Author Topic: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement  (Read 8201 times)


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement

Wednesday, 15 December 2010 17:44 Tibetan Official Media: Tibet Net    .

Dharamshala: "More than 99 per cent of Tibetans in and outside Tibet trust me, so I have the moral responsibility to serve them. My call for complete retirement does not mean that I will forget the Tibetan struggle. I am a Tibetan and every Tibetan has the moral obligation to carry out our own struggle," His Holiness told reporters in Kalimpong yesterday. (watch video - )

His Holiness said some Tibetans living inside Tibet express anxiety and confusion over his retirement plans. "I want to hand over the ceremonial role such as signing of legislatures and documents to the democratically elected leadership. But some Tibetans inside Tibetan are anxious and confused that the Dalai Lama is now no longer interested about the Tibetan struggle. No, it is not," he said.

He reiterated that efforts to resolve the issue of Tibet would remain one of his three commitments.

He spoke about his efforts to bring democratic reforms in Tibet before 1959 and later in exile.

Since my childhood I always admire the system of democracy. In 1952, I started reform committee and some reforms were carried out. Then after 1959 while in exile we had set up own organisation set up as the Central Tibetan Administration. We started the process of democratisation and put in place elected political leadership in 2001.

"I always tell the elected Tibetan leadership to take full responsibility as if there is no Dalai Lama and they are doing it," he said.

(Based on report filed by Sheja Editor Kelsang Khudup from Kalimpong)



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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 11:52:35 AM »
Parliament Appeals to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Never Retire
.by Ada Kalsang Kangrang on Thursday, January 6, 2011 at 4:51pm.Press Release

Copy of the memorandum presented to His Holiness the Dalai Lama by the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the issue of retirement.

Your Holiness,

We the members of the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, acting on behalf of all Tibetans in Tibet and in exile, beseech with utmost solemnity as under:

During the conclusion ceremony of the First Tibetan National General Meeting held in 2010 at the Bylakuppe Tibetan settlements, South India; in your response to questions asked during a meeting with the Chinese public in Toronto; at the founding anniversary of the Tibetan Children’s Village at Upper Dharamsala; and in your answer to questions asked at a press conference in New Delhi, Your Holiness expressed an intention to retire completely from governmental roles. Tibetans both in Tibet and in exile have been greatly concerned and grieved by this and have been continuing to petition Your Holiness, beseeching that you never entertain any thought about carrying out a plan for such a decision. We, the members of the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, too have, likewise, been holding successive meetings with extremely grave concern over Your Holiness’s wish to take complete retirement from governmental roles.

Out of a feeling of great kindness for us, Your Holiness led the Tibetan people to the fine path of democracy, beginning with the introduction of reforms in the functioning of the Tibetan government the moment you assumed spiritual and temporal powers in Tibet. And as soon as you stepped foot on Indian soil after escaping into exile, Your Holiness introduced election to allow the Tibetan people to vote for their own representatives, and in 1963, Your Holiness also promulgated a Tibetan constitution. In 1991, Your Holiness approved to us the Charter of the Tibetans in Exile, under which you expanded the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and made it into a lawmaking body which was in full conformity with the definition of a modern national legislature. In particular, Your Holiness, in 2001, introduced the system of direct election of the Kalon Tripa, thereby ensuring that the Tibetan people themselves vote for the head of their government.

To state it simply, no amount of offerings of precious materials can make up for even a fraction of the gratitude the Tibetan people owe for what they have received solely as a result of Your Holiness’s enormously great wishes and deeds.  Besides, it does not bear mention that Your Holiness’s successive speeches of the recent times were, no doubt, motivated by your very kind desire to ensure the well being of the entire Tibetan people both for the present and in the longer term future. Nevertheless, it remains a fact that all of us of the Snowland of Tibet have been sustained thus far by Your Holiness’s kindness and generosity. On the basis of the Buddha’s sacred prediction, Your Holiness has been firm in abiding by the oath you had been moved to take over your chosen realm of religious teaching or temporal rule especially in these apposite times for fulfilling it.

Thus, it is inconceivable that for as long as this aeon endures, there can ever be a moment at which the people of Tibet can at all be separated from your excellent religious and temporal leadership. The very first point in each of the reports and resolutions adopted in a series of recent relevant meetings have made this point clear. They included the report adopted at the end of the First Special General Meeting of Tibetans held in 2008 in accordance with the provisions of Article 59 of the Charter of the Tibetans in Exile; during successive sessions of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile; and, in particular, Document Number of 63 of 2010, which was a unanimous resolution adopted during the ninth session of the fourteenth Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile.

Also, at the conclusion of the First Tibetan National General Meeting, which was held at the Tibetan settlements at Bylakuppe, in south India, a report was compiled which brought together the opinions and suggestions of all the delegates who attended it. The very first point of the political section of the report stated:  “His Holiness the Dalai Lama has thus far assumed responsibility as the leader of the great Tibetan nation and as the head of the Tibetan government. On behalf of the Tibetan people both in Tibet and in exile, we offer immense gratitude to His Holiness. At the same time, His Holiness the Dalai Lama remarked in his speech that he was already in semi-retirement. This has plunged the entire people of Tibet, both those in the county and outside it, to such depth of despair that they are no longer able to digest their food or to go to sleep in peace. In view of this development, this general meeting appeals to His Holiness the Dalai Lama never to carry out any plan for such a decision.” This was unanimously adopted by the entire meeting.

Giving due consideration to the above series of pleas, we beseech and pray with heartfelt devotion that Your Holiness never ever contemplate going into either semi-retirement or full retirement.

Submitted with heartfelt prayers and devotion on 5th of January 2011 in the Tibetan Royal Year 2137

Penpa Tsering

Speaker, Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile   

Dolma Gyari

Deputy-Speaker, Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile

The birth of democratic rule in Tibetan exile community had been founded and protected by Dalai Lama to this date and should be protected until Tibet resolve its problem with China. Long live His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in 2011 and so on...

« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 11:58:25 AM by Mana »


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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2011, 07:18:06 AM »
"I always tell the elected Tibetan leadership to take full responsibility as if there is no Dalai Lama and they are doing it," he said.

The above line is what strikes me most.



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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2011, 10:18:16 PM »
"I always tell the elected Tibetan leadership to take full responsibility as if there is no Dalai Lama and they are doing it," he said.

The above line is what strikes me most.


Yeh Right...Does His Holiness honestly think that those who see him as a Buddha within his own government ( Referance the swiss documentary ) are really going to want to or be able to disagree with him when its their beleif that he is effectively unquestionable because Buddhas are always right ?
This is not the way democracy works and with respect to His Holiness this is incredibley naive for him to think that he could have any effective opposition within his Kashag when he is accompanied by the majority whom most likely have empowerments from him.

I cannot abide the mixing of Politics and religion. Let alone Dharma politics.
Perhapes His Holiness is also demonstrating to us why it is not a good idea to mix politics and Dharma !  :)


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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2011, 03:01:52 PM »
I am going out on a limb and risk being bombarded by those who do not share the same view...

The line is interesting to me because my own Guru always told me that the day HE took me in is the day HE is training me hard to be independent on HIM.

Along the same lines, HH DL's "training" or whatever you want to call it has indeed made all Shugdenpas independent of the whole lot.

My Guru cannot be there forever to protect me, guide me or shelter me from anything bad karma. But HE can certainly make me strong enough to stand on my own and to continue on my own long after HE is gone.

Whatever the ban has done, the practice of Dorje Shugden has not stopped spreading. New monasteries are being built and new monks are getting sogtae/empowerments and Tulkus are returning.

WE are becoming independent in spite of it all. WE are learning to continue despite of everything.




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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 03:05:54 PM »
Sorry, typo error - I meant - independent of my Guru.

My Guru does not wish for me to cling unto HIM and depend on HIM for everything. My Guru wishes for me to be able to think for myself and do the right thing all on my own.



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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2011, 04:12:10 PM »
I am going out on a limb and risk being bombarded by those who do not share the same view...

The line is interesting to me because my own Guru always told me that the day HE took me in is the day HE is training me hard to be independent on HIM.

Along the same lines, HH DL's "training" or whatever you want to call it has indeed made all Shugdenpas independent of the whole lot.

My Guru cannot be there forever to protect me, guide me or shelter me from anything bad karma. But HE can certainly make me strong enough to stand on my own and to continue on my own long after HE is gone.

Whatever the ban has done, the practice of Dorje Shugden has not stopped spreading. New monasteries are being built and new monks are getting sogtae/empowerments and Tulkus are returning.

WE are becoming independent in spite of it all. WE are learning to continue despite of everything.


Dear Helena,

I am all for what you said above so don't you worry you are alone in your opinion.

It only makes sense for H.H. the Dalai Lama to prepare for the governement he has set up to be fully functional and operational after he passes away. That is why he has to slowly let the democratic government takes its full responsibility and instead of relying on him all the time.

Like a mother prepares for her child to stand on his own feet.........the mother will slowly hand over more chores to the child so that he can make his own decision and action and take full course of the responsibility.

I believe that's what the Dalai Lama is doing to his government now.

And I 100% agree with what Helena said here that  "my own Guru always told me that the day HE took me in is the day HE is training me hard to be independent on HIM." This may contrary to what some practitioners might think that they can always rely on their Guru for everything when they take refuge with the lama.

The Guru's job is to make ourselves responsible, to know exactly what is best to be done and be strong enough to stand on our own two feet.

Big Uncle

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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2011, 06:34:43 PM »
I think a living Bodhisattva will never really retire or give up helping others as long as he/she is still alive. Sometimes, he/she might feign getting tired or express the wish to give up but they are really trying to benefit someone or the masses by doing that according to their skillfulness. Therefore I truly think the Dalai Lama is a living Bodhisattva and will never retire. At times, I contemplate this and it lifts me up when I feel like giving up everything and wanting to just run and take the easy way out.


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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2011, 09:28:37 AM »
I am going out on a limb and risk being bombarded by those who do not share the same view...

The line is interesting to me because my own Guru always told me that the day HE took me in is the day HE is training me hard to be independent on HIM.

Along the same lines, HH DL's "training" or whatever you want to call it has indeed made all Shugdenpas independent of the whole lot.

My Guru cannot be there forever to protect me, guide me or shelter me from anything bad karma. But HE can certainly make me strong enough to stand on my own and to continue on my own long after HE is gone.

Whatever the ban has done, the practice of Dorje Shugden has not stopped spreading. New monasteries are being built and new monks are getting sogtae/empowerments and Tulkus are returning.

WE are becoming independent in spite of it all. WE are learning to continue despite of everything.


Dear Helena,

Prepare to be bombarded! (just kidding  ;D )

Please don't make this part of the 'big picture'....'The Dalai Lama is really kind because he's making all Shugden practitioners independent of him'.  You say training, I say persecution, but that's an issue for another discussion, right now I want to discuss the function of the Guru.

When do we ever become independent of our Guru?  NEVER.  Our Guru drew us to the Dharma in this life because of the connection we had with him in our previous life.  When does our Guru ever leave us?  NEVER, otherwise it makes of nonsense of prayers in Offering to the Spiritual Guide where we say "in this life, in the bardo and until the end of my lives, please hold me with the hook of your compassion'.

I don't believe our Guru wants us to cling to him, and certainly not to his emanation body.  I believe he wants us to develop realizations, but when will that ever make us independent of him or her?  Never.  Buddha Avalokiteshvara has Guru Amitabha on his crown to show that everything he has become is due to his Guru's kindness and he holds him in the highest position as his crown ornament.

If we ever become independent of our Guru, we will be totally lost and not following the path to enlightenment.  Even enlightened beings show this dependence, so we certainly should.


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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2011, 04:28:15 PM »
I think the Dalai Lama says this as a kindness towards his government because in all likelihood, they are probably going to fall flat on their faces once he passes away. Who looks at or ever talks about the Tibetan Government? the world only ever talks about the Dalai Lama, as a religious leader, but never his Government. The world, in general, don't even talk much about him as a secular / political head. So who cares about the government! When he passes away, I don't think even the Tibetan people will be listening to the government anymore - they don't even have a country TO GOVERN.


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Re: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Clarifies Statement on Retirement
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2011, 06:33:51 PM »
Dear Lineageholder,

Thank you for your response. I truly appreciate your tone in this thread. Although we do not share the same views on this, we remained respectful and courteous with conveying our own points to one another. Now, that's Dharma in action.

Being independent of one's Guru does not necessarily mean that we will be lost. If we truly learnt and practiced what we have learnt from our Guru, and especially kept our samayas well - we will never be lost. After all, everything that our Guru has taken the time to teach us and guide us is really to enable us to stand on our own - long after our Guru is no longer around.

Like a parent taking care of a child - a parent can never always be there for the child. But the parent can and should teach the child to do the right thing and fend for himself or herself - no matter where he or she may be.

Ultimately, the Guru resides within us.

I guess, that is when we become one with our Guru.

Then there is no independence or dependence - We have become everything that our Guru has taught us to be - the great unification becomes a reality.

This is just my humble opinion and how I see it :)