Author Topic: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva  (Read 11260 times)


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The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:11:24 PM »
Guru Deva Rinpoche, an incarnation of one of the 84 Siddhas, Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva, was born in Mongolia for the sole purpose of creating “great benefits for the Dharma and all sentient beings”.

He was a highly qualified Lama, having traveled to Tibet at the age of 20 and studied in the great Monastic University of Drepung under great Masters like Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Gonsar Rinpoche. He had mastered both Tantra and Sutra.

He is known for his significant contributions towards the building of the palace of the Dalai Lama in India as well as the establishing of the three great Monastic Universities – Ganden, Sera and Drepung – in India, after the Dalai lama, other high Lamas and many Tibetans escaped to India with the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese Communists. He also helped to establish many other monasteries and temples as well as accommodation for the refugees in India.

When Buddhism was revived in Mongolia in 1992, he also went there and helped in the restoration of temples, statues and scriptures. In addition, he saw to the restoration of accommodation and facilities for the monks and the people of Mongolia, and also played a role in reviving the education of the monastics. In all these efforts, he worked extensively, untiringly and in a complete manner to benefit sentient beings, right to his old age.

Sadly, this great holy being was forced to leave India and Nepal and retire to Mongolia after 1986, when he protested the ban on Dharmapala Dorje Shugden by the Dalai Lama. He remained, until his death in 2009, isolated from the Tibetan community amongst whom he had lived and shared and spread the Dharma for the benefit of all beings.

posted by Vajrastorm on Guestbook

« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 02:17:21 PM by Admin »


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 05:23:42 PM »
Thank you for sharing that. Just to add - this information below is outdated since it was written while Guru Deva Rinpoche was alive. I hadn't seen 'Dorjjugd' before - i presume it is Mongolian for Dorje Shugden?:

Amarbayasgalant Khiid

In the main temple is a life-size statue of Guru Deva Rinpoche who is the formal abbot of the monastery although he is only there a short time a year. From 1992 he has been putting effort in restoring temples, statues and scriptures. It is said he raised 1 million USD.

The main protector of the monastery is Dorjjugd. It seems to be that because of this protector a conflict with the Dalai Lama as arisen. According to the latter the practice of worshipping this deity would be harmful. According to an informant this deity would keep the Gelupa (also referred to as the Yellow sect in Buddhism) pure and so protect it from influence from other Buddhist schools. Since the Dalai Lama, although himself part of the Gelupa, is the worldly and  spiritual leader of the Tibetan people he has tried to bring the different traditions within Tibetan Buddhism together, instead of emphasizing its differences. Furthermore it is said that this practice would not just try to keep the Gelupa pure, but by doing this trying to damage the other traditions.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 08:12:13 AM »
Guru Deva Rinpoche is not an ordinary Lama.  I have heard from reliable sources that he is an emanation of Gyentse or Ratna Shugden himself.  The fact that he has fearlessly stood by his belief of Dorje Shugden by protesting against the ban of Dorje Shugden by HHDL speaks volume of this Lama.  It is Lamas like him that keeps the flame of DS practice burning amidst  opposition from very strong forces.  It is because of Lamas like him many people today can receive and benefit from Dorje Shugden practice.


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 08:33:36 AM »
Thank you for sharing that. Just to add - this information below is outdated since it was written while Guru Deva Rinpoche was alive. I hadn't seen 'Dorjjugd' before - i presume it is Mongolian for Dorje Shugden?:

Amarbayasgalant Khiid

In the main temple is a life-size statue of Guru Deva Rinpoche who is the formal abbot of the monastery although he is only there a short time a year. From 1992 he has been putting effort in restoring temples, statues and scriptures. It is said he raised 1 million USD.

The main protector of the monastery is Dorjjugd. It seems to be that because of this protector a conflict with the Dalai Lama as arisen. According to the latter the practice of worshipping this deity would be harmful. According to an informant this deity would keep the Gelupa (also referred to as the Yellow sect in Buddhism) pure and so protect it from influence from other Buddhist schools. Since the Dalai Lama, although himself part of the Gelupa, is the worldly and  spiritual leader of the Tibetan people he has tried to bring the different traditions within Tibetan Buddhism together, instead of emphasizing its differences. Furthermore it is said that this practice would not just try to keep the Gelupa pure, but by doing this trying to damage the other traditions.


Shugdenpas have been accused of being sectarian. This is wrong. Dorje Shugden keep the Gelugpa lineage pure not because other buddhist schools' teachings are bad...but keeping it pure as in not mixed. All lineages are good but following one is best for us to achieve our goals quickly. That to me is a compassionate act to help liberate us who are so dangerously poisoned.

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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 07:16:49 PM »
This Lama is indeed very famous and has been one of the main sponsors of the 3 great monasteries during a time when sponsorship was scarce. This is not to mention the sponsorship of the Dalai Lama and his two eminent Lamas. This great Lama's contribution is too much to list here. I think he has huge role for the survival of the Tibetan community in exile during those difficult early years. Hence, I think it was sad that TGIE drove him away from India.


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2012, 01:53:31 PM »
Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva was the first person who have bought Trijang Dorjechang a car. Trijang Dorjechang was probably the only gelug lama who was having a car at that time even way before the Dalai Lama.

He was an extremely fierce Mongolian lama but when you speak to him about Vajrayogini, Lama Tsongkhapa and Trijang RInpoche he immediately becomes very soft. Trijang dorjechang was Guru Deva's guru.

Ratna Shugden

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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2012, 02:05:49 PM »
Guru Deva Rinpoche is not an ordinary Lama.  I have heard from reliable sources that he is an emanation of Gyentse or Ratna Shugden himself. The fact that he has fearlessly stood by his belief of Dorje Shugden by protesting against the ban of Dorje Shugden by HHDL speaks volume of this Lama.  It is Lamas like him that keeps the flame of DS practice burning amidst  opposition from very strong forces.  It is because of Lamas like him many people today can receive and benefit from Dorje Shugden practice.

This is the first time I have ever heard of a Spiritual Guide being the emanation of Dorje Shugden's retinue. Are there other Spiritual Guides who are also emanations of Dorje Shugden's retinue?

Has Guru Deva Rinpoche ever wrote any sadhana of Ratna Shugden?


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 03:53:41 PM »
I know very little about Guru Deva Rinpoche, in fact this is the first time I ever read about Him. But after reading about his life story and His great contribution to the monasteries and Dorje Shugden practice, I immediately feel respect for Him.

Whether Guru Deva Rinpoche is the emanation of Gyentse or Ratna Shugden or not is not so important to me. What really moves me is He helped in the establishing of the three great Monastic Universities in India and even after He was forced to leave India in 1986, He still worked on the restoration of temples, statues and scriptures in Mongolia as well as reviving the education of the monastics. He must be someone who truly have an altruistic mind. This is what makes Him so great and not ordinary.

If a strong Dorje Shugden practitioner can develop such an altruistic mind, what's the point to ban such a  great practice? It's totally ridiculous!


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2012, 10:08:00 AM »
I have just recently heard from a friend of mine about Guru Deva.

1. Guru Deva is an emanation of Gyenze.

2. Guru Deva is very devoted to Trijang Rinpoche. Whenever anyone mention Trijang Rinpoche, he soften up immediately and sometimes he will tear while talking about Trijang Rinpoche. But if you mentioned about TGIE (at that time) he will goes into a fury. 

He was one of the main sponsor of Trijang Rinpoche. He sponsored Trijang Rinpoche ladrangs and also offered Rinpoche a car during the 70s in Gaden. The car is still in the current Trijang Ladrang. At that time, having a car is so rare especially in the Tibetan community.

3. Guru Deva is a strong practioner of Kalarupa. He does his Kalarupa practice everyday.

4. Guru Deva has a very special FULL gold Vajrayogini in his personal altar. He jokes to his student previously that this is his girlfriend. Of course, there is a much deeper meaning to that as he is enlightened. ANd they believed that he goes into union with Vajrayogini. I am not surprise.

Does anyone has any more information about Guru Deva? And does anyone know about Guru Deva Yangsi (new incarnation)? I would like to read more about him and information of such will benefit a lot of Shugden practioners.


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2012, 09:59:39 PM »
I vaguely heard stories about the great Mahasiddha Tulku Guru Deva, I remember story about him is a very grand and unique Lama.  I learned that he is an emanation of Gyentse and of course he was very famous.  He is direct, very fierce and well known for his grand gestures and directness.  Other great qualities are his guru devotion, generosity in sponsor lamas and monasteries and a great practitioner of Vajrayogini and Dorje Shugden.    As I see Shugden promoter mentioned that he is also a strong practitioner of Kalarupa.

Yes, i also heard stories about his beautiful full gold Vajrayogini statue whom he made prayers to everyday without fail.  The Queen's hair is orange and Guru Deva used to tease other lamas that she is his girlfriend as she is blonde!  Of course, who wouldn't want to be with Vajrayogini herself?  So it is apparent that Guru Deva is a strong practitioner and no doubt that he has accomplished much and gained attainments.  As fierce as he is, but I also heard that he can be very humourous.  This can only be seen as the skillful means of a high lama.  Which ever works to bring dharma to us...


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 06:35:05 AM »
Wow. I am totally memorized by your accounts of Guru Deva Rinpoche. It is incredible to have an emanation of Ratna Shugden amongst us, yet CTA chose to toss him aside. While we continuously hear reports that CTA requires money or are having fundraisers, Guru Deva Rinpoche has sponsored so much for the monasteries and for their growth. I am sad to know that he has passed on but his great projects will still continue to benefit others continuously. The monasteries that benefitted from his donations will thrive and people who benefitted from the Lamas that will graduate from these monasteries, their merits go back to Guru Deva Rinpoche. May his incarnation manifest soon for the sake of all beings!

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2013, 09:58:32 AM »
It was the sponsorship of CTA and HHDL that saved this lama. If he didn't do that, he would be in the three lower realms. Any support and sponsorship of Avalokitesvara Dalai Lama will accrue tremendous merits.  :)

P.S. He was kicked out of the Tibetan community for being a disturbance in the community btw. :'(


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2013, 10:52:06 AM »
It was the sponsorship of CTA and HHDL that saved this lama. If he didn't do that, he would be in the three lower realms. Any support and sponsorship of Avalokitesvara Dalai Lama will accrue tremendous merits.  :)

P.S. He was kicked out of the Tibetan community for being a disturbance in the community btw. :'(

I'm curious, how did you know he would end up in the 3 lower realms? do you have clairvoyance? :) if you do, i'd LOVE to consult you for a lot of things :) but personally i wouldnt say something like that against such a Lama if I were you...not good....unless i can perform the deeds of that Lama myself :D

He did do very well in Mongolia at the end. The Tibetan community is not everything. They're just another community in the world. There are plenty of other communities in the world that are ripe for the Dharma and would receive teaching Lamas with open arms, especially after the Lama has benefitted them. There is so many unexplored 'territories' that a Lama can teach other than the Tibetan community. So at the end, it is the Tibetan community's loss instead :)


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2013, 09:43:51 PM »
It was the sponsorship of CTA and HHDL that saved this lama. If he didn't do that, he would be in the three lower realms. Any support and sponsorship of Avalokitesvara Dalai Lama will accrue tremendous merits.  :)

P.S. He was kicked out of the Tibetan community for being a disturbance in the community btw. :'(

Sorry but I disagree with this statement because if you did something "BAD", in this case you claim Guru Deva did so by practicing Dorje Shugden, but he can incarnate back and not go to one of the 3 lower realms due to his merits for sponsoring HH the Dalai Lama is illogical on these basis...

1. It is like saying even if you harm/hurt/kill or do bad things, because you sponsored HHDL you are saved??? Hmmm are you saying karma over rides HHDL?

2. You are sounding like the Christians and their belief is Jesus the savior, are you saying HHDL is our savior?? And hence we basically don't need to worry and take responsibility for anything we do as long as we believe and support HHDL, we are safe and fine hu????

3. If we go on the above basis, then basically you are saying you don't believe in "karma" which is born by each individual and well in Buddhism we do agreed that there is Karma!

So what on earth are you talking about... no sense at all.


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Re: The Mahasiddha Bundasheri Tulku Guru Deva
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2013, 03:54:23 AM »

Sorry but I disagree with this statement because if you did something "BAD", in this case you claim Guru Deva did so by practicing Dorje Shugden, but he can incarnate back and not go to one of the 3 lower realms due to his merits for sponsoring HH the Dalai Lama is illogical on these basis...

1. It is like saying even if you harm/hurt/kill or do bad things, because you sponsored HHDL you are saved??? Hmmm are you saying karma over rides HHDL?

2. You are sounding like the Christians and their belief is Jesus the savior, are you saying HHDL is our savior?? And hence we basically don't need to worry and take responsibility for anything we do as long as we believe and support HHDL, we are safe and fine hu????

3. If we go on the above basis, then basically you are saying you don't believe in "karma" which is born by each individual and well in Buddhism we do agreed that there is Karma!

So what on earth are you talking about... no sense at all.

If an ordinary person makes that kind of sponsorship to the Dalai Lama/CTA then perhaps they might get the merits (Didint the CIA gave lots of money to the CTA a few decades ago? does this mean that the US will have merits? HAHAHAHAHA) but when an enlightened master does it such as Guru Deva Rinpoche, he is doing it entirely to help preserve the Dharma and the lineage and not for merits or profit. Nothing can harm enlightened masters, not even a silly ban, or them being ostracized from their own community as they will still be able to do their Dharma work wherever they go. So in another way Tenzin Gyatso's statement makes no sense at all. If Guru Deva Rinpoche wasnt enlightened, wouldnt he suffer a lot if he was ostracized from the Tibetan community? If he didint and only became bigger, richer and stronger, what does that show? :)