Author Topic: The latest hit-list will surprise you  (Read 4640 times)


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The latest hit-list will surprise you
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:41:57 PM »
This latest hit list from CTA does not surprise me a bit. having seen how high handed they have been to deal with Dorje Shudgen this comes as not at a surprise.

CTA is never interested in harmony and is plagued by self interest and if you do not comply we will bulldoze you down. It has been said many times that CTA does not function as a gel or aggregator of all Tibetans and efforts due to lack of foresight and short sightedness, it is a sad fact for Tibetans that the Tibetans in exile are lead by these officials whom I can say only have their own interest close to their hearts and not the interest of the people's welfare. I hope before long many more groups will rise up and protest during the Dalai lama's teaching sessions, not because they are now anti Dalai Lama. But wherever the Dalai Lama goes there is great publicity and press no better time to do a demonstration to vent out dissatisfaction with CTA.

CTA's karma is starting to ripen their policies of divide and conquer is coming back at them in full force, as now there is no long pro dalai lama camp, and Dorje Shudgen, within the pro dalai Lama camp there are dissenting voices. 


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Re: The latest hit-list will surprise you
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 06:32:26 PM »
This is definitely something I don't rejoice about, and definitely not something I would love to see, but it sure looks familiar.

I feeling about this "clash" is because the lack of open talk between the 2 parties. Yes, they may have discussed, but I feel it is a one-sided intimidation, otherwise, it won't make the other group to walk onto the streets and had the clash.

Regarding the hit list? It may be a surprise for many, but for Dorje Shugden practitioners, it is just old tricks. Democracy is only on papers, but never practices. Why so? This is the effort of CTA to purposely make their people uneducated so that it would be easier for CTA to contol them.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: The latest hit-list will surprise you
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2015, 03:59:02 AM »
CTA high handed conduct does not surprise me.  After all how Shugden worshippers are treated is another manifestation of CTA's lack of leadership but only a bully.

Results are always the gauge of one's work, the same way that Karma works, if CTA is true to what it says democratic return to Tibet, why is it not happening?

CTA the political arm of Dalai Lama, who is world renowned and has met many world leaders, not been able to have an amicable settlement with China?

How hard have CTA tried to work for the good of the Tibetan people in exile?  How many names does this authority need to change to gain some benefits for Tibetans in exile, from TGIE to now CTA.

How many more need to be on the hit list?  CTA please don't waste time, work for the betterment of Tibet and Tibetans.

christine V

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Re: The latest hit-list will surprise you
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2015, 03:09:43 PM »
CTA ... the only acts they can do is to be violent, to be a detector! It is sad to see the Tibetan are fighting each other for so many invalid reasons. From the illogical of Dorje Shugden ban to the free Tibet issues. In fact, they have lost the way they should be, a Buddhist practitioner who will bring dharma to the world. Instead, now become the laughing stock of the world. With all this mop, people's hatred against own friends and relative increased, they have forgotten they should be unite... it is so sad to see what happen on Tibetan out side of Tibet.


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Re: The latest hit-list will surprise you
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2015, 08:17:07 AM »
This is purely about politics and not at all spiritual. To have a hit-list amongst the supporters of the Dalai Lama and differentiate them on the "way" there support the Dalai Lama is really ridiculous. And I thought the hit-list are the purview of the Protector supporters!

While I do not support any hit list, and certainly want it to be the monopoly of the Protectors' supporter, I think this shows that the CTA "overuse" the hit-list. Who will it be next? It shows the desperation of the CTA.


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Re: The latest hit-list will surprise you
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2015, 07:15:08 AM »
There was this unsettling piece of news of a new hit-list of names of those who opposed the Dalai Lama in his Middle Way proposition for Tibet's freedom. Then there was the news that Penpa Tsering, the Speaker in the Tibetan parliament, had resigned in reaction to allegations of being involved in some murder and corruption.

The CTA and its people are definitely giving the public a very bad impression in the way they handle situations. Why did they put people,who disagree with the Middle Way of the Dalai Lama, on a hitlist. Their peaceful protesting of the Middle Way came as they watched Dalai Lama just being silent about the self-immolations of Tibetans, both monastics and the lay people, for the cause of Tibet's freedom.

The corruption and murder allegations against a key -member of Parliament and his walking out and resigning in reaction to these allegations caused a great stir among people. It was seen as a sign of admission of guilt. 

How can anyone have any more faith in the democratic process among exiled Tibetans in India? Especially when these people in government have been the ones discriminating against and  persecuting Shugden followers too?