Author Topic: Sera Monlam  (Read 16918 times)


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Sera Monlam
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:43:12 AM »
In South India, Monlam Chenmo could not take place in sera monastery until today. The police commissioner told the monastic administration to held monlam as usual. But Sera je and others monks had already taken the oath and could not held monlam chenmo with the DS practitioners of pomra khangtsen. And now they formed new committee for monlam. They propose to make arm band ID for all non-practitioner of DS for Monlam Chenmo. And hire the police to check the ID before entering the temple to prevent the DS practitioner from coming Monlam Chenmo. But Pomra monks are true to their stand and justification, there by they also presented the appeal letter to Police Commissioner. Now the police are intervening the matter.


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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 02:49:08 AM »
Arm band ID is an nazie idea!

Where are these people going?

What kind of texts are they studying?

a friend

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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 03:06:54 AM »
Yes, it is like that. An idea that is old as the yellow star that they imposed to the Jews during the Middle Ages and the Boss of the party you mentioned very happily reinstated in Germany in the 30's.
They are not studying. They are following their leader. Only one is responsible for such unspeakable actions. It makes my heart shiver in fear. What monstruous caricature is being promoted as Dharma? Unlimited shame and sorrow.


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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 03:19:49 AM »
It would be good if some monk from the south could take a picture of this arm band ID in action so that we could post the Pic on this forum or use it in our communications with the media.

jeff Ryan

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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 03:37:55 AM »


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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 07:18:39 AM »

Someone needs to contact any friends they may have in Sera to take picture of this arm band so it can be shown to the world.

Or someone needs to personally get down to Sera to take photos.

Important. Becomes like a concentration camp.


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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 07:27:26 AM »

Dear lodoe,

Can you take pictures of the arm bands and send to this website for everyone to see and then hopefully create more awareness?


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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 08:41:41 PM »
Dear Dharma friends,

In sera monastery, they still couldn't have Monlam Chenmo. And the ID was difficult to get and photograph. They were told to pre cautious such as not allowed to film any such events etc.
The police asked all of them to present in local station again on 25th of this month.

a friend

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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 09:13:27 PM »
Of course, this shows that they don't want the world to know what they are doing. But the incredibly shrewd thing is to mark the non practitioners, not the practitioners. There is more than a subtle difference. No matter. We need to have pictures of the Pomra monks standing outside while the others left them outside, this would be a photo of living discrimination.
Yes, the Nobel committee, all Jewish associations that fight discrimination, now it has to be any person of known good will and independence, any institution that might help. Soon I'll post a small list of journalists around the world.

We have to keep on sending letters!

Let's all examine our motivation while doing this. We are not dealing with light matters.

jeff Ryan

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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 10:38:39 PM »
Our letters have been a big help. I was told at the feb 13 meeting at Sera the Police commissioner had a stack of 800-900 letters from us on his desk.  He asked the Abbott why are these letters coming? The letter writing is making a very real impact so keep it up!

jeff Ryan

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Re: Sera Monlam
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2008, 01:47:28 PM »

February 18, 2008, on Monday, this is the broadcast from Norway Radio of Tibet. The Great Prayer Festival of Sera in South India has been put off for a week. Since the previous fortunate time in Tibet, there is a tradition that those who preserve and maintain the teachings of Lord Buddha in general, and Tradition of Tsongkhapa in particular, hold prayer festival within the month of Tibetan New Year. Even all Gelug monsateries including the three Great Seats in exile hold great prayer festival every year. However, today, the great prayer festival of Sera was put off for a week. Sera Molam committee was set up, and made am arm band of the oath of not worshipping Dholgyal (Dorje Shugden), for those who take part in the great prayer festival. [The committee] has created a program of denying spiritual and material resources (to Shugden devotees). Those who continue to worship Dholgyal showed desire to take part in the festival, pujas, study session without a doubt. Likewise, [they] have submitted petitions to the police and concerned authorities to the effect that their religious freedoms are being voilated.  Today, the great prayer festival of Sera had to put off because the police was not able to take vigilance on time. Sonam Sherab, a member of Molam Committee explained in detail.
Sonam:  when we set up a committee we are using the previous money of Sera Lach. Because, this molam committee was set up...  Sera-Jay will give the capital. Although there might not have income, Sera-jay will meet the expense. As far as the denying the spiritual resources ares concerned, we do not hold the prayer together in the same temple. As far as the denying the material resources are concerned is concerned, we do not interact economically. The monks of Pomra Khamsten said they would take part (in molam). But this will be fine gradually. Yesterday we got a wonderful decree from Department of Culture and Religion. We posted it on every street. The letter says they need allotment, and others. All the pages are posted on streets. Because, police came up, isn't it? At that time, they said they would talk with them. Well, many police show up. I don't think there is a danger to law and order situation.
Broadcaster: This year, on the third day of Tibetan New Year, vote-sticks were taken concerning whether you want to worship Dholgyal (Shugden) or not in Sera-May monastery and Gaden Shartse monastery. A section of monks took part in (referendum). 412 monks who continue worshipping Dholgyal in Gaden Shartse monastery has already been separated like self-expulsion from the monastery. It proves no basis for a conflict. Around 300 monks from 500 monks of Sera-May Pomra didn't take part in the vote-stick referendum. The abbot of Sera-May said that all must come, as he has already announced previously. Regarding this, Sera-May abbot Geshe Rabgya said:
Before we took the vote-stick referendum, I have announced to the assembled monks: Those who admitted in the monastery in abroad, and in Dharamshala, Delhi, and Nepal, or wherever, we requested everyone to come, and sent messages to all the enclaves. [We] said, at that time, the third day of Tibetan New Year is vote-stick referendum, and so come everyone! Those who are in abroad are excused. Those in Nepal had difficulty to arrange tickets, but they sent their photos, saying that they would take oath. There are around 100 monks in abroad, who should come here and take oath. On top of that, I know they would take oath. I cannot promise that. Similarly, have already announced in the assembled monks: "If [a monk] do not come on that time, they are expelled from the monastery. If you are expelled from the monastery, there is no one who admitted in the monastic section." As such, those who didn't come to give signature, no matter how many of them, are self-expulsion. There is no one who were expelled. The monastery didn't expel them. Please don't choice the way wrongly, giving consideration from one self. Since you yourself didn't sign it, you have done it voluntarily. Everyone must know this. That the expulsion from the monastery has been announced by both abbot and me. Normally even the abbot comes under the disciplinarian, however today things turned in this way. I think it is difficult to do act individually from my side, except the majority to do something.   
                Taken great consideration, many sides are doing the same thing. And I cannot say whether these would be successful in future or not.
Broadcaster: Since 10 date, the great prayer festival has been holding peacefully in Gaden and Drepung situated at Mundogd. And monks hope that the great prayer festival in Sera would be held swiftly in glory.