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Please feel free to vote on this poll.
I have created a poll question for your consideration.
Has Tsem Tulku's reincarnation returned to us as a small baby born in Malaysia?

Has the Panglung Oracle found Tsem's "Yangsi" (reincarnation)?
Dear Salomon: Thanks a lot for your information. Blessings!
Hi friends! I have a rare photo of Dorje Shugden, but standing still: could someone tell me where these images can be seen and adored? And someone could tell me if in Ladakh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Bhutan there are shrines or monasteries where rituals are done to Dorje Shugden, since I plan to travel there, and of course, I want to go to Tibet too. Thank you very much and blessings!
We know from Pastor David Lai  that Rinpoche channelled Dorje Shudgen.

I wonder which other Dharmapalas and Yidams chose Rinpoche to be their Oracle??

How truly great a Lama was His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche?

This new information shines a new wonderful light on Rinpoche.

I only regret that we did not know about Rinpoche being a Oracle while he was alive.

(sorry Pastor David for misspelling you last name in a prior comment)

What exciting news it is to discover that Dorje Shugden had chosen Tsem Tulku to be one of his ORACLES.

Not just as another Oracle who takes TRANCES but as an Oracle who "CHANNELS" Dorje Shugden.

In his youtube video about "TAKING TRANCES" at the 22:30 minute mark he starts telling us about how superior Oracles are who "Channel".

How they are one in a billion.

I am asking you the readers if anyone of you knows a Pastor at the Kechara Forest Retreat, could you please contact them.

Ask them if they would do a full youtube video about Rinpoche channeling  Dorje Shugden.

Their stories would greatly enlighten us his followers about the power and connection Rinpoche had with Dorje Shugden.

Only his long time students knew of Rinpoche and the gift given to him by Dorje Shugden.

Please pray for the swift return of our teacher.
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