Some wonderful news and photo from Shar Gaden to rejoice in.
HH Trisur Rinpoche confers Ta Cha Chok Sum empowerment to thousands of devotees congregated from every corner of Tibet in Yangting prefecture. (Ta Cha Chok Sum is explained as Ta Tib-Tading Sanskrit: Hayagriva. Cha Tib-chak na dorje Sanskrit- Vajrapani. Chok/kyung tib-Kyung Sanskrit- Garuda - which someone explained as The Three Furies!)
HE Yongyal Rinpoche is also visiting Tibet - many monks and lay people of Lithang county, who had taken oath to give up their Dorje Shugden practice under immense pressure, are now seen visiting the Rinpoche as an atonement in Chengdu and expressed great regret