The Dalai Lama: Religious Harmony or Hypocrisy
The Dalai Lama claims to be a champion of religious harmony, but harbours the kinds of prejudices that make such harmony an impossibility. Watch this video to find out more…

Dalai Lama’s Reasons for the Ban of Dorje Shugden
About the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden The Dalai Lama has given three main reasons for banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. Before we reply to those, we should point out that although he says he “strongly discourages” it, there is an increasing body of evidence to show he has banned…

Advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety
Leave and I guarantee your safety… Excerpt from the autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang regarding the advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety When I was fifty-nine, in the year of the earth boar, on the first day of the year, I performed elaborate fulfillment offerings before…

Spirits in Dharamsala
As you can see this history of Pehar’s previous lives do not point to actions of higher level being. Part 2 of the video: According to Tibetan Buddhist myth, Gyalpo Pehar is a spirit belonging to the gyalpo class. When Padmasambhava arrived in Tibet in the eighth century, he subdued all gyalpo spirits and put…

Ban on Dorje Shugden comes from Dalai Lama Directly
Speeches on the Ban Speeches on the ban of the Gelugpa Protector Dorje Shugden by the Dalai Lama and the minister of the Gov’t of Tibet in Exile. Further Evidence on Dalai Lama’s Ban Further evidence on the Dalai Lama’s ban of Gelugpa protector Dorje Shugden. And in particular, the persecution he created through the…

Buddha’s Warriors
Dalai Lama, believed to be the human manifestation of the Buddha of Compassion Dalai Lama’s Reliance on State Oracle for Tibetans Monk Fugitives in Burma Persecuted Monks from Burma Flee to Thailand Tibetans in Exile Demanding for Independence not Autonomy Yearly Marches Challenges China and Dalai Lama Videos by CNN not to be missed. There is…

The 100th Gaden Tripa with controversial Master Loo Sheng-yan together in Kurukule Puja
Master Loo Sheng-yan is a controversial monk based in USA originally from Taiwan. He openly claims he is an enlightened Buddha, that he had tea with Shakyamuni, and many other controversial statements. The 100th Gaden Tripa Lobsang Nyima was from Drepung Loseling. This Tripa openly discouraged and criticized Dorje Shugden s practice. He was not…

The Shugden Group
For a Western Buddhist, this practice appears to me like a relic from old times when in the European Middle Ages, we also had battles for the predominance of a certain religious group… However, such battles are not in accordance with what the Buddha taught… (Vajramala, Head Chairwoman of the German Buddhist Union, DBU) The…

Dorje Shugden Practitioners Pray for Peace
Dorje Shugden practitioners request the Dalai Lama to give religious freedom to innocent people who want to practice an ancient prayer. Watch this video as 400 protesters gathered from 16 countries around the world to make request.

51st anniversary of Tibetans’ uprising
Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama offered prayers in Dharamsala to mark the 51st anniversary of Tibetans’ aborted uprising against the Chinese rulers…. Video 2 SFT Kolkata organised a Candle Light Vigil on this day to commemorate the Uprising and to stand in solidarity with the 6 million people of Tibet. Video 3 51st Anniversary of Tibet Uprising,…

Interview with the Dalai Lama at Nottingham BBC
How would you advice people to be greener citizens? As a man of peace, what can we do to combat the problem of violent crime and anti-social behaviour? Watch this video for Dalai Lama’s response to the interview questions through BBC.

H.H. Gaden Trisur Rinpoche defects to the Dorje Shugden Camp
The term of office for the current Gaden Tripa has finished. He has successfully finished his term. He has the title now of His Holiness Gaden Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal. He primarily resides in France although he has a ladrang in Gaden Shartse, Nepal and Yangthing, Tibet. Gaden Tripa-Gaden throne holder Gaden Trisur-Gaden’s ex-throne holder Emeritus Gaden…

Praise and Requests to Dorje Shugden By the 14th Dalai Lama
The 14th Dalai Lama wrote praises to Dorje Shugden: Melody of the Unceasing Vajra A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, Protector of Conqueror Manjushri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings Why is there a ban put on Dorje Shugden now?

H.H. 14th Dalai Lama’s words in the mirror of reality (Dorje Shugden)
Justifications of Dalai Lama gives for his ban of the worship of the deity Dorje Shugde vary considerably depending on the audiences. here is the truth and respond to his comments. Exposing the truth in the mirror of reality to west and east spectacles.

Heart felt message to Dalai Lama
This is a heartfelt message to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his followers, intended to give encouragement and a voice to those who are suffering as a direct result of His Holiness’ actions.

Western Shugden Society protest Dalai Lama’s PERSECUTION
Western Shugden Society’s protest against the Dalai Lama’s persecution on Dorje Shugden practice and practitioners.

Protest Dalai Lama Protest/Ban-See why!
Dalai Lama calls for “vote” on Buddhism and freedom of religious practices!

Dalai Lama and the Great Fifth
Is the Fourteenth Dalai Lama following the example of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama by banning the practice of Dorje Shugden?

Dalai Lama 1984
Video footage showing the cover of a book, Buddhism in the Tibetan Tradition by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, with foreword written by H.H Dalai Lama in 1984.

Dalai Lama’s Stance on Non-Violence
In 1996 followers of the Dalai Lama stoned and hurled insults of followers of an ancient Buddhist practice that was banned. How did the Dalai Lama respond?

Panchen Lama Bringing Buddha Dharma to China
The China sanctioned Panchen Lama pictured with Dorje Shugden as his backdrop is the direct result of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s ban and therefore fulfilling the prophecies that Dorje Shugden will become the overlord of all dharma protectors during this kaliyuga period. He will replace Nechung as the king of the emanated worldly protectors. While…

Dalai Lama The God King
The Dalai Lama was enthroned age 5 in Lhasa Tibet in February 1940. Since then there has been 68 years of unelected rule in which the Tibetan (and since 1959 the Tibetan exile community) has had ONE political and religious leader whose decisions can never be questioned.

Protests from Bethlehem to Nottingham
Day 1 Interview by 69 WFMZ in Philadelphia. Are people not investigating the qualifications of the Dalai Lama? Actions speaks louder than words. Watch this video. Protests in Bethlehem, Philadelphia – Day 2 Protests in Nurnberg, Germany Protests in Nottingham, UK Protests at Kimmel Centre, Philadelphia

Segregation Wall in Ganden Monastery
As a practical means to follow the Tibetan governments directive, Ganden Monastery has erected a wall to separate Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden Monks from the other monks in the monastery. Previously the monks have lived in harmony.

SBS Media Coverage : Dalai Lama Urges Peace
The Dalai Lama urges Tibetans not to disrupt the Olympic torch relay in Tibet. Many people attended Dalai Lama’s talk as a group of protesters from around the world gathered outside the hall.

Dalai Lama urges the use of dialogue as a method to tackle differences
The Dalai Lama explains to his followers the need for dialogue, compromise, and reconciliation as there will always be difference and conflict. He then urges for peaceful and non-violent method to tackle these differences.

Dalai behind Tibet protests? Robert Thurman responded
CCTV blames Dalai Lama, saying he is behind the Tibet protests. Professor Robert Thurman responded that Dalai Lama was surprised and was not involved in the demonstration by young activists. Monks from Drepung monastery were caught innocently while on their way to the monastery for a celebration.

Western Shugden Society Radio Interview
ABC Radio National’s interview with Kelsang Pema, the international spokesperson for the Western Shugden Society. This interview by Stephen Crittenden was aired on 11 June 2008 on The Religion Report.

Firsthand Experience of the Dalai Lama’s Persecution
A Dorje Shugden practitioner and student of Domo Geshe Rinpoche shares her personal reasons for why she practises Dorje Shugden, and why she is protesting. Mob of Angry Dalai Lama Followers Attack Protestors On July 17, 2008 a group of hundreds of angry followers of the Dalai Lama attacked a group of peaceful Buddhist protestors. Imagine…

Dalai Lama Relies on Spirits for Political Advice
A CNN video explains how the Dalai Lama relies on spirit oracles for political advice on Tibet and China, for instance, with the State Oracle of Tibet in Dharamsala. Dalai Lama asks Spirit Nechung for Political Advice Nechung’s advice on Tibetan affairs has been sough by HH Dalai Lama for hundreds of years.

Dalai Lama – Buddha of Compassion?
Are the actions of the Dalai Lama those of a Buddha of Compassion? His ban on the religious freedom of many Buddhist followers would seem otherwise. Interview with an oppressed Tibetan monk.

Dalai Lama’s Ban on Dorje Shugden Affecting Gaden Shartse Monks
Watch this video of monks in Gaden Shartse Monastery, engaged in their daily practice of rituals, prayers, studying, debates at the courtyard… Dorje Shugden has been practiced for 350 years as the principal protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage. These monks are devastated due to the ban imposed by the Dalai Lama.

Dalai Lama Says Trijang Rinpoche Can Practise Dorje Shugden
or download this video In this video, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama made an exception for the incarnation of His guru Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche to practise Dorje Shugden. If Dorje Shugden is really a DEMON, shouldn’t Dorje Shugden be banned for all? Why made an exception for Trijang Rinpoche to practise a demon? Think…Think…Think……

Al-Jazeera Reports: The Dalai Lama – The Devil Within
The above video clip is a news report by Al Jazeera, a globally recognized and trusted media network. In recent years, Al Jazeera has developed a reputation for daring coverage and their refusal to shy away from addressing sometimes controversial, oftentimes difficult issues. The network is also well received for its policy that is characteristically…

FRANCE 24 reports: The Dalai Lama’s Demons
Dalai Lama’s Demons Part 1 Dalai Lama’s Demons Part 2 By FRANCE 24 (Text) / Capucine Henry and Nicolas Haque (video) Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, is revered as a hero by his people and respected world-wide for his peaceful philosophy. Today, however, there are cracks at the heart of his community. A minority…

Dalai Lama Encourages Expulsion of Monks
This video shows clear evidence of Dalai Lama issuing/enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden. He encourages the Monasteries to expel monks who refuse to give up this practice. It is undemocratic for any leader to ban any form of worship in this day and age. Not only is Dalai Lama encouraging the ban, but he…