Author Topic: here is one of many  (Read 11172 times)


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2012, 10:09:06 AM »
Thank you for this inspiring sharing.  I would also like to share this real life story with you.

My friend who fell from a horse was incapacitated from the lower abdomen downwards.  Doctors declared him as invalid and he was bedridden.  His passing of motion had to be artificially assisted as his bowel is incapable of muscle movements.  However, he has good connection with Dorje Shugden.  Dorje Shugden in trance healed him.  Today he is walking around and able to ride his horse again.  His bowel movement is also functioning naturally.  This is such a miracle!


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2012, 04:05:27 AM »
Those who rely upon Dorje Shugden know that their spiritual realisations come from his blessings.There are two ways to rely upon Dorje Shugden in thought and indeed.If we recall how he eliminates obstacles and gathers the necessary conditions for Dharma practitioners and with deep faith ,we develop respect for him and hold these special feelings continually.We are relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought.
With deep faith and conviction in Dorje Shugden.We can practice his existence,middling or condensed sadhana.After completing a close retreat we can engage in peaceful, increasing,controlling and wrathful action and gradually achieve the supreme attainments.By doing these practices, we can protect others by helping them to eliminate their obstacles and develop wisdom,to find the right conditions for practicing Dharma,to fulfill
their wishes and to meet with the success in their daily lives.Whenever we engage in any of these deeds with faith we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed.

Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.May your son be blessed by Dorje Shugden's blessings .


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2012, 06:09:35 AM »
My life in dharma only became tangible and purpose driven after I encountered Dorje Shugden. Before I started my Dorje Shugden practice, there were 1001 things that were in the way between me and applying the teachings of the Buddha. It wasn't that I did not believe in the Buddha's teachings before...I did, but there were too many problems in my life that affected my focus and strength of commitment to the practice.

Dorje Shugden protects and helps those who are sincere in their dharma practice. And if our motivation is good, very quickly we see how efficiently the great Protector removes obstacles that plagues us. I truly believe that Dorje Shugden can perform miracles if the outcome of the miracle will help us in our dharma work. If there is one condition that Dorje Shugden has, it is that our intention towards the dharma must be sincere.

Through my very personal experience with the practice there is no way anyone, regardless of what titles and credentials they have, can convince me that Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit. What evil spirit would want to remove our problems so that we can practice even more dharma.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2012, 08:27:02 AM »
Dear Jeff Ryan,

Thank you so much for your story, I am very happy to hear that your son got well and is still well and healthy.
You must have told him the story as he grew up?
I am curious, did he become an active practitioner of Dorje Shugden as an adult?

Miracles can be hard to believe because it is easy for our "scientific" mind to conclude (wrongly) that there is no miracle but only physical phenomena.

The thing is this: there would be no miracle if there were no physical phenomena, so to ignore the miracle on the basis of the physical phenomena taking place is contradictory... It is confusing and it is not thinking properly.

When I receive a money transfer on my bank account, I do not explain it by the logical process of money transferring from one bank account to another, I explain it from the fact that someone put in motion that transfer process with intention. So the bank transfer is not explained by the bank transfer process but by the intention and action of the person issuing the order of transfer.

It is the same with miracles.
In fact, it is the same with rainbows appearing in the sky, we can limit our mind to understand this phenomena from the physical aspect of it (water+ air+ temperature+light). And when we see them appearing in the sky, especially when they appear over auspicious events, they have all physical conditions for them to happen (water+ air+ temperature+light), yet, there is more to explain about why they appear at such time and over such event.

With a mind that can accept miracles, we are better equipped to move faster on our spiritual path, for that path will take us beyond the physical aspect of reality.

Very thought provoking, Hope Rainbow. I really like how you explained miracle and science. In a world where facts and science is the basis for one to believe the true existence of things, there are still many many things that occur in which science cannot explain. Like in the case of re-incarnation, where numerous investigations, studies and findings have been launched to proof or 'scientifically' explain it. But how can one study the continuum of the consciousness life after life where there is no proof of beginning or end to the consciousness. How is it possible to explain near-death experiences, astro travelling, apparitions, after-life communications, mediums and psychics.. and yet, it still happens without scientific backing. Who are we to limit and dictate what can and cannot happen on the basis of science alone.

Limiting oneself to solely operate out of a scientific mind to conclude phenomenas is being narrow-minded. In Buddhism, we are taught to open our minds to accept. Hope Rainbow summed it up perfectly: "With a mind that can accept miracles, we are better equipped to move faster on our spiritual path, for that path will take us beyond the physical aspect of reality".

To me I believe that anything, miracle or not, can happen, anywhere, anytime, anyday. That is the beauty of impermanence; the truth that science cannot explain.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2012, 09:10:25 AM »
Thanks for sharing the story, Jeff Ryan.

In the "doede" (a praise written by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche), the prayer specifically states:

"Be the war god in my protection; be the storekeeper of my people and possessions.
Be the day's bodyguard; be the night's watchman.
Be the cloak on my back; be my staff in the front.
Be the bridge over water, and stairs on the rock.
Be those who see me off; be those welcoming me.
Raise me if I fall; if I forget, remind me.
Be the doctor when I fall sick; if poisoned, give me potent remedy."

When Zong Rinpoche performed a puja invoking Dorje Shugden to intercede with your son's health, Dorje Shugden did exactly as He was requested to do.

Most of us believe in the power of prayer less than we do in the power of medical science.

The power of medical science is limited by the number of potent remedies approved and certified for public use.

The power of prayer is limitless and multi-fold.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2012, 04:35:49 PM »
What an inspiring story!

I am very sure there are thousands and thousands and story out there...  Have you guys read the testimonial on this website?  Some of the stories are so mind blowing... It is only stories among us lay prcatitioners.  I can't imagine the miraculous stories among the high lamas and the sanghas.  I have heard and read so many what a high lama can do, in this case invoking the protector.  Again, even Dorje Shugden was the one who helped His Holiness to escape.  And now because of the ban Dorje Shugden is regarded as a demon, how ironic?

I love reading testimonials and it seems that there are more stories about how Dorje Shugden has saved many lives but rarely I heard about stories Dorje Shugden sending people down to lower realms? or make people sick or something bad happen to people?  I would rather believe that he is good and effective because there are so many true and beautiful stories around.