Author Topic: Altar of Denma Gonsa Rinpoche's student in China showing Dorje Shugden statue  (Read 7805 times)


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The altar has Denma Gonsa Rinpoche's statue and Dorje Shugden statue.

Proof of Dorje Shugden being practiced by Han Chinese in China!

Altar of Denma Gonsa Rinpoche's student showing Dorje Shugden statue Small | Large
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 12:23:47 AM by Admin »


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Yes, one day soon. Millions of Dorje Shugden's holy images will be on the shrines of millions of practitioners. In offices, at homes....

The Chinese in mainland China are so fortunate being able to do the practice openly unlike Tibetans worldwide where they have to hide fearing being ostracized, being expelled from their own community, being deprived of basic human privileges etc.

CTA, look and learn. Are you not fighting a lost cause? Or are you doing just cause?

Maybe I should learn Chinese and move to China?


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Nice to see Lama Tsongkhapa's tradition is spreading all over China. China is no stranger to Lama Tsongkhapa as we can all see in places like Yonghe Gong. And the reason the emperors and the elite of China probably hid the Tibetan Buddhist practices away is because the practices were very very effective. And being the ruling class they wanted to have an edge over commoners or the Han Chinese. A very lovely altar of the student of Denma Gonsa may more practitioners of Dorje Shugden arise in China and all over the world.


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This is great news! China has a huge population of 1.3 billion. In fact the biggest population in the world. If Dorje Shugden practice spreads there, I'm certain the whole world will eventually hear of it. China is the future. The Dalai Lama has perfectly set it up so Chinese practice as well. His holiness said that if people practice Dorje Shugden it will hinder the progress of Tibetan independence, just what the Chinese want! In addition, many Chinese see the Dalai Lama as a troublemaker, as they think he brings trouble to China. So His Holiness has also said that the practice of Dorje Shugden will shorten his life. Perfect just what the Chinese want! Of course it is impossible that the practice of Dorje Shugden will affect the Dalai Lama's life or Tibetan Independence, but we can see that the Dalai Lama has skillfully made it so that Chinese people will want to practice this protector. May Dorje Shugden practice grow in China!


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This is just one of the many house altars in China. This is good news because there are 1.3 billion people in China and if only 10% are practicing, we already have 13 million people. And it is still growing in China. The Chinese are looking for wealth and which buddha is better in granting wealth than Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden granting wealth and fulfilling the wishes  of the Chinese is a way to get them into Buddhism and start to practice. Dorje Shugden is the Buddha for our time, the degenerating age.

And with the Prime Minister endorsing the Panchen Lama, the highest Buddhism teacher in China, would mean that there will be more Chinese Practicing Dorje Shugden. Furthermore, it is very to relate to the Chinese is because Buddhism has been part of their culture before the Cultural Revolution. It is easier for them to pick up the practice.

The growth in China would bean the growth of Buddhism and Dorje Shugden!

Big Uncle

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Just one beautiful altar to Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden doesn't mean that Dorje Shugden is going to penetrate China in a big way. Sorry, I don't mean to be a wet blanket but let's get realistic. The only clue that it is a Chinese practitioner is the DS prayer book in Chinese. Many of the Tibetans living in China speak and read Chinese anyway due to the education system so the Chinese prayer book doesn't convince me that it belongs to a Han Chinese.

However, I do admire the altar and I can see that it was offered with a lot of offerings with devotion by a devout practitioner. Whoever owns the altar obviously have a lot faith in the Lama and Dorje Shugden. I think with such devout practitioners, it will create tremendous cause for the Dorje Shugden to spread. I think Dorje Shugden needs to be presented to the Chinese in a even more Chinese manner to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese. Then, Dorje Shugden will grow very big in China. Otherwise, it will remain a smaller practice within the Tibetan setting.


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Just a thought; would be fabulous if we can find photos of all the DS lamas altars and post it up here to share with everyone? I am sure they have huge statues of Dorje Shugden on their altars. How exciting!

I have been saving for afew years now to be able to buy a Dorje Shugden statue. It is not easy for a young working class person as cost of living in Taiwan is very high. I want to thank your online shop that you have just set up recently. Now I will be able to order the DS statue that you are offering for USD188. I thank you very much for making it affordable for people like us.

Tenzin K

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So wonderful to see another devoted practitioner of Lord Shugden in China.
Seems like seeing more and more news of people practicing Lord Shugden in mainland China. I believe it’s still a very minority but looking at the potential of the situation as mentioned by Galen of the meeting between the 11th Panchen Lama and Premier Wen Jia Bao giving  good indication of the open mind of the country for the practice.

China is a country that emphasize very much on unity & harmony of the people in the country and their long history culture. That made China today.
The protector practice is said to be the suitable for the current time. Seeing the growth of the country and the huge population of the country, by practicing this great practice will definitely bring great peace & stability for the country. The practice is already part of their heritage, nothing new but just need to bring their attention on the benefits which has been practiced & recognized long time ago by the key people in China such as the Emperor.

I believe Lord Shugden practice will grow in China and the government of China will appreciate it.   


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This is a nice altar of the student of Denma Gonsa. It is nice to see Dorje Shugden is spreading in China. Wealth is very important to the Chinese and Dorje Shugden can bring wealth and fulfilled their material needs. This is one way to get them to start on Buddhist practice.

The Chinese are very fortunate to be able to practice openly in China as opposed to the Tibetans who do not have the freedom to practice but have to go underground with their practice. Now with the meeting between the 11th Panchen Lama and Premier Wen Jia Bao, there is better chance for more Chinese nationals to practice Dorje Shugden. With a population so big in China,  Dorje Shugden will spread and grow in a very big way.


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very nice to read this. I love the Denma Gonsa Rinpoche which placed in the middle of the altar. In our tradition, Lama is the most important source in our practice. Hence, if we have a statue of our lama, the statue should take the centre spot.

Protector is placed at the side, because no matter how powerful the protector is, his/her duty is to assist the Lama and to fulfil the Lama wishes.

It's really nice to see Tsongkhapa lineage spreading in Mainland China now, China seems more open these days to accept different religion belief. Tsongkhapa lineage have a very strong connection with China, ever since the 5th Dalai lama's time. Everyone should know the big Tsongkhapa statue which still very well keep in Yong He Gong Temple, thousand of visitors from China or oversea pay respect to this Buddha everyday. This is one of the course for TKP linage to spread in China.

Maybe Tsongkhapa lineage is still not as "common" as Amitabha which well spread in Mainland China for hundread of years. But with the meeting between the Prime Minister of China, Mr. Wen Jia Bao and HH 11th Panchen Lama recently, show that the Tsongkhapa lineage is start to growing in Mainland China again.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful video again, and i pray for Tsongkhapa and DS lineage will wide spread in China real soon.


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This is not uncommon anymore in China. I have seen more altars of such in China not only in Sichuan & Tibet but also in cosmopolitan towns such as Shanghai and Beijing.

I have also heard that there are Shugden pendants are now available in China available. It is just a matter of time that there will be full merchandise of Shugden items. There will come a time whereby, the Chinese will want these items. Once their prayers has been fulfilled by Shugden, this practice will spread.

In Shangri-la town in Sichuan, there has been a surge in tourist within China visiting the monasteries there which practices Shugden. These are Chinese from all over China and I have heard some return because their prayers were heard and fulfilled. This will spread, word of mouth from the Chinese will attract more Chinese and by then CTA better dig a hole and hide cause nothing they say will beat the 1.3billion of Chinese.



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This is amazing news! What is amazing is that the more CTA bans Dorje Shugden the more fuel it create for the causes for Dorje Shugden to spread in China. And why not? The Chinese people also need Dharma if not more then anyone else. This is a great sign that Dorje Shugden will be growing roots in China and from China imagine it spreading down to other parts of Asia :)

Actually if the CTA was smart they would encourage HHDL to remove all the negative posting about Dorje Shugden on HHDL's personal website and well definitely stop the whole discrimination for his own people to live harmoniously in Dharamsala. They are actually creating enemies de-sanctioning within their own community and what good does that create? They are so few of them in India, why would they want to still create separation and become even more isolated? Isn't being united more important to create a bigger voice for their plight for Tibet autonomy?


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Thank you for showing us such a pretty altar. It is evident that a lot of care has been put into setting up and caring for this altar and space. The room feels so serene and alive at the same.

Tibetan Buddhism is coming back into China with growing intensity. There are more Tibetan Dharma stores opening. One can also see increasing numbers of Tibetan Sangha members being hosted by Chinese students in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhouo etc. These are just tangible examples reflecting the growing acceptance and spread in practice of Tibetan Buddhism in China.

Just a few years back, people in China only have one reaction when the word “Tibetan Buddhism” is mentioned: Tibetan Buddhism = Dalai Lama = Free Tibet = No good.

However, today, things have changed quite significantly. When the subject of Tibetan Buddhism is brought up, a variety of responses can be experienced. In fact, the responses are progressively more positive because a greater number of result oriented Chinese people in modern China have the good fortune to experience tangible blessings of the Vajrayana scope of Lord Buddha’s teachings.

Having said that, although Tibetan Buddhism is viewed with a higher level of acceptance and is spreading trendily amongst the “sophisticated” Chinese community, an educated understanding and practice of Vajrayana Buddhism is still very much needed. At this moment, as this nation is prospering speedily, Tibetan Buddhism is being “sold” as a wish granting practice. I have met Chinese practitioners who have close to zero understanding on Dharma teachings but know all about the miracles Tibetan practitioners can enjoy. When enrolling new practitioners, the “selling point” is mostly based on the fulfillment of worldly wishes.

This approach is not wrong. On the contrary, it enables the swift growth of the Vajrayana. However, being aware of the limited knowledge and understanding the Chinese practitioners have, which may not be sustainable and is unlikely to bring about attainments, we need to share with them more information like those available in this forum and website. The Chinese version of the website is really useful and readily accessible to our Chinese friends. Therefore, we need to proactively share this channel with them so that they can learn more about the greatness of Dorje Shugden and that the benefit that can be gained will go beyond worldly matters.