Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 1
The Consecration Puja is one of the holiest spiritual events of Shar Gaden, which lasts for three days. It starts from 8th, October 2010 and goes on until 10th, October 2010.

Shar Gaden History Part 2 – How the monastery arose
This video describes in brief Gaden monastery’s history and how Shar Gaden arose from Dokhang Khangtsen of Gaden Shartse. It also highlights that Tibet historically had conflict with foreign powers, such as Britain, Ladakh, Mongolia, and Germany (Nazis), leading to the exodus of many Tibetans in the 1959 and the reestablishment of the three great…

Message to the Dalai Lama
A series of short video messages speaking against the ban, It opens with a powerful message from a Tibetan monk (speaking in English) from Gaden Shartse monastery. He says the message is not just to the Dalai Lama but to the Tibetan government and anyone who is in the Gelugpa tradition. The rest of the…

The Gaden Lineage
(Portuguese with English Subtitles) Note: at 2:58 in the video, there is a thangka of Dorje Shugden Nothing comes from nothing and nothing comes to nothing. To know and understand this better, the reality we live in, we need to know and understand the past and the present that surrounds us. Increasingly, we live without…

A Contradiction or A Bigger Picture?
For the past two decades, the Dalai Lama has issued a controversial ban on the practice of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. However, the basis of this ban is rife with contradictions. The Dalai Lama emphasises the importance of keeping the teacher-disciple relationship pure and having sincere reliance on a spiritual guide. But now, he…

The Great Dilemma
Within the exiled community of Tibetan refugees in India, there is a sizeable group of Tibetans who are twice exiled and now living a life where “death threats, insults and ostracism are the order of the day.” This arose after the Dalai Lama banned the worship of the Protector Buddha Dorje Shugden, an action which…

Shar Gaden Performing Arts
Shar Gaden Performing Arts Association was invited and requested to perform Tibetan Traditional Dances, including Snow Lion Dance and Yak by the Northern Karnataka Police Department on 24th December, 2009 during the Annual Sports Meets.

The Dalai Lama: Religious Harmony or Hypocrisy
The Dalai Lama claims to be a champion of religious harmony, but harbours the kinds of prejudices that make such harmony an impossibility. Watch this video to find out more…

Shar Gaden History Part 1 – Ganden Shartse Monastery in the early days
This beautiful historical video showcases what the life of monks was like during the early days in Gaden Shartse Monastery, circa 1985. The video features Khensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche, as well as footage of monks studying and senior monks making tormas in Zong Labrang. It was from Gaden Shartse that Shar Gaden Monastery later arose…

Interview de Dagpo Rinpoche
In this video Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche was asked how should one help a person who has a terminal illness. Dagpo Rinpoche replied that it should depend on the particular faith of the person. During a person last moments we must not create conflicts in their mind.

Introduction to Tantra – Lama Yeshe Part 1 Chapter 1
*For more information, please visit www.LamaYeshe.com – Introduction to Tantra: In 1980, in California, Lama Yeshe gave a commentary to the Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) yoga method. This video is Lama Yeshe’s introduction to this series and constitutes a wonderful explanation of the fundamentals of tantric practice.

Discovering Buddhism: Ribur Rinpoche on Five Forces
This is an extract of Venerable Ribur Rinpoche’s teaching on the five forces. It has been extracted from the Discovering Buddhism DVD for Module 8, ‘Establishing a daily practice‘.

Nechung : The State Oracle of Tibet
Like many ancient civilizations of the world, the phenomenon of oracles remains an important part of the Tibetan way of life. Tibetans rely on oracles for various reasons. The purpose of the oracles is not just to foretell the future. They are called upon as protectors and sometimes used as healers. However, their primary function…

Dalai Lama’s Reasons for the Ban of Dorje Shugden
About the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden The Dalai Lama has given three main reasons for banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. Before we reply to those, we should point out that although he says he “strongly discourages” it, there is an increasing body of evidence to show he has banned…

Dorje Shugden – An Illustrated Story
or Click here to download this video (MP4, 35MB) Now, everyone can travel back in time to learn how an Incomparable Lama arose to become an Uncommon Protector. Dedicated, talented artists and producers have invested many days and nights to bring this creation to life. Whether you are a senior practitioner or new, an adult…

Rabten Choeling (Tibetan Temple in Switzerland)
Rabten Choeling is situated 820m above sea-level, high above the lake of Geneva, on Mont-Pèlerin above Vevey, with a great view on the alps of Wallis and Savoy. The centre is an Institute for Higher Tibetan studies as well as an authentic Tibetan-Buddhist monastery with about thirty monks and five nuns and twenty lay students….

Rabten Choeling Le Mont Pèlerin: Rinpoche segnet
Watch this video of Gonsar Rinpoche in Rabten Choeling, Switzerland.

Rabten Choeling Le Mont Pèlerin: Begrüssung durch Rinpoche
Watch this video of Gonsar Rinpoche in Rabten Choeling, Switzerland.

Rabten Choeling Le Mont Pèlerin: Rinpoche betet
Watch this video of Gonsar Rinpoche in Rabten Choeling, Switzerland.

Rinpoche-Lama Gangchen En Amazonas
Lama Gangchen heads to the Amazons on his healing mission to help preserve their environmental, cultural and spiritual traditions there. Watch this Eminent Lama who is so gentle and an epitome of kindness.

Healthcare in Shar Gaden Monastery & Serpom Monastery
Dr Lucie Blouin visited Shar Gaden and Serpom Monasteries with Zawa Rinpoche to look at the health of the monks and what medical needs they have. She looked at the cause of their health problems, identifying poor lifestyle like drinking coca-cola will speed up the onset of diabetes. The monks need to be well nourished…

Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (1904-1984) was born in Kham, Tibet, studied at Ganden Monastery, gained renown as a learned Geshe and great debater and served as abbot for nine years. He left Tibet for India in 1959 and later served as principal of the Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath. Like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche,…

Venerable Geshe Kelsang talking about Distributing Wisdom with Dharma Books
Geshe Kelsang gave a short talk in Tharpa Publications on distributing wisdom with Dharma books.

Advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety
Leave and I guarantee your safety… Excerpt from the autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang regarding the advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety When I was fifty-nine, in the year of the earth boar, on the first day of the year, I performed elaborate fulfillment offerings before…

Mongolia – Gandan Monastery – The large Chenresig statue was sponsored and built by Sogpu Rinpoche Guru Deva
Most Buddhist Monasteries in Mongolia were destroyed during the communist regime, which lasted until 1990. One of the only to survive was Gandan Monastery, being used as a showcase for visitors. It’s official name is Gandantegchinleng Khiid. This name signifies something like Great Place of Complete Joy or Great Way to the Cosmos. Literally it…

Spirits in Dharamsala
As you can see this history of Pehar’s previous lives do not point to actions of higher level being. Part 2 of the video: According to Tibetan Buddhist myth, Gyalpo Pehar is a spirit belonging to the gyalpo class. When Padmasambhava arrived in Tibet in the eighth century, he subdued all gyalpo spirits and put…

Ban on Dorje Shugden comes from Dalai Lama Directly
Speeches on the Ban Speeches on the ban of the Gelugpa Protector Dorje Shugden by the Dalai Lama and the minister of the Gov’t of Tibet in Exile. Further Evidence on Dalai Lama’s Ban Further evidence on the Dalai Lama’s ban of Gelugpa protector Dorje Shugden. And in particular, the persecution he created through the…

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche NgalSo Self Healing Chanting
Watch this video of beloved Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, the holder of an ancient and unbroken lineage of Tantric Masters dating from the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. His Ngalso Tantric Self-healing is based on Buddha’s teaching but it’s suitable for modern people.

Buddha’s Warriors
Dalai Lama, believed to be the human manifestation of the Buddha of Compassion Dalai Lama’s Reliance on State Oracle for Tibetans Monk Fugitives in Burma Persecuted Monks from Burma Flee to Thailand Tibetans in Exile Demanding for Independence not Autonomy Yearly Marches Challenges China and Dalai Lama Videos by CNN not to be missed. There is…

The 100th Gaden Tripa with controversial Master Loo Sheng-yan together in Kurukule Puja
Master Loo Sheng-yan is a controversial monk based in USA originally from Taiwan. He openly claims he is an enlightened Buddha, that he had tea with Shakyamuni, and many other controversial statements. The 100th Gaden Tripa Lobsang Nyima was from Drepung Loseling. This Tripa openly discouraged and criticized Dorje Shugden s practice. He was not…

Why Does Dorje Shugden Appear So Fearsome?
Kwai Chang Caine: Master, why does such a fearsome statue stand at the entrance to our peaceful place? Master Po: These are the threshold guardians, grasshopper, set here to keep away those not ready for the silence within. Kwai Chang Caine: Must they be so… horrible? Master Po: Those incapable of understanding the Way see things…

The Shugden Group
For a Western Buddhist, this practice appears to me like a relic from old times when in the European Middle Ages, we also had battles for the predominance of a certain religious group… However, such battles are not in accordance with what the Buddha taught… (Vajramala, Head Chairwoman of the German Buddhist Union, DBU) The…

Secret Mantra Secret Power Dorje Shugden
Video with beautiful photos and description of Dorje Shugden, Vajrayana Buddhism and various other tantric deities. Part 2

Tsongkhapa Parinirvana Day – Prayers in Shar Gaden
Monks in Shar Gaden, offering Ghanachakra Tsok on Lama Tsongkhapa’s Parinirvana day.

Dagom Rinpoche’s Powa Teaching
Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche was recognised by Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang, tutor to His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, as the twelfth incarnation of the lineage of Dagom Rinpoches. He took novice ordination at the age of nine and full ordination (Bhikshu) at the age of twenty one years old. Watch this video of H.H. Kyabje Dagom…

Latest Video of Serpom Monastery
A collection of photos from Ser-pom Monastery. Sera has produced innumerable scholars, masters, yogis, abbots, reincarnated tulkus and even regents. Currently Sera is in South India 6 hours away from Bangalore in Bylakuppe Tibetan Colony, Mysore State . Due to the ban His Holiness the Dalai Lama has enforced, Dorje Shugden practitioners may not associate with non-Dorje Shugden…

Trijang Rinpoche Quotes About Dorje Shugden
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1900-1981) was a Gelug Lama and a direct disciple of Je Pabongka. He was the junior tutor and spiritual guide of the 14th Dalai Lama for forty years. He is also the root lama of many Gelug Lamas who teach in the West including Zong Rinpoche, Geshe Rabten, Lama Yeshe, and Geshe…

His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (1904-1984) was born in Kham, Tibet, studied at Ganden Monastery, gained renown as a learned Geshe and great debater and served as abbot for nine years. He left Tibet for India in 1959 and later served as principal of the Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath. Like his dear…