This is deep.It is about the two truths in relation to the 4 profundities as presented in the Heart Sutra.
I will try. Whatever we are thinking is with our gross conceptual mind. We superimpose our concepts onto things hence masking them from its true nature . We therefore cannot see things objectively, that things do not have independent existence and are merely projections of our mind.This is ultimate truth.
On the other hand, although things have no true existence, they exist as functioning things. As long as we are happy with that, and do not subject them to further investigation we can enjoy them for what they are, mere labels and imputation from mind.
To address the question,"If there is neither 'you' nor 'a self,' then who wants to see it?"
Mind is also a label and functioning thing. It cognizes and functions to be aware of objects. So its awareness combined with the visual sense faculties that sees. Conventionally, we can label the awareness as I and the object of awareness you ( the apprehended object ).