Four Very Important Questions
Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to you to draw your attention to a most important issue within the Tibetan Buddhist community. This is not about any Free Tibet issues. This is something even more important about the freedom of people within the Tibetan community and among each other. It is well known that…

Shamar Rinpoche says that Dorje Shugden practitioners’ protests are effective
As the American playwright and social activist, Howard Zinn once said, “”Protest…is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it.” In fact in many instances, public protest is the only way to hold a bad government accountable for their wrongdoings. Zinn’s words are resonant of an important advice by Martin Luther King…

What’s the similarity between Sharmapa and Shugden’s dilemma?
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and CTA (formerly known as Tibetan Government-in-exile in Dharamsala) did not support the integrity and choice of the chosen Karmapa recognized by His Eminence Sharmapa Rinpoche. The Karma Kagyu leaders for centuries have the full right to choose and recognize the immaculate line of Karmapa incarnations according to their traditions…

The 17th Karmapa against the ban of Dorje Shugden
In an article in isikkim.com, the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje implies that he is against the ban of Dorje Shugden, so is his mentor Sharmapa Rinpoche, see the highlighted parts in red below: Dalai Lama overstepped his authority in Rumtek controversy: Karmapa Thaye Dorje Source: http://isikkim.com/2012-02-dalai-lama-overstepped-his-authority-in-rumtek-controversy-karmapa-thaye-dorje-05-03/ (Admin: the latest check found that this article…

Dorje Shugden practitioners excluded in Sarnath
Courtesy of Lineageholder from the forum: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1676.0 As you can see, Shugden practitioners are excluded from the Gelugpa monastery in Sarnarth, the place where Buddha first turned the Wheel of Dharma for the whole world. It’s shockingly open discrimination in a holy place. Dharma is for everyone, but not according to the Gelugpa monastery there….

Drepung Shugden Dramas
Drepung has not been quiet during the whole Shugden fiasco. Please check the old posts. But for now, I include a few: The current abbot of Drepung Loseling is Drayab Thobthen Rinpoche is a powerful Shugden practitioner of many lives. He has gone underground with his practice. Another young Tulku named Gongkar Rinpoche in his…

Is Dorje Shugden a Demon or a Buddha?
There are many who argue about the state of Dorje Shugden. Traditionalists, consisting of high lamas who received the practice from their masters consider Dorje Shugden an enlightened being, a Buddha on the basis that some of the most eminent Buddhist teachers of the century practice them, and also on the past reincarnations of Dorje…

Refutation of Stephen Schettini
Refutation of Stephen Schettini by Beggar, the parts in black was written by Stephen Schettini, and refuted by Beggar in RED. What saddens me is that so many strong minds are preoccupied with defending or attacking an invisible spirit rather than honing the skeptical empiricism to which the Buddha dedicated his life. The Dorje Shugden…

Lama Zopa Received Dorje Shugden Initiation from Trijang Rinpoche
Source 1: http://www.fpmt.org/images/stories/organization/announcements/shugden/ILTKtalk-Thirdedit.pdf Source 2: http://www.lamayeshe.com/index.php?sect=article&id=335&chid=1398 I myself took the initiation of Shugden from His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche. There were four of us. Lama Yeshe, Claudio Cipullo, Piero Cerri and myself. However, this initiation can be given to only three people at a time; there cannot be four… - Lama Zopa Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave this talk to…

Don’t throw away your Ghostbuster’s number just yet
Don’t throw away your Ghostbuster’s number just yet, now you need them more than you think. “After thorough study and research, I realised that it is harmful to follow the Shugden deity, so I stopped worshipping,” said the Dalai Lama to the gathering of around 200,000 disciples from 63 countries in Bodh Gaya in early…

Lama Zopa Worships Trijang Rinpoche’s Stupa
Video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Phari Rinpoche and Khadro la doing puja in front of Trijang Rinpoche’s stupa in Dharamsala, India His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is the irrefutable guru of the majority of great Gelug Contemporary masters. Many of the teachings His Holiness the Dalai Lama passes on now is from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche….

The Dalai Lama speaks about Dorje Shugden (again) at Kalachakra in Bodhgaya
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s talk on Dorje Shugden during the 32th Kalachakra teaching in Bodhgaya, 5 Jan 2012 Extracted from: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1571. Thank you HH Dalai Lama – for saying that it’s up to us whether we practise or not. From the article below, I’d just like to draw attention to a few points…

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Contents
Comments regarding Dorje Shugden, as extracted from the Central Tibetan Administration’s website His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden) Speech to an Audience Dominated by Tibetans from Tibet on 27 March 2006 During the Spring Teachings Speech by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to the Second Gelug Conference (Dharamsala, 6 December 2000)…

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Contents
Comments regarding Dorje Shugden, as extracted from His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s website Messages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama Messages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama regarding Dorje Shugden His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden) Speech by His Holiness – 27 March 2006 Concerning Dolgyal with Reference to the Views of…

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Messages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden)
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/his-holiness-advice)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Speech by His Holiness – 27 March 2006
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/speeches-by-his-holiness)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Historical References
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/historical-references)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Messages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama regarding Dorje Shugden
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Kashag’s Statement Concerning Dolgyal
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/kashags-statement)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: The Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ Resolutions
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/atpd-resolutions)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Resolution Passed by the Tibetan Youth Congress (1997)
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/tyc-resolution)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: The 100th Ganden Tripa (Ganden Throneholder)
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/ganden-tripa)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part II)
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/ganden-tripa/the-shugden-affair-ii)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/ganden-tripa/the-shugden-affair-i)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Violent Events
(Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/violent-events)

Dorje Shugden on DalaiLama.com: Documentary Film
Watch the video mentioned in the article: (Source: http://dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden/documentary-film)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Tweets with the Chinese People
(Source: http://tibet.net/2010/08/his-holiness-the-dalai-lama-tweets-with-the-chinese-people/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: On Mongolian New Year, His Holiness Cherishes Strong Bond Between Tibet and Mongolia
(Source: http://tibet.net/2011/01/on-mongolian-new-year-his-holiness-cherishes-strong-bond-between-tibet-and-mongolia/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: His Holiness Tweets to Chinese Netizens Queries on Tibet
(Source: http://tibet.net/2010/07/his-holiness-tweets-to-chinese-netizens-queries-on-tibet/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Political and Public Affairs
(Source: http://tibet.net/about-cta/executive/programs/political-and-public-affairs/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Make Buddha’s Teachings Relevant to Daily Life, says His Holiness
(Source: http://tibet.net/2012/06/mind-training-and-wisdom-in-manchester/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: The Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ Resolutions (June 1996)
(Source: http://tibet.net/important-issues/dolgyal-related-statements-and-resolutions/7/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Kashag’s Statement Concerning Dolgyal
(Source: http://tibet.net/important-issues/dolgyal-related-statements-and-resolutions/6/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: A talk on Dolgyal by H.H. the Dalai Lama during the course of religious teachings in Dharamsala, October 1997
(Source: http://tibet.net/important-issues/dolgyal-related-statements-and-resolutions/5/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Speech of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Second Gelug Conference
(Source: http://tibet.net/important-issues/dolgyal-related-statements-and-resolutions/4/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Speech by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to the Second Gelug Conference (Dharamsala, 6 December 2000)
(Source: http://tibet.net/important-issues/dolgyal-related-statements-and-resolutions/3/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: Speech to an Audience Dominated by Tibetans from Tibet on 27 March 2006 During the Spring Teachings
(Source: http://tibet.net/important-issues/dolgyal-related-statements-and-resolutions/2/)

Dorje Shugden on Tibet.net: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden)
(Source: http://tibet.net/2008/06/his-holiness-the-dalai-lamas-advice-concerning-dolgyal/)

Ghosts, Stephen Batchelor and the Dalai Lama
Taken from: http://truthaboutshugden.wordpress.com/tag/dorje-shugden/ The Dalai Lama is a man revered by nearly the whole world, but surely we are free to ask for clarification when we see blatant contradictions in his words and behaviors? It seems that people are so desperate to believe that this man is a great being that there immediately develops an…