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The Mr Kei's article he stated that the Dalai Lama made this statement in January 2020.

Since that day I can not find any other mention of the Dalai Lama in the news repeating his “New Policy” on Dorje Shudgen.

Why has the Dalai Lama not publicly restated this “Pro” Dorje Shugden policy statement.

Why has the CTA NEVER publicly stated that they in agreement with the Dalai Lama and his new “Pro” Dorje Shugden policy statement.

Why has the Ministry of Education NEVER publicly stated that they are in agreement with the Dalai Lama and his new “Pro” Dorje Shugden policy statement.

To quote from Mr Kei’s article,

“During a teaching in January this year, the Dalai Lama very CASUALLY overturned the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden which he had instigated over twenty-three years ago. IT WAS VERY EASY TO MISS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WHAT HE SAID BECAUSE OF THE INCIDENTAL MANNER IN WHICH THE DALAI LAMA ADDRESSED THE SUBJECT….”

Yes, it was “VERY EASY TO MISS” not only on that day in Jan. 2020 but every day since.

The “SILENCE” of the Dalai Lama, his CTA and the Ministry of Religion speaks volumes on how serious they take this so called “Lifting of the ban on Dorje Shugden”!!


If I am wrong public show me the proof.

General Buddhism / Re: Substances
« Last post by Matibhadra on June 04, 2020, 04:15:53 AM »
[...] but why yogurt, oats, milk, tea, beer?
[...] To a non buddhist it may just look like voodoo or black magic.

A main characteristic of both voodoo and black magic is animal sacrifice, which is forbidden in Buddhism, but mandatory in Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism.

Christianity is even worse, as it is based on the human sacrifice of Jesus as a means to appease the bloodthirsty Jewish “god”.

Therefore, voodoo and black magic, with their animal sacrifices, are akin to Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and even Christianity, but the very antithesis of Buddhism, whose very essence is non-violence.
Mr Kei in his article stated;
Perhaps the best evidence that the Dalai Lama intended to end the persecution of Shugden believers is the sudden disappearance of the prominent ‘Dolgyal’ banner on the CTA’s website. That banner served as an ongoing official warning for Tibetans to not practice Dorje Shugden and to not associate with Shugden Buddhists. The simultaneous disappearance of the banner indicates that the Dalai Lama’s words were no mistake.

Here is a link to the present day website of the Dalai Lama.

Read what he still professes about Dorje Shugden and the monks and nuns he expelled.

To sum up:
We respect everyone's right to express their opinions freely. If the Shugden protestors believe they have legitimate concerns to discuss, we welcome the opportunity to address these in a civilized manner. However, since the professed reasons of the Shugden protestors - that there is a ban and that Tibetan Shugden worshippers are discriminated against - are baseless, many wonder what might be the real motive behind this campaign against His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Is it simply to defame the name of one of the world's most respected spiritual leaders and the beloved leader of the Tibetan people? What really is behind this current campaign to undermine the Dalai Lama's efforts to promote peace, human values and inter-religious understanding around the world? Who stands to gain by disparaging the Dalai Lama's name?...
Those members who do not wish to abide by the monasteries' internal regulations have now established their own communities. They were given land, infrastructural facilities, as well as a fair share of monasteries' assets so that they could establish their own monasteries. Today, two such communities of Shugden worshipping monks - Shar Ganden Ling and Pompor Monastery - exist alongside the mainstream monasteries in the south Indian settlements. These two monasteries are totally free to practise worship of Shugden, while being part of the Tibetan exile community in southern India. This is an important fact anyone can witness on the ground...."

Those members who do not wish to abide by the monasteries' internal regulations have now established their own communities. They were given land, infrastructural facilities, as well as a fair share of monasteries' assets so that they could establish their own monasteries. Today, two such communities of Shugden worshipping monks - Shar Ganden Ling and Pompor Monastery - exist alongside the mainstream monasteries in the south Indian settlements. These two monasteries are totally free to practise worship of Shugden, while being part of the Tibetan exile community in southern India. This is an important fact anyone can witness on the ground.

You will also find this on his official website by going to his home page, scroll over to "More" and when you click on to it go to the bottom left of the page and you will find "Messages" and you will find Dolgyal(Dorje Shugden.

This is what you will find.

Dolgyal (Shugden)
Clarifying His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Stand on Dolgyal/Shugden
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden)
In Response to the Shugden Protestors’ Allegations
New Sources of Information about the Dolgyal / Shugden Issue
Statement of the German Buddhist Monastic Association (DBO) on the Protests against the Dalai Lama by the International Shugden Community (ISC)?
Comments about Dolgyal 2015
Comments about Dolgyal 2014
Speech During Spring Teachings - 27 March 2006
Speech to the Second Gelug Conference - 6 December 2000
Speech to the Second Gelug Conference - 6 December 2000 (continued)
Concerning Dolgyal or Shugden With Reference to the Views of Past Masters and Other Related Matters
Concerning Dolgyal or Shugden With Reference to the Views of Past Masters and Other Related Matters (continued)
The Fifth Dalai Lama
Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen (1677-1751)
Phurchok Ngawang Jampa (1682-1762)
Yongzin Yeshi Gyaltsen (1713-1793)
Thukan Lobsang Choekyi Nyima (1737-1802)
Phabongkhapa Dechen Nyingpo (1878-1941)
Jigme Dhamchoe Gyatso (1898-1947)
The 100th Ganden Tripa (Ganden Throneholder)
The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part 1)
The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I) - Appendix
The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part II)
The Dalai Lama And The Cult Of Dolgyal Shugden

And final from the above list.


Clarifying His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Stand on Dolgyal/Shugden
12 July 2015

On 7th July, the final day of official celebrations of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 80th birthday in Orange County, California, representatives of the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (OHHDL) invited the International Shugden Community (ISC) to meet and explain what they are accusing His Holiness of lying about. The office is concerned that many among the Shugden protestors may be poorly informed about the Shugden issue and His Holiness's stand with regard to it. The office's intention is less to try to convince those who already understand the issue but continue to protest, and more to reach out to those who have been misinformed about it. Three senior ISC members came and reiterated their allegation that His Holiness has banned the practice of Dolgyal/Shugden. This is untrue. The OHHDL representatives explained that although His Holiness has for forty years advised against propitiating Shugden, he has always been consistently clear that, in the end, it is up to individuals to choose whether or not to follow his counsel.

Indeed, some monks from two Geluk monasteries in southern India who chose to continue their Shugden practice have set up their own monasteries, Shar Ganden Ling and Serpom Dratsang. These monasteries exist as part of their respective Tibetan settlements in south India and the members enjoy all the rights and facilities to which the residents of the settlements are entitled.

One of the principal reasons why His Holiness advises against this practice is because of the well-documented sectarianism associated with it. In the past, Shugden practice, especially in Eastern Tibet, provoked widespread distrust between monasteries, prevented members of the Geluk school from receiving instructions belonging to the Nyingma tradition, and even led to desecration of religious images and scriptures. His Holiness considers this kind of divisiveness and disharmony to be deeply regrettable. As someone who actively promotes inter-religious harmony and understanding, he opposes discrimination against anyone on grounds of faith.

A clear understanding of the Shugden question requires objective study of its nearly 400 year controversial history, especially the way it unfolded in the early years of the 20th century. His Holiness the Dalai Lama feels a moral responsibility to advise his followers against Shugden practice. In so doing he is following the example of his distinguished predecessors, especially the Great Fifth and the Thirteenth Dalai Lamas.

These is what the Dalai Lama has on his official website to about Dorje Shugden.

I didn’t notice anywhere in Shashi Kei's article that the 14th Dalai Lama is now inviting all those monks and nuns he expelled from their monasteries to return to them.

Didn’t notice any statements from either the CTA or their Ministry of Religion that the monks and nuns can now return to their previous monasteries.

No statement from the Dalai Lama saying that the true followers of Dorje Shugden can now start to receive teaching from him. That they are no longer banned from attending his teachings.

I assume the Dalai Lama will allow followers of Dorje Shugden to attend if we state that Dorje Shugden is only a "Birth Deity" or a "Land God" and not a Dharmapala.

I assume the Dalai Lama will allow those expelled monks and nuns to return to their monasteries if they public declare that Dorje Shugden is only a "Birth Deity" or a "Land God" and not a Dharmapala.

What the Dalai Lama, the CTA and their Ministry of Religion don’t say about Dorje Shugden is louder then what the Dalai Lama said “in a very casual……incidental manner”.

Remember the only thing the Dalai Lama said was that Dorje Shugden is just a very lowly spirit and nothing else.
Here is a link to an article found on the opening age of this web-site.

It is titled "The Dalai Lama Ends The Dorje Shugden Ban
Posted on May 29, 2020.

Here is a quote from this article

During a teaching in January this year, the Dalai Lama very casually overturned the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden which he had instigated over twenty-three years ago. It was easy to miss the significance of what he said because of the incidental manner in which the Dalai Lama addressed the subject. However, to those attuned to the subtleties of the Dalai Lama’s manner of speaking, it was clear that the campaign which the Tibetan leadership had unleashed against Shugden Buddhists was at an end....

So, it came as a complete surprise when the Dalai Lama casually remarked in his January 2020 teaching that it was fine to worship Dorje Shugden as a BIRTH deity (kye lha) or a LAND god (yul lha). Although the Dalai Lama persisted in questioning the historic status of Dorje Shugden as the Protector of Lama Tsongkapa’s lineage, his consent for the worship of the deity was a drastic reversal of official Tibetan policy that had stood for over two decades. The Dalai Lama had just ended a ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden that the Tibetan leadership had pursued aggressively since 1996....

The classification of Dorje Shugden as kye lha or yul lha is a relatively insignificant detail. The list of gods and Buddhas in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon is inexhaustible and covers lhas or gods who are often accepted as emanations of enlightened beings. The Great 5th Dalai Lama wrote rituals popularizing the inclusion of worldly gods, including yul lhas in formal prayers. Lamas of all Tibetan Buddhist sects over the centuries did the same. So, to regard Dorje Shugden as a kye lha or yul lha is to restore the practice as an acceptable part of mainstream Tibetan Buddhism......

I'm sorry but I think that all the Dalai Lama was doing was fooling the followers of Dorje Shugden.

No where does the Dalai Lama state that Dorje Shugden is a Dharmapala and can be practiced as a Dharmapala.

The Dalai Lama equates Dorje Shugden to a "Birth(day) deity" or a "Land God".

These are not Dharmapalas just the lowest of spirits.

They are NOT EMANATIONS of an enlightened beings.

The Dalai Lama is not saying that this "Birth" deity or "LAND" God is an emanation of Manjushri.

He did all this for the Chinese Government so he could return to Tibet.

He thought he could trick you and the Chinese Government into thinking he had lifted the BAN so he could return to Tibet.

Show me where either the Dalai Lama or his CTA have publicly and officially stated that the ban on Dorje Shugden was lifted.


So they took down the Anti Dorje Shugden piece on their site.

Quote from that article.
"Perhaps the best evidence that the Dalai Lama intended to end the persecution of Shugden believers is the sudden disappearance of the prominent ‘Dolgyal’ banner on the CTA’s website. That banner served as an ongoing official warning for Tibetans to not practice Dorje Shugden and to not associate with Shugden Buddhists. The simultaneous disappearance of the banner indicates that the Dalai Lama’s words were no mistake."

There is no statement from the Dalai Lama or the CTA that they were WRONG in banning Dorje Shugden.

Just that you can treat Dorje Shugden as a lowly "Birth" deity or "Land" God.

From that article
"Although the Dalai Lama persisted in questioning the historic status of Dorje Shugden as the Protector of Lama Tsongkapa’s lineage,... "

The Dalai Lama persisted in questioning the historic status of Dorje Shugden.... means he is still PUBLICLY DENYING  that Dorje Shugden is a Dharmapala, a Protector of the Lama Tsongkapa lineage.

He publicly accepts Dorje Shugden as a lowly spirit and nothing else.

Please don't get tricked by the "Master of Lies" the great 14th Dalai Lama.

I have written numerous articles on this site about all the fake anti Dorje Shugden Tulkus and Oracles the Dalai Lama has created.

None of these fake Tulkus or Oracles have stated that they now accept the practice of Dorje Shugden as a Dharmapala.

No anti Dorje Shugden Oracle has gone into trance and has his Deity(Dharmapala) stated publicly that the practice of Dorje Shugden as a Dharmapala they condemn is now OK.

Sorry but the Dalai Lama never lifted the BAN on the practice of Dorje Shugden being an emanation of Manjushri.

If I'm wrong please prove me wrong.

Pray for the swift return of Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.

When Lobzang Tashe met the Dalai Lama he went into a fake trance of Powerful Hero and stated that he would "tame the so called Dolgyel".

That is how he introduced himself to the Dalai Lama.

From page 110
Speech of K?rti master on the present medium of Powerful Hero
(Anonymous b, pp. 56–65)

Before the deity went (to the medium) inside the reception hall I (Kirti Rinpoche) asked (Tashi) whether it would be good if Powerful Hero were to come first and then Sethabpa (into his body). Thus Powerful Hero came first. He turned to (the Dalai Lama) with reasons why he needed to address him and in detail he explained that it is the time to tame the so called Dolgyel and similar things. His Presence said that he performed and still is performing (the ritual) of “approaching” (bsnyen) “Hayagr?va suppressing harming demons” . He (i.e. Powerful Hero) then asked for necessary “instructing” following (His Presence) arising as “Excellent Horse”  and other things. His Presence then gave thoroughly and very carefully SURPRISING INSTRUCTIONS. He said that the general interests of Tibet are in a critical state. From the side of Dolgyel complications are coming to the Tibetan Teaching and governance. When he practiced s?dhana of Hayagr?va with regard to Dolgyel, there appeared positive signs. But some of the followers of Dolgyel are stirring up trouble now. “From yourself (Powerful Hero) there is a need of friendship and accomplishment of ‘virtuous deeds’”, this was his SURPRISING INSTRUCTION. He placed his hand on the neck (of Powerful Hero) and said: “YOUR MUST ACT DILIGENTLY!”

So the first thing out of Lobzang's mouth to the Dalai Lama is he will "tame (destroy) the so called Dolgyel (Dorje Shugden).

The Dalai Lama then told Lobzang (Powerful Hero) that he must engage in the "accomplishment of "virituous deeds"" and "you must act diligently!".

So Lobzang said "I'm here to kill Dorje Shugden" and the Dalai Lama said "Ok Go kill Dorje Shugden".

And this was the message Lobzang took with he to the monks of Ngawa Kitri Monastery in Tibet.
Here is a link to an interview done with the Dalai Lama where he refuses to condemn the self-immolations
in Tibet.

At the 1:59 minute mark the Dalai Lama's stated that "I am old monk, already retired, so I feel better remain low key, silent".

Truly enlightened words from the "Buddha of Compassion"
Here are examples of what the Dalai Lama, the CTA, the 11th Kirti Rinpoche and the Powerful Hero Oracle have done in Tibet.

A story from the Tibetan Review newspaper dated Dec. 23,2017.

It is about a young former monk of Ngawa Monastery setting himself on fire and dying.

Post Tagged with: "Kriti Monastery"

December 23 Tibet self-immolator a former monk, died next morning

December 23 Tibet self-immolator a former monk, died next morning
(, Dec26, 2017) – Further details emerging about the self-immolation which took place on Dec 23 evening in Ngawa (Chinese: Aba) County of Sichuan Province say the fiery protest was carried out by a 29-30-year-old Tibetan man named Konpe. The reports say he had succumbed to his burns the next day.

From the website Wikipedia - self-immolation protests by Tibetans in China.

Most of the protesters have been monks and nuns, or ex-monks. Some of the protesters who set themselves on fire were teenagers.

Most such incidents have taken place in China's Sichuan province, especially around the Kirti Monastery in Ngawa City, Ngawa County, Sichuan, others in Gansu and Qinghai and Tibet Autonomous Region. Self-immolation protests by Tibetans also occurred in India and Kathmandu, Nepal.

According to Reuters THE DALAI LAMA SAID IN MARCH 2012 HE DOES NOT ENCOURAGE THE PROTESTS, BE HE HAS PRAISED THE COURAGE OF THOSE WHO HAD ENGAGED IN SELF-IMMOLATION  and blamed the self-immolations on "cultural genocide" by the Chinese. Four months later the Dalai Lama made clear that he wishes to remain neutral regarding this topic and he explained why to The Hindu:

This is a very, very delicate political issue. Now, the reality is that if I say something positive, then the Chinese immediately blame me. If I say something negative, then the family members of those people feel very sad. They sacrificed their own life. It is not easy. SO I DO NOT WANT TO CREATE SOME IMPRESSION THAT THIS IS WRONG. SO THE BEST THING IS TO REMAIN NEUTRAL. 

When asked by an Australian journalist – in the context of self-immolations to oppose Chinese rule and policies – if Tibetans are "losing patience with non-violence", the Dalai Lama replied:


French anthropologist Katia Buffetrille comments:

During the hunger strike of Thubten Ngödrup in 1998, the Dalai Lama expressed his disagreement with this kind of practice, which he considered as violence against oneself. However, he cites often Gandhi, for whom hunger strike was a non-violent act. He expressed his admiration for the courage of these people and attended prayers for them. But he questioned the effectiveness of such actions, he said, [these actions] lead to increased repression. Now he does not want to say anything about this [topic] any more..

Wen Jiabao, then premier of China, said that such extreme actions hurt social harmony and that Tibet and the Tibetan areas of Sichuan are integral parts of Chinese territory. According to The Economist, the self-immolations have caused the government's attitude to harden. Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar, writing on CNN Belief Blog, suggests: "Why not create [what the Dalai Lama describes as] 'some kind of impression' that killing was wrong? Why not use his vast store of moral and spiritual capital to denounce this ritual of human sacrifice?", adding that "if the Dalai Lama were to speak out unequivocally against these deaths, they would surely stop. So in a very real sense, their (self-immolators’) blood is on his (the Dalai Lama's) hands."  Tenzin Dorjee, executive director of Students for a Free Tibet, opposed that view on the CNN Belief Blog, urging to "understand the self-immolations" and arguing "instead of responding to China’s oppression with revenge – a path far more tempting to the basic human instinct – Tibetans have chosen a means far more peaceful. Without harming a single Chinese…". He is of the opinion that Stephen Prothero expresses "a colossal indifference to the courage and circumstances of those fighting for the same democratic freedoms and human rights that he himself enjoys."

From the Tibet Sun Newspaper on November 29, 2019.

Tibet Sun Newsroom

McLEOD GANJ, India, 28 November 2019

A 24 year-old Tibetan man named Yonten has died after setting himself on fire in a protest against Chinese rule in Tibet, in the Amdo region of Tibet.

Free Tibet, a pro-Tibet organisation based in London, reported that Yonten’s fiery protest occurred in the nomad township of Meruma under Ngawa county on 26 November.

He died of his injuries on the same day. It is unclear what has become of his body.

Yonten was a former monk in Kirti Monastery in Ngawa, but later disrobed and took up the life of a nomad.

Of more than 150 self-immolation protests in whole of Tibet since 2009, a record 42 of them have occurred in Ngawa. The protestors all called for China to allow the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, and for freedom in Tibet. Some demanded that Tibet become independent from China.

The first known self-immolation was by a monk named Tapey from Kirti Monastery in 2009.

This is the work done by the 14th Dalai Lama, the CTA, the 11th Kirti Rinpoche and the Powerful Hero Oracle.

They all hate Dorje Shugden and his followers and in 2000 the Powerful Hero Oracle was ordered to return to Ngawa Monastery and spread their teachings of hate.

It is now time for you to judge if their actions are "Buddhism in Action" or "Multiple Murders".

Here is the link to Professor Berounsky 2012 article which I forget to print. Sorry
In 2012 Professor Berounsky did another article on Kirti Monastery in Ngawa where the fake Oracle Lobzang Tashi lives.

He discusses the fact that the 11th Kirti Rinpoche's Ngawa Kirti Monastery was the centre of "self-immolations" in Tibet by its monks.

He also ponders if Lobzang Tashi used his Oracle position to encourage these acts of suicide in the name of the Dharmapala "Powerful Hero".

A quote from its first page.

K?rti Monastery of Ngawa:
Its History and Recent Situation
Daniel Berounský
(Charles University, Prague)

For good reasons one can consider Ngawa town in Amdo to be the heart of both the recent protests (starting in 2008) and the self-immolations (since 2009). Though no precise information is available, some 25 from the total of 37 cases of self-immolations have taken place in Ngawa or were done by former inhabitants of Ngawa up to the time of writing the paper (June 2012). Despite the large number of monasteries surrounding Ngawa, all evidence points to the K?rti monastery of Geluk tradition as being
one of the main sources of the protests: 14 self-immolators are reported to be monks or former monks of K?rti monastery. This paper looks at the present situation through the lens of history since the historical background of the nerve-centre of the Tibetan protest might certainly help us to understand the circumstances of somany self-immolations in this monastery.

Quotes about Lobzang Tashi and his possible role in these self-immoulations starting from page 75 to 76.

I am inclined to see such historical awareness on the part of the K?rti monks as one of the strong reasons why this specific monastery became the centre of the protests and also of the self-immolations. Yet,
this historical awareness constitutes definitely only a partial explanation. One must take into account the specifics of the locality and the attempt to reconstruct the world-view of its inhabitants, which is
undoubtedly religious. One could hypothetically speculate about the role of the K?rti
monastery deity-medium. He is a monk and has attained rather recently the status of “reincarnated master.” I have dealt with him elsewhere. It must be stressed that deities, namely the local deities,
play very important roles in Amdo. One should bear in mind that the K?rti masters in the past came to power by taming a large number of
them. The current deity-medium was ritually approved in 2000. Let me repeat the words recorded during the process of instructing the deity as a part of the ritual of “opening of the door of the deity” (lhagoche), when the deity possessing him was instructed in the following way:
Now, when the state of Teaching and governance is desperate, it is necessary to act with union between people and deities.This is the time of approaching the clear truth... Now, the time has come that the deities have to show their power.It might well be that we will never learn what the role of the oracle for the local people was during these turbulent times. According to some Tibetans such evocation of “desperate state” and call for “union between people and deities” is a common utterance during such kind of ceremony. But the possibility that it acquired stronger meaning among the population nostalgic of an idealised past should be also considered. We may thus conclude with open question: Are the deities (Powerful Hero) also involved in self-immolations?

We know that  the 11th Kirti Rinpoche is pro self-immolations of his monks at his Ngawa monastery.

We know that the 11th Kirti Rinpoche, the 14th Dalai Lama and the CTA have never publicly condemned these acts of suicide at Ngawa Monastery.

We know that Lobzang Tashi the "Powerful Hero" Oracle owes everything to the 11th Kirti Rinpoche, the CTA and the 14th Dalai Lama.

We know that he was ordered to return to Tibet from India were he had claimed "Refugee Status".

A quote from page 103,

"In such a way the “door of the deity was opened” (lha sgo phye). One day later, on 29. 7.2000 , a festive celebration was held in the Kirti monastery(India) during which the deity entered the body of Lozang Tashi and pronounced another revelation. A number of speeches was delivered by Kirti Rinpoche, the daughter of the former king of Ngawa, and officials related to the Kirti monasteries. BESIDES OTHER THINGS HE WAS ADVISED TO RETURN TO TIBET and was presented with a strip of silk by all. HE INDEED RETURNED TO NGAWA IN SECHUAN RATHER SOON AFTER THE  DESCRIBED EVENTS WITH A MESSAGE WRITTEN BY KIRTI TO THE PEOPLE CONNECTED WITH THE KIRTI MONASTERY IN NGAWA.

What was in that message???

So who thinks that Lobzang Tashi went in a fake trance and told the monks there that "Powerful Hero" orders them to commit suicide??

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