All my sincerest and best wishes to Serpom, who have only shown the whole world the real blessings and power of mighty Dorje Shugden. By this alone, it is clear that Dorje Shugden cannot be an evil spirit, for how can an evil spirit be creating so much growth in the dharma - it is contradictory and does not match.
Most of all, the Sangha of Serpom and Shar Gaden have shown the real strength of a Dorje Shugden practitioner and a true Buddhist. They have shown the world that no matter what the obstacle and no matter how much they are trodden upon, they will never give up their loyalties, commitment, devotion and compassion. They have not only continued their practices in the face of hardship but continued to make it grow against all odds and with no support from their own people. And most importantly, they have achieved all this without uttering a single bad word against the perpetrators of the ban. This is true the true practice and compassion of a true Buddhist practitioner.
Thank you to all the Sangha of Serpom and Shar Gaden for showing us real true, live examples of practice in this day and age. You are an inspiration for us at every moment.