Author Topic: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)  (Read 7794 times)


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Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« on: August 18, 2010, 02:37:48 PM »
The following is extracted from

"In addition to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Je Pabongka had two other main disciples. They were Khangsar Rinpoche and Tathag Rinpoche.

Tathag Rinpoche was the main teacher of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama when he was a child and gave him his novice ordination.

Khangsar Rinpoche's Chinese disciple, Master Nan Hai, started a Buddhist movement in China that survived till the present day despite political changes in Communist China, with tens of thousands of spiritual descendants and over a hundred monasteries and nunneries throughout China."

I tried to search on Master Nan Hai, but found nothing relevant, perhaps this is best searched in chinese language. Has anyone more information about that Master and the “tens of thousands of spiritual descendants” and “over hundred monasteries and nunneries throughout China.”?

hope rainbow

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Re: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 05:30:11 AM »
The following is extracted from
Khangsar Rinpoche's Chinese disciple, Master Nan Hai, started a Buddhist movement in China that survived till the present day despite political changes in Communist China, with tens of thousands of spiritual descendants and over a hundred monasteries and nunneries throughout China."

That is very interesting, who are they? where are they?


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Re: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 03:26:00 PM »
Thank you for the post.

I tried looking up "Master Nan Hai" but did not find anything about him. Perhaps someone can provide the Chinese character name for a search because the alphabetical pronunciation can be misleading (due to intonation variation).

Although there is not much information about Master Nan Hai, as an inhabitant of China, I have the honor to witness the Dharma work this master has achieved in this powerful nation up to this day. I believe that the foundation of Buddhism in the Chinese community is very strong because of Buddhism had been an integral part of its tradition and culture. Buddhism is still in some way the core of many "souls" of China.

Besides the world-renowned pilgrimage sites like Wu Tai Shan, Pu Tuo Shan etc. new pilgrimage sites are being built to bring Buddhism back into the mainstream of daily living in China. A very good example is the Da Fuo Shi (Big Buddha Temple) in Wuxi, about 2 1/2 to 3 hours from Shanghai by car. In summary, there is no lack of Buddhadharma "hardware" in China.

However, there is much more work to be done on developing the "software" of Buddhdharma in this country. Although many people know about Buddhism, it is merely a concept of religion. There are individuals who do not know how to light incense or had never prayed before a Buddha image in their life. This is very understandable due to the limited and controlled supply of Dharma information here.

The good news is: there is vast interest towards Buddhadharma and growing participation in effort to understand Dharma. I trust that for the work of Master Nan Hai to take off from where he left off will be challenging but very attainable.

I hope that more specific and accurate information about Master Nan Hai will be available and that Dharma understanding and practice will flourish in China.


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Re: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2012, 07:39:13 AM »
I believe I have found a biography of Master Nan Hai, that I have translated from the Chinese via google translate. Perhaps this can shed light on this wonderful master. The translation is very patchy, but the general meaning of the contents is perserved. Khangsar Rinpoche is also mentioned, addressing him as Geshe Khangsar.

Master Nan Hai
Master Nan Hai Su Xing Gong, learning light word Ji-Hee. The twelfth lunar month on the 22nd, 1886, was born in Mianzhu County, Sichuan Province Hanwang field, father, Gong Chang, has operations in Chengdu, antiques, and later the family moved to live in Mianzhu county. Gong often small traders, industry, can the Master Nan Hai over 10 years of age, his father put him sent to a silk shop as an apprentice. Parents after the death of the Master Nan Hai only rely on a sister living, suffered from the hardships of life.

Boxer Rebellion, the Qing government's increasingly corrupt and imperialist powers to intensify to carve up China, stirred every patriotic man's blood boil. Energy sea-Master full-blooded, leaving the business Congrong, was admitted to the accelerated school of Sichuan army, and Liu Xiang, Wenhui students. Energy Master Nan Hai hard work and discipline, outstanding, and after graduation was sent to go to Kangding any reconnaissance team leader, less than a year, l Renying Zhang. The 1909 Master Nan Hai any coach officer was sent to Yunnan military academy. At that time, Zhu De is the classroom learning. After the liberation, the Master Nan Hai to see in Beijing, Zhu De Zhu De also remember the the honors of this teacher-student, said: "Do not come for nearly 40 years, the face of the teacher's old and more, but the spirit and the early years in Yunnan when almost gratifying. "

Wuchang Uprising in 1911, Sichuan has set off a vigorous Protection Movement in Sichuan, political instability, constant changes in government, the first military governor Chao abdication of Pu Dianjun the establishment of the Han dynasty in Sichuan military government any captaincy, then Yin risk value to quell the mutiny to kill Chao successor captaincy expansion the army. Master Nan Hai with the aid of Sichuan troops from Yunnan, be able to return to Sichuan, he served as the fourth town pipe band (battalion commander), stationed in Chengdu, he served as leader and commander Kawakita clear Township.

1914, a chance, can the Master Nan Hai in Chengdu the prefect Street Sanyi Temple to listen to the preaching of Buddha Source Master, greatly obsessed with worship in Buddhism Source Master Ha then as a disciple began to enthusiastically study Buddhism.

At that time, the Sichuan warlord, the war throughout the whole River. The suffering of people in the war among warlords just want to expand the strength of the expansion of the site, killing each other, each other annexation. Liu Xiang in the melee, one liter up again, by the battalion commander was promoted to commander, as well as the Sichuan army Front commander in chief, in order to consolidate the army based on the original Sichuan Army accelerated school students as much as possible the recruitment of an important appointment. Master Nan Hai also hire Liu Xiang men. At this time, the Master Nan Hai letter Buddhism, unwilling to troops in the official and only served as chief of staff duties. Liu Xiang sent him on behalf of the Department consultants, dealing with all parties. Can sea the Master often go back and forth between Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing. In 1915 he went to Japan to study political Industry, at the same time, he prevailed on Japanese Buddhism quite touched. After returning home, Everywhere always sincerely and find a teacher, learning Buddhism. In Beijing, he often sincerely to the Peking University professor of philosophy, Buddhist scholar Mr. Zhang Kecheng learning WEBWATCH Learning every day on foot from 40. After 1921, he resigned from the Foreign Office in Chengdu, a small city park Buddhist Circulation. 1924, ordained a monk in Chengdu Wenshu, borrowing from "the sea, ordained to the new capital Baoguang after consistently an old monk by the the surpassingly ring. Was 39 years old.

Master Nan Hai by the officer to become Buddhists, on the one hand, political reasons, his early years in the Army's accelerated school to join the League, an active part in the National Revolutionary. Later, in the Sichuan army generals support of Yuan Shikai against the national revolution, and actively send troops to combat. Sympathy for the national revolution killed many accelerated students. Energy sea-Master to see former classmates were killed, rivers of blood, heart, grief, converted to Buddhism. In addition, Master Nan Hai family, unfortunately, even from the doom. Mrs. Chong's his first wife died young, leaving one daughter, the latter married Zhang, married the Chongs sister, birth to son, and his feelings very well, did not think that will ever rise, which enabled the Master Nan Hai being caught in an extremely sad. By the stimulation of the political family encountered a "five aggregates emptiness", and "all Kue" the Buddhist Miaozhi, the germination of the idea of ??novices, in order to relief the inner anguish and hair Xinxiang Fo to "self-Lili him.

Can sea the Master of the situation right ring after the Baoguang live a few months, learning the precepts of one side, Zen teaching Zhuzong, do involve the leading edge; side is actively preparing to Tibet the study of law. Learn Tibetan Tibetan lamasery in Kangding Galloping Mountain. The May 1928 Master Nan Hai into the possession of the study of law, which lasted four months, arrived in Lhasa in September. The journey of much hardship, the Kamsa Ha Ji Bai in the famous Grand Lama to Lhasa, as a disciple. Learning in Tibet about 10 years. Outstanding academic achievement, Kamsa precepts sophisticated energy sea-Master, it is particularly appreciated, clothing, bowls, and many rare classics to the sea, which Mingkang Sa has been identified to the sea is to inherit his flow inheritance disciples.

The 1936 Master Nan Hai to leave Tibet; via Nepal, India, multiply the seagoing vessel returned to the motherland. Energy sea-Master in Shanghai and preaching the retreat following the Mao Peng went to Wutai Mountain Guangji. Exit and constantly engaged in translation of the above, for Kobo ready, and in Shanghai, Taiyuan, etc. many times preaching. "July" Incident after the outbreak of the disciples of the rate of energy Master Nan Hai more than 20 people return to Sichuan. Chengdu Wenshu method of light monks to live in the southern suburbs near Tsz Temple. Temple Wenshu lower house, and fell into disrepair. Can near Tsz Temple of the Master Nan Hai rate disciple of dozens of people came, struggling to survive, not only complex of its old look, also has built the Wade Hall, master of the house of Canon House, novices Church, translation center, King Kong hospital, the abbot Laos and other buildings, Wei To a Buddhist Temple. Here, the Master Nan Hai opened the first mainland tantric temple. Domestic monastery monks caught on and come to learn, many of which can harbor Master famous disciples. Many military and political officials, as laymen, many came to listen, by the argument. Can sea the Master preaching, because of its harmony to teach management, human sophistication, but also has the quality of the silver tongue in layman's language, Miao Yu Hengsheng succession are into Miaodi. It could be proactive lead in the next three can be all-win interesting, so the audience is very enthusiastic.

Master Nan Hai Tsz Temple daily lessons and precepts, are very strict. Absolutely not only vegetarian, but also to implement NFAM three o'clock every morning to the hall attendance, began preaching, or preaching before the talk about the affairs of the temple, about two hours speaking Bi Xiazuo backward breakfast. 9:00 to 11 Shiyou Theravada preaching, 12:00 forward lunch. After lunch, visiting hours, and sometimes also talk about two hours by the afternoon, not preaching scriptures or meditation. Sometimes with lay their evening walk in the temple garden chat, Qian Banye sit-in. In short, the whole day and night in the couch, in addition to sit-in repair meditation and insight, such as a slight weariness, but also the only cross-legged Kaokao not tolerate went to sleep. For many years so perseverance is impossible. Can sea the Master to take the lead in doing so, full monks also asked the public to complete this day lessons are scrupulously.

Mianzhu clouds Temple is to the land of the Master Nan Hai every summer to meditation. Sit-in is not the temple, another repair of Mao Peng. Sit-in is not a simple matter, according to martial arts depth is divided into several levels, not only different subjects, but the venue was different, must reach a certain level in order to retreat in Mao Peng. The disciples can sit with him to study the sit-Mao Peng retreat by a small number, the remaining effort shallow sit-in Temple.

In 1940, Kangsagexi (Geshe Khangsar) willing to come to the mainland spread the dharma, can the Master Nan Hai personally to greet once again to Tibet. Kamsa illness did not come to the mainland, the mantle, the instruments used to make empowerment Master Nan Hai, instruct it to return to Mainland Hongchuan its law. As a result, nearly Tsz Temple temple communication Sino-Tibetan Buddhist center. Tibetan monks to come to Chengdu, will the DPRK Tsz Temple, temple wind regulations are very impressed. Master Nan Hai to establish a translation center All over the world, since the title door Union says: "through the Word, and guide the world to increasingly Datong Master Nan Hai is committed to Sino-Tibetan unity, to make a significant contribution.

Can say Master Nan Hai 49 years, the impact across the domestic and foreign. U.S. President Roosevelt sent a letter to the United States preaching, did not go to Master Nan Hai. The Linsen pro title King Kong temple plaque protect the country can the Master Nan Hai of indifference. Chiang Kai-shek had sent the invitation to the sea as a member of the National Political Council to participate in politics, and later recruited him to join the "provisional capital of the religious fraternity, and he adamantly refused. Can be Master of the sea not only deep in Buddhism, but also useful insights on the political, never follow the crowd in an attempt vanity. Sympathy and support for the revolutionary cause of the Chinese Communist Party, have done a lot of things beneficial to the Chinese revolution. He often said: that the Communist Party to save the masses of the people out of Oliver, this is a good thing we Buddhists should support. Chengdu, the eve of liberation, there was a monk from Shanghai came nearly Tsz Temple, everyone said: "The Communist Party to destroy religion." Can know of the Master Nan Hai, immediately call the parties to put him away. Time, energy sea-Master Pengxian repair relic model tower, Peng County is home to some rebel army, representatives of the Communist Party live in Peng County, the county is very quiet, people are pleased to talk of liberation, to the Master Nan Hai also pleased to we are talking about, and supervision to repair the tower of the monks came to the Master said: "Hurry to the top of the tower placement, or to the Communist Party ..." I did not wait for him to finish, can the Master Nan Hai said angrily: "to how? Chinese people, not foreigners. "

Master Nan Hai believe that the Chinese Communist Party, also try to help the Communist Party. On one occasion, in spite of his journey tired from Pengxian back to Chengdu managed to rescue the arrest of communists by the Kuomintang spies Wang dry green. They are all the Mianzhu fellow, also a friend. However, in the evening, the king of dry green Kuomintang spies killed. Later, the Master Nan Hai Scriptures, specifically for these martyrs to show Powa mourning. In 1948, a man named Buddha's monks, the KMT spy suspect he is a Communist, he was taken away by the Master Nan Hai do everything possible to the Trustee and to get him out.

In Chengdu liberation Soon, the Southwest Military and Political Committee to send someone to see the Master Nan Hai, to negotiate the peaceful liberation of Tibet. Master Nan Hai Xikang, Tibet's friends write a letter, indicating the position of the Communist Party to protect religious, asking them to meet the troops entering Tibet Peaceful Liberation of Tibet. The same time, the Master Nan Hai recommended that the troops entering Tibet to perform religious policy, but also suggested that the Panchen Lama to Beijing. Soon, Southwest Jun Zhengwei Committee letter to Master Nan Hai with the army into Tibet. Useful Master Nan Hai elderly and frail, unable to peers, but sent the army into Tibet Long fruit, from Tibet to come back soon disciples, to do a lot of work.

The country after the liberation, the Master Nan Hai participate as a special representative of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was elected the first, second session of the National People's Congress. In December 1952, attended the peoples of the world peace conference in Vienna. By way of Moscow, returned to Beijing via Mongolia.

1953 Master Nan Hai rate disciples on Mount Wutai wasteland afforestation, cool bridge settled five miles in the audience. Place in the alpine zone, Master Nan Hai 70, but the scriptures talk about the law, the old and Benedict. Regular rate of monks and the hill farmers to work together, drainage pipes and tree planting. 1955, went to New Delhi to participate in the Asian Peace Conference, via Yangon for home.

1966, can the Master Nan Hai Bristol Temple, Mount Wutai, passed away at age 81, the remains of the tower built in Zenzai hole side of the pagoda foothills. Taming of the Chinese Buddhist Association Zhao Puchu the title, said:

Order of Manjushri taught vibration tin cool.
Significantly close pairs of Philip, away from compliance with His Holiness.
Law to fulfill Bingjie, intellectual edge Diamond.
To make peace, to address Munemitsu.
Five towering, three Mindanao gray,
The Bi the tower Chongyue Germany tone no end.



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Re: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2012, 05:50:45 PM »
Hi Ensapa,
Thank you for your info. Let me give you a helping hand ;). Below is from Karma Lekshe Tsomo's "Innovative Buddhist Women: Swimming Against The Stream"  as Master Nenghai also founded a Gelug nunnery in China.

Master Nenghai
Nenghai (1886-1967) was born in Mianzhu district, Sichuan province. An orphan, he was raised by his elder sister and worked as an apprentice in a workshop in Chengdu until he entered the army in 1905. About ten years later, he began to study Buddhism with Zhang Kecheng, professor Buddhist literature and philosophy at Beijing University. He wanted to enter the Buddhist Sangha, but his sister persuaded him to wait until he had fathered a male child.

In 1924, at the age of 39, Nenghai received the novice vows under the guidance of Foyuan, his master and a teacher of the Linji school of Chan Buddhism. At Yonghegong (a monastery of the Gelugpa tradition located in Beijing), he became interested in Tibetan Buddhism and decided to travel to Tibet. In 1926, he went to Kangding (located in the Tibetan area of Khams), where he studied Tibetan language and began reading Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, particularly Tsongkhapa’s Lamrim chenmo. He believed that the Buddhist tantras contained the very essence of the Buddhadharma. To deepen his understanding of tantra, he twice visited Lhasa, where he became the disciple of Kangsa Rinpoche, a lama of Drepung Monastery. He remained in Lhasa studying for five years.

Nenghai founded seven monasteries in China. Tiexiangsi is the only nunnery among what he called these “tantric vajra monasteries “. Except for during the rains retreat, he rarely stayed in the same monastery for long, always travelling from place to place, preaching the Dharma, lecturing on the scriptures, and giving instructions on Gelugpa doctrines.

The principal tantric transmission he received from his lama is known as “the tradition of the Yamantaka – Vajrabhairava Anuttarayoga Tantra.’’ The tantras he then transmitted to his disciples were mainly those of two yidams (meditation deities): Yellow Manjusri, which is a lower tantric practice, and Yamantaka, which is anuttarayoga tantra. Yamantaka- Vajrabhairava is a wrathful manifestation of Manjusri.
While Nenghai asserted that the tantras and Tsongkhapa’s Lamrim are superior to all other Buddhist doctrines, he still included the Chinese and Theravada scriptures in his teachings. He explained these scriptures as an example of the exoteric teachings that form the basis for the practice of the tantras and without which the tantras could not be understood. Among the exoteric teachings that form the basis for the practice of the tantras and without which the tantras could not be understood. Among the exoteric Buddhist scriptures, he had a preference for the Vinaya and the Prajnaparamita texts.

Nenghai is responsible for more than 90 books and articles. Some are translations of Tibetan texts, some are commentaries. Some were written by Nenghai himself, while others were authored by his disciples in accordance with this teachings. Of these, 54 are related to tantra. 

Tiexiangsi Nunnery

Nenghai founded the first and only Gelugpa nunnery in China called Tiexiangsi. The ordination procedures of Tiexiangsi follow the Chinese tradition. Tiexiangsi Nunnery has evolved in relation to government policy shifts towards religion in China. During the first 15 years of the PRC, about 30 nuns lived in Tiexiangsi. They had to work in the fields to sustain themselves, and they devoted the rest of their time to religious practice as they had been taught by Nenghai. Since they followed the Tibetan tradition, some began to study Tibetan language. Others (particularly Longlian, already fluent in Tibetan) began translating Tibetan Buddhist works commissioned by Nenghai. 

During the Cultural Revolution, Tiexiangsi was occupied by eight farming families and an elementary school. In 1979, the government began to relax its policy toward religion. Monks and nuns were gradually allowed to return to religious life, and Longlian and her community regained most of the properties associated with Tiexiangsi. The returning nuns, assisted by government funds, began restoring the damaged buildings and Buddha images. In 1983, the Sichuan Buddhist Higher Institute for Bhiksunis was established at Tiexiangsi. It is the first and only institution of higher learning for bhiksunis in China.

Tiexiangsi is a “closed” nunnery, like many other monasteries in China. This means it is for the nuns only and is not open to laypeople for devotions. The nuns’ daily practice can be performed only by initated disciples. In addition, the chanting and other activities are not understandable to Chinese Buddhists who do not have any knowledge of Tibetan Buddhist.


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Re: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 08:00:52 PM »
I was browsing through some photos online and came across the photo of this "Tsongkhapa Hall". Just thought I post in this thread because the original temple/ institution was founded by Master Nenghai!

Shijing Temple
Shijing Temple is one of the 5 biggest Buddhist Institutions West of Sichuan.

Master Nenghai founded Jinci Tantric Monastery (here) in Chengdu in 1937, which is the first Tantric institution in Chinese Han area. Jinci Monastery was destroyed in 1966 during the Cultural Revolution. In 1983/84, The President and committees of China Buddhist Association at that time discussed and decided to move Jinci Monastery to Shijing Monastery and set up the mandala there.  This was done after consulting the 10th Panchen Lama.

Shijin Temple is located in the city of Chengdu in the Longquanze area, 37 kilometres away from Chengdu city.   

Entrance to the temple

Tsongkhapa Hall (Nuns walking past the hall. The temple was the venue for the 11th Sichuan Prefecture Ordination (Receiving Vows) Ceremony).


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Re: Khangsar Rinpoche and Master Nan Hai (china)
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 08:32:56 AM »
Thanks for the info. I have no idea that Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings spread all the way to China! it is really amazing that the Chinese can adopt Tibetan Buddhism into their culture. Even the temple's architecture is based on Chinese styles, and the lamrim is translated in to the chinese that benefits them as a whole. I have heard that the Tzu Chi organization studies the translated version of the Lamrim as well! Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings is making waves in the Chinese communities!