Author Topic: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery  (Read 12328 times)


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Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« on: January 13, 2012, 10:49:09 AM »
Brief History of Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery

Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery is a Gelugpa monastery situated at the hilltop in Kalimpong. The monastery was founded by Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Kalsang in 1912. History says that Domo Geshe Rinpoche lived in Kalimpong in 1906’s when he came to India for pilgrimage and to collect medicinal plant from India, Nepal and Bhutan. At the request of the Tibetans merchants and some Bhutanese leaders living in Kalimpong to establish a monastery there, Rinpoche instituted this monastery.

Gaden Tharpa Choling monastery is non-profitable development Association, registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. On the 1st day of the 11th month of the Water-Mouse year, (1912) Mrs. Trinlay Gyalmo, (the sister in law of Rani Chonyi Wangmo of Bhutan House) and her husband Bhawalolo constructed the Monastery with a main prayer hall, monk's dormitory and a private residence for Rinpoche on the donated 7 acres land which was orange garden then. Mrs Trinlay Gyalmo also donated 21 acres of paddy field for up-keeping precious artefacts of the Monastery. Rani Chonyi Wangmo sponsored for the renovation of the Chinese temple, Gesar Lhangang and donated generously for the monk's living. Gradually, novice monks came from every part of Tibet from all different schools of Tibetan Buddhism and joined the Monastery. There were monks from Mongolia, Ladakh, Kinnaur, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh besides Sherpa, Tamang and Gurung monks.

As of now, there are 55 resident monks of Tibetan, Monpa, Sherpa, Tamang and Gurung origin. After the passing away of the Venerable Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Kalsang in 1939, the senior monks of Tharpa Choling Monastery appealed to the Tibetan government to take over the administration of the Monastery. As the new incarnation of the Rinpoche was yet to be found, and when found he would be too young to take over the administrative responsibilities of the Monastery, therefore, the Tibetan Government decided to appoint abbot from Sera, Drepung and Gaden to administer the monastery. The first deputed abbot of Tharpa Choling Monastery was Khenpo Lodoe Dorje who was Geshe from Gaden Monastery. The second abbot was Drepung Tsawa Khangtsen Mani Tulku. These two abbots were appointed before the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959. After the occupation of Tibet, the Department of Religion and Culture, Tibetan Government in Exile appointed Rikya Rinpoche as the third abbot and Serje Khensur Lobsang Dhonyoe as the fourth abbot of the monastery.

Updates: In 2005, the reincarnation of the third Domo Geshe Rinpoche was found in Bylakuppe through the prophecy and divination of His Holiness of the 14th Dalai Lama. In deference to the directives of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, the Tharpa Choling Monastery has banned the worship of Dorjee Shugden. The Monastery is under the direct supervision of the religious department and His Holiness the Dalai Lama Administration.

Discipline of the Monastery:

The monastery's discipline is based on the regulations laid down by His Holiness the Great 13th Dalai Lama in abidance with the rules of the Vinaya, the spiritual code of conducts.

Others shrines of the monastery campus.

1. Ge-sar Lhagang or the Chinese temple: This temple was once situated in Kali Jhora and was almost destroyed by landslides. Later, it was shifted to Tharpa Choling Monastery campus and located near the residence of Domo Geshe Rinpoche by Rani Choenyi Wangmo in 1912. A Mongolian monk translated the soothing texts from Mongolian to Tibetan and composed a prayer to propitiate Ges-sar the deity and Dakhang, monthly prayers are offered to Ges-sar. The temple was famous for Tao-Chen, the Chinese school of divination through which future can be forecast.

2. Lha-Ten is the temple of the protector deity of the monastery. It is situated behind the main hall on the left and comprises three structures, two in front and a white one at the back side. The front Lhaten with ‘Tri’ letter is the temple of Nechung Choegyal and the second with the letter ‘Kyee’ is the temple of Tashi Woebar while the white temple at the back with the letter ‘Kyee’ is the temple of Jowo Ching Karwa. Nechung Choegyal who is the main protector deity of Tibet while Tashi Woebar and Jowo Ching Karwa are the main deities of Tharpa Choling Monastery.

3. Lu-Khang, the temple of Naga: The Lu-Khang has a Trishul and the Naga of this temple is believed to be a female. In 1994, when an old woman living near Enchai Monastery in Gangtok was possessed by a spirit, in trance she spoke out in very pure Tibetan and said, “I came from Tibet with Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Kalsang to India and lived here in Tharpa Choling Monastery campus. During the renovation of the Congregational hall the workers and labourers dumped filthy waste near my shrine and I could hardly live there as the surroundings got defiled. Kindly convey my plight to Rinpoche”. Rinpoche immediately ordered the monks to clean the surroundings and forbade the labourers to go anywhere near the Naga Shrine.

4. Mani Lhagang: A prayer wheel was constructed by Lama Ngawang Kalsang and it was situated at the left of the Main Hall entrance. It was shifted to a separate room when the renovation of the Main Hall started.

5. Shrine for Shangmo Dorje Bhuti:
It is said that Shangmo was once a demon who disguised as a nomad woman. She was tamed by Sakya Gongma Rinpoche. Around 1902, Shangmo escaped from the Sakya Monastery and followed Domo Geshe Rinpoche to Dungkar Gonpa, as Rinpoche also was the native of the same place, “Shang”. There at Dungkar Gonpa, she was bound under solemn oath to protect the monastery. In Tharpa Cholling, the storekeeper ordered Shangmo to protect the ration store room of Tharpa Choling monastery. Shangmo stayed in the store room up to the renovation of monastery. Now her abode has been shifted to Mani Lhagang with her special shrine.

School and Education:

In 1956, a primary school was established according to requirement of the younger generation monks. The primary school admitted local people from poor and needy families. After the Chinese invasion in 1959, many exiled Tibetan students received education from this monastic school. The younger monks got their basic education from the school in reading and writing Tibetan script. In accordance with the direction of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tharpa Choling Monastery established a separate school only for monks in the monastic campus. Teaching modern education was initiated in the monastic school in 2010. In year 2010, a Geshe from Sera Jey Drati Khangtsen, named Geshe Tenzin Chogdup was appointed as a religious teacher by the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Geshe la looks after the monastic education such as text memorization in the morning and prayers recitation in the evening. Geshela also teaches the monks every alternative day. Geshe la’s taught Lam-Rim and Drup-Tha in the day time. Some of college students and school teachers receive special teaching from Geshela during Geshe la’s break times. The monastery also organizes a Dharma Teaching class for the people of Kalimpong and neighbouring places on Sunday. Geshe la is popular in Kalimpong as his method of teaching is clear and easy to understand. For the monastic School, there are two new qualified teachers for English and Tibetan language.


Generally, the administration of Tharpa Choling Monastery is directly undertaken by Domo Geshe Rinpoche. However, sometimes, the Tibetan Government in Exile supervises the administration in the absence of Domo Geshe Rinpoche or the new reincarnation of the Rinpoche is too young to take over the administration responsibilities of the monastery. However, at present the monastery is under the direct supervision of the Private Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration.

The Source of Income:

Mrs. Trinlay Gyalmo and her family, and Maharani of Bhutan House were the only income source that the Tharpa Choling monastery dependent to. Gradually, the elder people passed away and the younger generations being not interested in sponsoring the monastery, the monastery's income source broke. In the meantime, the Dungkar Gonpa Society fully supported the livelihood of the monastery. The rightful and genuine reincarnation of Domo Geshe Rinpoche was found in Bylakuppe, South India, through prophecy and divination by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The reincarnated boy's name was Tenzin Woeden. At present, there is not a single monk in Tharpa Choling monastery given devotion to Dorje Shugden deity. Since then the Dungkar Gonpa Society stopped supporting the monastery and it comes under the direct supervision of the Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration and the private office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 05:35:06 PM »
I love this post. Thanks WisdomBeing.

It is sad to know that HHDL banned Dorje Shugden's practice in Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery. But one doesn't need to think that deep to see the inconsistency and contradictory message from HHDL.

- HHDL ban DS practice in Domo Geshe's monastery because DS is evil etc etc...

- BUT Domo Geshe's incarnation is back

- BUT Domo Geshe Rinpoche's current incarnation is recognised by HHDL

- AND Domo Geshe Rinpoche is unstoppable and continues his studies and practice in Shar Gaden!

I wonder will the Tharpa Choling monastery monks join Shar Gaden in the near future.


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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 11:53:39 PM »
I love this post. Thanks WisdomBeing.

It is sad to know that HHDL banned Dorje Shugden's practice in Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery. But one doesn't need to think that deep to see the inconsistency and contradictory message from HHDL.

- HHDL ban DS practice in Domo Geshe's monastery because DS is evil etc etc...

- BUT Domo Geshe's incarnation is back

- BUT Domo Geshe Rinpoche's current incarnation is recognised by HHDL

- AND Domo Geshe Rinpoche is unstoppable and continues his studies and practice in Shar Gaden!

I wonder will the Tharpa Choling monastery monks join Shar Gaden in the near future.

The Dalai Lama recognized a different boy as Domo Rinpiche, not the one here at Shar Gaden.

Kyabje Domo Choktrul RInpoche, who is at Shar Gaden was recognized by Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, Dorje Shugden (via oracle) and many others.


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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 03:40:45 AM »
My own opinion is that the Dalai Lama hand-picked another boy as a political maneuver to further divide our lineage, as he was well aware that the reincarnation had already been found.

If anyone has ever met Domo Choktrul Rinpoche here at Shar Gaden, there is no doubt he is the real deal. Meeting this young monk will quickly evaporate any doubts about his legitimacy.

I have heard some who say maybe they are both emanations.....maybe, who am I to say. But I do know with every ounce of my being that the boy here at Shar Gaden is the authentic Domo Choktrul Rinpoche


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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2012, 04:53:54 AM »
There are so many instances of multiple candidates of incarnations, such as the Karmapas, the Panchen Lamas, and here two Dromo Geshe Rinpoches (discounting the other self-proclaimed lady in the US). Even for the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, some say it’s Samdhong Rinpoche, others say it was the brother of the Dalai Lama and others. Who is to say which one is genuine. Perhaps they all are. After all, these enlightened beings can incarnate in more than one form. And I believe that the mind, body and speech of the enlightened being can incarnate in different forms also. I think we have to wait and see the results of each identified incarnation to see which one is genuine rather than prejudging.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2012, 07:13:15 AM »
There are so many instances of multiple candidates of incarnations, such as the Karmapas, the Panchen Lamas, and here two Dromo Geshe Rinpoches (discounting the other self-proclaimed lady in the US). Even for the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, some say it’s Samdhong Rinpoche, others say it was the brother of the Dalai Lama and others. Who is to say which one is genuine. Perhaps they all are. After all, these enlightened beings can incarnate in more than one form. And I believe that the mind, body and speech of the enlightened being can incarnate in different forms also. I think we have to wait and see the results of each identified incarnation to see which one is genuine rather than prejudging.
There are so many instances of multiple candidates of incarnations, such as the Karmapas, the Panchen Lamas, and here two Dromo Geshe Rinpoches (discounting the other self-proclaimed lady in the US). Even for the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, some say it’s Samdhong Rinpoche, others say it was the brother of the Dalai Lama and others. Who is to say which one is genuine. Perhaps they all are. After all, these enlightened beings can incarnate in more than one form. And I believe that the mind, body and speech of the enlightened being can incarnate in different forms also. I think we have to wait and see the results of each identified incarnation to see which one is genuine rather than prejudging.

Oh! It's not perhaps. I think they all are genuine emanations of Dorje Shugden. Some people trace Dorje Shugden to be an emanation of Lama Tsongkhapa. Which is not far from the truth since both are emanations of Manjushri. At such an exalted state, Dorje Shugden/Lama Tsongkhapa could emanate hundreds of thousands of emanations simultaneously.

They are all working and performing great works secretly and without recognition. Therefore, someone searching for an incarnation would look for the mind emanation of the previous Lama. That would be the main incarnation and there are usually 5 main emanations and they are mind, body, speech, qualities and activities of a great enlightened Lama along with the hundreds of thousands of lesser emanations across many worlds. Hence, I believe that Dromo Geshe Rinpoche's two contending incarnations are genuine as well based on the sole fact that the Lamas recognizing them are extraordinary Lamas.


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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2012, 04:32:35 PM »
This article is very informative. Thank you. It is a great history lesson. But, it's a shame when the office of the Dalai Lama took over the monastery, he stopped the monks from practicing DS. Do you really think that the monks abide by the Dalai Lama? And why do they need to stress that the monastery does not practice Dorje Shugden so many times in the article? Trying to be convincing but in fact not!

It says that the discipline regulations are laid down by the 13th Dalai Lama. At that time the 13th Dalai Lama is still practicing Dorje Shugden, so the regulations will still be based on DS practices. So, monks are still practicing DS today. Am I correct to say this?

As for Dromo Geshe Rinpoches, I believe the 2 incarnations are true. Maybe it happened this way that when the ban is lifted, both of them will have a huge influence on the people and will be able to spream Lama Tsongkapa's teachings further and wider.


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Re: Gaden Tharpa Choling Monastery
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2012, 05:11:26 PM »
My own opinion is that the Dalai Lama hand-picked another boy as a political maneuver to further divide our lineage, as he was well aware that the reincarnation had already been found.

If anyone has ever met Domo Choktrul Rinpoche here at Shar Gaden, there is no doubt he is the real deal. Meeting this young monk will quickly evaporate any doubts about his legitimacy.

I have heard some who say maybe they are both emanations.....maybe, who am I to say. But I do know with every ounce of my being that the boy here at Shar Gaden is the authentic Domo Choktrul Rinpoche

Yes Domo Chocktrul is already found and recognised in Shar Gaden. This other candidate may well be an emination and frankly put Domo Rinpoche was an enlightened being and their compassion is beyond measure, There will come a time when monastrys under the DL's admin will need proper direction and reconciliation after HHDL passing I expect there to be multiple eminations of masters to prepare for when the time is right to amend this schism caused by the Dalai lama.