Introduction to Tantra – Lama Yeshe Part 1 Chapter 1
*For more information, please visit www.LamaYeshe.com – Introduction to Tantra: In 1980, in California, Lama Yeshe gave a commentary to the Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) yoga method. This video is Lama Yeshe’s introduction to this series and constitutes a wonderful explanation of the fundamentals of tantric practice.

Discovering Buddhism: Ribur Rinpoche on Five Forces
This is an extract of Venerable Ribur Rinpoche’s teaching on the five forces. It has been extracted from the Discovering Buddhism DVD for Module 8, ‘Establishing a daily practice‘.

Rabten Choeling Le Mont Pèlerin: Rinpoche segnet
Watch this video of Gonsar Rinpoche in Rabten Choeling, Switzerland.

Rabten Choeling Le Mont Pèlerin: Begrüssung durch Rinpoche
Watch this video of Gonsar Rinpoche in Rabten Choeling, Switzerland.

Rabten Choeling Le Mont Pèlerin: Rinpoche betet
Watch this video of Gonsar Rinpoche in Rabten Choeling, Switzerland.

Rinpoche-Lama Gangchen En Amazonas
Lama Gangchen heads to the Amazons on his healing mission to help preserve their environmental, cultural and spiritual traditions there. Watch this Eminent Lama who is so gentle and an epitome of kindness.

Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (1904-1984) was born in Kham, Tibet, studied at Ganden Monastery, gained renown as a learned Geshe and great debater and served as abbot for nine years. He left Tibet for India in 1959 and later served as principal of the Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath. Like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche,…

Venerable Geshe Kelsang talking about Distributing Wisdom with Dharma Books
Geshe Kelsang gave a short talk in Tharpa Publications on distributing wisdom with Dharma books.

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche NgalSo Self Healing Chanting
Watch this video of beloved Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, the holder of an ancient and unbroken lineage of Tantric Masters dating from the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. His Ngalso Tantric Self-healing is based on Buddha’s teaching but it’s suitable for modern people.

Dagom Rinpoche’s Powa Teaching
Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche was recognised by Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang, tutor to His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, as the twelfth incarnation of the lineage of Dagom Rinpoches. He took novice ordination at the age of nine and full ordination (Bhikshu) at the age of twenty one years old. Watch this video of H.H. Kyabje Dagom…

Trijang Rinpoche Quotes About Dorje Shugden
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1900-1981) was a Gelug Lama and a direct disciple of Je Pabongka. He was the junior tutor and spiritual guide of the 14th Dalai Lama for forty years. He is also the root lama of many Gelug Lamas who teach in the West including Zong Rinpoche, Geshe Rabten, Lama Yeshe, and Geshe…

His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (1904-1984) was born in Kham, Tibet, studied at Ganden Monastery, gained renown as a learned Geshe and great debater and served as abbot for nine years. He left Tibet for India in 1959 and later served as principal of the Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath. Like his dear…

Lama Yeshe at Manjushri Centre, UK
This is the first part (Mandala Offering) of a talk given by the much loved Lama Yeshe at Manjushri Centre England. Lama Yeshe was instrumental in bringing Buddha Dharma in general and the Gelug tradition in particular to the west. Part 2 This is part of a talk given by the much loved Lama Yeshe at…

Tibetan song – H.H the 10th Panchen Rinpoche
A haunting Tibetan song (no English subtitles) accompanies rare footage of the 10th Panchen Lama. Amazing scenes of the massive crowds greeting this High Lama.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
This excerpt from “The Story of Conishead Priory” details Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s arrival at Manjushri Centre, and how he served as the beacon of inspiration for its restoration.

How do Buddhists view other religions?
In this excerpt from “The Guide: Following the Buddhist Path,” Tibetan Buddhist master Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains the “middle way” between sectarianism and eclecticism: cherishing one’s own tradition while respecting all other traditions and the right of each individual to follow the tradition of his or her choosing.

Shar Gaden Monastery Lamrim teaching by Venerable Geshe Thupten
Watch this video of Geshe Thupten teaching lamrim in Shar Gaden as well as beautiful photos of the monastery during the opening ceremony.

Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche Carrying Buddha’s Relics
The holy relics of the Buddha in Switzerland are carried by His Holiness Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, who leads the procession from the United Nations Plaza to their final destination – the exhibition hall where some prayers to Buddha Shakyamuni are then recited.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s Talk on Dorje Shugden
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains how Dorje Shugden is Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa. This was at a Dorje Shugden blessing in 2006 at the Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England.

Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang Chanting Prayers of Dorje Shugden
Precious footage of the Illustrious master, Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang chanting prayers of Dorje Shugden while playing ritual instruments!

Rare Video Footage of the Previous and the Current Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang
Or watch on Youtube: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 May we receive the vast reservoir of blessings from this illustrious master, perfect lineage holder and heart disciple of Je Pabongkha. Enjoyed the footage? Download this video.

Chod Melodies by Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang
Or watch on Youtube: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 | Part9 | Part10 | Part11 Precious video footage of H.H Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang reciting Chod of Ensa Ear-Whispered Melody from perfect memory. According to Ensa Ear-Whispered Chod Lineage, the Chod melodies are chanted on the basis of liturgies known as: Cutting through Self-grasping,…

His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche
The founder of The Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation (L.G.W.P.F.) Since 1982, Lama Gangchen has traveled extensively, both healing and teaching worldwide, leading many pilgrimages to some of the most important holy places of different religious and spiritual denominations in the world. Since many years Lama Gangchen promotes a very important project: the integration between…

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang Chants the Prayer of Dorje Shugden
Watch and listen to the holy chant of Trijang Rinpoche. May our minds be blessed by this holy master.

HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche and His Center in Vermont
Rare footage of the young HH Trijang Rinpoche in chuba at his centre in Vermont. Trijang Rinpoche has returned his monk’s vows to live as a layperson in order to avoid being embroiled in the Dorje Shugden controversy. May Trijang Rinpoche be able to show the world his true potential soon!

Lamrim Dedication by Kyabje Denma Gonsar Dorje Chang
In this video, Kyabje Denma Gonsar Dorje Chang chants the Prayers of the Lamrim Dedication. Denma Gonsar Rinpoche is a great senior lama and student of both Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo. He transmitted the pure teachings to his district people and 600 monks of his monastery. This great monastery houses a 12-storey…

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche – World Peace
As chaos, sufferings, unrest and war continue to happen in this Kaliyuga age, Lama Gangchen places high priority to promoting peace, harmony and healing. Lama Gangchen’s work as a peace messenger, involves him travelling thousands of miles each year to spread his message and values in order for us to create a sustainable society. Video 2 Beautiful…

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche Chenrezig Self Healing Chanting
As chaos, sufferings, unrest and war continue to happen in this Kaliyuga age, Lama Gangchen places high priority to promoting peace, harmony and healing. Lama Gangchen’s work as a peace messenger, involves him travelling thousands of miles each year to spread his message and values in order for us to create a sustainable society.