Author Topic: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL  (Read 5663 times)


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HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« on: October 22, 2012, 04:00:55 AM »
Dear All,

New news to share:

About the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee (JLTOC)

The main task of the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee is to plan and implement a well-organized and successful series of  Jangchup Lamrim Teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the three great monasteries of Gaden, Drepung and Sera.

On 5 August 2011 during H.E. the 7th Ling Rinpoche’s audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness accepted Rinpoche’s request, which had been made several times since 2002, to give teachings on the Eight Great Lamrims. In 2011, Gaden Shartse Monastery has also requested His Holiness to bestow Lamrim teachings.

Shortly after Tibetan New Year (February) 2012, work began on the many details involved in organizing the teachings. On 13 March 2012, with the permission of the Private Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Committee was officially formed under the name Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee.

The Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee operates under the blessing of H.E. the 7th Ling Rinpoche. Professor Samdhong Rinpoche is the Chief Advisor. The Members of the Committee include the Representative of Doeguling Tibetan Settlement and representatives of Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang, Gaden Shartse Monastery, Gaden Jangtse Monastery, Drepung Loseling Monastery, Drepung Gomang Monastery, Sera Je Monastery, Sera Mey Monastery, Drepung Lachi Monastery, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Gyuto Monastery, Gyumed Monastery, Rato Monastery, Loseling Tulku Association, Dagri Rinpoche and Dr. Barry Kerzin. The Committee’s staff currently includes an accountant, treasurer and Tibetan, Chinese and English secretaries.


Looks like its gonna be a big Lamrim party in Mungod and Sera, I totally am enthralled with the devotion and works of the Jangchup Lamrim project and the efforts put in together to make this happen. Wouldn't it be good to have monks from Shar Gaden and Serpom attend as well?

Though with this good news, I really really pray that there will be no more dramas and violence within the Tibetan community during this period of time. No more ostracizing Shugdenpas please!
Harry Nephew

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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2012, 02:36:04 PM »

It is interesting to note that they have included the Great 5th Dalai Lama, Je Pabongka and Trijang Dorje Chang in the list of lamrim authors. The GReat 5th was the very one who recognised the true nature of Dorje Shugden the unmistakable as the enlightened protector of the uncommon view of Nagarjuna.

Well if they include Pabongka and Trijang Rinpoche where are they now?


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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2012, 05:13:19 PM »
I think it would be great for Shar Gaden to organise a similar event at the same time so that there is no sense of loss that Shugdenpas cannot attend the Dalai Lama's teachings.  Perhaps the Abbot of Shar Gaden, the great Geshe Lobsang Phende could give these teachings and follow a similar programme.


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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 01:25:36 PM »
As usual, the anti-Shugden policy is in full effect. See here:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has requested those who propitiate Dolgyal (Shugden) not to attend his formal religious teachings, which traditionally require the establishment of a teacher-disciple relationship. For more information, see

Christians, Hindus, Muslims, non-believers, Satanists all welcome. Just not the Shugdenpas??

And oh oh oh. See what they are now saying about receiving donations from Shugdenpas!!

In order to ensure that all activities related to His Holiness the Dalai Lama remain completely pure, correct and transparent, the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee has guidelines concerning who donations may not be received from: Dorje Shugden followers or those who are associated with Dorje Shugden followers; from anyone in engaged in illegal or immoral activities; and from anyone profiting from the sale of holy objects.

You know what?? This is a first.

And you know what else? There has been so much discussion in this forum and in the associated website about the hypocrisy of the Tibetan administration and monasteries for taking donations from Shugdenpas but condemning their practice. Here is just one example:

Denma Locho Rinpoche a high lama of Drepung Loseling went to visit Serkong Tritul in Taiwan and recieved tremendous offerings. He gave many teachings to Serkong Tritul and Jamseng Rinpoche while in Taiwan at their centre.  Denma Locho offered the money to Loseling to pay off their debts for their new prayer hall. When Loseing found out the origins of the money, they made a big song and dance about the origins of the money but never not returned the money to Rinpoche. They posted letters all over the Monastery saying Denma Locho Rinpocheis recieving sponsorshop money from a well known Dorje Shugden practitioner (Serkong Tritul). All of Drepung Loseling recieved teachings from Denma Locho yet they treated him this way due to the pressure from the ex Tibet Govt now CTA.Denma Locho is in the late 70?s and has been the abbot of Namgyal Monastery, direct disciple of Ling Rinpoche and a great esteemed lama, yet they accuse him. He is a scholar of the highest calibre and a very prolific gentle monk. Because of the ban, letters were posted all over Drepung against this saintly Rinpoche.


So why suddenly mention donations from Shugdenpas in black and white? Methinks that the CTA are watching this website and forum closely, and what we say affects them!! So lets keep it going!!


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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2012, 01:58:40 AM »
Definitely what we say, do or act influences the other person and more so when we are this big and passionate about our dearest protector, it gives them no reason not to follow our posts so closely.  lol

I would just like to add that at the very end of the day, the CTA would not be able to find out where the money comes from and who are the ones sponsoring for the event. They would not have the means and resources to do so. There's so many people attending the Jangchup Lamrim and seriously, if there's anything about finding out who  practices Dorje Shugden or not, it's all in the mind and locked up in our hearts.

You can do a search on the person, you won't be able to find a trace of Dorje Shugden on them. You can extract all the blood out of that person, go through a filter or do a reverse osmosis, and return the blood into the person, u can't possibly erase Dorje Shugden from their mindstream.

Harry Nephew

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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2012, 07:25:14 AM »
I think it is good to highlight the point that H.E. the 7th Ling Rinpoche is only in his early twenties. My point is that His Eminence is young but already so capable as to organize and the entire Lamrim teaching sessions for the Dalai Lama.

It shows how highly attained Ling Rinpoche is and this also proves the existence of reincarnation. All the previous Ling Rinpoche lived for only one purpose, to spread the Dharma. It is the same for the current Ling Rinpoche and he wasted no time.

I read in another thread Ling Rinpoche got into a car accident while on his way to receive His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In Dharmic terms, this is great purification especially for our Dharma journey. Ling Rinpoche took in the obstacles and negative karma of the thousands of people who are to attend the Dalai Lama's teachings. We should thank Ling Rinpoche for all he has gone through for us to receive teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2012, 03:12:03 PM »
I rejoice and I think because of this meritorious action of sponsoring such beneficial teachings that Ling Rinpoche had to absorb the obstacles of so many participants of the teachings. It is very kind and generous of him to have sponsored the teachings.

It is believed that High Lamas can absorb the obstacles particularly someone who is as high as Kyabje Ling Rinpoche himself. I believe that as well as I have seen how my Lama suffers from unusual sickness before giving teachings. Obstacles can come in many forms and it can certainly come in the form of an accident.


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Re: HE 7th Ling Rinpoche organizes Jangchup Lamrim for HHDL
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2012, 03:02:18 PM »
I'd imagine that this would pose a very significant problem for the Tibetans in Dharamsala because everyone knows who they are and what they are practicing, but if you think properly, it is impossible  for them to detect if a foreigner is practicing Dorje Shugden or not so i find it all very odd that they would be able to tell if some people in the audience are Dorje Shugden practitioners or not. It would be interesting tho in in the middle of the teaching someone shouted pro Dorje Shugden slogans.

It would break their useless "no Dorje Shugden practitioners" sign.