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ON July 28, 2000 this fake Oracle stated publicly while in fake trance of Sethabpa (Setrap) that Setrap was sorry for helping Dorje Shugden to escape from the 5th Dalai Lama's fire puja.

He (Setrap) also promised to help Powerful Hero fight against Dorje Shugden.

From page 102

"His Presence placed his finger on the crown of the head of the medium and said resolutely:

There is a history of some connection between Dolgyel and Sethabpa (Setrap). I act in agreement with
opinions of the fifth Dalai Lama, when I was on the throne as a fifth Dalai Lama. You DID NOT act
in agreement with the opinions of the fifth Dalai Lama AND YOU GAVE SUPPORT TO DOLGYEL (DORJE SHUGDEN. Think about the benefit and harm to the general Teaching of Buddha, to the particular Teaching of Tsongkhapa and sentient beings. It is poor to be satisfied with weakening those offering fumigation, “golden drink” and praying to you. Now, when the state of Teaching and governance is desperate, it is necessary to act in union for people and deities. This is the time for approaching the clear truth. YOU DECIDE WHETHER TO REPENT OF PAST DEED AND WHAT THEN WILL BE OUR MAIN TASK CONCERNING DOLGYEL (DORJE SHUGEN). Now the time has come, when deities have to show their power.
Then His Presence repeated three times:
“If you do not care about what I said, you will break your oath.”
And added:
“To break an oath is not good.”

Then the voice of Sethabpa (SETRAP) became weaker, becoming similar to the sound of cat, AND HE REPENTED HIS PREVIOUS DEEDS AND PROMISED TO SUPPORT THE POWERFUL HERO (against Dorje Shugden)."

So if you believe that Lozang Tashi is a real Oracle then you must believe that Setrap  now wants to kill Dorje Shugden.

That Setrap is sorry for helping free Dorje Shugden from the 5th Dalai Lama's attempts to kill him.

It is not just Setrap who is sorry but also his peaceful emanation Tsangpa Karpo who is also sorry.

That Tsangpa Karpo now also wants to kill Dorje Shugden!

You now see how corrupt and corrupting the Dalai Lama, Nechung Oracle, CTA and the 11th Kirti Rinpoche are.

To what lengths they will go in their fight to destroy Dorje Shugden.
Prior to being recognized by the 14th Dalai Lama the fake Oracle had to publicly condemn Dorje Shugden while in supposed trance.

He did this in front of the Dalai Lama on July 28, 2000.

Once this was done the Dalai Lama recognized Lozang Tashi as a Tulku and an Oracle.

Early that day Lozang Tashi was recognized by the fake Nechung Oracle as the Oracle of Powerful Hero and made him a protector of the CTA.

Starting on page 98 the meeting with the Nechung,

"After some time Powerful Hero entered the body of Lozang Tashi. The state oracle invited Nachung into his
own body and became immediately possessed by him. Powerful Hero in the body of Lozang Tashi offered a strip of silk to Nechung. Nechung performed rituals of expelling “demons of obstruction” and consecration (rab gnas), and put the strip of silk around the neck of Powerful Hero. While keeping the silk in one hand and beating the chest of the medium of Powerful Hero with the other hand, he uttered the following surprising speech:
Hr??! For the swift well-being and benefit of Teaching and beings the name Powerful Hero of
Vajra is to be praised. Hr??! If the ambrosia of the speech of the Master Beneficial to Behold
will be placed in heart and the orders fulfilled with joy, Teaching and beings will be placed into great benefit.

This seems to be another key decisive moment for the further events. It does not seem that there were many people trusting monk Lozang Tashi’s claim that he is indeed the medium of Powerful Hero and reincarnated master. BUT HONOUR PAID BY NECHUNG TO HIM CHANGED THE WHOLE MATTER."

So the wheels were now in OFFICIAL motion with the Nechung recognizing Lozang.

Now it was the 14th Dalai Lama's turn to recognize Lozang and have another corrupt Oracle condemn Dorje Shugden.

The Dalai Lama already had both the Nechung and the Lamo Tsangpa oracles condemning Dorje Shugden.

On page 99 in the presence of the 14th Dalai Lama he states in trance, that Dorje Shugden is EVIL.

"I am the manifestation of Ra loc?wa, great king Powerful Hero of Vajra. I was instructed by
great King-Five Bodies (Rgyal po sku lnga) and Pelden Lhamo to come here. In this period of

With at public declaration against Dorje Shugden the 14th Dalai Lama publicly recognized Lozang Tashi.

From page 101

"His Presence replied:
IF IT IS SO, BE IT SO. You (Powerful Hero) said that this medium of yours is a reincarnated master. This was examined by the highest reincarnated master (i.e. K?rti) and the examination resulted in agreement
with it. I have recognized him as the newly-born body of Yonten Gompo. Now, what is to be
done in the monastery by masters, may it be done."

So the corrupted Nechung stated that Lozang is an Oracle and the corrupted 11th Kirti Rinpoche stated that he was a Tulku.

The Dalai Lama, the 11th Kirti Rinpoche and the CTA all got what they wanted.


So Lozang Tashi returned to Tibet to spread hatred against Dorje Shugden on behalf of the CTA the Dalia Lama and the 11th Kirti Rinpoche.

Please pray for the swift return of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.
The 11th Kirti Rinpoche's Ngawa Kirti Gompa appears to be at the centre of the "Self Immolation" in Tibet.

Neither Kirti Rinpoche, the CTA or the Dalai Lama have publicly condemned the actions of these monks but HONOURED their actions.

Here is a link to a wikipedia article

The monastery is the center of the wave of Tibetan self-immolation. It is under close supervision by the People's Armed Police. The monks at Kirti monastery have long been restive, engaging in political protests, A self-immolation of a monk occurred in March 2011, for which several other colluding monks were arrested. The Free Tibet Campaign (FTC) says that the monastery's population declined from 2,500 to 600 in March 2011 because of a crackdown on political and other illegal activities. In October, a series of monks under the age of 24 attempted copycat suicides by self-immolation at Kirti Monastery. Police are investigating their motives: the International Campaign for Tibet alleges that the monks shouted anti-government slogans while setting themselves on fire, but independent media did not have access to the area.

The ITC and FTC say that nine monks and nuns in the area have self-immolated in 2011, and that police and military surveillance has increased as a result. Tibet expert Dibyesh Anand said that the peer pressure of fellow monks to prove their own "patriotism" was partly to blame, as well as the desperation of disciplined monks who had only religious and no vocational training. A spokesperson for the Tibetan government-in-exile told the BBC that Tibetan Buddhism did not condone such violence, but the 14th Dalai Lama led a prayer service to honour the suicided monks. A spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry accused the Dalai Lama of thus "glorifying" and "inciting" more suicides."

This is the world of the 11th Kirti Rinpoche, the CTA and the 14th Dalai Lama.

I wonder if THEIR Oracle had anything to do with these countless suicides?

What was the plan by the CTA, Dalai Lama and the 11th Kirti Rinpoche in recognizing this FAKE oracle?

The answer was simply, they wanted him back in Tibet spreading hatred against Dorje Shugen in all of Kirti Rinpoche's monasteries.


A quote from page 103,
"In such a way the “door of the deity was opened” (lha sgo phye). One day later, on 29. 7.2000 , a festive celebration was held in the K?rti monastery during which the deity entered the body of Lozang Tashi and pronounced another revelation. A number of speeches was delivered by K?rti Rinpoche, the daughter of the former king of Ngawa, and officials related to the K?rti monasteries. BESIDES OTHER THINGS HE WAS ADVISED TO RETURN TO TIBET and was presented with a strip of silk by all. He indeed returned to Ngawa in Sechuan rather soon after the described events with a message written by K?rti to the people connected with the K?rti monastery in Ngawa. "

Part of that message was that the 14th Dalai Lama had recognized Lozang Tashi as a Tulku and the Oracle of their monastery. Anything that Lozang Tashi stated as the Oracle of Powerful Hero was to be absolutely believed. Lozang Tashi message was the message of the CTA, Dalai Lama and Tirki Rinpoche.

He tried to spread his anti Dorje Shugden message but that was soon stopped by the Chinese Government.

He was not allowed to live in the monastery and he was guarded full time by Chinese Security.

A quote from page 103,
"During 2006 I was able to meet the medium of Powerful Hero in Ngawa. He resided OUTSIDE the monastery in a large house in the town of Ngawa. It took some time, ........ WHEN THE TIME EVENTUALLY CAME, AFTER MY ENTERING THE GATE I MET SEVERAL GUARDS WITH TRANSMITTERS (PORTABLE RADIOS) -VERY PROBABLY EMPLOYEES OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT."

Their plan for Lozang Tashi had failed.

Speaking about Lozang Tashi, prior to the corrupt Nechung Oracle recognizing him many Tibetans did not believe Lozang's story. It took the CTA's "Deputy Minister", the Nechung Oracle to seal the deal and silence the opposition to Lozang's questionable claims.

A quote from page 99,
"This seems to be another key decisive moment for the further events. IT DOES NOT SEEM THAT THERE WERE MANY PEOPLE TRUSTING MONK LOZANG TASHI'S CLAIM THAT HE WAS INDEED THE MEDIUM OF POWERFUL HERO AND REINCARNATED MASTER.  But honour paid by Nechung to him changed the whole matter."

A quote from page 105,
"One of the monks from K?rti monastery in Indian Dharamsala revealed to me that he does not believe the medium to be a genuine one. His claim for himself of the status of reincarnated master in fact was suspicious, among other reasons, from the very fact that the medium once did not predict the right sex of a baby to be born in India. AT THE SAME TIME IT WAS SEEN THAT HIS PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS TO AVOID THIS TOPIC DURING OUR DISCUSSION....."

So the Oracle tried to avoid answering questions from the Professor.

You now seem the HATRED the CTA, Dalai Lama, Nechung Oracle and Kirti Rinpoche have towards Dorje Shugden.

They will stop at nothing in their battle against Dorje Shugden, including creating fake Oracles and Tulkus.
General Buddhism / Re: Substances
« Last post by vajratruth on May 29, 2020, 02:54:41 PM »
I understand that we make offerings to collect merits, but why yogurt, oats, milk, tea, beer?

Whats the significance of such offerings? Its said that they were difficult to come by in the past thats why they were so special. To a non buddhist it may just look like voodoo or black magic.

Why would  anyone think of these items as having anything to do with voodoo?

Offering of the five Commitment Offerings - tea, milk, oats with a sliver of butter, yogurt and beer are simply symbolic of seeking the Protector's blessings to:

- enliven the senses towards dharma (tea);
- spiritual sustenance (milk);
- physical sustenance (oats/tsampa);
- calming damaging energies (yogurt);
- receive tantric attainments (beer).

Here is information about H.E. the 11th Kirti Rinpoche from his biography.

It shows that the anti Dorje Shugden is up to his eye balls with the CTA and their banning of Dorje Shugden in 1996.

Remember it was the 11th Kirti Rinpoche who pushed for the recognition of the fake present day Oracle of Powerful Hero.

Below is the link to the information which is found on the European Parliament's official website.

Here a list of their quotes on the 11th Kirti Rinpoche.

"For a decade since 1978, Rinpoche worked as a Research Scholar at the Library of Tibetan
Works and Archives, Dharamsala. In 1984, as a Representative of the Tibetan Government in
exile, Rinpoche visited Tibet and China, where he met many Chinese dignitaries and high Tibetan
Lamas including the Panchen Lama......From 1987 onwards Rinpoche served in various important offices of Tibetan Government in exile such as the office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Political Committee, constitution Re-drafting Committee and also of member of Public Service Commission at the appointment of H.H. the Dalai Lama....IN 1997, RINPOCHE WAS ELECTED TO THE OFFICE OF KASHAG. HE TOOK THE OATH OF OFFICE OF KALON OF DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION AND CULTURE OF CENTRAL TIBETAN ADMINISTRATION ."

Now let us see what the 8th Kirti Rinpoche had to say about Dorje Shugden.

Here is a link to a story about him from this very website on October 07, 2012

Here are some note able quotes from that article.


Many rituals for many protectors were written by Eighth Kirti Rinpoche and among his many notable literary accomplishments were the life entrustment rituals he composed for the Dharma Protectors Setrabchen aka Setrap and Nechung, as well as rituals for Tsangpa, Karma Vajra aka POWERFUL HERO. The ritual of most interest is an initiation manual he composed for Dorje Shugden, called Dorje Shugden Gyi Jenang Chetsul, which details the method of initiation for Shugden.

It is also said that the previous incarnation of Kirti Rinpoche had such strong connections to Dorje Shugden that people in the area would specifically consult and ask Kirti Rinpoche for advice and protection. People would travel specifically to seek him for initiation of Dorje Shugden.

An account written by a Lobsang Tayang tries to trace the origins of this particular Jenang composed by Kirti Rinpoche. It is said that an earlier incarnation of Kirti Rinpoche had also had close connections with Dorje Shugden would who give him clear instructions and promised to protect colleges associated with him.

Later, as he was dying, Kirti Rinpoche passed this initiation an Alag Chojor and instructed to keep the lineage going. By certain requests, this initiation continued to be passed on – records trace that it was passed an Amdo lama known as Vajracharya Chogtrul who then bestowed the initiation to his own students in his own monastery........Some more contemporary scholars have suggested that the Dorje Shugden practice was proliferated greatly in the late 19th century. It has been further surmised that the diffusion of the Dorje Shugden practice was on the basis of a minor deity but this summary is clearly mistaken.

There is evidence to suggest from this initiation composed by Kirti Rinpoche and the accolades used, the status of Dorje Shugden was definitely being promoted beyond that of a minor worldly protector. Case in point, the title of the initiation manual uses the term “special emanated Protector of the Doctrine of the Second Conqueror Manjunatha”, a very clear indication of the prominent status that this protector held within Tsongkhapa’s lineage.

Another notable aspect of this initiation and other significant works of Kirti Rinpoche are praises he included in his writings to Panchen Sonam Drakpa. Closer study of his writings indicate that Kirti Rinpoche recognized the connection between Dorje Shugden and Panchen Sonam Drakpa – this is especially significant because the core of many major monasteries’ curriculum are based the works of Panchen Sonam Drakpa.

What is more interesting is that this remarkable initiation text composed by Kirti Rinpoche is actually a divergence from the lineage derived from Dakpo Dorje Chang and Pabongka Rinpoche. It seems that while the initiation still finds its roots from what was being practiced in Central Tibet, a a new approach was created outside of Tibet and would later spread to Mongolia.

Unfortunately, the works of Dorje Shugden from Central Tibet overshadowed this rare text and lineage and it was not been paid much attention in recent times. It does however, provide us sound evidence that the practice of Dorje Shugden had taken off in various directions, being spread and proliferated by Lamas outside of the central, more famous lineages of Tibet."

So who are we to believe the 11th Kirti Rinpoche who is anti Dorje Shugden and helped to create the fake anti Dorje Shugden Oracle of Powerful Hero.


We are to believe the 8th Kirti Rinpoche who was pro Dorje Shugden.

The 11th Kirti Rinpoche was totally corrupt and an agent for the CTA.

Remember he became the "Kalon" of the Department and Religion in 1997 in the CTA.

"In 1997, Rinpoche was elected to the office of Kashag. He took the oath of office of Kalon of Department of Religion and Culture of Central Tibetan Administration."

This happened only one year after the Dalai Lama and the CTA banned Dorje Shugden in 1996.

The 11th Kirti Rinpoche was the HEAD of the Department of Religion of the CTA when this ban first came into force.

He helped to enforce this brutal ban against the monks and nuns who followed Dorje Shugden.

Was the 11th Kirti Rinpoche reward for turning his back on Dorje Shugden his new found job and title of Kalon?

Was part of his new found job to create a FAKE anti Dorje Shugden Oracle of Powerful Hero?

I have written here in the past about the Dalai Lama creating fake anti Dorje Shugden Tulkus from previous pro Dorje Shugden Tulkus. All of these fake Tulkus were also recognized by the CTA.

Time for you to decided which Kirti Rinpoche is real and which one is FAKE.

Pray for the swift return of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.

Today I will be exposing another anti Dorje Shugden pro CTA fake corrupt Oracle.

Below is a link to an article written by Professor Daniel  Berounski of Charles University, Prague who is a Faculty Member there.

He wrote an article about a Dharmapala named "Powerful Hero" aka Palsel.

The article includes a section on the present day Kuten of Dharmpala Powerful Hero.

He was recognized by the 14th Dalai Lama as the Oracle of "Powerful Hero" an is officially considered a protector of the CTA who are Anti Dorje Shugden.

There's only one problem and that this Professor Berounski shows that Powerful Hero was in the past a friend to Dorje Shugden. 

The CTA has turned him from a Pro Dorje Shugden Dharmapala into an Anti Dorje Shugden Dharmapala.

A quote from page 86 of this article,

"The speech of K?rti master must be taken as a part of the reinterpretation of
the older and merely local conflict through the recent events connected with
Shugden. From his perspective the stress on the conflict between the two
protective deities assumed a central importance. But there is evidence that
Shugden was also propitiated by 8th K?rti, who stands behind the origin of
his protector Powerful Hero, in the form of the propitiation texts dedicated
to Shugden, which were composed by him and can be found among his collected works (Lhag pa tshe ring 1990, p. 816)."

So in the past the 8th Kirti Tulku showed that Powerful Hero and Dorje Shugden were friends.

The present day 11th Kirti Tulku now has changed that history since he is pro CTA and anti Dorje Shugden.

He now claims that Powerful Hero is anti Dorje Shugden and wants to destroy him.

The story of the present day Oracle of Powerful Hero starts on page 94.

In the article it states that this Oracle takes trance of Powerful Hero and Setrap aka "Sathabcen.

On page 99 in the presence of the 14th Dalai Lama and the Nechung Oracle he states in trance,

"I am the manifestation of Ra loc?wa, great king Powerful Hero of Vajra. I was instructed by
great King-Five Bodies (Rgyal po sku lnga) and Pelden Lhamo to come here. In this period of
time when Teaching is feeble I indeed offer my services with all my power. From the Dolgyal
(i.e. Shugden), the general enemy of Teaching, the personal enemy of my noble master (K?rti),
many obstacles to the virtuous deeds of Noble Lord-Refuge (Dalai Lama) come. I beg you; give
me a clear sign when the time to rise in the playful body of Tamchog (Rta mchog, a form of
Hayagr?va) and tame him will come. ...".

On page 99 the Dalai Lama replies to the new Oracle,
"In the past I relied on
Dolgyel (Shugden). This was my mistake. A few years ago, I was closely focused on Dolgyel
through the practice of “Hayagr?va taming the demons of the three spheres” and at that time
good signs appeared.
It is because of the Dolgyel that many noble persons did not come to the achievement of the
path and inside the religion there appear many mutually unfriendly oaths. And the time came
for you, protectors, to show what your power is. When should you show your power if not now;
during such a poor state of the Teaching as exists in the present time? Now the time to show
your power has come."

Then during his recognition the Oracle in trance states to the Dalai Lama (His Presence)

"From the monk Lozang Tashi’s mouth then spoke protector Sethabcen aka Setrap (Bse
khrab can) and announced:

“I am Sethabpa.”
His Presence: “Really"
Medium: “Thank you for recognition of this medium of Powerful Hero as reincarnated master,
you ‘Beneficial to Behold’, my root-master.”
His Presence placed his finger on the crown of the head of the medium and
said resolutely:
There is a history of some connection between Dolgyel and Sethabpa. I act in agreement with
opinions of the fifth Dalai Lama, when I was on the throne as a fifth Dalai Lama. You did not act
in agreement with the opinions of the fifth Dalai Lama and you gave support to Dolgyel. Think
about the benefit and harm to the general Teaching of Buddha, to the particular Teaching of
Tsongkhapa and sentient beings. It is poor to be satisfied with weakening those offering fumigation, “golden drink” and praying to you. Now, when the state of Teaching and governance is
desperate, it is necessary to act in union for people and deities. This is the time for approaching
the clear truth. You decide yourself whether to repent of past deeds and what then will be your
main task concerning Dolgyel. Now the time has come, when deities have to show their power."


So originally Setrap saves Dorje Shugden and takes him to the Sakya and they make him a member of the Galypo Sum that includes Setrap and Tsiu Marpo.

But now the present day Oracle in trance of Setrap states that Dorje Shugden must be destroyed!!!

You may notice that the Dalai Lama had to make a deal with this Oracle.


Small price to pay for another anti Dorje Shugden pro CTA oracle.

It was in fact the corrupt Nechung Oracle who declared in trance that Powerful Hero was to protect the CTA.

From page 97,

"The same afternoon medium Lozang Tashi became possessed by Powerful Hero again and surprisingly the Nechung in his medium invited protector Powerful Hero among the group of protectors of the Tibetan government."

I wrote an article on this site about the fake Lamo Tsangpa Oracle who takes trance of Tsangpa Karpo the peaceful emanation of Setrap

It would appear that the Powerful Hero Oracle is just another CTA copy of the fake Lamo Tsangpa Oracle.

So please go to the link below and read the full article by Professor Daniel Berounský.

Pray for the swift return of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.
General Discussion / Re: Just saying hello to fellow DS practitioners
« Last post by Pema8 on May 12, 2020, 01:07:02 PM »
Hello Vicky and everyone here on the Forum.
This is such a good place to come and learn.
May everyone connect to the powerful Protector Dorje Shugden. 
General Discussion / Re: Nice Picture Quotes on H.H. Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche
« Last post by Pema8 on May 12, 2020, 12:52:03 PM »
Wow! Thank you for sharing these beautiful and meaningful quotes.
May everyone be connected to this great master and to Dorje Shugden. _/\_
Could someone have sent an "Evil Spirit" to kill our beloved Tsem Rinpoche?
Tsem Tulku was the world leader in the fight FOR Dorje Shugden.
We also know who were against him.
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