Author Topic: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden  (Read 7308 times)


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Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:15:03 PM »
Found this nice article in Tricycle which I thought to share...

Nice art, troubled history: Dorje Shugden
Posted by James Shaheen on 11 Jan 2011

Issues around the worship of the Tibetan deity Dorje Shugden have been the source of much conflict ever since the deity and its associated practices were adopted by the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism. But it was not the Gelugs who inducted the deity into the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon. In fact, it was only in the early 20th century that Gelugs adopted practices linked to Dorje Shugden. Previously, such practices were primarily associated with the Sakya sect.

Depending on your teacher, Dorje Shugden is either a deity or a potentially harmful demon. Tibetan iconography expert Jeff Watt's interest, however, is not sectarian. At Himalayan Art Resources, Jeff lays out for us the history of Dorje Shugden and the deity's representation in Tibetan art. Above, Dorje Shugden is depicted riding a lion. For an overview and easy navigation, click here.

Warning: Fine to discuss the art but sectarian mudslinging is strictly prohibited (seriously)!


the comments on this article are all constructive.. what a lovely, lovely change :)
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Big Uncle

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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 07:57:49 PM »
Dear Wisdom Being,

Thank you for the article. I didn't think Tricycle would be so liberal as to allow such a discussion. Perhaps it is a sign that more and more people are starting to rethink where did all this began. Many older practitioners would long for the simpler days without the ban and everybody could just practice Dorje Shugden openly and without prejudice. Everything seemed more spiritual and calm. Perhaps people are starting to recall what it was like to practice without prejudice, without segregation and unnecessary lies and deceit. Perhaps... perhaps.... perhaps... haha! That's just what I thought when I saw this...


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 04:35:41 AM »
Hi, I'm totally new here, just came across this website while I was doing some research on Dorje Shugden. One of my friend decided to leave her Guru just because He insists to continue practicing Dorje Shugden. This made me really curious about what actually is the story behind. Why make buddhism so complicated? I thought Buddhism doesn't encourage sectarianism?

Nice to see this article that doesn't encourage sectarianism.  ;D


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 08:15:27 PM »
Hi, I'm totally new here, just came across this website while I was doing some research on Dorje Shugden. One of my friend decided to leave her Guru just because He insists to continue practicing Dorje Shugden. This made me really curious about what actually is the story behind. Why make buddhism so complicated? I thought Buddhism doesn't encourage sectarianism?

Nice to see this article that doesn't encourage sectarianism.  ;D

Whom was her Guru ?


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2011, 05:48:10 PM »
Hi, I'm totally new here, just came across this website while I was doing some research on Dorje Shugden. One of my friend decided to leave her Guru just because He insists to continue practicing Dorje Shugden. This made me really curious about what actually is the story behind. Why make buddhism so complicated? I thought Buddhism doesn't encourage sectarianism?

Nice to see this article that doesn't encourage sectarianism.  ;D

Hi Daka,

Welcome to the site and the forum!

It is quite sad that these are troubled and confusing times, and that your friend left her teacher because of this. I am sure there must be many more people out there who don't understand what this is all about or sadly, may even leave their practices.

No, Buddhism does not encourage sectarianism. It is people who create sectarianism by spreading wrong views or engaging in negative actions. Dorje Shugden's practice is NOT sectarian, which many people claim that it is. There have been so many stories by previous masters about how Dorje Shugden was practiced by Nyingmas and Sakyas; Dorje Shugden was a very widely worshipped Protector throughout Tibet. There were many regions which were mainly Gelugpa and there are accounts which also prove that Gelugpas very willingly and happily supported their fellow Tibetans who were from other sects. This thing about sectarianism has only arisen recently.

Yes, Dorje Shugden arose to protect Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings but it must be made clear that he does not protect the teachings at the expense of any other school. He would never do that as he is a fully enlightened Buddha. He protects and helps these teachings to grow because they are said to be particularly relevant and beneficial to people of this time but this does not mean that the other teachings / sects are no good or that he would harm them or stop them. This is illogical.

It is a big irony that people say Dorje Shugden is sectarian because he protects Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings.... Lama Tsongkhapa took teachings from masters of all the other three Tibetan Buddhist schools and his teachings are a synthesis of all their teachings AND the older teachings from Indian masters. So if Dorje Shugden protects Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings, would it be logical to conclude that he is therefore protecting ALL the schools? How can this be sectarian? That would really be like cutting off your nose to spite your face!

Do read more on this website - there is a lot more information about Dorje Shugden's practice, who he is, his history, how he arose as a Dharma Protector, his enlightened nature. There's also good information about the politics of the situation. Be well informed, see all sides of the story before you make a well-informed, non-biased conclusion,

Big Uncle

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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2011, 07:25:12 PM »
Hi, I'm totally new here, just came across this website while I was doing some research on Dorje Shugden. One of my friend decided to leave her Guru just because He insists to continue practicing Dorje Shugden. This made me really curious about what actually is the story behind. Why make buddhism so complicated? I thought Buddhism doesn't encourage sectarianism?

Nice to see this article that doesn't encourage sectarianism.  ;D

Dear Daka,
Please to meet you and it is always a pleasure to read comments by other readers of this forum. I understand that you are wondering what this controversy is all about. I wouldn't say that Buddhism is complicated but I think a certain amount of politics had made it a bigger mess. I have taken the liberty to select a few key unbiased articles from this website on this controversy for you to read:-

1. The first article presents the key points of the ban  that was stressed on both factions (of those who practice and those who don't) so you have an understanding of where both sides are coming from.

2. The next article presents a response to the claim that Dorje Shugden is merely a powerful spirit. There is just so many points scripturally and the fact that many of his practitioners are High Lamas that they are fully qualified to check and observe his level of mind.

3. The following article presents proof of suppression that the Dalai Lama's ban and the enforcement of the ban has resulted in the degeneration of human rights. This article provides ample proof of the discrimination and sufferings that practitioners are going through in India.

4. The other article presents a rather compellingly unbiased look at the ban by Time Magazine. The story of discrimination and segregation remains the same and it is getting noticed by many in the international community.

5. The last article presents a rather intriguing consequence to this ban. It offers a glimpse of what might be the real reason the Dalai Lama issued the ban. This article is actually an extract of a book written by a renowned and reputable  expert on the Dalai Lama, Glenn Mullin.

I think these 5 articles are good starting point in understanding the ban on Dorje Shugden. I hope it will help you in forming your own conclusions regarding Dorje Shugden and that you might enlighten your friend as well...


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2011, 03:13:01 PM »
Hi, I'm totally new here, just came across this website while I was doing some research on Dorje Shugden. One of my friend decided to leave her Guru just because He insists to continue practicing Dorje Shugden. This made me really curious about what actually is the story behind. Why make buddhism so complicated? I thought Buddhism doesn't encourage sectarianism?

Nice to see this article that doesn't encourage sectarianism.  ;D
Hi daka, welcome to this website and nice to see you participating in the forum. It would be good if you can spend some time watching the video Dorje Shugden- The Illustrated Play


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2011, 04:40:18 PM »

the comments on this article are all constructive.. what a lovely, lovely change :)

A bit weird to quote myself but anyway - the lovely change didn't last long at all - the comments were back to pro-Shugden anti-Shugden. :( it had become a huge debate to the extent that Tricycle has closed comments on the article. Oh well.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2011, 10:07:06 AM »
Dear Daka,
Funny your friend chose to judge her own guru.
I mean does she really have the correct perception to see that her Guru ( teacher ) is going the wrong way. Does that mean since he practices Dorje Shugden it now means, he is not qualified to teach her anymore? That this person whom she chose as her guru suddenly becomes unqualified hmmm strange times.... just your statement brought up many questions


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2011, 04:12:36 PM »
Dear Daka,
Funny your friend chose to judge her own guru.
I mean does she really have the correct perception to see that her Guru ( teacher ) is going the wrong way. Does that mean since he practices Dorje Shugden it now means, he is not qualified to teach her anymore? That this person whom she chose as her guru suddenly becomes unqualified hmmm strange times.... just your statement brought up many questions

I think this is a "dilemma" that many people find themselves in. They think that since this teacher practices Dorje Shugden, then he is not "qualified" to teach them anymore.

It is totally outta-my-head illogical that you would base a teacher's entire qualifications just one practice he does, which by the way, is well in line with all the other practices of your lineage (in other words, it's not like he just made it up or is doing something deviant).

This is why it is also so important to check out the teacher before taking someone as your teacher. If you have checked out your teacher and understand, accept and realise that all their teachings have been beneficial to you and will continue to benefit you, then one practice - whether deviant or not - should not make a difference. If you have taken this person's teachings and it has benefited you and helped you to transform and progress on the spiritual path - isn't that the most important thing?


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Re: Nice Art Troubled History: Dorje Shugden
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2011, 11:04:58 AM »
It is never easy to find ourselves "caught in the middle"...and even reading such an articles makes us feel like we have to take sides. Well dear WisdomBeing, yes, looks like we are back to pro-Shugden vs  anti-Shugden!

I'm starting to think really, it's the workings of the compassionate buddhas for good to come about with what seems to be the longest struggle which spans so many life times. What crossed my mind today is the picture of a caterpillar, struggling to break free from its cocoon, revealing something amazing with the completion of its metamorphosis, bringing us an entirely new era of the New Kadampa with Lord Dorje Shugden, victoriously cutting through obstacles in spreading the doctrine of Dharma King Je Tsongkhapa.

with folded hands to all the lineage Gurus, compassionately holding each and every vow in order to pass this sacred practice on at this time