Author Topic: Bye-bye Dictators?  (Read 10368 times)


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2012, 03:07:54 PM »
Dorje Shugden does not get much attention mainly because a lot of Tibetan Buddhists in the western countries are not exactly Gelug, and somehow or in some way they ended up to be somewhat against Gelug in a subtle manner and they have also been taught that Dorje Shugden is bad and are not allowed to investigate as some believe that even saying his name would "bring bad luck".

With the ban, the Dalai Lama has forced these lineages to talk about Dorje Shugden and curious individuals who want to find out more about Dorje Shugden will find out and they will then decide if Dorje Shugden is for them as this is a far more better approach than to promote him normally as the supreme protector the the Gelugs that would not do much but incite more jealousy amongst the other lineages.

As much as the Kalon Tripa makes a lot of speeches, he also rarely addresses the pressing issues that the Tibetans face, mainly about the self immolations. He should at least speak up and request people to not immolate themselves anymore as it brings no benefit but only harm to a lot of people around them and also adds to the pool of the massive bad karma that the CTA is accumulating.

It's been close to a year since the Kalon Tripa has been picked, but yet he is not doing much or saying much about the deeper and more pressing issues, including his government's stand on the ban and on improving the infrastructure of Dharamsala, at least. His last speech on the self immolations was disappointing so to speak as it will only increase the number of people that will immolate themselves.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2012, 03:42:56 PM »
THe fact that the CTA is oppressing the religious freedom of it's people is denying it's people freedom of choice! And the CTA has enforced this on its people for so many years. The Tibetans because of their difference in protector practices are discriminated against and does not have the same rights as other Tibetans. So, the CTA is forcing the people to choose on a choice that is of no choice. Some have to do it for the survival of their family. Isn't this a behavior of a Dictator?

History has shown that Dictatorship will not last and people power is greater than that as per examples given by Jessica Jameson. So, unless the CTA wants to be toppled, better do something quick that is fair to all Tibetans i.e freedom of religion!

The supression has perhaps caused CTA's effort in gaining back their country to not achieve fruition. Just to share the news that two envoys of the Dalai Lama, Lodi Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen recently submitted their resignations to Lobsang Sangay. The two envoys expressed their frustration over a lack of positive response from the Chinese government towards the Tibetan proposal for autonomy.

Read more below.

Dalai Lama envoys resign

By Lobsang Wangyal | Tibet Sun
MCLEOD GANJ, India, 3 June 2012

The two envoys of the Dalai Lama have resigned as interlocutors in the Tibet-China dialogue process due to their frustration over lack of positive response from the Chinese government towards the Tibetan proposal for autonomy, according to the Central Tibetan Administration.

Lodi Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen submitted their resignations to Lobsang Sangay, the head of the Central Tibetan Administration, following a meeting of the Tibetan Task Force in Dharamshala. The resignations became effective on 1 June.

The two have held nine rounds of talks with representatives of the Chinese government since 2002 without producing any tangible results. Direct contact between the two sides halted in 1993. The last round of talks was held in January 2010 in Beijing.

Lodi Gyari has been the special envoy to the Dalai Lama in the United States, and Kelsang Gyaltsen for Europe. They had been entrusted with the task of conducting dialogue with the representatives of the Chinese government.

Following the two-day Task Force meeting at the end of May in Dharamshala, the envoys expressed their utter frustration over the lack of positive response from the Chinese side and submitted their resignations to the Kalon Tripa.

“Given the deteriorating situation inside Tibet since 2008 leading to the increasing cases of self-immolation by Tibetans, we are compelled to submit our resignations,” the envoys wrote in their resignation letter.

The envoys have said that the United Front, the Chinese office responsible for Tibet policy, did not respond positively to the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People which was presented in 2008, nor to its Note in 2010.

“One of the key Chinese interlocutors in the dialogue process even advocated abrogation of minority status as stipulated in the Chinese constitution, thereby seeming to remove the basis of autonomy.”

“At this particular time, it is difficult to have substantive dialogue,” stated the two envoys in their resignation letter.

Spokesperson of the exiled administration Tempa Tsering said Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay accepted the resignation of the envoys.

“If there is need to have envoys to resume dialogue with the Chinese government, new envoys will be appointed,” Tsering said.

Sangay praised the “invaluable” contributions of the envoys to the Tibetan cause under the challenging circumstances and their efforts to move the dialogue process forward and resolve the issue of Tibet peacefully.

Lodi Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen will remain as senior members of the Tibetan Task Force team, and the exiled cabinet will continue to rely on them for their “wise counsel.”

Reiterating his commitment to the “Middle-way” policy of seeking autonomy for Tibet within the framework of the Chinese constitution, Sangay said the approach is a win-win proposition for both Tibet and China. Sangay believes that a resolution to the Tibetan issue will contribute to China’s unity, stability, harmony, and its peaceful rise in the world.

Sangay emphasized the importance of remaining committed to non-violence and dialogue as the means to achieve autonomy.

He said he is ready to engage in meaningful dialogue anywhere and at any time.

Copyright © 2012 Tibet Sun
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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2012, 02:44:47 PM »
Countries welcoming the Dalai Lama receive the wrath of Beijing. Does it mean that those for Dorje Shugden receive China's support? Logically that would be the case.

Why is the Dalai Lama push Dorje Shugden into the arms of over 1 billion Chinese?

This would only be logical as we can already see how they have been strong support as of late. One example is  the Chinese patriotic education work team actually demanded the monks in some monastery to worship Shugden (because it is banned by the Dalai Lama)

So yes in my logical mind, if we see the Dalai Lama as ordinary being, this is basically very very bad strategy and well, it will cause more harm for Tibet's cause and His life, NO? If that is the reason given to the world. But we see HHDL and Mr. PM talking about democracy and nothing, absolutely nothing is being said or mentioned about their very own people who only wants exactly that - democracy - human right - religious freedom. Isn't that ironic? And WHY are the world leaders not asking His Holiness and Mr.PM that? 

Basically u can be a Bon, Jew, a Muslim, a Satanic for all u want and that seems to be okay and You can still attend His Holiness teachings if You wanted... BUT if you are a SHUGDENPA... YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED.

HYPOCRITICAL would be what the norm would say. Skillful means to PUSH DORJE SHUGDEN to 1 billion and MORE would be some what CRAZY PLOT yet is it really, or could this be possibly an illusory play of the Enlightened beings? Points to ponder i would say.

What I cannot phantom is that all this great grand speech about democracy is