About Dorje Shugden => General Discussion => Topic started by: Protectors Champion on July 08, 2010, 01:02:08 AM

Title: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Protectors Champion on July 08, 2010, 01:02:08 AM

This website team has the privilege to receive this incredible news very recently and has the permission to announce it to the world...We at this website wish His Holiness Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche long life, continuous Dharma activities and stable health. We know your incarnation is well and currently living among us although you remain undisclosed. We pray and wish your current incarnation will openly announce where you are and be able to have audience with your precious presence. We wish to offer, khata, body, speech, mind, full mandala, and our pure aspirations to meet you presence very soon. It is incredible news to know your incarnation is among us and has been for decades now. It is tremendously significant that you are living and engaging in dharma work. You once again prove to the world, by being present you are truly a spiritually attained being arising from your pure prayers in another supreme body (Tulku-Nirmanakaya) as a great Lama. While another line of your incarnations arose as Dorje Shugden the protector. We again are very priviledged with this information and find it an honour to announce this to the world today...July 7, 2010, one day after HH the Dalai lama's 75th Birthday. ~ The website team ~ 







The undisputed incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, ‘silenced’ for the past 350 years, has now returned, preparing to emerge publicly into the world again.
Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was the ‘last’ of Dorje Shugden’s lineage of High Lama incarnations, unsurpassable in his attainments and knowledge, and considered equal to the great 5th Dalai Lama.

After his murder, he arose as the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, who some were opposed to. His lineage of incarnations was then banned. His name was erased from all prayers and books. His properties and labrang were all confiscated. No one was allowed to even mention his name.

Yet, there is no stopping this eminent Lama from returning for a higher purpose. Every incarnation in this illustrious lineage has continued to make unsurpassable contributions to the growth of Dharma and Lama Tsongkhapa’s precious “Yellow Hat” tradition. Only an Enlightened Being would possess such all-encompassing compassion.

Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s current incarnation was unmistakably recognized several decades ago. His recognition is infallible. Remaining safely hidden, he has been spreading the Dharma inexorably under a different name, and awaits the right time to emerge publicly.

In time, everyone will be made aware of who he really is. His unrivalled legacy of great endeavors will once again shine into the ten directions for all to see.

But what was his story? Who was he?




HE WAS…. Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen




One of Lama Tsongkhapa’s eight closest disciples, Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen built the original Gaden Monastery, the first and greatest Gelug monastic institution that arose from Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings.

Famed for his ardent practice of pure morality, monastic discipline and unwavering commitment, Dulzin was considered to be an emanation of Tsongkhapa himself. However, he manifested as a student to show a clear and inspiring example of humility and Guru devotion.

Dulzin was so highly respected that he was offered the position of the first Gaden Tripa (Tsongkhapa’s successor) after Tsongkhapa’s passing. He turned this offer down, choosing instead to dedicate the rest of his life to upholding these precious teachings. It was with this incredible devotion and commitment that he made a promise to arise as an uncommon Protector to preserve and guard the lineage of his teacher, Tsongkhapa.




HE WAS… Panchen Sonam Drakpa




Powerful and eloquent, Panchen Sonam Drakpa was a master debater, a prolific writer and the leading scholar of his day.

Displaying the unusual signs of a highly attained incarnate master, he was already giving Dharma teachings before he had turned 15. So extensive was his knowledge and so powerful was his logic, that he became renowned for his prowess in debate. Images to this day still depict him in the dynamic, powerful stance of debate.

He was such an erudite teacher and scholar that the three greatest Gelug Monasteries – Gaden, Sera and Drepung – begged him to be their abbot, which was unheard of in history. In his lifetime, he was responsible for the education and welfare of more than 15,000 monks, Tulkus, Geshes and scholars. To this day, he remains the only Lama to have held the prestigious position of abbot of all three institutions. He later became the 15th Gaden Tripa, the representative of Tsongkhapa on earth.

He composed 11 volumes of philosophical teachings that are still the core syllabus of study in major Gelug monasteries today, including Gaden Shartse and Drepung Loseling. Many of the most renowned Lamas have studied these scriptures to achieve the revered Geshe Lharam degree. These include the current and two previous Gaden Tripas, the Dalai Lama’s imperial tutors, Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche, and the Dalai Lama himself.




HE WAS… Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen




Thangka of Tulku Drakpa Gyelten, His Guru is the 4th Panchen Lama,
His Yidams are Yamantaka, Heruka and Vajrayogini,
and His Protectors are 4-Faced Mahakala and Setrap


In the early 1600s a child was born who exhibited unusual signs of greatness. He could recall his previous lives and, by the age of two, recited prayers from memory. He was already writing commentaries and giving teachings at the age of 9 and by 18, had meditated in hundreds of caves where he perceived Yidams directly.

Because he displayed signs of the most supreme, high incarnate Lamas, he was among the few candidates to be shortlisted during the search for the 4th Dalai Lama’s reincarnation.

He was later recognised as the incarnation of Panchen Sonam Drakpa, and studied alongside the 5th Dalai Lama under the tutelage of the illustrious 4th Panchen Lama.

“Throughout history, the three lineages of the Drakpas, Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas have always been very closely intertwined, manifesting inter-changeably as Guru, student and peer to uphold and propogate the lineage of tsongkhapa.”

He and the Great Fifth were equal in their attainments and venerated as the two most eminent masters of their day. Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen became so renowned that even Tibetan nobility, Chinese and Mongolian royalty travelled huge distances to request teachings and divinations from him.

Eventually, he became more highly revered than the 5th Dalai Lama himself. So much so that the Dalai Lama’s attendants became jealous of his popularity and plotted to assassinate him without the Dalai Lama’s knowledge. After many failed attempts, they finally suffocated him with a khata.

It was by his kindness in “allowing” this strangulation that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was able to manifest wrath at the moment of death and therefore, to arise as the enlightened Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, thus fulfilling his promise made in his previous life as Dulzin.






“Only beings of the highest attainments, capable of controlling their rebirths are able to reincarnate back into our world over and over again, manifesting great enlightened signs, deeds, actions and teachings in every lifetime.”


Now, the unmistaken incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has returned among us.

He has been incarnating continuously over the past few hundred years, quietly preserving and propagating the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa and his most significant work, the Lamrim Chenmo.

Recognised by oracles and high lamas a few decades ago, the current incarnation continues to live quietly among us, awaiting the most beneficial time to emerge, to openly continue this legacy of incredible deeds.

His time is coming soon.

His return will cause an explosion at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist world, righting a great ‘wrong’ that was done hundreds of years ago.

His return marks the culmination of an orchestrated sequence of events which began over 600 years ago during the time of Dulzin.

His return heralds a new age of Buddhist renaissance, where Dorje Shugden will rise to the fore, unveiling his true nature as the greatest Dharma Protector for our time.

The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak.

An uncommon Lama…

Arising as an uncommon Protector…

Some Lamas can never be silenced…

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 01:53:24 AM


SUCH HISTORICAL AND INCREDIBLE NEWS. This line of Tulkus has unwittingly 'threatened' and frightened the Tibetan Govt for 350 years. They have spent so much resources to obliterate everything about him and his name. Now his incarnation is back??? This proves Tibetan Govt is WRONG. If Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was such an evil being, he should be in the three lower realms. He's not. He is among us and doing dharma work again which proves all the untruths spewed by Tibetan Govt to be totally untrue. Their untruths are proven openly WRONG by the living incarnation of this illustrious being living among us now.  
I am very excited to hear more announcements in the future. This is made one day after H.H. Dalai Lama's 75th birthday. How ironic is that.

May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche live exceptionally long and reveal his whereabouts very soon and may I have the chance to meet his incarnation wherever he is now. May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen and H.H. Dalai Lama again unite and meet in this life as they did prior to his murder 350 years ago.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 08, 2010, 05:20:14 AM
I feel in awe - like I'm witnessing history unfolding before my eyes. I'm completely intrigued - the article announced that this incarnation is "unmistakably recognised several decades ago. The recognition is infallible." And they managed to keep a lid on it until now?! Wow.

The ramifications of this is ... I can't even think of a superlative which would be suitable - all words pale in comparison.

May Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen reveal himself as soon as possible to continue his holy work! May he live long and turn the wheel of Dharma again and manifest the great deeds of his previous lives. I will come to wherever he is and pray that I will have the merits to meet him and receive his blessings.

What a fantastic day it is today... 8 July 2010 ... i feel it's the day the world is changing....
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 05:47:40 AM
I couldn't believe my eyes what I saw on the frontpage! Dear Admin, team, you are a gem! Thank you for bringing this news to us!


And he has been amongst us for decades only goes to show HIS TIME HAS COME! I believe a new era is about to dawn on us.

Now, how will it be possible for TGIE to shut this one up. Deja vu all over again? I was just thinking how TGIE will soon lose any remnants of power when Dalai Lama takes on a new rebirth....Perhaps, now the control of TGIE may crumble even sooner. Anyway, sooner or later, the inevitable will come.

The prophesied rise of the Dharma King, Lord Dorje Shugden will prevail.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 07:47:43 AM
At Long Last,
A Definitive Source,
Can you Imagine the Direct Guidance and Clarity
We Will Receive From Lord Dorje Shugden
The Supreme Protector of Dharma
Our Supreme Defender of the Dharma
Our Champion Lord Dorje Shugden Has Arisen
We Rise With Him
Hold Onto Your Hats!

Oh yes!!! You took the words right out of my mouth!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DharmaDefender on July 08, 2010, 07:50:11 AM
My first thoughts - WHO IS IT?!?! And my second is, what are the TGIE gonna do about it? Because if they scramble to respond, why are they reacting to a spirit?! The fact they are responding shows they don't believe their own bollox about Dorje Shugden being a spirit, and TDG not becoming Dorje Shugden after his murder.

But many of them will be worried about doing nothing at all...because if they remain calm and don't react, and the news is true, then they're 'letting' Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche retur.

It leaves them in such a bind...HAHAHA I'm sorry, I can't help but chuckle at the hole they've dug for themselves.

So how can we create the causes to be in the presence of our Protector himself?

What a fantastic time to have been reborn a human! And to have received the Dharma, and teachings on him and his prayers!

ps. thank you web team for such wonderful news!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 08, 2010, 07:58:43 AM
This is astounding and HUGE!

I feel extremely humbled by what is happening right now as these events begin to unfold. Just as the article says:

"His return will cause an explosion at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist world, righting a great ‘wrong’ that was done hundreds of years ago.

His return marks the culmination of an orchestrated sequence of events which began over 600 years ago during the time of Dulzin.

His return heralds a new age of Buddhist renaissance, where Dorje Shugden will rise to the fore, unveiling his true nature as the greatest Dharma Protector for our time.

The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak."

"An explosion at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist world" - that's right! The most stunning implication of this news is that NONE of what the Tibetan Government is saying about this supposedly "evil" spirit is at all true (as TK has already pointed out). This is what will shake the whole core of their foundation and, I imagine, be the biggest threat to all that they have "stood for" in recent years. Perhaps history seems to be repeating itself: the stance of the Dalai Lama wanes while the standing of the "rival" Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen begins to arise more powerful than ever. (The biggest irony is in the timing of this post!) It is especially heart warming to hear that he is already performing great deeds and Dharma work even before "coming out" publicly - this proves as ever the might of such enlightened beings and the fact that they will benefit the world no matter where they are or "who" they are. It is awesome to think that he is all among us now bringing waves of happiness to others - we could even be the recipients of this without knowing! Such news to rejoice in!

It certainly looks like there is some kind of big cosmic play going on, as in the last sentence above. If nothing else, the lineage and teachings just seem to be getting bigger, more widespread and drawing the attention of more and more people. And this, after all, is the point for all tulkus to come back to us.

I wonder: is His Holiness feeling threatened today? Or is he chuckling to himself, amused that his old friend is "back" and the final showdown of "elaborate epic" of Dharma is finally unfolding?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DharmaDefender on July 08, 2010, 08:05:28 AM
It is especially heart warming to hear that he is already performing great deeds and Dharma work even before "coming out" publicly

I hope his students know just how fortunate they are to be sitting at the feet of such a great being, and one who has suffered so much for the dharma.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 08, 2010, 08:25:39 AM
I was just wondering at the implication of  Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen alive today.

Once he is out in the public, can his name be put back as one of the lineage lamas? Because it surely shows that he didn't become an evil spirit which led to him being banned. It's mad that people aren't even allowed to mention his name. How Harry Potter. Maybe JK Rowling heard of this issue!

Anyway, if he didn't become an evil spirit, then can the ban on Dorje Shugden be reversed too?

Maybe this is the catalyst that puts Dorje Shugden mainstream.

As for the Dalai Lama - I'm sure he knows Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is around. I'm interested in how the TGIE - the Dalai Lama's motley crew - reacts.

Yes, i am very curious who he is... and i'm sure the monks in the small Tibetan Buddhist community are whispering among themselves too. Is he a high lama, a simple monk or even a layperson? Is he even male or female - Asian or Western? i guess, like all things, only time will tell (but hurry up!!!) :D
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: harrynephew on July 08, 2010, 08:37:32 AM
This is astounding and HUGE!

I feel extremely humbled by what is happening right now as these events begin to unfold. Just as the article says:

"His return will cause an explosion at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist world, righting a great ‘wrong’ that was done hundreds of years ago.

His return marks the culmination of an orchestrated sequence of events which began over 600 years ago during the time of Dulzin.

His return heralds a new age of Buddhist renaissance, where Dorje Shugden will rise to the fore, unveiling his true nature as the greatest Dharma Protector for our time.

The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak."

"An explosion at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist world" - that's right! The most stunning implication of this news is that NONE of what the Tibetan Government is saying about this supposedly "evil" spirit is at all true (as TK has already pointed out). This is what will shake the whole core of their foundation and, I imagine, be the biggest threat to all that they have "stood for" in recent years. Perhaps history seems to be repeating itself: the stance of the Dalai Lama wanes while the standing of the "rival" Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen begins to arise more powerful than ever. (The biggest irony is in the timing of this post!) It is especially heart warming to hear that he is already performing great deeds and Dharma work even before "coming out" publicly - this proves as ever the might of such enlightened beings and the fact that they will benefit the world no matter where they are or "who" they are. It is awesome to think that he is all among us now bringing waves of happiness to others - we could even be the recipients of this without knowing! Such news to rejoice in!

It certainly looks like there is some kind of big cosmic play going on, as in the last sentence above. If nothing else, the lineage and teachings just seem to be getting bigger, more widespread and drawing the attention of more and more people. And this, after all, is the point for all tulkus to come back to us.

I wonder: is His Holiness feeling threatened today? Or is he chuckling to himself, amused that his old friend is "back" and the final showdown of "elaborate epic" of Dharma is finally unfolding?

Dear HD,

It's lovely and awe inspiring to receive news about the return of our Lord King Drakpa Gyeltsen. His presence and return might be the answer to all our turmoil and worries.

I think at this point of time, the TGIE is least of our concern  because they are financially and in terms of power are unfit to do anything from stopping this incarnate Lama of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen from living. It is only human rights to respect another human and for that indidvidual to continue living!

Let's think outrightly the attainments of our Lord and Master TDG! In the past when he was poisoned, they failed simply because TDG's attainments are simply incredible that He can expel all poisons from his body. The fact he was murdered suffocating from a scarf was because he chose to be.

A high Lama's attainments is invincible, even more so when He is that of such a high stature!

the next question I'd like to answer u is about HHDL. I don't think HHDL is frightened or anything. He's a Buddha, for all we know HHDL has all along known of the existence of TDG's return and is waiting for the right time - this time - NOW, for the relevant sources to reveal TDG's return!

I'm sure HHDL's happy that another High Incarnate Lama such as that of Dorje Shugden has not forsaken us sentient beings and is back to help.

I pray that I may meet this enlightened master soon and receive the nectar of Losang Vajradhara's teachings from him.

I pray we all in the forum participate and usher in the new age of LAMA DORJE SHUGDEN!

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 08, 2010, 08:43:47 AM
I was just wondering at the implication of  Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen alive today.

Once he is out in the public, can his name be put back as one of the lineage lamas? Because it surely shows that he didn't become an evil spirit which led to him being banned. It's mad that people aren't even allowed to mention his name. How Harry Potter. Maybe JK Rowling heard of this issue!

Anyway, if he didn't become an evil spirit, then can the ban on Dorje Shugden be reversed too?

Also, will this mean that all the Lamas who have been unceremoniously banned by the TGIE be "allowed" back? Will their names too be reinstated in the lineage lama prayers? Will they be allowed back into their monasteries?

I'm most interested to know who it was who identified this incarnation - for all you know, if this was several decades ago, BEFORE the ban was so strongly enforced - then the Lamas who recognised him could be sitting within the "TGIE-APPROVED" monasteries right this minute. Perhaps, (I daresay??) the Dalai Lama himself may know who this incarnation is (this isn't just some small village incarnation, after all, and news of his recognition would surely have reached the ears of DL)..... Now THAT would be something spectacular!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: iloveds on July 08, 2010, 09:14:30 AM
Yes there is a lot of unanswered, or should i say answered questions with regards to HHDL ban on shugden practitioners.

Standby.... once the world gets hold of this very important announcement, there will be a media scramble, possible attempts on the incarnate Lama's life, it was done in the past so now should be no different. Basically this nullifies the ban completely as all the arguments are untrue.

I hope they keep his location secret
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 08, 2010, 09:21:53 AM
Although you attained enlightenment many eons ago,
You appear in various aspects to benefit living beings and the doctrine.
You possess the twenty-seven uncommon good qualities of Buddha.
O Vajradhara Dorje Shugden, I prostrate to you.
- Kelsang Khedrub

I am indeed very fortunate to have read the news about the return of the King of Dharma, Lord Dorje Shugden’s unmistaken incarnation is back in nirmanakaya form and is propagating the doctrine of the Second Buddha Jamgon Lama Tsongkhapa!

Geshe Chekhawa advises us to ‘Gather all blame into one’, by which he means that we should blame self-cherishing for all our problems and suffering. So in this case, for people who still blame Dorje Shugden and believe that he is a demon, if you want to be angry with something I suggest you should be angry with the ‘demon’ of self-cherishing instead.

It has been revealed from historical sources that Dorje Shugden is the Three Bodhisattvas: Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani and Manjushri  (read: Hence, Dorje Shugden himself is similar to Jamgon Lama Tsongkhapa. Just like how Lama Tsongkhapa upheld and propagated Manjushri’s teachings, so will Dorje Shugden uphold the doctrine of Lama Tsongkhapa. I believe there will be a renaissance of yellow hat’s teachings again.

You said ' I will protect as a wealth of merit for all beings the sublime, stainless essence of the sugatas' teachings'. O Hero Manjushri and Yamantaka in a fearsome disguise, With the strength of a million Dharma Protectors; to you we offer praise.

May the lineages of Drakpas, Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas continue to bring benefit to all sentient beings and eliminate the darkness of the 3 realms!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Big Uncle on July 08, 2010, 09:42:23 AM
Wow! I am really excited about this news. I just can't believe that we are so fortunate to have the incarnation of the Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen amongst us? What a tremendous amount of merits for all us to have him with us. I wonder what is he like? Where is he? Is he still in Drepung monastery? Is he recognised officially by another Lama? By whom? I guess the answer only lies with the admin people.

I am sure, the Lamas that recognised him must have installed him as another smaller incarnation to avoid detection. You know like how Pabongka Rinpoche was recognised as the incarnation of an abbot of an obscure little monastery instead of his Chinese-linked Changkya line of incarnation. Perhaps, he is not even in Drepung monastery.... Argh! The possibilities are endless!

Sorry, I was just so excited and I just wanna share my crazy thoughts with the forum of like-minded folks.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mana on July 08, 2010, 10:05:59 AM
This announcement has far reaching implications for the current world situation that many things have changed over night. As the news filters throughout the world just how much this means will come to light.

1/ Spirits do not reincarnate.
2/ Reincarnations cannot harm HHDL life.
3/ Reincarnations would not do anything to affect the cause of the Tibetan People.
4/ This incarnation is spreading Dharma just like the previous incarnations.
5/ As a reincarnation, then there is attainments to control rebirth making this not an ordinary being.
6/ The fact that after soo many years only today is the announcement released means that this incarnation is free from the politics.

This site has been created with the understanding not to promote any ill will towards the Dalai Lama, and I hope that through this announcement the TGIE and all those who are out there will stop and think.

If you were one of the people, beating shugden supporters, putting them down, ostracizing and ridiculing till such a stage as they become like refugees, for what?

The incarnation of the Protector your believe is a spirit is back.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zach on July 08, 2010, 10:48:01 AM
MMMM...I dont know what to say really.
Do we have any confirmation of what has been said ?  ???
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WoselTenzin on July 08, 2010, 10:54:37 AM
OMG! This is the most incredible news I have heard in a long long time.  The unmistaken incarnation of Tulku Drapga Gyaltsen (TDG) is back!  Imagine the emanation of our holy protector is amongst us, alive, well and spreading the Dharma.  May we have the good fortune to come before his presence to make offerings to him, request him to remain for a long time to turn the wheel of Dharma and receive teachings directly from him.  This is too good to be true and my heart is beating with excitement as I type this message.

Finally there is concrete evidence that all the accusation on Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit is false.  If Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen is back, it can only mean that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened protector and the whole basis of Dharamsala ban on Dorje Shugden has fallen apart.  Oh Oh, what’s Dharamsala going to do now? What other excuses is Dharamsala going to come out with this time to maintain their ban on Dorje Shugden?  Hard evidence is now at hand to prove that Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit.   It means that propitiating Dorje Shugden cannot shorten the Dalai Lama’s life or harm the cause of free Tibet.  So how now?  Would Dharamsala be so gracious to finally admit their mistake, revoke their ban on Dorje Shugden practice? I can’t wait for the response from TGIE on this news.

8th July 2010 is indeed a historical day.  With this announcement, Tulku Drapga Gyaltsen is telling the world that the time has come to make his presence and enlightened activities known. How auspicious we are living at this time!! 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thor on July 08, 2010, 10:56:20 AM
This is new to me, despite all my research I have never seen a Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen reincarnation mentioned.  In fact the Shugden historical accounts have used the lack of a reincarnation as a form of justification, that's how the 19th century author Tsunpa Mati justifies Dorje Shugden as being the reincarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen, which is quoted by Pabongkha Rinpoche. 

There was a Zhide Nyungne Lama reincarnation that is said to be an emanation of Panchen Sonam Dragpa, but one of the later supposed reincarnations fell into disrepute when he and the Reting Rinpoche tried assassinating Taktra Rinpoche.

Technically there are many emanations possible, but as far as official recognitions go this is as much as I know, not to mention it is unclear if the Zhide Nyungne Lama reincarnation line was broken or not.

The lack of official recognitions would be attributed to the fact that his incarnation lineage was banned. No one would dare recognise him as such in public, for fear of the wrath of the Tibetan government (and we all know how vicious it can be).

More likely, he would have been recognised under another name, just like Changkya Rolpai Dorje's incarnation was named the reincarnated Abbot of Pabongka monastery due to the political situation at the time. I am uncertain how volatile the situation with China and the Chinese emperors would have been, but I doubt it would compare to today's global situation with Dorje Shugden.

Changkya continued to manifest his great deeds as Pabongka, and so Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen would do the same as well. TDG's line of incarnations has performed such great deeds, so much so that the majority of today's lama's achievements pale by comparison. The mindstream of such a great being will do nothing else BUT BENEFIT OTHERS. And him arising as Dorje Shugden does not exclude him from emanating as a lineage of lamas, perhaps even as the mind emanation of TDG himself.

I congratulate the website team for getting first-hand information on this news. I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement. Please continue to broadcast all news related to the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen - it will definitely cause an explosion when he emerges into public.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 12:00:52 PM

If illustrious lamas and the Dorje Shugden oracle has recognized this incarnation many decades ago before the controversy and ban, it is an incredible insight into the future. When problems like this would arise so to keep the incarnation's existence a secret. Also for making announcement of the incarnation when Dalai Lama is already 75 years old. I find it very skilfull.

Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen doesn't need the Tibetan Govt, Scholars, Monasteries, or us to confirm who he is. It seems he has been incarnating and helping all along. Great news! After all, what are the benefits and disbenefits to this? Surely the benefits outweigh the 'disbenefits' completely. It shows the lies spewed by the TGIE and further lies to cover themselves is being revealed surely and definitely. Too bad for TGIE now. The end is near for them, sorry to say. The beginning has begun for us.

This website from past history wouldn't simply post such an announcement if it was not fully confirmed. This website team to me seems to be very accurate with their information since it's inception. I trust this website. Anyhow, Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche's whereabouts is not revealed so, nothing to worry. If he is who he is, then he will benefit Lord Tsongkapa's teachings quietly as he has been doing it seems. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to make his precise identity open and wish any fanfare. So let's pray his activities continue. Rejoice!

In Sera Je Monastery, there is a lama recognized by Dalai Lama as the unmistaken incarnation of Shantideva (Shiwa Hla in Tibetan). So his name is Shiwa Hla Rinpoche. From Shantideva until now there hasn't been any word of an 'unbroken' line of incarnations. But it does not mean he has not been incarnating continuously with different names to benefit. So why not Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

I personally feel happy about the news. I remain with my gurus and practice always. But I rejoice for his students and Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen's sacred dharma works.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: harrynephew on July 08, 2010, 02:22:39 PM

If illustrious lamas and the Dorje Shugden oracle has recognized this incarnation many decades ago before the controversy and ban, it is an incredible insight into the future. When problems like this would arise so to keep the incarnation's existence a secret. Also for making announcement of the incarnation when Dalai Lama is already 75 years old. I find it very skilfull.

Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen doesn't need the Tibetan Govt, Scholars, Monasteries, or us to confirm who he is. It seems he has been incarnating and helping all along. Great news! After all, what are the benefits and disbenefits to this? Surely the benefits outweigh the 'disbenefits' completely. It shows the lies spewed by the TGIE and further lies to cover themselves is being revealed surely and definitely. Too bad for TGIE now. The end is near for them, sorry to say. The beginning has begun for us.

I totally agree with you TK. In this age and time, Dharamsala and TGIE will not hold much water in their decisions/approvals. One such example is the New Kadampa Tradition headed by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. They weren't approved by Dharamsala or TGIE but is one of the leading Buddhist organizations in the world bringing every single benefit from the unbroken lineage of Lord Tsongkhapa's teachings! I totally rejoice in their works

I feel that for a country which is so spiritual, the communication of untruth is really uncalled for. With that, the government keeps corrupting itself and will not sustain. I believe the new era of truth, harmony, justice and peace will prevail soon.

This will be marked by the birth of Dorje Shugden as the definitive deity in Buddhism and the world. I'm gonna be part of this!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: vajralight on July 08, 2010, 02:34:23 PM
I am actually quite underwhelmed. What proof will we get, what if the reincarnation is a fake ?
He could then potentially destroy the lineage from within. I remain cautious.

I am happy with any Lama/Teacher who spreads Je Tsongkhapa's tradition purely but I am
quite suspicious of all these tulkus etc.. Look how many tulkus have disrobed. Yes I don't know their intentions, they might be high bodhisattvas and benefit others, but it would be nice to see some examples of realized being staying in robes too.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 08, 2010, 04:01:49 PM
I am actually quite underwhelmed. What proof will we get, what if the reincarnation is a fake ?
He could then potentially destroy the lineage from within. I remain cautious.

I am happy with any Lama/Teacher who spreads Je Tsongkhapa's tradition purely but I am
quite suspicious of all these tulkus etc.. Look how many tulkus have disrobed. Yes I don't know their intentions, they might be high bodhisattvas and benefit others, but it would be nice to see some examples of realized being staying in robes too.


listen to the wisdom words of Vajra....

Beware Tulkus and the Tulku system....... Beware Tulkus and the Tulku system.......Beware Tulkus and the Tulku system.......

Geshe Kelsang shows a fine example of this, having absolutely banned the promotion of tulku's within his organization, not to mention Oracles and the rest of the claptrap...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: harrynephew on July 08, 2010, 04:19:25 PM
I am actually quite underwhelmed. What proof will we get, what if the reincarnation is a fake ?
He could then potentially destroy the lineage from within. I remain cautious.

I am happy with any Lama/Teacher who spreads Je Tsongkhapa's tradition purely but I am
quite suspicious of all these tulkus etc.. Look how many tulkus have disrobed. Yes I don't know their intentions, they might be high bodhisattvas and benefit others, but it would be nice to see some examples of realized being staying in robes too.


To help u with this. We can trace the illustrious past incarnations of Dorje Shugden beginning from the great MahaSiddha Birwapa to, Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, Panchen Sonam Drakpa and Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. What do they have in common???? That'll be your key approach in finding the unmistaken incarnation of the great Kyabje Drakpa Gyaltsen.

some key points which I can think of are as follow:
1. Built monasteries and great religious institutes to preserve the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa (Gaden)
2. Be able to teach in barbaric lands and establish the sacred Dharma
3. Uphold the Vinaya strictly and purely where ever he is teaching

Anyways, I know for sure where ever his incarnation is, creditable high lamas and I think even the protector through the oracle himself will give pronouncements where ever the credit is due.

can't wait to meet him!

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 08, 2010, 05:20:45 PM
I am somewhat baffled. I really do not understand why so many people are seemingly so excited by this thing. Really.

All the big time words about this happenstance being somehow world shattering, or whatever, do not ring a single bell within me. (Call me the cynic.) But really, people in general are interested in FIFA 2010, the sovereign debt crisis, the dollar printing of the FED, the possible escalation of USA war zone in South Asia... these things are important, big, and occupy people's minds. They, and just they, are world shattering facts, coming to light. If some obscure saffron robed Tibetans have said that some other Tibetan is a former Great Tibetan, that hardly constitutes as a great breakthrough of Truth into the light, or in any way a meaningful thing. This announcement will not make a ripple in the World outside Tibetan Buddhism. Truly.

This will in all probability not even shake the Tibetan Buddhist World. Some Lamas say "this guy is a Great One", and others say "surely not". That has happened with the new Karmapas, and it will happen with TDG also. If the powers that be, in Tibetan Buddhism, do not accept this tulku as a Tulku, they just say so, and all who say otherwise, will be stoned like Shamarpa, or whoever happens to disagree. There will therefore not be even a ripple in the Tibetan Buddhist World.

This will furthermore prove nothing to the World, as per any dharmic revelation, as surely all modern men know already that Tibetans believe in reincarnation/rebirth. This will be just a claim amongst the all others, proving nothing except the faith of the faithful, and therefore nothing.

But, and here is the proverbial butt, the most worrisome thing is nevertheless, that there seems to be a view that elevates Others above us. For, you see, if TDG is such a great being, his greatness has surely came through his personal practice, so shouldn't we therefore elevate personal practice above all else, claiming that just it will be the proof of the Truth of our religion? So instead of looking at an unknown and unproven emanation of a former practitioner as some sort of Saviour or an Idol, shouldn't we idolize and see the saving grace of the Practice itself? Otherwise we could just remain with the best of Idols, the HHDL, and yell in unison how great he is, while hoping that by attaching us to the Idol, we will somehow get a little star-glitter or blessing ourselves? Somehow the old saying "jumping from the frying pan, into the fire" comes to my mind. If all people want is an Idol, why take an obscure and existentially unproven one - stick with HHDL!

It is not that I dispute the appearance of TDG or in any way would detest the 'popping out', if true, but I just simply do not see a point in all the fuss. I hail him as great because he practiced and taught JT's doctrine, back then, and if he now reappeared, he will surely behave in a same way - practicing and teaching, but isn't just that what we all should be doing? Instead of hollering that "the King is the Noblest", shouldn't we all try to be Noble ourselves? Arthur might be the King, but the Table is Round!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: shugdenprotect on July 08, 2010, 06:16:05 PM
This is just the best news one can start their day with. Thank you dorjeshugden(dot)com and team!!!

When I read this article, my first thought was the truth always prevails. After 350 years of effort to obliterate Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen (TDG) from the face of the Dharma-earth, His legacy stands firm. It gives me peace that what is pure and meant to benefit will be protected by the Dharma to remain intact.

I am sincerely touched that such a highly attained being has been compassionately and humbly returning to samsara to continue doing Dharma work. Silently, behind a veil to protect His identity, TDG remains with us to ensure the Dharma is protected and growing. I am deeply humbled by the humility of such an enlightened being who had to come to such low levels to be with us and serve us. I fold my hands in deep gratitude and hope that I will have the good fortune to be in service to you, TDG.

It is awesome that so many await and rejoice for this announcement about Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen. This shows how significant He is whereby, despite His tangible absence in the last centuries, the faith in TDG remains stable as the victory banners! I trust that this faith is developed through the substantial work this line of incarnation has contributed to the Buddhadharma and sentient beings.

The time for a new era has arrive, may H.H the Dalai Lama, the King of Dharma who has brought Buddhadharma to the international arena, pass the beacon to Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen to continue turning the wheel of Dharma.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 08, 2010, 06:59:22 PM
It goes without saying that an incarnation of a highly enlightened being - whether formally recognised or not - will always return to continue his good works to benefit others. It is understood that real tulkus don't need recognition; they will do what they are doing nevertheless.

In some cases the recognitions may be political, but larger than that, I believe they do (and have been) a very valuable teaching for many students - serving as reminders of reincarnation, the ability to "return" always to carry on our previous lives' deeds, actions and practice, evidence to practitioners that there is indeed continuity in the mindstream that can only continue to contribute more and more benefit to the world.

With this recent news about the return of TDG, it is not so much a hoo-hah about his title per say, nor the politics behind it / political statements it makes. Rather, it is of great significance because of what it can mean for thousands of DS practitioners in the world - it can bring hope and great faith back into the minds of many. All that others have said to put down this practice, say that it is bad, harmful, a path of a demon etc ... well, the people on this forum may be strong enough never to lose faith and conviction in their practice and teachings, but some others may be very violently disturbed by what is going on. To hear news like this could be the impetus to revive and strengthen their faith, give them hope again.

I think when the people here mention the fact that this news will shake the Tibetan world, I think they allude to the fact that the very basis of what the TGIE has been sprouting and the reasons they have been using to put others down will be very much challenged by this. It is certainly my hope that it will amount to their being proved wrong eventually, and that therefore, all those who have been oppressed, suppressed, put down and damaged by this can begin to see a new dawn again, a space for practising again, at least without such threat of being attacked.

Yes, there could always be some people who will just blatantly say "no, this is not true" and deny it completely. But the very fact that he is there, and that many will also say, "Yes, this IS true" could be threat enough to diminish the effect of what the TGIE is saying. If nothing else, it may just give those who are oppressed the courage to stand up more for themselves, speak up and hold much stronger conviction in their practice. It may not stop what the TGIE is doing immediately, but I think the fact that it may give others much more hope and strength in their practice cannot be denied.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 08, 2010, 07:12:22 PM
Deja Vu

(Please, accept my apologies, in the case that I actually touch any human being - see the disclaimer below.)

There is a computer program, sometimes called a Turing Machine, that generates seemingly meaningful sentences, but nevertheless quite understandably lacks any real reason, or any understanding of even context. ( I have met this program before, in the old days, when the Buddhist discussions were principally made in the Usenet.

Some call it artificial intellect. In Usenet we called it Chinese Spam, as it was then programmed to post anti-Tibet and anti-DL posts. Or rather, it did not post, but reply to other posts; it was as if you would be discussing with someone. It quite cleverly took a clue from several words taken from posts of others that matched it's preprogrammed list, and then generated a salad of sentences seemingly discussing the issue matter - but of course the discussion never went anywhere, as the other party, the Turing Machine, was not discussing, but just spamming it's own propaganda, while of course loosely depending on the clues it got from the posts of humans. It was eventually discovered as 'a non-sentient discusser' as I once happened to ask a wholly unrelated thing, without there being any 'preprogrammed clue words'. At this point the program answered, as usual, but as there were no clues, the answer was a blank. As some professional programmers at that point noticed, that indeed, this 'Poster" had in fact behaved for a year or so in just a like manner as a Turing Machine, it all stopped. The Man Behind the Curtain knew, at that point, that he had been seen! The Turing Machine went silent.

Nice to meet the good old program again. The programmer might of course be different. And it is nice to see, that the program is multi-tentacled, and improved. ;D ::)

DHARMIC DISCLAIMER: I agree with the Forum policy that we should discuss and debate issues, not persons, but as I just realized that the behaviour of a class of posters actually resembles a Turing Machine, not human beings, I therefore must point this out. For after all, haven't we all seen how there is a repetitious barrage of sameminded blabber, without there seemingly being any semblance of trying to discuss the issues.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 08, 2010, 07:22:07 PM
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 08, 2010, 07:28:38 PM
Ha Ha ha!
Thanks goodness our Lord Shugden is finally here to save us! He must be an amazing lama! how kind our gurus are for this new stratagem that will shake the world!!!
Finally there is concrete evidence that all the accusation on Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit is false.

That's right, because someone typing something into an input field IS concrete evidence!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 08, 2010, 07:32:32 PM
I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 08, 2010, 07:34:10 PM

This will be marked by the birth of Dorje Shugden as the definitive deity in Buddhism and the world. I'm gonna be part of this!

What a thouroughly unpleasant and unrealistic idea!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 08, 2010, 07:36:47 PM
  Oh Oh, what’s Dharamsala going to do now? .... I can’t wait for the response from TGIE on this news.


How auspicious we are living at this time!! 

extraordinarily ridiculous.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: emptymountains on July 08, 2010, 08:22:58 PM
I just realized that the behaviour of a class of posters actually resembles a Turing Machine, not human beings, I therefore must point this out. For after all, haven't we all seen how there is a repetitious barrage of sameminded blabber, without there seemingly being any semblance of trying to discuss the issues.

Deju vu, indeed!  ;)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: emptymountains on July 08, 2010, 08:30:35 PM
The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak.

It doesn't seem right for Buddhas to be playing games with people's faith.  :-\
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 08:35:14 PM

1. Since no one knows where Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen is now, it is premature to say it is not true, or it's a poltical tulku, etc. You haven't seen the stone said to be a diamond yet. It could be and it could not be. So be open since you know nothing of the person nor circumstances.

When it's revealed, then cast your stones if you can at that time. If a great lama recognized this person decades ago (as it said), who are you to criticize? Why do you surpass the lamas when it comes to the Tulku and Oracle system?? You don't like it, fine. Don't criticize. It has served its purpose well among the elite greats who finds the system genuine and beneficial. Trijang Rinpoche becomes wrong when it comes to issues you don't like, nor our culture doesn't support? Because Geshe Kelsang doesn't support it, then it's wrong. Well if he's saying it's wrong, then maybe he can be wrong also? Didn't Geshe-la forbid forum use? Then are you Geshe-la's students not listening to what he says and turning things around for your advantage? (This is not meant to criticize Geshe-la or his students, it is to bring a point home please-I have nothing against Geshe-la, and at the same time, everything he believes and does I certainly do not agree with as do many people. But I am not going to come down on him because of those issues I don't agree on-everyone does the best they can. After all, Geshe-la is a normal human being with great learning and karma also. So he can make mistakes, but it does not mean he is bad, or should be disrespected in any way.-Again my apologies to say these things, I mean no offence to the great Monk Geshe Kelsang, in fact I respect greatly. ) Just because Geshe Kelsang doesn't approve or support does not mean it is wrong. Or has no purpose.

2.Who recognized this incarnation of Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen? You do not know either. Since you do not know who the lama is, be open and don't judge. What happens if the recognizing lama was the previous Zong Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, Sogpu Rinpoche or even Trijang Rinpoche themselves?

3. Oracles and tulkus may not work in Geshe-la organization and that's fine. But just because Geshe-la does not endorse them, does not mean they have no use. Zong Rinpoche and other high beings found them useful. Trijang Rinpoche blessed monks and people to become oracles. So are you saying Trijang Rinpoche was just doing cheap tricks? Since Trijang Rinpoche is Geshe Kelsang's root guru, it would be good for him not to criticize this practice as it was a practice of his own root guru. If Geshe-la doesn't like the practice, stay quiet otherwise he becomes like Dalai Lama who says Trijiang Rinpoche was sublime except when it came to Dorje Shugden. Trijang Rinpoche during his lifetime recognizes many tulkus for example the previous Dagom Rinpoche who turned out to be a gem. So was Trijang Rinpoche political in recognizing them?

4. Then don't look for the incarnations of Zemey, Trijang, Dagom, Zong, Tendar, Gonsar, Gangchen, Denma Gonsa, Drayab, Panchen, Dromo Geshe, Sogpu, Rabten, Zawa, Dakpo, Pabongka, Daknak, Yongyal Rinpoches. They and many more are tulkus and they turned out fine. More than fine. How many great Geshes with pure monkhood, great learning and practice are arising from the monasteries now? Think? It is a dangerous time. Stop the tulku system within the Gelug and 'erase' all these great names who can do so much, and there is great danger.

So what are you proposing, to not look for any of their incarnations? Not educate them and give them a chance to open the karmas from their previous incarnations? They mess up, mess up. How many ordinary Geshes and monks messed up and disrobed? Countless. Look at Geshe Thupten Jinpa married with two kids. So should we stop the Geshe system and monk ordinations because countless messed up, disrobed and not put their learning/training into use??

What about Gen Samten who was well respected monk and teacher after Geshe-la in Kadampa? He disrobed? So how? The whole system is wrong in Kadampa? How many monks/nuns have left Kadampa? Does that mean it is wrong? Of course not. So stop using negative examples to bring a tradition that worked for the most part. In samsara both ways cannot, so just accept make do. Geshe-la system doesn't fully work. It will be interesting to see what happens to Kadampa after Geshe-la passes away (forgive me for even saying that-apologies).

Don't simply put the tulkus and oracles down. The greats of our lineage that transmit the pure doctrine to us regarded the tulku system with high regard. They also talked to Dorje Shugden via the oracles thousands of times in their lifetimes. Since they are such great teachers, with great intelligence, precise logic, tremendous experience, we should respect what they respect for the most part. If we don't like, we don't have to name what they respect or recognize as hoax, or political or wrong. Then if they are wrong, why practice what they teach? Since they are right, you have beings like Geshe Kelsang existing today.

5. This issue of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and what happened to him after being strangled is a big issue on the plateau of Tibetan Buddhism for the most part. Maybe it has no followers in the greater part of the world, but if this issue is not big and shattering for those involved, why are we on this forum? Most of the 6 billion ppl on this planet don't give a hoot as to what we are debating about in this forum. So does that mean it is not important? Out of 6 billion ppl in the world only around 360 million are Buddhists. From this number, how many are Tibetan Buddhists? Again how many our Gelugs and in our lineage? Becomea small doesn't it? So what's the point?

The rarity of Lama Tzongkapa's tradition is acknowledged clearly. Numbers doesn't make it not important. If what happened to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was not important and still holds no relevance, then we would all be good friends of Dalai Lama and even perhaps his students? Geshe Kelsang and Dalai Lama would be the best of friends, after all, isn't that what Great Geshes like themselves should be-forgiving, loving, humble and accepting and loving all sentient beings? NOT 'against' each other and having protests against the other? Is that monkly? Samsara has never been perfect. Why look for something that has never existed? View of how you want to be although we are stuck in dualism, lack of merit and zero attainments?

6. There's nothing political about Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen not being able to be silenced. Silenced in this case means to let people think he was evil or became a spirit or not fit to teach. He is back which means those who WERE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED IN KILLING HIM WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL! HE HAS BEEN BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN AND NOW AGAIN and unfortunately all the energy TGIE spent on erasing him did not work.

Be gentle. Don't criticize. Watch. Observe. Reserve judgement till you know the FULL DETAILS OF THIS KYABJE DRAKPA GYELTSEN. He could surprise you and turn out great. If he doesn't then you can open up the 'I hate tulkus, banish tulku system' protests/writings/plarcards/opinions again. For now watch. Observe. Be wise and reserve pre-judgement from one announcement on this website and you know nothing of the intimate details yet.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 08:36:47 PM
I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

Not surprising. It is kept secret to protect his life. Dagom Rinpoche's incarnation is in the same situation now.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 08:46:35 PM
Taunt is your view. Your word. Your verb. Not their intention. It still is a secret. NO ONE KNOWS WHERE HE IS YET, but HE IS BACK AND DOING HIS JOB. Tantalizing not taunting at all.

Announcing it slowly is to give hope and protect his life. He will emerge. It could be the instructions of the high lamas that recognized him or dorje shugden himself through the oracles to slowly announce and slowly make known. 

Keeping him secret now, let's TGIE know they have failed. And as their 'power' wanes now, and the death of the Dalai lama happens, then their whole merry I hate shugden campaign will fall apart. Then much more safer for this incarnation to appear from what I heard.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DharmaDefender on July 08, 2010, 08:54:26 PM
What confuses me is why people are so up in arms against the tulku system if, like tk has pointed out, the system has identified many great lamas. Again people are applying one view to the entire situation, saying their view is the right view (i.e. Geshe-la doesn't allow it in his organisation, therefore it is wrong for everyone to practise it).

Besides, if people are so against the tulku system, then how did DDG become Panchen Sonam Drakpa, to become TDG? If we should all be wary of the tulku system, then where did Dorje Shugden arise from, if not from the system of identifying tulkus?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 08:55:16 PM
Be not as Doubting Thomas!
The Story is still being told children, Keep Quiet until it is finished

LOL. Very sweet and nice. Thank you Protectors Champion.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 08:56:56 PM
What confuses me is why people are so up in arms against the tulku system if, like tk has pointed out, the system has identified many great lamas. Again people are applying one view to the entire situation, saying their view is the right view (i.e. Geshe-la doesn't allow it in his organisation, therefore it is wrong for everyone to practise it).

Besides, if people are so against the tulku system, then how did DDG become Panchen Sonam Drakpa, to become TDG? If we should all be wary of the tulku system, then where did Dorje Shugden arise from, if not from the system of identifying tulkus?

Excllent point. I thank you for your patience. Then dorje shugden has no previous lives that were the greats?  The tulku system is wrong? I don't think so.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 08, 2010, 09:03:23 PM
I'm happy to hear the news and am glad that the website admin did not decide to keep it 'secret'.

Why? I am glad to know that such a great Lama has reincarnated in my time. I'm sure he has been reincarnating many times since Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen's time but he has never been open about it. So i feel that by his willingness to be public about who he is, there is a purpose behind it. For such a high lama, the purpose MUST be important and I am guessing that it's all to do with timing. Perhaps the time has come that Dorje Shugden will change his status to be mainstream. Whatever it is, I see it as a GOOD omen so i am happy.

Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen is also Panchen Sonam Dragpa and Lord Dulzin - so i heartily rejoice that such a great being has returned.

Re the tulku system - whether someone has the title of a tulku or not, their qualities will shine. The advantage of the tulku system is that those who are identified as a tulku can get 'fast tracked' in their scholastic study so they can act from their full potential faster. If some tulkus screw up - i don't think it's because they were at fault but that there must be karma from elsewhere which allowed the 'screw up' to happen. For example, Lama Yeshe's incarnation Lama Osel seems to be not at all interested in Dharma. Is Lama Osel a false incarnation? Or is he showing lack of interest because his students and his organisation have abandoned Dorje Shugden?

Lama Zopa mentioned that our Gurus may manifest faults to us so that they can communicate with us in an ordinary aspect ( so perhaps we should not be so quick to judge.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 09:06:37 PM

How sure are you to label it a HOAX?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:10:04 PM
The advantage of the tulku system is that those who are identified as a tulku can get 'fast tracked' in their scholastic study so they can act from their full potential faster.

But is this alleged tulku still young?  If not then there's no point of assuming this title at a more advanced age, right?

This tulku was recognized decades ago. Read the write up on the homepage. That means he could of finished his studies and doing deeds now under another assumed name.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Big Uncle on July 08, 2010, 09:11:09 PM
Dear Doubters,

I think we should respect the kindness of this website's admin and team who have gone through thick and thin to provide  the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding what's happening in the Buddhist scene. So far, I have only come across accurate information regarding a great many things and I have the people working on this website to thank for.  

So based on past record, I don't think, they will cook up a story just to get some attention. Why can't Dorje Shugden emanate as a Lama to benefit others? Why do you put your own limitations upon Manjushri himself? Your very doubts on this matter reflects how little faith you guys have on Dorje Shugden. It is sad that some people have limited his powers and so quickly called it a hoax. I don't think we should be so quick to judge at this point when we don't have the full information yet.

Big Uncle
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 09:13:53 PM
Is this a mere drama enacted for the sole purpose of driving up forum usage/website ratings?!
Well, forum usage/website ratings increasing would be lovely.  Afterall, this website is and should be for everyone. The details are not reveled yet. Why the negativity?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 08, 2010, 09:17:23 PM
The advantage of the tulku system is that those who are identified as a tulku can get 'fast tracked' in their scholastic study so they can act from their full potential faster.

But is this alleged tulku still young?  If not then there's no point of assuming this title at a more advanced age, right?

I was talking about tulkus in general rather than this case - honestly, i had not thought whether this reincarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen was young or old, but whether he is young or old, he is who he is, right? In the Tibetan tradition where a spiritual lineage is important, Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen's incarnation would be quite meaningful.

Can I just clarify - are you doubting that Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen's incarnation is back or are you saying that Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen is not important so whether he is back or not is of no consequence?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:18:00 PM
Keeping him secret now, let's TGIE know they have failed.

Announcing it slowly is to give hope and protect his life.
People hope the politics will end.  Dorje Shugden is good enough, yet another reincarnation will not solve the problem.

Secrecy is to protect his life. No politics from their mind or their side.

The incarnation is not meant to solve the 'problem'. Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen, Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and Now Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen didn't incarnate to solve TGIE's self made problems. He came to teach dharma and benefit many. No problems made by TGIE can be solved only forgotten in time.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:21:24 PM
Is this a mere drama enacted for the sole purpose of driving up forum usage/website ratings?!
Well, forum usage/website ratings increasing would be lovely.  Afterall, this website is and should be for everyone. The details are not reveled yet. Why the negativity?

Hey, one of the reasons I have printed out 30,000 ds brochures so far and distributing them is to bring more traffic to this website. This website should be made known to as many people as possible. Let them derive what their karma allows them to get when they log on. As much or as little benefit as their karma allows-why not?

Do as much as we can, action is important. Nothing wrong with traffic. Otherwise why have a website or forum?


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:24:07 PM
But by announce something (in advance) that has a motive right?  You suggested to let the TGIE know they have failed, that seems political to me.

Whatever you want to think, your one person and that is fine. The side effect is TGIE will know they failed. That is not the purpose of the announcement I assume. That is their politics not our's. So yes it's politics, but not our's. When your motivation is not correct, even offering flower to Buddha can be political. So let's just watch this unfold and think the best, why worst?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 09:27:29 PM
OK, if it is true and must remain secret why taunt the public?  Just keep it secret, right?

Does it mean then that the many secret tantric practices we know of but is kept secret because its intention is to taunt the public? I do not see it as a way to  "taunt the public"...why should it.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 08, 2010, 09:28:06 PM
Dear Admin-folks (whoever you are) and dear tk, I think people are here mostly either idolaters or agnostics, concerning this issue. (Yes, I do have tongue in cheek...)

And some, like me, tried to rise the practice to the forefront. So please, all of you Guru-dance'a'rounders - if this expression is acceptable - try to understand this other position as something not opposing, but, well, just different. For some, the world changes through personal practice, and for some, well, we need a sort of Second Coming.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:34:21 PM
Can I just clarify - are you doubting that Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen's incarnation is back or are you saying that Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen is not important so whether he is back or not is of no consequence?

I am not precluding Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen from having a reincarnation.  However, the circumstances seem strange:
1.  Domo Geshe Rinpoche was recognized as the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen by the previous Trijang Rinpoche.
2.  Publicly announcing there is one, but who it is can't be disclosed seems strange, why?

Body, speech, mind, activities and qualities incarnations are many. Dorje Shugden  through Dulzin Choyang Kuten (oracle) said when they approached him for the current Zong Rinpoche incarnation during the search: "Zong Rinpoche has many incarnations of body, speech, mind, etc, but we will identify the mind incarnation." For that he gave clear indications as to the parents name, regions, etc. It matched exactly with the Dalai Lama's dreams when he was approached also re Zong Rinpoche's incarnation. When they found the boy, he clearly passed the battery of tests he was subjected to and recognized by name his previous life attendants.

Hence there are many Zong Rinpoches. Just the same many Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen incarnations. Simple as that. His incarnation exists. Some are revealed, some not, some when the right time comes. But probably only one actually carrying his name, maybe, but I could be wrong. The one they are announcing could be any one of those or the actual mind incarnation. How tantalizing.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 08, 2010, 09:35:57 PM
I find this all quite strange, but hey ho, maybe i'm quite strange..
You know, it wouldn't suprise me if it was revealed that it is Tsem!! Ta-da!!  :D
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: iloveds on July 08, 2010, 09:37:18 PM
skeptic camp rears its ugly head again - you guys are skeptics right?

You don't want to see an end to the ban, you still wish people to suffer from wanting to practice DS, you don't believe in incarnate Lama's, there is nobody who can recognise tulkus, heck even DS himself cannot recognise a incarnate Lama, the world revolves around Geshe La and what he says applies for everything in the universe.

Turing Machine operating again me'thinks. emptymountains and crazyclouds decided to let trinleykalsang have a go at programming, didn't know where the "enter" key was so he got crazycloud to put his glasses on because he sat on his on the way over to the "Lets put down TDG party" at emptymountains house. They had a few too many beers and decided to program the Turin Machine 6.0 with some cheap one liners so that they didn't have to think any deeper about the TDG announcement.

TK's 6 points sum it all up nicely.

And I love the poem it really is something to say and skillful too... perhaps the skeptic party can learn from it

Be not as Doubting Thomas!
The Story is still being told children,
Keep Quiet until it is finished
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 09:38:40 PM
Keeping him secret now, let's TGIE know they have failed.

Announcing it slowly is to give hope and protect his life.
People hope the politics will end.  Dorje Shugden is good enough, yet another reincarnation will not solve the problem.

I do wish harm will end. Politics are nasty but it's neutral in nature and can be manipulated for the greater good. Regarding this newly made known reincarnation, we do not know his role yet. Is his role to just solve the problem (i assume you meant political)? I rather keep an open mind to the vast beneficial activities highly evolved beings can do.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 08, 2010, 09:40:14 PM

1. Since no one knows where Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen is now, it is premature to say it is not true, or it's a poltical tulku, etc. You haven't seen the stone said to be a diamond yet. It could be and it could not be. So be open since you know nothing of the person nor circumstances.

When it's revealed, then cast your stones if you can at that time. If a great lama recognized this person decades ago (as it said), who are you to criticize? Why do you surpass the lamas when it comes to the Tulku and Oracle system?? You don't like it, fine. Don't criticize. It has served its purpose well among the elite greats who finds the system genuine and beneficial. Trijang Rinpoche becomes wrong when it comes to issues you don't like, nor our culture doesn't support? Because Geshe Kelsang doesn't support it, then it's wrong. Well if he's saying it's wrong, then maybe he can be wrong also? Didn't Geshe-la forbid forum use? Then are you Geshe-la's students not listening to what he says and turning things around for your advantage? (This is not meant to criticize Geshe-la or his students, it is to bring a point home please-I have nothing against Geshe-la, and at the same time, everything he believes and does I certainly do not agree with as do many people. But I am not going to come down on him because of those issues I don't agree on-everyone does the best they can. After all, Geshe-la is a normal human being with great learning and karma also. So he can make mistakes, but it does not mean he is bad, or should be disrespected in any way.-Again my apologies to say these things, I mean no offence to the great Monk Geshe Kelsang, in fact I respect greatly. ) Just because Geshe Kelsang doesn't approve or support does not mean it is wrong. Or has no purpose.

2.Who recognized this incarnation of Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen? You do not know either. Since you do not know who the lama is, be open and don't judge. What happens if the recognizing lama was the previous Zong Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, Sogpu Rinpoche or even Trijang Rinpoche themselves?

3. Oracles and tulkus may not work in Geshe-la organization and that's fine. But just because Geshe-la does not endorse them, does not mean they have no use. Zong Rinpoche and other high beings found them useful. Trijang Rinpoche blessed monks and people to become oracles. So are you saying Trijang Rinpoche was just doing cheap tricks? Since Trijang Rinpoche is Geshe Kelsang's root guru, it would be good for him not to criticize this practice as it was a practice of his own root guru. If Geshe-la doesn't like the practice, stay quiet otherwise he becomes like Dalai Lama who says Trijiang Rinpoche was sublime except when it came to Dorje Shugden. Trijang Rinpoche during his lifetime recognizes many tulkus for example the previous Dagom Rinpoche who turned out to be a gem. So was Trijang Rinpoche political in recognizing them?

4. Then don't look for the incarnations of Zemey, Trijang, Dagom, Zong, Tendar, Gonsar, Gangchen, Denma Gonsa, Drayab, Panchen, Dromo Geshe, Sogpu, Rabten, Zawa, Dakpo, Pabongka, Daknak, Yongyal Rinpoches. They and many more are tulkus and they turned out fine. More than fine. How many great Geshes with pure monkhood, great learning and practice are arising from the monasteries now? Think? It is a dangerous time. Stop the tulku system within the Gelug and 'erase' all these great names who can do so much, and there is great danger.

So what are you proposing, to not look for any of their incarnations? Not educate them and give them a chance to open the karmas from their previous incarnations? They mess up, mess up. How many ordinary Geshes and monks messed up and disrobed? Countless. Look at Geshe Thupten Jinpa married with two kids. So should we stop the Geshe system and monk ordinations because countless messed up, disrobed and not put their learning/training into use??

What about Gen Samten who was well respected monk and teacher after Geshe-la in Kadampa? He disrobed? So how? The whole system is wrong in Kadampa? How many monks/nuns have left Kadampa? Does that mean it is wrong? Of course not. So stop using negative examples to bring a tradition that worked for the most part. In samsara both ways cannot, so just accept make do. Geshe-la system doesn't fully work. It will be interesting to see what happens to Kadampa after Geshe-la passes away (forgive me for even saying that-apologies).

Don't simply put the tulkus and oracles down. The greats of our lineage that transmit the pure doctrine to us regarded the tulku system with high regard. They also talked to Dorje Shugden via the oracles thousands of times in their lifetimes. Since they are such great teachers, with great intelligence, precise logic, tremendous experience, we should respect what they respect for the most part. If we don't like, we don't have to name what they respect or recognize as hoax, or political or wrong. Then if they are wrong, why practice what they teach? Since they are right, you have beings like Geshe Kelsang existing today.

5. This issue of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and what happened to him after being strangled is a big issue on the plateau of Tibetan Buddhism for the most part. Maybe it has no followers in the greater part of the world, but if this issue is not big and shattering for those involved, why are we on this forum? Most of the 6 billion ppl on this planet don't give a hoot as to what we are debating about in this forum. So does that mean it is not important? Out of 6 billion ppl in the world only around 360 million are Buddhists. From this number, how many are Tibetan Buddhists? Again how many our Gelugs and in our lineage? Becomea small doesn't it? So what's the point?

The rarity of Lama Tzongkapa's tradition is acknowledged clearly. Numbers doesn't make it not important. If what happened to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was not important and still holds no relevance, then we would all be good friends of Dalai Lama and even perhaps his students? Geshe Kelsang and Dalai Lama would be the best of friends, after all, isn't that what Great Geshes like themselves should be-forgiving, loving, humble and accepting and loving all sentient beings? NOT 'against' each other and having protests against the other? Is that monkly? Samsara has never been perfect. Why look for something that has never existed? View of how you want to be although we are stuck in dualism, lack of merit and zero attainments?

6. There's nothing political about Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen not being able to be silenced. Silenced in this case means to let people think he was evil or became a spirit or not fit to teach. He is back which means those who WERE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED IN KILLING HIM WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL! HE HAS BEEN BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN AND NOW AGAIN and unfortunately all the energy TGIE spent on erasing him did not work.

Be gentle. Don't criticize. Watch. Observe. Reserve judgement till you know the FULL DETAILS OF THIS KYABJE DRAKPA GYELTSEN. He could surprise you and turn out great. If he doesn't then you can open up the 'I hate tulkus, banish tulku system' protests/writings/plarcards/opinions again. For now watch. Observe. Be wise and reserve pre-judgement from one announcement on this website and you know nothing of the intimate details yet.


what a brilliant argument TK... some people here are just plain jealous, simple virtue like "rejoice" also they do not possess, they are the real political ones...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:41:24 PM
Dear Admin-folks (whoever you are) and dear tk, I think people are here mostly either idolaters or agnostics, concerning this issue. (Yes, I do have tongue in cheek...)

And some, like me, tried to rise the practice to the forefront. So please, all of you Guru-dance'a'rounders - if this expression is acceptable - try to understand this other position as something not opposing, but, well, just different. For some, the world changes through personal practice, and for some, well, we need a sort of Second Coming.

I dont need a second coming. But it's coming. You judge everything from a judeo christian mono theistic background. I can't blame you. But not everything revolves around your upbringing. Tibet, it's traditions, Buddhism is worlds apart from what you know, what you are use to, and what you see as acceptable. You can just practice and become a Buddha. You don't have to dance around a guru, and neither do we, but if a incarnation is coming, why not.

My views and beliefs are different than your's but I don't appreciate being labelled a Guru-dance'a'rounder because they are different than your's. Please refrain from the name calling. The world indeed changes with practice. So change your world.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 09:45:16 PM
There are different views on this.  Generally if we speak of many emanations of one master that slightly goes against the yangsi system (serial rebirth) that is used to recognize official reincarnations.  In the true spiritual there are many re-emanations possible, but I've never heard of officially recognition of multiple.

I have heard of official recognitions of multiples. Kyabje Rongtha Gyabgon Rinpoche of Sera Je. There are two of them and they are brothers. They have the exact name. I met the one in Delhi and had very accurate divinations done. FPMT

Both Rongthas have passed and one lived in Delhi and the other in Tibet.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: vajralight on July 08, 2010, 09:46:05 PM
Dear all,

no disrespect meant. I am cautious because I believe there have been numerous occasions where the wrong incarnation was "found" and where that person has been used for political motivations. I also think that many incarnations have rightly been recognized by highly realised Masters, but if we look today to the situation in the Buddhist world, many are under the influence of the DL and TGIE or afraid to go againste the wishes of the DL or TGIE. (Maybe for good reasons, they may have family in refugee camps etc..)

It looks as if the tulku system has been and is used for more than spiritual purposes. (See all the western tulkus, and many Tibetans, they have all disrobed ! Traditions have been split (Kagyu))

I am very grateful for the admin to give us so much useful information but I disagree that my faith in Dorje Shugden depends on me believing/accepting without proof that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is back.

For me his return will only have meaning if he manifest the aspects of a true follower of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition.
And if he can help people of this world by spreading Buddhadharma far and wide ofcourse I will rejoice and honour him. But I also rejoice in anyone who does this, tulku or not.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 09:49:28 PM
Dear all


Thank you
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thor on July 08, 2010, 09:50:45 PM
Keeping him secret now, let's TGIE know they have failed.

Announcing it slowly is to give hope and protect his life.
People hope the politics will end.  Dorje Shugden is good enough, yet another reincarnation will not solve the problem.

As long as sentient beings remain, may I too remain, to benefit the beings of the world ~ Shantideva.

Every reincarnation has a part to play, a job to do, a mission to accomplish.

Dulzin built Gaden Monastery -  the original Gelugpa monastery from which came the likes of Trijang Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche...

He returned as Panchen Sonam Drakpa,  composed the 11 volumes of scriptures, studied by masters like Trijang Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche, Dalai Lama, Zong Rinpoche...

He returned once again as Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, who arose as the great DharmaPala Dorje Shugden, whose lineage carries on in Trijang Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso...

Just look at his great deeds. The mindstream of a beneficial one will continue to return again and again to samsara. Whatever form they choose to reincarnate it, whatever recognition the receive, their sole purpose is to continue to benefit.

To say something is good enough, is belittling our Protector. If he has emanated once again, then it must be for great benefit.

I am not agreeing that the announcement is true and valid. But if TRUE, then there is HOPE. Hope for what? For freedom of religion, for the end of discrimination. If not, then what have we lost?

Wait and see. Why criticise prematurely?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: iloveds on July 08, 2010, 09:51:22 PM
I find this all quite strange, but hey ho, maybe i'm quite strange..
You know, it wouldn't suprise me if it was revealed that it is Tsem!! Ta-da!!  :D

Maybe they revealed it will be Mohani!! Ta-da!!

Maybe they revealed it will be TrinleyKalsang!! Ta-da!!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 08, 2010, 09:54:48 PM
I find this all quite strange, but hey ho, maybe i'm quite strange..
You know, it wouldn't suprise me if it was revealed that it is Tsem!! Ta-da!!  :D

Maybe if they revealed it will be His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche in the future would be great. He is a superb lama from what I see of his youtubes, websites and blogs. His youtube has already 650,000 views from my count.

Young, energetic, strong, vocal, devoted, ordained and modern. Great!!! My he live long. Btw, I don't think spewing names of Tsem or what not here and there is good. Why bring trouble to Tsem Rinpoche or any other lama we haphazardly ta-da!!!??
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 08, 2010, 09:56:27 PM
That doesn't mean you have won me over, it just seems pointless to argue based on such a small amount of public information.  

Then why are you arguing??

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 08, 2010, 09:58:26 PM
Just thought things might be going that way. I don't mean to cause him any problems.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thor on July 08, 2010, 09:58:54 PM
Dear all,

no disrespect meant. I am cautious because I believe there have been numerous occasions where the wrong incarnation was "found" and where that person has been used for political motivations. I also think that many incarnations have rightly been recognized by highly realised Masters, but if we look today to the situation in the Buddhist world, many are under the influence of the DL and TGIE or afraid to go againste the wishes of the DL or TGIE. (Maybe for good reasons, they may have family in refugee camps etc..)

It looks as if the tulku system has been and is used for more than spiritual purposes. (See all the western tulkus, and many Tibetans, they have all disrobed ! Traditions have been split (Kagyu))

I am very grateful for the admin to give us so much useful information but I disagree that my faith in Dorje Shugden depends on me believing/accepting without proof that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is back.

For me his return will only have meaning if he manifest the aspects of a true follower of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition.
And if he can help people of this world by spreading Buddhadharma far and wide ofcourse I will rejoice and honour him. But I also rejoice in anyone who does this, tulku or not.


Dear Vajra,

yes, tulku system has been abused by those with other motivations. But it does not preclude correct recognitions also. If he is a real emanation, there is no doubting that his qualities will shine through. The example of Changkya Rolpai Dorje and Je Pabongkhapa comes to mind.

You are wise to be careful and reserve your judgement on the validity of the Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen reincarnation. I don't think this website would risk their reputation unless they were fairly sure of their sources. But let us wait (impatiently) and see.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 08, 2010, 09:59:35 PM
That doesn't mean you have won me over, it just seems pointless to argue based on such a small amount of public information.  

it's pointless to argue full stop. i don't think we're here to win anyone over (i'm not anyway), just to express and share our different perspectives on the different topics that arise. If people agree, that's fine. If people don't agree, that's fine too. It's all about mutual respect for differences of opinions.

I rejoice in the possibilities this latest news brings. if you don't rejoice, that's fine too :) but pls don't look down on me for being happy about it. :)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 08, 2010, 10:05:09 PM
Just thought things might be going that way. I don't mean to cause him any problems.

There are many many tulkus and reincarnations out there that you may not know about. It is just that His eminence Tsem Rinpoche is one of the more famous and wellknown ones, hence you mention him, but if you dont mean to bring him any problems then dont mention him. because he is under a repressive regime called TGIE, so all of us should protect them as they work hard for the dharma.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 10:12:02 PM
Having read some public biographies very closely I know who this probably is.  In a spiritual sense this is a "don't care" for me whether it goes public or not, because I know who my teachers are and they are the only ones I need to see as a Buddha.  Given the political situation nowadays it is a bit concerning what social effect this will have.

Yes, your teachers are the only ones you need to see as a Buddha. Same for me and same for every disciple around the world. Hence I don't criticize or make jokes of any teacher lightly to not disrespect any student around the world who needs to view their teacher as a Buddha (not saying you do).

Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen could have many students, so it might matter to them quite alot. Bless them and their teacher because it will not be easy for them if it is fully revealed. Who knows, it might not be fully revealed for another 1, 2, 10, 20, 30 years or maybe never. I will not go and meet Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen as I have my teachers also. But I deeply respect him for his student's sake. How brave he and his students are if TGIE is still existing and 'functioning'. So I do care about this issue for them. OM MANI PEME HUNG.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 10:13:20 PM
Because there are many things to consider with this.

Dear Trinley
I've appreciated your thoroughness in research and can understand your concerns. You are considering many things because you care for our lineage. In the process of considering these newly presented information, openness is required. I think we do not have enough to put down or make any conclusions as of yet...

However, I can't help rejoicing while reading the news for the possibilities of a greatly, beneficial being amongst us to teach and assist us in our practice.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 10:19:08 PM
Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen could have many students, so it might matter to them quite alot. Bless them and their teacher because it will not be easy for them if it is fully revealed.

So aren't we doing them a favor by expressing our caution and concerns on this matter?

Yes, we are. But to them he is a Buddha as he is their guru already. So for their guru to turn out to be Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen would be a 'step down' and easier to accept. To believe from a Buddha to a high lama would be easier. As a Buddha would be perfect.  So we might not be doing them a favour if they have already accepted him as their Buddha. If you have accepted your teacher as a Buddha and I go around investigating whether he is or not, that wouldn't help.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 10:28:17 PM
Well, then, I think the best thing to do would be to play it down for the sake of them.

Can forum ALL WE WANT. Just don't mention any names of who we might think it would be. Some forum goers mention names. Very not considerate I would think given the climate of the circumstances.

Keep the lamas safe. We should have compassion for them as they for us.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: dsnowlion on July 08, 2010, 10:30:38 PM
OM Buddha!!! The announcement brought shivers to my spine and it gave a new light of hope that we always new was there but now it Sun is slowly rising. What Great news that we all should rejoice! It deepens my faith and what revelation it will be when TDG is revealed one day and Yes I believe it will come, no doubt. Because if Buddhas can manifest, reincarnations and incarnations is nothing new, and the very fact you do prayers to Dorje Shugden, is a clear indication you do believe. Nothing is impossible except our limited narrow thinking due to the self cherishing egocentric mind that like to be right.  

I do not have any doubts that this website/webmaster would dare put up such a news as a Hoax/to get extra ratings. Why do you? Are you jealous you did not get the news first?

Are you jealous that everyone congregates here for the best Dorje Shugden information and are you sour no one will go to And anyway there is nobody home over there. I remembered like about a week back some of u wanted to copy all the info on this forum and transfer on to your new site... some more have the cheek to ask the webmaster... how cold, uncaring, and unethical is that?  And if you have so much doubt and so critical of the info this website puts up, then why do you want to copy the info. Doubt it all then.

You have the right to have doubt ans question but what is your intent? To be skeptic for wanting to learn more and get better understanding is fine. But being skeptical and criticizing, putting people down, being cheeky at everything that does not fit your world just cause your Guru told you so... is quite a huge wrong view. And sadly it paints a not so nice picture of your Guru if we did not know him better that he is not like so.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 08, 2010, 10:39:15 PM
Dear Admin-folks (whoever you are) and dear tk, I think people are here mostly either idolaters or agnostics, concerning this issue. (Yes, I do have tongue in cheek...)

And some, like me, tried to rise the practice to the forefront. So please, all of you Guru-dance'a'rounders - if this expression is acceptable - try to understand this other position as something not opposing, but, well, just different. For some, the world changes through personal practice, and for some, well, we need a sort of Second Coming.

I dont need a second coming. But it's coming. You judge everything from a judeo christian mono theistic background. I can't blame you. But not everything revolves around your upbringing. Tibet, it's traditions, Buddhism is worlds apart from what you know, what you are use to, and what you see as acceptable. You can just practice and become a Buddha. You don't have to dance around a guru, and neither do we, but if a incarnation is coming, why not.

My views and beliefs are different than your's but I don't appreciate being labelled a Guru-dance'a'rounder because they are different than your's. Please refrain from the name calling. The world indeed changes with practice. So change your world.

I'm sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention. (I even tried to make that view sure by saying if this expression is acceptable, implying, that my expression was, while non-common, yet non-offensive.) But no matter what, I am sorry for whatever bad feelings my post might have rised. I chose my words wrongly, so my fault.

Nevertheless, it was quite interesting for me to see that someone, in this case you, would think that I would be thinking in a judeo-christian theistic way, but then when I read my post with the comment idolaters and agnostics, I'll guess it was coming. Hmmm. Eventhough there was that tongue in cheek. But I'll guess I have quite a lot to do in my communication skills. It is just so easy to be misunderstood when the two parties do not know each other personally beforehand. But in any case, this was my mistake.

My apologies,
your non-judeo-christian friend in Dharma

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 08, 2010, 10:44:12 PM
Dear Admin-folks (whoever you are) and dear tk, I think people are here mostly either idolaters or agnostics, concerning this issue. (Yes, I do have tongue in cheek...)

And some, like me, tried to rise the practice to the forefront. So please, all of you Guru-dance'a'rounders - if this expression is acceptable - try to understand this other position as something not opposing, but, well, just different. For some, the world changes through personal practice, and for some, well, we need a sort of Second Coming.

I dont need a second coming. But it's coming. You judge everything from a judeo christian mono theistic background. I can't blame you. But not everything revolves around your upbringing. Tibet, it's traditions, Buddhism is worlds apart from what you know, what you are use to, and what you see as acceptable. You can just practice and become a Buddha. You don't have to dance around a guru, and neither do we, but if a incarnation is coming, why not.

My views and beliefs are different than your's but I don't appreciate being labelled a Guru-dance'a'rounder because they are different than your's. Please refrain from the name calling. The world indeed changes with practice. So change your world.

I'm sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention. (I even tried to make that view sure by saying if this expression is acceptable, implying, that my expression was, while non-common, yet non-offensive.) But no matter what, I am sorry for whatever bad feelings my post might have rised. I chose my words wrongly, so my fault.

Nevertheless, it was quite interesting for me to see that someone, in this case you, would think that I would be thinking in a judeo-christian theistic way, but then when I read my post with the comment idolaters and agnostics, I'll guess it was coming. Hmmm. Eventhough there was that tongue in cheek. But I'll guess I have quite a lot to do in my communication skills. It is just so easy to be misunderstood when the two parties do not know each other personally beforehand. But in any case, this was my mistake.

My apologies,
your non-judeo-christian friend in Dharma

Dear Non-Judeo-Christian friend in the Dharma,

I like what you just wrote. You are very cheeky and cute in your own way if I may say. LOL.

You are absolutely right, misunderstandings do come when two parties have never met.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORDS AND KIND REPLY. I appreciate you and your straightforwardness.

Folded hands,


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: dsnowlion on July 08, 2010, 10:55:26 PM
We do not need cliche and clubs or gangs on this site.

Now as my Ma used to say, ' If you cannot say something nice. Do not say anything at all".
So let's try that for awhile instead of this clammoring that is nonsense defense that is bending my mind and messing with my wa.


EXACTLY MY POINT! NO Clubs or Cliche required so please let's not make one. And if there is any to be made, it should be to Lord Dorje Shugden.

No one is ASSERTING anything. But it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure where all the skeptical and doubting minds are coming from. Or perhaps I am reading it wrong too? If so then I apologies.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 10:57:17 PM

Now as my Ma used to say, ' If you cannot say something nice. Do not say anything at all".
So let's try that for awhile instead. Okay?

:) Dear Protectors Champion. I truly appreciate your effort and I must say, you are very creative to be conveying the same message but string together differently!

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 08, 2010, 10:59:32 PM
Original quote from Protectors Champion (which just disappeared)

"Are you jealous that everyone congregates here for the best Dorje Shugden information and are you sour no one will go to And anyway there is nobody home over there. I remembered like about a week back some of u wanted to copy all the info on this forum and transfer on to your new site... some more have the cheek to ask the webmaster... how cold, uncaring, and unethical is that?  And if you have so much doubt and so critical of the info this website puts up, then why do you want to copy the info."


Dear Protectors Champion,

What you wrote is direct, sharp and very to the point. But I just couldn't not stop laughing at the style of your writing. You are one super witty person.

I like your posts. Keep it up and I look forward to your future posts.

Yes, I'm loyal to this site like you.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 08, 2010, 11:02:57 PM
OK, I am noticing a partisan divide here.

No partisanship here. Just pure appreciation of some people.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 08, 2010, 11:16:01 PM

1. Since no one knows where Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen is now, it is premature to say it is not true, or it's a poltical tulku, etc. You haven't seen the stone said to be a diamond yet. It could be and it could not be. So be open since you know nothing of the person nor circumstances.

When it's revealed, then cast your stones if you can at that time. If a great lama recognized this person decades ago (as it said), who are you to criticize? Why do you surpass the lamas when it comes to the Tulku and Oracle system?? You don't like it, fine. Don't criticize. It has served its purpose well among the elite greats who finds the system genuine and beneficial. Trijang Rinpoche becomes wrong when it comes to issues you don't like, nor our culture doesn't support? Because Geshe Kelsang doesn't support it, then it's wrong. Well if he's saying it's wrong, then maybe he can be wrong also? Didn't Geshe-la forbid forum use? Then are you Geshe-la's students not listening to what he says and turning things around for your advantage? (This is not meant to criticize Geshe-la or his students, it is to bring a point home please-I have nothing against Geshe-la, and at the same time, everything he believes and does I certainly do not agree with as do many people. But I am not going to come down on him because of those issues I don't agree on-everyone does the best they can. After all, Geshe-la is a normal human being with great learning and karma also. So he can make mistakes, but it does not mean he is bad, or should be disrespected in any way.-Again my apologies to say these things, I mean no offence to the great Monk Geshe Kelsang, in fact I respect greatly. ) Just because Geshe Kelsang doesn't approve or support does not mean it is wrong. Or has no purpose.

2.Who recognized this incarnation of Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen? You do not know either. Since you do not know who the lama is, be open and don't judge. What happens if the recognizing lama was the previous Zong Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, Sogpu Rinpoche or even Trijang Rinpoche themselves?

3. Oracles and tulkus may not work in Geshe-la organization and that's fine. But just because Geshe-la does not endorse them, does not mean they have no use. Zong Rinpoche and other high beings found them useful. Trijang Rinpoche blessed monks and people to become oracles. So are you saying Trijang Rinpoche was just doing cheap tricks? Since Trijang Rinpoche is Geshe Kelsang's root guru, it would be good for him not to criticize this practice as it was a practice of his own root guru. If Geshe-la doesn't like the practice, stay quiet otherwise he becomes like Dalai Lama who says Trijiang Rinpoche was sublime except when it came to Dorje Shugden. Trijang Rinpoche during his lifetime recognizes many tulkus for example the previous Dagom Rinpoche who turned out to be a gem. So was Trijang Rinpoche political in recognizing them?

4. Then don't look for the incarnations of Zemey, Trijang, Dagom, Zong, Tendar, Gonsar, Gangchen, Denma Gonsa, Drayab, Panchen, Dromo Geshe, Sogpu, Rabten, Zawa, Dakpo, Pabongka, Daknak, Yongyal Rinpoches. They and many more are tulkus and they turned out fine. More than fine. How many great Geshes with pure monkhood, great learning and practice are arising from the monasteries now? Think? It is a dangerous time. Stop the tulku system within the Gelug and 'erase' all these great names who can do so much, and there is great danger.

So what are you proposing, to not look for any of their incarnations? Not educate them and give them a chance to open the karmas from their previous incarnations? They mess up, mess up. How many ordinary Geshes and monks messed up and disrobed? Countless. Look at Geshe Thupten Jinpa married with two kids. So should we stop the Geshe system and monk ordinations because countless messed up, disrobed and not put their learning/training into use??

What about Gen Samten who was well respected monk and teacher after Geshe-la in Kadampa? He disrobed? So how? The whole system is wrong in Kadampa? How many monks/nuns have left Kadampa? Does that mean it is wrong? Of course not. So stop using negative examples to bring a tradition that worked for the most part. In samsara both ways cannot, so just accept make do. Geshe-la system doesn't fully work. It will be interesting to see what happens to Kadampa after Geshe-la passes away (forgive me for even saying that-apologies).

Don't simply put the tulkus and oracles down. The greats of our lineage that transmit the pure doctrine to us regarded the tulku system with high regard. They also talked to Dorje Shugden via the oracles thousands of times in their lifetimes. Since they are such great teachers, with great intelligence, precise logic, tremendous experience, we should respect what they respect for the most part. If we don't like, we don't have to name what they respect or recognize as hoax, or political or wrong. Then if they are wrong, why practice what they teach? Since they are right, you have beings like Geshe Kelsang existing today.

5. This issue of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and what happened to him after being strangled is a big issue on the plateau of Tibetan Buddhism for the most part. Maybe it has no followers in the greater part of the world, but if this issue is not big and shattering for those involved, why are we on this forum? Most of the 6 billion ppl on this planet don't give a hoot as to what we are debating about in this forum. So does that mean it is not important? Out of 6 billion ppl in the world only around 360 million are Buddhists. From this number, how many are Tibetan Buddhists? Again how many our Gelugs and in our lineage? Becomea small doesn't it? So what's the point?

The rarity of Lama Tzongkapa's tradition is acknowledged clearly. Numbers doesn't make it not important. If what happened to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was not important and still holds no relevance, then we would all be good friends of Dalai Lama and even perhaps his students? Geshe Kelsang and Dalai Lama would be the best of friends, after all, isn't that what Great Geshes like themselves should be-forgiving, loving, humble and accepting and loving all sentient beings? NOT 'against' each other and having protests against the other? Is that monkly? Samsara has never been perfect. Why look for something that has never existed? View of how you want to be although we are stuck in dualism, lack of merit and zero attainments?

6. There's nothing political about Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen not being able to be silenced. Silenced in this case means to let people think he was evil or became a spirit or not fit to teach. He is back which means those who WERE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED IN KILLING HIM WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL! HE HAS BEEN BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN AND NOW AGAIN and unfortunately all the energy TGIE spent on erasing him did not work.

Be gentle. Don't criticize. Watch. Observe. Reserve judgement till you know the FULL DETAILS OF THIS KYABJE DRAKPA GYELTSEN. He could surprise you and turn out great. If he doesn't then you can open up the 'I hate tulkus, banish tulku system' protests/writings/plarcards/opinions again. For now watch. Observe. Be wise and reserve pre-judgement from one announcement on this website and you know nothing of the intimate details yet.


Dear TK

Your logic is clear, unbiased, invoking in us to each check our own fundamental faith and devotion in the lineage masters..calling for us to be open and not judge. There's going to be many types of reaction to this news. Interesting.

best wishes
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thor on July 08, 2010, 11:17:47 PM
Geshe-la, Gangchen Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche have all received death threats. Whomever named in the context of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's reincarnation will receive the unwanted attentions of TGIE or fanatical Dalai Lama supporters. There is no need for a 2nd murder in this lineage. Let us not name names.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thor on July 08, 2010, 11:23:14 PM

Three Days Pretending We Are A Forum Of Buddhist Practioners,
Practicing Exactly As Lord Buddha Taught Us to Behave

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: triesa on July 09, 2010, 01:14:07 AM
Dear all who have commented,

I have read through all the posts, and thank you for all the inputs. Obviously and clearly there are two different sides on the forum, one rejoicing at the announcement and one being skeptical.

Since we are here at the forum, it means:
1) We all care about the suppression of TGIE on many Shugden practitioners and on the lineage lamas who openedly practising Dorje Shugden
2) We want to promote Dorje Shugden to the world and let more people benefit form this practice
3) As sincere Dorje Shugden practitioners, we should be mindful of our speech all the time
3) As sincere Dorje Shugden practitioers , we should always respect each other and each other's guru

On a personal note, I agree the 6 points summed up by TK on the whole issue about the announcement. Let's maintain an open mind for now and if the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has indeed returned long ago, the truth will speak for itself when the time is come. We should always have a heart to rejoice for such great being coming back again and again to propagate the pure lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa, because his great deeds will speaker louder than all our words.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 01:17:04 AM
This is new to me, despite all my research I have never seen a Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen reincarnation mentioned.  In fact the Shugden historical accounts have used the lack of a reincarnation as a form of justification, that's how the 19th century author Tsunpa Mati justifies Dorje Shugden as being the reincarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen, which is quoted by Pabongkha Rinpoche. 

There was a Zhide Nyungne Lama reincarnation that is said to be an emanation of Panchen Sonam Dragpa, but one of the later supposed reincarnations fell into disrepute when he and the Reting Rinpoche tried assassinating Taktra Rinpoche.

Technically there are many emanations possible, but as far as official recognitions go this is as much as I know, not to mention it is unclear if the Zhide Nyungne Lama reincarnation line was broken or not.

For the lack of zest and excitement of some people on this forum in the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, do you think TGIE and Dalai Lama who are on the 'other side' of the controversy would give him official recognition?

Since many here doubt oracles and tulku system, would you believe he’s real if he has been recognised by an oracle? For sure if Dalai Lama recognise him, some of you might say that Dalai Lama is not ‘reliable’ and might have done so for certain political reasons?

And if you believe Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is in the same mindstream as Dorje Shugden, I thought Sachen Kunga Lodro, a great leader of the Sakya tradition and the 31st Sakya Throneholder, was believed to have been an incarnation of Dorje Shugden?

Mahasiddha Pema Dudul says, “These days times are so degenerate no-one else is coming, but now Grandpa Shugden himself will definitely come as your son!”

Research is based on what is published or in written records (which could have been destroyed on purpose), and if the incarnation was banned, how can one find resources to prove this? If one does not believe in alternative methods, e.g. oracles & lama with clairvoyant, there’s no way until the incarnation himself did great works to prove to the world that he is who he is, but that will perhaps take decades.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 01:32:09 AM

This will be marked by the birth of Dorje Shugden as the definitive deity in Buddhism and the world. I'm gonna be part of this!

What a thouroughly unpleasant and unrealistic idea!

I am very disturbed by the responses of people who are in the ‘forefront’ of dorje shugden practice (I shall not put in names, but you know who you are).

The cards are not all laid out on the table yet and I don’t think we can speculate any of its social effects in the future, BUT the fact that the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen is back, shouldn’t we rejoice and think about how to support this Tulku? Or perhaps uphold the ‘fort’ well until he returns to turn the wheel of Dharma?

Sometimes I am very disheartened by the pessimistic or cynic comments that criticize everything that is good that arise from this forum. I am sure the website team has worked very hard and spent a lot of time and effort and money to get correct and valuable information, namely from Shar Gaden, news from various great masters (eg Gaden Tripa switch camp), and now this great news. What have we contributed to support this website and the Shugden community who are quietly reading the posts ?

This is the definitive Dorje Shugden website and what you say here is a reflection of Dorje Shugden’s lineage, and this is how you ‘welcome’ the news that an incarnation is found?! I think even if the real incarnation of Tsongkhapa is back and is on this forum, the people here will start the same argument and doubt that he’s not.

I am sorry to say, if you have so much doubt in the Tulku system and critical of oracles etc, please, even your Guru’s guru (or somewhere in the lineage Gurus) relied on Tulku system and oracles.  Like what TK said, the Tulku system has been useful in the past till now, so let it play its role.

If I am not mistaken, In 1988 and 1990 the uncle of Geshe Kelsang, Ven. Choyang Duldzin Kuten Lama - the oracle of Dorje Shugden - also visited Manjushri Institute. If Geshe-la thought that the Tulku system and oracles play no role, he would have advised Kuten Lama to stop and perhaps assist his work in Kadampa?
It is great that Geshe Kelsang Gyatso banned the promotion of tulku's within his organization, so that his lineage and students survived based on pure studies, and hence perhaps creating a new geshe/ monastic system in the west, but doesn’t mean all others are not good.  Don’t use your organisation’s rule to ‘outcast’ others please.

Then we might as well just say Dalai Lama advised us to ban Shugden practice, so should we all pack up our statues and burn our prayer books?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 02:20:11 AM
Also in the Dorje Shugden Be Bum there is a 100 year old supplication to various incarnations written by Vajra Shugden (Shugden oracle) that enumerates what appears to be some Kumbum Jampa Ling abbots as emanations.  Yet they didn't assume the official title of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen reincarnations. 

Perhaps it was not beneficial to officially recognise the abbot as an incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen? There are many incarnations out there that are not recognised as the official one, doesn't mean they are not who they are. Also, I know that sometimes only the mind incarnation is officially recognised, not all the incarnation.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: wang on July 09, 2010, 02:21:22 AM

This tulku was recognized decades ago. Read the write up on the homepage. That means he could of finished his studies and doing deeds now under another assumed name.


'recognized decades ago'..I hope  those great lamas recognized him still be there today and can 're-confirm' about it if he goes public, otherwise it is much like tricks of those 'faked tulkus'...hey we have a lot running around already...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 02:43:44 AM
The concern for me is who is driving this along.  If someone is eager to assume the title that is not very good.  If there is no clout to back up the recognitions those are the conditions one should take into account, just let it pass by and avoid controversy.  It's looking like there is no authoritative clout left in Tibetan Buddhism to unambiguously back up recognitions (publicly at least), so instead of pulling the cloth from both and ends ripping it, just let go of the cloth (remember the dreams of King Titi in Buddha's time). 

Especially in this case, there hasn't been an official line of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen incarnations for 300 years.  Even if one has been recognized as a Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen emanation, such as in supplications or posterior reincarnation enumerations, I don't think that entitles a person to say they are the Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen reincarnation.  It looks especially suspicious that after one of the biggest controversies in 300 years, now suddenly there is a Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen incarnation.

Dear TrinleyKalsang,
I thank you for voicing your concern and I respect you very much for your research work that helped to clear the name of Dorje Shugden very much.

I think since we are at no authority to recognise any incarnation, perhaps let’s just leave it to the oracles, the lamas, the ‘system’ to do their job and I am sure Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen’s emanation will not be announced in a ‘hurry’ for political reason –it would have been announced publicly if it were. It is merely to let those with weak faith that Dorje Shugden is not a spirit and those who hold on with faith will have the great fortune to witness the official recognition of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen's incarnation.

I am sure Kyabje Dragpa Gyeltsen is still awaiting opportunity when it’s most beneficial and when a great work to promote the lineage has been accomplished, then he will arise as Kyabje Dragpa Gyeltsen.

I mean if Pabongkha Rinpoche was recognised and enthroned as Changkya’s incarnation when he was poor and not famous when he was in Sera initially, I am sure we will all scream “boo!”.  But I'm certain our reaction is different, if at the time that Pabongkha Rinpoche had gathered many students and had mastered and all the important lineages of sutra and tantra and passing them on to most of the important Gelug lamas, then we will clap and scream that he is the unmistaken incarnation of Changkya.

So, I guess until then, we just have to quietly rejoice and play our part ? 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 02:53:45 AM

This tulku was recognized decades ago. Read the write up on the homepage. That means he could of finished his studies and doing deeds now under another assumed name.


'recognized decades ago'..I hope  those great lamas recognized him still be there today and can 're-confirm' about it if he goes public, otherwise it is much like tricks of those 'faked tulkus'...hey we have a lot running around already...

There are REAL Tulkus whose work in certain lifetimes cannot compare to those who are not Tulkus. Take for example, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, although not recognised a Tulku, has done much work to propagate the Dharma globally.

Some of these Tulkus, due to certain condition, may not manifest their greatness, or was stunted.

Hence, Tulku is just a "pre-requisite" for them to continue their previously lives' work, but if they do not achieve great results (with the burden of the title "Tulku"), then even if they are real, they will not be respected.

My personal view is, if they are fake Tulkus but are doing great work to benefit the world, I support them, but if they are real Tulkus and sit around and do nothing, they are still who they 'were', but just decided to fulfill some other missions in their lineage that are equally important but not as glorious?

Let's leave this real or fake thing to those who are in authority to recognise them? We can discuss until the cows come home but are we not the authority to recognise whether he's real or fake and has no basis?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 03:18:14 AM
My personal view is, if they are fake Tulkus but are doing great work to benefit the world, I support them

I would put the onus of conscience on them.  In particular the Bodhisattva Vows mentions not to make claims of attainments one does not have, etc.  In other words, they shouldn't claim to be something they are not.

I think fake Tulkus, if they can go to the extent of faking the titles to get students/ sponsorships or names, may not be holder of Bodhisattva Vows and couldn't care less if they break them?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: wang on July 09, 2010, 03:25:11 AM

This tulku was recognized decades ago. Read the write up on the homepage. That means he could of finished his studies and doing deeds now under another assumed name.


'recognized decades ago'..I hope  those great lamas recognized him still be there today and can 're-confirm' about it if he goes public, otherwise it is much like tricks of those 'faked tulkus'...hey we have a lot running around already...

There are REAL Tulkus whose work in certain lifetimes cannot compare to those who are not Tulkus. Take for example, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, although not recognised a Tulku, has done much work to propagate the Dharma globally.

Some of these Tulkus, due to certain condition, may not manifest their greatness, or was stunted.


Let's leave this real or fake thing to those who are in authority to recognise them? We can discuss until the cows come home but are we not the authority to recognise whether he's real or fake and has no basis?

You missed my point, technically we cannot 'date-back' saying Rinpoche X, Rinpoche Y recognized him as Rinpoche Z 'decades ago', if RPC X/Y deceased already and cannot 're-confirm' this claim.  This is exactly tricks of a lot faked tulkus around us, so even if he is real, the announcement cannot be verified and be worthless..
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 03:30:36 AM
I mean if Pabongkha Rinpoche was recognised and enthroned as Changkya’s incarnation when he was poor and not famous when he was in Sera initially, I am sure we will all scream “boo!”.  

As far as I know Pabongkha Rinpoche was not officially recognized as a Changkya reincarnation (ie. enthroned) even later.  Tagphu Padmavajra and some disciples recognized him as such and included that in his enumerated reincarnation lineage, but that is still not the official Changkya line.  Pabongkha's life was probably much more open, down-to-earth and fortunate not to bound down by the Changkya name and estate, although he could have been a real reincarnation.

I'm sorry, I need to differ a little from some Tibetans here.  I think it is a bit of a fault that disciples have to feel in order for their lama to be great they have to be boosted up to some high level and be recognized as the reincarnation of some very high being.  This is the same problem with the Dalai Lama, all kinds of ambiguous quotes needs to be thrown together to public justify he is the official Chenrezig.  Sorry, this is not how I understand guru devotion.

Dear Trinleykalsang,
I respect you for your Guru devotion that you do not need big titles to be impressed with your Guru, but many others do. This is the degenerate times  :P

Even Tantric initiations is now given in public to plant seeds for the future, what more to say about who is seriously following Asvagosha's 50 stanzas?

There are people of the modest scope, medium scope, high scope, and there are those who are no scope, 'outside the door' exploring and the only way these people can make a connection is to be blown away by big titles initially. We need to have compassion for them too. They are not so fortunate to have met Gurus and study the Dharma with pure motivation YET!

I agree with you that Pabongkha's life was probably much more open, down-to-earth and fortunate not to bound down by the Changkya name and estate. Hence, the same goes with Kyabje Dragpa Gyeltsen. At this point of time, perhaps he's doing what Kyabje Pabongkha is doing - doing work that perhaps does not 'befit' the grand title of his incarnation lineage at this point of time, but I am sure we will hear of him in the near future.

Perhaps it is also that too many death threats and murder attempts, hence his labrang and Gurus advised him to stay secret for now? You know how it is with all these ugliness, sigh...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: zamzam24388 on July 09, 2010, 03:34:25 AM
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this news.  Much has been said here; as always there are 2 sides to the coin - the party that just cannot wait to meet this incarnation and the other that does not believe that this is true.  Why would the site's admin. team go through all this trouble to put up a hoax?  We should respect their view/findings and let time prove them right/wrong.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 03:45:43 AM
You missed my point, technically we cannot 'date-back' saying Rinpoche X, Rinpoche Y recognized him as Rinpoche Z 'decades ago', if RPC X/Y deceased already and cannot 're-confirm' this claim.  This is exactly tricks of a lot faked tulkus around us, so even if he is real, the announcement cannot be verified and be worthless..

What if Rinpoche X and Y are still alive and can re-confirm? This also goes back to my question below:

Since many here doubt oracles and tulku system, would you believe he’s real if he has been recognised by an oracle? For sure if Dalai Lama recognise him, some of you might say that Dalai Lama is not ‘reliable’ and might have done so for certain political reasons?
If one does not believe in alternative methods, e.g. oracles & lama with clairvoyant, there’s no way until the incarnation himself did great works to prove to the world that he is who he is, but that will perhaps take decades.

How can one EVER be sure if a Tulku is really who he is? He could be an emanation of some other Tulkus of other lineage. For example, Trijang Rinpoche was the 8th Karmapa Mikyö Dorje (1507–1554), so how can we confirm that the 8th Karmapa was Trijang Rinpoche’s incarnation and another high lama’s incarnation?

Surely in the Tulku system there is a way to recognise and confirm all these. So if we want to believe the system, we need to believe in all their methods and that they know best and are the authority in determining the incarnations.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 03:56:14 AM
This is the definitive Dorje Shugden website and what you say here is a reflection of Dorje Shugden’s lineage, and this is how you ‘welcome’ the news that an incarnation is found?! I think even if the real incarnation of Tsongkhapa is back and is on this forum, the people here will start the same argument and doubt that he’s not.

The problem here is this.  I don't know of anyone here waiting for an official Dorje Shugden incarnation.  Many accept he could appear as one of the eight guiding monks or whatever, but entitling someone as the living Dorje Shugden incarnation is probably quite different from what many were expecting.  We were taught in teachings that Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen was the final incarnation before becoming Dorje Shugden.  I am not precluding the possibility of emanations or whatever, but that is more spiritual than official.

Bitchy remarks: Erm, ever heard of re-education??? :-X

Nor am I awaiting Je Tsongkhapa reincarnation.  Listen, please, Je Tsongkhapa, for the benefit of sentient beings don't come back to this world now!  It is so degenerate and no matter how pure you are your good name and example as Lobsang Dragpa will certainly be spoiled!  It will be of much greater benefit for us to focus on you as you set an immaculate example in the 14th century rather than a form in the 21st century.

Sorry Trinleykalsang my Dharma brother, I am sure Je Rinpoche's aspiration prayers include manifesting at different times and places again and again to benefit beings, and that his worries is not about his name being spoiled.

I am sure we are not awaiting Je Tsongkhapa's reincarnation with khatas and lining the streets, but of course if more holy beings emanate and 'resurface' to strengthen weakened faith and samaya, why not?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: wang on July 09, 2010, 03:59:55 AM


Nor am I awaiting Je Tsongkhapa reincarnation.  Listen, please, Je Tsongkhapa, for the benefit of sentient beings don't come back to this world now!  It is so degenerate ....

Dear Trinley Kalsang,

fyi, there is a lady(not a nun) self-claimed to be re-incarnation of Je Tsongkhapa, heading a large Buddhist organization(plus sangha!) in Taiwan/HK/SE Asia after the founder(Er-chang fashi) passed away.  This organization is an 'affiliate' of Gelukpa as they focus on studying Lamrim Chemo and is very influencial. In this 'degenerate age', you always get surprise:) ...

a bit out of topic, sorry..
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 04:29:11 AM
I am sure Je Rinpoche's aspiration prayers include manifesting at different times and places again and again to benefit beings, and that his worries is not about his name being spoiled.

I am sure Je Rinpoche's activities pervade the 10 directions, but luckily he never established a reincarnation lineage!  We are very fortunate, otherwise we could have all of these problems like dualing reincarnations or worse!

How do we know Je Rinpoche didn't have a reincarnation lineage? Perhaps we hadn't find anything to research yet or the records have been banned and destroyed/erased/ wiped out like TDG's lineage and the Changkya lineage? Okok, I shall not agitate Trinleykalsang, hehe.

Well, I guess for now, dealing with Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen's incarnation is already one big news, we don't need another shocking news about Je Rinpoche's incarnation, which we hadn't heard of. But just for argument sake,

It has been revealed from historical sources that Dorje Shugden is the Three Bodhisattvas: Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani and Manjushri  (read: [url][/url]).

Doesn’t it mean Dorje Shugden IS Je Tsongkhapa????

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 08:28:33 AM
There are different views on this.  Generally if we speak of many emanations of one master that slightly goes against the yangsi system (serial rebirth) that is used to recognize official reincarnations.  In the true spiritual there are many re-emanations possible, but I've never heard of officially recognition of multiple.

I have a question. How about these examples below?

There are many examples of holy beings manifesting more than one emanation simultaneously. For instance,

- shortly before his death, the great yogi Milarepa (1040-1123) manifested various bodies in different places.

- Thangtong Gyalpo (1361- 1464) appointed his close disciple Tenzin Choje Nyingma Zangpo as his tulku, and
- the Sixth Dalai Lama (1683-1706) is believed to have been alive while the Seventh Dalai Lama was already occupying the throne.

- Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-92) manifested five different tulkus,

- Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-87) was born before the death of his predeccessor (Dudjom Lingpa, 1835-1904), and

- Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche was born two and a half months before the Lawudo Lama Kunzang Yeshe passed away.

(from pg 7, The Lawudo Lama: stories of reincarnation from the Mount Everest region By Jamyang Wangmo)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 09, 2010, 08:42:07 AM
Doesn’t it mean Dorje Shugden IS Je Tsongkhapa?

OK, sure, but now you're discrediting your own argument.  Every alleged enlightened being is every other enlightened being!  Karmapa is Dorje Shugden!  Tulku X is Dorje Shugden!  Tulku X is Karmapa!  The Dalai Lama is Karmapa!

Then why do we have different names for these reincarnation lineages?!  Why don't we just say they are Buddha or something?

Thank you Trinleykalsang for your patience. You comments do help me contemplate more. Now, back with the debate.

I think it is important to recognise a Tulku, because a Tulku’s role:

a)  mainly serve as an exemplary figure that show continuation of a lineage from one lifetime to the next to benefit beings.

b) could also inherit their estate of their previous incarnation, which would make their work easier as it is easier for them to reconnect with their past (their monastery of studies, their lineage, their work/projects).

The tulku system makes believable the immanent reality of the cosmic bodhisattva who can control his destiny in the intermediate state (Bardo) betweem births, and who with inexpressible compassion returns to assume another mortal body and resume his holy work.
(Buddhism: The Illustrated Guide By Kevin Trainor)

c) Tulkus are important in the Tibetan monastic system

Although the tulku system has many shortcomings, it also has many advantages. In a society where proper education, even in the monasteries, was restricted to those who had sufficient means and social status, recognised tulkus were assured the thorough education and training that for an ordinary boy would be difficult to obtain.
(from pg 6, The Lawudo Lama: stories of reincarnation from the Mount Everest region By Jamyang Wangmo)

"The Tulku system, the system of successive abbots, helped to keep the Kagyu tradition alive. So we must ask why this happened. This tradition is not for just one generation but for many generations. So the abbot, the person, changed, but there was the same institution. The institution is useful for keeping the tradition alive. Instead of appointing another person, it was suppoed to be the same person in a new body. I think this system worked and helped." (a reply from the Dalai Lama)
(from pg 97, The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama By Thomas Laird)

Hence, although we can say that all Tulkus as Buddhas, it is still very important to recognise who’s an incarnation of who in their previous lives, for the sake of the continuity of work that they have done previously in another lifetime. Also, it is more efficient for them to reassume their previous role, without having to 'start over'.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WoselTenzin on July 09, 2010, 09:04:02 AM

3. Oracles and tulkus may not work in Geshe-la organization and that's fine. But just because Geshe-la does not endorse them, does not mean they have no use. Zong Rinpoche and other high beings found them useful. Trijang Rinpoche blessed monks and people to become oracles. So are you saying Trijang Rinpoche was just doing cheap tricks? Since Trijang Rinpoche is Geshe Kelsang's root guru, it would be good for him not to criticize this practice as it was a practice of his own root guru. If Geshe-la doesn't like the practice, stay quiet otherwise he becomes like Dalai Lama who says Trijiang Rinpoche was sublime except when it came to Dorje Shugden. Trijang Rinpoche during his lifetime recognizes many tulkus for example the previous Dagom Rinpoche who turned out to be a gem. So was Trijang Rinpoche political in recognizing them?

I believe Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has his own reasons for not endorsing the tulku or oracle system.  We have to look at the environment he is operating in.  All Geshe-la’s students are non-Tibetans and most of them Westeners who do not have a clue or have any experience of how a tulku or an oracle system works.  However, that doesn’t mean he does not believe in it or think that these systems are nonsensical. Geshe-la is from Sera Je monastery.  He entered Sera-Je at the age of 8 as a novice monk and grew up in a monastic environment that practices these systems.  Futhermore, with Gesha-la stainless Guru Devotion, I don’t think it would ever cross his mind to think that what his guru Trijang Rinpoche practiced was wrong. 

Therefore, I think Geshe-la does not endorse these systems in the context of the western world within which his organization operates probably because there is really no support for such a system to function effectively.  Geshe-la may be qualified to recognize an incarnation but does he have a support system to follow-up on training the recognized incarnation if he has found one.  He may be qualified to know how to maintain an oracle system but would his students be able sustain it when he passes on. Furthermore, Gesha has been ex-communicated from Sera Je and ostracized by Tibetan monasteries for practicing Dorje Shugden.  His access to monastery resources on these aspects has been cut completely.   He knows for a fact that if it is going to be him alone managing these systems without any support internally and externally, it’s not going to work.   

As such, he does not support the tulku or the oracle system because he does not want to encourage it in his organization.   He does not want such systems to be subject to abuse for worldly reasons in the future especially when he is no longer around.  This is Gesha-la’s skilful means to protect the purity of these systems, I feel.  It does not mean that these systems practiced by the great lamas in the past are not valid.  It has to suit the time, place and environment.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: diamond girl on July 09, 2010, 09:17:40 AM
This announcement has far reaching implications for the current world situation that many things have changed over night. As the news filters throughout the world just how much this means will come to light.

1/ Spirits do not reincarnate.
2/ Reincarnations cannot harm HHDL life.
3/ Reincarnations would not do anything to affect the cause of the Tibetan People.
4/ This incarnation is spreading Dharma just like the previous incarnations.
5/ As a reincarnation, then there is attainments to control rebirth making this not an ordinary being.
6/ The fact that after soo many years only today is the announcement released means that this incarnation is free from the politics.

This site has been created with the understanding not to promote any ill will towards the Dalai Lama, and I hope that through this announcement the TGIE and all those who are out there will stop and think.

If you were one of the people, beating shugden supporters, putting them down, ostracizing and ridiculing till such a stage as they become like refugees, for what?

The incarnation of the Protector your believe is a spirit is back.

This post is like "a slap in your face with a sweet smile"  ;)

I often wonder how often TGIE visits this website? And who among us are them posting? I am very sure they are on line here, very very sure. I cannot help but snigger to myself, thinking of their reaction when they read the headline that the reincarnation is back and among us. They MUST have totally freaked out!!!

I wonder what they could be plotting now to "stop" this from coming true?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zach on July 09, 2010, 10:18:40 AM
Dear friends

I have read through these numerous posts on this topic and been extremly disapointed with the amount of negativity coming forth from people, It was my thoughts that it would be benifical to maintain harmony of speech and treat people with loving kindness as we have all been advised so many times to do !  :)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 09, 2010, 11:00:03 AM
Keeping him secret now, let's TGIE know they have failed.

Announcing it slowly is to give hope and protect his life.
People hope the politics will end.  Dorje Shugden is good enough, yet another reincarnation will not solve the problem.

Secrecy is to protect his life. No politics from their mind or their side.

The incarnation is not meant to solve the 'problem'. Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen, Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and Now Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen didn't incarnate to solve TGIE's self made problems. He came to teach dharma and benefit many. No problems made by TGIE can be solved only forgotten in time.


picking up on this point about the supposed politics inherent in making this announcement.

I find it strange that the predominant reactions to this announcement is that it is political, period. Sure, it probably will have strong repercussions on the political stage but more important than that, what I read from the announcement is a sense of hope. The announcement may shake up the TGIE, but more than that: it will also give hope to the thousands of people who have been practising quietly, secretly and fearfully. For me, certainly, it is very heart-warming to hear that he is really back and among us, and continuing his works.

Yes, the people on this forum have a very deep and sound faith in their practice but think of the many thousands out there who may not be as strong in their practice - or they may be totally alone in their practice. How alone they must feel, and possibly even begin to doubt their path. I see how this announcement can restore great faith in their hearts again, a sign that all they have believed in is really true and here among us.

I see this announcement not just as something political to attack political bodies. I rejoice in its announcement more for the strength, hope and renewed faith it can give to thousands and thousands of other people in the world - that's something to rejoice in, if nothing else.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 09, 2010, 11:12:22 AM
::) :o 8) :)Too Funny! I am laughing a gurggling Brook of Smiles and Grins, "that We May Pretend!"

I like this, for how many of us can say we are TRULY 100% sincere in all aspects of our practice? In doing everything out of a pure Bodhicitta motivation? In acting only and entirely for the welfare of others? If we really were that sincere, we wouldn't be hanging around here in samsara anymore, we'd be enlightened!

I say, fake it til we make it, and until then, yes, MAY WE PRETEND until it becomes real. I'd rather pretend to be happy and joyful, and hope that it will eventually become real, than to live the rest of my life being sincerely grumpy and pessimistic!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 09, 2010, 11:21:29 AM
You missed my point, technically we cannot 'date-back' saying Rinpoche X, Rinpoche Y recognized him as Rinpoche Z 'decades ago', if RPC X/Y deceased already and cannot 're-confirm' this claim.  This is exactly tricks of a lot faked tulkus around us, so even if he is real, the announcement cannot be verified and be worthless..

From what I understand, when Tulkus are recognised either by Lamas or by oracles, this is not just verbal. The recognised Tulku will receive his tulku papers, which will be signed off, stamped with the official seal and dated by the Lama or even the protector, through trance in an oracle. In this case, even if the Lama has deceased, there is still an official dated, authorised document to record what he has proclaimed about the incarnation. I have seen such papers and understand that this is standard practice.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: emptymountains on July 09, 2010, 12:01:28 PM
skeptic camp rears its ugly head again - you guys are skeptics right?

You don't want to see an end to the ban, you still wish people to suffer from wanting to practice DS, you don't believe in incarnate Lama's, there is nobody who can recognise tulkus, heck even DS himself cannot recognise a incarnate Lama, the world revolves around Geshe La and what he says applies for everything in the universe.

Turing Machine operating again me'thinks. emptymountains and crazyclouds decided to let trinleykalsang have a go at programming, didn't know where the "enter" key was so he got crazycloud to put his glasses on because he sat on his on the way over to the "Lets put down TDG party" at emptymountains house. They had a few too many beers and decided to program the Turin Machine 6.0 with some cheap one liners so that they didn't have to think any deeper about the TDG announcement.

TK's 6 points sum it all up nicely.

And I love the poem it really is something to say and skillful too... perhaps the skeptic party can learn from it

Be not as Doubting Thomas!
The Story is still being told children,
Keep Quiet until it is finished

“You’re not here to accept; you’re here to learn. So if you don’t accept, no one will be offended. I won’t be offended, certainly not!” — Tsem Rinpoche (

Regarding my skepticism about “Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama — Spreading Dharma Together,” you will recall this post here ( Unless this claim can be established by an incontrovertible reason, it is not conclusive. It is still open to doubt, hence the skepticism. The idea that this whole affair has been a big, grand space opera for the glory of God, I mean Dorje Shugden, is a little offensive. As I said before, playing games with people’s faith is not the pastime of the Buddhas. The following statement from that announcement seems to be preparing us for that, a view which has been questioned time and time again on this forum (such as in the above post): “The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak.”
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 09, 2010, 12:44:54 PM
I've read with interest all the posts and discussions about the tulku system and am trying to understand clearly where both points of view are coming from.

Having come from a background where this is not something that is commonly accepted or discussed, it was quite a shocker to me in the beginning to learn of this "phenomenon" within the Buddhist world. Plainly, I didn't understand it and didn't really see how it had any relevance to me as a person just trying to navigate my path in the world.

When I first met my teacher, I was told he was a high reincarnated lama of this "this lama" and "that lama" and he has been recognised by "this lama" and "that lama" - it was all just names to me. My teacher himself never talks about being a tulku; he avoids it completely. His take is that if he really was a tulku and if he really was who he is supposed to be, then his actions in this lifetime will arise and prove who he really is. Actually, he said that being identified as who he was pushed him to work and practise harder, to be an even better person and practitioner; not to be lazy and complacent. After all, many of the students who will come across these teachers in this day and age will NOT believe in the fact that he was "so-and-so" in his previous life. They'll say plainly, as I did, "So what? What's he doing NOW?"

This is not to say that the tulku system does not work and does not exist. But, in the case of choosing any teacher, we need to observe and examine a teacher for ourselves, if we believe that this being can really teach, guide and lead us all the way to enlightenment. Whether he is a tulku or not, at this stage, is besides the point, and I don't think we should ever take someone as our teacher just because of his title or status; conversely, I also don't think we should be so quick to judge or criticise him BECAUSE of his title or status.

The true might of a tulku will always be proved in his actions wherever he is; but from our side, for the sake of our own pure Dharma practice and attainments, this process of checking is very important. Once we have taken our teacher, and committed to studying under him all the way, then plainly, what does it matter to us whether someone else out there is tulku or not, political or not, fake or not... there will always be fakes and there will always be people who get swept up in being political. We cannot go around changing the whole wide world and an entire system that has existed for hundreds of years. But, like I have always said, we can make a difference in our own practice, our own devotion/commitment to our teacher and showing the world a good and worthy example of our teacher. If we believe our teachers to be who they really are and wish for other people to learn and study under someone authentic, real, wise, compassion like them, then represent them well, be a good example and lead others to correct and beneficial teachers and practice in that way.

Having said that, there are also thousands of people out there in the world who have great faith in the tulku system - they have been fortunate enough to been brought up in a world where this is normal and where they have, I am sure, perceived the immense benefit and might that these beings have brought to the world by their (continued )teachings and actions. I daresay that are thousands of people out there in the world who have benefited by this belief, stayed loyal and steadfast in their Dharma practice because of their belief and gained realisation and attainment by it. Who are we to jump in, mid-21st-century and say, "oh the whole thing is a hoax, it is not accurate, it is dangerous"?

At the end of the day, whether we do believe in the tulku system or we don't believe in it at all, our own actions as dharma practitioners will reflect what we are saying and most importantly, will reflect the greatness of the very teachers or tulkus we are devoted to. If we have teachers who have been recognised as tulkus, and we go about acting rudely and unkindly, then the world will look at us and say, "I don't believe that tulkus are at all effective or powerful because look at how their students have turned out". If we have teachers are that NOT tulkus and we go around criticising the tulku system, then people will also look at us and say, "that teacher can't be very good allowing his students to go around criticising other lamas." Either way, it goes back to how we are reflecting our own teachers and the whole institution upon which our practice is based on.
Sitting on a forum discussing endlessly the qualities, merit, demerit of the entire tulku system does not inspire anyone. It just creates more doubt, more uncertainty, makes more people lose faith. This isn't what we want I'm sure.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 09, 2010, 01:39:50 PM
My personal view is, if they are fake Tulkus but are doing great work to benefit the world, I support them

I would put the onus of conscience on them.  In particular the Bodhisattva Vows mentions not to make claims of attainments one does not have, etc.  In other words, they shouldn't claim to be something they are not.

Dear Trinley

I agree with you - if they are a Buddhist, let alone an attained being who can control their rebirths, they would know about karma. If they know about karma, they would know the consequence of declaring themselves to be who they are not.

As far as i know, many of the high Lamas do not declare themselves to be a reincarnation. Usually they are identified as one and extensive checking by other Lamas and via divination or consulting the oracle is done. Only then is their status confirmed?

Hypothetically, if Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen did surface as a reincarnation (100% for sure), how would you feel? I'm just curious. Now we are debating if he/she is a real reincarnation or not etc but if for example, your guru were to say yes this is the real deal, what would your reaction be?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 09, 2010, 06:01:38 PM
Beautiful post left on article entitled:  THE RETURN OF THE KING: KYABJE DRAKPA GYELTSEN RINPOCHE

JC says:
July 8, 2010 at 4:28 pm

I am a follower of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, and while oracles are not used in our tradition I wanted to show that not all of Geshe-la’s followers feel the same about this news. I think this is very exciting and interesting, and I am very happy that everyone on the site is so overjoyed. Although Geshe-la does not promote the use of oracles, more importantly he says we respect ALL other traditions and do not criticize them – this is breaking your commitments. TK’s post raises many good questions about the Kadampa tradition and what will happen after Geshe-la, I have these questions myself.
I am excited to see what the impact of this is – I very much hope we can have harmony between Shugden and non-Shugden practitioners. I follow many of the Shugden sites, and I really appreciate that this one is focused more on reconciliation between the two groups.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 09, 2010, 08:11:34 PM
The Supreme Protector of Dharma
Our Supreme Defender of the Dharma
Our Champion Lord Dorje Shugden Arisen
We Rise With Him
Hold Onto Your Hats!

Excellent! May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen live long! TK

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 09, 2010, 11:41:55 PM
This is the definitive Dorje Shugden website and what you say here is a reflection of Dorje Shugden’s lineage, and this is how you ‘welcome’ the news that an incarnation is found?! I think even if the real incarnation of Tsongkhapa is back and is on this forum, the people here will start the same argument and doubt that he’s not.

The problem here is this.  I don't know of anyone here waiting for an official Dorje Shugden incarnation.  Many accept he could appear as one of the eight guiding monks or whatever, but entitling someone as the living Dorje Shugden incarnation is probably quite different from what many were expecting.  We were taught in teachings that Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen was the final incarnation before becoming Dorje Shugden.  I am not precluding the possibility of emanations or whatever, but that is more spiritual than official.

Nor am I awaiting Je Tsongkhapa reincarnation.  Listen, please, Je Tsongkhapa, for the benefit of sentient beings don't come back to this world now!  It is so degenerate and no matter how pure you are your good name and example as Lobsang Dragpa will certainly be spoiled!  It will be of much greater benefit for us to focus on you as you set an immaculate example in the 14th century rather than a form in the 21st century.

Well, there are incarnations of Dorje Shugden...

According to the Sakyapas, the SON and GRANDFATHER of the 35th Sakya Trizin, Dolma Phodrang Thegchen Tashi Rinchen's are incarnations of Dorje Shugden.

How? well...
The 31st Sakya Throneholder Sachen Kunga Lodro (wrote Swirl of Perfect Sense Offerings) was believed to have been an incarnation of Dorje Shugden. A few generations past, and in 1850, Sakya Tri Sachen Kunga Lodro then took another reincarnation as his own grandson, the great Sakya Kunga Nyingpo (37th Sakya Trizin)!

Do check out the details which TK has posted under "Sakya Throne Holders Say Shugden is..... " thread.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 10, 2010, 12:31:21 AM

Have to agree with this.

Who is he?
Where is he?
Who recognized him?

For all we know he could be a Chinese propaganda stooge as compromised as the fake Panchen. Chinese meddling in this business will eventually create many problems for us.

Give us the facts not meaningless promises then certainty will arise and doubts will be dispelled.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 10, 2010, 02:10:11 AM

1. Since no one knows where Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen is now, it is premature to say it is not true, or it's a poltical tulku, etc. You haven't seen the stone said to be a diamond yet. It could be and it could not be. So be open since you know nothing of the person nor circumstances.

When it's revealed, then cast your stones if you can at that time. If a great lama recognized this person decades ago (as it said), who are you to criticize? Why do you surpass the lamas when it comes to the Tulku and Oracle system?? You don't like it, fine. Don't criticize. It has served its purpose well among the elite greats who finds the system genuine and beneficial. Trijang Rinpoche becomes wrong when it comes to issues you don't like, nor our culture doesn't support? Because Geshe Kelsang doesn't support it, then it's wrong. Well if he's saying it's wrong, then maybe he can be wrong also? Didn't Geshe-la forbid forum use? Then are you Geshe-la's students not listening to what he says and turning things around for your advantage? (This is not meant to criticize Geshe-la or his students, it is to bring a point home please-I have nothing against Geshe-la, and at the same time, everything he believes and does I certainly do not agree with as do many people. But I am not going to come down on him because of those issues I don't agree on-everyone does the best they can. After all, Geshe-la is a normal human being with great learning and karma also. So he can make mistakes, but it does not mean he is bad, or should be disrespected in any way.-Again my apologies to say these things, I mean no offence to the great Monk Geshe Kelsang, in fact I respect greatly. ) Just because Geshe Kelsang doesn't approve or support does not mean it is wrong. Or has no purpose.

2.Who recognized this incarnation of Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen? You do not know either. Since you do not know who the lama is, be open and don't judge. What happens if the recognizing lama was the previous Zong Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, Sogpu Rinpoche or even Trijang Rinpoche themselves?

3. Oracles and tulkus may not work in Geshe-la organization and that's fine. But just because Geshe-la does not endorse them, does not mean they have no use. Zong Rinpoche and other high beings found them useful. Trijang Rinpoche blessed monks and people to become oracles. So are you saying Trijang Rinpoche was just doing cheap tricks? Since Trijang Rinpoche is Geshe Kelsang's root guru, it would be good for him not to criticize this practice as it was a practice of his own root guru. If Geshe-la doesn't like the practice, stay quiet otherwise he becomes like Dalai Lama who says Trijiang Rinpoche was sublime except when it came to Dorje Shugden. Trijang Rinpoche during his lifetime recognizes many tulkus for example the previous Dagom Rinpoche who turned out to be a gem. So was Trijang Rinpoche political in recognizing them?

4. Then don't look for the incarnations of Zemey, Trijang, Dagom, Zong, Tendar, Gonsar, Gangchen, Denma Gonsa, Drayab, Panchen, Dromo Geshe, Sogpu, Rabten, Zawa, Dakpo, Pabongka, Daknak, Yongyal Rinpoches. They and many more are tulkus and they turned out fine. More than fine. How many great Geshes with pure monkhood, great learning and practice are arising from the monasteries now? Think? It is a dangerous time. Stop the tulku system within the Gelug and 'erase' all these great names who can do so much, and there is great danger.

So what are you proposing, to not look for any of their incarnations? Not educate them and give them a chance to open the karmas from their previous incarnations? They mess up, mess up. How many ordinary Geshes and monks messed up and disrobed? Countless. Look at Geshe Thupten Jinpa married with two kids. So should we stop the Geshe system and monk ordinations because countless messed up, disrobed and not put their learning/training into use??

What about Gen Samten who was well respected monk and teacher after Geshe-la in Kadampa? He disrobed? So how? The whole system is wrong in Kadampa? How many monks/nuns have left Kadampa? Does that mean it is wrong? Of course not. So stop using negative examples to bring a tradition that worked for the most part. In samsara both ways cannot, so just accept make do. Geshe-la system doesn't fully work. It will be interesting to see what happens to Kadampa after Geshe-la passes away (forgive me for even saying that-apologies).

Don't simply put the tulkus and oracles down. The greats of our lineage that transmit the pure doctrine to us regarded the tulku system with high regard. They also talked to Dorje Shugden via the oracles thousands of times in their lifetimes. Since they are such great teachers, with great intelligence, precise logic, tremendous experience, we should respect what they respect for the most part. If we don't like, we don't have to name what they respect or recognize as hoax, or political or wrong. Then if they are wrong, why practice what they teach? Since they are right, you have beings like Geshe Kelsang existing today.

5. This issue of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and what happened to him after being strangled is a big issue on the plateau of Tibetan Buddhism for the most part. Maybe it has no followers in the greater part of the world, but if this issue is not big and shattering for those involved, why are we on this forum? Most of the 6 billion ppl on this planet don't give a hoot as to what we are debating about in this forum. So does that mean it is not important? Out of 6 billion ppl in the world only around 360 million are Buddhists. From this number, how many are Tibetan Buddhists? Again how many our Gelugs and in our lineage? Becomea small doesn't it? So what's the point?

The rarity of Lama Tzongkapa's tradition is acknowledged clearly. Numbers doesn't make it not important. If what happened to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was not important and still holds no relevance, then we would all be good friends of Dalai Lama and even perhaps his students? Geshe Kelsang and Dalai Lama would be the best of friends, after all, isn't that what Great Geshes like themselves should be-forgiving, loving, humble and accepting and loving all sentient beings? NOT 'against' each other and having protests against the other? Is that monkly? Samsara has never been perfect. Why look for something that has never existed? View of how you want to be although we are stuck in dualism, lack of merit and zero attainments?

6. There's nothing political about Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen not being able to be silenced. Silenced in this case means to let people think he was evil or became a spirit or not fit to teach. He is back which means those who WERE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED IN KILLING HIM WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL! HE HAS BEEN BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN AND NOW AGAIN and unfortunately all the energy TGIE spent on erasing him did not work.

Be gentle. Don't criticize. Watch. Observe. Reserve judgement till you know the FULL DETAILS OF THIS KYABJE DRAKPA GYELTSEN. He could surprise you and turn out great. If he doesn't then you can open up the 'I hate tulkus, banish tulku system' protests/writings/plarcards/opinions again. For now watch. Observe. Be wise and reserve pre-judgement from one announcement on this website and you know nothing of the intimate details yet.



"Another Gyatso exchange - between Gyatso and Samden (the heir Gyatso named in 2005 to become Gyatso's successor as NKT spiritual director but terminated about two years later over sexual conduct)..."

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso aceepted the accusation of Samden's sexual conduct, thus accepting his resignation, but according to Samden,

"I would like to make it clear that in February 2007, I made the decision to leave in order to prepare for and engage in long-term retreat. This decision was founded upon a pure intention, to maintain the lineage of Je Tsongkhapa, and become a perfect Teacher. I did not leave because I felt I had made mistakes; nor was I asked to do so for any such reason.

I believe that a decision that I leave was already made by others - founded upon impure intention, ambition. My departure was already a 'fate' accompli - I could not have stayed."

So, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso could have made a mistake about Samden's issue right?

Also, the website says that in 1998 Geshe-la promised to stop protest against the Dalai Lama, but today Geshe-la is indirectly running the protest again via Western Shugden Society:

"3. When the main body, The Western Shugden Society, organises demonstrations, the NKT needs to voluntarily contribute and help. "

So Geshe-la seemed to have chaned his mind, therefore he could have been wrong about the issue of not recognizing the Tulku and Oracle system also right?

So, just because Geshela doesn't recognize tulku, doesn't mean he is right, doesn't mean the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen doesn't exist, or that it is a hoax.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 05:49:41 AM
So Geshe-la seemed to have chaned his mind, therefore he could have been wrong about the issue of not recognizing the Tulku and Oracle system also right?

So, just because Geshela doesn't recognize tulku, doesn't mean he is right, doesn't mean the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen doesn't exist, or that it is a hoax.

GKG has surely changed his mind. But so has Shakyamuni Buddha himself. Changing minds and being right have nothing to do with each other; in fact, sometimes one necessitates the other, while sometimes not.

Also, the "not recognizing" -issue is merely an organizational policy of NKT, not a statement of the existence of tulkus and oracles. Surely GKG knew his uncle and accepted his work as an oracle. The NKT policy is nothing more than say, not giving special seats on a bus for oracles, for Thai Bus Companies do not recognize oracles. Monks they do recognize, and give special treatment. It is an organizational policy, not truth statement.

So please everyone, try not to confuse separate issues.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 10, 2010, 06:19:41 AM
Good point Zhalmed,
It's quite clear that Geshe-la is not saying oracles are wrong, divination is wrong, tulkus are wrong. One of Geshe-las long life prayers is written by duldzin in trance, Geshe-la refers to divination when talking about identifying his mother. As Zhalmed says this is organisational. Geshe-la teaches just what we need to attain enlightenment. My wife  is not into oracles and so forth but she is a very keen practitioner who practices lamrim lojong and mahamudra very purely as far as I can see. She is put off by the other stuff, many people find it a bit strange, Geshe-la has presented dharma that is without the weirdness. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the weirdness, I like it, but it is not neccersary for the practice of modern buddhism as Geshe-la presents it. Fine if people still use these things. I rejoice is Geshe-las forsight and skill in presenting the Dharma to a modern world.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 11:17:25 AM
So Geshe-la seemed to have chaned his mind, therefore he could have been wrong about the issue of not recognizing the Tulku and Oracle system also right?

So, just because Geshela doesn't recognize tulku, doesn't mean he is right, doesn't mean the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen doesn't exist, or that it is a hoax.

GKG has surely changed his mind. But so has Shakyamuni Buddha himself. Changing minds and being right have nothing to do with each other; in fact, sometimes one necessitates the other, while sometimes not.

Also, the "not recognizing" -issue is merely an organizational policy of NKT, not a statement of the existence of tulkus and oracles. Surely GKG knew his uncle and accepted his work as an oracle. The NKT policy is nothing more than say, not giving special seats on a bus for oracles, for Thai Bus Companies do not recognize oracles. Monks they do recognize, and give special treatment. It is an organizational policy, not truth statement.

So please everyone, try not to confuse separate issues.

Geshe-la did give special treatment to his oracle uncle. Geshe-la invited his uncle the oracle several times to UK. In fact his oracle uncle took trance of Dulzin for over three hours and GAVE INITIATION OF AVALOKITESVARA to the students there one one occasion. That is how much the power of the oracle was revered before in NKT. Many trances were taken and Geshe-la privately consulted Dorje Shugden on many issues re himself, his deceased mother, the organization on the whole. So there is nothing weird about the whole oracle practice. Some of the greats like Pabongka, Trijang and Zong Rinpoches consulted oracles their whole lives and taught lojong/realized lojong also in their mindstreams. So part of what they do is great and part is weird? I don't think so. We accept what we don't understand about our lamas and refrain from labelling would be better conduct.

It was a rare occasion, when Dulzin took trance and gave initiation in Geshe-la's centre. The Oracle Uncle was very respected, was given a seat of honour in the pujas there, many students came to receive his blessings when he was not in trance also. This all stopped when Geshe-la and his uncle has a huge fall out and NEVER SPOKE AGAIN UNTIL THE ORACLE'S DEATH A FEW YEARS BACK. So Geshe-la had a personal fall out with his Oracle Uncle and it all came to an end. Yes policies change and Geshe-la changes his mind. But it also means he can make mistakes (sorry). Geshe-la's policies are GOOD FOR NKT AND THEIR MEMBERS, but his policies should not be seen as overview rule of thumb for all Tibetan Traditions around the world and their centres for example tulkus and oracles. NKT doesn't 'accept' does not mean it is weird, wrong, or not applicable in thousands of other places. I have had EXCELLET EXPERIENCES WITH ORACLES AND TULKUS IN MY LIFETIME AS SCORES OF MY FRIENDS also. And we love lojong, lam rim, and it's practices as these are our main practices always.

Geshe-la very much agreed with oracles and their usage, until his personal fallout with his uncle. That is a fact. Then his policies with oracles in NKT changed. But we don't have to change our 'policies' regarding them and no one should berate us for it also. No one has the right.

Geshe-la / NKT received huge negative media and backlash because of the '1st wave' of protests organized by Geshe-la against the Dalai Lama. Some of his key supporters felt the backlash, spoke up and some left. Geshe-la realized it was a mistake to protest so openly saying it is from him. He made a mistake. His policies changed. Next time around, it was the WSS with him supporting them from behind and 'not' NKT that organized the huge wave of protests. Don't get me wrong, I feel Geshe-la is courageous. I prayed for him and his long life. I still do. My point is policies he makes can be changed according to student's aptitude, place, time and also mistakes. THAT IS OK. But just because NKT's policies do not give a 'special bus seat' to oracles and tulkus does not mean their policies are correct for everyone.  Or these institutions should be 'disparaged', 'ridiculed' or spoken against in the thousands of other places they have positive effects and benefits. Also for hundreds of years in some cases. Geshe-la can make mistakes, but it does not mean he is not a authentic practitioner of sutra/tantra and very qualified to teach. He is very qualified. But his personal disagreemants with oracles does not set the plateau for everyone. Nor should his students comment negatively to non-NKT students who accept oracles and tulkus.  

The backlash against Geshe-la/NKT was huge, but the protests brought attention to our cause onto the world stage. It gave a voice to where none would be heard. How compassionate of Geshe-la and courageous. How devoted and strong of his students that participated. I respect them very much on the whole as well as many dorje shugden lamas, centres and students around the world. With folded hands to Geshe-la and NKT deeply.  

Dromo Geshes ( a great tulku on his '3rd' incarnation hasn't 'messed' up yet) always had great oracles in his monasteries. His last oracle Lhakpa Dondrub) passed away a few years back. Dromo Geshe had special chapel, thrones and places in his monasteries for his dorje shugden oracles. The last one was a layman also!

Trijang Rinpoche blessed, consecrated, oversaw the training of Choyang Dulzin Kuten (Geshe-la's Uncle) and then authorized him as genuine when training completed. Zong Rinpoche consulted the oracle for most important issues until his last days and lived next door to the oracle in Gaden. Zong Rinpoche had a special oracle house and temple (Trokhang Dechen Chok) built for Dorje Shugden in Gaden. It has a special throne for the oracle to sit on in order to take trance right at the centre of the main shrine. This place exists today still. All of Gaden Shartse's abbots, ex abbots, tulkus, Geshes, and sangha would have yearly audience on the Tibetan 1st month and 3rd day of New Year's (losar). The whole sangha would be blessed by both Shugden and then Setrap entering Choyang Dulzin Kuten in the main prayer hall of Shartse. Yes the whole sangha. Also countless lamas, representatives from  Gaden Jangtze, Drepung and laity would jam the prayer hall yearly in Shartse for their blessings and pronouncements. Gaden Jangtse's administrators would ask questions of Shugden during trance for the welfare of the whole Gaden Jangtze institution. The same in Sera boompra khangtsen with their Shugden oracle, where Kache Marpo takes trance. All has stopped because of the ban.

Both Gaden and Sera oracles were put into retreat for more than five years intense, examined, blessed and authorized by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang in the end. The current oracle of Gaden is a student of  the previoius Zong Rinpoche, and Zong Rinpoche mentioned years ago that he would be an oracle. So if Geshe-la does not find them fitting for NKT, or his students find it weird, Gaden, Sera and Drepung did not. To each his own.  

Many Geshes, teachers, Lamas consult the Gameng Choyang Kuten in US and Sera Oracle (authorized by Trijang Rinpoche, and this oracle's father was also an oracle of Shugden) residing in Taiwan. They derive many benefits again and again. All of Shar Gaden Monastery invited the Gameng Choyang Kuten for their grand opening and had Dulzin peaceful/wrathful both take trance, bless the premises, answer questions and give prophecies to their successful survival.

When Geshe-la passes away (very sorry to mention this), what happens to his incarnation? If recognized? Not recognized is fine also. But Geshe-la recognized his own mother's incarnation and makes sure she grows up to practice dharma again. No special seats, but why recognize her at all then. Just recognizing her is saying alot already.

Thai bus company will not give a special seat to the oracle on their buses but will give to monks, and that is true. But only to their monks. They do not recognize monks of the Tibetan Tradition. They do not feel it is a valid monkhood. So in Thailand, monks of the Tibetan tradition gets no discounts, no special seating (airplanes, taxis,etc), no religious priviledges their own monks receive. So their example is not applicable here at all.

Believing, propitiating or trusting oracles and tulkus DOES NOT MEAN THAT IS THE MAIN FOCUS OR PRACTICE EVER. The main practice would be all the teachings on MIND TRANSFORMATION coupled with annurtara tantra of generation and completion stages for sure. That is the real protection from everything in samsara. But along the way, why not alittle help from our friends via the oracle.


(no offence/disrespect intended to Geshe-la in anyway or the vast institution of NKT-may they last thousands of years. If it was another situation, I could take refuge in Geshe-la as my guru also.)

( previous oracle of Dromo Geshe in Tibet : ( )

(The photo below is of the famous and very beneficial oracle of Dromo Geshe's who resided in Kalimpong but now passed away. He was very clear and concise with his predictions and very loved by Dromo Geshe and many great lamas/laity who consulted him. The oracle's name is Lhakpa Dondrub. He was a nice man also. I met and stayed with him. He would go into hundreds of trances per year and help so many. Unbelievable. But he himself was very devoted to Tsongkapa, Dromo Geshe, his practices and lived modestly.

Dromo Geshe was very realized and he had the oracles in his monasteries to help the countless that were not when Shugden entered them to speak. Amazing, skilfull, multi-faceted actions by attained minds. Many methods to benefit those who have desperate situations and lojong has not been actualized in their minds yet. May the oracle system live long and continue. May Dorje Shugden continue choosing his oracles as he has for 350 years.

If Nechung, Gadong, Yudroma, Tsering Chenga can choose oracles and take trance and thousands flock to dharamsala to have audience, WHY NOT OUR DORJE SHUGDEN. HE IS MUCH GREATER AND TAKING TRANCE TO SPEAK AND HELP US CAN BE DONE IN HIS 'SLEEP'!)

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 10, 2010, 11:45:21 AM
Thank you very much for that sharing. It seems clear that GKG rejected oracles on a personal basis. If he consulted them before, then oracles must have been valid. I like your point that the great Monasteries of Gaden and Sera have consulted oracles throughout the years, and that Shar Gaden's opening was officiated by the Gameng Choyang Kuten, so if oracles were not real, all this would not have happened. I think i prefer to believe the many monks of these holy institutions.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 12:14:28 PM
Thank you very much for that sharing. It seems clear that GKG rejected oracles on a personal basis. If he consulted them before, then oracles must have been valid. I like your point that the great Monasteries of Gaden and Sera have consulted oracles throughout the years, and that Shar Gaden's opening was officiated by the Gameng Choyang Kuten, so if oracles were not real, all this would not have happened. I think i prefer to believe the many monks of these holy institutions.

Gameng Choyang Kuten didn't officiate the opening of Shar Gaden. But Dorje Shugden himself officiated by taking trance of Gameng, and officiated with a Wisdom Dance, acceptance of offerings and advice/prophecies.

Just think of how many Lojong-Lam Rim-Annuttara-tantra-loving sangha were there witnessing this great event and feeling blessed to be in Dorje Shugden's presence via Gameng. Giving them hope, anwering questions, giving direction when they are so isolated and surpressed not like our beloved dharma brothers/sisters who practice freely in democratic countries around the world.  The videos of this are on the homepage of this website of the event. I have watched the videos of Dorje Shugden take trance hundreds of times. I have downloaded onto my phone and watch when travelling. Like those monks, it gives me great hope. If Trijang Rinpoche/Zong Rinpoche/Dromo Geshe Rinpoche attained Lam Rim in their mindstreams and 'rely' on oracles (at least for us), then a nobody like me will follow their footsteps. Or at least not berate what I don't understand yet fully. Just keep a respectful silence while absorbing and learning. Shugden in oracles will not liberate us from samsara, but can sure help while I am stuck here and not actualized realizations yet.   

The abbot, ex abbots, lamas, sangha can accept the oracle. They are the lineage holders of all that we hold dear. HH Gaden Trisur Rinpoche fully accepts the oracle and Shugden's trance according to his assistants in Shar Gaden. So when it comes to Lam Rim, Panchen Sonam Drakpa's commentaries, the commentaries of the 6 Ornaments and Two Supremes, Madhyamika, Heruka, Yamantaka, Guhyasamaja, and thousands of hours of debate, these sangha we can rely on and trust and follow. We praise them, prostrate to them, and take refuge, but when it comes to oracles, they are weird?? They are illogical or it's wrong? NKT policies should be applied to them? I don't think so. Again, these traditions are not arbitrary nor started for negative reasons. They have their valid function and purpose backed up by 1,000 years of rich Buddhist traditions.

Hence we should think, it may not be in our culture, well neither is momos/tibetan tea/tsampa, but so what?  It could be fine. Never look through the lens of our culture/upbringing/familiarity to 'judge' another's. It is baseless and dual.

So the oracle tradition is not weird but a sacred, majestic, rich living legacy of Buddhism & its illustrious Masters from the land of the snows and now to the world.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 10, 2010, 01:19:53 PM
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?
I have not said that I think the oracle tradition is wrong, of course it has it's place.
I thought Geshe-las uncle was invited by Geshe-las students not Geshe-la.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 01:51:31 PM
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?
I have not said that I think the oracle tradition is wrong, of course it has it's place.
I thought Geshe-las uncle was invited by Geshe-las students not Geshe-la.

No, Geshe-la himself invited his uncle the Oracle to UK. What's the difference, if it doesn't have Geshe-la's approval do you think they would just invite such a person to headquarters in UK? Definitely not. Geshe-la is well known to remove people who are not in sync with him. He has his reasons I am sure. Anyway 100 percent confirmed it was Geshe-la who extended the invitation to his uncle he had not seen for many years. Also to consult Dorje Shugden on some important matters at that time through his uncle. Do you think Geshe-la would have allowed Oracle to take trance and give initiation of Avalokitesvara in his own headquarters??? Everyone knows Geshe-la allows no teachers of any other centre, monastery or what not to teach in his centres around the world let alone an initiation. Only NKT teach NKT members. Everything had Geshe-la's full approval.

I don't think the oracle tradition is weird at all, but DIFFERENT. To some the whole of Tibetan Buddhism is weird. So what. It doesn't make it weird, and those people who have manners would just have to respect.

Thank you for your thoughts very much,

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 02:17:17 PM
I said before that it would be nice if people would not confuse issues. I'll say it again.

I fail to see what has GKG's decisions, specific NKT policies, validity of Tulkus and oracles in general sense, the possibility that someone changes his mind, etc, have to do in common, and especially with this TDG-issue that exists, it seems, only on this forum? Why is NKT and GKG dragged into this even in the first place?

What are people discussing here? TDG or something else?

It is as if telling gossip about GKG would have something to add to this discussion, or something. As if gossip would act as a proof for or against this or that point. But hey, what was the point?

PS: I must offer two corrections for something mentioned in one post, somewhere above: (1) Shakyamuni Buddha did occasionally change his mind, as evidenced by Classical Sutras (so why would a change of mind be an argument for or against anything). We all change sometimes our minds, including GKG, or even Buddha. (2) Thais do recognize the validity of Dharmaguptaka and Mulasarvastivada monks; they officially only dispute that they are the same as Theravada monks, but so do the other two Vinaya lineages as well. A monk is a monk, in Thailand, whether he is Thr.da, Dhrm.g.tka, or Ml.Srvs.da. If anyone wishes to discuss about these two points, let us do so in separate threads, not here, thank you.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lineageholder on July 10, 2010, 02:41:40 PM
Whoa, guys!

How does this make sense?  The Tulku of TDG is announced and there is a disagreement and disharmony.  What does this tell you about how beneficial any of this is?  NKTworld are having a field day with it, coming up with all kinds of crazy statements and speculation.

For me, it doesn't make a jot of difference.  I rely on the living Buddha Dorje Shugden, my Spiritual Guide.  The appearance of a Tulku claimed to be TDG is not going to make any difference to my reliance and why should it?  I still do my prayers every day and rely in the way that's described in 'Heart Jewel', so that's it - end of drama.

What we need is DHARMA not DRAMA.  Dorje Shugden's critics lap up this kind of disagreement.  My suggestion is let's just take the wind out of their sails and stop discussing it.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 10, 2010, 03:05:29 PM
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?

Yes, I can see how some people might think it is weird, but this goes with everything. Some people think even guru devotion / being Buddhist / sacrificing weekend parties to go for a spiritual retreat is also "weird" behaviour!

We can each do our part to explain what the oracles are about, the history, background and logic behind how they "work". It is all about education. I'm sure at some point, each of us also didn't really understand what oracles were about but our kind teachers or fellow dharma friends explained things to us and helped us understand what it was really all about. Now, we appreciate the tradition and may even consult oracles ourselves - but it didn't always start like this.

I understand that some teachers may choose not to focus on this as it may not serve the students of that time and place, but those of us who are do understand it should always (out of compassion and understanding its benefit) try to explain it to others who do not understand or have wrong view about it.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 10, 2010, 03:11:46 PM

I don't think the oracle tradition is weird at all, but DIFFERENT. To some the whole of Tibetan Buddhism is weird. So what. It doesn't make it weird, and those people who have manners would just have to respect.

Hi TK,
I wasn't asking if you thought it was weird, I was asking if you could understand that others find it weird. Yes, people may find Tibetan Buddhism weird, I guess that is why Geshe-la has dropped the cultural stuff and kept the Dharma, all beings need Dharma, maybe that is why his students have managed to reach so many people.
I like what Lineage holder said, so I will be quite now.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 03:28:56 PM

I don't think the oracle tradition is weird at all, but DIFFERENT. To some the whole of Tibetan Buddhism is weird. So what. It doesn't make it weird, and those people who have manners would just have to respect.

Hi TK,
I wasn't asking if you thought it was weird, I was asking if you could understand that others find it weird. Yes, people may find Tibetan Buddhism weird, I guess that is why Geshe-la has dropped the cultural stuff and kept the Dharma, all beings need Dharma, maybe that is why his students have managed to reach so many people.
I like what Lineage holder said, so I will be quite now.

Yes, Geshe-la has reached so many AND I SINCERELY REJOICE with his immaculate dharma. Let's see what happens after he passes though and I am afraid for that. Whether we agree with the Dalai Lama or not, he has reached vast numbers of people that Geshe Kelsang could never even hold a candle to and the Dalai Lama didn't drop the 'cultural stuff'.  See 'Spirits in Dharamsala' ( ). So there is a huge market for something different than what our Western culture blandly offers at times.

Yes, others may think it is weird. Many others find it facinating also like me. I can't speak for others maybe you can, but many find it facinating when we talked. If others choose to judge another's culture and label it weird, they should look at their own culture carefully. I don't recommend anyone dropping their culture because others think it's weird unless it's colonialistic cultural thinking of superiority or somthing like that. That sort of culture or others similar to it, should be abandoned. Many of our European countries felt their culture to be superior, better, and civilized in the past, and how much pain was extended and exploitation as a result in the world. To me that is WEIRD and I know that is an understatement.

It's been an interesting friendly dharma debate and I do thank you, with folded hands,


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 10, 2010, 03:34:59 PM
I said before that it would be nice if people would not confuse issues. I'll say it again.

I fail to see what has GKG's decisions, specific NKT policies, validity of Tulkus and oracles in general sense, the possibility that someone changes his mind, etc, have to do in common, and especially with this TDG-issue that exists, it seems, only on this forum? Why is NKT and GKG dragged into this even in the first place?

What are people discussing here? TDG or something else?

It is as if telling gossip about GKG would have something to add to this discussion, or something. As if gossip would act as a proof for or against this or that point. But hey, what was the point?

PS: I must offer two corrections for something mentioned in one post, somewhere above: (1) Shakyamuni Buddha did occasionally change his mind, as evidenced by Classical Sutras (so why would a change of mind be an argument for or against anything). We all change sometimes our minds, including GKG, or even Buddha. (2) Thais do recognize the validity of Dharmaguptaka and Mulasarvastivada monks; they officially only dispute that they are the same as Theravada monks, but so do the other two Vinaya lineages as well. A monk is a monk, in Thailand, whether he is Thr.da, Dhrm.g.tka, or Ml.Srvs.da. If anyone wishes to discuss about these two points, let us do so in separate threads, not here, thank you.

I have taken Tibetan monks with robes to Thailand:

1.      They are allowed to stay in hotels and pay. Thai monks are not allowed in the hotels. Thai monks stay for free in any temple (Wat). Tibetan monks are not allowed to stay in the temples in Thailand for free, they have to pay as they are not considered monks. So hence it was a ‘put down’ that the Tibetan monks were directed to hotels. Even when they stayed in hotels, none of the managers or lobby people rejected. If it was Thai monk, they would have questioned as it looks suspicious why a monk is in a hotel and not staying in the thousands of free temples. I have monk friends in Thailand who told me the same thing also.

2.      They must pay full rate in airports within Thailand, when we said they are monks, the airport counter said, they do not recognize (Thai Airways). NO DISCOUNT. And no preferential seating for Tibetan monks.

3.      No Thai monks are allowed in restaurants. But we had to take the Tibetan monks to eat in the restaurants. Clearly showing they don’t believe Tibetan monks are ‘real’ monks.

4.      I have travelled to Thailand countless times and lived in Thailand for extended periods, and they consider Tibetan monks spiritual people or some sort of priests, but not ‘real’ monks.

I don’t see the above posted by TK as gossip or dragging Geshe Kelsang and NKT into the picture. You stated Shakyamuni changed his mind. A Buddha is a Buddha so when He changed his mind he is still operating as a Buddha, it is different from Geshela changes his mind. Geshela may be a Buddha to you but not to the rest of us. We may respect, but he changes his mind as any ordinary humans do, because they make mistakes.

My supposed mother-in-law changes her mind and she said it is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, but that doesn’t mean her changing her mind is not from mistake.

Hence you have opened the can of worms as the saying goes, so on the forum ANYTHING CAN BE BROUGHT UP. There are no hard and fast rules to what information is allowed or not except if it brings physical danger.

Besides, the gossip you mentioned is not some internal NKT state secret, it is published all over the internet, see the links in footnote.

Sorry if I am direct, but TK’s eloquent writeup gives me another view of oracles. I am not into them at all, but reading about it, makes me understand and respect them more. The writeup contained many valid points and lots of energy spent on it, I think it was sincere. You didn’t thank or say a word to any of TK’s points, but seemed worried about NKT gossip. Well we didn’t create the gossip. But it is in our view always on the net as it is to thousands of others.

I personally thank TK for his well written explanation that follows the spirit of this forum which is GAINING KNOWLEDGE.

Thank you Zhalmed Pawo for bringing this up. Thank you TK for such a great explanation. Again, I don’t plan to go to any oracles, but I appreciate the rich tradition behind it and the illustrious Lamas who believed in them.

But if my Lama recommends me to go the oracles, I WOULD DO SO NOW.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 04:07:49 PM
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?

We can each do our part to explain what the oracles are about, the history, background and logic behind how they "work". It is all about education. I'm sure at some point, each of us also didn't really understand what oracles were about but our kind teachers or fellow dharma friends explained things to us and helped us understand what it was really all about. Now, we appreciate the tradition and may even consult oracles ourselves - but it didn't always start like this.

I understand that some teachers may choose not to focus on this as it may not serve the students of that time and place, but those of us who are do understand it should always (out of compassion and understanding its benefit) try to explain it to others who do not understand  or have wrong view about it.

While I'm not sure what the issue about oracles have to do with this, whatever this is, I'm now intrigued, and as it seems inevitable that all internet discussions branch away from whatever this was, let us now talk about oracles, as it seems to occupy the minds of people.

Could somebody here please explain to me, why oracles are needed, in a Dharmic context?

While answering, please consider these points:  Considering that the Buddha has taught the Dharma, and we can all find whatever we need (in a dharmic sense, not necessarily in a material sense), from those already existing Teachings, why would anyone need to consult an oracle? As the Buddha has given the Dharma, and that has been transmitted to us by the Sangha, especially our Lamas or Gurus, and is accessible through books, meditation and experience, what else one would need? If one has questions, out of not understanding, one can always consult the Buddha-Dharma, through either one's Guru, Sangha in general, or Dharma-scriptures, so where is the need for oracular instructions? If the oracle oraculates an enlightened Deity, the answers will naturally be the same as found in the Tripitaka and the Commentaries, as explained by the Sangha and the Guru, so in this case it would be needless to ask an oracle, and if the spirit that is oraculated is not enlightened, why ask him anything relating to the Practice, the Dharma? So where is the need for oracles, within a dharmic context? Of all the peoples in the world, only Tibetans seem to need a Dharma-Boost from oracles; the other traditional Buddhist nations do not seem to need any such observances.

So, all those who understand these oracle-things, please explain to me. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion can be, that this need for oracularism is just a cultural thing of Tibetans, having nothing really to do with Dharma. And as you explain, please provide Sutra sources if possible. Protectors can be found in even the old Theravada Sutras, so I am not wondering about Protectors. Just oracles.

Thank you all, in advance,


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 04:27:48 PM
Thaimonk: If you wish to talk about our different experiences or understandings about Thai attitudes towards non-theravadin monks, we can do so in a separate thread. I have no wish to make this thread any more non-readable or unintelligible as it already is.

I also think it funny, that you allow the Buddha to change his mind, but see the same behaviour as reflecting badly on a contemporary Guru. What gives?

EDIT: You also mentioned a Can of Worms. Did you refer with that the fact that I allow both the Buddhas and the sentient beings to change their minds, and alter the practical decisions made before? If so, why is this a can of worms, and if not so, then what did you mean?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 10, 2010, 05:02:12 PM
this thread has grown very fast. But what is the reason? I do not understand the 1st posting of this thread. Can anyone help?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Big Uncle on July 10, 2010, 06:21:18 PM
Wow! The thread sure has grown and detoured from the original intent. If I am not mistaken, the original intent was to rejoice the announcement of the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and subsequently, the posts became a slight debate. Then somehow Geshe Kelsang Gyatso was dragged in because he has a shall i say it...dislike for the tulku and oracle system. Personally, I do understand where he is coming from and I think he just want his students to practice the Dharma.

However, I do find the announcement very exciting and we don't have the full facts here yet and I do think an incarnation is unlikely but I can't denounce the possibility as it has happened through Tibetan history. Dorje Shugden was said to emanate in so many places. Well, he is Manjushri so that's a piece of cake for him. My thinking is that he has incarnated all this time and surfacing now because he is preparing for Dalai Lama to leave his worldly body. Whether he will take over or not, I don't know but I think he has a role to play in spreading the Dharma after the Dalai Lama has gone to pure realms. Who knows what his enlightened actions are as they are probably too vast for us to fathom. Anyway both Lamas - Dalai Lama and him has been working together whether together or against each other to spread the Dharma...

That is what I got and what I am thinking so far...

Big Uncle
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 10, 2010, 06:33:08 PM
Barring some new insight or reason, I think this will be my last post on the matter.

I am sorry I called this a hoax, initially I simply could not believe the people here were so credulous. It appeared unfathomable to  my mind.

Now I realize that either it is a hoax, in which case there is no point commenting further, or these people actually believe this and really are that exited about the whole thing!!Ha ha! I don't know if I should laugh or weep, I can only shake my head....

Initially when this was posted, (TDG is alive!!!!!), the flood of uncritical rejoicing blew my mind.

here is a sampler-
*May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche live exceptionally long and reveal his whereabouts very soon and may I have the chance to meet his incarnation wherever he is now.

*I feel in awe - like I'm witnessing history unfolding before my eyes.

*May Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen reveal himself as soon as possible to continue his holy work!

*And he has been amongst us for decades only goes to show HIS TIME HAS COME! I believe a new era is about to dawn on us.

*I feel extremely humbled by what is happening right now as these events begin to unfold.

*I wonder: is His Holiness feeling threatened today? Or is he chuckling to himself, amused that his old friend is "back" and the final showdown of "elaborate epic" of Dharma is finally unfolding?

*I hope his students know just how fortunate they are to be sitting at the feet of such a great being, and one who has suffered so much for the dharma.

*Once he is out in the public, can his name be put back as one of the lineage lamas?

*It's lovely and awe inspiring to receive news about the return of our Lord King Drakpa Gyeltsen. His presence and return might be the answer to all our turmoil and worries.

All from HoneyDakini, DSfriend, Wisdombeing, Dharmadefender, harrynephew, iloveds, vajraprotector, Big Uncle, and the rest of the gang, all of whom joined the forum withing a few days of one another, and all of whom responded to this "news" with gudhing hyperbole that would embarass even a christian, who really do think someone is coming to save them.

Sorry, it just looks a little "orchestrated " to me. Are you seriously telling me these are all separate people not one of whom expresses the sligtest reservation that this might not be true, or if true, might not be good?!?! I'm sorry, if that is true, the Dharma really is in it's last days. 

I'll tell you how "His Holiness" is feeling. He doesn't give a fig. it has no import!

SO, in response to some silly arguments that have been made, let me say a few things:

I am not saying that there are no such things as Tulkus, or that they are never beneficial, so no need for psuedo prasangika consequences showing how I don't accept Trijang Rinpoche as he believed in Tulkus etc etc etc. That is just plain silly.

tulkus are real, and their nature is benefit. I just thought that in this day and age, especially among this group of people, we would know better that to repose our hopes in the hands of one. OF COURSE Tulkus are beneficial! OF COURSE there are oracles, and they can, in certain circumstances, be useful.

Can either one COMPLETELY DESTROY our lineage? Yup. There is a "tulku" who is out there trying right now, and the only reason he hasn't TOTALLY SUCCEEDED is that not everyone accepts him as who he is touted as being.

OS, kind reader, please realize that the tulku tradition is too dangerous in these our degenerate times. It will be the end of those who dance with it.

When people hear "This is the Tulku of Drakpa Gyaltsen, " then they think it really is, independently, inherently a Buddha who cannot be wrong. Ten years later, when he says, let's drop DS practice after all, you now have to do this. YOU DONT KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS, if he even exists! How could you already be applying honorifics??!! It boggles the mind, honestly.

ALL that silliness about GKG and oracles has nothing to do with anything, everyone can appear to make mistakes, and NKY policy need not be the policy of others, esp in the east. BUT COME ON, at least hold back your unmitigated fawning adulation until you find out who, if anyone, recommends this person! UNtil you confirm that this person is not an alchoholic or a money-grubber. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUt HIM!!!!!    hello????    IS this thing on???

Finally, along the lines of Trinley Kelsang's (always ) sane and informed posts, it really makes no differece at all. Not to Dharamsala, not to those with a spirtual guide, to no one.

The actual "reincarnation " line of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen ended at his death/buddhahood. SO whoever this is, if it is anyone at all, is a recognized emanation, at best. But if you have a guru, you already have that! Dorje Shugden's emanations pervade the owrld!! Why run after an "inherent" one?!?! What is it you need for this supposed emanation? TTGIE will COMPLETELY IGNORE THE RAVINGS OF ANYONE WHO CLAIMS HE IS WHO YOU SAYS HE IS, it will not even cause them to hiccup. Probably they will just laugh at what a bunch of superstitions sheep we are.

anyway, this is really the final straw for me on this topic. I certainly wish you all the best, but I can't take it, I find it embarassing to be associated with this.

cheers and good luck!

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 10, 2010, 06:52:39 PM
Hi Big Uncle, crazycloud,
thanks for your postings. I understand from these summaries that I do not need to read all these many pages. Thanks!! This saved me a lot of time.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 07:24:18 PM
...anyway, this is really the final straw for me on this topic. I certainly wish you all the best, but I can't take it, I find it embarassing to be associated with this.

cheers and good luck!

Please stay. Otherwise the Fifth Column has won the game on this.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 10, 2010, 07:32:22 PM

I am here on the forum, there are too many interesting things here in general, but his goodness. Can't abide it.

Thanks for the thought.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 07:59:04 PM
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?

We can each do our part to explain what the oracles are about, the history, background and logic behind how they "work". It is all about education. I'm sure at some point, each of us also didn't really understand what oracles were about but our kind teachers or fellow dharma friends explained things to us and helped us understand what it was really all about. Now, we appreciate the tradition and may even consult oracles ourselves - but it didn't always start like this.

I understand that some teachers may choose not to focus on this as it may not serve the students of that time and place, but those of us who are do understand it should always (out of compassion and understanding its benefit) try to explain it to others who do not understand  or have wrong view about it.

So, all those who understand these oracle-things, please explain to me. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion can be, that this need for oracularism is just a cultural thing of Tibetans, having nothing really to do with Dharma. And as you explain, please provide Sutra sources if possible. Protectors can be found in even the old Theravada Sutras, so I am not wondering about Protectors. Just oracles.

Thank you all, in advance,


1. Of course the 'oracle-things' can be explained. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion IS NOT   "THAT IT IS A  CULTURAL THING OF TIBETANS and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DHARMA".


It is your particular like and dislike due to ignorance perhaps that you have distorted thinking of certain very beneficial practices such as oracles or oracular practices.  The oracles can be very useful.

Western society relied on oracles and the like before the advent of Christianity. With Christianity, many practices such as the arts of divining, tarot cards, taking trances, reading the future, ouija boards all became labelled as evil and should be violently stopped. Violent and aggressive campaigns were set throughout Europe and the Americas to abolish these practices. We are the modern day results of that destruction in excluding anything labelled magical. Hence things like oracles are seen as superstitious, or invalid. That is the legacy of the advent of Christianity.

The Delphic oracles with their famous Pythias were sought over the ancient world for their very clear prophecies for hundred of years. Destroyed by Alexander so he can be assured no one else will know what was told to him. How selfish. In order to assure his victory.

2. It would take many pages and hours to type out what I have learned at the feets of 8 eminent lamas for the last decades to explain. I will condense very short. If you understand, fine. If you don't it's obvious then why you're 'against' it.

3.  I would recommend to you to read 'Wheel of Protection' from 'Exile From the Land of Snows' to get an overview of how oracles work. Dorje Shugden and Nechung oracles operate somewhat differently, but generally same. Please do your homework, read, research, contemplate then speak to elucidate to others to clear their misunderstandings and ignorance. After all dharma is the highest form of giving. Before giving go get it.

See Here. Please read thoroughly:

4. Simple story: When I was in Dharamsala 14 years back, an American backpacker lady fell off the hills there and was lost for around two days. Her friends, local police, and some Tibetans scoured lower upper dharamsala for her. Could not be found. I went to see the Yudroma oracle for my personal reasons as were a few other people for their questions also. At that time, another group had consulted her out of desperation. The American friends were very desperate. The lady oracle went into trance with the help of the monk from Gyuto Tantric College  as Gyuto Tantric College often consult her( Yudroma is their protective deity). Yes the renowned Gelug Tantric college goes to her to consult often. When Yudroma entered the oracle ( i witnessed several times), she gave the location, place and fall clearly. She also said the lady is still alive but must get to her quickly. Within another half a day, following her instructions they found the backpacker who had broken a leg ( maybe wrist) and was stuck in a precarious location. The Americans were dumbfounded.

That was one of my first personal experiences with a recognized oracle with many more to come. Observed I did and convinced I am today.

5. Our bodies are just a shell in which our sublte consciousness temporarily  abides. You can leave it and enter at will if you have practiced correctly. Ra Lotsawa and son were well known for that. Hence, since it is a shell, any beings can enter and abide including yourself. Thererfore possessions of the evil nature is definitely possible as the Vajra Yogini Kakkoo (ritual) text is a remedy for that. Possessions, ghosts, spirits, psychics, clairvoyants do exist previously and currently. The stories abound in the bios of Heruka lineage Mahasiddhas.

We can temporarily abide elsewhere or within an object and let a higher force use our bodies to speak, express, move or do whatever actions that are necessary. Hence Dorje Shugden and Kache Marpo can definitely enter such a 'ready' body. When we do the invitations for example in Lama Chopa and ask the deities to abide, it can be inviting them to enter a statue or thangka we are consecrating. They abide at our request to become a merit field not that they have nowhere to go.

Hence if they can enter a statue and abide, why not a human? Both are made of the four physical composite elements suitable for a consciousness to abide in. Of course there's the formless also, but need not apply here for now.

In the Tara ritual, you ask Tara to come forth, abide in her image. Then we make offerings, requests, mantras, prayers, etc and at the end, you ask her to remain in this image by scattering dried rice/flowers with appropriate recitation. Then she abides. When you invite Dorje Shugden to enter an oracle, you recite the invitational liturgy at the beginning of our Dorje Shugden Kangsol. If you wish the peaceful to come, the oracle will wear monk robes, yellow chogo/Namjar, and Pandit's hat. Then Dorje Shugden will enter in a peaceful form to talk, known as Dulzin. If wrathful is required, then oracle will wear the full robes with flags, boots, weapons, etc. This energy cannot stay long, or talk much as it is in fierce form. Old oracles in their 70's who limp or are on walking sticks when taking trance of the wrathful form, can leap, bend swords, 'dance' and whole body convulses with the energy of the deity-Shugden. That is amazing, what is more is, someone like Kuten Lama (Geshe-la's uncle) never studied much, but in trance as Dulzin he can give long (2-3 hours) discourses citing perfectly from Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Nagarjuna, Chandrakirti, Dharmakirti, etc's texts and give you page numbers and cross reference points. He can give oral transmissions, initiations, compose texts on the spot as I have witnessed. He is elucidating among scholars, high incarnates such as Zong Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, the abbots, Geshes etc. He can refute with them or even debate if the occasion calls for it. Out of trance, Kuten Lama is a nice old man whose knowledge of dharma is that of little higher than the typical Tibetan laity. Certainly he couldn't fool the masters in Gaden for 30 years.  

He must have gone into trance thousands of times since Buxa when he was officially approved as genuine by H.H. Trijang Dorje Chang. Leaping around and bending swords is neat, but lesser spirits can also do the same. What is amazing and convincing is what comes out of the mouth of the oracle time and time tested again. Even things you asked Dorje Shugden through another oracle ten years back, when taking trance of a 'new' oracle he can recount and remind you. It has happened to me. I consulted Shugden through Sera's oracle, then much later the Gaden oracle. While in trance Dorje Shugden reminded me of what he said precisely and accurately what he told me ten years back through a completely different person, different setting, different translators, different monastery. Mind you, what he told me was very intimate and very applicable to me. He has even indicated clearly to me what my gurus have told me in private- he reminded me of their vajra commands. This happened to me. I do not need you or anyone else's confirmation as the advice was timely, very helpful and I saw the results. His advices and dharma talks will blow your mind. You feel you are in the presence of someone very old, grand and from another time. But then that cannot be used here, as that is subjective-my feelings of him that it.

6. Lama Tsongkapa's Guru Yoga practice and Guru Rinpoche's practice are not in the sutras or tantras from India. They were not taught in Pre-Tibet-Buddhist India. Due to the many enlightened activities of enlightened beings after the Buddha, of course that is possible. Buddha Shakyamuni cannot be the only enlightened one, otherwise the dharma is false. But by seeing the many attainments gained by many practitioners over 600 hundred years, we know Guru Yoga of Tsongkapa is valid.  The close lineage of the Mahamudra instructions that are practiced by Tsongkapa's disciples are also not the sutras and tantras of Buddha Shakyamuni/Vajradhara. Nyingmas rely heavily on Secret treasure texts or Termas never spoken about and guru Rinpoche's mantra is nowhere to be found in the original sutras and tantras yet has created many realized beings within the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakyas.

Yet Guru Rinpoche's initiation, practices, rites, rituals, images form the central core of the Nyingma lineage. Tsongkapa's  Guru Yoga practice was revealed by Manjushri directly to Tsongkapa. Hence if something is not in the sutras do not disqualify their authenticity nor benefits. In this case the qualifications of the author is very important.

Thai Buddhists do not recognize Yamantaka, Heruka nor Vajra Yogini. They do not have the lineage nor believe that it originated from the perfect Buddha. Not finding something somewhere can lead to endless unnecessary debates. Hence, for us the author is very important. Dorje Shugden is not mentioned in the sutras. Dakpo Rinpoche named the 'village lama' by the 13th Dalai Lama 'left' his body and transported to Tushita to receive the practice of Dorje Shugden. So today if someone was to say that was their soure of teachings, this forum would be alive with snide sarcastic posts. So why is it we can believe Dakpo Rinpoche. Just because it happened 50, 100, 200 or whatever years ago? If we don't believe him, then our whole Dorje Shugden lineage is a lie. Then why are we even here. The origins of our Dorje Shugden practice, Heruka, Vajra Yogini, etc are all from 'magical' beginnings. Yet we believe and trust. Why not oracles? Why not Shugden entering a qualified oracle consecrated and authenticized by HH kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang the heart son of Pabongka who in turn is the heart son of Dakpo Rinpoche? Contemplate.  

Not everything has to be in the sutras yet we still need a lineage no matter how magical it's origins. Western culture claims to not accept anything magical but more practical. Hogwash. Much of western religions and our Buddhism is awash with 'magical, mystical and obscure' beginnings yet we still practice and proclaim logic. Logic by us is very limited. We cannot take full refuge in our logic after certain point.

Heruka revealed his tantra by teaching on Mt Kailash to Vajra Yogini then to human first. How to verify that? Yet many have received attainments from Her practice. So we need to see results to ascertain validity of origins in this case. Many have received benefits from Dorje Shugden's oracles for the last 350 years including myself many times over.

How many scholars and masters rely on Asanga's 'Ornament of Clear Realizations' given to him by Maitreya Buddha in Tushita. Doesn't that sound wierd in today's terms? How about if I wrote a text and told you Tara told me the contents. It would be psychiatric time. Well why do we accept Asanga's assertions coming from such a source? Because we rely on the author and mostly the benefits in this case. Nagarjuna retrieved how many wisdom texts from the Nagas hidden away? Show me a naga. Have you seen one? Hence validity in Tibetan Buddhism is not stemmed only from the original sutras alone. There will be more teachings arising in the future logically speaking to suit the various aptitudes. Lam Rim made it's first appearance by Atisha's composition. Before that it was unheard of. Yet it is our core practice now having been passed down and further versions written of course the latest by Pabongka. Oracular practices do not need to be in the original sutras/tantras to validate their authenticity and applicability for dharma practitioners of this age, time and circumstances.

I hope this sincerely help you. I have spent over 6 solid hours writing the various explanations on this thread. I didn't write to convince you but to open your mind to things that perhaps are very foreign and at first unacceptable to you. I hope you will investigate further as knowledge is knowledge. We carry that into our future lives. As Shantideva says, there's no limit to our minds ability to comprehend.

I wish you luck and I humbly hope you will accept for others' sake, if not your own, practices that may benefit them by not discarding due to ignorance. All practices by our lineage lamas should be respected and feel how fortunate we are to even hear about them. Our lineage lamas are free of faults, hence their practices, teachings, traditions, manners should be respected even if some cannot be applied now due to degenerate times, but they should not be seen as something Tibetan and hence culturally beneficial only.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 08:18:25 PM
Hello tk, your answer went way beyond what I wanted. Thank you.

But, could we somehow remove this discussion into a separate thread? I think we can do that.

In fact, I can copy-paste everything tomorrow, into a newly generated thread, that I shall post. So, dear Admin etc, let everything here remain as they are... (Meaning: No need for Admin to do anything.)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 08:19:18 PM
...anyway, this is really the final straw for me on this topic. I certainly wish you all the best, but I can't take it, I find it embarassing to be associated with this.

cheers and good luck!

Please stay. Otherwise the Fifth Column has won the game on this.

Is this about winning?? Oh dear. Then I don't need to spend so many hours posting information. It wouldn't help you anyway would it?

I rather post pages of information not rantings and ravings on how bad the tulku system is. Yes you are right, you don't know who this new Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen is. He could be a drunkard and swindler. But then he might not be. Maybe he is an ordained monk. Since we know nothing why assume the worst just because you know so little of who he is.

There will be a huge group that will accept who he is even if 6 forum people do not. That is a promise. Because Shar Gaden and Serpom ordinary monks will not know who it is. But the very few senior will reveal in the future again for safety sake. So we should not recognize tendar rinpoche, dagom rinpoche, dromo geshe rinpoche, rabten rinpoche and the current zong rinpoche as the tulku system is wrong. I don't think so. 

It's just you do not know who it is. So becareful. You don't like to hear hopeful wishes regarding this incarnation, well I don't wish to hear your unnecessary judgement based on your ignorant hatred of the tulku system. When you berate the Tulku system you have berated the multitudes of sublime tulkus that have appeared and benefitted so many for hundreds of years. I meet a couple of uncouth sailors,I don't need to put down the whole Navy. I don't need to chant with down with the Navy. Tulkus will continue to appear named and unnamed because they will fulfill their aspirations.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 08:28:28 PM
Hello tk, your answer went way beyond what I wanted. Thank you.

But, could we somehow remove this discussion into a separate thread? I think we can do that. In fact, I can copy-paste everything tomorrow, into that newly generated thread. So, dear Admin etc, let everything here remain as they are... (Meaning: No need for Admin to do anything.)

It would be nice if we all met and openly and politely debated all our issues. A weekly sharing some sort.  I am sure I can give you much more insights, examples, facts, and explanations. Writing and forums are very limited. Very limited indeed. But we will have to be content with this for the moment as with most things in existence. Just view it differently then it becomes different.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 10, 2010, 08:43:23 PM

Is this about winning?? Oh dear. Then I don't need to spend so many hours posting information. It wouldn't help you anyway would it?

I think this is correct, TK, sadly you have wasted many hours typing all this and totally DESTROYING the straw man you were battling

He could be a drunkard and swindler. But then he might not be. Maybe he is an ordained monk. Since we know nothing why assume the worst just because you know so little of who he is.

This is, sadly, totally illogical. None is assuming the worst. In fact from my side, I am not assuming anything at all. I agree he many or may not be a swindler. So if others agree also, why all the unfounded adulation?

If I say I have found Je Tsongkapas reinacarnation!!!! ;D !! ;D ;D ;D!! ;D ;D!

and everyone was like, "Oh! now we are saved! I wonder how the Dalia Lama feels right now! Je Tsonkhapas reincarnation is so holy and kind!!"

Wouldn't you say...."hold on a minute...let's have a little more info, please..."   ??

So we should not recognize tendar rinpoche, dagom rinpoche, dromo geshe rinpoche, rabten rinpoche and the current zong rinpoche as the tulku system is wrong. I don't think so. 

It seems you are having some difficulty understanding the arguments put forth. No one said the Tulku system is wrong, did they? But it is true that if we uncritically accept these lamas without checking them, the DHarma is done for.

You don't like to hear hopeful wishes regarding this incarnation, well I don't wish to hear your unnecessary judgement based on your ignorant hatred of the tulku system.

I do in fact like hopeful wishes regarding this Tulku, here are mine: I hope he is a kind man. I hope he benefits the Dharma. I hope he benefits Je Tsongkhapas lineage. I hope he has a happy life.  What I object to is pandering, fawning and hysteria regarding someone no-one has ever seen.

sorry you don't like to read my posts about the dangers inherent in the tulku system. it's not ignorant, though, it's based on personal experience, and it's not hatred, I like it, just don't trust it as it TOTALLY depends on those who find and rear these tulkus. these participants are often severely deluded beings. wake up to the reality. Tibeatn Buddhism is being destroyed by the Tulku system.

Spare yourself the hours or writing about how tulkus and oracles are real and amazing, I agree in many cases.

When you berate the Tulku system you have berated the multitudes of sublime tulkus that have appeared and benefitted so many for hundreds of years. I meet a couple of uncouth sailors,I don't need to put down the whole Navy. I don't need to chant with down with the Navy. Tulkus will continue to appear named and unnamed because they will fulfill their aspirations.

the old "navy" analogy, huh? I will try to be more clear: the tulku system which is real and has benefitted many in eastern lands, is now on it's way out. Even Je Tsongkhapa was very wary of this, and did not encourtage it. It is a theat to the Buddha dharma, which does not require it.

so I say "Up with the navy!" but let's not exaggerate their function or say "Oh my god! This private in the navy is going to save everyone! Thank god they are here!"

It looks silly.

Have a nice day tk. Don't get upset, it's not personal.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 08:57:53 PM

Well if Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation is announced, why do you need to jump up and down and say all the negative things since you don't know him? Because others are excited?

Why are you so negative. Because they are positive? Just because I am thinking good thoughts and have hopes DOES NOT MEAN I WILL NOT EXAMINE THE PERSON THE BEST I CAN IF AND WHEN THE TIME COMES.

Why incessantly criticize someone you have never seen. Just because he is a tulku and all tulkus have been bad. I don't think so.

If they said there's a Tsongkapa incarnation, yes I would be like great, but I would reserve ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PERSON TILL I HAVE CHECKED IT OUT.

No matter what efforts I put is not appreciated for the effort and the sincerity alone, then that alone speaks volumes. Yes, I put effort, and if you think it is wasted, that is really part of your way of thinking. But I think I put in sincere effort and to give another side of the coin. I don't think it's wasted as private messages came in thanking me for the effort already and not necessarily that they agree.

And no, this is not about winning. Because if it is, you lost.

Sorry to say, humbly,


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 09:08:31 PM
But dear tk, don't you see, that this "we the 6 on this forum", whomever we are, are not denying anything, including Tulkus - we are merely refusing to be lemmings.

HHDL has many lemmings.
Why should DS have them too?
Or TDG, by that token?

As to the question concerning Tulkus or oracles, let us make separate threads of these issues, without any specific instances made mentioned. Then we can discuss about these issues in general without any hint of politics.

And as for the idea of winning, well, I have for my part no game, except rationality and Dharma. That game I shall win... unless of course business goes well, and I'll have to think about investing in more business, whereby you guys have to do without me.

But anyway, if you really think it would be great to meet me, just come here... but contact me beforehand, since I might be in a neighbouring country otherwise, or something. Do you prefer bitter or cider? I do hope you are not one of those vegetarians we hear so much of these days...In this country we grill meat!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 10, 2010, 09:14:24 PM

Why incessantly criticize someone you have never seen. Just because he is a tulku and all tulkus have been bad. I don't think so.

tk you have gotten confused

If they said there's a Tsongkapa incarnation, yes I would be like great, but I would reserve ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PERSON TILL I HAVE CHECKED IT OUT.

to make your points seem less arbitrary, please cite one bad thing I have said about this person.

No matter what efforts I put is not appreciated for the effort and the sincerity alone, then that alone speaks volumes.

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

In any case, it is certainly not me vs. you to see who will win, so try to relax. You usally post very calmly, but now yo8u have almost descended to my level.  ;)

Sorry to say, humbly,


keep it humble tk. love it.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 09:20:05 PM
But dear tk, don't you see, that this "we the 6 on this forum", whomever we are, are not denying anything, including Tulkus - we are merely refusing to be lemmings.

HHDL has many lemmings.
Why should DS have them too?
Or TDG, by that token?

As to the question concerning Tulkus or oracles, let us make separate threads of these issues, without any specific instances made mentioned. Then we can discuss about these issues in general without any hint of politics.

And as for the idea of winning, well, I have for my part no game, except rationality and Dharma. That game I shall win... unless of course business goes well, and I'll have to think about investing in more business, whereby you guys have to do without me.

But anyway, if you really think it would be great to meet me, just come here... but contact me beforehand, since I might be in a neighbouring country otherwise, or something. Do you prefer bitter or cider? I do hope you are not one of those vegetarians we hear so much of these days...In this country we grill meat!

Well Shar Gaden and Serpom accept, look for, install tulkus from Dorje Shugden's recognitions, so if it's ok for them it's ok for me.  They are our hope for the future. Am I a lemming because I trust my teachers who follow the tulku system? Am I like the lemmings that follow HHDL? I certainly hope not. LOL.

Geshe-la doesn't 'like' tulkus. So hence you don't? Is that a lemming (sorry)?

I would love to meet all of you, give you a big hug, talk in person one day but probably not soon unfortunately till this ban thing blows over. I have work to do, money to make to continue to sponsor Shar Gaden/Serpom, books to distribute, brochures to distribute (remember I'm distributing 108,000), retreats to do. Much more study too.

Yes, I love cider. Sorry, I hate meat. But I love bread, pasta, tempura, scones and milk tea. Let's make an open date in the future. One Tsongkapa follower to another. Thank you very much.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 09:24:08 PM

Why incessantly criticize someone you have never seen. Just because he is a tulku and all tulkus have been bad. I don't think so.

tk you have gotten confused

If they said there's a Tsongkapa incarnation, yes I would be like great, but I would reserve ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PERSON TILL I HAVE CHECKED IT OUT.

to make your points seem less arbitrary, please cite one bad thing I have said about this person.

No matter what efforts I put is not appreciated for the effort and the sincerity alone, then that alone speaks volumes.

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

In any case, it is certainly not me vs. you to see who will win, so try to relax. You usally post very calmly, but now yo8u have almost descended to my level.  ;)

Sorry to say, humbly,


keep it humble tk. love it.

"Ya big baby?"

Oh dear. Good luck to you.

Humbly always,


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 10, 2010, 09:33:02 PM

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

Your exasperation makes you might want to leave? Perhaps you should tone it down so that we are not exasperated with you. Be polite and nice, and not sarcastic PLEASE. I don't see anyone provoking you, yet you are consistently rude.

Not that I am telling you to leave, but if you leave who loses? Answer: NOBODY.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: dsnowlion on July 10, 2010, 09:42:33 PM

Why incessantly criticize someone you have never seen. Just because he is a tulku and all tulkus have been bad. I don't think so.

tk you have gotten confused

If they said there's a Tsongkapa incarnation, yes I would be like great, but I would reserve ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PERSON TILL I HAVE CHECKED IT OUT.

to make your points seem less arbitrary, please cite one bad thing I have said about this person.

No matter what efforts I put is not appreciated for the effort and the sincerity alone, then that alone speaks volumes.

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

In any case, it is certainly not me vs. you to see who will win, so try to relax. You usally post very calmly, but now yo8u have almost descended to my level.  ;)

Sorry to say, humbly,


keep it humble tk. love it.

OM Buddhas, what is going on here??? I didn't realize that A TDG announcement can stir up so ego bruising? Crazy cloud, you one crazy man! It fits ur name. And I thought u bid farewell?! Awww miss the forum hu?

If u don't like what majority says, and all the credulous remarks, that is ok, but we don't have to be such a big baby and cry so defensively.

Stay humble ya, that's what Lama Tsongkhapa say ;D
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WoselTenzin on July 10, 2010, 09:52:29 PM

Why incessantly criticize someone you have never seen. Just because he is a tulku and all tulkus have been bad. I don't think so.

tk you have gotten confused

If they said there's a Tsongkapa incarnation, yes I would be like great, but I would reserve ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PERSON TILL I HAVE CHECKED IT OUT.

to make your points seem less arbitrary, please cite one bad thing I have said about this person.

No matter what efforts I put is not appreciated for the effort and the sincerity alone, then that alone speaks volumes.

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

In any case, it is certainly not me vs. you to see who will win, so try to relax. You usally post very calmly, but now yo8u have almost descended to my level.  ;)

Sorry to say, humbly,


keep it humble tk. love it.

Dear Crazy Cloud,

Clearly, you are defeated flat in this debate with TK and you refused to accept the logic presented to you.  You hold on to your narrow stereotype believes just because you are unexposed and do not know better.  Too bad for you!!!  You could have learned so much if only you are less fixated and more humble.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Namdrol on July 10, 2010, 09:58:39 PM
Hey Crazy Cloud!

I've been reading quietly all the posts for months and I am going to post this one time. Your posts have been consistently the most sarcastic. Are you what you pray to? Is Dorje Shugden like this? If not, STOP!!

You write long posts filled with spiteful negative words at anyone YET YOU GIVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, EXPLANATIONS, OR INFORMATION. Your posts educate no one. Everything is opposition to any knowledge shared.

You know so little yet you knock down anyone who has something to share. You feel like your from E-sangha. Anything on Gelugs, the moderators shoots you down. Here, anything against CRAZY CLOUD YOU GET SHOT DOWN.

Well, this is my first post ever and last because people like you on the forum really make me disappointed. The Shugden group is small and you encourage so much friction WITHIN THE 'FAMILY'. SAD!

Your views are different, yet I don't see anyone attacking you, yet you constantly attack.

Getting out of here, I came here to learn not get EXASPERATED AT SO MUCH SARCASM. No more of this forum for me.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: iloveds on July 10, 2010, 10:20:17 PM
You know what whenever I see yours and others names
Crazy Wisdom, Empty mountains, whats that other one, oh ya ... trinley kalsang

I know its not going to be anything interesting, maybe some generalist statements proclaiming the obvious and putting down anything that is different. You never use logic, examine arguments thoroughly, your comments never further a discussion to better insight... your just an expulsion of  argumentative hot air,

phhhhhhwwwwaaaaarrrrtttt.... puttt puttt.. (sniff sniff)

You understand tulkus are to benefit, but you don't believe they are here to benefit.... see I rest my case

I am not saying that there are no such things as Tulkus, or that they are never beneficial, so no need for psuedo prasangika consequences showing how I don't accept Trijang Rinpoche as he believed in Tulkus etc etc etc. That is just plain silly.

tulkus are real, and their nature is benefit. I just thought that in this day and age, especially among this group of people, we would know better that to repose our hopes in the hands of one. OF COURSE Tulkus are beneficial! OF COURSE there are oracles, and they can, in certain circumstances, be useful.

Can either one COMPLETELY DESTROY our lineage? Yup. There is a "tulku" who is out there trying right now, and the only reason he hasn't TOTALLY SUCCEEDED is that not everyone accepts him as who he is touted as being.

The announcement of TDG is supposed to benefit, thats what our Protector has been doing soo many years already, but you doubt.

Finally, along the lines of Trinley Kelsang's (always ) sane and informed posts, it really makes no differece at all. Not to Dharamsala, not to those with a spirtual guide, to no one.

Theres the old school  its ugly head again, wanting this forum for themselves and their own views.

Please... your one line put downs to tk... so informed!? i don't think so BUDDY, but your not here for friendship, you just want to feel power in your little man syndrome world where you only get pleasure from stroking your  err ego to get a rise out of people in this forum. Look at Tk's posts in general, it provides real readings / information that people want and appreciate.

Can you go stroke yourself somewhere else?

OS, kind reader, please realize that the tulku tradition is too dangerous in these our degenerate times. It will be the end of those who dance with it.

Sad day for you, in your so called "degenerative" age, you don't want any hope, neither do you want anyone else to have any... that's ok there is a thing called karma, if you cared at all for yourself and the results of being wrong in this case.

The actual "reincarnation " line of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen ended at his death/buddhahood. SO whoever this is, if it is anyone at all, is a recognized emanation, at best. But if you have a guru, you already have that! Dorje Shugden's emanations pervade the owrld!! Why run after an "inherent" one?!?! What is it you need for this supposed emanation? TTGIE will COMPLETELY IGNORE THE RAVINGS OF ANYONE WHO CLAIMS HE IS WHO YOU SAYS HE IS, it will not even cause them to hiccup. Probably they will just laugh at what a bunch of superstitions sheep we are.

Very wrong, they can not ignore, DS / TDG will not be silenced.
Because obviously your not an oracle,
you don't believe in such things to be able to tell us the future
neither will you seek a Tulku's advice for clarification because you don't believe in these degenerate times.,
Can't you just shut up
See how the future pans out.

You just make yoruself look more stoooopid!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: dsnowlion on July 10, 2010, 10:26:46 PM
Your exasperation makes you might want to leave? Perhaps you should tone it down so that we are not exasperated with you. Be polite and nice, and not sarcastic PLEASE. I don't see anyone provoking you, yet you are consistently rude.

Not that I am telling you to leave, but if you leave who loses? Answer: NOBODY.

Yeah agree Thai Monk!

I mean being skeptical and wanting to check things out, debating logically with good reasoning so that everyone can understand and ponder upon because it makes sense is fine. I think I would accept that. BUT if you start bashing people down because they are hopeful is awfully cruel. Even if ur motivation is right and u wanted to correct people's wrong view, if it is wrong in the first place of course, you need to use skillful methods that will work so we will see your point of view as valid and something to think about MAYBE. But it's  just so LAME and you are debating out of who knows - to WIN? - then STOP WASTING your precious time and other people's time - have some compassion please, others got better things to do.

By da way ... the announcement on Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen before we could even blink has been completely COPIED on to a NKTWORLD.ORG website PLUS they made the announcement so JUICY adding some spice in to something that was not even there... :o

"Apparently, the newly reincarnate Shugden has been watching NKT's battle with Tibetan Buddhism since the 1990s without his human involvement"

Oh Deary me...

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 10, 2010, 10:30:26 PM
Funny thing, really fun, but looking from these recent posts in this thread, it would seem, that there are many persons wishing for Crazycloud to quit this forum.

Oh dear, whenever, and whether you are dealing with a Turing Machine or a 'human powered' Orchestrated Attack, what's the difference. Crap is crap.

The only thing one would wish, is that in the case there are humans on the other end, they would be forthright, or rather manly, about who ordered them. But that would probably be too much to ask, right...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 10, 2010, 11:00:50 PM

OS, kind reader, please realize that the tulku tradition is too dangerous in these our degenerate times. It will be the end of those who dance with it.

Tulku Tradition is too dangerous. That is putting every single tulku down out there. Very bad.
One rotten apple in the orchard, and every single apple on the 300 acres of orchard are bad. What a waste. How illogical please.

The actual "reincarnation " line of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen ended at his death/buddhahood. SO whoever this is, if it is anyone at all, is a recognized emanation, at best. But if you have a guru, you already have that! Dorje Shugden's emanations pervade the owrld!! Why run after an "inherent" one?!?! What is it you need for this supposed emanation? TTGIE will COMPLETELY IGNORE THE RAVINGS OF ANYONE WHO CLAIMS HE IS WHO YOU SAYS HE IS, it will not even cause them to hiccup. Probably they will just laugh at what a bunch of superstitions sheep we are.

"Will completely ignore the ravings of anyone who claims he is who you say he is,"---How do you know this tulku proclaimed himself? Why do you assume that? How do you know he was not recogzined by a senior Master or the Oracle of Dorje Shugden himself? Also ravings is a words meant for some kind of lunatic. THAT IS A PUT DOWN. THAT IS RUDE. THAT IS UNCALLED FOR. THAT IS WHAT I CONSIDERED A ATTACK. YOU ASSUME HE IS SELF PROCLAMED. THEN YOU ACCUSE HIM OF SELF RAVINGS. NEGATIVE ASSUMPTIONS ALL THE WAY.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 10, 2010, 11:20:56 PM

I think that crazy cloud makes alot of good points.  I like very much. There are lots of wonderful things to read and see, it's an encyclopedia of great knowledge but the website recently has become a little fanatical and preachy in my view and needs to learn to be a little more humble.  Announcing the new reincarnation of Drekpa Gyalsten in that way was extremely unskillful!  To be honest I felt very embarrassed reading it, it made me cringe! We live in progressive times, we should try to fit in with modern convention. You are playing right into the Dalai Lama's hands, they will read some of this stuff and then they will accuse DS supporters of be a cult and being extremist! Thats not what we want now, is it!  This is only my opinion!

If i was the editor i would make 4 changes!

1) Do not announce re-incarnations!
2) Stop the leaflet drop
3) Remove the videos of Dorje Shugden oracles in trance
4) Remove any really wrathful pictures of dorje shugden like the one in the top corner of this page.

Maybe it's ok for us to see all this, but for people looking in from the outside i don't think it is a very good advertisement. One should be more skillful!


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 10, 2010, 11:40:41 PM
Yes! I remember the day as if were almost yesterday.
The first day this O'le White Anglo Saxon Protestant Witnessed his First Fire Puja.
Just like a Marshmellow roast with the Boys
Y's gotta start somewhere and Believe me
In former times, you would never ever have heard of any of this
It was fairly much a High Lama Practice.
Meaning, All of us here are Extremly Fortunate to Receive What We Have Received..
So far!
As stated, the Gulugs never in the last 700 years ever been this treatened with extinction, as this very minute
What's to hide?
The Tantric is on the inside!

You been making magic mushroom stew again, lol. Thom u r a legend!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 10, 2010, 11:41:12 PM
Quote from: crazycloud
to make your points seem less arbitrary, please cite one bad thing I have said about this person.

Quote from: crazycloud
The actual "reincarnation " line of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen ended at his death/buddhahood. SO whoever this is, if it is anyone at all, is a recognized emanation, at best. But if you have a guru, you already have that! Dorje Shugden's emanations pervade the owrld!! Why run after an "inherent" one?!?! What is it you need for this supposed emanation? TTGIE will COMPLETELY IGNORE THE RAVINGS OF ANYONE WHO CLAIMS HE IS WHO YOU SAYS HE IS, it will not even cause them to hiccup. Probably they will just laugh at what a bunch of superstitions sheep we are.

You put in the ugly words then you ask to cite one bad thing you have said about this person. Read your own post.
Stop writing to win. Write to learn.

"What is it you need for this supposed emanation?" That's a put down. What do you mean supposed? How do you know it's a supposed? Who is this person? You don't know. Who recognized this person? You don't know. So just keep quiet and wait. Who are you suppose to convince anyways? No one here is convinced by your ravings. Perhaps if you don't keep sinking down to your own level and be dharmic, I would listen more. Crazycloud, you don't need the tulkus to make dharma done for it. People like you are doing a great job already. Namdrol left because of you before he/she even started.

"TTGIE will completely ignore the ravings of anyone who claims he is who you say he is," Another derogatory statement. You asked for one thing, I gave you two. Ravings? Ravings is used for someone who is insane, or a lunatic. Why do you put this tulku down? Why do you say he is raving??? Do you know who he is? NO. Do you know if he has made any claims or some seniors recognized him??? You don't know. You assume and you rave.

Wake up and stop trying to win the argument. This is a forum. Everyone can clearly read what you wrote CRAZYCLOUD. You contradict yourself constantly.

Quote from: crazycloud
It seems you are having some difficulty understanding the arguments put forth. No one said the Tulku system is wrong, did they? But it is true that if we uncritically accept these lamas without checking them, the DHarma is done for.

Quote from: crazycloud
OS, kind reader, please realize that the tulku tradition is too dangerous in these our degenerate times. It will be the end of those who dance with it.

In the above you generously said "NO ONE SAID THE TULKU SYSTEM IS WRONG, DID THEY?" But in your other statement "PLEASE REALIZE THAT THE TULKU TRADITION IS TOO DANGEROUS IN THESE DEGENERATE TIMES. IT WILL BE THE END OF THOSE WHO DANCE WITH IT."  What are you Nostradamus now?? In one line you insinuate thet tulku system is not wrong, then in another line you say it's too dangerous. You didn't even say some tulkus are dangerous, but you said the tulku tradition which is all tulkus. What a total put down to all tulkus. The degenerate age didn't start this morning or 10 years ago, it's this whole cyle of time we are in now. And the tulku system of Tibet is like what 700 or 800 years old. So which is it? All tulkus from day one in Tibet are too dangerous or tulkus now are dangerous?? Wake up!! Since the first recognized tulku in Tibet (karmapa) it HAS BEEN THE DEGENERATE AGE ALL ALONG.

Your fixed mind  based on your 'experience' of tulkus makes you put down all tulkus. Well not everyone had your experience with tulkus and not everyone will go along with what you rant non-stop about them. Think. Calm down forever and think.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 10, 2010, 11:54:47 PM

I think that crazy cloud makes alot of good points.  I like very much. There are lots of wonderful things to read and see, it's an encyclopedia of great knowledge but the website recently has become a little fanatical and preachy in my view and needs to learn to be a little more humble.  Announcing the new reincarnation of Drekpa Gyalsten in that way was extremely unskillful!  To be honest I felt very embarrassed reading it, it made me cringe! We live in progressive times, we should try to fit in with modern convention. You are playing right into the Dalai Lama's hands, they will read some of this stuff and then they will accuse DS supporters of be a cult and being extremist! Thats not what we want now, is it!  This is only my opinion!

If i was the editor i would make 4 changes!

1) Do not announce re-incarnations!
2) Stop the leaflet drop
3) Remove the videos of Dorje Shugden oracles in trance
4) Remove any really wrathful pictures of dorje shugden like the one in the top corner of this page.

Maybe it's ok for us to see all this, but for people looking in from the outside i don't think it is a very good advertisement. One should be more skillful!



Well your not the editor. Why don't you go and spend hundreds of hours and create a better website for dorje shugden and then spend hundreds of hours maintaining it. Certainly I couldn't. THANK YOU DORJESHUGDEN.COM the best shugden website in the world with now 302,000 hits! We dorje shugden devotees are proud of your work. Dharamsala please see our unity. We are proud!

I would keep all the four items you said to remove. And that is my opinion. If the announcements here make you cringe,and you say so openly and not a private considerate message to the web people, then YOU ARE PLAYING INTO THE HANDS OF DALAI LAMA YOURSELF. Why do you type these things openly. Private message means being more subtle. After all this website is an "encyclopedia of great knowledge" and who do you think did all that work??? Must be the website group, editor and all. So how about some kindness, subtetly, and consideration for them?


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 11, 2010, 12:01:59 AM
If this is the problem, then I shall vouch to be at the least as sarcastic as CrazyCloud.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 11, 2010, 12:08:42 AM

Well your not the editor. Why don't you go and spend hundreds of hours and create a better website for dorje shugden and then spend hundreds of hours maintaining it. Certainly I couldn't. THANK YOU DORJESHUGDEN.COM the best shugden website in the world with now 302,000 hits! We dorje shugden devotees are proud of your work. Dharamsala please see our unity. We are proud!

I would keep all the four items you said to remove. And that is my opinion. If the announcements here make you cringe,and you say so openly and not a private considerate message to the web people, then YOU ARE PLAYING INTO THE HANDS OF DALAI LAMA YOURSELF. Why do you type these things openly. Private message means being more subtle. After all this website is an "encyclopedia of great knowledge" and who do you think did all that work??? Must be the website group, editor and all. So how about some kindness, subtetly, and consideration for them?


Thanks for the advice!  Ever tried anger management though? Chill dude and have some of thom's magic mushroom soup! Were just debating, this is not a boxing ring! No one is right and no one is wrong! 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 11, 2010, 12:09:35 AM
Funny thing, really fun, but looking from these recent posts in this thread, it would seem, that there are many persons wishing for Crazycloud to quit this forum.

Oh dear, whenever, and whether you are dealing with a Turing Machine or a 'human powered' Orchestrated Attack, what's the difference. Crap is crap.

The only thing one would wish, is that in the case there are humans on the other end, they would be forthright, or rather manly, about who ordered them. But that would probably be too much to ask, right...



Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 11, 2010, 12:16:49 AM

Well your not the editor. Why don't you go and spend hundreds of hours and create a better website for dorje shugden and then spend hundreds of hours maintaining it. Certainly I couldn't. THANK YOU DORJESHUGDEN.COM the best shugden website in the world with now 302,000 hits! We dorje shugden devotees are proud of your work. Dharamsala please see our unity. We are proud!

I would keep all the four items you said to remove. And that is my opinion. If the announcements here make you cringe,and you say so openly and not a private considerate message to the web people, then YOU ARE PLAYING INTO THE HANDS OF DALAI LAMA YOURSELF. Why do you type these things openly. Private message means being more subtle. After all this website is an "encyclopedia of great knowledge" and who do you think did all that work??? Must be the website group, editor and all. So how about some kindness, subtetly, and consideration for them?


Quote from: theloneranger
Thanks for the advice!  Ever tried anger management though? Chill dude and have some of thom's magic mushroom soup! Were just debating, this is not a boxing ring! No one is right and no one is wrong! 





Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 11, 2010, 12:28:00 AM

I think that crazy cloud makes alot of good points.  I like very much. There are lots of wonderful things to read and see, it's an encyclopedia of great knowledge but the website recently has become a little fanatical and preachy in my view and needs to learn to be a little more humble.  Announcing the new reincarnation of Drekpa Gyalsten in that way was extremely unskillful!  To be honest I felt very embarrassed reading it, it made me cringe! We live in progressive times, we should try to fit in with modern convention. You are playing right into the Dalai Lama's hands, they will read some of this stuff and then they will accuse DS supporters of be a cult and being extremist! Thats not what we want now, is it!  This is only my opinion!

If i was the editor i would make 4 changes!

1) Do not announce re-incarnations!
2) Stop the leaflet drop
3) Remove the videos of Dorje Shugden oracles in trance
4) Remove any really wrathful pictures of dorje shugden like the one in the top corner of this page.

Maybe it's ok for us to see all this, but for people looking in from the outside i don't think it is a very good advertisement. One should be more skillful!



Demanding for just a forum participant--to remove this and that  and who disappeared and then re-appeared CRINGING. I must say, that is so insulting. NOBODY KNOWS WHO YOU ARE, SO WHO ARE YOU CRINGING FROM??


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 11, 2010, 12:30:00 AM
If this is the problem, then I shall vouch to be at the least as sarcastic as CrazyCloud.

Thank you.


Question: At what point does sarcasm fit into the lam rim practice?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 11, 2010, 12:59:43 AM
Ouch! Bumps and Lumps on a Washboard Road!
If you knew the Lone Ranger like I Know the Lone Ranger & ZP
You would not get into 'the' stew! lol :o

Thanks. But I don't know them nor anyone else. I'm here to learn, but it does get sad when you have these guys kinda of gang up together and compounded with sarcasm from another, it's time someone says please stop.

I just see words from them and so much criticism. Whenever they mention lam rim this, lam rim that, it reminds me of fundamentalistic christians where everything they say is right. So you just walk away. No other opinions matter to them. They post very little educational information. I'm like, why all the negativities?   :( ??? :'(

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 11, 2010, 01:20:58 AM
If this is the problem, then I shall vouch to be at the least as sarcastic as CrazyCloud.

Thank you.


Question: At what point does sarcasm fit into the lam rim practice?

Well ye-haa!

It is funny nevertheless, that when Jesus said, that "whosoever of you is not a sinner, let him cast the first stone", he revealed three persons. You see, there are actually three options here: (1) casting a stone, (2) merely looking as if being an innocent bystander (the jesus-option, favourite of modern day vegetarian buddhists), and (3) being sinless.

Well, unlike Jesus, who merely taught these stoning things, I'll go and sit with the person to be stoned. So stone away. I will not look away, you'll see. I do not know what he has done bad for you, and I do not care. I have seen between the lines of some postings, that he and me would be of a same sect of religion, but I do not know. Nor do I care. I am true demon. I take the stones for him. You can then count how many hits you got, as a good buddhist surely counts.

Let you begin....
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 01:31:26 AM


"Ya big baby?"

Oh dear. Good luck to you.

Humbly always,


Where I come from, these are not what you would call fighting words. No reason to get upset.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 01:33:43 AM

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

Your exasperation makes you might want to leave? Perhaps you should tone it down so that we are not exasperated with you. Be polite and nice, and not sarcastic PLEASE. I don't see anyone provoking you, yet you are consistently rude.

Not that I am telling you to leave, but if you leave who loses? Answer: NOBODY.

You see thaimonk,  when you are enjoining others to be nice and polite, you have to do the same otherwise you look hypocritical. Just saying.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 01:43:55 AM


Tulku Tradition is too dangerous. That is putting every single tulku down out there. Very bad.
One rotten apple in the orchard, and every single apple on the 300 acres of orchard are bad. What a waste. How illogical please.

Think carefullt , tk, and you will see how the bad apple analogy is completely off. I'm not actually putting down tulkus, I'm putting down their grasping disciples, i.e us.

"Will completely ignore the ravings of anyone who claims he is who you say he is,"---How do you know this tulku proclaimed himself? Why do you assume that? How do you know he was not recogzined by a senior Master or the Oracle of Dorje Shugden himself? Also ravings is a words meant for some kind of lunatic. THAT IS A PUT DOWN. THAT IS RUDE. THAT IS UNCALLED FOR. THAT IS WHAT I CONSIDERED A ATTACK. YOU ASSUME HE IS SELF PROCLAMED. THEN YOU ACCUSE HIM OF SELF RAVINGS. NEGATIVE ASSUMPTIONS ALL THE WAY.

I hate to sound like a broken record here, but again, completely off base.

What the quote above indicates is that TGIE will ignore the ravings of anyone who claims this man (may I assume it is a man?) is who you say he is. You say he is TDG. This means TGIE will ignore any person who claims this so-called tulku is TDG. (please try not to get upset by the use of "so-called" here, forum members, to my experience, it is really all that is justified so far. I mean no disrespect to whoever it is.)

The meaning is very clear. I think you are upset and not thinking clearly. I am sorry for upsetting you.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 01:44:48 AM

I think that crazy cloud makes alot of good points.  I like very much. There are lots of wonderful things to read and see, it's an encyclopedia of great knowledge but the website recently has become a little fanatical and preachy in my view and needs to learn to be a little more humble.  Announcing the new reincarnation of Drekpa Gyalsten in that way was extremely unskillful!  To be honest I felt very embarrassed reading it, it made me cringe! We live in progressive times, we should try to fit in with modern convention. You are playing right into the Dalai Lama's hands, they will read some of this stuff and then they will accuse DS supporters of be a cult and being extremist! Thats not what we want now, is it!  This is only my opinion!

If i was the editor i would make 4 changes!

1) Do not announce re-incarnations!
2) Stop the leaflet drop
3) Remove the videos of Dorje Shugden oracles in trance
4) Remove any really wrathful pictures of dorje shugden like the one in the top corner of this page.

Maybe it's ok for us to see all this, but for people looking in from the outside i don't think it is a very good advertisement. One should be more skillful!



How surprising, I agree with all four suggestions!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: wang on July 11, 2010, 01:47:41 AM
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?
I have not said that I think the oracle tradition is wrong, of course it has it's place.
I thought Geshe-las uncle was invited by Geshe-las students not Geshe-la.

I won't feel it be 'weird', but I do understand why a lot(be lamas or lay people) not 100% relying on it, as otherwise you lost your feet on the DS 'debate' again: One of the major reason why HHDL stop practicing DS is that he decided to follow Nechung oracle's repeated advice(see HHDL's speech on 1978, actually looks it be no. 1 reason by then, he didn't talk about hurting his health etc. in this early time ..)... So for those pro-oracle 'hard-liners' what conclusion you are leading to....?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 02:21:56 AM

"What is it you need for this supposed emanation?" That's a put down. What do you mean supposed? How do you know it's a supposed? Who is this person? You don't know. Who recognized this person? You don't know. So just keep quiet and wait. Who are you suppose to convince anyways?

ha ha ! my dear thaimonk  you have so eloquently made my point here, I daresay I couln't have doen a better job!
I don't know who it is! I don't know who supposedly recognized him! "I know it's a supposed" because without any evidence whatsoever, all we can DO is suppose!

Saying "supposed emanation" does not say he is not, it just holds back from full acceptence in light of the paucity of evidence. Think it over.

thaimonk  No one here is convinced by your ravings

so it is insulting and sarcastic when I say it, but not when you do? or is it the "he started it" defense?   ;)

 Perhaps if you don't keep sinking down to your own level and be dharmic, I would listen more.

listen or not, up to you. By the way, it is insulting to say "sinking down to your own level!" tsk tsk, thaimonk, you are as bad as me!

Crazycloud, you don't need the tulkus to make dharma done for it. People like you are doing a great job already. Namdrol left because of you before he/she even started.

"People like me?"  ha ha !  So now you are seeing that you are no better, for when provoked, the insults come fast and furious! The difference is,  I can take it. I am not insulted in the least. In fact, I find you charming!

"TTGIE will completely ignore the ravings of anyone who claims he is who you say he is," Another derogatory statement. You asked for one thing, I gave you two. Ravings? Ravings is used for someone who is insane, or a lunatic.

sorry, didn't you just say I was raving a few sentences ago? The thing is dear Thaimonk, You can't have it both ways. You can say it is unkind to say raving, and that we shouldn't be unkind. OR you can use this term yourself in a pejorative manner as you did above, but if you do both, as you have, you look hypocritcal, and your words fail to convince anyone. See how that works?

Why do you put this tulku down? Why do you say he is raving??? Do you know who he is? NO. Do you know if he has made any claims or some seniors recognized him??? You don't know. You assume and you rave.

I am really beginning tho see that alot of this fuss is coming from the fact that many people did not understand the basics of what I wrote. I never said HE was raving, I said, and i thought clearly, that TGIE would not belive the ravings of anyone who claims this man is TDG. Was that not clear? I used ravings not to insult anyone, but ot indicate rather from a first person pov how it will certainly appear to TGIE, Pure madness. As for me, I have already stated that I believe there are countless emanations of Dorje Shugden in the world, how could I mean that anyone who said the same was raving? Think about it?

Wake up and stop trying to win the argument. This is a forum. Everyone can clearly read what you wrote CRAZYCLOUD.

apparently not.

In the above you generously said "NO ONE SAID THE TULKU SYSTEM IS WRONG, DID THEY?" But in your other statement "PLEASE REALIZE THAT THE TULKU TRADITION IS TOO DANGEROUS IN THESE DEGENERATE TIMES. IT WILL BE THE END OF THOSE WHO DANCE WITH IT."  What are you Nostradamus now?? In one line you insinuate thet tulku system is not wrong, then in another line you say it's too dangerous. You didn't even say some tulkus are dangerous, but you said the tulku tradition which is all tulkus. What a total put down to all tulkus.

slow down, you are way ahead of yourself. To say the system is dangerous is not to say it is wrong. There is no debating that. It is dangerous to put all your money in one stack, but that does not make it wrong.

Idid not say "some tulkus are dangerous, and I certainly don't say "all tulkus" in fact, if you take a deep breath, you will see that I am talking about the system. this is not an indictment of any person, but rather a statment that at this time (get that?) it is foolish for us to say "this baby IS (name of high lama here) and then accept their words as the words of an enlightened being. Many mistakes are made this way. thinking people are Budhdas from their own side is a recipe for siaster as we are seeing with our dear Dalai Lama. Ww would have no problem stopping his strange behaviour if people weren't convinced he IS Avalokiteshavara. no one would put up with. WE just can't afford this kind of risk, when labrang managers accept bribes to make a child a tulku. This is common. WE can't hang the pure tradition of Je Tsongkhapa on a child. Nine times out of ten, you will probably be ok. But if the wrong numnber comes up....Dangerous. Not wrong. Just real, real risky.

The degenerate age didn't start this morning or 10 years ago, it's this whole cyle of time we are in now. And the tulku system of Tibet is like what 700 or 800 years old. So which is it? All tulkus from day one in Tibet are too dangerous or tulkus now are dangerous?? Wake up!! Since the first recognized tulku in Tibet (karmapa) it HAS BEEN THE DEGENERATE AGE ALL ALONG.

surely you will recognize that in 2010 is is more degenerate than five hundred years ago in an isolated plateau? I am not sure if it is I that needs to wake up......

If you follow the above argument, you will see that your dichotomy of "all tukus from day one" vs "tulkus now" is a false one. It was simply less risky to rely on them then, because their activities would be much much more limited.  It would take three months to get to another monastery to give teachings! Now someone says something, and it is literally all over the world in less that a minute.

Your fixed mind  based on your 'experience' of tulkus makes you put down all tulkus. Well not everyone had your experience with tulkus and not everyone will go along with what you rant non-stop about them. Think. Calm down forever and think.

I will try to calm down and think, although I am not sure about "calm down forever!" ha ha! I am guessing English is not your first language? No insult intended, I think you are certainly doing better than I would in a foreign language. It's just that a lot of the things you are upset about is just you not understanding what was written.

Pleas understand, I have great respect for Tulkus. My own precious Lama is a Tulku, for goodness' sake! My experience wiht Tulkus overall is fantastic. it's just that I think the system will be the end of Buddhism if we try to carry it into the modern world in it's currnet form. It's like miracle powers. at one point, very effective. Then as times degenerate, harmful to the Dharma. DOesn't mean miracle powers aren't great, we should just keep quiet about them. Same with Tulkus. keep it to yourself or you will destroy everything.

And no, I am not Nostradamus. I believe anyone with open eyes will be able to see this if they think about it for a while with a good heart.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 11, 2010, 03:18:46 AM
By the way, it starts to seem clear that we are no longer a forum of DS-practitioners. There IS a fifth column, a Turing machine, an orchestrated campaign, or whatever. I only hope that the Man Behind the Curtain would have the guts to identify himself. But then again, since he is a Tibetan Buddhist, he has no guts, and will forever try to be in hide...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 11, 2010, 09:01:45 AM
Reject it or accept it
It matters little
Opinions as we know
We All have at least one
The Protector Will Show
Any and All
What it means to be Divine
The Divine Lord
Lord Dorje Shugden'
King Protector of the Dharma
Our Friend
Our Protector
The One Who Calls You All
Make Peace and Make It Right
We have an Entire World
A World that needs the Dharma
Not a bunch of Children Arguing!


Your a natural born poet Canada!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 11, 2010, 02:31:28 PM
I will second LineageHolder in what was said several pages ago: that this announcement was, i believe supposed to be something to rejoice in but people have once again become very snippy, choosing to take a negative view first. Having read through the first few pages, a summary of my thoughts:

1) That's fine if you do not agree, nor think that this announcement is a good thing but you could at least believe or understand that there are some people who do find a lot of hope in hearing news like this. Yes, it may not be "supposed" and we do not have the details yet, but as I mentioned in a previous post, it can serve as a lot of hope for someone who is starting to lose hope or faith in their practice amidst the politics.

Yes, we can sit and doubt forever that it is not true or that this incarnation is a swindler; or we could also choose to see it as something positive (as with all things in Dharma, it is about perspective, no?). All of us do have our own Gurus and practice already and I am sure that whether TDG returns or not, it will not change our practice and and our Guru devotion. But there are many others out there who may not be as strong as us; or it may just inspire more confidence, hope and faith in them for their practice, to know that there the very being they have always believed in and propitiated "is back" and continuing to do good things in the world.

There are many minds, levels of practices and attitudes out there - it may not work for us, but consider the other side, a positive one, where it can and may help others. Would it not be more beneficial to the world at large if we took on a more positive view? (this applies to any situation). I understand that you are pointing out the dangers of relying too heavily on a tulku system, but this is also not to be just relied on blindly; but comes with education. If you really care that much about the "dangers" and "grasping" onto the tulku system, then express that care by explaining clearly and logically WHY it is a danger (because so far, I have not heard a truly logical explanation yet that cannot be refuted; as TK has presented his points with so much effort, time and care). Or explain the kinds of precautions that people should take and why?

2) Above all, I think all of us here understand the importance of studying and mastering the lamrim, mind transformation teachings, guru devotion above all - so we are not disputing that. And this is what our own sacred protector and all our teachers always advise us after all. So I don't think anyone here is talking about RELYING on the tulku system, but merely to recognise its benefits and understand that it CAN and HAS been very beneficial to countless beings. I believe it would be very useful to consider these benefits  - how this believe has benefited in the past and how it can continue to play a part even in our modern world.

3) I am quite saddened to hear the criticism of this website and setting forth other alternatives for the admin. I believe the administration has always been open to our suggestions and even incorporated many into the website. But it is unfair to come on and simply proclaim, "If I was editor, I would do THIS".

In fact, why DON'T you really start up your own website and do that, if you really think it would be better. And I really do not mean this with any disrespect. There are many websites out there, taking many different approaches and views and presentations. If you feel that your methods would appeal to another, bigger crowd, then it would really be news to rejoice in if you did manage to open up another site. I don't think there's any competition here - whatever method would bring more and different people into the dharma is a good method and I am sure that the admin too would rejoice, as this is the kind of approach they have always taken.

It would be better, more beneficial and more effective than to constantly come onto this forum and go on and on and on about what this admin is not doing right etc.

4) Once again, I go back to my point made in other threads about how it is not what we are saying to each other but HOW we are saying it. For a moment, I read through the posts as if I was a complete stranger logging onto the site for the first time. It made me incredibly sad to realise that THIS is how Dorje Shugden practitioners talk - sarcastic, bitey and condescending.

It would help, if we just spent a few mini seconds just to think about how we are coming across. We may not MEAN something in that way, but why is it then that people are reacting to us in that way? saying we are sarcasting/ insulting/ negative etc? If you are really sincere, then you'd stop for a moment and think about what it is that you are might be doing that is causing others to feel that way? Or are you just going to be another one of those pretend practitioners that say, "Well! that's just the way I am and that's just the way I speak and I didn't mean it in that way, if you don't like it, then that's your problem and not mine!" Then, again, I go back to what i said about how this becomes such a sad and disappointing reflection of the very protector, gurus, lineage and practice we are trying to defend.

Please everyone, let's just try to stop for a moment and think a little about the possibility - even a tiny one - of TDG being back among us and it being for real. It may not change the way we think about our practice and of Dorje Shugden, but think of the many out there who may be changed by it for the better and whose practice may begin / deepen or reach higher attainments because of it. Isn't that something worth rejoicing in?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 11, 2010, 02:59:34 PM
honey dakini has some interesting points and talks with maturity! Maybe some of us need to look at our moral discipline, especially me. But this is also an open forum, it's good to debate.  We won't always agree with each other. If people don't speak up how can we ever reach any consensus and recieve feedback?  People might not always like what i got to say, but at least i'm honest. All i'm saying i believe Buddhism needs adopt a more progressive approach for a more modern society.  I think should try to be progressive to. I rejoice in all the hard work that has gone into this website.  Hours and hours of total dedication!  Please accept that this an open forum, it's upto the admin team to police things if things are getting out of hand and for the rest of us to try our best not to use harmful speech that might offend others! But sometimes some of just can't help being sarcastic, it's in our nature, lol :)


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on July 11, 2010, 04:03:50 PM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: iloveds on July 11, 2010, 04:43:22 PM
Please accept that this an open forum, it's upto the admin team to police things if things are getting out of hand and for the rest of us to try our best not to use harmful speech that might offend others! But sometimes some of just can't help being sarcastic, it's in our nature, lol

Can you please do something about your sarcasm, its destroying the forum, you and your friends (esp. crazywisdom, emptymountains) who, like Honeydakini said use "the thats just me, take me as I am, you don't have to like me" argument.

You choose to be buddhist, but your attitude is a relfection of your Dharma practice. You and your buddies.

Saracasm is part of your nature? I don't believe, prove to me that sarcasm is permanent and unchangeable in your mindstream and people like myself and others won't get p#$#ed off with your attitude.

Where there is smoke there's fire, when you guys have something good to raise, interesting points to note, people actually listen, when you become sarcastic and all sweeping with your judgements (notice i didn't say opinions) because thats how it comes across. Granted you didn't mean it to sound that way. But 1 person takes offence, then another, then another, chances are really high that your words are offensive. But I am detracting from what I wanted to say.

Sarcasm is your nature? False! Selfishness is your nature, a deep selfishness and a deep desire to want recognition, want attention!

Why don't you want to control your sarcasm?
Why do you want others to suffer from your sarcastic words?
Why is it ok for you to be sarcastic?

Show everyone where in the Lamrim where it says these habits are your nature, and cannot be changed. Because it still is part of you, then it still means your not into buddhism for Dharma, your still fixated on some part of you, you think is permanent.

Interested to see your replies if any.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 11, 2010, 05:09:47 PM
Hey Crazy Cloud!

I've been reading quietly all the posts for months and I am going to post this one time. Your posts have been consistently the most sarcastic. Are you what you pray to? Is Dorje Shugden like this? If not, STOP!!

You write long posts filled with spiteful negative words at anyone YET YOU GIVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, EXPLANATIONS, OR INFORMATION. Your posts educate no one. Everything is opposition to any knowledge shared.

You know so little yet you knock down anyone who has something to share. You feel like your from E-sangha. Anything on Gelugs, the moderators shoots you down. Here, anything against CRAZY CLOUD YOU GET SHOT DOWN.

Well, this is my first post ever and last because people like you on the forum really make me disappointed. The Shugden group is small and you encourage so much friction WITHIN THE 'FAMILY'. SAD!

Your views are different, yet I don't see anyone attacking you, yet you constantly attack.

Getting out of here, I came here to learn not get EXASPERATED AT SO MUCH SARCASM. No more of this forum for me.

Dear Namdrol

I hope you will still stick around as there are many posts from other members which are not exasperating to read! I sincerely wish you well.

Crazy Cloud, too bad, and I'm sorry for you that Namdrol left when he could have learnt quite a bit from this forum.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 11, 2010, 05:18:41 PM
Just some thoughts on tulku according to THE BOOK.

Is Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya separate? It is said in "Liberation in the Palm of your Hands" by Pabongka Rinpoche,  that while we never associate the two together, this is not how things are. They are in fact one to start out with.

It does take logic/rational to learn but "faith" also plays a major role for us to take the necessary steps forward in our learning. IF the word "faith" doesn't go down well with you, then consider "being OPEN", as in refrain from resisting. Faith or being open is required as we do not have perfect insight.

The hatred against Tulku system is un-Dharmic, view of an unbeliever. It is against what is written in the Lamrim!  If a person do not believe in the Nirmanakaya form then forget about the existence of the Buddhas whom we cannot see.  THEY ARE ALL ONE! It's irrational to pick and choose what we like or is convenient to fit into our self made, picture perfect Buddhism.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 07:46:58 PM
I would not publicly accept or reject that someone is a Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen/Dorje Shugden reincarnation, because I can't know.  Even if they have the good word of a DS oracle or an earlier lama that it's true, I wouldn't accept it on that basis even.  The reason is because even if the DS oracle or lama said it, that doesn't mean it was meant to be institutionalized or made the official view posed onto the general Gelug community.  That is unless of course there is official documentation that they explicitly approve of officially institutionalizing it publicly. 

We should accept there could be Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen/Dorje Shugden emanations, otherwise that would go against the speech of the lamas we accept like Trijang Rinpoche.  However, there has not been an official Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen/Dorje Shugden reincarnation institution for over 300 years, so an attempt to pin down and make an official reincarnation of such is a deviation from precedence that requires authorization from a lama of a very high stature such as Trijang Rinpoche.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 07:48:52 PM
Hey Crazy Cloud!

I've been reading quietly all the posts for months and I am going to post this one time. Your posts have been consistently the most sarcastic. Are you what you pray to? Is Dorje Shugden like this? If not, STOP!!

You write long posts filled with spiteful negative words at anyone YET YOU GIVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, EXPLANATIONS, OR INFORMATION. Your posts educate no one. Everything is opposition to any knowledge shared.

You know so little yet you knock down anyone who has something to share. You feel like your from E-sangha. Anything on Gelugs, the moderators shoots you down. Here, anything against CRAZY CLOUD YOU GET SHOT DOWN.

Well, this is my first post ever and last because people like you on the forum really make me disappointed. The Shugden group is small and you encourage so much friction WITHIN THE 'FAMILY'. SAD!

Your views are different, yet I don't see anyone attacking you, yet you constantly attack.

Getting out of here, I came here to learn not get EXASPERATED AT SO MUCH SARCASM. No more of this forum for me.

Dear Namdrol

I hope you will still stick around as there are many posts from other members which are not exasperating to read! I sincerely wish you well.

Crazy Cloud, too bad, and I'm sorry for you that Namdrol left when he could have learnt quite a bit from this forum.



If you find someones opinion is too difficult to bear, it's true, you will find it unpleasnt to be here.

You gotta toughen up, kids.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 07:52:37 PM

The hatred against Tulku system is un-Dharmic, view of an unbeliever. It is against what is written in the Lamrim!  If a person do not believe in the Nirmanakaya form then forget about the existence of the Buddhas whom we cannot see.  THEY ARE ALL ONE! It's irrational to pick and choose what we like or is convenient to fit into our self made, picture perfect Buddhism.

The concept of the "straw man argument"  refers to a case where someone rebutts a view that they themselves have ascribed to others, a view that does not represent the view of the opponent.

People here seem to lack the discrimination to differentiate between not thinking something is suitable or helpful, and thinking that it is false.

I would wager that everyone here believes in the "nirmanakaya form" (tib: tulku)

so who are you arguing against, if not yourself?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 08:06:26 PM

Can you please do something about your sarcasm, its destroying the forum, you and your friends (esp. crazywisdom, emptymountains) who, like Honeydakini said use "the thats just me, take me as I am, you don't have to like me" argument.

You surely realize that making your words larger does not make them more meaningful, it just makes them...well, larger?

You choose to be buddhist, but your attitude is a relfection of your Dharma practice. You and your buddies.

Saracasm is part of your nature? I don't believe, prove to me that sarcasm is permanent and unchangeable in your mindstream and people like myself and others won't get p#$#ed off with your attitude.

people like yourself need to learn to not get pissed off when the see sarcasm, otherwise a great deal of unhappiness if coming your way.


Selfishness is your nature, a deep selfishness and a deep desire to want recognition, want attention!
(snip snip snip)
Why do you want others to suffer from your sarcastic words?

read your above words carefully. Saying someone is deeply selfish by nature is nasty speech. so ask yourself: Why do you want others to suffer from your nasty words?

It is important that you see you are no better than anyone else, and when provoked, become downright nasty. That might help temper some of your anger when you see others using speech you don't like.

I think sarcasm is a perfectly acceptable rhetorical tool in debate. I plan to continue to use it.

your anger speech doesn't bother me in the slightest. I can handle it. It's really no big deal, unless you are actually angry, and then I think the real solution is on your meditation cushion, not in trying to control how others speak.

Show everyone where in the Lamrim where it says these habits are your nature, and cannot be changed. Because it still is part of you, then it still means your not into buddhism for Dharma, your still fixated on some part of you, you think is permanent.

ilveds, you are taking things too seriously, no-one is going to take up your pretend "debate points."  Mr. hi ho was being jocular and colloquial, no need to get out you microscope.

Even great Lamas have personalities. Although I am far from any kind of "great" anything, I am sarcastic, and I make no apologies for it. Deal with it or ... well,  I dont really know what your options are here. I guess just try your best to deal with it. You are a Dharma practitoner, I'll bet you can do it.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 08:08:50 PM
Is it ironic that I have become a full member by pissing everyone off?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 11, 2010, 08:14:48 PM
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 08:20:12 PM
Yep! It's pretty funny cc!
Just delete your post like I do and start all over again.

Delete my own post??! Which one?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lineageholder on July 11, 2010, 09:10:43 PM
I will second LineageHolder in what was said several pages ago: that this announcement was, i believe supposed to be something to rejoice in but people have once again become very snippy

Dear honeydakini,

Um, I wasn't making the point that people should rejoice, I was making the point that this announcement, that lacks any credible source, has caused a lot of strong negative feelings to be expressed on the forum.  If this news was genuine Dharma good news, people should be happy yet it's actually causing division and suffering - much like the Dalai Lama's ban of our Protector.  Thus, I feel this news is deceptive and divisive, not good!

I, for one, don't see what difference it makes so why are we spending so much time on something that's vague and without an authentic, attributable source?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 11, 2010, 09:20:03 PM
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 11, 2010, 10:07:40 PM
Why not wait and see if the proof is in the pudding?
There is so much self cherishing and grasping of our opinion that I cannot see into the room.
Wait until He appears  and then decide.
Whatever happened to patience?

The master poet speaks out! 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: theloneranger on July 11, 2010, 10:36:34 PM
Wouldn't it have been better to tell us when you actually knew who the real re-incarnation is instead of working everyone up in a frenzy?

Tibetan Buddhism is so corrupted these days that no one can be believed! Better to throw away the Tulku reincarnation system because it stinks! It's outdated, corrupted and has no place in the progressive modern society! To many people want to put there grubby fingers in the pie!

One should be chosen to be a leader of men if they have the correct skills and abilities! Not chosen because of there status or title!

We can see from the example of the 14th Dalai Lama that the Tibetan System for choosing reincarnations is corrupt! The whole process is so open to corruption it's just not feasible!

I mean Steven Seagal was made a Tulku! How completely adsurd is that! 

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 11, 2010, 10:59:02 PM

Once again, I go back to my point made in other threads about how it is not what we are saying to each other but HOW we are saying it. For a moment, I read through the posts as if I was a complete stranger logging onto the site for the first time. It made me incredibly sad to realise that THIS is how Dorje Shugden practitioners talk - sarcastic, bitey and condescending.

It would help, if we just spent a few mini seconds just to think about how we are coming across.

HD is right on here. People coming to this site could easily get the impression Shugden devotees are cultivating anger and hatred instead of love and kindness and that's exactly why critics say he is an angry worldly spirit and not an authentic protector. People need to think carefully about what they say and how they say it or run the risk of causing more harm than good.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 11, 2010, 11:04:52 PM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.

So should we conclude from this that you and the monks of Shar Ganden don't really  believe in the tulku either ?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mana on July 11, 2010, 11:30:10 PM
WARNING: To all thread contributors

Continuous use of sarcasm for the sake of illiciting a response will not be tolerated in this forum and is not in line with this forums purpose.

Reminder: Where friends of Dharmapala congregate...
Share exoteric and esoteric information, text and picture materials, questions and your personal experience how Dharmapala helped you in Guru devotion, cultivating compassion and wisdom, becoming a more peaceful and helpful person and so forth, especially long term.

Sarcasm of this nature will be clamped down on as it is not Buddhist, it does not foster community, harmony, peace or sharing of knowledge. You will run the risk of being banned.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 12, 2010, 12:10:13 AM
Gosh - this news about a recognised incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has certainly created a stir, but not where i thought it would be. I had thought that the anti-shugden camp would have been stirred up but instead it's the Shugden practitioners - at least the people on this website anyway.

Like what Protector's Champion says - why not wait til we see who this incarnation is before we judge?

Why are some people so negative? Whatever news we receive, we can either take it on a neutral, negative or positive way. Some people in this forum, like me, are happy about the news. Even if you don't really like the news, do you need to put it down, especially as some of you have said that there is not enough information for you to judge? Why do you look down on the people who have taken the news at face value and are happy with the news?

Yes of course the possibility that this tulku is fake. But there is the possibility that he is for REAL.

We don't know yet until more is revealed later. Although this website has enough credibility for me that if it puts up a notice like that, it is staking its very reputation on the line so it must really know what it is talking about.

In the meantime, we can bitch about it or we can rejoice. Isn't rejoicing for others part of Buddhism?

Re the sarcastic members. Really. if our attitude is irritating others, isn't it more Buddhist to temper ourselves?

Isn't being Buddhist about benefiting others, and if our speech is hurting others, shouldn't we think about how we can improve to minimise hurt to others, or is our ego more important?

I used to think i'm like this, take it or leave it, until i met Buddhism, which tells me that i can change and i should change especially if im pissing people off :)

I know that we are all very passionate about our Protector, but do take a step back and contemplate our reactions.

Crazy cloud says that the tulku tradition is dangerous. On a very mundane level, so is driving a car. Some people crash. Some people kill others while driving. Do we ban cars because there are a few harmful cases?

I like the tulku tradition very much. It allows high incarnations to be recognised at a young age and for them to be groomed to reach their potential.

Re dubious identifications - i think Steven Seagal was mentioned. You know what, i am a bit dubious too BUT i'd rather keep my own counsel on that because what the hell do i know? Am i an attained being who can judge if he is or isn't a tulku? Tulkus manifest in many forms to benefit others. Dorje Shugden's previous incarnation as the Mahasiddha Birwapa didn't outwardly immediately appear to benefit people but he was a superior being.

If the tulku comes and you don't like him, you don't have to follow him?

I believe that we are advised to check out a Guru before we take refuge in him or receive teachings from him. If we are not going to take refuge in him or receive teachings, then there is no need to check him out? I can't check out the many Lamas out there, but i would rely on my guru to advise whether this Lama is real or not. For example like i have mentioned before, HE Gangchen Rinpoche has accepted the Panchen Lama in China. Because i have faith in Gangchen Rinpoche, I will accept too.

Some of you have said that if this incarnation was accepted by a high Lama like Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche, you would be able to accept him too. It's a pity that these old Lamas' previous incarnations have passed into clear light. So would you accept an oracular pronunciation? Or you have problems with the oracle too?

Anyway, yes this is an open forum, and we can all speak our minds, but again, it's HOW we say it. Do we speak from ego - wanting to put people down and wanting to be right? Or we speak to share and discuss? We all are free to share our point of view.

My point of view re the 4 items Lone Ranger proposed should be removed is that they should stay. I love the oracle videos. I love the brochures. I LOVE the news about the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen! I love the wrathful pictures of Dorje Shugden!

My biggest concern is that people are watching - not the TGIE, but new people who are curious about Dorje Shugden and they come to this website and they see this bickering. i've been telling my friends to come to - and at least one person from facebook in the last 24 hours have said that she will come and visit this website because she wants to know who Dorje Shugden is. What kind of impression will she get? Will she be the same as Namdrol and leave? Some of you might say - too bad for her, but what created the causes for her to leave. Did we play a part in it. Would Dorje Shugden approve of our actions? Would our Guru approve of our actions?

TK speaks always with authority and sense.. i especially like his post below.. i wanted to extract a quote from the post but i like the whole thing so much i just had to include it all.. Perhaps the admin might want to consider posting this up on the website somewhere because it's very useful info... thank you :)

1. Of course the 'oracle-things' can be explained. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion IS NOT   "THAT IT IS A  CULTURAL THING OF TIBETANS and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DHARMA".


It is your particular like and dislike due to ignorance perhaps that you have distorted thinking of certain very beneficial practices such as oracles or oracular practices.  The oracles can be very useful.

Western society relied on oracles and the like before the advent of Christianity. With Christianity, many practices such as the arts of divining, tarot cards, taking trances, reading the future, ouija boards all became labelled as evil and should be violently stopped. Violent and aggressive campaigns were set throughout Europe and the Americas to abolish these practices. We are the modern day results of that destruction in excluding anything labelled magical. Hence things like oracles are seen as superstitious, or invalid. That is the legacy of the advent of Christianity.

The Delphic oracles with their famous Pythias were sought over the ancient world for their very clear prophecies for hundred of years. Destroyed by Alexander so he can be assured no one else will know what was told to him. How selfish. In order to assure his victory.

2. It would take many pages and hours to type out what I have learned at the feets of 8 eminent lamas for the last decades to explain. I will condense very short. If you understand, fine. If you don't it's obvious then why you're 'against' it.

3.  I would recommend to you to read 'Wheel of Protection' from 'Exile From the Land of Snows' to get an overview of how oracles work. Dorje Shugden and Nechung oracles operate somewhat differently, but generally same. Please do your homework, read, research, contemplate then speak to elucidate to others to clear their misunderstandings and ignorance. After all dharma is the highest form of giving. Before giving go get it.

See Here. Please read thoroughly: [url][/url]

4. Simple story: When I was in Dharamsala 14 years back, an American backpacker lady fell off the hills there and was lost for around two days. Her friends, local police, and some Tibetans scoured lower upper dharamsala for her. Could not be found. I went to see the Yudroma oracle for my personal reasons as were a few other people for their questions also. At that time, another group had consulted her out of desperation. The American friends were very desperate. The lady oracle went into trance with the help of the monk from Gyuto Tantric College  as Gyuto Tantric College often consult her( Yudroma is their protective deity). Yes the renowned Gelug Tantric college goes to her to consult often. When Yudroma entered the oracle ( i witnessed several times), she gave the location, place and fall clearly. She also said the lady is still alive but must get to her quickly. Within another half a day, following her instructions they found the backpacker who had broken a leg ( maybe wrist) and was stuck in a precarious location. The Americans were dumbfounded.

That was one of my first personal experiences with a recognized oracle with many more to come. Observed I did and convinced I am today.

5. Our bodies are just a shell in which our sublte consciousness temporarily  abides. You can leave it and enter at will if you have practiced correctly. Ra Lotsawa and son were well known for that. Hence, since it is a shell, any beings can enter and abide including yourself. Thererfore possessions of the evil nature is definitely possible as the Vajra Yogini Kakkoo (ritual) text is a remedy for that. Possessions, ghosts, spirits, psychics, clairvoyants do exist previously and currently. The stories abound in the bios of Heruka lineage Mahasiddhas.

We can temporarily abide elsewhere or within an object and let a higher force use our bodies to speak, express, move or do whatever actions that are necessary. Hence Dorje Shugden and Kache Marpo can definitely enter such a 'ready' body. When we do the invitations for example in Lama Chopa and ask the deities to abide, it can be inviting them to enter a statue or thangka we are consecrating. They abide at our request to become a merit field not that they have nowhere to go.

Hence if they can enter a statue and abide, why not a human? Both are made of the four physical composite elements suitable for a consciousness to abide in. Of course there's the formless also, but need not apply here for now.

In the Tara ritual, you ask Tara to come forth, abide in her image. Then we make offerings, requests, mantras, prayers, etc and at the end, you ask her to remain in this image by scattering dried rice/flowers with appropriate recitation. Then she abides. When you invite Dorje Shugden to enter an oracle, you recite the invitational liturgy at the beginning of our Dorje Shugden Kangsol. If you wish the peaceful to come, the oracle will wear monk robes, yellow chogo/Namjar, and Pandit's hat. Then Dorje Shugden will enter in a peaceful form to talk, known as Dulzin. If wrathful is required, then oracle will wear the full robes with flags, boots, weapons, etc. This energy cannot stay long, or talk much as it is in fierce form. Old oracles in their 70's who limp or are on walking sticks when taking trance of the wrathful form, can leap, bend swords, 'dance' and whole body convulses with the energy of the deity-Shugden. That is amazing, what is more is, someone like Kuten Lama (Geshe-la's uncle) never studied much, but in trance as Dulzin he can give long (2-3 hours) discourses citing perfectly from Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Nagarjuna, Chandrakirti, Dharmakirti, etc's texts and give you page numbers and cross reference points. He can give oral transmissions, initiations, compose texts on the spot as I have witnessed. He is elucidating among scholars, high incarnates such as Zong Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, the abbots, Geshes etc. He can refute with them or even debate if the occasion calls for it. Out of trance, Kuten Lama is a nice old man whose knowledge of dharma is that of little higher than the typical Tibetan laity. Certainly he couldn't fool the masters in Gaden for 30 years.  

He must have gone into trance thousands of times since Buxa when he was officially approved as genuine by H.H. Trijang Dorje Chang. Leaping around and bending swords is neat, but lesser spirits can also do the same. What is amazing and convincing is what comes out of the mouth of the oracle time and time tested again. Even things you asked Dorje Shugden through another oracle ten years back, when taking trance of a 'new' oracle he can recount and remind you. It has happened to me. I consulted Shugden through Sera's oracle, then much later the Gaden oracle. While in trance Dorje Shugden reminded me of what he said precisely and accurately what he told me ten years back through a completely different person, different setting, different translators, different monastery. Mind you, what he told me was very intimate and very applicable to me. He has even indicated clearly to me what my gurus have told me in private- he reminded me of their vajra commands. This happened to me. I do not need you or anyone else's confirmation as the advice was timely, very helpful and I saw the results. His advices and dharma talks will blow your mind. You feel you are in the presence of someone very old, grand and from another time. But then that cannot be used here, as that is subjective-my feelings of him that it.

6. Lama Tsongkapa's Guru Yoga practice and Guru Rinpoche's practice are not in the sutras or tantras from India. They were not taught in Pre-Tibet-Buddhist India. Due to the many enlightened activities of enlightened beings after the Buddha, of course that is possible. Buddha Shakyamuni cannot be the only enlightened one, otherwise the dharma is false. But by seeing the many attainments gained by many practitioners over 600 hundred years, we know Guru Yoga of Tsongkapa is valid.  The close lineage of the Mahamudra instructions that are practiced by Tsongkapa's disciples are also not the sutras and tantras of Buddha Shakyamuni/Vajradhara. Nyingmas rely heavily on Secret treasure texts or Termas never spoken about and guru Rinpoche's mantra is nowhere to be found in the original sutras and tantras yet has created many realized beings within the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakyas.

Yet Guru Rinpoche's initiation, practices, rites, rituals, images form the central core of the Nyingma lineage. Tsongkapa's  Guru Yoga practice was revealed by Manjushri directly to Tsongkapa. Hence if something is not in the sutras do not disqualify their authenticity nor benefits. In this case the qualifications of the author is very important.

Thai Buddhists do not recognize Yamantaka, Heruka nor Vajra Yogini. They do not have the lineage nor believe that it originated from the perfect Buddha. Not finding something somewhere can lead to endless unnecessary debates. Hence, for us the author is very important. Dorje Shugden is not mentioned in the sutras. Dakpo Rinpoche named the 'village lama' by the 13th Dalai Lama 'left' his body and transported to Tushita to receive the practice of Dorje Shugden. So today if someone was to say that was their soure of teachings, this forum would be alive with snide sarcastic posts. So why is it we can believe Dakpo Rinpoche. Just because it happened 50, 100, 200 or whatever years ago? If we don't believe him, then our whole Dorje Shugden lineage is a lie. Then why are we even here. The origins of our Dorje Shugden practice, Heruka, Vajra Yogini, etc are all from 'magical' beginnings. Yet we believe and trust. Why not oracles? Why not Shugden entering a qualified oracle consecrated and authenticized by HH kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang the heart son of Pabongka who in turn is the heart son of Dakpo Rinpoche? Contemplate.  

Not everything has to be in the sutras yet we still need a lineage no matter how magical it's origins. Western culture claims to not accept anything magical but more practical. Hogwash. Much of western religions and our Buddhism is awash with 'magical, mystical and obscure' beginnings yet we still practice and proclaim logic. Logic by us is very limited. We cannot take full refuge in our logic after certain point.

Heruka revealed his tantra by teaching on Mt Kailash to Vajra Yogini then to human first. How to verify that? Yet many have received attainments from Her practice. So we need to see results to ascertain validity of origins in this case. Many have received benefits from Dorje Shugden's oracles for the last 350 years including myself many times over.

How many scholars and masters rely on Asanga's 'Ornament of Clear Realizations' given to him by Maitreya Buddha in Tushita. Doesn't that sound wierd in today's terms? How about if I wrote a text and told you Tara told me the contents. It would be psychiatric time. Well why do we accept Asanga's assertions coming from such a source? Because we rely on the author and mostly the benefits in this case. Nagarjuna retrieved how many wisdom texts from the Nagas hidden away? Show me a naga. Have you seen one? Hence validity in Tibetan Buddhism is not stemmed only from the original sutras alone. There will be more teachings arising in the future logically speaking to suit the various aptitudes. Lam Rim made it's first appearance by Atisha's composition. Before that it was unheard of. Yet it is our core practice now having been passed down and further versions written of course the latest by Pabongka. Oracular practices do not need to be in the original sutras/tantras to validate their authenticity and applicability for dharma practitioners of this age, time and circumstances.

I hope this sincerely help you. I have spent over 6 solid hours writing the various explanations on this thread. I didn't write to convince you but to open your mind to things that perhaps are very foreign and at first unacceptable to you. I hope you will investigate further as knowledge is knowledge. We carry that into our future lives. As Shantideva says, there's no limit to our minds ability to comprehend.

I wish you luck and I humbly hope you will accept for others' sake, if not your own, practices that may benefit them by not discarding due to ignorance. All practices by our lineage lamas should be respected and feel how fortunate we are to even hear about them. Our lineage lamas are free of faults, hence their practices, teachings, traditions, manners should be respected even if some cannot be applied now due to degenerate times, but they should not be seen as something Tibetan and hence culturally beneficial only.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: wang on July 12, 2010, 12:45:49 AM

Like what Protector's Champion says - why not wait til we see who this incarnation is before we judge?

Why are some people so negative? Whatever news we receive, we can either take it on a neutral, negative or positive way. Some people in this forum, like me, are happy about the news. Even if you don't really like the news, do you need to put it down, especially as some of you have said that there is not enough information for you to judge? ....

After that much talk and long post, I really still don't know how your logic works.

The fact is that, as you said , there is not enough information to judge.

Then, one view  is that: 'why not wait til we see who this incarnation is before we judge? '

My understanding is that there is no one making judgment yet, but raising doubt(on different aspects) based on this announcement. So above statement is irrelevant.

Further, on response to this announcement, you said 'Whatever news we receive, we can either take it on a neutral, negative or positive way.'

ok, that's fine.  You agree that whatever response on this announcement is acceptable, be it positive, neutral or negative.

And your own response is: 'Some people in this forum, like me, are happy about the news.', that's your choice, fine.

But but why you insists putting on this demand to others:  'Even if you don't really like the news, do you need to put it down.'?  Why can't you bare doubt?

Really not logical......

If there were no such announcement, there will not have different response.  As it is announced, different response coming in, be it positive, neutral or negative are very natural...why should it be a single tone that you like?  If your reply is that raising doubt cos confusion to new comer to DS issue, doing harm to DS practice etc., it only prove that this announcement is pre-mature...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on July 12, 2010, 09:47:28 AM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.

So should we conclude from this that you and the monks of Shar Ganden don't really  believe in the tulku either ?

I used the word intrigued to mean interested in learning more. Most of the monks I have talked with seem very open to the news.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 12, 2010, 10:04:12 AM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.

So should we conclude from this that you and the monks of Shar Ganden don't really  believe in the tulku either ?

I used the word intrigued to mean interested in learning more. Most of the monks I have talked with seem very open to the news.

Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

Definitely the monks would be intrigued. The very top senior monks would know who it is for sure, but wouldn't reveal for safety reasons. The persons who recognized this incarnation are top lamas and you can be sure the Dorje Shugden oracle has approved. It's just not time to reveal yet I got wind.

Dorje Shugden monasteries will accept with open arms for sure. With the seal of recognition from reknowned dorje shugden lineage lamas and oracle combined, it will be a great incarnation to spread the lineage of lama tsongkapa. As you said, and I agree, the existence of Dorje Shugden that we so believe in came from the recognition of the lamas also. Your 'simplistic' approach is valid and many of our lineages/practices/tantras sprung from this seemingly simplistic approach. Thanks for confirming what I know of the monks interest in this.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 12, 2010, 08:28:51 PM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.

TS thank you for sharing this happy and heart-warming news. Great to hear that this news has brought some hope (intrigue!) into the Sangha's heart. As I've been saying throughout the week, some people may doubt this news but there are also others who may find something positive in it. I especially like what you have said about them having faith in the DS Lamas and oracles "to be open to this" and not to discredit it completely as yet. It shows their great faith in the Lamas and the beautiful ability to choose to see the positive potential of a situation.

Thank you very much for this sharing, truly. It warms my heart so much to hear how this news is creating ripples in a good way :)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 12, 2010, 08:49:02 PM
It's interesting that monks are more open to the possibility of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation than lay people. Perhaps the monks who have a centuries old tradition of identifying tulkus via oracles and high lamas know something laypeople don't?

Tenzin Sungrab, thank you for sharing the insider's view from Shar Gaden... i rejoice in the monks' interest in this issue and that gives me comfort in my instinctive optimism re this.

Wishing you and all at Shar Gaden well!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 12, 2010, 09:00:15 PM
It's interesting that monks are more open to the possibility of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation than lay people. Perhaps the monks who have a centuries old tradition of identifying tulkus via oracles and high lamas know something laypeople don't?

Hi Kate

In the spirit of discussion, could you please acknowledge that you understand that everyone here is open to this possibility? It has been said over and over that whether or not there is such a tulku is not the point, but you seem to keep missing it. I'm trying to determine if you are doing this on purpose.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 12, 2010, 09:12:39 PM
Next week the Summer Festival is starting  ;D ;D ;D I am counting the days .....

We will meet many Tulkus  ::), Buddhas  ;D , Bodhisattvas  ;D , Protectors  ;D , nice people  ;D ;D, good food, nice English weather, nice camping ground in a pure land.

If you want to meet all these nice people, come to the Summer Festival and relax 8)

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 12, 2010, 09:14:00 PM
Next week the Summer Festival is starting  ;D ;D ;D I am counting the days .....

We will meet many Tulkus  ::), Buddhas  ;D , Bodhisattvas  ;D , Protectors  ;D , nice people  ;D ;D, good food, nice English weather, nice camping ground.

If you want to meet all these nice people, come to the Summer Festival  8)

where's this summer festival, Godi? :)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 12, 2010, 09:17:03 PM
just a few clicks away.

In former times, people had to undertake very dangerous travels to meet dharma. Nowadays we do some clicks on our netbooks.
We are very fortunate, we are like in pure land. Eveywhere is dharma!!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 12, 2010, 09:48:08 PM
Does the Tulku have the ability to read and understand scriptures in Tibetan?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 12, 2010, 10:01:39 PM
I have to beg your pardon  :-[  by misleading you with my statement.

It is said that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appear for sure at places where dharma talks are given, like Buddha Manjushri,Buddha Avalokiteshvara, Buddha Vajrapani did when Buddha Shakyamuni gave teachinigs. For me, the same is happening during the summer festival  ;D. If Buddhas and Bodhisattvas go there to show a good example then I am saying that also Tulkus are going there. Actually, I do not know anything about Tulku system, their education and which languages they speak. I am sorry  :-[. The only thing i know is that the summer festival will be great  ;D . Nice people  ;D, great teachers  ;D, meditations, retreat, teachings, commentaries, Pujas and soooo many people showing good example  ;D ;D ;D ;D . It is like holiday in a pure land. See you there?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 13, 2010, 03:18:55 AM
Now, the unmistaken incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has returned among us.

He has been incarnating continuously over the past few hundred years, quietly preserving and propagating the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa and his most significant work, the Lamrim Chenmo.

Recognised by oracles and high lamas a few decades ago, the current incarnation continues to live quietly among us, awaiting the most beneficial time to emerge, to openly continue this legacy of incredible deeds.

His time is coming soon.

His return will cause an explosion at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist world, righting a great ‘wrong’ that was done hundreds of years ago.

His return marks the culmination of an orchestrated sequence of events which began over 600 years ago during the time of Dulzin.

His return heralds a new age of Buddhist renaissance, where Dorje Shugden will rise to the fore, unveiling his true nature as the greatest Dharma Protector for our time.

The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak.


People reasonably ask for some evidence that this whole thing isn't a hoax perpetrated on the members of this forum and the best you can do is endlessly repeat yourself?

Offer some proof and stop jerking us around.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Vajraprotector on July 13, 2010, 04:51:09 AM

Karma, or more specifically, positive or negative karmic forces (bsod-nams or sdig-pa) and karmic tendencies (sa-bon), whether individual or collective, ripen  into various types of results. One of these results is a dominating result (bdag-po’i ‘bras-bu). A dominating result is our experiencing of the type of environment or society in which we are born or enter, and the way it treats us, or objects such as our possessions, and what happens to them.

In the case of the dominating result of the collective karma – the technical term is actually “shared karma” (thun-mong-gi las) – of a group of limited beings, this refers mainly to their shared experiencing of environmental or societal situations or occurrences when this group experiences them. However, we can also say that the dominating result of collective karma also refers to the environmental or societal situations or occurrences that provide the circumstances for this group to experience them.

By the way, Godi, the empowerment (deities) for summer festival are different every year? Wow, this must be one of the biggest gathering of the NKT Sangha huh?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 13, 2010, 05:01:34 AM
His return heralds a new age of Buddhist renaissance, where Dorje Shugden will rise to the fore, unveiling his true nature as the greatest Dharma Protector for our time.

The final episode in this elaborate epic reveals how the highest Lamas have each played their part to propel Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage to its highest peak.

OK, this is concerning.  If the story is going to be all of these problems people have been suffering due to this problem was all part of some divine plan for the glorification of this person, that is not going to be acceptable.

Why is a "divine plan" not acceptable? Is it because of its judeo-christian background that BUDDHISTS find it not of their 'taste'?

Sorry to say this, but Shakyamuni's enlightenment is a divine plan, Maitreya coming to the rescue after Shakyamuni is a divine plan, Dorje Shugden becoing a protector is a divine plan. Many Bodhisattva have made their vows to come back again and again, that's the "divine plan".

Well, there are "divine plans" and then there are "divine plans".

The kind of "divine plan" that is harmonious with Dharma, and can therefore be accepted by Buddhists, is just like the arising of Buddhas in the world, that you mentioned. This is because in these cases, they arise through practicing the Bodhisattvas ethical path for many aeons. The cause is goodness and ethical behaviour, and the result is ethical goodness. There is harmony between the cause and effect, the method and the attainment.

Then there is the other kind of "divine plan", that is more in harmony with the theistic traditions. In these traditions it is typically seen, that a God could order a mass murder or a genocide, as found in Old Testament for instance. Somehow these atrocities are nevertheless seen as good, because they are "part of the divine plan". In these kind of "plans", unethical behaviour causing suffering to others mysteriously produces good results. Mysterious, are the ways of God. These kind of "divine plans" a Buddhist cannot accept.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: harrynephew on July 13, 2010, 08:25:36 AM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.

So should we conclude from this that you and the monks of Shar Ganden don't really  believe in the tulku either ?

I used the word intrigued to mean interested in learning more. Most of the monks I have talked with seem very open to the news.

Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

Definitely the monks would be intrigued. The very top senior monks would know who it is for sure, but wouldn't reveal for safety reasons. The persons who recognized this incarnation are top lamas and you can be sure the Dorje Shugden oracle has approved. It's just not time to reveal yet I got wind.

Dorje Shugden monasteries will accept with open arms for sure. With the seal of recognition from reknowned dorje shugden lineage lamas and oracle combined, it will be a great incarnation to spread the lineage of lama tsongkapa. As you said, and I agree, the existence of Dorje Shugden that we so believe in came from the recognition of the lamas also. Your 'simplistic' approach is valid and many of our lineages/practices/tantras sprung from this seemingly simplistic approach. Thanks for confirming what I know of the monks interest in this.


Hi TS,

I'm happy to know that the monks of holy Shar Gaden are intrigued with this announcement. I think we all as lay people (well, as far as I know many of us should be lay people here ) and the other lay people in general should be happy and rejoice for the return of such a high incarnate Lama. Furthermore it is the incarnation of the Lama Line of our holy Protector.

Having read all the posts by everyone, this announcement having worked up many people whether pro or anti DS or not, I think it is a good wake up call.

Are we into Dorje Shugden for political reasons? Or are we here solely for the preservation of the Holy Dharma and for our own personal practice? This is an essential question we have to really ask ourselves every time we post here.

I take this forum/website as a practice and read up to gain knowledge from senior and well-read people like TK and Kate. I feel their sincerity through their posts and do not take sides. The good thing about their postings is that what they write make people think and not jump to conclusions.

We ourselves are not definitive High Lamas, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas etc. Hence, we should not judge. Give yourself an open mind to think and digest things. Isn't the middle path we're seeking to achieve Enlightenment?

I pray I may be able to meet this incarnation and be part of his entourage to manifest his enlightened visionary activities.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: kurava on July 13, 2010, 08:53:35 AM
Hi TS,
Thanks for the link. Good to see all the happy faces in spite of the adverse situation they are in. I rejoice with the good works done by the sangha at the monastery.

We all are intrigued by this new information, you're not the only ones. We are happy and intrigued at the same time ! I'm intrigued with an earnest prayer that may this be true....

I will definitely keep a close watch on this site for further news and confirmation.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 13, 2010, 10:19:16 AM
Next week the Summer Festival is starting  ;D ;D ;D I am counting the days .....

We will meet many Tulkus  ::), Buddhas  ;D , Bodhisattvas  ;D , Protectors  ;D , nice people  ;D ;D, good food, nice English weather, nice camping ground.

If you want to meet all these nice people, come to the Summer Festival  8)

where's this summer festival, Godi? :)

This is great news and I'm very happy to hear :) Gosh, a year rolls around fast doesn't it- time for another summer festival. I have never personally had the chance to visit the festival. The last time i went up to the centre was just before the festival last year and i heard that they were expecting 5000 people that summer! Does anyone know what the plans are for this summer? Is Geshela giving any DS initiation or teachings? It'd be nice to hear of the news :)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 13, 2010, 01:35:57 PM
just a few clicks away.

In former times, people had to undertake very dangerous travels to meet dharma. Nowadays we do some clicks on our netbooks.
We are very fortunate, we are like in pure land. Eveywhere is dharma!!

Thanks for sharing the link. It's a good observation that it is now so easy for us to access the Dharma. There is so much information online at this and many other websites, where people have spent much time and all 6 paramitas to benefit others. To all of them, i give my humble thanks. The best way to appreciate their efforts is to read up the information available so we can bolster our own knowledge and gain wisdom in order to share with others and share the benefits.

Definitely everywhere there are ample opportunities to practice Dharma!! Thanks to the great Masters who have untiringly taught the Dharma to barbarians like us :)

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 13, 2010, 02:13:32 PM

So I am assuming you are ignoring my post then?

That's #238 in case you missed it.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 13, 2010, 04:49:33 PM
Interesting. Telling, even.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: godi on July 13, 2010, 08:07:59 PM
Next week the Summer Festival is starting  ;D ;D ;D I am counting the days .....

We will meet many Tulkus  ::), Buddhas  ;D , Bodhisattvas  ;D , Protectors  ;D , nice people  ;D ;D, good food, nice English weather, nice camping ground.

If you want to meet all these nice people, come to the Summer Festival  8)

where's this summer festival, Godi? :)

This is great news and I'm very happy to hear :) Gosh, a year rolls around fast doesn't it- time for another summer festival. I have never personally had the chance to visit the festival. The last time i went up to the centre was just before the festival last year and i heard that they were expecting 5000 people that summer! Does anyone know what the plans are for this summer? Is Geshela giving any DS initiation or teachings? It'd be nice to hear of the news :)

Week 1: Empowerment of Amitayus & Commentary to Eight Steps to Happiness
Week 2: Empowerment & Commentary to the Practice of Great Mother Prajnaparamita

During the first week of this, the nineteenth, NKT Summer Festival, Gen-la Kunsang, the Deputy Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Amitayus, and give teachings based on Eight Steps to Happiness.

Gen-la Kunsang will grant Amitayus empowerment on Saturday July 24 and then give four days of teachings. This will be followed by a two-day meditation retreat based on these teachings.

On Sunday August 1 Gen-la Dekyong will grant the empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita. This will be followed by a three-day commentary to this practice and then a two-day retreat. Both these empowerments and all the teachings are open to everyone.

As you can see, Geshe'la fully transferred  spiritual qualifications to his disciples and as you can also see the  Deputy Spiritual Director and  Spiritual Director are 2 buddhist nuns which means that the NKT is spiritually led by 2 women. How wunderful!!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 14, 2010, 07:17:46 AM
Hi TS,
Thanks for the link. Good to see all the happy faces in spite of the adverse situation they are in. I rejoice with the good works done by the sangha at the monastery.

We all are intrigued by this new information, you're not the only ones. We are happy and intrigued at the same time ! I'm intrigued with an earnest prayer that may this be true....

I will definitely keep a close watch on this site for further news and confirmation.

A warm welcome to you Kurava. Thank you for joining Rattle That Cage.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: pgdharma on July 14, 2010, 07:59:05 AM
I am a newbie and have just started following this forum. I noticed that there are those who are so happy to know that Dorje Shugdan is alive and amongst us and those who have doubts. This forum is a good place for debates. However, I find that some are true Buddhist practitioners who post comments in a very logical and informative manner and some “Buddhists practitioners” who just blasted empty words sarcastically and rudely for the sake of winning. How embarrassing to call oneself a Buddhist and yet think and behave in such manner!
Whether Dorje Shugdan is alive is yet to be known. The day will arrive when truth prevails. So for now, for those who have doubts, stop bad mouthing Dorje Shugdan as it will lead you nowhere except a rebirth in the lower realms. We are just lay people; we have no right to judge who is right or who is wrong. It is very bad karma to speak badly of the lamas, the dharma, the sangha or any holy beings.
I am grateful and thankful that the web team had put in so much effort and countless hours to set up a great site for a newbie like me to learn more about Dorje Shugdan.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: pgdharma on July 14, 2010, 08:30:16 AM
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.

Thank you, Tenzin  Sungrab, for sharing this heartwarming news. You are not the only one intrigue by this information. I am too. I hope that the truth will prevail soon and I may have the merits to meet this great incarnation.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WoselTenzin on July 14, 2010, 09:15:17 AM
Wouldn't it have been better to tell us when you actually knew who the real re-incarnation is instead of working everyone up in a frenzy?

Sorry to say theloneranger, this is really a dumb statement.  There is always a time and place for something to be made known so that there is no detrimental effects to people involved. Needless to say, the incarnation cannot be made known now for obvious reasons. 

Tibetan Buddhism is so corrupted these days that no one can be believed! Better to throw away the Tulku reincarnation system because it stinks! It's outdated, corrupted and has no place in the progressive modern society! To many people want to put there grubby fingers in the pie!

I really don't know who you are but if you are a DS practitioner and your lineage can be traced back by to a Tulku which will most probably be the case, then you are disparaging your own lineage masters.  If you still seriously think you are right, then your practice is also outdated, corrupted and has no place in the progressive modern society as well since it came from such a source.

One should be chosen to be a leader of men if they have the correct skills and abilities! Not chosen because of there status or title!

We can see from the example of the 14th Dalai Lama that the Tibetan System for choosing reincarnations is corrupt! The whole process is so open to corruption it's just not feasible!

I mean Steven Seagal was made a Tulku! How completely adsurd is that! 

Do you even know how the Tibetan system for choosing a reincarnation works?  Chances are you don't and would you know if the whole DS controversy has been orchestrated for a bigger picture for the benefit of many in the future?  Unless you are a highly evolved being yourself, you don't know for sure what's actually happening.  At best, you can only approximate based on what your mundane mind can perceive, which is not much based on how you express yourself above.  Whether Steven Seagal is a Tulku or not can only take another Tulku of the same or higher level to perceive.  Are you such a being or are you guessing again?

You are making sweeping statements with no logic or basis. 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mohani on July 14, 2010, 11:59:33 AM
I am a newbie and have just started following this forum. I noticed that there are those who are so happy to know that Dorje Shugdan is alive and amongst us and those who have doubts. This forum is a good place for debates. However, I find that some are true Buddhist practitioners who post comments in a very logical and informative manner and some “Buddhists practitioners” who just blasted empty words sarcastically and rudely for the sake of winning. How embarrassing to call oneself a Buddhist and yet think and behave in such manner!
Whether Dorje Shugdan is alive is yet to be known. The day will arrive when truth prevails. So for now, for those who have doubts, stop bad mouthing Dorje Shugdan as it will lead you nowhere except a rebirth in the lower realms. We are just lay people; we have no right to judge who is right or who is wrong. It is very bad karma to speak badly of the lamas, the dharma, the sangha or any holy beings.
I am grateful and thankful that the web team had put in so much effort and countless hours to set up a great site for a newbie like me to learn more about Dorje Shugdan.

Dear pgdharma

I don't think anyone has denied Dorje Shugden is alive? Who is bad mouthing Dorje Shugden? All here have fath in Dore Shugden. For us our teachers are emanations of Dorje Shugden.

I can't see much actual logic being used by the 'polite' people, there seems to be alot of avoiding questions, and people getting anoyed with the honest, staightforward,and logical members. Buddhists aren't always softly softy, gently gently. Look at the way Song Rinpoche behaved sometimes.

We are not all Lay people on this forum.

It is bad Karma if we speek about things motivated by Delusions. It is not bad karma to critisize peoples actions with a pure intention.

Yes, this website is a jewel in Cyber space.

All the Best.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 14, 2010, 04:08:13 PM
I think may be you all should read what some of you wrote in the Complaints Department Thread. You've expressed how much you love this site and some of you even made others laughed or smiled with your funny remarks. I know I laughed.

I am sure everyone is still friends, because beyond everything else, however opinions differ, the heart should still remain Dharmic.

Have a good evening, everyone?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 14, 2010, 04:40:35 PM

I am sure everyone is still friends, because beyond everything else, however opinions differ, the heart should still remain Dharmic.

Have a good evening, everyone?

Yes, thank you, ST. I fully agree. No matter what kind of silliness transpires here as argument, you can all be friends of mine. That's the way I do things, speak my mind, make my point and then let it all go. Even if I am called names or even, as seems to be the current situation, shunned.

Anyone who is not functioning like this does not deserve to be called a practitioner.. my opinion
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Hevajra on July 14, 2010, 05:00:06 PM
i wanna know the name of the lama in whom DS has reincarnated.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Phra Phrom on July 14, 2010, 05:16:26 PM
I look forward everyday to the return of the Dharma King. How should we all usher His return?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 15, 2010, 12:03:53 AM
I look forward everyday to the return of the Dharma King. How should we all usher His return?

We usher his return by
1) keeping good samaya with our Guru and Dorje Shugden.
2) be informed about the history, lineage, benefits of Dorje Shugden and his practice so we can explain to people who are not so familiar with this issue.
3) practising harmony with people around us, as always advised by Dorje Shugden.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 15, 2010, 09:51:58 AM
I look forward everyday to the return of the Dharma King. How should we all usher His return?

We usher his return by
1) keeping good samaya with our Guru and Dorje Shugden.
2) be informed about the history, lineage, benefits of Dorje Shugden and his practice so we can explain to people who are not so familiar with this issue.
3) practising harmony with people around us, as always advised by Dorje Shugden.

As the news has indicated, the dharma king has in fact returned :) It certainly is interesting for our practice to consider that anyone we bump into might be him.... A good way to practise too, to focus on this possibility and therefore to act / practise accordingly no matter where we are or who we're dealing with :)

Thanks for the "tips" Kate - it can sometimes be easier said than done, admittedly! But the very effort we put in is already half the journey. Every moment counts.

It's important to note too that while this news is fantastic, we mustn't get carried away on names and, when his identity is finally revealed, just dash off to be his student and abandon our existing teacher(s) and dharma community. This return is wonderful news and a great signal of hope for many out there who have always relied on this great Lama and protector... but just as Kate has said, the best way we can show our respect and devotion to him is by our own clear samaya with our teacher(s). Without their kindness, we wouldn't even this practice and knowledge.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zach on July 15, 2010, 09:54:40 AM
Dunno about you guys but i feel my teacher is Dorje shugden  :) And Lama Tsongkhapa, and all the other Buddhas  :)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 15, 2010, 07:15:35 PM
Thank you, Wisdom Being for sharing those beautiful tips. They are truly great reminders that in times of great uncertainty and confusion, we should not add to that cauldron of mayhem.

Also, when all around us seem to be seething in their own emotional drama, we should do more to remain as Dharmic as possible. In fact, we have to do triple of what we normally do.

Yes, many great sacrifices have gone down in history, and many more may come to be - but you know what? I bet Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and Dorje Shugden will never say, I GIVE UP or THIS IS SO NOT WORTH IT.

I am willing to bet that neither of them will ever whine, or wallow in self-pity. Nor will they take their frustrations and angst out on others.

They have continued to be despite it all, because EVERY SACRIFICE IS WORTH IT. Their sacrifices may even be necessary for much greater things to come.

So, if Enlightened Beings can do so much and the whole point of us studying the Dharma is to become just like them, then why are we dwelling in such pettiness and negativities? 

Can we even control ourselves - in body, speech and mind - just so to show what Dharma means to us? Even for a moment.

I love what Kate wrote. It reminds me to practise more and much harder. Most of all, NEVER TO GIVE UP no matter what.

And yes, I can still be nice about it all as what has been spelled out in the 8 Verses of Thought Transformation.

I look forward everyday to the return of the Dharma King. How should we all usher His return?

We usher his return by
1) keeping good samaya with our Guru and Dorje Shugden.
2) be informed about the history, lineage, benefits of Dorje Shugden and his practice so we can explain to people who are not so familiar with this issue.
3) practising harmony with people around us, as always advised by Dorje Shugden.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 16, 2010, 02:07:05 AM
I cannot refrain from saying what I think
I cannot abide by the forum's intent
Thanks for tolerating me all this time
I cannot delete my topic without deleting everyone's post

I cannot Accept that Dorje Shugden and Kundun
Are Working Together as Real
It makes no sense even in cosmic time

Goodbye my friends, I hope you find what you need

My dear,

You don't have to accept that Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama are working together. This is my belief and the belief of others in the forum. There are others who believe differently. If everyone who disagrees left, the forum would be a different place. The admin requests that we all temper our comments with the aim of keeping harmony. i see that as a good thing but not as an instruction for everyone in the forum to agree with each other!

I do understand why you and several others do not agree with the DS/DL theory.

I hope you understand where i'm coming from.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 16, 2010, 03:21:57 PM

I am the same monk that slipped a piece of paper into the 13th Dalia Lama's Slipper
For my infraction, I was flayed alive for several long and anguished days.


REALLY really?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 16, 2010, 08:42:38 PM
"With regards to this good news about Dorje Shugden's incarnation at sight. This to me sounds like the claims of some over enthusiastic Evangalist. Or somebody trying to play the Jehovah wittness. Is it not understood,through the testimonies of the lineage masters that Dorje Shugden is a protector with links within samsara to be in proximity with humans. Secondly,ones own Guru is understood to be the amalgamation of all Gurus,Deities and protectors. Which means that one's Guru is manifestation of Dorje Shugden per se. While I am not outrightly implying likewise that there cannot be a Tulku. Dorje Shugden would not incapacitate all the different Gurus by appearing himself as the ultimate messiah. This is not the purpouse of DS as a Dharmapala. He wants people to sincerely adhere to the Lamrim and, there is nothing higher in the beginning and the completion of the path by sincerely relying on ones Spiritual Guide."

hear hear
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 18, 2010, 12:18:35 AM

Yes really!
And we're still all waiting for proof it's not the fabricated fantasy of a dedicated devotee.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 01:26:35 AM
Really! I doubt anyone is waiting for anything
You'd have to confirm with the Oracle
My last life was as a Mongolian
"That all you need to know"
Who are You?
Besides your avatar?
I'd tell you to take a flying leap
But that is not allowed.

So Just to get this straight....

you are the incarnation of Demo Tulku Rinpoche?


I'd tell you to take a flying leap
But that is not allowed.

That's really clever, being meta-hostile.
I wish you WERE allowed, you could really give me a good telling off. Ah, for the days of free-speech!

Take it light, Champion
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on July 18, 2010, 02:27:50 AM
Actually there's no such thing as free speech. With speech comes responsibility for its effects. That's why in the refuge vows, there are four vows related to speech - more than for mind or body. The refuge vows of the Speech are Divisive Speech, Harsh Words, Idle Chatter, Lying. If our speech is divisive or harsh, we have broken our vows. If we have the intention to hurt someone with our speech, we have broken our vows.

FYI: From Wikipedia, the definition of sarcasm - Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.”
From - In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 18, 2010, 02:34:10 AM

Just for the record, I am only as I am, Thomas David Canada
I do not pretend to be anyone else.
Certainly nothing other than myself
A Grunt for the Dharma

Posted by: thomascanada | July 11, 2010 3:18 AM

Thurman, I Challenge you to a Debate!

I am Thomas David Canada/Thom Canada/Thom/Geronimo/Lhakpa Gyaltshen/Protectors Champion/Western Shugden Society Co Founder/Council of Shambala Elders/Founder of the Tibetan Cultural Center/Co Founder of Dagom Geden Tensung Ling Monastery/Co Founder of Vajra Vega Wana Monastery.
I Stand In Defense of Teachings of Je T'Song Khapa and the Bill Of Rights!
So, be not confused any more
I've been calling you out for 15 years
Anytime, Anywhere!

Looks like you are many different people.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 04:39:08 AM
Actually there's no such thing as free speech. With speech comes responsibility for its effects. That's why in the refuge vows, there are four vows related to speech - more than for mind or body. The refuge vows of the Speech are Divisive Speech, Harsh Words, Idle Chatter, Lying. If our speech is divisive or harsh, we have broken our vows. If we have the intention to hurt someone with our speech, we have broken our vows.  FYI: From Wikipedia, the definition of sarcasm - Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.”  From - In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.

Yes, well, then let me rephrase.....

Oh, for the days where no-one tried to censor your speech from the outside! 


And as to your Dharma teaching, thank you.  I am quite content with my vows and my intention, but I thank you for your compassionate care. 

So what would you call that? I would call it sarcasm, because its intended meaning is the opposite of what the phrase literally expresses.  Perhaps I have been misunderstanding what sarcasm is, in truth it was someone else who started calling my posts sarcastic, so I went with it, thinking of the the definition I gave above. Perhaps a better word for it is irony. I am being ironic, and I have no intention to harm any person, just miserable arguments that don't make any sense. Surely that's fair game?

So you have put forth an argument that there is no free speech, of course quite deliberately misunderstanding my meaning. You then give a brief teaching on the refuge vows (in which you seem not to know what the actual refuge vows are, btw...) and then try to show that I have broken my vows. But since I have no intention to harm anyone or hurt them with my speech, surely my vows are ok?

But then why would my vows be an issue of concern for you, Kate?

best wishes...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 05:14:14 AM
Also, why would it have been necessary to keep this incarnations identity a secret if he were identified twenty years ago? There were no death threats then, no violence, and many great Dorje Shugden Lamas had been reborn and recognized without incident. Things only actually began to heat up mid-nineties.

Does the story that this so called Tulku's identity was kept secret for safety reasons make sense?

btw, any word of a response from TGIE?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 18, 2010, 08:23:12 AM
Also, why would it have been necessary to keep this incarnations identity a secret if he were identified twenty years ago? There were no death threats then, no violence, and many great Dorje Shugden Lamas had been reborn and recognized without incident. Things only actually began to heat up mid-nineties.

And if it's not yet the right time to reveal his identity why start a thread like this in the first place?

Does the story that this so called Tulku's identity was kept secret for safety reasons make sense?

Not at all and that's why it's likely this whole TDG story is fiction.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 18, 2010, 11:36:10 AM
Also, why would it have been necessary to keep this incarnations identity a secret if he were identified twenty years ago? There were no death threats then, no violence, and many great Dorje Shugden Lamas had been reborn and recognized without incident. Things only actually began to heat up mid-nineties.

And if it's not yet the right time to reveal his identity why start a thread like this in the first place?

Does the story that this so called Tulku's identity was kept secret for safety reasons make sense?

Not at all and that's why it's likely this whole TDG story is fiction.

You know, beyond Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, there are very qualified teachers, masters, incarnations and lineage holders ALSO.. So whatever the reasons, why STILL criticize?? Just read it and be still. Wait for the outcome. You may not even be alive when revealed who he is. Why does it bother you so much unless there are other undercurrents you may only know.

The Current 9th Kaka Jetsun Dampa (born in 1932) residing in Dharamsala was recognized OPENLY only in September 1991s as the supreme incarnate teacher of Mongolia.. He was 59 years old already. Now he is 78 years old this year. Just think, he was only officially and more importantly OPENLY RECOGNIZED 55 years after his first and quiet recognition by the Regent Reting Rinpoche at the age of four. No one bothered or knew about him before September 1991. It was hush-hush.  Incarnations can be recognized many decades later for seen and unseen reasons. Definitely possible.
Installation of the Kaka Jestun Dampa line of reincarnations was banned in Mongolia since 1929. Only a small handful knew who he was for decades and it was kept a secret. But recognizing him many decades back would of upset the Mongolian Govt then a hard line Stalinist-communist regime. Now Mongolia is open to this and hence recognized and living in Dharamsala. But being the current incarnation is Tibetan and not Mongolian, there are still political issues. 

Whatever you may think that there was no controversy with the Shugden issue WITHIN THE TIBETAN communities prior to the 90's, there were already in the late 80's. It just didn't go full blown yet all over the world.
The Geshes and Tulkus around the world greeted the first news of Dorje Shugden not in Dalai Lama's favour with shock/confusion BUT just kept practicing. In fact the problems already started in the late 70's when the Dalai Lama gave up his personal practice. He just didn't blow it up. For him to give up the practice while Trijang Rinpoche was alive was a clear indication of trouble ahead. There were no death threats, or violence with the Dorje Shugden LAMAS. But the actual line of TULKU DRAKPA GYELTSEN incarnations HIMSELF WAS BANNED hundreds of years ago. Incarnate Dorje Shugden lamas and Drakpa Gyeltsen himself are VERY DRAMATICALLY DIFFERENT. The Dalai Lama already believed Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was a negative spirit when he gave up the practice in the late 70's. Wouldn't be prudent if Drakpa Gyeltsen was recognized two decades ago.

Since Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was banned by the Tibetan Govt, it would not serve any monastery's benefit if they enthroned him decades back. They do not wish to bring trouble upon themselves. Since the Dalai Lama gave up his Shugden practice in the late 70's, it would not be a smart move for any monastery to say, well here's Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen back in our Monastery. All Gelug Monasteries back then were in alignment with the Tibetan Govt and Dalai Lama.



"Thus, when the present Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa's incarnation was recognized, at the age of four, by Reting Rinpoche, the Regent in Lhasa, as well as other high lamas and the state oracles, his identity was kept secret due to Stalin's influence and oppression in Mongolia. The country vanished from sight, customs and traditions were buried and lost until the five visits of the Dalai Lama in recent years; the last time was in August 1995 when he gave the Kalachakra Initiation.
The Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa was born at Tromtsikang and then moved to Shol, just below the Potala. His father, Lobsang Jampal, was from Phenpo and his mother, Yangchen was from Kham. At the age of seven, he entered Gomang College, Drepung Monastery, as a simple monk where he studied philosophy for fourteen years, up to the level of Madhyamika. At Gomang he studied primarily with a teacher from Mongolia named Geshe Thupten Nyima. He received his dharma lineages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
His Holiness the Panchen Rinpoche, Gyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Gyabje Ling Rinpoche, and Gyabje Lhatsun Rinpoche were his teachers in the Gelukpa lineage. H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was his teacher in the Nyingma lineage; Kalu Rinpoche was his teacher in the Kagyu lineage; and Sakya Tenzin Rinpoche was his teacher in the Sakya lineage. At the age of 21, he left Gomang College and Drepung to engage in a series of Chod meditations, living the life of a yogi, while on pilgrimage to the holy sites of Tibet.
At the age of 25, he gave back his monastic vows, and then went to stay at Ganden Phunstok Ling, established by his predecesor Taranatha, until the age of 29 when the Chinese invasion forced him into exile, along with hundreds of thousands of Tibetans.
In India, he lived with his family in Darjeeling and Mysore, until 1981, and later in Madhya Pradesh in central India until 1990, quietly serving as lama for the Tibetan community in exile throughout that time. During this period of time Rinpoche did many meditations and gave public teachings in the Tibetan settlements several times a year.
Then, in 1991, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the new-found religious freedom felt in Mongolia, many Mongolian monasteries sent their abbots and lamas and ministers to India to request inquiry of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala about the possible location of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa. Did His Holiness know where he was, who he is, and could the Dalai Lama recognize him for the peoples of Mongolia?
It was at that time, through the Religious Office of the Tibetan Government in Exile, that the Dalai Lama gave the official stamp of recognition and acknowledgement of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa, the spiritual head of Buddhism in Mongolia. He moved to Dharamsala to be closer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and in 1991, he was officially enthroned as the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa, amid great and joyous celebration."

--cited from:

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on July 18, 2010, 11:37:46 AM
I find it strange that so many are so willing to make up their minds before more information is available. The monks here at Shar Gaden seem to see this news with a more optimistic view. None that I have talked to have made up their minds, one way or another, before hearing more. I will follow their example.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 18, 2010, 11:41:14 AM
I find it strange that so many are so willing to make up their minds before more information is available. The monks here at Shar Gaden seem to see this news with a more optimistic view. None that I have talked to have made up their minds, one way or another, before hearing more. I will follow their example.

I agree with you Tenzin Sungrab. I agree with the monks. Just be optimistic without making up your minds. I have followed their example and your's. Thank you for the sane logic.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 18, 2010, 11:43:23 AM
I find it strange that so many are so willing to make up their minds before more information is available. The monks here at Shar Gaden seem to see this news with a more optimistic view. None that I have talked to have made up their minds, one way or another, before hearing more. I will follow their example.
I agree with you Tenzin Sungrab. I agree with the monks. Just be optimistic without making up your minds. I have followed their example and your's. Thank you for the sane logic.
I also go along with the brave sangha of Shar Gaden, Tenzin Sungrab and Thaimonk.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 01:19:03 PM

Incarnations can be recognized many decades later for seen and unseen reasons. Definitely possible.

It really does seem like some members of this forum have a straw-man problem. Who ever said it wasn't possible? Whose points are you debating against?

The reasoning presented was being questioned. Why is there such a strong negative reaction to questioning someone's reasoning here? It feels slightly hysterical to me.

Whatever you may think that there was no controversy with the Shugden issue WITHIN THE TIBETAN communities prior to the 90's, there were already in the late 80's.

Of course if you read my post you will see I never said that at all, did I?

But the actual line of TULKU DRAKPA GYELTSEN incarnations HIMSELF WAS BANNED hundreds of years ago.

Now it seems that you are just making things up. For those who understood that TDG had become a Buddha, they understood there would be no rebirth. For those who felt he had become a worldy spirit, there was also no need to search, because he was believed to have become a preta.

Please share with us your source about this "ban" if you are not making it up.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 01:48:27 PM
I find it strange that so many are so willing to make up their minds before more information is available. The monks here at Shar Gaden seem to see this news with a more optimistic view. None that I have talked to have made up their minds, one way or another, before hearing more. I will follow their example.
I agree with you Tenzin Sungrab. I agree with the monks. Just be optimistic without making up your minds. I have followed their example and your's. Thank you for the sane logic.
I also go along with the brave sangha of Shar Gaden, Tenzin Sungrab and Thaimonk.

Respectfully, why are you equating expressing doubt with having made up one's mind?  I will stand with you two and the monks in the camp of not having decided.  I still doubt a) that is true and b) that it matters. Of course, I make many mistakes, so as you know, I could be wrong, and as such am open to any actual evidence. Attacking misconstrued arguments wont convince me, or anyone else for that matter, however.

I agree with the monks. Just be optimistic without making up your minds. I have followed their example and your's. Thank you for the sane logic.

Just so you know THAIMONK, there is no actual logic here, this is TS expressing his (valid) opinion. Mistaking the two might be the source of the confusion your posts so often evince.  ;)

I find it strange that so many are so willing to make up their minds before more information is available.

So TS, you find it strange that so many have made up their mind, but if you check there is no evidence in the post(s) you were responding to that anyone had made up their mind. Does it seem strange to you that anyone would doubt it?  If so, here are my reasons for doing so.... perhaps this will help you understand my position more clearly...

* No evidence has been produced whatsoever. In my book, that always leaves room for doubt.

*Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen became Dorje Shugden after he died, so there would be no reincarnation, no Tulku.

*This is a completely unheard of phenomenon, recognizing a Tulku of a person who is recognized to have become another entity. For example, Je Tsongkhapa became Senge Ngaro, so you don't find a JTK "tulku."

* If there were an emanation of Dorje Shugden, and of course I believe these are countless, there is no official process of recognition for emantations.

*Enlightened beings don't have Tulkus. Although Tulku literally means "nirmanakaya," the actual nirmanakaya or Tulku is an emanation body, not a controlled rebirth, which is the common meaning of the word "tulku."
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 18, 2010, 01:49:04 PM
I find it strange that so many are so willing to make up their minds before more information is available. The monks here at Shar Gaden seem to see this news with a more optimistic view. None that I have talked to have made up their minds, one way or another, before hearing more. I will follow their example.

I really find this appropriate. Since everything we practice comes from the Sangha. If they are open minded, then we should follow suit. It is wonderful to be open. Since you have given us direct feedback that Shar Gaden Monks are open and do not criticize, it is truly a dharma practitioners way of reacting. Thanks.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, attained beings all can incarnate again and again in thousands of forms simultaneously. Whether humans ban them or not, they are not bound by the dualistic laws we uphold here.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 18, 2010, 01:50:18 PM

Doubt is fine. Criticism added to doubt and sarcasm to bring the point across is not.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 01:52:21 PM

Doubt is fine. Criticism added to doubt and sarcasm to bring the point across is not.


What criticism and sarcasm are you referencing?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 18, 2010, 01:55:27 PM
I really find this appropriate. Since everything we practice comes from the Sangha. If they are open minded, then we should follow suit. It is wonderful to be open. Since you have given us direct feedback that Shar Gaden Monks are open and do not criticize, it is truly a dharma practitioners way of reacting. Thanks.

Agree. Let's keep an open mind about this.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, attained beings all can incarnate again and again in thousands of forms simultaneously. Whether humans ban them or not, they are not bound by the dualistic laws we uphold here.


when Buddha's incarnate, which is the salient point here in this thread, their "Tulkus" are not recognized as a matter of course. No doubt they emanate constantly.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 18, 2010, 02:03:08 PM
Also, why would it have been necessary to keep this incarnations identity a secret if he were identified twenty years ago? There were no death threats then, no violence, and many great Dorje Shugden Lamas had been reborn and recognized without incident. Things only actually began to heat up mid-nineties.

And if it's not yet the right time to reveal his identity why start a thread like this in the first place?

Does the story that this so called Tulku's identity was kept secret for safety reasons make sense?

Not at all and that's why it's likely this whole TDG story is fiction.

You know, beyond Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, there are very qualified teachers, masters, incarnations and lineage holders ALSO.. So whatever the reasons, why STILL criticize?? Just read it and be still. Wait for the outcome. You may not even be alive when revealed who he is. Why does it bother you so much unless there are other undercurrents you may only know.

The Current 9th Kaka Jetsun Dampa (born in 1932) residing in Dharamsala was recognized OPENLY only in September 1991s as the supreme incarnate teacher of Mongolia.. He was 59 years old already. Now he is 78 years old this year. Just think, he was only officially and more importantly OPENLY RECOGNIZED 55 years after his first and quiet recognition by the Regent Reting Rinpoche at the age of four. No one bothered or knew about him before September 1991. It was hush-hush.  Incarnations can be recognized many decades later for seen and unseen reasons. Definitely possible.
Installation of the Kaka Jestun Dampa line of reincarnations was banned in Mongolia since 1929. Only a small handful knew who he was for decades and it was kept a secret. But recognizing him many decades back would of upset the Mongolian Govt then a hard line Stalinist-communist regime. Now Mongolia is open to this and hence recognized and living in Dharamsala. But being the current incarnation is Tibetan and not Mongolian, there are still political issues. 

Whatever you may think that there was no controversy with the Shugden issue WITHIN THE TIBETAN communities prior to the 90's, there were already in the late 80's. It just didn't go full blown yet all over the world.
The Geshes and Tulkus around the world greeted the first news of Dorje Shugden not in Dalai Lama's favour with shock/confusion BUT just kept practicing. In fact the problems already started in the late 70's when the Dalai Lama gave up his personal practice. He just didn't blow it up. For him to give up the practice while Trijang Rinpoche was alive was a clear indication of trouble ahead. There were no death threats, or violence with the Dorje Shugden LAMAS. But the actual line of TULKU DRAKPA GYELTSEN incarnations HIMSELF WAS BANNED hundreds of years ago. Incarnate Dorje Shugden lamas and Drakpa Gyeltsen himself are VERY DRAMATICALLY DIFFERENT. The Dalai Lama already believed Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was a negative spirit when he gave up the practice in the late 70's. Wouldn't be prudent if Drakpa Gyeltsen was recognized two decades ago.

Since Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was banned by the Tibetan Govt, it would not serve any monastery's benefit if they enthroned him decades back. They do not wish to bring trouble upon themselves. Since the Dalai Lama gave up his Shugden practice in the late 70's, it would not be a smart move for any monastery to say, well here's Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen back in our Monastery. All Gelug Monasteries back then were in alignment with the Tibetan Govt and Dalai Lama.



"Thus, when the present Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa's incarnation was recognized, at the age of four, by Reting Rinpoche, the Regent in Lhasa, as well as other high lamas and the state oracles, his identity was kept secret due to Stalin's influence and oppression in Mongolia. The country vanished from sight, customs and traditions were buried and lost until the five visits of the Dalai Lama in recent years; the last time was in August 1995 when he gave the Kalachakra Initiation.
The Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa was born at Tromtsikang and then moved to Shol, just below the Potala. His father, Lobsang Jampal, was from Phenpo and his mother, Yangchen was from Kham. At the age of seven, he entered Gomang College, Drepung Monastery, as a simple monk where he studied philosophy for fourteen years, up to the level of Madhyamika. At Gomang he studied primarily with a teacher from Mongolia named Geshe Thupten Nyima. He received his dharma lineages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
His Holiness the Panchen Rinpoche, Gyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Gyabje Ling Rinpoche, and Gyabje Lhatsun Rinpoche were his teachers in the Gelukpa lineage. H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was his teacher in the Nyingma lineage; Kalu Rinpoche was his teacher in the Kagyu lineage; and Sakya Tenzin Rinpoche was his teacher in the Sakya lineage. At the age of 21, he left Gomang College and Drepung to engage in a series of Chod meditations, living the life of a yogi, while on pilgrimage to the holy sites of Tibet.
At the age of 25, he gave back his monastic vows, and then went to stay at Ganden Phunstok Ling, established by his predecesor Taranatha, until the age of 29 when the Chinese invasion forced him into exile, along with hundreds of thousands of Tibetans.
In India, he lived with his family in Darjeeling and Mysore, until 1981, and later in Madhya Pradesh in central India until 1990, quietly serving as lama for the Tibetan community in exile throughout that time. During this period of time Rinpoche did many meditations and gave public teachings in the Tibetan settlements several times a year.
Then, in 1991, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the new-found religious freedom felt in Mongolia, many Mongolian monasteries sent their abbots and lamas and ministers to India to request inquiry of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala about the possible location of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa. Did His Holiness know where he was, who he is, and could the Dalai Lama recognize him for the peoples of Mongolia?
It was at that time, through the Religious Office of the Tibetan Government in Exile, that the Dalai Lama gave the official stamp of recognition and acknowledgement of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa, the spiritual head of Buddhism in Mongolia. He moved to Dharamsala to be closer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and in 1991, he was officially enthroned as the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa, amid great and joyous celebration."

--cited from: [url][/url]

Dear Thaimonk,

Thank you for this sharing. It helps so much.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 19, 2010, 08:44:12 AM
Also, why would it have been necessary to keep this incarnations identity a secret if he were identified twenty years ago? There were no death threats then, no violence, and many great Dorje Shugden Lamas had been reborn and recognized without incident. Things only actually began to heat up mid-nineties.

And if it's not yet the right time to reveal his identity why start a thread like this in the first place?

Does the story that this so called Tulku's identity was kept secret for safety reasons make sense?

Not at all and that's why it's likely this whole TDG story is fiction.

You know, beyond Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, there are very qualified teachers, masters, incarnations and lineage holders ALSO.. So whatever the reasons, why STILL criticize?? Just read it and be still. Wait for the outcome. You may not even be alive when revealed who he is. Why does it bother you so much unless there are other undercurrents you may only know.

The Current 9th Kaka Jetsun Dampa (born in 1932) residing in Dharamsala was recognized OPENLY only in September 1991s as the supreme incarnate teacher of Mongolia.. He was 59 years old already. Now he is 78 years old this year. Just think, he was only officially and more importantly OPENLY RECOGNIZED 55 years after his first and quiet recognition by the Regent Reting Rinpoche at the age of four. No one bothered or knew about him before September 1991. It was hush-hush.  Incarnations can be recognized many decades later for seen and unseen reasons. Definitely possible.
Installation of the Kaka Jestun Dampa line of reincarnations was banned in Mongolia since 1929. Only a small handful knew who he was for decades and it was kept a secret. But recognizing him many decades back would of upset the Mongolian Govt then a hard line Stalinist-communist regime. Now Mongolia is open to this and hence recognized and living in Dharamsala. But being the current incarnation is Tibetan and not Mongolian, there are still political issues. 

Whatever you may think that there was no controversy with the Shugden issue WITHIN THE TIBETAN communities prior to the 90's, there were already in the late 80's. It just didn't go full blown yet all over the world.
The Geshes and Tulkus around the world greeted the first news of Dorje Shugden not in Dalai Lama's favour with shock/confusion BUT just kept practicing. In fact the problems already started in the late 70's when the Dalai Lama gave up his personal practice. He just didn't blow it up. For him to give up the practice while Trijang Rinpoche was alive was a clear indication of trouble ahead. There were no death threats, or violence with the Dorje Shugden LAMAS. But the actual line of TULKU DRAKPA GYELTSEN incarnations HIMSELF WAS BANNED hundreds of years ago. Incarnate Dorje Shugden lamas and Drakpa Gyeltsen himself are VERY DRAMATICALLY DIFFERENT. The Dalai Lama already believed Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was a negative spirit when he gave up the practice in the late 70's. Wouldn't be prudent if Drakpa Gyeltsen was recognized two decades ago.

Since Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was banned by the Tibetan Govt, it would not serve any monastery's benefit if they enthroned him decades back. They do not wish to bring trouble upon themselves. Since the Dalai Lama gave up his Shugden practice in the late 70's, it would not be a smart move for any monastery to say, well here's Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen back in our Monastery. All Gelug Monasteries back then were in alignment with the Tibetan Govt and Dalai Lama.



"Thus, when the present Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa's incarnation was recognized, at the age of four, by Reting Rinpoche, the Regent in Lhasa, as well as other high lamas and the state oracles, his identity was kept secret due to Stalin's influence and oppression in Mongolia. The country vanished from sight, customs and traditions were buried and lost until the five visits of the Dalai Lama in recent years; the last time was in August 1995 when he gave the Kalachakra Initiation.
The Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa was born at Tromtsikang and then moved to Shol, just below the Potala. His father, Lobsang Jampal, was from Phenpo and his mother, Yangchen was from Kham. At the age of seven, he entered Gomang College, Drepung Monastery, as a simple monk where he studied philosophy for fourteen years, up to the level of Madhyamika. At Gomang he studied primarily with a teacher from Mongolia named Geshe Thupten Nyima. He received his dharma lineages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
His Holiness the Panchen Rinpoche, Gyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Gyabje Ling Rinpoche, and Gyabje Lhatsun Rinpoche were his teachers in the Gelukpa lineage. H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was his teacher in the Nyingma lineage; Kalu Rinpoche was his teacher in the Kagyu lineage; and Sakya Tenzin Rinpoche was his teacher in the Sakya lineage. At the age of 21, he left Gomang College and Drepung to engage in a series of Chod meditations, living the life of a yogi, while on pilgrimage to the holy sites of Tibet.
At the age of 25, he gave back his monastic vows, and then went to stay at Ganden Phunstok Ling, established by his predecesor Taranatha, until the age of 29 when the Chinese invasion forced him into exile, along with hundreds of thousands of Tibetans.
In India, he lived with his family in Darjeeling and Mysore, until 1981, and later in Madhya Pradesh in central India until 1990, quietly serving as lama for the Tibetan community in exile throughout that time. During this period of time Rinpoche did many meditations and gave public teachings in the Tibetan settlements several times a year.
Then, in 1991, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the new-found religious freedom felt in Mongolia, many Mongolian monasteries sent their abbots and lamas and ministers to India to request inquiry of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala about the possible location of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa. Did His Holiness know where he was, who he is, and could the Dalai Lama recognize him for the peoples of Mongolia?
It was at that time, through the Religious Office of the Tibetan Government in Exile, that the Dalai Lama gave the official stamp of recognition and acknowledgement of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa, the spiritual head of Buddhism in Mongolia. He moved to Dharamsala to be closer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and in 1991, he was officially enthroned as the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa, amid great and joyous celebration."

--cited from: [url][/url]

Dear Thaimonk,

Thank you for this sharing. It helps so much.


Dear Thaimonk
Thank you for the sharing. I had no knowledge of this prior to reading this post. Did the Dalai Lama know where he was, who he is...? He obviously did.
It is interesting to know how these incarnations continues to return amidst the political climate, though not officially enthroned, they continue to fulfill their purpose.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 19, 2010, 01:16:00 PM
Thank you, Thai Monk for all that sharing. It resonates with what I believe in.

Personally, I believe that Enlightened Beings and Buddhas will continue to emanate whenever they wish, however they wish and in whatever form they wish. And what they wish to do is the same that they have been doing since beginningless time - that is, to benefit all sentient beings and bring them to Enlightenment.

As there are countless minds and in all distortions and forms, I'd seriously doubt that there is just one method or way. Hence, thank goodness that they will continue to emanate in such a variety. Or else, a whole lot of us would surely never get the chance to be ever enlightened.

In this respect, I find it most logical that Enlightened Beings would choose to return as Tulkus and Oracles and everything else in between, at anytime they deem most beneficial. It is what they know that we do not know. Hence, they will know what to do and when to do it, and in whatever form that is best.

There are definitely valid reasons for Enlightened Beings to return as such and in those forms. They undoubtedly have a grand plan in mind to serve the current mind sets of all beings, and in bringing about a certain series of beneficial events. It is we who do not have the merits nor foresight to understand what these plans are until they come into fruition. Hence, the best we can do is not to judge but stay open.

So, I do not find it strange that a Tulku can return after 350 years later, or even 500 years later. THEY ARE ENLIGHTENED. They can do anything!

What moves me deeply is their constant care and compassion for us, the samsara prisoners. They never gave up on us. And never will. Hence, I will never give up believing either.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 19, 2010, 05:06:24 PM

Doubt is fine. Criticism added to doubt and sarcasm to bring the point across is not.


What criticism and sarcasm are you referencing?

Don't be shy, Tk, you mentioned some sarcasm, could you please point it out or else refrain from making such statements in future, please?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WoselTenzin on July 19, 2010, 10:38:12 PM
I look forward everyday to the return of the Dharma King. How should we all usher His return?

We usher his return by
1) keeping good samaya with our Guru and Dorje Shugden.
2) be informed about the history, lineage, benefits of Dorje Shugden and his practice so we can explain to people who are not so familiar with this issue.
3) practising harmony with people around us, as always advised by Dorje Shugden.

Dear Wisdom Being,

I really like your answer on how to usher the return of the Great King Dorje Shugden.  It is logical, do-able and perfectly Dharmic.  What a breath of fresh air after all the confrontational remarks flying around.  1 and 3 is what we all should do anyways as Dharma practitioners. 

As for 2, what better way to repay his kindness than to spread his lineage to others so that others can benefit from his practice too.  We should be doing it whether or not his incarnation is back.   The whole purpose of any enlightened being manifesting in our world is so that he can lead beings out of suffering.  Spreading his lineage is synonymous to celebrating his existence and therefore a perfect way of ushering the return of his incarnation, if his incarnation is really back.   Thank you for such an enlightening explanation. 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:19:52 PM

Doubt is fine. Criticism added to doubt and sarcasm to bring the point across is not.


What criticism and sarcasm are you referencing?

Don't be shy, Tk, you mentioned some sarcasm, could you please point it out or else refrain from making such statements in future, please?

Please read your own threads. And see where you were sarcastic and rude. If you feel you weren't then nothing to worry about. And nothing for me to be shy about. Everything is said in the open for everyone to see and examine for themselves.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:21:11 PM
I look forward everyday to the return of the Dharma King. How should we all usher His return?

We usher his return by
1) keeping good samaya with our Guru and Dorje Shugden.
2) be informed about the history, lineage, benefits of Dorje Shugden and his practice so we can explain to people who are not so familiar with this issue.
3) practising harmony with people around us, as always advised by Dorje Shugden.

Dear Wisdom Being,

I really like your answer on how to usher the return of the Great King Dorje Shugden.  It is logical, do-able and perfectly Dharmic.  What a breath of fresh air after all the confrontational remarks flying around.  1 and 3 is what we all should do anyways as Dharma practitioners. 

As for 2, what better way to repay his kindness than to spread his lineage to others so that others can benefit from his practice too.  We should be doing it whether or not his incarnation is back.   The whole purpose of any enlightened being manifesting in our world is so that he can lead beings out of suffering.  Spreading his lineage is synonymous to celebrating his existence and therefore a perfect way of ushering the return of his incarnation, if his incarnation is really back.   Thank you for such an enlightening explanation. 

Wonderful open mind. Wonderful way to remain open and watch what happens in the future. If the sacred Shar Gaden monks can be open and see what will happen, it is good enough for me.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:29:19 PM
I am actually quite underwhelmed. What proof will we get, what if the reincarnation is a fake ?
He could then potentially destroy the lineage from within. I remain cautious.

I am happy with any Lama/Teacher who spreads Je Tsongkhapa's tradition purely but I am
quite suspicious of all these tulkus etc.. Look how many tulkus have disrobed. Yes I don't know their intentions, they might be high bodhisattvas and benefit others, but it would be nice to see some examples of realized being staying in robes too.


listen to the wisdom words of Vajra....

Beware Tulkus and the Tulku system....... Beware Tulkus and the Tulku system.......Beware Tulkus and the Tulku system.......

Geshe Kelsang shows a fine example of this, having absolutely banned the promotion of tulku's within his organization, not to mention Oracles and the rest of the claptrap...

"Banned the promotion of tulku's within the organization and oracles and the REST OF THE CLAPTRAP." Very not nice of you to use such words.  Very rude. Not nice. As I said before, just because Geshe-la doesn't accept in his organization, the rest of us may respect but need not follow. And other organizations around the world may follow what you labelled  'claptrap' but it doesn't mean it is not a fine example.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:30:18 PM
Ha Ha ha!
Thanks goodness our Lord Shugden is finally here to save us! He must be an amazing lama! how kind our gurus are for this new stratagem that will shake the world!!!
Finally there is concrete evidence that all the accusation on Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit is false.

That's right, because someone typing something into an input field IS concrete evidence!

Very sarcastic.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:30:48 PM


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:33:06 PM
I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

Sarcastic. Got more examples, but everyone can read for themselves. How unpleasant to come across this in the forum here, when we have so many against us already and we have be like this with eachother. Om Mani Peme Hung.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 20, 2010, 11:42:50 PM

Why incessantly criticize someone you have never seen. Just because he is a tulku and all tulkus have been bad. I don't think so.

tk you have gotten confused

If they said there's a Tsongkapa incarnation, yes I would be like great, but I would reserve ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PERSON TILL I HAVE CHECKED IT OUT.

to make your points seem less arbitrary, please cite one bad thing I have said about this person.

No matter what efforts I put is not appreciated for the effort and the sincerity alone, then that alone speaks volumes.

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

In any case, it is certainly not me vs. you to see who will win, so try to relax. You usally post very calmly, but now yo8u have almost descended to my level.  ;)

Sorry to say, humbly,


keep it humble tk. love it.

"Ya big baby? or Keep it humble??" I find those unnecessary and sarcastic.
I think that would be enough examples.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 20, 2010, 11:48:57 PM

I don't know who crazy cloud is nor do I know tk, but I do find the comments from crazy cloud sarcastic and rude. It is unnecessary I feel. I am not on anyone's side but let's keep it nice.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 21, 2010, 12:54:52 AM

"Ya big baby? or Keep it humble??" I find those unnecessary and sarcastic.
I think that would be enough examples.


Hi Tk

They may or may not be unnecessary, but those are not examples of sarcasm, those are good natured ribbing. I jokingly called you a big baby because I believed you were being overly sensitive and petulant. I thought light teasing might be ok. I see that I was wrong and  I do apologize if I hurt your feelings. I am still not sure why the people of this forum are SO sensitive and controlling with respect to other peoples speech, but there ya go.

I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

Kate was kind enough to do some research, and based on her findings, i must say that i don;t think that this is sarcastic either. (From Wikipedia, the definition of sarcasm - Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.”  From - In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.)

There is no jibe, no taunt, no ridicule, no mockery, no contempt, no destructive intention.

This is a dry way of saying that I am not surprised. Why should that wound anyone? I think the word you are looking for is irony, not sarcasm.


again this is not an example of sarcasm, this was my expressed belief at the time that this was a hoax. I have no idea why this should hurt anyone's feelings.

So why is it that you cannot interact with me here without getting your feelings hurt? Must you insist on controlling how others speak?

I asked you to back up your comment because I had not said anything sarcastic in the posts you were responding to, so I was surprised. Now I see you are still nursing resentment about things I have said in the past. So even if i do not say something new that is sarcastic, you will keep referring to old things and being hurt by them?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 21, 2010, 05:40:55 PM
Dear CC,

Firstly, let me just say that I do appreciate you taking the time to point out what you do not agree with in my posts. Especially, in my thread about the ban on the search for TDG's reincarnation.

In that thread, you put forth your views very clearly and without any hint of ill intent, rudeness or sacarsm or ironic remarks. And I do appreciate that because it is not an attack on me. At least, I do not perceive it to be. So, I do not feel in any way offended.

However, I cannot say the same of your tone of voice in this thread and others. I shall repost one particular comment which shocked me when I read it. And yes, I was quite taken back with your choice of words. Please read the below. This was posted by you in this particular thread on 12th July :-

I actually do respect everyone on this forum, but I will attack what I see to be miserable views, and I will do so with the means at my disposal. For me, it's fun. I suggest others learn to enjoy it and stop trying to dictate what style of speech one should use. Otherwise, why join a forum for discussing? Get a few people you like and email your agreed upon views back and forth to each other

Now, I hope you will not take an offence for me to tell you this as a friend. Because you do not strike me as someone who do not wish to hear the truth. And you post for TS in News From Shar Gaden shows me that you are indeed a very caring person who is dedicated to the Dharma.

I don't know who you are nor do I know the people here.  But if your tine has affected this many other people and not just one person, then do you not pause to think why? Do you not wish to find out how come a lot of people felt that way too?

So, I hope you take this in the same manner in which I have received your comments in my other thread. This is not an attack. This is just sharing with you in hope you also understand.

May be it is very much valued by the rest in this Forum when you do not attack, and think it is fun to do so, but just forth your views with the intention of finding out the truth or just wanting to develop more understanding.

Again, I sincerely hope you do not take this wrong way, because you have much knowledge and much to share.

I may not always agree with you, but hey, I do respect you as a fellow dharma brother/friend. In fact, your comments have motivated me to search the net much more, find out more and learn up. So, today I can say I do know more because Crazy Cloud kept saying I am not right, but not in a rude way.

Thank you for that indeed. You have a wonderful day now, CC.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 21, 2010, 09:45:15 PM

"Ya big baby? or Keep it humble??" I find those unnecessary and sarcastic.
I think that would be enough examples.


Hi Tk

They may or may not be unnecessary, but those are not examples of sarcasm, those are good natured ribbing. I jokingly called you a big baby because I believed you were being overly sensitive and petulant. I thought light teasing might be ok. I see that I was wrong and  I do apologize if I hurt your feelings. I am still not sure why the people of this forum are SO sensitive and controlling with respect to other peoples speech, but there ya go.

I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

Kate was kind enough to do some research, and based on her findings, i must say that i don;t think that this is sarcastic either. (From Wikipedia, the definition of sarcasm - Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.”  From - In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.)

There is no jibe, no taunt, no ridicule, no mockery, no contempt, no destructive intention.

This is a dry way of saying that I am not surprised. Why should that wound anyone? I think the word you are looking for is irony, not sarcasm.


again this is not an example of sarcasm, this was my expressed belief at the time that this was a hoax. I have no idea why this should hurt anyone's feelings.

So why is it that you cannot interact with me here without getting your feelings hurt? Must you insist on controlling how others speak?

I asked you to back up your comment because I had not said anything sarcastic in the posts you were responding to, so I was surprised. Now I see you are still nursing resentment about things I have said in the past. So even if i do not say something new that is sarcastic, you will keep referring to old things and being hurt by them?

I believe that if we're truly sorry about something, then we don't need to follow on our apology with explanations, justifications and further comments/ opinions about others' reactions to us. It's like saying, "I'm sorry I broke your antique vase but you shouldn't have put it on that table; I was just walking past it and hit it and it fell over; why do you make such a big deal, it's just a vase anyway."

If you're sorry for "hurting TK's feelings" as you say in the first paragraph, then why do you go on and on to question WHY his feelings are hurt and make it out like it is his problem - that he's nursing resentment, that he's controlling how others speak, that people on the forum are sensitive etc etc and then explain and explain.

If you're really sorry for hurting someone's feelings, then isn't it just about that: the fact that someone's feelings are hurt? The very fact that we have to explain, justify and point back at what others are doing "wrong" shows clearly that the apology was not a real apology at all.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Big Uncle on July 21, 2010, 09:51:18 PM

Doubt is fine. Criticism added to doubt and sarcasm to bring the point across is not.


What criticism and sarcasm are you referencing?

Don't be shy, Tk, you mentioned some sarcasm, could you please point it out or else refrain from making such statements in future, please?

Dear Crazy Cloud,

I don't want to take sides on this issue but you ask for the examples of sarcasm and tk oblige your request. He quoted examples of it. Then you say tk is shy and oversensitive about this whole issue... Why do you keep goading him on? I find that rather unnecessary and I think tk has been rather patient about this. Then, you apologise for something... and you turn around and explain yourself again. Wouldn't the forums be a lot nicer place to share news and knowledge of Shugden without all this unnecessary explanations and apologies?

Big Uncle
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: honeydakini on July 21, 2010, 10:03:38 PM
However, I cannot say the same of your tone of voice in this thread and others. I shall repost one particular comment which shocked me when I read it. And yes, I was quite taken back with your choice of words. Please read the below. This was posted by you in this particular thread on 12th July :-

actually do respect everyone on this forum, but I will attack what I see to be miserable views, and I will do so with the means at my disposal. For me, it's fun. I suggest others learn to enjoy it and stop trying to dictate what style of speech one should use. Otherwise, why join a forum for discussing? Get a few people you like and email your agreed upon views back and forth to each other

A reminder too of the forum's rules, short and simple: We promote and value HARMONY. Please do not post anything negative about any lamas, sects, deities or anyone.

I'm sure we all agree that we appreciate having a space to discuss and learn different views. What I certainly don't appreciate is when it becomes "fun" to do for the sake of just arguing or wanting to be right. "Attack what I see to be miserable views"... it's exactly that - WHAT YOU SEE to be miserable views. Whether they are "miserable" or not is besides the point. That's your interpretation and already you are taking a judgmental high ground that no one has the right to here. You are making things personal now; note your choice of words: to attack? I don't believe this is what the forum is about, as is clearly stated above. It's about a healthy debate, gaining understanding (even of the things we don't agree to).

All of us have the right to our points of view; we could even agree to disagree and have completely opposing views. But to start jibing at each other, mocking, being sarcastic or ironic about what someone may hold seriously as their beliefs just doesn't contribute towards a harmonious environment - how can it??

Think about whether a comment for or against a view is actually contributing information, knowledge or education to the topic at hand. Or does the comment just argue for the sake or arguing because:
1) you find it "miserable"
2) you personally aren't convinced of that view / don't like that view
3) it's "fun" to just stir things up

No matter how much we may agree or disagree with someone (or a group of people) on the forum, remember that it's not just the people who post who may read these posts. With the thousands and thousands of people logging onto the website, I am sure a large percentage also visit the forum and read to gain more understanding of the practices and teachings. Don't forget them - how does anything we say add to their knowledge and learning? How does making sarcastic, ironic, jibing little one-liners add to someone's education? Or will it just make them leave with the impression that this is how Buddhists "debate" and put each other down to make a point?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 22, 2010, 03:24:59 AM
Trinley Kalsang,

I've noticed a trend. You like to always 'attack' tk thoughts/writings. You should rejoice in his sharing of knowledge and generosity. If your not attacking, it sure appears so. Either way, you can think about it. I'm not waiting for your reply. Sorry and thanks.


p.s. You may doubt this incarnation's existence but not carry to the  point of excluding all other possibilities. It's not just your way or Tk's way. But leave it open. What else do you wish to say to convince us totally this TDG incarnation doesn't exist? You've said it all already.  :)

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: DSFriend on July 22, 2010, 04:04:26 AM
I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

With the pervasive use of the internet, our first stop is usually google search. But it's not surprising to me that this piece of info could come from outside of the net...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 22, 2010, 09:55:05 AM
I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

With the pervasive use of the internet, our first stop is usually google search. But it's not surprising to me that this piece of info could come from outside of the net...

I would guess the information for this arose from Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen's students or assistants. Or else someone would of written in saying take it off as this is not authorized. I doubt this website would simple post without being sure as this website has no history of this type of action when I read the old threads.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 22, 2010, 06:41:59 PM
Dear CC,

Firstly, let me just say that I do appreciate you taking the time to point out what you do not agree with in my posts. Especially, in my thread about the ban on the search for TDG's reincarnation.

In that thread, you put forth your views very clearly and without any hint of ill intent, rudeness or sacarsm or ironic remarks. And I do appreciate that because it is not an attack on me. At least, I do not perceive it to be. So, I do not feel in any way offended.

However, I cannot say the same of your tone of voice in this thread and others. I shall repost one particular comment which shocked me when I read it. And yes, I was quite taken back with your choice of words. Please read the below. This was posted by you in this particular thread on 12th July :-

I actually do respect everyone on this forum, but I will attack what I see to be miserable views, and I will do so with the means at my disposal. For me, it's fun. I suggest others learn to enjoy it and stop trying to dictate what style of speech one should use. Otherwise, why join a forum for discussing? Get a few people you like and email your agreed upon views back and forth to each other

Now, I hope you will not take an offence for me to tell you this as a friend. Because you do not strike me as someone who do not wish to hear the truth. And you post for TS in News From Shar Gaden shows me that you are indeed a very caring person who is dedicated to the Dharma.

I don't know who you are nor do I know the people here.  But if your tine has affected this many other people and not just one person, then do you not pause to think why? Do you not wish to find out how come a lot of people felt that way too?

So, I hope you take this in the same manner in which I have received your comments in my other thread. This is not an attack. This is just sharing with you in hope you also understand.

May be it is very much valued by the rest in this Forum when you do not attack, and think it is fun to do so, but just forth your views with the intention of finding out the truth or just wanting to develop more understanding.

Again, I sincerely hope you do not take this wrong way, because you have much knowledge and much to share.

I may not always agree with you, but hey, I do respect you as a fellow dharma brother/friend. In fact, your comments have motivated me to search the net much more, find out more and learn up. So, today I can say I do know more because Crazy Cloud kept saying I am not right, but not in a rude way.

Thank you for that indeed. You have a wonderful day now, CC.

Hi St

I appreciate your thoughtful post, and in no way consider it an attack. You seem like a fine person.

In general, I find the thought of being offended by what a completely unknown person writes on the internet to be slightly preposterous.

I have indeed given some thought to why people have reacted the way they have to my tone, and I have concluded that it is because they are living in a fantasy about controlling others' speech. Any good debate always has some rough and ready characters who sometimes go outside the boundaries of what others in the discussion consider to be good taste. Usually, I am much further towards the center in a debate, but I find the overall tone of some of these discussions to be somewhat...limp,  and also too uniform for my taste. So I say my piece.

May be it is very much valued by the rest in this Forum when you do not attack, and think it is fun to do so, but just forth your views with the intention of finding out the truth or just wanting to develop more understanding.

I appreciate your point of view, but you need to understand that often my views are about the views of others, and if I find these views objectionable, I will speak right up. I do consider it a shame that people's feelings are hurt, but I guess y'all need to toughen up a bit, especially as I am not actually attacking anyone (with the exception of Tk, who I called a "big baby." It was meant in the spirit of affectionate fun and teasing, but obviously I misjudged and there was a great deal of hurt expressed. My bad. Again, it is beyond me that this could hurt the feelings of anyone, much less a lojong practitioner of decades of experience...)

So thanks for your comments and keep up the good work.

ps I AM having such a fine day today, the weather is glorious here, and all is well! thanks for your well-wishes!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 22, 2010, 06:43:55 PM

"Ya big baby? or Keep it humble??" I find those unnecessary and sarcastic.
I think that would be enough examples.


Hi Tk

They may or may not be unnecessary, but those are not examples of sarcasm, those are good natured ribbing. I jokingly called you a big baby because I believed you were being overly sensitive and petulant. I thought light teasing might be ok. I see that I was wrong and  I do apologize if I hurt your feelings. I am still not sure why the people of this forum are SO sensitive and controlling with respect to other peoples speech, but there ya go.

I did a quick google search and no where else can this info be found except whatever is extracted from this announcement.

How very surprising.

Kate was kind enough to do some research, and based on her findings, i must say that i don;t think that this is sarcastic either. (From Wikipedia, the definition of sarcasm - Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.”  From - In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.)

There is no jibe, no taunt, no ridicule, no mockery, no contempt, no destructive intention.

This is a dry way of saying that I am not surprised. Why should that wound anyone? I think the word you are looking for is irony, not sarcasm.


again this is not an example of sarcasm, this was my expressed belief at the time that this was a hoax. I have no idea why this should hurt anyone's feelings.

So why is it that you cannot interact with me here without getting your feelings hurt? Must you insist on controlling how others speak?

I asked you to back up your comment because I had not said anything sarcastic in the posts you were responding to, so I was surprised. Now I see you are still nursing resentment about things I have said in the past. So even if i do not say something new that is sarcastic, you will keep referring to old things and being hurt by them?

I believe that if we're truly sorry about something, then we don't need to follow on our apology with explanations, justifications and further comments/ opinions about others' reactions to us. It's like saying, "I'm sorry I broke your antique vase but you shouldn't have put it on that table; I was just walking past it and hit it and it fell over; why do you make such a big deal, it's just a vase anyway."

If you're sorry for "hurting TK's feelings" as you say in the first paragraph, then why do you go on and on to question WHY his feelings are hurt and make it out like it is his problem - that he's nursing resentment, that he's controlling how others speak, that people on the forum are sensitive etc etc and then explain and explain.

If you're really sorry for hurting someone's feelings, then isn't it just about that: the fact that someone's feelings are hurt? The very fact that we have to explain, justify and point back at what others are doing "wrong" shows clearly that the apology was not a real apology at all.

yah all good points.  I unreservedly apologize that I hurt Tk's feelings by calling him a big baby. The rest of the explanation was about the other stuff that I wrote that I do not apologize for!  ;)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 22, 2010, 06:51:20 PM

Doubt is fine. Criticism added to doubt and sarcasm to bring the point across is not.


What criticism and sarcasm are you referencing?

Don't be shy, Tk, you mentioned some sarcasm, could you please point it out or else refrain from making such statements in future, please?

I don't want to take sides on this issue but you ask for the examples of sarcasm and tk oblige your request. He quoted examples of it.

So my point was that he was still saying  I was being sarcastic after I stopped any use of sarcasm. i wanted to have people look and see that the proper name for what I am doing is being ironic, as according to the definition supplied by wisdombeing, sarcasm is intended to would and is derogatory etc.

Then you say tk is shy and oversensitive about this whole issue... Why do you keep goading him on?

I was goading him to reply and that was before he responded after he answered a few other things on the same thread but chose to ingnore my sincer and non-offensively worded question. I believed he was trying to ignore me as others have done, and I was exhorting him to answer. Once he replied, there was no goading, if there ever was.

I find that rather unnecessary and I think tk has been rather patient about this. Then, you apologise for something... and you turn around and explain yourself again. Wouldn't the forums be a lot nicer place to share news and knowledge of Shugden without all this unnecessary explanations and apologies?

see above for my response to honeydakini.
I think the forum would be a much nicer place if people just spoke their minds and took everything with a grain of salt. but hey, I'm sure we all have a different idea about what nice is.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 22, 2010, 07:05:45 PM

A reminder too of the forum's rules, short and simple: We promote and value HARMONY. Please do not post anything negative about any lamas, sects, deities or anyone.

yah I think I never did.....

What I certainly don't appreciate is when it becomes "fun" to do for the sake of just arguing or wanting to be right.

I'm afraid you will just have to deal with that with all the dharma means at your disposal

"Attack what I see to be miserable views"... it's exactly that - WHAT YOU SEE to be miserable views.Whether they are "miserable" or not is besides the point. That's your interpretation...


and already you are taking a judgmental high ground that no one has the right to here.

not at all the case, completely made up assertion. I feel everyone is welcome here.

You are making things personal now; note your choice of words: to attack? I don't believe this is what the forum is about, as is clearly stated above. It's about a healthy debate, gaining understanding (even of the things we don't agree to).

attacking someones view precisely isn't personal. I I do feel I am gaining an increasing understanding of many views  I disagree with here.

All of us have the right to our points of view;

I am sure I couln't agree more

we could even agree to disagree and have completely opposing views. But to start jibing at each other, mocking, being sarcastic or ironic about what someone may hold seriously as their beliefs just doesn't contribute towards a harmonious environment - how can it??

It's just a form of debate. Moreover, as i have stated, I am not mocking anyone personally, just mistaken views. If a view that someone holds seriously as a belief is mocked, they should defend it. If their view is reasonable, they will win thorugh, or at least clarify the situation. If someone has a racist belief, for example, and are insulted by my mocking of that view, what can be done? I don't think respecting their view is the way to go.

Think about whether a comment for or against a view is actually contributing information, knowledge or education to the topic at hand. Or does the comment just argue for the sake or arguing because:
1) you find it "miserable"

rebutting a miserable (read:incorrect and deleterious) view does contribute information, knowledge and education to the topic at hand

2) you personally aren't convinced of that view / don't like that view

I always represent my own views, perhaps they will change in the future.

3) it's "fun" to just stir things up

You have my sincere promise that I do not and will not create havoc here "just for fun." I do not actually find that fun. What I do find enjoyable is refuting view I disagree with, somethimes using various rhetorical devices, including irony. If people get all riled up about it, i don't mind that at all, it makes for a better debate. We should refrain form intentionally hurting others and name calling etc.

No matter how much we may agree or disagree with someone (or a group of people) on the forum, remember that it's not just the people who post who may read these posts. With the thousands and thousands of people logging onto the website, I am sure a large percentage also visit the forum and read to gain more understanding of the practices and teachings. Don't forget them - how does anything we say add to their knowledge and learning?

I hope so, and i am glad that they see a diversity of opinion here.

How does making sarcastic, ironic, jibing little one-liners add to someone's education? Or will it just make them leave with the impression that this is how Buddhists "debate" and put each other down to make a point?

As I have said, I am not putting anyone down. Outside of that, I imagine someone who appreciates a good acerbic style will have their education added to, as well as those who are mature enough to try to understand the content rather than judging the debate by their own personal tastes in debate style.

cheers HD
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 22, 2010, 07:32:11 PM
Dear CC,

Perhaps there may be a lot of people in this Forum from very different upbringing, education and cultural backgrounds also - regardless of having Dharma or not, and being a sincere or mature practitioner or not.

Perhaps might be good to consider that each individual's cultural/educational background and upbringing may see things very differently from the way you do, or I do. And vice versa.

Asians will definitely see things very differently from Westerners. Americans respond very differently from Europeans. Even in Asians, the different ethnic groups will communicate and understand in their own unique way.

I can tell you, living in HK is like being in a huge melting pot of different cultures and what nots. So, it takes a lot of skill and time to learn how to communicate with different people so that misunderstandings do not arise.

In any case, what should matter most is that we want to strive for a deeper and richer understanding of the subject matter at hand. I am sure you'd like others to understand your point of views too, and not just think they are coming down hard on you or vice versa.

I, myself, have offended some people in here before such as A Friend. But I did sincerely apologise. And I do mean it. I learn a great deal from there too. And yes, I adjust myself. But I do not consider that a bad thing. It's a work-in-progress for higher understanding.

So, we all have to learn/modify/improve as we also do in real life - ie outside of this Forum.

Otherwise, how would we achieve harmony, peace and friendship in the real sense?

Anyways, this is really just a personal sharing. You may not agree and it is not designed for convincing you either.
Something tells me you are one of those who will decide for himself and hates people pushing him around to a certain way of thinking.

I am glad to know that you are having a glorious day. Enjoy.

Here's to harmony and friendship. May they always endure and rise above every pettiness and misunderstandings.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: crazycloud on July 22, 2010, 07:56:42 PM
Dear CC,

Perhaps there may be a lot of people in this Forum from very different upbringing, education and cultural backgrounds also - regardless of having Dharma or not, and being a sincere or mature practitioner or not.

Perhaps might be good to consider that each individual's cultural/educational background and upbringing may see things very differently from the way you do, or I do. And vice versa.

Asians will definitely see things very differently from Westerners. Americans respond very differently from Europeans. Even in Asians, the different ethnic groups will communicate and understand in their own unique way.

I can tell you, living in HK is like being in a huge melting pot of different cultures and what nots. So, it takes a lot of skill and time to learn how to communicate with different people so that misunderstandings do not arise.

In any case, what should matter most is that we want to strive for a deeper and richer understanding of the subject matter at hand. I am sure you'd like others to understand your point of views too, and not just think they are coming down hard on you or vice versa.

I, myself, have offended some people in here before such as A Friend. But I did sincerely apologise. And I do mean it. I learn a great deal from there too. And yes, I adjust myself. But I do not consider that a bad thing. It's a work-in-progress for higher understanding.

So, we all have to learn/modify/improve as we also do in real life - ie outside of this Forum.

Otherwise, how would we achieve harmony, peace and friendship in the real sense?

Anyways, this is really just a personal sharing. You may not agree and it is not designed for convincing you either.
Something tells me you are one of those who will decide for himself and hates people pushing him around to a certain way of thinking.

I am glad to know that you are having a glorious day. Enjoy.

Here's to harmony and friendship. May they always endure and rise above every pettiness and misunderstandings.

great stuff, so true.

I do appreciate your "sharing" and am glad you have no interest in convincing me, it really comes across. Of course as a result, it has a greater effect on my mind, pacifying me like music soothes a wild beast.

As to my character, I am mercurial and change a great deal depending on circumstances. I will allow myself to be pushed around if I think it serves the greater good, but you are right, i will always decide for myself.

 I do notice a great deal of misunderstandings of my posts, so perhaps I will modify in future, who knows?

This all kicked off with what I perceived to be unreserved praise and an uncritcal rush to align with what is essentially a rumor, the return of TDG. (please not- I am not at all criticizing optimism or any lama or person, I am criticisng, as others have done, the willingness to support someone we know nothing about.)  I will always be critical of such reactions, although I believe fully in the validity of oracles and Tulkus. Have you noticed that no matter how many times this is said, and despite the fact that I have never, not once claimed the opposite, that people are still using their best reasoning to show that Tulkus and Oracles ARE valid? I must confess, it does sharpen my tongue...

This said, I have the deepest wish for the happiness and great success of everyone on this forum, whoever you may be. Just don't predicate that happiness on hoping I turn into Mr. Sunshine in the face of what I consider to be manipulative nonsense, and you will have a happier day than otherwise.

cheers all
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: LosangKhyentse on July 23, 2010, 10:31:39 AM
great stuff, so true.

I do appreciate your "sharing" and am glad you have no interest in convincing me, it really comes across. Of course as a result, it has a greater effect on my mind, pacifying me like music soothes a wild beast.

As to my character, I am mercurial and change a great deal depending on circumstances. I will allow myself to be pushed around if I think it serves the greater good, but you are right, i will always decide for myself.

 I do notice a great deal of misunderstandings of my posts, so perhaps I will modify in future, who knows?

cheers all

It's nice to have the real crazy cloud appear. Your posts did create misunderstanding as words on a screen are very one-sided without seeing the person actually express them.

Thank you for this post.

It is nice to get to just sharing on the forum and learning from eachother even if we have different views and approaches.   We still share the same Dharmaphala. We should unite to clear his practice. We have different reasons for his practice and we have different lamas with different views that overflow to our thinking-and that is ok. It's ok if some believe in oracles, tulkus and Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation or don't. We can express our opinions of how we feel without the need to exclude any other possibilities. But what is important is many others BESIDES US read this forum and we must be responsible for the information, tone, and method we impart. Words on the screen can be misread easily-you are right.

It's nice to combine our efforts and write here consistently and with great knowledge so that the hundreds of guest readers (much more than the actual forum participants) will go away understanding Dorje Shugden and what is happening for the better after visiting us. Please join us in doing so continuously.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 23, 2010, 10:18:21 PM
TK, I cannot agree with you more! So eloquently written. You always write very well and have so much to share.

I do value fellow Dharma Friends like you who exemplify through your speech and actions.

You truly walk the talk.

Thank you and have a beautiful weekend!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 23, 2010, 10:22:35 PM
Dear CC,

THANK YOU for your sharing and post.

Please do always keep your mind sharp but a little gentleness on your tongue would also soothe the wild beasts within all our minds too.

You have a great weekend now.


great stuff, so true.

I do appreciate your "sharing" and am glad you have no interest in convincing me, it really comes across. Of course as a result, it has a greater effect on my mind, pacifying me like music soothes a wild beast.

As to my character, I am mercurial and change a great deal depending on circumstances. I will allow myself to be pushed around if I think it serves the greater good, but you are right, i will always decide for myself.

 I do notice a great deal of misunderstandings of my posts, so perhaps I will modify in future, who knows?

This all kicked off with what I perceived to be unreserved praise and an uncritcal rush to align with what is essentially a rumor, the return of TDG. (please not- I am not at all criticizing optimism or any lama or person, I am criticisng, as others have done, the willingness to support someone we know nothing about.)  I will always be critical of such reactions, although I believe fully in the validity of oracles and Tulkus. Have you noticed that no matter how many times this is said, and despite the fact that I have never, not once claimed the opposite, that people are still using their best reasoning to show that Tulkus and Oracles ARE valid? I must confess, it does sharpen my tongue...

This said, I have the deepest wish for the happiness and great success of everyone on this forum, whoever you may be. Just don't predicate that happiness on hoping I turn into Mr. Sunshine in the face of what I consider to be manipulative nonsense, and you will have a happier day than otherwise.

cheers all
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on July 25, 2010, 03:59:01 PM
Dorje Shugden and Saint George – Brothers in Arms

Some time ago I was attending teachings at a Dharma center. During a break I joined a group of visitors who were being shown round. One of them expressed surprise at the figure of a Tibetan Buddha who was holding a sword and riding a fierce looking Himalayan snow lion. She wanted to know why, if Buddhism was a religion of peace and gentleness, this Buddha was armed.

The guide explained that the Buddha was Dorje Shugden, who was the Dharma Protector of the center. A Dharma Protector has the function of spiritual guidance and protection of those who follow a particular Buddhist path. The sword was symbolic and was used to cut through the bonds of ignorance and attachment which bind us to Samsara. It was certainly not for injuring sentient beings.

This explanation of the role of Dorje Shugden (also spelled Dorje Shugdan) very much reminded me of the concept of a Patron Saint in Christianity, and in particular of Saint George, who is also depicted as an armed knight.

Saint George is usually shown in combat with a dragon, which he is attempting to slay using a sword, or sometimes when depicted on horseback he has a lance.

Of course the dragon also is not a sentient being. Terrestrial reptiles of that size (let alone fire-breathing ones!) have not existed during human history, so they can’t be some sort of folk memory of dinosaurs – though I suppose it is possible that dinosaur fossils may have been unearthed in ancient times and given rise to legends of dragons.

But, as Brian Bates points out in The Real Middle Earth [1], to ancient peoples dragons had an allegorical and symbolic significance. The typical dragon would gather and guard a hoard of treasure, and fly into fiery and destructive anger if any of the treasure were removed. And yet the dragon could not spend any of its wealth. Tolkien’s Smaug in The Hobbit has many precedents in ancient folklore.

So the symbol of the dragon represents the two useless and destructive delusions of attachment and anger, which Saint George is attempting to destroy.

The historical Saint George was a native of Cappadocia and was martyred for his beliefs in 303 AD by the emperor Diocletian. Thus the legend of St George dates from the earliest period of Christianity, when it was still close to its Buddhist roots [2].

Saint George is the Patron Saint of several countries and cities, and is often regarded, like some of the Arthurian knights, as a symbol of Christian chivalry.

As with Saint George, the historical Dorje Shugden also suffered martyrdom for speaking his mind. According to Donald Lopez Jr.[3] he was a learned and virtuous monk of the seventeenth century. He was also an expert debater, but one day his debating skills annoyed the establishment and he was found dead soon after with a ceremonial scarf stuffed down his throat.

Following his death, Dorje Shudgen was adopted as the protector of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. In common with St. George, he has a chivalrous aspect, his forceful functions being to ‘dispel false accusations against the innocent’ and to act as the ‘protector of the protectorless’ [4] .

So we can perhaps think of the two supramundane knights – one Buddhist, the other Christian – as brothers-in-arms in the bloodless war against delusions.

Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed
‘Gainst the dragons of anger, the ogres of greed;
And let me set free, with the sword of my youth,
From the castle of darkness, the power of the truth.



[1] The Real Middle Earth by Brian Bates, published Sidgwick and Jackson 2002. ISBN 0 283 07353 5

[2] Key dates for the politically inspired removal of the Buddhist teachings from Christianity are -

In the East, the Second Council of Constantinople 553 AD.
In the West, the Synod of Whitby in 664.
The process was completed with the Papal extermination of the Cathars (Albigensians) in the 13th century.
[3] ‘Two Sides of the same God’ by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. in Tricycle, Vol VII, No 3 Spring 1998, pp 67 to 69.

[4] ‘Heart Jewel’ by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, second edition published Tharpa 1997 ISBN 0 948006 56 0 p.119.

This is great stuff! Thank you for posting this.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 25, 2010, 05:45:05 PM

Perhaps there may be a lot of people in this Forum from very different upbringing, education and cultural backgrounds also - regardless of having Dharma or not, and being a sincere or mature practitioner or not.

Perhaps might be good to consider that each individual's cultural/educational background and upbringing may see things very differently from the way you do, or I do. And vice versa.

Asians will definitely see things very differently from Westerners. Americans respond very differently from Europeans. Even in Asians, the different ethnic groups will communicate and understand in their own unique way.

I can tell you, living in HK is like being in a huge melting pot of different cultures and what nots. So, it takes a lot of skill and time to learn how to communicate with different people so that misunderstandings do not arise.

In any case, what should matter most is that we want to strive for a deeper and richer understanding of the subject matter at hand. I am sure you'd like others to understand your point of views too, and not just think they are coming down hard on you or vice versa.

I, myself, have offended some people in here before such as A Friend. But I did sincerely apologise. And I do mean it. I learn a great deal from there too. And yes, I adjust myself. But I do not consider that a bad thing. It's a work-in-progress for higher understanding.

So, we all have to learn/modify/improve as we also do in real life - ie outside of this Forum.

Otherwise, how would we achieve harmony, peace and friendship in the real sense?

Anyways, this is really just a personal sharing. You may not agree and it is not designed for convincing you either.
Something tells me you are one of those who will decide for himself and hates people pushing him around to a certain way of thinking.

I am glad to know that you are having a glorious day. Enjoy.

Here's to harmony and friendship. May they always endure and rise above every pettiness and misunderstandings.

What a wonderful and forgiving way of looking at things. You must really take your Lam Rim studies seriously. You must really try to live from Lam Rim. Your posts reflect that.

I enjoy your posts.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 25, 2010, 08:13:17 PM
" But some who are narrow minded, not understanding this point, consider this Dharmapala to be like an ordinary worldly being and, with supposed faith in the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, disparage him; or else they indeed admire this great Dharmapala but criticize the Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama. Using either one as a reason not to admire the other and speaking badly about either in any way is the conduct of an ordinary being who, under the influence of attachment and hatred, just tries to help friends and hurt enemies; it obscures the increase of these great holy Aryas' deeds and creates the karmic cause to experience unbearable suffering in the future."

- Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's advice in Music Delighting The Ocean Of Protectors:, 1967
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 25, 2010, 10:43:13 PM
I remember something my Teacher said to me a while back, but I didn't understand it then. Perhaps, now it is starting to sink in - He said that Dharma does not just revolve around liking the things we like, doing the things we enjoy and only accepting and liking the people we like. It is easy and even natural for us to like the people we like, do the things we enjoy but it is hard to do all that for the people we do not like, the things we do not enjoy. Especially more when it concerns the people who have harmed us or hurt us in any way. But this is when we will practice the Dharma we have learnt even more. And our practice will reflect how well we can do the things we hate, be nice to the people who do not like and continue not to feel any negativity towards them.

Come to think of it, my teacher was always stressing about not giving up on anything or anyone. He said, if we give up so easily, then we do not need the Dharma for that - we already do so well in our normal everyday lives.

When there is no so much darkness, confusion and negative feelings - I do not think people would need more darkness, more ugly words, and hatred to add to the already very painful situation. That would not help at all. In fact, people would need more light, in order to see clearly and better. They would welcome more clarity presented in a manner that does not disparage anyone, and more positive vibes to lift the already very gloomy state.

We do not need to add fuel to a burning house. We need more water to save the house and especially, the lives trapped inside the house.

So, is this Forum becoming a burning house - where people just come in with their superior knowledge and add fuel to the fire? Or come in with superior knowledge and save others from the fire with loving kindness?

I'd like to think that more than anything else, a true, mature practitioner shows their level of Dharma practice by SINCERELY CARING ABOUT the others' needs more than your own.

In the case of the Forum, those with superior knowledge should sincerely care more about the readers' needs. And that could be just about anyone reading this wesbite/ forum.

After all, all our teachers have sincerely cared to help us and go all the way with helping despite what we are or who we are. Why can't we do the same for others? 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 25, 2010, 11:34:16 PM
" But some who are narrow minded, not understanding this point, consider this Dharmapala to be like an ordinary worldly being and, with supposed faith in the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, disparage him; or else they indeed admire this great Dharmapala but criticize the Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama. Using either one as a reason not to admire the other and speaking badly about either in any way is the conduct of an ordinary being who, under the influence of attachment and hatred, just tries to help friends and hurt enemies; it obscures the increase of these great holy Aryas' deeds and creates the karmic cause to experience unbearable suffering in the future."

 Maybe Mr. Gyatso should read this, as he taught me how to hate!
1968/hate the Chinese/1977/Really Hate the Chinese/1989/hate the Chinese/1999/Hate the Chinese/2009/Olympic Hate The Chinese!
That's been the message since I cannot remember when
Hear Me Lone Hermit?
If you  mock me again
I will shout in your ears
"Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed
‘Gainst the dragons of anger, the ogres of greed;
And let me set free, with the sword of my youth,
From the castle of darkness, the power of the truth."
Hear me?
Good Teachers make Good Students!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 12:09:07 AM
How many Western Mahayanna Buddhist do you think were there in 1966?
Some to none! I know, I was there.
How many Anti War Protestors were there in 1966?
Some to none. It grew quickly once the truth was out!
I remember a Buddhist Monk in Viet Nam sitting in a fire he had set to Protest the Insansity of War, that was 1965. I was overwhelmed that someone could self ignite and never budge an inch from his Lotus while the fire consumned his body.
. What Power! What Conviction of Self
How many People even knew who Dl was before he received his Nobel Prize?
Who do you think arranged Dl's first formal visit to the West?
Gonsar Tulku and Geshe Rabten and Ganchen Rinpoches with Geshe Helmut did with open and happy hearts.
They arranged his invitations to meet heads of State. His Security,Everything.Drove his car, translated for him.

Dorje Shugden Lamas and Monks,Lay People Acted as Plymouth rock for Mahayanna Buddhism Entering the West.

Back when you could sit with the Dalia lama all day long.
No fear, all of us were his security
Not that he really needed it in those days
What happened to those days Lone Hermit?
Would you have any idea or were you still attending primary school or even here? .

Millions might change their minds, if he does 'not' first recant and ask forgiveness.
That we can do.
 That we have offered with folded hands millions of times ,all go unheeded until our knees made me get up and say.I am Mad as Hell and I am not Going to Take this Anymore!
 One simple little kind reply to one of his Earlier Benefactors.
Just to discuss it like Brothers.
They had little resources in 1977, little recognition. Just some harmless cute little men.I donated a 115 acres in 1979 to preserve the Culture of Tibet to the Dalia Lama,actually it was 1977 in Indiana. a hubbub of Tibetan Buddhism.
With Geshe Rabten guided by Kyabje Trijang, Zong Rinpoche, Pabonkaba Rinpoche,Ling Rinpoche.
All guided and supported as well by the man who stayed behind .in Lhasa to collect art and relic spending ten years in prison to begin the Tibet House in New Delhi, Domo Geshe Rinpoche
All acting in concert as One
One could safely go to anyone.
All Devoted to Shri Dorje Shugden and the Preservation of the Teachings of Je T'Song Khapa transmittted as Purely as the day Lord  Buddha first spoke them.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 12:18:35 AM
"As Gelugpas we pride ourselves on logic and reasoned argument not meaningless babble. Posts like this make us look ridiculous. lone hermit"
Now Lone Hermit,
What did You have to say, in depth about My post Making You look Ridiculous?
Do you actually have anything to say?
Or are you as you appear?
Someone who does not know,
but says something anyway?

Courageously Yours
Protectors Champion
Lhakpa Gyaltshen
As you like, I am not afraid to say who I am!
Thomas David Canada
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 01:48:08 AM
Nothing to say Lone Hermit?
Well let me say this to you and all the readers who happen to come across our little world
I gave up on Debate about this issue a Long,long time ago
I only strive to say the say One Thing, as many different ways I can dream of.
While I listen to indignation from whomever people like you are.
Caught in a Web of Deception Designed to Confuse and Make One Believe this Is the One
If Mr. Gyatso were the One,
We would not be having this discussion.
If you want debate and logic?
Join the Monks in Tushita Heaven
There is Nothing Logical or Justifiable about the Dalia Lama's Activities.
That I have read that is supported in the Kanjur or Tanjur
There is nothing in either Holy Books to Justify his Actions
Play the Snob, lonely hermit!
Makes no never mind to me.
Mock me again and you'll see what I mean.
In fact you have forgotten the intent of this site.
Meaningful stories about how the Protector has helped you out.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 26, 2010, 03:32:40 PM
Dear TC,

This is not meant to offend, but has been my observation from reading all your comments.

I really feel very sad that you have so much anger in you. With so much anger, I do not know how the light of Dharma can even enter your heart. But I cannot imagine if you have no Dharma at all.

Your words show a lot of anger and hatred. I sincerely hope that you are feeling better.

May the Protector truly keep you safe and help you to destroy the fire that has been eating in you. It seems to pain and trouble you most of all.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 06:52:31 PM
Not to worry Sweetheart. I Defend the Lineage of My Masters and Lone Hermit seems to enjoy jumping on my case as disturbed also. I am doing exactly as My Masters instructed 15 years ago. Maybe after another decade you to will understand the depth of this schism goes way back in our sense of time.
If people like thaimonk and lonely hermit want to post cannon copiers on the guestbook and atttempt to undermine the people who understand very well the issues and beast we confront on the plains of Samsara.?Then they will receive the result of their actions.
I am not angry, this is my way, Sweet and Sour! Everyone is different. I live in the West and here we do not take rattllesnakes as pets. Here, we have all the room in the world to say Hello rather than run past throngs of people ignornig one another. Here in the Big Sky Country.Here, we will build the New Monastery of the Protector,Vajra Vega Wana!
I can see for miles and miles!.
If I sounds nasty and angry. Well the Dalia Lama brother taught me how to behave over 30 years . Just like dl, belligerent.
Thanks for the Good thoughts.
One day we will forget all of this, but for now, I have thrown the gauntlet down,Protectors Champion!
When this duty is complete, you will find a fairly sweet person on this side Praising the Buddhas
As you said, this is new to you, wait awhile and you will find that I am others are not the problem here.
The Dalia Lama is the problem.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: beggar on July 26, 2010, 07:01:39 PM
It sure has taken me a long time to get through these discussions but it’s good to see the forum is as passionate as it was back in the day! Quite a different kind of discussion that what it used to be, but hey things shift and it’s good to be challenged – it is encouraging to see how the forum has grown to include many voices even if they may all seem to be pitched against each other.

As to the news – well I don’t know what to make of it because I don’t have that great wisdom to perceive it at that big level yet, but I do agree with the view that we keep an open mind.

It is much more helpful for me to believe that it is true than to question its validity.

If it’s not real – then we return to exactly what we are doing now and there is no loss, although why someone would make something like this up sure beats me, especially not on this website which has taken such pains to build itself up through these many years. (why would it sabotage itself by posting up something they weren’t very sure of).

If it IS real – then, there is much to rejoice in and so much hope for so many people. Anything is possible with an enlightened mind, as we all probably know from being among our own teachers!

Keep it hopeful my friends and in the meantime, keep the debate but keep it friendly. Learning is always good.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 26, 2010, 09:09:39 PM
Not to worry Sweetheart. I Defend the Lineage of My Masters and Lone Hermit seems to enjoy jumping on my case as disturbed also. I am doing exactly as My Masters instructed 15 years ago. Maybe after another decade you to will understand the depth of this schism goes way back in our sense of time.

Hi Thom,

Most of the personalities here are just online virtual person creations just like on Facebook, to create the illusion that interesting, ordinary people are talking about Dorje Shugden, etc.  Don't let the puppet master pull your strings.  I don't see how having an honest discussion is an any way possible or worthwhile trying.

Hundreds of people read this forum. What is written can benefit them.

If what you say is true, why are you still here? Why do you insist to get your point across again and again. If this forum is all virtual persons what does that make you? Stop putting this forum and people in it down.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 09:19:59 PM
Well TM, Why do you not stop being a digital person and step out into the real world instead of picking fight with NKT.
Why do you think Lh can sling spittle and not get a response. Silly is as silly does and your agenda to pick fights is going to get equal return. Comprende?
Maybe you should stop stealing Tsem Rinpoche's ID, Thaimonk\!
Is this your site? if so, tell me to go or ban me otherwise mind your own business in Malaysia and leave me alone.
Do you understand this much tm/lone hermit or whomever you pretend to be?
I said I would say the same thing over and over again until the Dalia Lama recants. So I am practicing my Dharma as best that I can. If you want something else, just say who you are what you want. If you want to convince people the Dalia Lams is their friend and not as he acts  now to Shugden, then I will fight you until doomsday. Can you understand that or have you become a narcisstic person as well with fanwing devotees?
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 09:52:39 PM
"As Gelugpas we pride ourselves on logic and reasoned argument not meaningless babble. Posts like this make us look ridiculous. lone hermit"
Now Lone Hermit,
What did You have to say, in depth about My post Making You look Ridiculous?
Do you actually have anything to say?
Or are you as you appear?
Someone who does not know,
but says something anyway?

Courageously Yours
Protectors Champion
Lhakpa Gyaltshen
As you like, I am not afraid to say who I am!
Thomas David Canada
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 09:58:46 PM
This is from friends on the guestbook. Look familiar tm?

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Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 10:03:27 PM
I'll give it a day then delete my account as it is obvious there is something fishy going on the site. Some people with agendas are creating a coup over Dorje Shugden.
That way you can hustle people to think something that is not true about Dorje Shugden and the Dalia Lama are working together is false.
But since this is your site. I'll bow out from lack of interest in supporting a dharma drama with liars and people like you.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Lone Hermit on July 26, 2010, 10:40:08 PM
I'll give it a day then delete my account as it is obvious there is something fishy going on the site. Some people with agendas are creating a coup over Dorje Shugden.
That way you can hustle people to think something that is not true about Dorje Shugden and the Dalia Lama are working together is false.
But since this is your site. I'll bow out from lack of interest in supporting a dharma drama with liars and people like you.

All your accounts:

Protectors Champion
Lhakpa Gyaltshen

or just this one?
Title: Q
Post by: Thomas David Canada on July 26, 2010, 10:44:10 PM
I changed my mind little worm,I'd rather stay here and nail you for your stupidity.
I see you did not answer my statements.
As you have nothing to say as English is your second language.
I'll just tell you to shut up and mind your own business.
Whatever hole you crawled out of you are not a Practrioner of Dorje Shugden
I think you are just a pain in the ass,\Quote that as you have nothing to say
Oh I forgot, I'll list your alternative webs sites., Is it humid in the Southeast?
Title: Re: Q
Post by: Mana on July 26, 2010, 11:16:01 PM
I changed my mind little worm,I'd rather stay here and nail you for your stupidity.
I see you did not answer my statements.
As you have nothing to say as English is your second language.
I'll just tell you to shut up and mind your own business.
Whatever hole you crawled out of you are not a Practrioner of Dorje Shugden
I think you are just a pain in the ass,\Quote that as you have nothing to say
Oh I forgot, I'll list your alternative webs sites., Is it humid in the Southeast?
Dear Tc,

You have been warned  regarding your slanderous talk and rudeness. Your accusations educate no one and you provide no information that leads to any knowledge. Your posts for years are negative, angry words against the Dalai Lama.

We ask you to please not be on this website any further. We are sorry for this. But this website will not tolerate any more slander, harsh words and accusations from you. We wish you to make peace with yourself and the world around you.


Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mana on July 27, 2010, 03:17:29 AM
I'll give it a day then delete my account as it is obvious there is something fishy going on the site. Some people with agendas are creating a coup over Dorje Shugden.
That way you can hustle people to think something that is not true about Dorje Shugden and the Dalia Lama are working together is false.
But since this is your site. I'll bow out from lack of interest in supporting a dharma drama with liars and people like you.

Liars? Agendas? Coup? Hustle? So unnecessary and certainly not acceptable on this forum. Apologies.

Everyone on this forum must refrain from rude/abusive/insulting/accusational language and Lama slandering including His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We are here to have friendly discussions and debates and will not further entertain the contrary. Please follow Buddhist ethics of conduct on this forum at all times.

We thank you ahead of time.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Phra Phrom on July 27, 2010, 04:51:46 PM
The fact that Dorje Shugden is still alive and living among us now is a very good news to all Shugdenpas, especially myself! Why can't we just celebrate this good news joyfully, instead of passing hateful comments which is totally unnecessary and not really fitting to this joyful occasion. If He were to be reading all these post right now, I really wonder what He would think.
Title: Re: Q
Post by: honeydakini on July 27, 2010, 06:27:08 PM
Quote from: Thomas David Canada link=topic=820.msg9753#msg9753 dat
Whatever hole you crawled out of you are not a Practrioner of Dorje Shugden

And, by the way you are speaking, neither are you, I'm sad to see.

I changed my mind little worm,I'd rather stay here and nail you for your stupidity.
I'll just tell you to shut up and mind your own business.
Whatever hole you crawled out of you are not a Practrioner of Dorje Shugden
I think you are just a pain in the ass,\Quote that as you have nothing to say

These postings are extremely disturbing to me, even as someone who has been on the forum for near half a year now – what more a completely new person who may have just logged on today?

To say this one line reflects everything about the very person who is saying this. Do you think using this kind of language, talking in this way says very much about YOURSELF as a practitioner?

I’m so saddened and disheartened today. I respected Thomas Canada very much for his great passion, tenacity and for holding on strongly to his beliefs. But talking in this way to others is just not inspiring at all. It makes me sad to think that a DS practitioner can react in this way. I lose respect for him a little today by all these nasty posts.

When we come across situations or people we dislike, views we disagree with, then shouldn’t we be even more patient, more tolerant, more tenacious, find more skilful methods to put our point across? To simply blow up like this doesn’t say much at all about how far you have come in your practice.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 27, 2010, 06:56:09 PM
Let's end this thread and start a  fresh discussion, if at all, because it has really derailed from the original post.

I would really like to read something of value and learn something meaningful, please.

Thank you.

Btw, I am a real person.
Title: Re: Q
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 27, 2010, 10:11:33 PM
...To say this one line reflects everything about the very person who is saying this. Do you think using this kind of language, talking in this way says very much about YOURSELF as a practitioner?

I’m so saddened and disheartened today. I respected Thomas Canada very much for his great passion, tenacity and for holding on strongly to his beliefs. But talking in this way to others is just not inspiring at all. It makes me sad to think that a DS practitioner can react in this way. I lose respect for him a little today by all these nasty posts.

When we come across situations or people we dislike, views we disagree with, then shouldn’t we be even more patient, more tolerant, more tenacious, find more skilful methods to put our point across? To simply blow up like this doesn’t say much at all about how far you have come in your practice.

Dear HD,

(and especially, dear Thomas DC, please do not mind if I talk a little beside here...)

So, HD, and whoever is reading, if you would just know the whole story, you would perhaps feel different. I mean, you said that you have been "in this thing" for a half a year, but if you would have been "here" for, let us say, for a decade or more, you might know the case of This Certain Man, who gave his life and his wealth, for the Lineage of Je Tsongkhapa, but who nevertheless got kicked out by the brother of the Dalai Lama from the very Centre he had donated simply because he maintained his Protector practice given to him by his Lama, and who has got constant ostracism and been targeted in very unethical, but ah, so wonderfully mysterious Tibetan ways, ever since, by those who follow the Ever Holy Dalai Lama, you might, perhaps, understand why somebody is sometimes in a bit non-peaceful state.

It is not respect, in a big or lessened way, that you should feel. But compassion. The Ban is not a joke, or a part of any "big picture", or just something floating in an universe of ideations. It is real, and it has it's victims, who are real persons. He is one.

The Ban is evil, the source of that Ban is likewise, and so are those who uphold it.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thaimonk on July 28, 2010, 12:38:43 AM
Whatever happened has happened. Get over it with pure dharma. Remembering over and over what someone did to you will not help you now, at death or your future lives. Having so much anger will only take you and not the object of your anger to the three lower realms. Daily anger, virulent words, derogatory remarks about the object that has wronged you doesn't help your peace of mind, practice nor does it inspire anyone else. Once or twice ok, but on and on month after month and year after year with not much else to add, is very damaging for the mind. LET IT GO.

Buddha taught compassion and forgiveness and not hanging on.

The ban is horrible. The ban is damaging and the ban exists so just do something more than just bash Dalai Lama. Create situations where we counter the ban not just with words on a forum.

Donate to the cause. Create awareness of Dorje Shugden. Give your life, commitments and energy towards dorje shugden's cause fully.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Zhalmed Pawo on July 28, 2010, 01:56:41 AM
Hey Thaimonk,

I do agree with your sentiment, and vision, it is very dharmic... but but... Maybe you have never been really hurt by a Lama?!

But yes, why not, as you suggested? Thomas gave his life and wealth for Gelukpa Lamas already, some decades ago, but, oh dear, only to be kicked out, for having the bad luck of doing it for Shugdenpa Lamas (towards whom he had already pledged his life and all) by Dalai Lama and his henchmen.

Which begs the question: Why should anyone donate anything, time or money, to anyone, especially Lamas, as they turn around and kick you out, as soon as the dalai'ite wind changes it's course. Really? When Thomas gave everything, the Dalai was not opposed to Shugden, but alas, later everything changed, and now Thomas was the bad guy. The wind-flapper, or should I say random-flapper, from Dharamsala, truly works in mysterious ways, if he works at that department at all...

PS: You need not to worry about the three lower realms, for there was this one time when the DL himself said that he shall take the karmic consequences of this Shugden-brouhaha.

PPS: ...which of course is against the Buddhist teachings of karma, and therefore He is either a liar or an ignoramus, meaning that He is nothing special, in a Buddhist sense. Just a man with a big title.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on July 28, 2010, 07:21:16 AM
Dear ZP ( and anyone reading),

As your post addressed both HD and everyone reading, I have taken the liberty to reply.

Firstly, THANK YOU - for taking the time to explain and offer to shed some light. Truly appreciate it. Especially on the other threads about Lucy and GKG. Your information has been helpful in assisting others to understand more. At the same time, you maintained that you could be wrong. So, that is very useful to anyone new reading in order for them not to take your words as FACTS. More than anything else, it encourages the readers to think for themselves. So, I truly appreciate that.

I think it is clear to see how the threads have moved and how the tone of discussion has also changed in these threads. we only need to read the previous posts to see how it all came about. In any case, as you would recall, I did express how much anger has been eating inside TC and that he is not in a peaceful state at all.

Hence, in this respect, I would like to point out that his anger pains him the most and bothers him the most because the mere mention of HHDL in a positive way or anyone who seemingly does not hold the same feelings as him towards HHDL would be deemed as un-informed, or insincere practitioners, or traitors, or fakes and even digital avatars or what not. Again, this is what comes across to me as a reader. I dare say that I am not the only one which is why I think there were so many posts pleading for some calmness and civility from all.

As you seem to have more detailed information about TC, I assume you must be friends or have known him much longer than me, for sure. For you to speak up in defence of your friend is a good thing, and you have done so without those angry/ugly words. So, that does help a great deal.

Now, I may not have been betrayed or lied to by a Lama, but that does not mean that I or anyone else have experience betrayal and lies from others. If I could, I would say that it matters not the title or person doing the betrayal, but the fact that you have been victimized and hurt. In some instances, it could be a lot worse than a lama - it could be your own best friend, sibling, spouse, etc.

Here, I am not trying to justify who is hurt more or less. What I am trying to say is that we have all been hurt before. But the way we deal with our hurt, injuries, pain and suffering is what separates us from the state of "hanging on" to "moving on".

For most, I would think that it is precisely why we study the Dharma in the first place. It is more than just an academic or scholarly pursuit - it is to heal ourselves. Once we heal ourselves, we can go on to heal others.

So, I would say that the Dharma teaches us to deal with all our pain and suffering. It is precisely why we committed ourselves to the Three Jewels. And I believe (though I could be wrong) that this is what Thai Monk as trying to say although his language may not come across as 'compassionately' as you might like or what TC might like.

In any case, some of TC's own language may not be at all what other readers might like as well. And mine included. It is much harder to convey concern and care in here when we can't see the faces of the people we are communicating with. Sometimes an innocent little tease might be misunderstood completely. So, yes, it takes a lot more skill to communicate in here.

Personally, I was more concerned with the fact that TC had so much anger in him and that anger may blind him against others who do not share his views and feelings about certain subjects.

I was more concerned about how he is really feeling actually. Because after we log off here, we can go to sleep and we go on with our daily lives, but I would not know if TC is still brewing.

We study the Dharma to end suffering and not to cause more suffering, nor do we want to see more suffering. I think that is very clear to all of us here. Sadly, some of us have suffered more than others in our desire to hold onto our DS practice. Yes, that is very very sad indeed. But I do not for a minute think that anyone does not care about it or thinks it is a joke. Otherwise, we would not be here.

How would you know that anyone else have not suffered at all or are not contributing in any way or form, at their own discretion and in their own way? Just because they are not publicising it here or anywhere does not mean that they are not doing anything. For all you know, some people may have suffered much more and yet, they still hold no anger and hatred.

Thai Monk has been distributing brochures and speaking to people about donating more to Shar Gaden as we have seen in the other thread posted by TS. TK posts many valuable lessons, points and issues for us to learn more. HD always posts very good insightful points of views, so does WB/Kate. In the past, I think even TC, CC, Trinley K, Mohani, A Friend and many others have also shared a lot in this space.

Here, I am just giving examples of many people - both new and old - who have contributed in their own ways. Who knows what more each has contributed and helped beyond this site and Forum. So, please do not judge and be so suspicious about everyone.

And please do not get upset if I did not mention your name as examples for those who have been contributing. I am sure there are many more, or else this site cannot be as valuable as it is since its conception in 2007. This is the reason why we are still here and more will be coming. This site/Forum, as with any cause, or Dharma Center, or NGO in the world, can only grow bigger and better with the help of everyone involved. And that is all of us.

For those who have more information and knowledge, they can share so much more. For those who can quote from scriptures and texts, they can put facts into knowledge and experience to help others. For those who are trying to be healed or are in need of healing, please do allow the healing process to take place.

I'd like to think that there are no enemies in here but friends.

Now, I am sorry that I cannot sprout and quote from scriptures, but I'd like to think that my Guru has taught me well in how to care more about others and show that care in the things I say and do. Granted, I don't always do it well and right, but I am always going to be doing my best to uphold what he teaches me with everyone I meet.

In any case, I'll always remember the 8 Verses of Thought Transformation and hold it close to my heart. We win when we no longer hold any ill feelings and have no negativities eating us up inside. We win when we let go and become happier people.

To anyone I have offended in here, I do sincerely apologise. It is not my intention. I will learn to express myself much better.

Have a beautiful day, everyone. I wish you all (especially TC) much happiness and peace.

Thank you again.
Title: Re: Q
Post by: honeydakini on July 29, 2010, 08:04:20 PM

Dear HD,

(and especially, dear Thomas DC, please do not mind if I talk a little beside here...)

So, HD, and whoever is reading, if you would just know the whole story, you would perhaps feel different. I mean, you said that you have been "in this thing" for a half a year, but if you would have been "here" for, let us say, for a decade or more, you might know the case of This Certain Man, who gave his life and his wealth, for the Lineage of Je Tsongkhapa, but who nevertheless got kicked out by the brother of the Dalai Lama from the very Centre he had donated simply because he maintained his Protector practice given to him by his Lama, and who has got constant ostracism and been targeted in very unethical, but ah, so wonderfully mysterious Tibetan ways, ever since, by those who follow the Ever Holy Dalai Lama, you might, perhaps, understand why somebody is sometimes in a bit non-peaceful state.

It is not respect, in a big or lessened way, that you should feel. But compassion. The Ban is not a joke, or a part of any "big picture", or just something floating in an universe of ideations. It is real, and it has it's victims, who are real persons. He is one.

The Ban is evil, the source of that Ban is likewise, and so are those who uphold it.

I am very sorry for what I am about to say, if it may sting; I don’t mean this in a disrespectful manner. But shouldn’t we, as dharma practitioners go beyond just saying we were hurt and use that over and over again to justify why we are angry, not in a peaceful state of mind or lash out at others? Yes, there is no denying that you were hurt and but then what? Are you going to allow that to justify all the anger that you’re feeling and continue to “share” with the world forever?

Would it be more helpful and healing, perhaps, to transform that hurt into something positive? Instead of just feeling angry all the time and “getting back” by constantly reminding ourselves (and others) of what the other person has done to us, try to look at how you can help others in the same situation, bringing light and relief to others who are suffering in whatever way?

The first method clearly isn’t working – it just brings more angst, anger and sadness to yourself, and possibly more hurt to other people also. Ironically, you end up perpetuating and spreading the very hurt that you had received from that person who had hurt you in the first place. The latter method – it might not right the wrong of the past, but it has far more potential for bringing some light to others. It is more likely to "work" in terms of healing our minds and helping us come to some peace, as there is more potential for benefit and positivity from that action instead.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: hope rainbow on August 13, 2010, 07:35:42 AM
The following prayer was found on the folowing websites:

I think it is a good synthesis of:
- the root of the path (devotion to one's Spiritual Guide).
- that coming across a Spiritual Guide is not -cannot be- just "happening by chance", and even when one is fortunate to receive the support of Dorje Shugden, this is also not, certainly not, by chance. Causes have been created in the past with great effort.
- gratitude to The Protector (often we conveniently forget the help we receive and we develop wrong deluded view as to how and where from the help came).
- straightforward description of the enlightened qualities of Dorje Shugden.

Gyara Tulku Rinpoche from Drepung Loseling Monastery wrote a prayer of gratitude, whose sentiments are shared by Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide:

First you gave me a highly qualified Spiritual Guide
Under whom I studied and practised Dharma.
When through following misleading advice I came close to entering wrong paths,
You immediately hooked me back into the correct path.

O Duldzin, King of the Dharma, I thank you for your kindness.
Your body is the synthesis of all Sangha Jewels,
Your speech is the synthesis of all Dharma Jewels,
And your mind is the synthesis of all Buddha Jewels.
Title: Re: Q
Post by: DharmaDefender on August 13, 2010, 07:47:32 AM

Dear HD,

(and especially, dear Thomas DC, please do not mind if I talk a little beside here...)

So, HD, and whoever is reading, if you would just know the whole story, you would perhaps feel different. I mean, you said that you have been "in this thing" for a half a year, but if you would have been "here" for, let us say, for a decade or more, you might know the case of This Certain Man, who gave his life and his wealth, for the Lineage of Je Tsongkhapa, but who nevertheless got kicked out by the brother of the Dalai Lama from the very Centre he had donated simply because he maintained his Protector practice given to him by his Lama, and who has got constant ostracism and been targeted in very unethical, but ah, so wonderfully mysterious Tibetan ways, ever since, by those who follow the Ever Holy Dalai Lama, you might, perhaps, understand why somebody is sometimes in a bit non-peaceful state.

It is not respect, in a big or lessened way, that you should feel. But compassion. The Ban is not a joke, or a part of any "big picture", or just something floating in an universe of ideations. It is real, and it has it's victims, who are real persons. He is one.

The Ban is evil, the source of that Ban is likewise, and so are those who uphold it.

I am very sorry for what I am about to say, if it may sting; I don’t mean this in a disrespectful manner. But shouldn’t we, as dharma practitioners go beyond just saying we were hurt and use that over and over again to justify why we are angry, not in a peaceful state of mind or lash out at others? Yes, there is no denying that you were hurt and but then what? Are you going to allow that to justify all the anger that you’re feeling and continue to “share” with the world forever?

Would it be more helpful and healing, perhaps, to transform that hurt into something positive? Instead of just feeling angry all the time and “getting back” by constantly reminding ourselves (and others) of what the other person has done to us, try to look at how you can help others in the same situation, bringing light and relief to others who are suffering in whatever way?

The first method clearly isn’t working – it just brings more angst, anger and sadness to yourself, and possibly more hurt to other people also. Ironically, you end up perpetuating and spreading the very hurt that you had received from that person who had hurt you in the first place. The latter method – it might not right the wrong of the past, but it has far more potential for bringing some light to others. It is more likely to "work" in terms of healing our minds and helping us come to some peace, as there is more potential for benefit and positivity from that action instead.

To add to that - if the Dalai Lama and his brother are as evil as you say, then do you think they really care about (or even remember!) the hurt they caused so many years ago? With the greatest respect, the only one who continues to be pained by that horrendous incident so many years ago is the victim themselves (and they continue to victimise themselves so many years later by allowing the incident to affect everything else they do).
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: beggar on August 15, 2010, 12:38:16 PM
all this is very interesting and yes, DharmaDefender, the biggest victim is ourselves because we choose to make ourselves the victim. the funny but tragic thing is that in most case the person who has hurt has us probably forgotten or doesn't even know that they have hurt us that much. We waste so much time on nothing after all!

The biggest question is this:
if we rely on Dorje Shugden and Tsongkhapa's teachings then by logic we should believe in karma. we can choose two things:
1) if we rely on the protector to help us in our spiritual path then when bad things happen do we rant and rave about it forever and blame the whole world? or realise that maybe this is a situation manifested for us to practice or which will help us in a long term?

2) if we rely on karma, well! enough said! stop blaming everyone and start to take some responsibility and action and create new causes. things don't always have to stay the way we perceive them to be.

here's to better futures,

yours, beggar
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Mana on June 01, 2011, 09:04:10 PM
Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen's Rinpoche's birthday has come and gone recently. We would like to wish Kyabje Rinpoche growth in his work, attained students, great health and long life. We very much in the future hope to be able to physically pay our respects to you in person.

We solicit the Three Jewels for your wishes to come true in accordance with your holy aspirations.



Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Helena on June 08, 2011, 05:02:34 PM
I am with you, Mana.

May the King come out into the open soon.

I certainly do offer my sincere prayers for Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche's long life and for HIS work to grow and spread.

May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche receive everything that HE needs to accomplish what HE wishes to accomplish.

May it all take place within our lifetime and may we all bear witness to the greatness of HIS holy deeds.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: vajrastorm on December 23, 2011, 05:43:06 AM
A prayer for Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen's incarnation to come forth and reveal himself quickly in these critical times:

I bow down in body, speech and mind
To you of infinite compassion and wisdom,
O holy one, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen,
Emanation of Buddha Manjushri.

Loving, trusting, devoted practitioners of the King,
Especially monks, geshes and great masters,
Have long suffered the slings and outrages
Of misguided condemnation of the King,
As they patiently await the return of the King
To take his rightful place
As THE PROTECTOR of this Kaliyurga age.

May all auspicious and conducive conditions quickly arise
For you , Lord Tulku Drakpa Gyelstsen,
To come forth and reveal yourself,
To prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt,
That Dorje Shugden arose from you
In fulfillment of a promise
To protect Je Tsongkapa's teachings.

And hence to take your own rightful place
And, hand in hand, with Dorje Shugden,

Where the unparalleled teachings of Second Buddha Je Tsongkapa
Will light up all corners of the world,
And lead all beings
Out of the darkness of ignorance and suffering,

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on December 26, 2011, 03:22:03 AM
As far as i am aware of, he has 5 incarnations, all 5 of then (strangely) recognized by HHDL. All of them are doing Dharma work of an amazing capacity. It would be better to just know that they are around us but not know the exact persons as identifying them may impede their works or create unnecessary obstacles for them. Nothing can stop a tulku from doing Dharma work, not even death, bans, discrimination and name smearing. I would very much like to attain that state of mind one day where i will never falter in the face of unhappiness and suffering.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: ilikeshugden on December 26, 2011, 10:26:20 AM
This is great news. I really can't wait for the truth to unfold. I really can't wait for the ban to be lifted. May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen bring benefit to millions and millions of people once the ban is lifted.

A light of hope will finally clear out the darkness that befalls this earth. The holy Dharma will be replenished. Many will feel the benefits. May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen have a long life and may he help lead countless people to enlightenment.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on December 27, 2011, 02:26:51 AM
This is great news. I really can't wait for the truth to unfold. I really can't wait for the ban to be lifted. May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen bring benefit to millions and millions of people once the ban is lifted.

A light of hope will finally clear out the darkness that befalls this earth. The holy Dharma will be replenished. Many will feel the benefits. May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen have a long life and may he help lead countless people to enlightenment.

when a highly realized being is "stopped" from reincarnating, they just emanate more and reincarnate under a different title and name. And what is more interesting is that HHDL can always refuse to recognize these incarnations, but he did anyways. If he was really against Shugden, he would have snuffed out all  of these reincarnations, and refuse to recognize them and the reincarnations of the Lamas who practice them. isn't that a  bit odd? There is no way that HHDL would not have realized that they are Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen's incarnations, some of them quite obvious as their name mantra reveals. Yet he still supports and gives them his blessings.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: kris on December 28, 2011, 12:16:18 PM
This is indeed good news for us practitioners and I can't wait for Him to announce himself to the world.

WHO?? WHEN?? 2 year? 5 years?

And I look forward to seeing a huge monastery dedicate to Dorje Shugden very soon!!!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on December 28, 2011, 12:38:12 PM
This is indeed good news for us practitioners and I can't wait for Him to announce himself to the world.

WHO?? WHEN?? 2 year? 5 years?

And I look forward to seeing a huge monastery dedicate to Dorje Shugden very soon!!!

Announcing yourself as a reincarnation is not usually how it is done in the Gelugpa. From my understanding, the Lama who confirms or entrones the tulku is the one who makes the 'announcing'. I would have a hard time trusting a Lama as a 'tulku' who announced himself or proped himself up as a tulku without first having it be formally declared openly by the Lama who enthroned him.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: hope rainbow on December 28, 2011, 12:57:58 PM
This is indeed good news for us practitioners and I can't wait for Him to announce himself to the world.

WHO?? WHEN?? 2 year? 5 years?

And I look forward to seeing a huge monastery dedicate to Dorje Shugden very soon!!!

Announcing yourself as a reincarnation is not usually how it is done in the Gelugpa. From my understanding, the Lama who confirms or entrones the tulku is the one who makes the 'announcing'. I would have a hard time trusting a Lama as a 'tulku' who announced himself or proped himself up as a tulku without first having it be formally declared openly by the Lama who enthroned him.

Indeed LT,
and I would also expect that such being would have been recognized by high lamas fit to recognize this re-incarnation as such.
Whoever will come up to be the re-incarnation surely will have to have the credential for it, this is simply too big and challenging a throne to fit for anyone else actually than the true recognized re-incarnation.
And it is exciting to contemplate on the re-incarnation coming up to be known!
These are times to practice and create merits for all sentient beings, we live on historic years here...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on December 28, 2011, 02:16:31 PM
When is this announcement going to be made?

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: pgdharma on December 28, 2011, 02:41:35 PM

This is indeed rejoicing news to know that Dorje Shugden is Alive and Amongst Us Today!!! Who? Where? When? will we know the truth? In recent times, big monasteries with big statues are mushrooming everywhere and Dorje Shugden is going global with the latest addition of a Dorje Shugden chapel in Thailand. All these signs show that the time is very near for the truth to prevail and I just cant wait for the ban to be lifted soon as Dorje Shugden can bring so many benefits to so many people!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Gypsy on December 28, 2011, 04:09:14 PM
I'm in awe! What a great news released from this website? I heartily rejoice that such a high being has returned, although remain silence, he is still doing his job quietly, waiting for the right time to reveal his existence. I sincerely pray for this day to come at its soonest.

For those who doubted the accuracy of this news are just ridiculously negative. Why does the admin of this website lie? Just to create more traffic for website rating? I believe this group of people has something better to do, like serve the dharma. Do not criticize and judge prematurely until we get the full information. Do some homework, research and investigate. Be respectful, every incarnations has a mission to accomplish. May this incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen live long, continue the great deeds and turn the wheel of dharma.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on December 31, 2011, 03:53:46 PM
somehow or somewhere, the sincere practitioner who truly understands Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen's works and mind will be able to easily identify him. I dont think he will announce that he is but he will be respected like he is because of the magnitude of his work and also of his potential of benefitting an infinite number of beings. And like I mentioned earlier, exposing him may create obstacles for his work so do exercise discretion for those who have figured out who.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on December 31, 2011, 04:19:17 PM
so, no announcememt after all...?  ;D
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: hope rainbow on December 31, 2011, 06:56:11 PM
so, no announcememt after all...?  ;D

I am also very impatient... When... When... When... ?
But I trust that the announcement will be made at the appropriate time, not according to my burning impatience!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on December 31, 2011, 09:18:13 PM
This is indeed good news for us practitioners and I can't wait for Him to announce himself to the world.

WHO?? WHEN?? 2 year? 5 years?

And I look forward to seeing a huge monastery dedicate to Dorje Shugden very soon!!!

Announcing yourself as a reincarnation is not usually how it is done in the Gelugpa. From my understanding, the Lama who confirms or entrones the tulku is the one who makes the 'announcing'. I would have a hard time trusting a Lama as a 'tulku' who announced himself or proped himself up as a tulku without first having it be formally declared openly by the Lama who enthroned him.

i can't imagine any respectable Lama who would announce himself as a reincarnation - that would be a bit tough to swallow.  You mention that the recognition should be given by the Lama who confirmed him. However, what if the Lama who confirmed or enthroned that particular tulku has passed on, surely another highly respected Lama's recognition would suffice? Which Lamas in the world who are still alive would you trust this kind of recognition with? I'm just curious.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: happysun on January 01, 2012, 12:00:50 AM
This century is Dorje Shugden!!!! Who really can help us if you do his sadhana and practice very sincere and very well. Personal, I not good in searching information to find out more and more about this protector. But because of convenience from this dorjeshugden website I got the chance to learn and to ask. I had read through DS's history and background, what was mentioned in this website is quite completed actually. And I also compared with other DS website, all the history and stories what they are shared actually is same. I believed that he is a high incarnation. The method used by this protector is very skillful and intelligent. To me it is very suit for all of us who live in this century.

I not try to praise this protector. But I read a lot of testimonial regarding how this protector had helped those who hopeless and lost. Many of them gain hope because they met with protector. Their live be safe, their family be more harmonies after practice DS, even though may be some of them is lazy to do his whole prayer but chanted his mantra every day they are also avoid many obstacles and dangerous situation from their life.

Compared other pratice, DS practice is incredible fast ! I heard from one of my friend who lived in US, she told me she knew this protector from a friend who introduced this website to her. After finished read through all those information had provided in this website, she had decided to chant the mantra and then do the black tea, after one or two months she told me this practice really come down her mind be more focus and patient.

As a smart lady like her, don't believe on god or deity, now she pray to dorje shugden every day, can you believe it? Because of her transformation, myself also curious about this protector. From beginning, I still suspect this protector may a demon but now I believed that he is a fully enlighten being and can help all those needed help. I think the very simple reason is because the practice is very effective!!!That all. 
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: icy on January 01, 2012, 02:11:50 AM


[url][/url] ([url][/url])

SUCH HISTORICAL AND INCREDIBLE NEWS. This line of Tulkus has unwittingly 'threatened' and frightened the Tibetan Govt for 350 years. They have spent so much resources to obliterate everything about him and his name. Now his incarnation is back??? This proves Tibetan Govt is WRONG. If Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was such an evil being, he should be in the three lower realms. He's not. He is among us and doing dharma work again which proves all the untruths spewed by Tibetan Govt to be totally untrue. Their untruths are proven openly WRONG by the living incarnation of this illustrious being living among us now.  
I am very excited to hear more announcements in the future. This is made one day after H.H. Dalai Lama's 75th birthday. How ironic is that.

May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche live exceptionally long and reveal his whereabouts very soon and may I have the chance to meet his incarnation wherever he is now. May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen and H.H. Dalai Lama again unite and meet in this life as they did prior to his murder 350 years ago.


In this dark age we still have the reincarnation coming back to us, to this world.  I truly think it is the most wonderful news!!  How profoundly moving and how extremely compassionate HE is.  Dorje Shugden will capature the world and the ban will dissolve into nothingness quickly in this life time.  For under this circumstance DS has been promoted to the world already.  Whether it is a bad or good publicity, it is still a publicity to create awareness of DS.  The world will come to know the lies and truth.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on January 01, 2012, 09:15:07 AM
I love that page. And I have a very clear idea on who he is. I am guessing that the announcement will come once the ban is lifted. I have heard that in time the ban will be lifted and people who "towed" in line with the ban will feel very silly and embarrassed for deriding so many holy beings. Then they will realize what they have done. I'm glad that i wont end up like them. hehe
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on January 01, 2012, 09:48:11 AM
for sure, enough hints have been dropped, but I think many will need a lot more to convince them than just a handful of hints on an internet forum.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on January 01, 2012, 04:08:41 PM
You mention that the recognition should be given by the Lama who confirmed him. However, what if the Lama who confirmed or enthroned that particular tulku has passed on, surely another highly respected Lama's recognition would suffice? Which Lamas in the world who are still alive would you trust this kind of recognition with? I'm just curious.

Dear Losang Tenpa,

You didn't respond to my question above? I'm curious as to what would convince you that a particular incarnation is genuine? Of course an internet announcement is not enough to convince me. But if a high lama, such as HH Gaden Trisur or HE Gangchen Rinpoche or any of the great Shugden Lamas, confirms the incarnation, or the oracle confirms it, that would be good enough for me.

I know that there is often controversy over the identification of incarnations but i am sure that the good qualities of the current incarnation would be the ultimate proof.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on January 01, 2012, 04:36:26 PM
You mention that the recognition should be given by the Lama who confirmed him. However, what if the Lama who confirmed or enthroned that particular tulku has passed on, surely another highly respected Lama's recognition would suffice? Which Lamas in the world who are still alive would you trust this kind of recognition with? I'm just curious.

Dear Losang Tenpa,

You didn't respond to my question above? I'm curious as to what would convince you that a particular incarnation is genuine? Of course an internet announcement is not enough to convince me. But if a high lama, such as HH Gaden Trisur or HE Gangchen Rinpoche or any of the great Shugden Lamas, confirms the incarnation, or the oracle confirms it, that would be good enough for me.

I know that there is often controversy over the identification of incarnations but i am sure that the good qualities of the current incarnation would be the ultimate proof.

My apologies. Yes, for sure if Lamas of the caliber you mention were to openly confirm the tulku I would have much faith, as they far supercede my level of knowing these things.

Also, from what I have seen with the tulkus I have met, the very presense they manifest is sometimes enough to convince me of their inner realizations and universal compassion. It is hard to explain, but if you have been in the presense of a true Master, regardless of their high title, you know what I mean.  :)

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: beggar on January 01, 2012, 07:22:51 PM
For sure it is important to have confirmation from other high Lamas. Also, the incarnation status of tulkus are often and almost always confirmed by the protectors in trance, through oracles. So I believe this would probably also be sought as further confirmation, and would have to match the divinations / visions / dreams and confirmation of the high Lamas.

As to the specific incarnations and emanations of Dorje Shugden - do remember that enlightened beings are also able to manifest simultaneous incarnations and emanations. It is not uncommon for tulkus to manifest in three or several forms, for example - the body incarnation, speech incarnation and mind incarnation.

It is openly known that the Dalai Lama's own brother AND Samdhong Rinpoche are recognised as Shugden emanations. Surprise? (or not, perhaps!)
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on January 02, 2012, 02:52:40 AM
For sure it is important to have confirmation from other high Lamas. Also, the incarnation status of tulkus are often and almost always confirmed by the protectors in trance, through oracles. So I believe this would probably also be sought as further confirmation, and would have to match the divinations / visions / dreams and confirmation of the high Lamas.

As to the specific incarnations and emanations of Dorje Shugden - do remember that enlightened beings are also able to manifest simultaneous incarnations and emanations. It is not uncommon for tulkus to manifest in three or several forms, for example - the body incarnation, speech incarnation and mind incarnation.

It is openly known that the Dalai Lama's own brother AND Samdhong Rinpoche are recognised as Shugden emanations. Surprise? (or not, perhaps!)

not to mention Guru Dewa Rinpoche.

Logically, if HHDL were really against Shugden that much wouldnt he had done something to those two first? Like take away their status and exile them somewhere? If he did not and even installed one as the prime minister, what does that tell us? So it is very very odd that this is happening.  It is not consistent at all with his "ban". maybe he is trying to show the tibetans that blind faith and disloyalty is the reasons why they can never get their independence....
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: thor on January 02, 2012, 07:31:19 AM
For sure it is important to have confirmation from other high Lamas. Also, the incarnation status of tulkus are often and almost always confirmed by the protectors in trance, through oracles. So I believe this would probably also be sought as further confirmation, and would have to match the divinations / visions / dreams and confirmation of the high Lamas.

Beggar, your post got me thinking. Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen, if recognised and enthroned would be one of the most powerful forces in the Tibetan Buddhist world, and THE most powerful in the Shugden movement. The CTA would be trembling in their beds just considering this possibility. Therefore, should Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen ever decide to reveal himself, who would recognised him? Who would enthrone him?

Considering the high Shugden lamas alive today, the most likely to dare recognise Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen would perhaps be Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche or Gangchen Rinpoche or Pabongka Rinpoche. Yongyal Rinpoche or Gonsar Rinpoche are possibilities too. Unfortunately, most of the eminent Shugden lamas are too young at present - think Domo Geshe Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche or Rabten Rinpoche. Or they are in hiding (such as Lama Zopa, Gehlek Rinpoche or Khejok Rinpoche) and would not reveal themselves by doing such a thing. Or would they, knowing that such a recognition would change the tide of Tibetan Buddhism and allow them to be true to their Gurus once again?

Another thought - imagine if the Dalai Lama were to recognised Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen! The Dalai Lama obvious has the clairvoyance to know, even now, whether it were true that Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen was alive. The Dalai Lama would definitely be able to recognised him. I mean, he has recognised so many other reincarnations already. But what a slap in the face that would be, not to mentioned being detrimental to the Anti Shugden movement if the Dalai Lama himself were to announce that Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen has reincarnated. How can a demon or evil spirit reincarnate as a human? Much less as a high incarnation?

I'm sure since this announcement was made, the supporters of Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen, those who know that he is alive, would already be considering these facts. Perhaps they are even planning to request the oracle of Shugden or Setrab or other deities to recognise the new incarnation. Previous life recognising a future life? Surreal yet entirely possible.

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: beggar on January 04, 2012, 08:47:26 PM

Beggar, your post got me thinking. Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen, if recognised and enthroned would be one of the most powerful forces in the Tibetan Buddhist world, and THE most powerful in the Shugden movement. The CTA would be trembling in their beds just considering this possibility. Therefore, should Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen ever decide to reveal himself, who would recognised him? Who would enthrone him?


I'm sure since this announcement was made, the supporters of Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen, those who know that he is alive, would already be considering these facts. Perhaps they are even planning to request the oracle of Shugden or Setrab or other deities to recognise the new incarnation. Previous life recognising a future life? Surreal yet entirely possible.

Yes, this crossed my mind too. It could well be Setrab during trance to recognise this incarnation. This is a being who is still consulted regularly within the monasteries, and certainly not in hiding! :D

Or... Nechung? That would certainly blow everyone's mind away!
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on January 05, 2012, 03:02:55 AM
Actually, I believe he is already recognized and kept far, far away from the paws of CTA. I cannot give more hints beyond that, so that I do not get anyone into trouble and limit their Dharma activities (and incur heavy bad karma on myself). The rest of them will be made obvious if you check certain prayers given to certain lamas by other high lamas and activities of certain lamas.

You might never know, but it could be that Kyabje Drakpa Gyaltsen might already be posting in this forum, educating and explaining to our members here.

Or perhaps I am just too in awe with this great Mahasiddha that I keep feeling his presence...

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: yontenjamyang on January 05, 2012, 06:34:10 AM
I believe the time is not right yet. We need all to create the cause for him to reveal himself. I am sure there is a bigger plan as well. But for us, we need to do our best to promote Him. Do our practice, if we have a Guru, our Guru Devotion must be strong..keep our samaya strong and pure. Do practice, Dharma work and transform ourselves. Then when the condition is right, he will reveal himself. Otherwise, even after he reveal himself, if we have not been practicing well, we will not be able to meet him.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on January 05, 2012, 11:59:37 AM
Just wondering if anyone on this thread has considered what type of reaction the NKT and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso may have about the idea of enthroning someone as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. I do not think GKG endorses or promotes any tulku, and as far as I know he does not seem to think that the tulku system is integral to the fluorishing of the Dharma in the West.

Any thoughts? I am very curious.....

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Losang_Tenpa on January 05, 2012, 12:01:31 PM
edit: flourishing

(this is the reason why I keep asking to be allowed to edit my posts like everyone else.) hahahhaha...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: pgdharma on January 05, 2012, 04:01:42 PM
I do agree with yongtenjamyang. Our samaya and faith must be strong, pure and stable. Spiritual growth is from within us.  We have to apply what we learn in our daily lives and transform our mind. We must put in all the efforts to support the lifting of the ban and to promote Dorje Shugden in all aspects. Only then when the time and condition is right, Dorje Shugden will reveal himself. The bottom-line is we have to create the cause to meet him.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: WisdomBeing on January 05, 2012, 04:47:45 PM
Dear Losang Tenpa

i think NKT would ignore any recognition of an incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen because of their rejection of the Tulku system. This is one of the reasons why i was not comfortable joining NKT even though some of the people i met were very lovely people. I personally believe in tulkus - all these high lamas cannot be fake and i do feel that they are living proof that attainments exist and that all of us are capable of achieving the same qualities. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso had decided that tulkus are not relevant to the western dharma seekers, which I'm sure he instituted for the best reasons, but it doesn't sit well with me. It would be interesting to see their reaction when this incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is revealed.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: shugdenprotect on January 05, 2012, 05:32:03 PM
Having the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen amongst us is very wonderful and exciting information.

In reading the recent comments, I agree with yontenjamyang that the time is not yet right for this high incarnation to expose Himself because of OUR state. We may not be completely aware of the magnitude and significance of this situation. Consequently, we may not be prepared to act accordingly and protect the incarnation of TDG, which may jeopardize the certainty of having Dharma and Dorje Shugden practice flourish once more. If the followers of the 5th Dalai Lama can murder TDG centuries ago, what makes this not possible again today?

So, perhaps for now, what we need to do is practice sincerely and get ourselves equipped and ready for the disclosure of TDG’s incarnation. Create the cause that we will be able to uphold the practice when the time is right.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: vajralight on January 06, 2012, 10:33:00 AM
Just wondering if anyone on this thread has considered what type of reaction the NKT and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso may have about the idea of enthroning someone as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. I do not think GKG endorses or promotes any tulku, and as far as I know he does not seem to think that the tulku system is integral to the fluorishing of the Dharma in the West.

Any thoughts? I am very curious.....

Hi Tenpa,

I think the NKT will not accept the tulku as a tulku, since it is felt this system is unreliable, (doesn't mean that there are no legitimate tulkus ) but it could just accept the person as a vajra brother and fellow shugdenpa. NKT will never follow Trijang Choktrul, or any other "recognised " tulku, since the NKT chooses its own spiritual director and has a view on spreading/teaching/practising Kadam buddhism that is different from Tibetan traditions.

(No emphasis on tibetan language or culture, less emphasis on rituals, all texts and prayers done in the language of the country where the Centre resides, General spiritual director, Deputy spiritual director and National spiritual directors are chosen (voted) from practitioners on the merit of their qualities not by birth as tulku, clear separation from Dalai Lama...)

Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: hope rainbow on January 08, 2012, 01:51:42 PM
Over 13,000 views on this topic only, we just need to compare to how many views other topics get to understand the impact this news will have when it spreads further than  this forum, far and wide.

My head is spinning a little now...
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on March 15, 2013, 05:38:32 AM
Just wondering if anyone on this thread has considered what type of reaction the NKT and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso may have about the idea of enthroning someone as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. I do not think GKG endorses or promotes any tulku, and as far as I know he does not seem to think that the tulku system is integral to the fluorishing of the Dharma in the West.

Any thoughts? I am very curious.....

Well, for starters, there isnt a tradition of recognizing tulkus in the New Kadampa tradition due to various reasons, which includes that Geshe Keslang Gyatso felt that it was not necessary to establish a tulku system in his tradition where many of his followers are from the west. This is the reason why Geshe Keslang Gyatso did not go to his Guru, Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche even though he is the unmistaken incarnation of his Guru so that his students would not be confused with the Tulku system as he wants them to stick to the basics of the Buddhist teachings.

One thing for sure is that if Kyabje Dragpa Gyaltsen does manifest, it would re-invent Gelugpa as we know it as he has done so many times before in his previous incarnations. Perhaps his incarnation is already doing very great work somewhere in the world, but under a different name. I cant wait to see Kyabje Dragpa Gyaltsen's name be announced once more in the world of Tibetan Buddhism.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Rinchen on March 15, 2013, 06:54:06 AM
It is really great that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is just among us now, waiting for a correct time to help the rest of this world get out of samsara. I believe all these are only announced to show us that the ban is really coming down soon.
Hence, with this it just proved that what others say that Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit is wrong and that there might be a bigger issue going on to help spread Dharma further and to a bigger community. Just that some people are misinterpreting and twisting all the positive signs to make them look bad.

And if, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is really bad, then the reincarnations of him would not be even recognized by all these high lamas and oracles.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Ensapa on March 16, 2013, 01:34:43 AM
It is really great that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is just among us now, waiting for a correct time to help the rest of this world get out of samsara. I believe all these are only announced to show us that the ban is really coming down soon.
Hence, with this it just proved that what others say that Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit is wrong and that there might be a bigger issue going on to help spread Dharma further and to a bigger community. Just that some people are misinterpreting and twisting all the positive signs to make them look bad.

And if, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is really bad, then the reincarnations of him would not be even recognized by all these high lamas and oracles.

If Dorje Shugden is really bad then his reincarnation would not have returned and nor would he have saved the Dalai Lama, the Lamas who practised him would not have gained any attainments and would not have returned, peole who pray to him would get misfortunes but that is not the case. We see many high lamas returning and so many people who practice him gain attainments and the lamas who practice him open huge centres with many people visiting and so on. All of these evidence point to that Dorje Shugden is not a spirit and is in fact, a Buddha.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Gabby Potter on January 15, 2015, 07:42:37 AM
Yes, I believe so. That's why we have oracles taking trances and giving divination. Lord Dorje Shugden will manifest into anything that suits our necessities, He can even manifests into a boulder, a table, a bridge etc to help us, and bring us to Dharma and protect us. We may have obstacles or doubts when we first came in touch with this protector, but if you insist on your practise and have faith, miracles will happen.
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: maricisun on January 16, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
Fantastic news!. To be able to trace the incarnation of Dorje Shugden here at this website and to realise that Dorje Chugden is an Enlightened Being is just simply awesome as spirits DO NOT reincarnate.
And Dorje Shugden is making a big return as the uncommon Protector.
The time has come. The time is NOW.........
Title: Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
Post by: Dondrup Shugden on May 30, 2015, 07:56:51 AM
The Time is Now.  Reading this article brings tears to my eyes and somehow I feel that it is true that the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyelsten is here with us.

The Era of Dorje Shugden is here and we are fortunate to be here in this time.