Author Topic: its not the ban, its the people  (Read 10691 times)


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Re: its not the ban, its the people
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2012, 04:59:57 PM »
Well... I certainly believe it was never about THE ban per se. It was always about how the people reacted to the ban. The ban is merely a ban if there was no sway either side. It would then actually be more of a rule everyone followed as opposed to something that was "banned".
Sadly, you can never stop people from being people. They will always want to take a side solely because many people are insecure and they need something to hang on to in order to make them feel like they are right or that they belong somewhere. Thus people who go into extremes with regards to the ban.

Whether the ban was imposed by HHDL to "spark" contemplation, debate and healthy reverberations within ourselves is still very much a bone of contention to some and the holy grail to others. What one can perceive through the "results" which ensued are:

1. Greater publicity of Dorje Shugden
Far more these days, compared to, another uncommon protector such as Achi Chokyi Drolma, the unique protector of the Drikung Kagyus.
2. Potential spread of Dorje Shugden practice in a country otherwise impossible to impregnate. With a population of 1.35 billion people which makes up to about 19.17% of the world's population.
China has been practicing and spreading Dorje Shugden openly and more and more people will get into the practice because the state government promotes it. Elsewhere, Dorje Shugden Lamas can go in and out of China without problems as China is confident that they will not create discord. If CTA followed this example, the dream that is the independence of Tibet would be one step closer.
3. Instilling a stronger and renewed support of Dorje Shugden from practitioners who will "fight" to keep their practice.
And therefore, they will also be the ones that will carry on the Dharma practice as opposed to those who are flippant about their "positions" and Gurus. Stability and consistency is still the ingredients for a successful Dharma practice.
4. Compelling one to truly contemplate and ground oneself and not merely have the herd mentality. The very basis in forming proper foundations in one's practice and eliminating flippancy. When one is given the chance to "take sides", it is then that the true worth of something potentially could be lost arises.
It also trains us to be able to have equanimity rather than having to see things from a dualistic point of view, where one side has to be good and the other has to be bad and also train us to keep our motivation strong.
We Dorje Shugden practitioners should lead by example, in that we need to educate and disseminate, correct and accurate information on The Protector of Our Time and not take arms or fight with force or somewhat less Dharmic means. Our practice is not merely the times when we do our prayers/sadhanas but extended out beyond those insular moments. Our true practice is, in my opinion, how we actually deal with the ban and how we bring about the lifting of the ban through peaceful means, through the elimination of ignorance and doubt using the "sword of wisdom". Dorje Shugden is, after all, an emanation of Manjushri!
The true practice of Dorje Shugden is actually Wisdom and Compassion and the application of Dharma. The sadhana is just the outer key that will assist in helping us with the inner one. We should always keep that in mind and not keep thinking and hoping that Dorje Shugden will help in mundane issues. Yes he will help us out of compassion but if we already know the Dharma and misuse him, it is a waste.

I must say that many of your points here are very well thought and wise. This is so much better to read compared to all the pro ban people and them writing things that are not practical and insubstancial. Thanks so much for your post and for the interesting points that you have brought up with regards to the ban.


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Re: its not the ban, its the people
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2012, 08:04:01 AM »
A little colophon to add to this thread: The Tibetans, up to today, has not worked their way into international recognition. All they did is self immolate their way into it and at the end of the day, what do they get? Probably some sympathy. It is almost 50 years since the occupation in Tibet but the ones in Dharamsala has not worked hard to establish their place in the world. As long as this does not change, they will not get independence.

Gabby Potter

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Re: its not the ban, its the people
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2015, 10:52:56 PM »
It has never been the ban's issue, it's those people especially the CTAs who USE this ban to create schisms, disharmony and tearing people apart. There are so many unnecessary actions or plans that were taken or plotted to hurt someone by the CTAs. What they want is to make themselves LOOK strong, they want money, they want attention and fame, such a sad thing to say but I can't believe they have wasted so much time on getting the things that they want. Sad life.