowed onto this great university was expensed to secure a convenient but immoral place on the politically correct side of the Dalai Lama…

Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche leads Vajra Yogini Fire Puja
The world is watching the activities of H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche, full of expectation that he will continue the great work of his predecessor, Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang. Most recently, Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche led a Vajra Yogini retreat and fire puja in TBI from 28th June to the 27th July…

Don’t Enroll Your Children in Shugden Monasteries
In the video, one will witness firsthand the Dalai Lama firmly discouraging parents from sending their children to Dorje Shugden monasteries. The Dalai Lama clearly states that Dorje Shugden practitioners are against the Dalai Lama (although it is in fact the Dalai Lama who created this standoff against Shugden practitioners) and implies that Dorje Shugden monks use fraud and deceit to recruit new monks…

Activities and Events at Shugden Centres Around the World – September 2014
September 2014 is another exciting month to immerse yourself in discovering the teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa’s tradition, in events conducted by Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and Dharma Centers around the world led by Dorje Shugden teachers…

CTA, Stop Irritating China
It is clear from recent events that wherever the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala) does not have a strong influence, there is harmony and Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage is able to thrive in its most traditional form. In Tibet, where the CTA is not able to influence the local population, Dorje Shugden’s…

Radio Free Asia – Biased Reporting
Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a not-for-profit corporation aimed at providing “information to people living under repressive regimes in Asia”. Based out of Washington, USA, the service broadcasts in several languages and they are known in Tibetan communities for reporting current events within Tibet and the Tibetan diaspora. Their Tibetan Service however, has mostly skirted…