Author Topic: Who is Khache Marpo?  (Read 15011 times)


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Who is Khache Marpo?
« on: November 28, 2007, 06:48:11 PM »
In DS's sadhana,it mentions his attendant Khache Marpo,i'm curious who is this?


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 04:58:51 AM »
He is a Tsen spirit,

He waits outside the mansion on his horse to carry messages and lead the wrathfull army.


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 09:38:42 AM »

...and he is, together with Namka Bardzin (who was subdued by the great Mahasiddha Dromo Geshe Rinpoche) the main acolyte within Dorje Shugden's oathbound wrathful entourage.


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 08:57:16 PM »






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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 07:38:44 PM »

There are more information about Kache Marpo in the article below.

Source : Kache Marpo : Who is He? 

Kache Marpo is the main attendant to Dorje Shugden alongside Namkar Barzin. He is said to be the direct emanation of Hayagriva. Although Kache Marpo takes the appearance of a wordly form, he is fully enlightened.
Hayagriva is the wrathful form of Avalokiteshvara. His compassion transforms itself as a fierce and strong energy. He manifests his compassion through wrath to force us to overcome both our inner and outer worldly obstacles, in order for us to practice Dharma smoothly.
Therefore, Kache Marpo being an emanation of a Buddha is an Enlightened Protector. He has his own Pujas, Offerings and Rituals separate from Dorje Shugden’s prayers, because he can be practiced as a Dharma Protector on his own.
It is said that Kache Marpo waits on his horse outside of the mansion in Dorje Shugden’s mandala to carry messages and lead a wrathful army to conquer our obstacles.
Kache Marpo usually takes trance peacefully through an oracle to give instructions and advice. He will check all advice with Dorje Shugden before giving it out to practitioners. Having great respect for Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo always refers to him as the ‘Great King’.
Kache Marpo takes trance of the current Panglung Kuten (Kuten is oracle in Tibetan) who resides in Taiwan. He also takes trance of the Gameng Kuten in the USA. In Tibet, the previous Panglung Kuten was very famous and many people including the 14th Dalai Lama, Trijang Rinpoche, dignitaries and high officials would always consult him. The Panglung Kuten lived in Panglung Retreat near Sera Monastery in Lhasa.
When Kache Marpo takes trance of the qualified oracles he may give prophecies, advice, blessings and healing of diseases depending what is necessary. He is very patient and very helpful to those who practice Dharma sincerely.
When Kache Marpo takes trance, he may appear wrathful or peaceful depending on the location he is in. If the people in a certain area are aggressive, full of anger and stubborn, Kache Marpo would take on a wrathful form. On the contrary, if the people are compassionate, loving and patient, Kache Marpo would take on a calm and peaceful form.
At times when Dorje Shugden and Kache Marpo knows that the people in a certain area will not adhere to their instructions, they will not stay for long during trance nor accept the offerings from the people. This is so that the people will not accumulate more negative karma by disobeying the instructions given.
Kache Marpo’s residence is described to be: A brilliant, splendid brown palace made of leather which is surrounded by a red ocean formed by the blood of horses and men.
The colour of his body is similar to that produced when the sun shines on a huge mountain of coral. He has the shape of a “son of devas”, with one face and two hands. In his right hand he brandishes a red, sharp lance, with which he pierces the heart of an oath-breaker. His left hand, holding a snare of the spirit which is wound around the neck of an obstacle-creating demon, rests in front of his breast.
He wears a leathern cuirass and a leathern helmet adorned with a “banner of victory” with pendants of silk in nine colours. His facial expression is very fierce and he gnaws his lower lip.
His eyes have red-gleaming veins, and they stare full of hatred at the evil vighnas. He sits on a very fierce horse, which has spots white like felt and possesses magic qualities – it is mounted with a priceless saddle and carries a front – belt and other horse trimmings.


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 08:05:46 PM »
Kache Marpo is sort of like the Prime Minister of Dorje Shugden, carrying out his orders. As described by ShugdenPromoter, I have actually had the fortune to see Kache Marpo taking trance of an oracle before, in both peaceful and wrathful forms.

In peaceful form, I was amazed to see how "normal" the oracle looked, how calm his face was, how he spoke just as though the oracle himself was speaking, and how kind and loving it felt to be standing in front of him.

In wrathful form, the experience was rather difference. The oracle was jumping, hissing, and his face was contorted with wrath. His movements were fierce, rough and almost "violent" but the most amazing part was how he exuded an energy of kindness and compassion despite the fierce exterior. You had to be there to experience it.

In thangkas, Kache Marpo is usually depicted below Dorje Shugden in his mandala. But on occasion, he is painted on his own. Here are some nice images of Kache Marpo:

Kache marpo also has his own prayers, one of which is below, composed by none other that the great 5th Dalai Lama.

Praise to Yaksha Kache Marpo, the doctrine’s watchman

Riding on a saddled precious horse
Having the power of the wind,
Traversing the universe in an instant,
Praise to Yaksha Kache Marpo, the doctrine’s watchman.

Furious mighty being biting the lower lip,
Three eyes blazing the sun and moon watching enemies,
Emanating messengers taking the life of false guides,
Praise to the liberator of the ten enemies.

Wearing leather armor, banners, colored garb and
Leather helmet with a victory banner, treasury of nine good signs,
Tying enemies with a lasso, piercing their hearts with a lance,
Praise to you and your retinue.

(extracted from


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2012, 11:20:37 PM »
I think everyone covered everything about Karche Marpo.  I just want to share my own experience when I was at several oracle taking trance session,  Karche Marpo would always come after the King Dorje Shugden.  It is ironic that the fact that Karche Marpo is suppose to be the wrathful form of Avalokiteshvara but during trance session, he is always calm, peaceful and will answer the questions one by one as the main minister to King Shugden.  I have witnessed Karche Marpo is able to stay for the longest time during trance session to carry out instructions from the King and to answer people's query so they can get the blessing and directions.

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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 05:55:25 AM »
Ok, I found a connection between Kache Marpo and Tsiu Marpo on ( )Check this out...

The Trode Khangsar temple is classified as a tsen khang. A tsen is a type of fierce, warrior-like spirit. Most of these tsen are regional deities (yul lha) not even stable and reliable enough to be recognized as local protector deities. Yet this term only provides an etymological origin for term tsen khang, which in context should be considered a “protector house,” as the tsen khang-s in Lhasa are integrated with monastic institutions and serve multiple roles. Moreover the tsen khang-s in Lhasa are related to protectors that are not simply part of the tsen class.

The Temples of Lhasa gives an overview of the nature and role of the tsen khang-s in Lhasa (TOL, 173):
Several Lhasa tsen khang-s became monastic institutions, usually branches of a larger community, and even participated in affairs of state. The oracle would then generally be a monk, and caretaker monks would service the shrine... They were all branches of larger Gelug communities in the Ganden Po-trang period, but their earlier history is obscure.

Although most of these tsen khang-s predate the establishment of the Gelug sect, this later transition to institutionalization and entrustment to the Gelug monasteries was culminated at the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama.6

Of the original group of four tsen khang-s mentioned earlier, each one has it own history and houses a particular protector.

Rabsel - The Rabsel tsen khang is for Lutsen Thutob Wangchug who is the protector of the Jowo Shakyamuni statue in the Tsuklhangkhang. This naga spirit protected the Jowo Shakyamuni statue originally in India. Later, when it was transferred to China and finally to Tibet this protector followed the statue. The Rabsel tsen khang was originally managed by the Nyingma sect, but it was transferred to Sera Me monastery by the Fifth Dalai Lama (GCJ, 32).
Karmashag - Sera Me was also entrusted by the Fifth Dalai Lama (GCJ, 32) to manage the Karmashag tsen khang although it was originally associated with the Karmapa (TOL, 183).
Darpoling - Darpoling is associated with the Lhasa valley protector Chingkarwa, and during the Fifth Dalai Lama’s reign it was entrusted to the Dalai Lama’s personal monastery Namgyal (TOL, 175).
Tengyeling - Finally, Tengyeling, a regency seat owned by Demo Rinpoche, contained a tsen khang for the protector Tsiu Marpo, a protector associated with Samye and bound by Padmasambhava (GDT, 115).

Although Trode Khangsar is not part of these original four, its purposes and relation to the Gelug institution, Riwo Choling (ri bo chos gling) in its particular case, does not differ. However, its relatively later origin gives a better understanding of its inception. One unresolved matter is regarding the early history of Trode Khangsar’s related tsen khang on the same plot of land. One possibility is that the previously existent tsen khang on this lot, for the tsen spirit Khache Marpo, was related to Tsiu Marpo. Khache Marpo is one of the “seven brothers” ('bar ba spun bdun) of Tsiu Marpo’s retinue (TSH, 55), and also assumed the role as Dorje Shugden’s attendant (bka' sdod) when Dorje Shugden came into existence in the 17th century.

5 There is a nominal division of eight types of spirits (lha srin sde brgyad) in Tibetan Buddhism of which one type is tsen. The protector Tsiu Marpo is sometimes considered a yaksha (gnod sbyin) and sometimes considered a tsen. It is unclear if the protector of Rabsel is a naga (klu) or tsen. Dorje Shugden is usually considered to be in the gyelpo (rgyal po) class, although there is an occasional reference to him as a tsen. This may indicate that sometimes tsen can be used more loosely as a more general term to refer to any other one of these types of spirits as a protector. Therefore, the translation of Tsen Khang as “protector house” is appropriate.

6 From Women in Tibet (WIT, 151): “It is well-known that at the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama oracle came to occupy significant positions in the establishment, since they were of primary importance in installing new reincarnations as the head of state. The prominence of high-level oracles like Nechung, Gadong and Lhamo Choyong in political and religious affairs goes back to this era... In a 1792 decree the emperor Qianlong confirmed the use of oracles in selecting the Dalai and Panchen Lamas.”


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2012, 07:17:45 PM »
Nice information from everyone and very informative. We see how enlightened beings join forces together to help sentient beings gain enlightenment in this way. Kache Marpo is a very old protector in his own right but instead serves Dorje Shugden as is acolyte. It says alot about who both these great beings are.

I ripped this off somewhere online some time ago but I'm unsure of its authenticity. But nevertheless I'd like to share it here for those who would like to make offering of thanks to this protector and/or create a connection with him:

Abbreviated Torma Offering and Request for Activity of Powerful Tsen Go Kache Marpo called Sport of the Slaughterer

by Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang

From the stirred-up ocean of dark red blood. Land of Tsen
From the mansion of the high rising copper red mountain
The great agent attendant of Dorje Shugden
Tsen Go Kache Marpo, come now hither!

In center of a palace emanated from awesome power and wrath
On the red supreme horse endowed with magical strength
With whatever emanation, O fearsome hero
In order to perform the yogi's activity, remain stably here!

An ocean of food and drink of humans and gods and
Amassed torma of slain enemies & obstructers flesh and blood
Blessed into the nature of undefiled nectar
I offer to the great wild Tsen and retinue.

Desirable 'close1 offerings, 8 auspicious substances and
symbols, Seven royal objects, vajra mail and armor,
Ornaments, clothing, mounts & favored visual animal offering*
Outer and Inner samaya substances lacking in nothing
Made desirable through blessing with samadhi, mantra & mudra
This, with nature of the Samantabhadra sky treasure,
Accept and restore degenerated samaya without exception
And be wholly fulfilled in your stern heart commitment!

Of great power to subdue the Teachings' enemies and vow
breakers, With terrible wrath, inexhaustible as the sky,
Fierce King of Tsen, Kache Marpo
Great enemy destroying protector, praise to you!

Formerly those Vidyadharas, the root and lineage Gurus
Placed the drawing of the insurmountable vajra to your crown
And placed the supreme taste of nectar on your tongue
Remember the stern commitment they proclaimed and
Spread in 10 directions the teaching and practice of the
excellent system of Tsongkhapa, quintessence of millions of Buddha's Teachings, Ensure long life of the hosts of sublime sustainers of the teachings,
And ripen the essence of their intended benefit and bliss!

Sangha communities to be harmonious and of pure
moral discipline. And Dharma, endowments & desirables to
flourish like the summer ocean, Without even the words
sickness, weapons or famine, And the land to be endowed
with happiness & auspiciousness!

On all enemies and obstructers with poisonous hateful winds
Toward the Teachings, its Holders, sponsors, sponsored and
this monastic abode. Rain down a hundred thousand powerful
vajra weapons, & Grind them to atoms of dust without trace!

Especially since we, at all times, rely on you.
Practice you, request you and make offerings to you,
When we call you by name. Wild Tsen, don't harden your ears
When we beckon you don't be unclear of sight!
When set on an enemy, Tsen, don't slow your horse!
When exhorted to action don't be weak in power and might!
Show smiling face and give rise to signs of accomplishment!

Kill hateful enemies, subdue harmful spirits and obstructer
Dispel without exception undesirable bad conditions and
obstacles, Such as sickness, weapons, spells and unpleasant
conversation, Generate life, qlory, proclaim good reputation
Cause our people, wealth & livestock to flourish,
fulfill our every hope!

In short, in all places, paths or activities
Accompany us, never parted, like a body and its shadow
Protect through the six periods of day & night unwaveringly
And swiftly accomplish our desired enlightening activities!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 10:03:12 PM »
Kache Marpo is a worldly deity. Cannot take refuge or trust him.

I guess he would join Shugden. After all birds of a feather stick together?



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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2012, 11:10:13 PM »
When we do our serkym prayers... this particular praise can be done 3times to request and also give thanks to Kache Marpo.

To the extremely wrathful Kache Marpo,
The fierce Attendant who opposes those who betray the Dharma,
I offer this drink of nectar which bestows bliss.
Please partake and swiftly and spontaneously fulfill all my wishes.

I find it so amazing how the Enlightened beings work hand in hand to bring Dharma and benefit us. I never thought Kache Marpo was Hayagriva up until my Guru told me and well the evidence above clearly shows. Then I have also seen Kache Marpo in trance healing and giving blessings to a sick friend who is very ill still after her cancer treatment. How kind and compassionate! 

Now why would Hayagriva aka Kache Marpo be Dorje Shugden's assistant and right hand deity if Dorje Shugden was not an Enlightened Buddha himself. The more we dig deep, the more and more we discover the tremendous wealth of significance with our Dharma King protector Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2012, 03:51:07 AM »
Kache Marpo is a worldly deity. Cannot take refuge or trust him.

I guess he would join Shugden. After all birds of a feather stick together?


He is an emanation of Hayagriva if you read the messages above.

Lets just theoretically say even if he is not a wisdom protector and we cannot take refuge in, just like Nechung, but we still can trust him. Why did the Dalai Lama and the TGIE/CTA trust Nechung then?

Just like the praise written by the 5th Dalai Lama:

Praises to Khache Marpo (kha che dmar po) by the Fifth Dalai Lama

Riding on a saddled precious horse
Having the power of the wind,
Traversing the universe in an instant,
Praise to Yaksha Khache Marpo, the doctrine's watchman.
Furious mighty being biting the lower lip,
Three eyes blazing the sun and moon watching enemies,
Emanating messengers taking the life of false guides,
Praise to the liberator of the ten enemies.

Wearing leather armor, banners, colored garb and
Leather helmet with a victory banner, treasury of 9 good signs,
Tying enemies with a lasso, piercing their hearts with a lance,
Praise to you and your retinue.

These praises are taken from a ritual to Khache Marpo written by the Fifth Dalai Lama (5DL, Volume Da folios 147r-148r). Khache Marpo is most commonly known as Dorje Shugden's minister (ODT, 143).


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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2012, 02:42:37 AM »
Kache Marpo is a worldly deity. Cannot take refuge or trust him.

I guess he would join Shugden. After all birds of a feather stick together?


He is an emanation of Hayagriva if you read the messages above.

Lets just theoretically say even if he is not a wisdom protector and we cannot take refuge in, just like Nechung, but we still can trust him. Why did the Dalai Lama and the TGIE/CTA trust Nechung then?

Just like the praise written by the 5th Dalai Lama:

Praises to Khache Marpo (kha che dmar po) by the Fifth Dalai Lama

Riding on a saddled precious horse
Having the power of the wind,
Traversing the universe in an instant,
Praise to Yaksha Khache Marpo, the doctrine's watchman.
Furious mighty being biting the lower lip,
Three eyes blazing the sun and moon watching enemies,
Emanating messengers taking the life of false guides,
Praise to the liberator of the ten enemies.

Wearing leather armor, banners, colored garb and
Leather helmet with a victory banner, treasury of 9 good signs,
Tying enemies with a lasso, piercing their hearts with a lance,
Praise to you and your retinue.

These praises are taken from a ritual to Khache Marpo written by the Fifth Dalai Lama (5DL, Volume Da folios 147r-148r). Khache Marpo is most commonly known as Dorje Shugden's minister (ODT, 143).

Sweeping statements not backed up by reason or proof don't hold water in the eyes of debate. From the quoted post above, we can know that Kache Marpo held quite an esteemed position in promoting and protecting the Buddha Dharma since the time of the Great 5th Dalai Lama.Otherwise HH 5th Dalai Lama would not have even bothered to compose a praise and prayer to this protective deity.

In the second verse of the praise, the Great 5th mentioned that Kache Marpo is the liberator of the 10 enemies. The 10 enemies are the 10 defilements or unwholesome roots which are:

1.    greed (lobha)
2.    hate (dosa)
3.   delusion (moha)
4.   conceit (m?na)
5.   wrong views (micch?di??hi)
6.   doubt (vicikicch?)
7.   torpor (th?na?)
8.   restlessness (uddhacca?)
9.   shamelessness (ahirika?)
10. recklessness (anottappa?)

If Kache Marpo is a worldly protector, wouldn't he be heavily promoting these ten non-virtues instead? It is evident from the words of the  Great 5th himself that Kache Marpo is an extraordinary being able to protect and liberate our minds from these downfalls.
Harry Nephew

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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2012, 10:36:53 AM »
Nice information from everyone and very informative. We see how enlightened beings join forces together to help sentient beings gain enlightenment in this way. Kache Marpo is a very old protector in his own right but instead serves Dorje Shugden as is acolyte. It says alot about who both these great beings are.

I ripped this off somewhere online some time ago but I'm unsure of its authenticity. But nevertheless I'd like to share it here for those who would like to make offering of thanks to this protector and/or create a connection with him:

Abbreviated Torma Offering and Request for Activity of Powerful Tsen Go Kache Marpo called Sport of the Slaughterer

by Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang

From the stirred-up ocean of dark red blood. Land of Tsen
From the mansion of the high rising copper red mountain
The great agent attendant of Dorje Shugden
Tsen Go Kache Marpo, come now hither!

In center of a palace emanated from awesome power and wrath
On the red supreme horse endowed with magical strength
With whatever emanation, O fearsome hero
In order to perform the yogi's activity, remain stably here!

An ocean of food and drink of humans and gods and
Amassed torma of slain enemies & obstructers flesh and blood
Blessed into the nature of undefiled nectar
I offer to the great wild Tsen and retinue.

Desirable 'close1 offerings, 8 auspicious substances and
symbols, Seven royal objects, vajra mail and armor,
Ornaments, clothing, mounts & favored visual animal offering*
Outer and Inner samaya substances lacking in nothing
Made desirable through blessing with samadhi, mantra & mudra
This, with nature of the Samantabhadra sky treasure,
Accept and restore degenerated samaya without exception
And be wholly fulfilled in your stern heart commitment!

Of great power to subdue the Teachings' enemies and vow
breakers, With terrible wrath, inexhaustible as the sky,
Fierce King of Tsen, Kache Marpo
Great enemy destroying protector, praise to you!

Formerly those Vidyadharas, the root and lineage Gurus
Placed the drawing of the insurmountable vajra to your crown
And placed the supreme taste of nectar on your tongue
Remember the stern commitment they proclaimed and
Spread in 10 directions the teaching and practice of the
excellent system of Tsongkhapa, quintessence of millions of Buddha's Teachings, Ensure long life of the hosts of sublime sustainers of the teachings,
And ripen the essence of their intended benefit and bliss!

Sangha communities to be harmonious and of pure
moral discipline. And Dharma, endowments & desirables to
flourish like the summer ocean, Without even the words
sickness, weapons or famine, And the land to be endowed
with happiness & auspiciousness!

On all enemies and obstructers with poisonous hateful winds
Toward the Teachings, its Holders, sponsors, sponsored and
this monastic abode. Rain down a hundred thousand powerful
vajra weapons, & Grind them to atoms of dust without trace!

Especially since we, at all times, rely on you.
Practice you, request you and make offerings to you,
When we call you by name. Wild Tsen, don't harden your ears
When we beckon you don't be unclear of sight!
When set on an enemy, Tsen, don't slow your horse!
When exhorted to action don't be weak in power and might!
Show smiling face and give rise to signs of accomplishment!

Kill hateful enemies, subdue harmful spirits and obstructer
Dispel without exception undesirable bad conditions and
obstacles, Such as sickness, weapons, spells and unpleasant
conversation, Generate life, qlory, proclaim good reputation
Cause our people, wealth & livestock to flourish,
fulfill our every hope!

In short, in all places, paths or activities
Accompany us, never parted, like a body and its shadow
Protect through the six periods of day & night unwaveringly
And swiftly accomplish our desired enlightening activities!

I very much like this. I saw this sometime ago on the forum, It was posted by Trinlay Kelsang, he posted up a couple of other nice prayers also.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Who is Khache Marpo?
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2015, 04:49:18 PM »
In the prayers to Dorje Shugden, this great attendant Khache Marpo is often mentioned but there is not much literature on him.

This article is an extensive analogy of Khache Marpo and reading it will give us great reverence to this Holy being.