Author Topic: create awareness  (Read 4513 times)


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create awareness
« on: March 16, 2008, 01:24:33 PM »

Your views on the situation in Tibet?
A deadline of midnight on Monday for the surrender of those involved in Friday's rioting.
What is the best resolution for the unrest in Tibet?

above is on the bbc website. so maybe in the past, the press were strangely one sided in their views but if we don't keep on trying, we'll never encounter that one chance that could blossom into change.



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Re: create awareness
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 02:10:45 PM »
sorry, forgot to add this bit from the bbc :

China's state media has said ten innocent civilians were burned to death. Pro-Tibetan groups say many more Tibetan demonstrators were killed.

Many Tibetans claim their culture has been diluted or even destroyed by Beijing and resent the local presence of Han Chinese, China's biggest ethnic group. China says Tibet has always been part of its territory.

Who do you think is to blame for the current uprising? What should China do to resolve the problem??
Also,the Have Your Say programme will be discussing China, its economy, the Olympics, and its international standing on Sunday 16 March at 1400 GMT at the end of a season of China programmes. Please include your phone number when you comment if you want to take part.


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Re: create awareness
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2008, 02:56:42 PM »
As in 87-89, the unrest has probably been manufactured by Dharamsala (not to say that Tibetans do not have a legitimate cause for demonstrating, it's just that the timing and procedure is most probably orchastrated by Dharamsala as in 87-89). This point was made by a few neutral 'scientific' observers of the tibetan scene like Melvin Goldstein and others, I think!.

There is no good solution to the current issue. As in with the Panchen issue in 1995, the Dalai-lama is proving to China that he is not a reliable partner for talks.

Any policy Dharamasala implements is doomed to failure because they listen to a fake Oracle who's spirit has vowed to destroy the Ganden Podrang. As long as Tenzin Gyatso keeps on believing that the spirit entering the State Oracle is Nechung, whatever he does will not work or will backfire!

The current Dalai-Lama has a way of always making himself part of the problem, not part of the solution. This is because he listens to fake Oracles.


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Re: create awareness
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2008, 12:17:16 PM »
it struck me the past 2 days reading through the discussion boards of many media regarding their report on the situation in tibet, how difficult it is to raise the ds issue without at all getting caught up in the politics. instead of ds being purely an issue of religious freedom, how does one raise awareness in the mainstream public when the central figure concerns the same persona who is also taking the centre stage for the current political events??

i feel the majority of tibetans within tibet are still in the feudal serf mentality. they have not the capacity to exercise their own right of discernment. while it's sad for me to stand by the sidelines n just be a spectator to the tibetan people in tibet being used like pawns, the choice of who is their leader can only come from them. i feel all the more, the tibetan intellectuals outside tibet have the onus to hold this lacuna for their people until their people can one day make their own informed choice.

in a bizarre way, with the pushing through of schism in the gelug community, the dalai lama is teaching the people that it's ok to break with tradition. so, will those who can, finally now feel impelled to step forward or allow almost surely the decimation of their people as the way of the red indians and the aboriginals of australia?

and yes, administrator, i do not undervalue the importance of yr words here in this website. but there is a missing step. i can't formulate in words what the missing part is. when my soul feels less tired and my mind feels clear enough to have an insight, i'll share it here.

Gabby Potter

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Re: create awareness
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2015, 08:02:03 PM »
Although it has been years now, but I urge that every Dorje Shugden practitioner to unite as one and create awareness. We should do whatever we can to show the world the TRUTH and allow them to contemplate and decide whether or not to take action. For example, we must create more traffics and bring more people to this beautiful website as it is providing all the information we need about the ban, I think that this is the least we could do.