Author Topic: Pabongkha and Shugden  (Read 3915 times)


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Pabongkha and Shugden
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:08:03 AM »
There are several loopholes on the Dalai Lama's website regarding "historical evidence" that Shugden is harmful. Let's discuss these shall we?

From the Dalai Lama's website:

Phabongkhapa Dechen Nyingpo (1878–1941)

On pages 471-2 front and back of the Tibetan text of the biography of Phabongkhapa Dechen Nyingpo (1878-1941) composed by his student Denma Losang Dorje and published by the Nyimo Publisher Palden, the following account is found:
"(Here is) an appeal from me, Phabongkhapa, holding the name of an incarnate, in accordance with an instruction that I have received from you through Tse Khendron Chenmo. (I am glad that) you have received my application of 22nd of the 12th month last year, and I am grateful that you have kindly clarified each and every point therein. It was entirely my mistake and I have absolutely nothing to say (to defend it). It will be my endeavour in the future to take the meaning of your instructions earnestly to heart and I ask your forgiveness for whatever mistakes I have made in my appeal."
Phabongkhapa quotes the Dalai Lama's letter: "With regard to the three points mentioned here, there is still much ground for debate, both in logical and scriptural terms, but this is enough for the time being. With regard to your reference to making endeavour in the practice of taking refuge, first of all you are propitiating Shugden (Dolgyal) as a protector. Since they received Lamrim teachings from you at the Drepung Monastic Religious Centre last year and so made a connection with you, propitiation of Shugden among students there has greatly increased. The Great Nechung Choegyal who from the very beginning was commanded and entrusted to protect and guard this monastery, expressed his displeasure to the Drepung Lachi several times, saying that (due to propitiating Dolgyal) the degeneration of the Buddha dharma had been speeded up. This is the source of his displeasure. I feel that your seeking the support of a wrathful worldly spirit (to secure benefits in) this life specifically contradicts the precepts of taking refuge. Therefore, your statement, ‘I want to say from the depths of my heart that it is only due to my being confused by ignorance and not that I have knowingly entered an unwholesome path and led others onto the same path.’ is contradictory."
Phabongkhapa answers: "You have therefore instructed me to give you an answer. I have propitiated Shugden until now because my old mother told me that Shugden is the deity of my maternal lineage. I wish to inform you that henceforth, with intense regret (for what is past) and (with the intention of) restraining my faults (in the future), I will never again propitiate (Shugden) or make daily offerings and supporting prayers and that I will wholeheartedly keep this commitment in the core of my heart. Whatever mistakes I have committed until now, such as having become a cause for the mental displeasure of the Great Nechung Choegyal, contradicting the precepts of taking refuge and so forth, I request you, the supreme protector, who is especially compassionate to the lowly, to regard me with love and great compassion and patiently to forgive me.
With great respect I here offer one silk scarf as a medium of request and five silver coins (to contribute to the) mandala offering.

This letter is full of loopholes. First of all, why would Pabongkha, an enlightened master bow down to an unenlightened protector like nechung? Secondly, Dorje Shugden's practice came from his guru, Dagpo Dorje Chang and not his mother as claimed in this letter. Why would Pabongkha Rinpoche lie about that?

Would Pabongkha break his samaya to his guru for political compliance? Is that even a good example to set for his followers? And why did he lie to the Dalai Lama? Because he spread the practice anyway even after this letter was sent.

Is this part even authentic in the first place?


Jigme Dhamchoe Gyatso (1898–1947)

The following account is found on pages 394 and 395 of the Biography of Jigme Dhamchoe Gyatsho (1898–1947) by the Dhomey scholar Tsetan Zhabdrung (1910–1985), first published in June 1987.

"Some of the followers of Ven. Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo Rinpoche engaged in heated argument over the systems of philosophical tenets of the new and the ancient traditions. They engaged in many mistaken activities such as destroying images of Padmasambhava and other peaceful and wrathful deities. They said that reciting the mantra of the Vajra Guru is of no value and would destroy the Padma Kathang (by burning it or throwing it into rivers.) Similarly, they asserted that turning Mani prayer wheels, observing weekly prayers for the deceased, and so forth are of no purpose and so placed many on the path of wrong view.
They held Gyalpo Shugden (Dolgyal) as the supreme refuge and the embodiment of all the Three Jewels. Many monks from minor monasteries in the southern area, claiming to be possessed by Shugden, ran madly in all directions destroying the three symbols of enlightenment (images, scriptures and stupas) and so forth. Displaying many such faults they greatly harmed the teachings of the second conqueror, Je Tsongkhapa. Therefore, if you were to compose an advisory letter for everyone’s benefit and were to publish it and distribute it throughout the three provinces of U, Tsang and Kham, it would greatly contribute to counteracting such disturbances to the teaching.

Is there any proof of Pabongkha Rinpoche destroying such statues? were there any recovered statues if they were thrown to the river? Why would Pabongkha do that when he holds Padmasambava to be the one and the same as Tsongkhapa? this is a very well known fact.

"Claiming to be possessed by Shugden?" Would it be that easy to take trance of a Dharma protector? if so why arent there more oracles? This piece of information sounds more like pure propaganda.No proof, no names of affected monasteries, no dates. Yet this is taken to be facts.

I am not very sure why are historical facts not checked or verified before they are taken as they are. If they are accurate, then by now monasteries propitiating Dorje Shugden would have been down by now and so many erudite scholars would have degenerated already. But as we can all see, they became even more attained and famous. Serpom and Shar Ganden are still thriving despite everything. All of these proved that nechung is wrong, yet again.

What other loopholes can you find in these stories?