Author Topic: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight  (Read 10996 times)

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2012, 07:45:43 AM »
Looking at the picture and video, while I feel very painful for the matador Julio Aparicio I also feel very sorry for him that he may have been ignorant all this while, not seeing or have turned off his emotions to the fact that all the bulls he have killed over the 20 years of his career are also beings that experience pain and agony the same way he does. The incident should serve as a very good lesson for the pain he had inflicted upon those bulls he had killed.

I hope he will be awaken from this lesson and start to be more sensitive towards animals. The pain he feels this time is actually nothing if compared to the amount of lives he had taken just for entertainment, personal fame and pride. If it is his Karma to be gored by the bull and walk away with a very painful but awakening lesson. Then he is actually a very lucky person.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2013, 01:41:57 AM »
A very gory scene seeing the matador being gored by the angry bull!  At the outset, many would spontaneously generate the feeling of shock and concern for the metador.  The majority of people would never even think about the fear, pain, suffering, humiliation, torture, death and so on from the bull’s side!

It is not surprising that Julio Aparicio had to experience the injury! This is the consequences of his actions for killing hundreds of bulls in his career as a metador!  His negative karma had riped and his injury will bring him much inconvenience for the rest of his life. 

Of great concern here is not about Julio Aparicio.  It is everything about the bull fights!  Hundreds if not thousands of bulls are killed in bull fights.  Every single person connected to the bull fights e.g. the tourists, spectators, metadors, workers, the industry, the government and etc. who enjoy and contributed to the tradition of bull fights will suffer the consequences of the actions of killing!  There is so much negative karma generated by these people!

The bull fights must stop!

Jessie Fong

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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2013, 07:12:21 AM »
The suffering of 'bullfighting' bulls
An ethologist’s perspective

In this article I will deal with the subject of the suffering of bulls in bullfighting. This is an article of scientific opinion, not of empirical science, but it is based on my scientific background as a zoologist specialising in animal behaviour (ethologist), as well as the fact that I have myself witnessed and recorded all the main types of bullfighting events in the world, which I have been visiting during the last two years with the intention of studying them in detail.

I will try to answer several questions. Firstly, whether bulls and cows suffer in bullfights and associated activities; secondly, whether I know any bullfighting style where bulls do not suffer; and thirdly whether we can say that some acts within bullfighting do not produce suffering.

.... read on to find out more ...

The author went on to conclude :

Therefore, my direct experience in the subject brings me to the conclusion that the answers to the question I put myself at the beginning are: yes, all behavioural evidence shows that bulls and cows suffer in bullfights; yes, they do suffer in all types of bullfights, even in those that do not end with their deaths; and yes, all aspects of any bullfight, from the transport to the death, are in themselves causes of suffering.

Jordi Casamitjana,
CAS International


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2013, 08:40:26 AM »
Oh my gosh! The photo is truly shocking. I think that the law of Karma applies here. The bullfighter has killed many, many bulls during his career as that is his job. The method of killing is by jabbing the bull with colourful spears before delivering a killing slice with a knife. This is all of the entertainment of the audience. A very sadistic sport.

This man is lucky to be alive. If he were to die, I think he would surely go to the three lower realms because of his mistreatment towards animals. He may become a bull, in line of sacrifice, for the next matador.

I really hope that this guy will stop slaying bulls. Bulls are actually tame creatures. They only become "aggressive" when there is bright lights, loud sounds and when they are provoked.

hope rainbow

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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2013, 11:08:44 AM »
Let's be really honest, I get more cold-sweat when I see the picture of that man with a bull-horn through his face than I get when I see the bloody bull being killed...

Why is that?

Clearly because I have no equanimity and thus empathize easier with the suffering of a human than I do with a bull... Says a lot about me...

What about you?