Author Topic: An inspiring story for all of us  (Read 3387 times)


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An inspiring story for all of us
« on: September 26, 2012, 05:55:00 PM »
I found this in an old post here:, but I would like to extract this part out and share will everyone here and to not give up hope. It seems that through this story, Lord Dorje Shugden himself has given his personal assurance to all of us that this is temporary and we should just focus on our Dharma practice.

Let me share a Shugden being clairvoyant. Many years ago in 1995 at Gaden, i was at one the Shugden audience given to a group of monks who were going to America to raise funds for their monastery. The monks were asking advises from Shugden and believe me shugden gave a very good and heart moving advise to them and at the end of session, shugden made very peculiar statement. He said" when you all are in America, you may hear some disturbing news from India, but dont be worried just carry out your spiritual obligation as usual, the issue is dated back to long time ago. So dont be worried , understand! At that time we thought disturbing news would probably be some high lama going to die, we never infered rightly what shugden was intended to tell us. We could have assume correctly had we given deeper look at his last line which reads" the issue is dated back to long time ago.

After that exactly in 1996 HH dalai lama banned shugden practice follwed by many social unrest. At that time the group of Gaden monks were still touring in America, giving teachings, creating sand mandala and raising funds.

The monks were finally able to come to term with Shugden's precise prediction. I have so many instances to tell.   by Jampa Gyaltsen

Dont lose hope everyone!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: An inspiring story for all of us
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2015, 10:46:37 AM »
A short and precise story on Shugden's clairvoyance and how His prophecies become fulfilled.

Since I started propitiating Dorje Shugden, from my observations, listening to Shugden's advices from the Oracles, though seem difficult to comprehend initially always fulfil its meaning in the shortest of time.