Author Topic: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya  (Read 8884 times)


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The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« on: September 16, 2012, 01:32:55 PM »
Recently there is a US made film that rediculed Prophet Mohammend. It was apparently made by an Israeli-American businessman and backed by Terry Jones, the fundamentalist pastor who previously threatened to hold public burnings of the Koran. A version of the film, which is in English, has been dubbed into Egyptian Arabic and shown on the website of an Egyptian Coptic Christian businessman based in America.

This has angered an armed Islamist mob that stormed and set fire to the United States consulate in Benghazi that killed US Ambassador and 3 others.

In the name of religion, people act out of their own will and take it on their own hands to kill just because their Spiritual Leaders are rediculed. On the other hand, why the fundamentalist pastor backed the film and also threathened to burn the Koran is just making him look like a very lost man. How does he want to achieved peace and harmony by acting like that?

What do you all think?


DS Star

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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 03:54:54 PM »
The silly humiliating movie that sparks worldwide riots and caused lives is done by selfish individuals motivated by their hatred...

Their hatred caused even bigger hatred by the Muslims... really, I don't know what these people were thinking?

Just to get their momentary satisfactions of humiliating and degrading a sage of other's faith, they are causing harms and sufferings to other people.

These are truly selfish and childish acts by irresponsible individuals.

This is not new actually, in 2004 famous movie star and producer Mel Gibson also made a movie "The Passion of the Christ" that degrading the Jewish and blaming them for torturing Jesus Christ.

Why can't we the earthlings live in harmony? Sad...

hope rainbow

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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 04:00:57 PM »
One cannot be elevated but putting others down. One cannot.
When one puts others down he puts himself down.
When one puts others higher than himself, then one elevates himself.

To put another religion down is simply not spiritual, it is not Christian, it is not Muslim, it is not Jewish, it is not Buddhist, it is not religious!
Religion is not a set of belief that is to be defended, religion is nothing more than thoughts and resulting actions of speech and body.

To kill the one that insults our prophet is not honoring our prophet.
Let's imagine that a movie portrays Lama Tsongkhapa as a horrible person, the person that then kills on that basis kills Lama Tsongkhapa.

DS Star

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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 05:39:34 AM »
The movie was originally promoted as “The Innocence of Bin Laden” and their promotion poster was in Arabic pretending to be sympathetic to Bin Laden, Arabs and Muslims.

The report in this video explained very clearly the intention of the producers of this movie, please watch it.

Small | Large

The poster in Arabic said:


Producers of this movie actually have the intention to trick Muslims to watch the movie then to humiliate and insult them. [/i][/b]

What kind of evil thinking!

They plotted as such to incite confrontation… and so the current situation of Muslims’ uproar and riots all over the world is exactly what they want in the first place…

Second part of the above video revealed that the producers have even higher evil plan, they are using this movie as another scam to cheat people of their money. The original poster printed a phone number for people to call and when the number was called, it asked for USD3.95 per minute authorised charge, then when the call is connected, it charged the caller’s credit card USD119 and asked the caller to just leave a comment. This is ridiculous, the people behind this movie is actually a bunch of crooks out to cheat people’s money.

Turned out that the filemmaker of this movie Sam Bacile whose real name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is a bankrupt who was previously been convicted of financial crimes.

In June 2010, he was sentenced to 21 months in prison. He’s on probation now served only one year. With the recent case, he could be returned to prison for violation of his release conditions when he upload portion of the controversy movie on internet. A judge barred Nakoula from using the Internet for five years.

Whatever happened humanity?
With more of such irresponsible and selfish ‘humans’ in this world, I wonder where are we heading to now…

hope rainbow

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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 04:59:22 PM »
To spread war is to experience war.
To spread peace is to experience peace.
No matter what.
I found a few quotes on war that I listed here:

If we don't end war, war will end us.
H. G. Wells

All war is deception.
Sun Tzu

War is what happens when language fails.
Margaret Atwood

Listen up - there's no war that will end all wars.
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.
Thomas Mann


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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2012, 05:49:17 AM »
It is so sad to read this story again. Those people should really get a life! Not spend it hurting other religions. What where they hoping to get from it? People will listen and obey you? Absurd! Because of these selfish and racists, innocent people are killed and leaving their family with more anger and hate. In case you don't know, hatred and racism DO NOT end so please stop doing it. How can hate + hate = peace? Practice compassion and love instead. Trust me, its not that hard.

Look at the US Ambassador, he was innocent and helping Libyans....

Message to the American people!!!To kill the U.S. ambassador in Libya?


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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2012, 08:58:35 AM »
It's scary to know that when our delusions are unchecked, it's like riding a wild elephant that cannot be controlled but just crushes and destroys and kills everything in sight.

The brutal killing of the US Ambassador is the result of a spiral of hate and anger that just went unchecked. It may seem to have begun with September 11, but the seeds of  friction, war and hatred between religions have been there for a long time. They have been sown by the rhetoric of irresponsible individuals, some of whom were/are religious leaders themselves. I believe that the founder of all religions were men of peace, but along the way, people who always thought of other beings, other than their loved ones, as separate from themselves, began walking down the negative path of hate and war.

Buddhism - with its message of peace, and its view of all living beings as equal in terms of their Buddha nature and their right to life, freedom and happiness - is so wholesomely different. ( Except for the persecution of Shugden practitioners!)

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2012, 03:41:40 AM »
People killing people in the name of religion. How sad, and the most twisted part is that they do it thinking that it is the RIGHT thing to do. That they'll go to HEAVEN for PUNISHING and passing down judgement to the people who go against their GOD. It is truly saddening how people make use of religion for their own political gains. Innocent citizens  caught in the crossfire, suffers from the ignorance of the brainwashed warriors of GOD listening and doing every bidding of their deluded leader who incite hate and schism among the human race.
In this case, US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and two others seem to be the innocent victim from this stupid act of putting down the religion of another. Who suffers? Why insult another's religion? Why burn Koran? Why make movie that ridicule another's GOD? Who is the one paying for the stupidity? The innocent US representatives who tries to make peace with the government of Libya. What a shame...

Is it really that hard to just be good in whatever religion that one chooses to believe in? Why always want to prove others wrong? What does one stand to gain? It's truly weird how these people think.  :-\



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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2012, 01:42:52 PM »
I have watched the trailer this movie, and I must say, it is such a "crap" movie. When the actors and crews said they were cheated to do the movie, I didn't believe it at first, but after watching the trailer, I 100% believe they are conned into making the movie.

The settings and backdrop are such rubbish, and so many of the conversations are dubbed in. It is clearly a very cheap production and I think the people who produce it has ill intention to upset the Muslims.

I am 100% against producing such movies as it does nobody good. All is loser and there is no winner in this scenario.

I have an interesting question: If someone make movies or write articles which redicules Buddha, what will you do?

DS Star

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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2012, 11:24:53 PM »
If someone make movies or write articles which redicules Buddha, what will you do?

Well, I will definitely protest through the right channels and will join or start a campaign to have the movie banned.

Buddhists may be peace-loving but we should not allowed our faith to be ridiculed by others, especially for political reasons.

Then again, no matter how angry we are, it is still not justify to use violence as revenge and definitely we should not kill to proof our points. Killing is NEVER an option!


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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2012, 08:46:36 AM »
Why would someone else paid the price when others make an such an selfish act? I am not sure how did the accusation of this movie came about and based on what fact? Hatred maybe. But even so why would certain group of people had to behave and reacted with violence. This is what happened when a religion became a tool of politic, very good example is the recent cases in Myanmar, why do we have to put others down and make ourselves look good? Does 'Sam Bacile even exist?

Does 'Sam Bacile' – the person allegedly behind the film that has triggered violence in Libya – even exist?

A deepening mystery surrounds the personage of "Sam Bacile": the film-maker who allegedly made “Innocence of Muslims”, a film about Islam (which curiously few people seem ever to have watched in its entirety), the crudely insulting "trailer" for which has triggered such a violent reaction in Libya and elsewhere. "Bacile", which seems to be a pseudonym, reportedly described himself to the press as an "Israeli Jew" who lives in California and worked in real estate.

Israel says it has no record of anyone under that name: indeed, a spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry described the film-maker as "a complete loose cannon and an unspeakable idiot". A consultant on the film, Steve Klein, said that "Bacile" was neither Israeli nor Jewish and that he did not even know his real name, but that those involved in the production had anticipated that it would cause unrest: “We went into this knowing what was probably going to happen.” Well, not quite everyone, it seems. The actors and actresses appeared to think they were taking part in another kind of production entirely, and have now found themselves caught up in a horrific international controversy.

Does "Sam Bacile" even exist? Inquiries have led to Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a Coptic Christian living in California who has been convicted of bank fraud and who admits involvement in the film, but denies that he is "Bacile". Perhaps, in the weeks to come, he and Mr Klein may be able to enlighten the public further.
Of course, the blame for the attack on the US consulate at Benghazi which killed four US citizens – including the US Ambassador Chris Stevens – rests with those who carried it out. Of course, in an ideal world, individuals would be free to say even deliberately unpleasant and insulting things about any religion without inciting a murderous response.
But we live in the real world, and the Middle East is a political powder-keg, already rendered even more unstable than usual by civil war in Syria, the collapse of long-standing regimes in Libya and Egypt, and the international intensification of tension about Iran’s nuclear programme. What the makers of the trailer for "Innocence of Muslims" – rather like their fellow-traveller, the Florida pastor Terry Jones who made a stupid show of Koran-burning – have done is to throw a match into that powder-keg, igniting a blaze which has devoured other people.

There is a clear difference between displaying courage in facing down extremist interpretations of Islam (one thinks of Salmaan Taseer, the late Governor of the Punjab, who was murdered after he opposed Pakistan's blasphemy laws) and making a crude, deliberately inflammatory attack upon the religion itself. The former is the action of of a brave individual, and the latter of a dangerous clown playing with fire. We should not be tempted to mix them up.



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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2012, 02:18:58 PM »
What do I think ??? This fiasco is the result of -
1. Sheer manipulation - ask those people who had gone on the streets to protest and showed their feelings around the world - how many of them had actually watched the incriminating video ??? Very very few! Most of Hesse protesters did what they did out of ignorance. They just listened to a handful of peoplle, and acted out of ignorance. And why did the film so popular now? Because it is enjoying the publicity the creator had it been able to get before he pull this stunt ! People stop being the victim of manupilation

2. Childish and lack confidence - a matured person would not act our of anger or hearsay. A matured person listen, research, debate and draws conclusion based on his analysis. Not out of anger. Of a person has true and strong fain on his or her religion, no about of articles, films and social media activities could move or shake his convictions. Also, a person who lacks confident is most certainly afraid to face a bigger forum.

Let's just let art be art and religion be regliion; never mix up these two mutually exclusive functions.
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: The Film that killed the US Ambassador in Libya
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2012, 02:38:28 PM »
First, by letting a Chechen court take the lead, the Russian government confirmed that Chechnya is a semi-official enforcer of Islamic orthodoxy across Russia. Stories of the selective but persistent application of Shariah law by the Chechen authorities (such as forcing women to wear headscarves and banning sale of alcohol) have been circulating for quite some time. However this is the first time that the Russian media will have little option but to cave in to what is no doubt a Shariah-motivated judgement.

Second, the ruling places a question mark over freedoms guaranteed by the Russian Constitution and international human rights to which Russia has signed up: freedom of information and artistic expression. This also follows in the wake of the State Duma initiative to amend the penal code to include punishment for “offending the feelings of believers” – an all-encompassing and vague term that no one intends to define. In turn, this Duma initiative grew out of the scandalous and controversial Pussy Riot ‘blasphemy’ trial this summer. Taken together, these developments mean that religious belief is now de facto off limits as far as criticism is concerned in Russia.
Third, this means that there new splits have been created in Russian society – between believers and non-believers, but also between the followers of different faiths who will be watching out for signs of offensiveness in Christian missionary books, the Imams’ Friday sermons or the rabbis’ Sabbath talks.