Author Topic: Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple  (Read 4178 times)


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Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:24:32 AM »
This temple is situated an hour away from Chatreng town in Sichuan province in China. This temple has a very interesting story and also very inspirational for many of us.

There used to be a monk who used to live in this temple. He was a great Vajrayoigini practitioner. Many villagers around the temple respected this monk and would make offerings to him very often. One day, one of the villager noticed that his room had a leakage in his ceiling and requested the monk for his blessing to fix the leakage. He refused and turn the offer down.

Shortly after that, some villager saw a few ladies on his roof and they were fixing his roof. The villagers were not too happy as they wanted to fix the roof at the beginning. They went into the temple and they found nobody there except the monk. Later, they realised it was Vajrayoigini herself who were fixing the roof.

Later, this monk entered clear light and he told his student that he will not reincarnate again so do not look for him. He said he will be going to the paradise of Vajrayoigini. But he will leave something for his student to remember him.  After that, they found a Boddhi tree growing next to the temple in such HARSH condition.

There are more stories of such and it is common if you practice Vajrayoigini sincerely, she will help u in many ways and many levels,  even by fixing the roof as told above. Amazing isn't it?

You can read more in the forum post below on Vajrayoigini (Unbroken lineage)


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Re: Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2012, 11:03:35 AM »
Please share with all of us if you have heard stories related to great Vajrayoigini practioners? I find these stories very inspiring. And I am sure a lot if us would like to hear about them to benefit our spiritual growth.

Big Uncle

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Re: Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2012, 01:42:03 PM »
Beautiful story of Vajrayogini! I love such wonderful stories of such practitioners as it inspires me to brave through my own spiritual practice in hopes of receiving Vajrayogini practice one day.

Has anyone heard of the story of this rough man of Chatreng? Apparently, it was a very famous story as he was initially evil and killed many people and disregarded his wife and children. However, he chanced upon Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's teachings and deep remorse grew within him. He also received Vajrayogini's initiation from him.

He made up with his wife and children and sought their permission to enter into retreat. He received commentaries from a Geshe in Nepal and enter into a retreat in the mountains. He spent many years in retreat and died in retreat. Apparently, the local meditators performed a funeral for him and many miraculous rainbows appeared around the funeral pyre. Based on this wondrous miracle,  local Lamas confirmed that he had ascended to Keajra, the pure land of Vajrayogini.  This story bear testament to the supreme purifying power of Vajrayogini's practice.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 03:13:26 PM by Big Uncle »


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Re: Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2012, 02:04:21 PM »
Sharing here the story of great master Tilopa.

Tilopa was born into a Brahmin family in the town of Chativavo (another source states that he was born in Jagora, East Bengal).  Well heeded and cared for, Tilopa received the best education and, in accordance with the custom of his caste, learned all the philosophical treatises and discourses of the Brahmins.

A hideously ugly woman manifested to him at important moments in his life and, after having inquired about his status and origin when he was still a young boy, she told him: “Your true home is Uddiyana. Your real father is Chakasamvara and your real mother is Vajravarahi.”

Due to her instructions, he entered the way of Mahamudra, the profound transmission instructions that came from Mahasiddha Saraha, one of the greatest yogis of the 8th century, through the direct transmission of Buddha Vajradhara, the Primordial Buddha who is not different than the historical Buddha Shakyamuni.

The ugly woman who appeared to Tilopa was in truth an emanation of Vajrayogini.


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Re: Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2012, 02:16:51 PM »
The power of Vajra Yogini to purify the Buddhist practitioner's past is shown in her ability to release the past pain of the group, thus showing how she can serve as a force of release of karma for the collective as well as for the individual.

Here is a short prayer i stumble upon that can be done by those without initiation to create a connection with her:


The Trauma Goddess

    Vajrayogini drinking and transforming the negative karma of her devotees

    I am the diamond maiden, the player of games
    The yogini is one of my forms
    Showing that I am beyond earthly attachment
    I am the shining revelation to the ascetic
    The women in silk and roses
    I am the harlot in black net and leather,
    who gives enjoyable punishment
    I am the glass bead master,
    creating universes of form
    And a spark of me is in each bead,
    for I dwell in karma.

    I am the Trauma Goddess,
    the Lady of Pain
    In return for devotion
    I pull thorns from the heart
    In return for obedience
    I untie the knots in the belly and the head
    I hold the vajra,
    which gives and receives
    I reshape family karma.

    The Trauma Goddess is called for people in painful situations
    Where anger and hatred block the path of the soul
    I evaluate the benefits of revenge
    And give better suggestions for spiritual growth.

    I am not suited to polite society
    To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions
    I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt
    I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life.

    The Lady of Trauma is the mirror of pain
    I reflect the disastrous ways that human beings interact
    Then the reflections are stretched and distorted
    With irony, and humor, and sadness
    Loosening their grip on the heart
    So that the person who seeks freedom
    Can get a taste of being free.

    My devotees pray:

        Lady of Trauma, Lady of Pain
        Ascetic and bhairavi and sannyasini and mistress
        Pull me from the disaster I have made of my life
        Save me from the evil machinations of others.

    This is their prayer and I hear it in their hearts
    As they chant my mantra.

        Savior, Lady, Mother Goddess, bodhisattva,
        Love me as I love you
        I am desperate and bound
        Free me by your grace.

    I will give freedom,
    but not without realization
    Those who have been bound, bind others
    Those who have suffered, cause suffering
    I let them know how they have been affected
    But also how they have affected others.

    I do not wear bones because of death
    I wear them because they represent what is beneath the surface
    The blood that I drink is the evil karma of those that I save
    And the karma is then halted and does not pass to others
    I appear wrathful as I take on anger, hatred, fury, and the desire to destroy
    Which are destroyed within me.

    I am a dancer upon the pain of all mankind
    I destroy the dark and corrupt
    My compassionate side is hidden
    But for those whom I love
    Who have taken on my dark grace
    I open a path of shining light
    With pain and sorrow left behind.


Gabby Potter

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Re: Vajrayoigini Seen Fixing the Roof of a Temple
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 10:59:53 AM »
Wow this is so awesome, I believe that if we held our practises well, there will definitely be indications or rather signs. This is such a blessing, I really rejoice that this happened, it's very sacred and powerful. Thank you for sharing! :)